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Did Napoleon's reforms have a positive effect

on france?

No,it did not

1.Military reforms
Napoleon's battles were fought in order to consolidate his dictatorship. His
Military success initially consolidated the revolution, but once he turned
France into a military dictatorship he betrayed the revolution. Napoleon
reorganized the religious, social and economic structures of France.

Wars - He fought a lot of war as France was expanding across Europe

including Spain, Italy, the lowlands, Austria, then Germany and Russia.
This overextended the French empire.And required a lot of power and
resources to run it while the country of France already had problems.

Napoleon was very narcissistic and cruel, and did not value human life.
Human loss - Because of the many wars he had, many French men and
later his subjects had no choice but to fight for him and he lost miserably
during the Russian campaign that ended his career.

Napoleon kept Europe at war for 15 years. This resulted in an estimated

3.5 million to 6 million deaths, and millions wounded. Numerous cities,
towns and villages were looted, bombarded, or burned.

Napoleon introduced mass conscription of armies-he introduced this to all

the nations he conquered and controlled which meant that he could expand
his army that consisted of multinational people therefore, there were many
groups and they did not share the same belief and culture as the french
2.judiciary reforms

After four years of debate and planning, French Emperor Napoleon

Bonaparte enacts a new legal framework for France, known as the
“Napoleonic Code.” The civil code gave post-revolutionary France its first
coherent set of laws concerning property, colonial affairs, the family and
individual rights.

Napoleon Bonaparte, as the new emperor of France, began the arduous

task of revising France’s outdated and muddled legal system. He
established a special commission and finally in March 1804, the Napoleonic
Code was finally approved.

It codified several branches of law, including commercial and criminal law,

and divided civil law into categories of property and family. The Napoleonic
Code reinforced the authority of men over their families, deprived women of
any individual rights, and reduced the rights of illegitimate children. All male
citizens were also granted equal rights under the law and the right to
religious dissent, but colonial slavery was reintroduced. The laws were
applied to all territories under Napoleon’s control and were influential in
several other European countries and in South America.

He reduced the rights of women, censored freedom of the press,

constrained freedom of association, and created a new, greedy nobility.

3.Social reforms
Napoleon's Civil Code stated that the father was at the head of the family
meaning whatever he said was accepted. Children were subordinate to their
father and they could be imprisoned or beaten due to bad behavior.
Napoleon also reduced women rights through the introduction of the
Napoleonic Code.

4.Economical reforms
Napoleon left France diminished and bankrupt-Napoleon left France in a
weaker position than when he started: exhausted by war; out of money;
confined to borders that were smaller than when he came to power; shorn of
most of her overseas colonies; and at the mercy of victorious allies.

By financing his campaigns (even though he taxed conquered nations it was

not sustainable enough for the whole of europe with an army of over
1,000,000 and 1000 general throughout the peninsular war which lasted 15

5.Political reforms
Napoleon did not fulfill the wants of the people as he established a more
autocratic government.The people wanted a democratic government and
this showed Napoleon believed in government for the people not by the
people meaning that people did not make the laws. He also wanted to
control everything that is why he censored the press.

He considered people as a tool to achieve power just like religion and

education. Once the foundations were set up he overthrew the rights of
people in the government but not in the judiciary.

Napoleon compromised the gains of the French Revolution.

The French Revolution ended monarchical rule in France and Napoleon
later brought it back. Instead of returning power to the people, he truncated
the powers of the legislature, rewarded his supporters, had himself
proclaimed Emperor, presided over an extravagant court, and showered his
family with wealth and positions . He reduced the rights of women, censored
freedom of the press, constrained freedom of association, and created a
new, greedy nobility.
6.Educational reforms
Napoleon believed in the education of every citizen and he used every
means possible to increase his power.For e.g Napoleon felt that education
was important for girls, but did not generally expect them to have the same
sort of education given to boys. He highly supported patriarchy and did not
make that much effort to educate girls and make it an obligation for the girls
and the government itself.

He believed in ‘output is an introduction to an input’ simply stating that if

resources and time is spent on an input and there is no output it would be
unnecessary.he believed that girls wouldn't benefit that much prior and after

He saw education as a way of indoctrinating "right-thinking" citizens from an

early age. He didn't see the need to educate girls, since they could learn
everything they needed from their mothers. They were not to be active
citizens.He eliminated the jesuits (Roman catholics)/
jesuits-(Roman Catholicism)-played a major role and it was the main religion
of France and western europe it eliminated them from interfering with their
syllabus as a result, most studies did not focus on religion.
National board and limited subjects-it had a national board in which the
whole education system of France was based on.
Napoleon thought science and technology could “improve the quality of life
and to increase the economic status of the French people.” As a result of
this general belief, a number of scientific advances happened in the
Napoleonic era. And he himself was expelled in math.He narrowed the
possible paths or careers you could take in the future.
Extra points
Napoleon Bonaparte had a negative impact on France, because he
mistreated the rights that every human should obtain, created a bad image
for other countries, and only really cared about absolute power.

Napoleon was very narcissistic and cruel, and did not value human life.
Napoleon was responsible for a lot of death and destruction.

Enmity - After the end of Napoleon, France was destroyed and Germany
became heavily dominated by Prussia. Without the old Holy Roman Empire,
Prussia increased its army and influence that resulted in the formation of the
new German empire from Berlin. This empire replaced France as the most
powerful nation in western europe and France suffered huge loss during
Napoleon compromised the gains of the French Revolution.
The French Revolution ended monarchical rule in France. Napoleon brought
it back. Instead of returning power to the people, he truncated the powers of
the legislature, rewarded his supporters, had himself proclaimed Emperor,
presided over an extravagant court, and showered his family with wealth,
positions and privileges. He reduced the rights of women. He ended
freedom of the press, constrained freedom of association, and created a
new, greedy nobility.

Napoleon was responsible for a lot of death and destruction.

Napoleon kept Europe at war for 15 years. This resulted in an estimated 3.5
million to 6 million deaths, and millions wounded. Numerous cities, towns
and villages were looted, bombarded, or burned. Thousands were left
An unknown number of women and girls were raped. Institutions were
shattered in the territories Napoleon conquered, and the economic life of
Europe was severely disrupted. Napoleon’s proponents blame other
European countries for the Napoleonic Wars, but in many cases Napoleon
provoked the allies. He was the one who chose to invade Spain and Russia.
He refused
to take opportunities for peace when they were offered.

Napoleon was responsible for the massacre at Jaffa

During the Egyptian campaign in 1799, the French laid siege to the city of
Jaffa, in what is today Israel and was then under Ottoman (Turkish) control.
After capturing the city, Napoleon allowed his troops to spend at least two
days looting the place and raping and slaughtering its inhabitants, including
the elderly, women, and children. He also ordered the execution of up to
3,000 prisoners of war (mainly Albanians), even though they had been
promised mercy when they surrendered to Napoleon’s stepson, Eugène de
Beauharnais. The prisoners were marched to the beach and shot or
bayoneted. Overall, an estimated 4,100 people were massacred by the
French at Jaffa.

Napoleon left France diminished and bankrupt

Napoleon left France in a weaker position than when he started: exhausted
by war; out of money; confined to borders that were smaller than when he
came to power; shorn of most of her overseas colonies; and at the mercy of
victorious allies.

Napoleon compromised the gains of the French Revolution.

The French Revolution ended monarchical rule in France and Napoleon
later brought it back. Instead of returning power to the people, he truncated
the powers of the legislature, rewarded his supporters, had himself
proclaimed Emperor, presided over an extravagant court, and showered his
family with wealth and positions . He reduced the rights of women, censored
freedom of the press, constrained freedom of association, and created a
new, greedy nobility.
The number of 900,000 to 1,000,000 killed would therefore constitute the
balance of 15 years of conflict. An average of nearly 75,000 killed per year
can be established, noting that the years 1812-1814 were the deadliest, with
nearly 50% of the losses
The number of 900,000 to 1,000,000 killed would therefore constitute the
balance of 15 years of conflict. An average of nearly 75,000 killed per year
can be established, noting that the years 1812-1814 were the most deadly,
with nearly 50% of the losses.

Napoleon compromised the gains of the French Revolution.

The French Revolution ended monarchical rule in France and Napoleon
later brought it back. Instead of returning power to the people, he truncated
the powers of the legislature, rewarded his supporters, had himself
proclaimed Emperor, presided over an extravagant court, and showered his
family with wealth and positions . He reduced the rights of women, censored
freedom of the press, constrained freedom of association, and created a
new, greedy nobility.
The number of 900,000 to 1,000,000 killed would therefore constitute the
balance of 15 years of conflict. An average of nearly 75,000 killed per year
can be established, noting that the years 1812-1814 were the deadliest, with
nearly 50% of the losses

Napoleon felt that education was important for girls, but did not generally
expect them to have the same sort of education given to boys.

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