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Transcript FG3 Tanger

Clothes care

Welcome! Thank you for joining us today! Bsically,we conduct group dicussion face to face, but due
to the pandemic, we are dong it on line. I will be leading our discussion. I work for market research
company. We’re here today to have an engaging discussion together, where we’d like to understand
more about you and your usage and needs from some products to help brands improve what they
offer us. There are no right or wrong answers, and we’d love to hear all that you have to share! This
discussion willtake about 2 hours.
Please do not talk all at the same time; one person to speak at a time. Kindly put your mobile phones
on silent so as not to disturb during the group. I need to audio & video tape the group as I cannot
remember what us said during the group So, welcome to you all. My name is Bouchra. I'm very
pleased to be meeting you today.

Will we talk about a very interesting topic today and that all of us are involved with. So, our clients
need to know what your habits are with respect to this products.

Before we start with our discussion today, let us get to know each other better…so tell me a bit about
yourself; name, age, what do you do? Can you tell me a bit more about your families? How many
people are you at home? How old are your kids?

I would ask you in the order of the list. I have so can you please tell us how old you are? How many
people are there in your household and whether you work or not?
Who wants to start?


how old are you tell us whether you are married, with children or not?

I am 30 , I have a daughter and the baby is underway.

How old is your daughter?

She's 3 years old.

Fadwa, I'm 43 , mother of two , I don't work. I'm housewife,

how old are your children?

The elder is 15 and the youngest is 4 years old.

Do you work or not?

No, I said I'm housewife. I don't work.

Jasmine , married , I have a 12 years old daughter and 6-years old boy I do not work.
I work as a teacher.

You are on vacations now.


enjoy it.

Hyatt , mother of three children

Najwa, I'm 33 , I have 10 years or old boy and 2 years old baby girl.

Johane, 42 I have a son aged 3. I'm preparing for my PhD

I am preparing in a major in innovation.

Welcome to you all , as I told you feel comfortable speaker spontaneously.

So we’re going to be talking about an exciting topic today which all of us can relate to! I want you to
tell me what comes to your mind when you hear the phrase ‘Clothes care’? Please feel free to
mention any emotions, thoughts, associations, etc. that you think of…
laundry wash

Washing machine

It should be well folded

It should be washed out clean.

It should have a good scet. Good smell.

What else?

The colors should not Fade

the color should be bright clean.

stains should be removed.

Here in Tangier we say “ it shouldn’t get bubbled, it shouldn’t get dull ,just wash and wear “ ،‫ال يتحبب‬
‫ فقط اعسل و ارتدي‬،‫"ال يكشف‬
So you you talked to me about the clothes in general, now the Fabric
this time thinking about the term ‘Fabric Care’…what are the first things which come to your mind
when you hear this? What does this term mean to you?

the fabric should be shrunk

it should look as if ironed
the color are not fade
the fabric is not dull

If you had to evaluate whether someone was taking good care of their clothes or not, what are the
things that you would look out for? (E.g. color of clothes, fabric texture, etc.)
Out of all of these different things that you mentioned, what in your opinion would be the Top 3
indicators of clothes that are well-taken care of?
If they don't take care of their clothes, they look dirty, the closers are shrunk, not ironed, not
smelling nice.

If they don't take care of their clothes, they look dirty, the clothes look shrunk.

The color is fade.

The smell is not good. The colors are not matching.

The fabric is bubbled.

you said you said that clothes should be washed clean and should smell nice. The colors
should be bright. What are the top 3? the three most important of these

Good washing

The irony

the perfume

The color should not be fade.

sometimes after the first wash the color becomes fade

Sometimes we have bad smell on clothes.

You said washing what do you mean by washing?

Stains should be removed.

Clothes should be spotless without stains.

Is it the most important thing for you all?

clothes should be washed out clean with no stains.

And they should have a good smell.

The colors should be protected. and the scent to be good.

What about you?

To me the smell comes in the first place. It's important to me.

I have a stronger sniffing ability.

I may smell a bad smell or a good smell or other people's clothes.

So I always try to have my clothes smelling nice.

What else?

Of course the dirt has to be removed.

the colors should not Fade

The clothes should be washed out clean and should smell nice.

What about you?

to me, this should be washed clean, sometimes you take clothes from the machine and you'll
notice that they are still dirty. This happens with socks because the kids play and they bring a
heavy-duty dirt and it's why difficult to have these removed in the washing machine.

And what about you?

What is important to me is the color, the color should be protected because I don't like to
wear clothes with fade color, and of course the smell; we should have nice scent on clothes

And what about you Jasmine?

The same thing, I don't like to see stains. The washing should be clean. The color should not
be dull, the fabric should not be bobbled and the smell should be nice.

The perfume is important to me.

What else?
I don't want to see close is stretched or shrunk.

I want to find clothes to easy to iron

Now we all know that we women love our clothes! I want each of you to think about some of the
favorite clothing items that you own…these can either be clothes that you reach out to most often
like a pair of jeans you feel comfortable in, or clothes that have special sentimental value to you, or
ones that make you look and feel good! Can each of you tell me a little about these favorite pieces of
hers? Maybe you can think about items that you miss wearing now that we’re not going out as

Honestly, anything we have in the wardrobe is very precious to us and we take care of it.

What about you? Is there anything that you like ?

to me, the linen and the towels

Are they the most precious things to you?

Yes,I like embroidered items . I do handmade. embroidery

I want them to be a clean tidy and good.

I want you to give me details. How do you proceed to take care of your fabric?

Each one of you to describe to me the steps she follows in the doing washing

who wants to start?

When I first got married. I used to wash my clothes and my husband's clothes separately.

I used to select socks on their own. the underwears on their own

I didn't used to wash the underwear in the washing machine but by hand but now I changed the
system. I wash my husband's clothes and mine at the same time in the washing machine.

I keep a basket where I put the items that need to be washed. As I told you in the past, I used to
wash by hands. When my child reached the age of 5, I started to wash his clothes in the washing
machine but I wash them separately.

My husband's clothes and mine are simultaneously washed in the same machine,

what makes you do this?

It's just like that.

I think that the child’s clothes should be washed separately because my sweats and my husband's
sweat should not be mixed with that of the child.

And also the linen when I change my child's linen, I wash these separately and I wash mine and my
husband's separately.

These are also washed separately.

How many washing do you do during a week?

It depends at Winter time, It's more than summer time because we change a lot at this summer
time. I can't tell you how many times a week , it depends.
Let's say in the last 2-weeks. How often did you do the washing during the last two weeks?

Because my child was not here. He was staying with my parents. He was absent ,he was away from
home. I didn't go out due to the lockdown, so we did we didn't have too much dirt but my husband
used to go to work so in the normal days. I used to do the washing more often than during the
locking down period

So once the basket is full, I do the washing. I think this happens once every 3 days and when my child
is at at home. Yes, you know with the kids they get too dirty.

it's once every 2 days or once in every 3 days. If I do the spring cleaning or big cleaning , when we
changed linen and bed covers, I have a big load to wash but this doesn't happen very often.

Do you mix linen with clothes?

I have problem with laubdry at home. I do washing machine is always full up and I always have a lot
to wash.

So you don't mix clothes?

No never

What about you?

to me , I do the same thing as the lady but I wash my clothes and I wsh my children linen or Mondays
, once a week. If it's white linen I add some bleach. I know that the detergent will wash these items
clean, but still I add a bleach. I do this once a week and for the clothes. I may say that. I may say that
it happens once every 2 days and sometimes happens once every 3 days.

I used to wash my little daughter's garments by hand but now I wash her garments with ours.

I wash white items on their own , the coloured items alone and the black itemson their own

I wash the dark colored on their own.

Concerning towels and linens, I wash these separately and my daughter's clothes are washed by

The underwears and pyjamas are also washed by hand.

These are washed separately as I said the white on its own, the Black on its own. This happens once
every two days.

Who else wants to speak?

As she said, I try to watch the colored items on their own, the white on its own, the dark on its own. I
have a 6-months old baby. So I wash her clothes by hand. I try as far as possible not to use any other
product for that. I also wash underwears on their own. I try not to mix these.

How often do you do the washing during a week?

once every two days
And what about you Jasmine, tell me?

As she said I separate colours.

I don’t like the discolouring issue, I wash the white alone, the towels and linen alone , I do the
washing twice a week

I wash the underwears by hand.

Thinking about these favorite pieces of clothing that you own, do you worry about them getting
damaged in anyway? What is it that you typically worry about? (e.g. loss of shape, color fading,
changes in fabric texture, etc.)

The colors have to be bright clean

the Stains to be removed and the clothes to have a good scent.

with respect to your washing, what do you do to avoid these problems of getting clothes not smelling
good or the color fade? what steps do you take?

I select the heavy-duty 30 items, I separate these and I wash them more than the others items that
lightly dirty, but just have some sweat smell while the others with lots of dirt and stains, I washed
them at high temperature and I may use more than one washing cycle.

And I may use softener so as not to leave the bad smell in the machine

ok next

when I had my first washing machine, I had an issue with the program selection and I misused the
program and washed some items at high temperature; therefore, the clothes were damaged and
after that I started to pay attention to the program. Now I'm very watchful about the program to be
selected. I used to select high temperature.

As times goes along I started to learn how to have a good command of the program and how to
choose the appropriate programs, some clothes need to be washed only for 30 minutes.

What about dosing the detergent? Do you use the same dose?

I use the same dose. but if I have to do the pretreatment, I can use higher dose otherwise I use the
same dose.

Who else wants to speak?

I separate the white items if they are very dirty. and select the higher temperature in case of heavy-
duty dirt,

what about the colors? What do you do for the colors?

You kept talking about the colors earlier. You said that they should not get fade. What do you do to
protect colors?
What are the things that you do to try and avoid this kind of damage to your favorite pieces of
clothing? How do you tend to take care of them?
The clothes should not get dull.

The washing cycle should not be long it should be short.

What about you Jasmine?

to protect colors , I reduce the quantity of detergents and I reduce the time of washing.

What about you? And how do you proceed to protect colours?

To me, I wash coloured their own, the white on its own,

I dry clothes exposed to the sun but not dry them for long because they may get damaged. If they
remain exposed to the sun for long time.

So I wash the white on its own and the colored on its own.

I wash these for 2-hours, they come out clean.

If there is anything very dirty, I can wash it by hand and then put it in the washing machine.

for the coloured items I prefer to wash these by hand and then put them in the washing machine.
And I do not wash them in high temperature. Otherwise the clothes may get a shrunk, so I tried to
use 30 centigrade.

As I said I should not use a big quantity of detergents.

the issue f bobbling depends on the fabric, so there are some items that get bubbled and others are
not. It depends on the material the fabric is made of.

Sometimes the fabric gets bubbled due to the quality of detergent.

But you didn't tell me about the softness of clothes, isn't it important to you?
It's of extreme importance.

but it depends on the fabric or the clothes that we need to be soft to me. I think it's the baby's items
that need to feel soft.

The softness of the towels for instance.

If the detergent is not good, the towel may become harsh while the towel has to be soft, I have a
problem. My baby is 6-months old, I bought some towels, washed them and they have become
harsh, they lost their softness. I don't know whether it was due to the detergent or not. So if the
detergent is not good , towels will lose their softness.

I fully agree with you. They become harsh. This also has happened to me,
I don't have any problem with this. My towels are intact.

But I have a problem of the scent. I have always to smell the scent of the detergent.

when the washing machine is on, I add some detergent, I add softener in the machine, and I do not
have that issue of clothes becoming harsh.

Can you tell us what you do to avoid these problems of harshness?

Yes, this has happened to me to get some garments harsh.

And also for the towels, too.

What do you do?

I always add the some softener in the drawer and detergent inside so as to get the smell because the
problem of the smell. I also like to do the ironing, I also iron towels. I don't want to see these

And I do the washing for 30-minutes.

Because the towels and linent are most of the time are clean, we change them once or twice a week.
So the towels are changed every day.

You mentioned the ironing. Is ironing something important to you?

Yes, I like to do the ironing. I iron everything even the underwears.

My son's and my husband's clothes are always ironed

when I am folding clothes, I also iron pants and underwears though this take time.

what are the products that you use?

You said that you wash babies clothes by hand what are the products that you use?
I used to use the hard soap for hand wash for my child's items . The hard soap is easy to use. My skin
is allergic. I was worried that my child gets allergy.

The hard soap does not affect my skin because it's not scented. It is natural and for the washing
machine. I used to use Ariel liquid.

I use Ariel liquid. Is it that you use?

It's about 5 years now. I just to use as a product. But she said that since I started using it. I didn't stop
using it. It's about more than 2 years now. Why did you stick to Ariel liquid because I liked it. I found
any everything I used to look for yes, that's what I need to know. What did you find in it? the smell

in the other products

When are used to take my clothes out of the washing machine they were not dirty but not smelling
nice. I want to have a nice.

I will explain there are some clothes.

That we as people each one has his own smell. I need to I do not want to smell my own smell on my

I tried some products so I don't want to mention their name I used to try them.

And when are used to wear some those closest I used to smell my own smell on them.

I do not stand any smell. But Ariel has the nicest smell that I like. So you chose areas because of the
smell yes because of the smell and cleaners so I worked once and that's all I wash once and it's all it
washes white screen.

So the white comes out white bright screen it gives it keeps the whiteness of the white items and
what about you? What are products that you use in washing?

To me I tried so many products every time I tried something different. Saudi white items are not
washed out screen. They come out with stains.

So I really wash my hands. I put everything in the washing machine. But recently I was comfortable
with the only liquid I liked it.

Because it washes the white white screen the colours do not say it.

I used to use the other product in the past and we do heat and the sun the clothes used to come out
though, but this liquid is perfect. I get my smell of the penis.

What do you mean by this smell of cleaners?

So when you take closest out of the machine they should smell nice.

It's a nice. It's a nice smell the smell of cleaning.

So we drive the closest we fold them. And still the smell that perfume on them. And you what's
product do you use I use Max's powder?

I like it.

I started using it recently instead of using the softener. Instead of using the softener.

When I use maxxis.

As he said.

Here t closest come out to clean without the need of using the softener and I get nice smell so I use
my liquid without adding any softener they come out to clean a soft and smelly now, so you use this
product because of softness and because of its smell yes, what about you?

I use Ariel powder. I use it and I liked it.

It's about 2 years and half or 3 years. I like it it leaves a nice smell on clothes
As she said when wear clothes, I smell the scent of detergent.

I like to smell the scent of detergents , it remove stains.

I used to have a problem with the stains,mainly on the collars and sleeves, but now I no longer have
this problem.

I used toput the shirts in the washing machine and they comes out clean and smelling nice.

I also wash dark coloured items using this liquid, but they have never become fade or dull o

And what do you do? What do you use?

Maxis powder

Thanks, God, it removes stains and it smells nice. It's like Rose and Jasmine smell.

Did you try any other products before?

Yes, I tried other products but I opted for Maxis

what product did you use?

I used to use a product called it called ‘Whippy’ and flota, it is from Spain

why did you change?

It was just by chance.

I was asking about something and a friend of mine recommended me Max's

And it is good, it washes clean and I kept using it. I find anything that I need in it, it provides nice.
Smel, it to remove stains from clothes. So, it's good.

And what about you hayat?

To me, I used to use flota powder, it is to be brought from Spain , it's made of hard soap, it smells
nice, and it watches clean. But due to the lickdown,it is nt available. so I tried almost Omo liquid, it
is almost like it.

What do you think about it?

Omo liquid washes out clean.

It washes out clean it remove stains, what else?

It smells nice.

So you are using all these detergents. Don't you use any other product? You have mentioned the
softener earlier.
There are other products such as the capsule, pods, because of the white or meant for the colored
items and there are also some sachets that act against discolouration.

we can add a product

what do you mean?

you find Ariel with many variants, such as the liquid, the powder, pastilles.

flata also has some variants.

I want Max's to have variants. I want to have a liquid for a colored garments. I want it to have the
softener because I use Downy softener.

In addition , Max's provides cleanliness and a perfume and it softens .

And there is also the brown soap or the black soap.

So you want that your regular brand has variants that would meet your needs.

it should have a variant of black soap and bleach.

Since the Frontiers were locked between Morocco and Spain, we do not find these products
available, so we use a local product but the local products are not of good quality as the Spanish

So you still have a big option?

So we used to do the shopping there, we used to get there and buy the products at low prices.

So, do you speak only about the prices ?

No,not onlyprces but also the options available

So now I'm using Maxis and I wish it has many variants. I mean for the washing machine.

It should be available as a bleach , should have a variant for black items. I wish this would exist

what about you?

To me, the perfect detergent, is the one that would make me say Wow should wash clean and
should be of nice smell
it should leave a nice smell on clothes when I dry them.

what else?

It should protect colours.

sometimes some clothes are brand new when washed , their colours are fade
If detergent gathers thee items, I will not think about changing it.

What about you?

I like Ariel

I don't have any problem with it.

To me as she said it would be better to have one product that encompasses everything. That would
make me avoid using the cleaning and add bleach.

So what is important to you is to ensure clean wash

It should remove stains without the need to add bleach.

It shoulkd smell nice

it should smell nice. when folding the clothes you should smell the nice smell

Sometimes the clothes come harsh.

the cloth come harsh, So why not have the same product with softener inside? to make us avoid
using the softener.

It should include everything. Concerning the clothes you wash by hand.

Honestly, I don't do hand wash , all is washed in the washing machine.

I use the hard soap.

For underwears, I use hard soap.

I use hard soap for my daughter's items or I use a powder.

For the newly bought items, I wash these by my hands.

I also use hard soap.

why is it hard soap?

because of the allergy , because I have allergy in my hands.

The only thing that does not cause allergy to me is the hard soap.

Do you wash all your clothes at home? Or is there anything that you wash out, that you take it

There are certain items that are not washed at home, but are taken to the laundromat

Give me examples, please.

for instance Djellaba .

My husband’s suits.

Why do you take these to the laundromat?

because I'm afraid that they get damaged. I don't know I'm just afraid that they get damaged.
Aall traditional dresses that contain some pearls or embroidery are taken to laundromat

so what you wash at the laundromat are traditional dresses.

my husband’s suits, the raincoats

I wash the coats in the washing machine and they are washed Well. I used to take them to the
laundromat, but now, I wash them in the washing machine and I select the program of delicate

Some of your told me use the liquid and others use the powder according to you. Why? what is the
difference between these two?

I used to use the powder but switched to liquid.

Because I used to have a problem , I used to find the powder stuck and clamp inside the washing
machine. So, I you don't have time to clean the washing machine and sometimes the powder gets
stuck on the clothes.

I chose the liquid I don't have this problem of the noodles.

And those who use the liquid why?

At the beginning, I used to use the flota powder.

Sometimes, I used to use a big quantity mainly on white items.

so I used to find the product stuck on the black items as if they are not rinsed, so I find myself
obliged to repeat the washing.

And why did you choose this brand exactly?

As I told you, I used to use flota because it's made of hard soap.
I thought it would be of the good quality.

but when I started to find it sticks on the clothes and when I saw the liquid I opted for the liquid.

So you told me that you wish to have a product that would do lots of things that should remove
stains and leave clothes soft, it does not affect colors and leaves the clothes soft.

Is there anything you wish to add?

Yes, It should protect softness maybe on towels.

Any other point to add?

Do you like to have a big or small sizes?

I like big sizes.

big size

big size


Big size because I have three children, so the consumption is high; mainly during school period ,
so I do not want to go to the shop every time. I want to have a big quantity that would last a month
at least.

And is the price important to you?

Yes, of course

Sorry, I just wanted to talk about the size. I buy a countenance of 3.5 l. It's more practical

I think you the 3.5 L is a right size.

I think the price of Ariel is quite high compared to others , but due to the washing results, the price
doesn’t matter

Now we have a few interesting ideas over here relating to laundry products that we would like to get
your opinion on…These are concept ideas which are still being developed, and I want you to give me
your honest thoughts and opinions and tell me what you think about it.

Concept C

When I wear my favorite clothes, I become more. Self-confidence and I also become confident about
the image that this gives me, but as time goes long. And with a washing after a washing, I feel that
my clothes start to fade away, sometimes they become deformed or stretched and they are torn out
the colors become dull and the fabric becomes lumpy or stands still, and becomes difficult to iron;

the new comfort clean and care offers you a laundry wash liquid and powder enhanced by
careserum technology,
The new Comfort, a washing liquid and powder cleans your clothes efficiently from in depth while
careserum technology guarantees. a protection and more care, together they provide protection and
cleanliness to all types of fabrics
Together they protect fabrics of from all types of damage

protection of fibers of clothes

color protection
protection against bubbling
softness, djellaba & scarf

Liquid 2.5 L = 91 DH
Powder 6kg = 121 Dhs
powder 750 g= 21 Dh

What is the name of this product?


what is underneath the name comfort?

clean and care

Clean and care detergents

I want you to tell me When you read this name, what comes first to your mind?
So it will clean and take care.
It will provide softness and cleaners.

So clean it means it will wash clothes well

it will remove stains and it will provide softness to clothes

And what do you think?

The same thing, it will take care of the fabric.

What is the word or phrase that makes you say it will take care of the fabric?

Clear and care

we read clear and care.
Here it guarantees protection.
it will protect from all types of damage.
So, what do you think about this idea of protecting fabric from damage?
It's a good idea of course.

What do you mean by good?

It will protect our clothes because there are some detergents that make the fabric become harsh and
stand still.

So, that's what they want to say, they say that this product doesn't leave clothes harsh.

Even when they say ‘when I wear my favorite dress’, It makes you think about so many things there
are so many meanings behind this message, my understanding is that it makes clothes keep their
good condition and would provide softness.

And the idea and the fact that it protects fabric from all type of damage. Is it something important to

Is it too important or not important at all?

of course, It's a very important.

If we have to rate between 1 and 10, where 10 means very important and 1 not important

How much would you give it?

to me, It’s 10 / 10

Why 10?

Because I may have something that is precious or preferred and if anything wrong happens to it. It
may get dull or fade, I get nervous.

They spoke about a technology called the careserum, according to you. What does the careserum
mean? Does it mean anything to you? Would you understand what it means if you see it

It takes care of the fabric. because they say that cares for them and they talk about the fiber
protection, so this careserum technology is the protection of fabric.

Let's look at the variants. Liquid and the powder and for each one of them. There is variant the color
protection and protection against bobbling

softness and the protection of the fabric

So, what do you think?

it's a good
I think it's careserum a technical word but we know serum.
We know serum for hair. So, in this detergent there must be a serum that protects clothes.

What do serums do in general?

it nourishes
It leaves my hair soft and straight.

So, I think it's the same thing with the detergent, it must act as a softener. It will take care of the
clothes. It will help make them washed clean and the variants are interesting.

The variants are interesting but why not have all these gathered in one product?
you are right.
I want I'm wondering whether I have to mix all of them or use one for a particular need.
If all these are gathered in one product, it will be a good so

We have 3 three types of products to use, so it would be better to have a single product that contains
all these three.

You said it's pity that there isn't one product that gathers all these three, so what do you want it to

color protection

protection against the bobbling and should provide softness

Would you like to add anything else?

If it washes clean and if it provides nice smell and if the fabric is not bubbled, it's perfect. they may
add for instance if someone likes a perfume.

they may create a product for black items

or to add a bleach for colored items, especially; if the husband works in a field or something like this.
So they may produce a bleach for colored items. Or a variant for black items but I think this will be
too much.

I wish to have one product that will include it all these.

Who else wants to speak, Hayat?

To me, I cannot have three bottles at home. When I want to choose one particular purpose, I cannot
buy all the three bottles and keep them in the kitchen. I wish to have a product that will get it all

so what are your requirements?

So it should wash well, it should protect my clothes.

It should provide softness and protect the colors.
And the smell should be nice.
Do you want to add anything?


Who else wants to speak?


So, to me, if these features are available in one product and if the smell is nice. It will be the ideal,
the perfect product.

It's difficult to have all these in one product? IT is difficult to use all these three different variants

As they said I wish that these are gathered in one product. It would be better.

And they may add a bleach for colored items or bleach for white items it would be better. But to buy
all the three. It's impossible. It's better to have one product that gathers the features of them all.

When you see this variant of color protection for instance, what do you understand by it do you
understand that you can mix colors?

No, we still have to select the White and the Black

So, what do you understand from this?

color protection means it protects colors, the Black remains black, the white remains white, it will
not cause color fade.

And if you use this product for color protection, can we mix colors?

I don't think we can mix colors.

So why should wash white on its own and black on its own, the colored on their own, as we do

I was in Spain, I found the product but I didn't trust it.

they claim color protection and claim it's possible to wash all the coolers mixed together, but I didn't
trust it.

I was afraid. I didn't believe the idea

Such products may exist, but still we may not trust it.

If I find it, I may try it on an old garment and find out about it.

So, when you see color protection, this means maybe they mean that we can mix colors so if I find, I
buy it and I'll try it as I said on an old item.

There are some people who like their clothes, they cannot run the risk of trying such products.

I was abroad I used to kind of pastilles. I used them for colored items. It's that pastille that protects
I tried to find it here but could not find it.

My understanding from this concept is that this product will protect my fabric, it contains
requirements that we ask protection against bobbling, the color protection, the fabric should not be

Are you convinced by this product?


But it should provide nice smell and cleaning.

Who else has to speak?

I deduce from his Concepts that this product will protect the fabric. It will not make it dull or fade and
it will protect the color, it will not make the fabric bubbled.

this product will take care on my clothes.

Are you convinced by the products?

Yes of course

But it should also provide nice smell and the good cleaning.

you said you wish to have a product that gathers many characteristics So, what should this features

it should include the three

what are the three?

to wash clean, to provide nice smell and protect my fabric and the protect against damage.

What do you mean by taking care of your clothes?

The colors should not be affected; they should remain intact. The fabric should not be damaged.

Because there are some products that may make the fabric dull.

The stains should be eliminated; it should provide nice smell. And the fabric should not be bobbled
and should it be soft

now the packs, the liquid 2.5 L at 91, the powder 5kg at 120. and powder 750g at 21, what do you
think about your prices?

I think they are reasonable. I don't have problem with prices.

Would you buy this product?

I may buy the first variant of color protection, that’s the one I can buy because I cannot buy all the

Who else wants to speak?

I will not take color protection, but I will take either the second or the third variant.

I will take softness and protection

I will take softness.

If you want to ask them to create something that would meet your need, what would it be?
Yes, it will BE protection of fabric against damage.

I think protection against bobbling and protection of the fiber are the same.

fiber protection means that the fabric will not be bobbled, it will not be shrunk or stretched.

And I also would like to have a product that provides a smell.

I want a product that would make my clothes stand out and smelling nice.

Now, let’s see idea B

When I wear my favorite clothes, I become more. Self-confidence and I also become confident about
the image that this gives me, but as time goes long. And with a washing after a washing, I feel that
my clothes start to fade away, sometimes they become deformed or stretched and they are torn out
the colors become dull and the fabric becomes bobbled or stands still, and becomes difficult to iron;

the new comfort clean and care offers you a laundry wash liquid and powder enhanced by
careserum technology,
The new Comfort, a washing liquid and powder cleans your clothes efficiently from in depth while
careserum technology guarantees. a protection and more care, together they provide protection and
cleanliness to all types of fabrics

protection of fibers of clothes

Djellaba & scarf

Black and dark

Liquid 2.5 L = 91 DH
Powder 6kg = 121 Dhs
powder 750 g= 21 Dh
So this concept is identical to concept C, the only change is that this one protect all types of fabric.

The packaging is different.

One is special for black and dark colors, another for color protection and one for djellaba and scarf.

So, what do you think about these references?

I will take this variant. To me I like the variant for black and dark.

I like the variant for black and dark.

So here the same remark, we have to get the three bottles which is impossible.

Also, for the djellabas are washed at laundromats. So this product may be done away with
Maybe it's the laundromat service provider who needs this product.

I think for silky scarves, these are washed at home, so I think this product will work for me, because it
will protect my fabric, it will protect the colors and the shape of my scarf.

I also wash djeliba at home. but if the djeliba is very precious or contains pearls, I take it to the

And do you wish to have a product special for djellaba and scarf?

And what about you?

If there is a product available in the market special for djellaba or scarf, will you buy it?

There is a product available in the market that contains these features it is quite expensive. But it is
used for the precious and valuable items. I think its name is ‘hit’.

what is its name?

‘hit’, I don’t remember well

It's available in a white bottle, it leaves a nice smell and it protects colors. It is not a local product.

Please just focus on this idea?

You said you wash your Djellaba at home unless it contains some pearls. do you use any particular
product for this Djellaba?

No, I use the same product that I use for the other clothes.

So I just tried to wash it using warm water and soap and wash for 10-minutes because basically they
are not stained or dirty and if there is a stain, I do the washing it by hands.

What do you use Hyatt?

I used to use flota powder and now I use the liquid.

Is there anyone else who washes her djellaba at home?

Generally, I do not wear djellabas. But I have a problem with scarves. My aunt used to recommend a
product to me. I do not recall its name. It used to be referred to as the scarfs shampoo.

But I don't remember its name and do not know how it is.

How do you wash your scarf now?

I wash them in the machine as the normal clothes

Are they washed clean?

not bad.

Sometimes they get bobbled, some of them gets bobbled.

If there is a product special for djellaba and scarfs, will you buy it?

Yes, mainly, for scarves

We will move to another concept

Concept A2
When I wear my favorite clothes, I become more. Self-confidence and I also become confident about
the image that this gives me, but as time goes long. And with a washing after a washing, I feel that
my clothes start to fade away, sometimes they become deformed or stretched and they are torn out
the colors become dull and the fabric becomes lumpy or stands still, and becomes difficult to iron;

the new comfort clean and care offers you a laundry wash liquid and powder enhanced by
careserum technology,
The new Comfort, a washing liquid and powder cleans your clothes efficiently from in depth while
careserum technology guarantees. a protection and care, this formula fight efficiently the 5 signs of
garments aging

Color protection
Protection against fabric damage
Protection against stretching and shrinking
Easy ironing
Protection against bobbling

Jamsin freshness :liquid 2.5 L/////// 91 DH

Coconut softess::::::::: powder  6kg ::::::::::120 dhs
Infusion amber:::::: powder 750 gr::::::::: 21Dh

What are the advantages of this product?

this one encompasses everything,

there is everything, this one is good. We thank them for this one.

it gathers everything

When products gather lots of things, when there are so many advantages in one product, it’s better.

I like the idea of protecting the clothes from the stretching because this problem is prevailing mainly
with the skirts, you may buy any XXL skirt and when washed it becomes L.

So we have the issue of stretching and shrinking.

So I may buy a skirt and when I once wash it washed. I give it to my little youngest sister.

to me, I can add black soap or black detergent to this variant.

You mean you want it to be used for black clothes.

The 5 signs, namely, color protection, protection of fabric against damage, protection against
scratching and protection against bobbling and easy ironing are these factors important to you?

Yes, these are the most important elements in laundry wash

Is there anything missing?

I think the idea of washing cleaning is included

they didn't mention the perfume or smell they didn't say it contains a refreshing smell.

to me 5 signs are Important but they didn't mention the perfume here.

They say it's protect fabric which means it protects against the damage of the fabric.

So I want each one of you to rank the 5 signs from the most important to the least important.

It's ok now to me. I think I will keep the same ranking, but I don't know whether they talk about the
smell or not.
He did not talk about it here.

I will take this product; it will suit me for everything.

It will meet my needs.

So I said, I will keep the same ranking.

So it's color protection first, second protection against damage, third protection against stretching
and shrinking, fourth, easy ironing and the protection against bobbling

So the problem of the bobbling I think it's not due to detergent it may be due to the type of the
fabric because the fabric may be bobbled even before it is washed

What about you?

I will keep the same ranking.

the same ranking should remain,

I think there are three flavors, jasmine, the coconut. So it's up to you to choose.

So this product is good for the issue of the stretching and shrinking because we face this problem
with the skirts.

But not all, not all clothes become shrunk or stretched.

So, that's why I kept the same ranking.

Because for the color protection it’s of extreme importance so I have to get my colors protected.

I have one question is it the detergents that the cause of the stretching and Shrinking of clothes or is
it the machine or the misuse of the program?

Maybe the fabric, maybe the machine, we don't know.

I think it's due to the program of the machine and not to the detergent.

Ok, can you do a ranking?

yes, I will keep the same ranking plus the perfume, the perfume is very important to me.

But here we have references each one with its own perfume.

so these are the advantages available in all

So it's a color protection., and protection against damage and protection against stretching and
shrinking, easy ironing and protection against bobbling.

Jihane, what do you think?

to me, it is protection of clothes against damage.

color protection in second place, protection against stretching and shrining 3 rd

easy ironing Fourth, protection against bobbling 5th

I will keep the same ranking.

So the protection against the bobbling is not important to you. Do you want them to change it for
something else?

No, they can keep it.

we may have protection of fabric against damage and bubbling at one time

That's not what we are looking for. I think they complete each other.

Is there anything else that you wish to have and that does not exist among his five advantages?

Clothes should come out folded without us doing this . I'm just kidding.

Concerning the perfumes. we have just, jasmine freshness coconut and Amber

Amber and the Jasmine are ok, but coconuts, no. I don't know.

What are the perfumes that you like and that you wish to be on your clothes?

the Rose, I like rose smell on clothes.

Yes, it's wonderful on clothes

I like Amber and Jasmine

Amber and Jasmine, and apart from Amber and Jasmine what are the other perfumes that you like?

I may use coconut.

So, I don't like strong perfumes because I have allergy, I can't stand Amber, coconut.

I prefer jasmine

yes, me too prefer Jasmine

I don't like Amber infusion. I don't stand these, I feel suffocated when I smell them.

I myself don't stand strong smell.

I do not stand the smell of the cleaning liquid such as Sanicroix.

I like a light and soft smell such as Rose

what are the perfumes that you like?


When you read this 5 signs, is there any credibility, do you think there is a product that may provide
these 5 signs? If you see this product on the shelves, will you be try it?

I may try it.

Yes, I will try it.
Yes, me too. Will try it.

So when there is a new product, I can try it and then find out about it.

So I will buy it and try it if I am happy with it. I will keep on using it. Otherwise I will refrain from using

Concept A1
When I wear my favorite clothes, I become more. Self-confidence and I also become confident about
the image that this gives me, but as time goes long. And with a washing after a washing, I feel that
my clothes start to fade away, sometimes they become deformed or stretched and they are torn out
the colors become dull and the fabric becomes bobbled or stands still, and becomes difficult to iron;

the new comfort clean and care offers you a laundry wash liquid and powder enhanced by
careserum technology,
The new Comfort, a washing liquid and powder cleans your clothes efficiently from in depth while
careserum technology guarantees. a protection and care, this formula fight efficiently the 5 signs of
garments aging

Color protection
Protection against fabric damage
Protection against stretching and shrinking
Easy ironing
Protection against bobbling

Djellaba protection: liquid 2.5 L/////// 91 DH

Color protection: powder 6kg ::::::::::120 dhs
Delicate laundry: powder 750 gr::::::::: 21Dh

so this concept is the same as A2, it also includes the 5 signs, there is only a difference in terms of
the variants. There is the variant for djellaba protection, colour protection and for deliacte laundry.

So, what do you think about these variants?

What is important to me is colour protection but for the Djellaba I take this to the laundromat, so
the detergent should protect the colours., tha’s what is more importaNt to me.

what's counts to me is colour protection? the rest is taken to the laundromat.

What about you?

I will take the colour protection because I don't use djellaba and the delicate laundry, so what is
important to me is the colour protection

My concern is about the perfumes, so those three perfumes in the previous Concepts do not suit me
why do I use Ariel, it us because it has its own perfume , it doesn't have the perfume of any particular
scebt but it provides a cleaniness perfume.

But what I want is the smell of detergent itself that denotes a cleanliness.

There is a perfume for babies. It's a lovely , it is known here in Tangier

yes, it's wonderful that that's the one I stand apart from it, I cannot stand any other but this perfume
is meant for babies, but what I want to have is just a cleanliness smell.

So saw 4 concepts, which one did you like most?

the last one

What do you mean , is it A1?


the one in sky blue

the last one and the one before the last , those with 5 signs.

This last one A1 has variants for general protection , color protection and delicate laundry and it is
same idea

So which one of these two do you like?

So I cannot, buy 3 products, so I have to buy only one one that would serve all my purposes, so I can
take it.

Would you like to add anything concerning this concept?

if we can have a bleach variant for white items.

You want to have a variant for the white items

yes, I can use my detergents and when I want to wash linen, I can add the bleach to them.
Now for the brand name.

Here we have the brand comfort. Do you know the brand comfort ?

I have already seen it but I don't remember where, Maybe abroad.

Or maybe I saw it on an Arab TV channel.

Maybe I've seen it somewhere.

I feel I've seen this somewhere . I think it's a brand that comes from golf.

what does this comfort brand imply to you?


And in connection with your laundry is it something important?

Yes, it's extremely important.

So what you think about this name?

It's a good
the name is good.

It is just has to take to its promises.

If you want to launch this product and you want to give a name to this product so either Comfort or
another name that already exists in the market. What would it be?

What is the name that you know that will fit with it?

Maybe my regular brand.


and you

Ariel , because I like Ariel

and you ?



if you have to choose between comfort and OMO?,

they should use OMO and the comfort , to gain confidence, it is better. It will denote innovation and
something new.

I choose comfort

why would you choose comfort?

Because it is new.

Because the brand name plays on the psyche of the clients.

So the word comfort will make people feel comfortable and we'll make them think that they will
feel comfortable after use of this product.

I think they should use OMO. The brand comfort when I first see it. I mean I may be reluctant to take
it but if I see the endorsement of Omo on the products, I will try it.

I have already have seen this name but I don't recall where it was.

So this may be a confirmation of the name that we already know.

Because now that we have seen it. We will be encouraged to try it, but I think that some people who
haven't seen it

So this if you use OMO with comfort, it will be good for the people who use Omo. they will think that
OMO come up with something newer and if I use Ariel? I will not pay attention to it. I will just go to
my home. since I don't use Omo.
but if they use comfort alone as a name , They may gain clients of other brands

So It should be on its own I think. Did you understand me yes? So it should be a separate brand.

So we ,Moroccan consumers, like to try new products. We want to change. we want to get
something better.

And the company, the manufacturers, they will use their marketing tools etc. Ok?

Now I will show you a brand called Cajoline.


I've never seen it.

I don't know it.

Is it a softener?

Have you ever seen it?

Yes, we saw it. I think it is a softener.

Yes, I think it's a softener.

It softens and it provides nice perfume.

Have you ever tried it?

It existing in pink colour , in yellow colour and blue colour.

No, I have never seen it.

which concept do you prefer?

Yes, the last concept.

So the one with five signs and type of fabric


And type of the perfume


So it was the concert A1 one last question. I forgot to ask you from where do you buy your products?

Sometimes for Marjane, sometimes Aswak Salam market.

Sometimes just from the open market.

Are Spanish products sold in the open market?


both Moroccan and Spanish products

I do the shopping at Marjane or Aswak Salam supermarket and sometimes I buy from the
convenience, from the shop the grocer.

When do you buy from the grocer?

if I run out of the stock , I just buy to top up

so you chose A1
And between comfort and Cajolie , Which one would you choose?

I can't choose because I don't know them

Cajoline, it's known for its gold perfume. In and it softens.

Comfort is good.

So we keep Comfort because comfort its name makes you feel comfortable.

So do you prefer the comfort?

Cajoline and we prefer comfort.

I prefer Comfort.

I prefer to have comfort.

thank you so much. END

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