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Faculty of Engineering

Fall Semester
and Technology
Database Systems (1)
Assignment (5) COM 232

1. Consider the following relations for a database that keeps track of student enrollment in
courses and the books adopted for each course:

CAR (Serial_no, Model, Manufacturer, Price)

OPTION (Serial_no, Option_name, Price)
SALE (Salesperson_id, Serial_no, Date, Sale_price)
SALESPERSON (Salesperson_id, Name, Phone)

a) Specify the foreign keys for this schema, stating any assumptions you make.
b) Next, populate the relations with a few sample tuples, and then give an example of
an insertion in the CAR, OPTION, SALE, and SALESPERSON relations (using
SQL queries).
c) Retrieve distinct “Model” from “CAR” table.
d) Retrieve “Serial_no” and “Model” from “CAR” table when Price more than 30,000.

Good Luck
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