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Irawan syadzali Gunawan Irawansyadzali@gmail.

com +6281227490608


I. Personal Data Name Place of birth Date of birth Gender Address I : Irawan Syadzali Gunawan : Pekalongan : 06 Juni 1984 : Male : Bukit Sejahtera Houses, Palem Raja III Street Block X No. 10 Palembang : 30139 : 0711 - 442220 : Sumatera Selatan : Indonesia : : +6281227490608

Zip Phone No. Region City Email Mobile Phone

Driving License No. : 840611170890 (Indonesian Driving Licences A & C) Pasport No. : S 344392

II. Education History A. Formal Education a. Palembang University,2003-2008, Faculty of Civil Enggineering, Cumulative grade point : 3, 09 b. High School, MAN 01 Pekalongan, Indonesia,1998-2001. c. Middle High School, SMP YKPP 2 Plaju, Indonesia,1995-1998. d. Yunior School, SD YKPP 1 Plaju, Indonesia,1989-1995. B. Non Formal Education a. Palcomtech, 1 years programe, Internet aplication, Indonesia, 2004 b. ETT & BIMA Cousre, Lotus 123, Palembang.1998 c. ETT & BIMA Cousre, Wordstar 6.0, Palembang.1997

Irawan syadzali Gunawan +6281227490608

III. Seminar, championships, and other a. Pekan Penghijauan Dan Konservasi Alam Tingkat Nasional (PPKAN) , as Participant, held by Indonesian Scout Movement SAKA WANABAKTI Kwarcab b.
Kab. Pemalang, 1999, Indonesia Kuliah Kerja Nyata- Pembelajaran Masyarakat, as Participant, held by Institute for Community Research and Service at (LPPM) University Palembang, 2006, Indonesia Gema Penerimaan Intelektual Muda (GEMPITA) Udayana university, as Participant, held by The central committee of students at Udayana University Bali , 2001, Indonesia Orientasi Mahasiswa Universitas Palembang, as participant, held by universitas Palembang, 2005, Indonesia. Student Writing Competition (Lktm) Kopertis Level Ii Region, as II area championship hopes Natural Sciences, held by KOPERTIS wilayah II, 2007, indonesia Speed Is Your Friend, Attention To Detail Is Your Part, as participant, held by INIAS Resource Center,2006. Indonesia Tata Ruang dalam Kota Budaya, as participant, held by PMM MAESTRO


d. e.


engineering faculty at Udayana University Bali, 2002, Indonesia h. Praktikum Mekanika Tanah, as participant, held by Tecnic Faculty of Palembang University, 2006, Indonesia i. Seminar Lumbung Energy Nasional, as participant, held by Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas PGRI Palembang, 2007, Indonesia IV. Organizational experience a. Senat Student College of Palembang University Faculty Civil Engineering, chairman, 2004-2008, Indonesia b. National Student League College for Democration (LMND), commission chairman of faculty animal husbandry, udayana university, 2002-2003, Indonesia c. National Student League College for Democration (LMND), Palembang City executive chairman, 2003-2004, Indonesia d. National Student League College for Democracy (LMND), Department of Succession Planning Palembang Regional Executive, 2004-2005,Indonesia. e. Indonesian scout movement saka wanabakti, Pjs. Chairman Saka Wanabakti Kab. Pekalongan, 2000-2001, Indonesia.

Irawan syadzali Gunawan +6281227490608

f. Teater Orok Noceng Universitas Udayana Bali as sie kesekretariatan at PEKAN PERFORMING ART NASIONAL III,16-22 Maret 2003, indonesia g. The Executive Student Of Agriculture Faculty At Udayana University as commite student scientific paper competition Mengembangkan Daya Nalar Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Udayana Yang Berwawasan Ilmiah,2003, Indonesia

V. Work Experience a. PT. Kencana Indah Mandiri, 2005-2006, Administrasi, Palembang, Indonesia. b. CV. Lima Utama, 2004-2005, staff teknik, Palembang, Indonesia. c. Adhi Oman LLC, 2008-2011, supervisors, Muscat, Oman. VI. Computer Skills a. Microsoft Office b. Photoshop c. Computer Technician VII. ACKNOWLEDMENT
I am, the undersigned, certify that to be the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe me, my qualifications and my experience.

Best Regards

Irawan Syadzali Gunawan S.T.

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