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Faust Gounod

Produc'on by Stefano Poda (Torino 2015)

The page numbers apply to Bärenreiter vocal score edi8on (number of acts can
differ according to edi8ons)

I. Numbers and their order

1st part (no cuts) (50' aprox.)

Nr. 1 Introduc'on
Nr. 2 Scene and chorus
Nr. 3 Recita've
Nr. 4 Duet
Nr. 5 Grand chorus (Kermesse)
Nr. 6 Scene, recita've and Cava'na
Nr. 7 Sond of the Golden Calf (Chanson du veau d’or)
Nr. 8 Scene and chorus (Choeur des épées)
Nr. 9 Waltz and chorus

1st INTERVAL 20'

2nd part (80' aprox.)

Nr. 10 Intermezzo and song

Nr. 11 Scene and recita've
Nr. 12 Cava'na
Nr. 13 Scene
Nr. 14 Recita've
Nr. 14a The King of Thule
Nr. 14b The jewel song
Nr. 15 Scene
Nr. 16 QuarteS
Nr. 17 Scene („Ô nuit, étends sur eux ton ombre“)
Nr. 18 Duet
Nr. 19 Entr’acte and recita've, un'l p. 245 26th bar, then restart pag. 249,
69th bar ("Il ne revient pas") 'll pag. 255 (Siébel's 2nd aria is CUT).
Nr. 22 The Soldiers’ chorus, p. 282 (pag. 288/289 show a possible cut)
Nr. 23 Recita've p. 305
Nr. 24 Scene and serenade
Nr. 25 Trio. The Duel
Nr. 26 The Death of Valen'ne un'l pag. 346 then…
Nr. 21 Scene in the church, p. 264. End of Act p. 281.

2nd INTERVAL 25' (for the make up)

3rd part 36' (with ballet 1,3,4,6,7)

Nr. 27 The Walpurgis Night, p. 347

Nr. 28 Scene and choir un'l p. 360, then…
MANDATORY Ballet Nr. 1 Ballet p. 361 (allegreWo, mouvement de valse)
—> OPTIONALLY, WE PLAY ALSO Nr. 3,4,6 (6 minutes)
MANDATORY Ballet Nr. 7 Ballet, p. 386 (allegro vivo) ]ll page 393 with 3
chords of conclusion
Nr. 29 scene p. 400 (andan'no) + finale pag. 401 'll pag 403
Nr. 30 Prison scene
Nr. 31 TerzeSo - Finale p. 418
Nr. 32 Apotheosis + CHORUS ON STAGE

TOTAL: 3h, 30/40 min (included 2 intervals)

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