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Preparing for the interview

**Check out the videos and web pages attached for more helpful information**
Remember that preparing this questions is an exercise for you to have some ideas on how to answer interview
questions, and it is not recommendable to memorize them as they may vary and trying to remember the answers
will definitely affect fluency and confidence.
Be ready to receive questions about your personal life as we want to see your communicative skills when talking
about topics that are not related to the job offer. (Tell me about your family, your home town, what you do on your
free time, etc).

1. a. Tell me about yourself. (Focus on 3 strengths in this question the company wants to know what you are bringing to
the company. KEEP YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION TO YOURSELF! It´s none of the company’s business.) - Tell Me about Yourself: Good Answer

b. What are your economic responsibilities? (Here if you don´t have any, maybe say you want to help at home
that will make you sound responsible)

2. Tell me about your work experience.

• Last two jobs; how long did you work there, why did you leave? (Never say you left a job because
you got fired, since all contracts have to be renewed here it would be a good idea to use that)

3. Tell me about your strengths/weaknesses? (Here elaborate what you stated in 1a. give more details
about your 3 strengths and when mentioning 1 weakness, always change it from a negative to a positive.) - What are your strengths and weaknesses? - Job Interview Questions - What Is Your
Greatest Strength? good answer

4. How did you learn English?(Talk about all courses you have taken – where- when and how any levels you

5. How did you hear about our company/this job offer? (In your own words)

6. Why do you want to work with us? (Avoid saying you want to learn/improve your English skills as the first
reason for you to be willing to work there)

7. When are you available to start working? (Always say now or as soon as possible because the
employer want to know if he hires you, he can put you)

8. What times and days are you available to work?

9. What do you think about the indefinite contract and the benefits the company has to offer?
(An Indefinite contract means that you will continue working without having to renew the contract)

10. Have you been outside of the country? Do you plan to travel within the next year? (You should
never answer yes to this question because the employer may not like the idea of you leaving work for a long period
of time. Especially if you answer you are going to live in another country.)

11. Are you currently waiting for papers and/or approval from a different country? (This question
will only be asked if you answer YES to question number 12. Again going to another country is NOT the company’s
business, but I will need to know this where you are going and how long the process will be.)
12. Do you have any recurring activities? (They want to know if there is anything that will hinder you from
working the hours specified)

13. If I ask a friend what kind of person you are what would they say? (Try not to make this really

14. Do you have any reliable transportation to come to work? (Always say YES and put Transmilenio,
even though we know that it is sometimes unreliable they already know that too, they just want to know)

15. How long are you planning to work with us? (This question need to state FOR A LONG TIME even if it
is not true mainly because they don´t want to spend time and money training you if you are planning to leave
before 6-9 months) Please take this question as an opportunity to think of your objective in EFW, make sure you
want to work in the contact center industry, otherwise staying in the program is not recommendable.
with-us-f_lifestyle - Job Interview Question: How long would you plan to work with us?

16. Where do you see yourself in six months? (This should always tell the company you want to be there
and what will benefit them not you, again leave any personal things out it is none of their business)

17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (All companies have big egos they want to know you are going to
be long term again because of the money they will lose if you leave too soon. So anything that will show your
commitment to the company here will be great.)

18. Do you feel comfortable working in an environment that requires sitting, talking, typing,
reading at the same time? Sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours? (YES, is a good answer here,
if you say no you shouldn´t be applying for this job)

19. How do you feel about being late to work and what do you do to ensure that you are on time
for meetings and appointments? (Never say it is ok to be late to work, they already know that there are
issues with transportation you don’t need to remind them always keep it positive like; I try never to be late or I do
everything I can to get to work on time, something like that is good)

20. How do you handle conflict? Tell me about an experience where you had to handle conflict?
(Don´t be too specific in this case and don’t sound too negative, try to let them know you are responsible and
helpful and the end results should be positive, never say you had a conflict with a supervisor or boss.) - How Do you Deal with Conflict Interview

Question and Answer

21. How would you handle an upset or angry customer? (Be careful with this one, if you haven´t had this
experience think of a time where you saw an upset customer and how the agent handled it, if you have had this
experience be nice, kind and polite when answering this question) - Have you ever had to handle an irate customer?

What happened? - Interview Question: Tell me about a time when
you had a conflict

If the answer to question 22 is no don’t answer questions 23-30

22. Are you attending a university, or college? (YES or NO)
23. Are you currently taking any courses?
24. What university do you attend?
25. What semester are you in?
26. What career?
27. When will you do your thesis?
28. What schedule do you study in?
29. If you are taking X degree (Business administration, Journalism, etc.) or if you graduated
from X degree why are you looking for a job in a call center?
30. Do you see yourself working and studying at the same time?

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