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Truchan 1

Elise Truchan
Forms of Writing for the Screen
Professor Wendy Bednarz
8 May 2022
We are Meaningless
We are Meaningless is to give relief to those who dwell on legacy both from the past and
for the future. Humans antagonize over the idea that they need to be something in this world, but
in the scheme of the universe, we are meaningless. They feel like if they don’t have a purpose or
have a meaning to be alive that they will be miserable and cannot be happy and enjoy life. The
objective of this is to make people realize this fact and the intended impact is for them to not see
it as a stress to life but to see it as a relief that life only matters for as long as you live it, not the
before and not the after, just the now.
The theme of this project is the meaning of life. Everyone tries to find some grand
meaning in life that can extend beyond their lifetime or even began before their lifetime with the
birth of their deity, but my project is here to say that there is no meaning. This will be actualized
in my project by showing that there was a beginning of the world (supposedly even though there
may never have been) and there will be an end (supposedly even though there may never be)
when everyone and everything is forgotten, so trying to extend beyond one’s lifetime whether
through a deity or famous remembrance will not matter in the end. The only thing that matters is
living for the now and to find solace in what is happening in the present in one’s time.
Truthfully, I researched, a lot, to try to find other projects that are in dialogue with mine,
but I have realized that there are no other projects that tell the audience personally that they are
meaningless. Usually art is imbued with a meaning by the creator that is an opinion meant to tell
people how to live a meaningful life or trying to find a small piece of beauty in this life to live
by. Everytime I tried to search for a project that tells people that they are meaningless but from
this meaningless should come relief the internet came up with a variety of things that are not
quite situated with what I am trying to say. This includes artists who create “meaningless” works
of art. I found an article by The Guardian titled “The Best Art is Meaningless” that discusses
artists who do this type of work like Bob Dylan (Jones), but my project is not based on the idea
that the work is meaningless. It does carry a message which is that the idea of life is meaningless.
There are also many books about “trying to find the meaning of life” like Philosophy in a
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Meaningless Life: A System of Nihilism, Consciousness, and Reality by James Tartaglia

(Tartaglia). I read the synopsis and for all of these types of books the authors just like to use big
words to share their own personal revelations so that they feel godlier than every other small
human being on this planet. People use big words when they don’t actually know the answer and
just want to make themselves feel like they have something concrete to say. My project is not
like this. I am not here to preach to people that I have found the grand meaning of how you are
supposed to live when life is meaningless using big words so that I can stand above all of the
unknowing people, so, again, my project is not in dialogue with books or projects like that.
Books that also try to give people a meaning in life are religious books like the Bible that try to
prove that there is meaning to life because of an immortal being or philosophy that tries to give
humans purpose, but there is no actual way to prove that this is true. Random people a thousand
years ago could have written these fictional books and then created a cult of people searching for
meaning in life that has lasted until now. The only way my project can be situated with other
projects is through the physicality and visuals of it. At the Museum of the Future there is a
display where the viewers lie on the ground and look at ripples from the reflection of water
through light (Museum of the Future). I do not know the name of it, but it is what I imagine for
my project when the screen ripples to make way for a new image to appear on the screen. Other
experiences also do projections like the immersive painting exhibitions. The Van Gogh
Exhibition does this to immerse the audience in the paintings (Van Gogh Exhibition). I imagine
mine to be like this except in a single domed room with the projections on the ceiling.

The physicality of this project is very important because the size of it is meant to make
the audience feel small. The location of it could be anywhere, but it would be more impactful in
places where religion is people’s justification for life (ex. Can be many places like the United
States with Christianity or Cathlocism, Muslim countries), where people’s only goals are to have
their legacy live on after their death (ex. Many celebrities or political figures), where people feel
like they must do something because their ancestors did it (ex. People who justify eating meat,
people feel like they need to continue their family’s longstanding business). What is important is
the size of the room, the set up, and the acoustics. The size of the room would be about half of a
typical gymnasium with a completely domed ceiling so that the walls and the ceiling are one
giant dome. The set up would have nothing in the room except the audience and the projectors,
cameras, and lights would all be hidden and embedded in the walls and floor. The acoustics
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would be completely 360 immersive so that the sound is loud and comes from everywhere in the

This project requires very little physical participation from the audience, but my hope is
that they will engage mentally and actually deeply think about the topic. The audience would
simply need to walk into the domed room and lie down anywhere on the ground. They will need
to stare up at the ceiling and watch the film. Their engagement in the project is their thoughts and
reactions that come during and after watching and listening to the project. They should really
think about what their definition of the meaning of life is and if that correlates with how they
find happiness in life. I hope that they realize that meaning does not come with happiness. They
don’t need to feel like they are doing something productive or for a certain higher power to be
happy or satisfied in life. Leaving with a good sense of hopelessness that makes them think about
how they are living their life is how I hope for them to engage with the project, too. Then, they
might want to experience the project again to realize that the hole they are feeling from the loss
of their made-up purpose/meaning in life just freed them from a reality where they feel pressured
by outside forces rather than finding their own happiness.

The main part of this project is the dialogue. The visuals are to aid the words that are
being said and to help give the audience visual cues and descriptions for the points the dialogue
is making. I am not trying to make the audience come up with their own conclusions. I am
simply stating the facts and it may come off as preaching to them, but at least its not preaching to
them that there is a deity in the sky ready to make all their problems magically go away. This is
just stating the facts. The dialogue focuses on showing the big picture to the audience. This
picture is that in the scheme of our universe’s known timeline each person sitting in the room is
but a spec of nothing. The outcome of the universe eventually coming to an end will never
change no matter what they do in their lifetime. The visuals go to support this idea by illustrating
the timeline of our known universe in a fashion that the audience can understand. This is through
the reel idea because it gives context to the points in time that are being shown. As the dialogue
points out the beginning of the universe and the end it is able to show the audience how and why
the experience is jumping around in time. When the visuals depict the stars and the milky way it
will also add to the feeling of how small the audience is in life.
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Everytime I have been asked to create a project, one of the ideas I think of is to create
something that tells the audience the truth of what I have always been thinking: that life is
meaningless. I have wanted to create something with that message because I always see
everyone so stressed out in life trying to live up to what other people want them to do or to feel,
but nothing matters except how you want to live your life. No legacy matters in the end, only that
you are happy and fulfilled by your own standards in your lifetime. This is the only time I felt
like this platform was a good way to create a project with this message. Even though it is a
theoretical project to make and that it will not be shared with many others, I am happy to have
been able to get my thoughts out.
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Works Cited

Jones, Jonathan. “Why the Best Art Is Meaningless.” The Guardian, Guardian News and
Media, 30 Oct. 2009,

Museum of the Future, Museum of the Future, 2022,

Tartaglia, James. “Philosophy in a Meaningless Life: A System of Nihilism, Consciousness

and Reality.” Amazon, Bloomsbury,

Van Gogh Exhibition: The Immersive Experience, Fever Labs,

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It begins in darkness. Neither in space nor in any real reality as

the audience lies on the floor below the large domed ceiling.

Ever so slowly, a tiny striking blue sphere appears in the center

and grows.

A low base reverberates within the space and grows as the immersive
dialogue read by a gently female voice begins.

What are we? We are a spec, a glowing dot amidst billions of
the same life force over billions of years and that will
continue for billions more.

The blue sphere reaches a meter in diameter, glowing.

Let’s put it in perspective.

Then, it explodes.

Hundreds of shards burst from the sphere, and float on the domed

Videos of the past, present, and future fill the shards. Cars flying
over a city, the volcano exploding over the city of Pompeii, groups
of people wearing medical masks, dinosaurs walking the Earth, and
several other videos from the history and future of the universe
created either by computer generated imagining or using archival

Lights from the projection are strong enough to reflect on the

audience’s faces on the floor below.

The shards shuffle and move to form a timeline of the events in

order from one side of the dome to the other. It forms as if it were
a reel on a film as the videos continue to play on each frame of the

We go all the way back.
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The timeline reels backwards, fast, blurring the videos on the

frames until it slows and reaches the point of the beginning.

It zooms in until the reel is no longer seen. The universe before

the Earth we know today was formed. It is matter in space, a theory
of what the beginning looked like based on science that may or may
not be true.

This was the beginning. When we were no more than
possibilities to occur in the universe. No matter to form
our bones, no chemicals to give our brains emotions. No
ocean to make a ripple in.

It zooms back out to the reel with the videos of what the universe
and planet may have looked like right after its creation.

It reels forward.

Then came the ocean, the trees, the matter, the us.

Reeling past the present...

And what will be when we look the other way, to the future.

Reeling slows until it reaches the end of the universe we know, no

possible way to know when it will occur.

The reel zooms in until the reel is no longer seen. The Earth
cracking apart, on fire, the universe falling apart.

We will again be nothing. Possibilities past and forgotten.
Ripples in an ocean that did nothing to change the outcome.

It zooms out back to the reel with the videos of what the universe
may look like leading up to and after it comes to an end.

It reels backward.

But, we can’t think about the future or the past because we
are the only thing possible now, in this present moment.
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The reeling slows and zooms in on the present day earth. The reel

We are nothing beyond the years that count our lives. We are
here, now, and what we do in this here and now will not
affect what was or is to come.

The earth ripples like a pebble thrown onto water. The earth
disappears as the ripples take over.

Come back to yourself.

The faces of the audience create a mosaic on the dome as camera

trained to recognize faces live cast to the projectors.

Lights along the borders of the floor reflect on the audience’s

faces and therefore are shown on the projections above.

You lie here looking at a screen watching something that
will be a blink in your life. This moment will pass, as will
all of the others to culminate into a life lived.

The faces ripple as darkness takes over again.

Yet here in this moment, be.

The lights in the space blink out as the voice and sensations become
the focus.

Cold air is blasted through the room so that the audience becomes
more aware of their body. It is felt but not heard.

Close your eyes. Feel the time trickling by. The sensations
that your spec of life grants you.

Pinpricks of light like constellations appear on the dome,

illuminating the audience’s faces.

Open your eyes to see how small you are in the universe.

The stars grow brighter to create the Milky Way Galaxy.

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How in the span of everything, we are meaningless.

The stars begin to spin, speeding up to create a blur of white light

and color in a vortex in the center of the domed ceiling.

The vortex gets smaller as it spins faster.

It winks out completely, leaving the audience in darkness.

Let meaninglessness not come as a burden but as a relief
that everything you are now is for you. You will not make a
difference in this universe, so let this be the balm to your
troubled soul.
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Revised Outline

LENGTH OF WORK: 10-15 minutes because the storyline of my project with the dialogue and
video would only be about this length.

Logline: What are we? Blinks in a linear timeline whose human emotions make us and the people within
our lifetime the only possible reality we can imagine. We are not. We are meaningless.

INTENDED PLATFORM AND SCALE OF WORK: Why is the selected platform and scale
optimal for your work?

This piece would be intended for a full immersion experience. It would be in a large
domed room, half the size of a gymnasium, with projections on the ceiling, walls and floor. The
dome would also encompass the walls so that room feels like it is bearing down on the audience,
who would be lying down or sitting on the floor looking up at the domed ceiling. It would be
paired with audio of music and words.


Projections of color and story splay across the ceiling, walls, and floor. The audience,
scattered throughout the room, also gets covered with the projections. Head movement of the
audience would be required to see everything.. The projections would tell the story of humans,
and focus on those who are sitting in the room. It would begin in darkness then a dot of a
projection would appear on the ceiling. The dialogue would help explain the story and why the
projections are what they are. The dot would grow and then explode and on the shards would be
scenes from throughout history and what the future may hold, from the beginning of our known
universe to what the end of the universe may look like. The shards would turn into a timeline reel
like an old film strip and rewind until it zooms in on the creation of the universe (which would
be computer generated and based on what science may think it looked like). The visuals would
then zoom back out to the reel and fast forward to the end of the universe (again, computer
generated and based on what science says it may look like). Zoom back out to the reel again and
rewind to the present day world. The faces of the people on the ground would be projected in a
collage-like way and then the dialogue would finish out with the projection of the milky way.

IMPLIED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Describe anything that would give the viewer a richer,
more informed viewing experience that might not be evident when first experiencing the work?

I’ve heard people say “go out and make waves”, but our existence is a ripple in the ocean.
We do not make waves. The first time someone would be experiencing this piece of work they might see
it as demeaning and telling them that they mean nothing in a bad way, but it is the complete opposite. It is
not meant to make people feel bad about their existence, it is meant to give them relief. To understand that
they mean nothing to the construct of time so that they can do anything they want and life will go on.
They make ripples that in retrospect will not affect the grand scheme of things. When the world ends,
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their college degree will mean nothing, their job will mean nothing, their life will mean nothing. But, the
point of this is to give relief to that thought so that they can go out and enjoy life and be with the people
they love and to not worry about how they are making an impact in the world because they never could.

PROCESS: Describe your process.

The basics of this work will be to contextualize us in the history of time and the future.
By looking at the past, not only of the time of homosapians, our known world, or even of the
universe but to look at time since the beginning of nothing, we can be made to feel small, to feel
like nothing, to feel meaningless. Yet, from this feeling of being small comes the relief of being a
small part of something bigger. The spec of one’s life in this timeline provides an opportunity to
explore and make mistakes and to just simply be.

PHILOSOPHY – In life I believe_________________. Through my work I intend to persuade

the viewer/participant _________________.

In life I believe that a certain pressure has been placed upon us that we can never be rid
of no matter how many degrees, awards, or things we do in life. Through my work I intend to
persuade the viewer that their life is meaningless, but through this meaningless comes a relief.


● What message or idea do you hope to convey through your work? IE: What ideology
about memory does the work express?
o Examples of other topics - heritage, humanity, environment, identity, migration,
freedom, social change, globalization, technology, consumerism, time etc.

My ideology that this expresses is about both time and existence. I hope to convey that
the stress that has been placed upon us to “make a wave” or to do something significant with our
lives is microscopic in the span of time and will not affect anything.

● Questions that may help in articulating the theme –

o What does your work say about the world?

My work says that everyone in this world is expected to do something.​​This is placed on

us by family, teachers, or even people walking down the street looking at a homeless
person as they ask themselves why that person isn’t doing anything with their life. We are
not on this earth to suffer. We are here to live and pressures like that destroy the joy of

● o What does it help people understand about the world?

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It helps people understand that there is nothing beyond them. In however many
years no one will remember any of us, so nothing we do matters. Even the stress
of continuing bloodlines is meaningless because it is just DNA that will die out
eventually or become so diluted that it doesn’t matter in the end. Enjoy life now
and if having children does that for you then great, but don’t be pressured by
anyone else to do it. Cats are a great alternative.


● What makes your work unlike other similar work? This could be your process, research
method, concept, or relationship to art history, etc.

Most works always feel like they need to have a positive message that will change
the course of history or make people feel better about themselves. I am just telling
people to give the fantasy up that they can do or create anything meaningful in the
timeline. Presenting a topic as people nob along to you saying “this is significant
because…”, “I’m going to save the pandas”, “I got inspiration from my culture”
etc etc etc so that they can feel like they are changing the world and not wanting
to agree with something that makes them feel meak and small is exactly what I
am pointing out.

● If someone were standing in front of your art, what questions might they ask you?

They would probably ask me if I believe life is meaningless and we should just all
give up. To this I would say life is meaningless beyond them, but it is important to
them personally now so that they can live happily now without the burdens of
having to do anything in life. By this I mean that we are only able to live in the
time that we know. Thoughts of what was before and what will be after us are just
guesses. We don’t know what happened before we were alive and we won’t know
what comes after and we certainly can’t change either. So, we just need to enjoy
this now of when we are alive and not try to change or impact what will come

● What Intellectual impact do you intend your work to have on viewers/participants?

I intend my work to break down these intellectual barriers that “intellectual”

people like to hide behind. Using big words to make things sound more
complicated so you have to pretend to be an “intellectual” to understand and be
fancy is just another stupid pressure put on people. You don’t have to have some
big meaning behind your work to make it relevant or worth looking at. These
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pressures to be someone or to do something with your life is what “intellectuals”

feel like they need to have which is part of what I’m trying to present.

● What emotional impact do you intend your work to have on viewers/participants?

I want them to feel small in that big domed room where the dialogue that they
hear, the scattered people around them, and the big lights on the ceiling make
them feel insignificant. This is to break down before building back up. To make
people realize all of these stresses have been in the way of them simply enjoying

● How does your work address the history of its medium? OR How is it situated within a
greater body of similar work?

I feel like for all of these bodies of similar work they are created by people who
think of themselves too highly. They feel as though they are the only people who can
understand what they have created and that their artistic endeavors superseded anything
that a normal person can hope to understand. My work is to go against that and to make
these other creators of any work realize that their striving to do something great and make
other people feel inferior is meaningless. Kind of like knocking them off of their high
horses. I don’t feel like there are any other works that are the same as my theme. Most
works have themes that are to give people hope even if the subject is despondent. Mine is
different in that regard. There are other similar works that have the same immersive
experience idea but none with the idea of relief from hopelessness. I tried to search for
this theme in other works of art but most are either just full on depictions of depression or
calming pieces which isn't what I’m going for. People shouldn’t feel calm when
experiencing my piece. They should have the overwhelming urge of anger and sadness to
give up in life, but then through that find the relief.

● What do you expect your audience to gain from engaging your work?

I hope that my audience would not gain anything but to lose their stress and
possibly their sense that their existence is the most important thing to the history
and future of time. I am not here to tell them anything (like all other pieces of
work feel that they need to do). I am here to relieve them of their forced
responsibility to do something “great” or “meaningful” in life because nothing
can ever truly be.
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Revised Storyboard

We are Meaningless
Elise Truchan
The gift of being meaningless is not to come as a curse, but as a relief. From the beginning of
this universe until the end of our known world, our lives will be specs that create ripples in an
endless ocean. We are meaningless to the universe so that we can be only for ourselves.

Process of how I would create the images: The process to create this time based media
project’s visuals would be mostly through computer generated images. Instances like the big
bang and the end of the earth are not available in video’s so scientific theory on how it would
look would have to be applied. The time reel would look like an old film strip that instead of the
frames being still images they would be videos that are archival or computer generated in a
timeline sequence. Events for the future and for the past that are not confirmed would be
assumed for what order they would be in. For the instances like the dinosaur videos on the time
reel and Pompeii and flying cars, and colonizing mars would also have to be with computer
generated images. The plan would be for the time reel to be very long with many more videos
that I depicted in the storyboard, so any videos or images that are available for more
contemporary events would be used. Since this is targeting the people in the audience
individually, I feel that the message would not hit home if just computer generated images that
are bigger (not physically bigger, more theoretically in the scheme of the world bigger) than
them were shown they would not feel the message personally. This is why the collage of their
own faces is important. The collage of the faces on the screen would be created using cameras
that are trained to track faces so that realtime videos of the audiences would be used and then
the computer generated image would put the videos into a pre-created “broken glass” looking
Truchan 15

Shot Storyboard

Video A glowing dot high on the domed ceiling appears and grows slowly with the
Description voice over.

Audio Dialogue: What is life? What are we? We are a spec, a glowing dot amidst
Description billions of the same life force over billions of years and that will continue for
billions more.
Music: No music..
Sound Effects: A low base that verberates within the room and grows as the
dot grows.
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Nothing.
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Video Once the dot reaches about the size of a basketball, it explodes. Images of
Description past events from the beginnings of the universe to what the future may hold
appear in the shards and hover and slow down as they cover the entire
domed ceiling.

Audio Dialogue: Let’s put it in perspective. (Cue explosion)

Description Music: Mystical music after explosion.
Sound Effects: Glass shattering after explosion.
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Lights over the audience's faces from the dome ceiling.

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Video The pieces shuffle and move to form a timeline from one side of the dome to
Description the other (like a reel of a film). On cue the timeline reels backward until it
zooms in to show the beginnings of the universe before the big bang.

Audio Dialogue: (once pieces assemble into film) But wait, let’s go all the way back.
Description (cue timeline reeling backward) This was the beginning. When we were no
more than possibilities to occur in the universe. No matter to form our bones,
no chemicals to give our brains emotions. No ocean to make a ripple in.
Music: No music..
Sound Effects: Old reel sound effect, voices and events noises flying past that
are reversed
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Nothing.
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Video The screen zooms out back to the timeline and then reels forward, past the
Description present, and all the way to the future. It zooms in to the end of the earth when
it is on fire and breaking apart.

Audio Dialogue: (zoom out from big bang and reel forward) Then came the ocean,
Description the trees, the matter, the us. And what will be when we look the other way, to
the future. (end reel, zoom in) We will again be nothing. Possibilities past and
forgotten. Ripples in an ocean that were long before.
Music: No music.
Sound Effect: Old reel sound effect, voices and event noises flying past that
are sped up.
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Nothing.
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Video The screen zooms out back to the timeline and reels backward until it
Description reaches the present earth and zooms in.

Audio Dialogue: (zoom out, rewind) But we can’t think about the future or the past
Description because we are the only thing possible now, in this present moment.(zoom in
to earth) We are nothing beyond the years that count our lives. We are here,
now, and what we do in this here and now will not affect what was or is to
Music: No music.
Sound effects: Old reel sound effect.
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Nothing.
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Video Screen ripples to show the faces of the people on the ground (cameras will
Description be placed on the ceiling that are trained to track faces). Lights along the
borders where the floor meets the domed ceiling will have colorful lights that
are reflected on the people’s faces and will then make the ceiling more
colorful. This sequence is placed here because the audience needs to look
themselves in the face to actually consider this possibility. The message does
not hit as hard if they don’t actually see themselves as part of it.

Audio Dialogue: Come back to yourself. You lie here looking at a screen watching
Description something that will be a blink in your life. This moment will pass, as will all of
the others to culminate into a life lived.
Music: Starry galaxy background music.
Sound effect: Twinkles.
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Nothing.
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Video Screen ripples again to darkness and the lights all turn out as the voice over
Description and sensations become the focus.

Audio Dialogue: (ripples) Yet here in this moment, be. (Darkness) Close your eyes.
Description Feel the time trickling by. The sensations that your spec of life grants you.
Music: White noise.
Sound effects: No sound effects.
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Cold air blasted through the room so felt but not heard.
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Video Pinpricks of light (like stars and constellations) appear on the dome. They
Description grow brighter until they create the Milky Way.

Audio Dialogue: Open your eyes to see how small you are in this universe. How in
Description the span of everything, we are meaningless.
Music: growing faint chimes.
Sound effects: No sound effects.
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Pinpricks of light shining on the audience's faces.

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Video The stars begin to spin slowly and then speed up as they become a blur of
Description white light and then color begins to intersperse like a vortex on the dome
ceiling. The spinning lights grow smaller and smaller and faster and faster
until they wink out completely, leaving the audience in darkness. The voice
over finishes the last sentence in darkness.

Audio Dialogue: Let meaningless not come as a burden but as a relief that
Description everything you are now is for you. You will not make a difference in this
universe, so let this be the balm to your troubled mind.
Music: Growing treble and chimes reach its height and then cut to complete
Sound effect: Whirling of the vortex.
Soundscape: Dialogue is crisp and is a soundscape that verberates in a 360
degree manner.

FX Swirling Lights over the audience's faces from the ceiling dome vortex.

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