Daylighting Buildings: Standards and The Needs of The Designer

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Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; Vol.

50: 63–79

Daylighting buildings: Standards and

the needs of the designer
P Tregenza PhD, FSLLa and J Mardaljevic PhD, FSLL, FIBPSAb
School of Architecture, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering, Loughborough
University, Loughborough, UK

Received 21 August 2017; Revised 10 October 2017; Accepted 13 October 2017

Despite widespread research on daylighting, there are insufficient data to justify

a definitive statement on daylighting design criteria. This paper reviews the
requirements for daylighting codes and guidelines, doing so from two different
viewpoints. The first considers standards and regulations, the second is focused
on development and the scope of climate-based daylight modelling.

1. Introduction strongly reflect the substantial influence of

computers on daylighting research.
This paper arises from a review of papers on There are important questions which
daylighting published in Lighting Research 50 years of study have not fully answered:
and Technology (LRT) during its first half- What are the criteria of good daylighting?
century. The first conclusion of this review is What should be the central aim of the
very clear: daylighting is not a single research designer? What regulations or standards are
topic. Several distinct strands of study are required? Although there have been many
evident: the availability of daylight, mathem- well-developed proposals for daylighting met-
atical models of the sky, computation of rics, none has universal acceptance. This is
interior daylighting, glare from daylight, user evident from the lack of consistency between
preferences and new window technology. the daylight regulations of different countries,
These strands continue quite independently not only in the level at which standards are set
with surprisingly little cross-referencing, and but also in the metrics adopted. Some regu-
they differ in the progress they have made lations require absolute values of illuminance,
during the 50-year period. Those which devel- others retain the daylight factor (DF); some
oped most were topics where computing was consider sunlight, many appear to ignore the
essential either to handle large quantities of particular climate of a place.
data, such as in sky luminance recording, or The question of daylighting criteria now
because they were computationally demand- pervades current research and this situation is
ing, such as the modelling of daylight penetra- unsatisfactory. It represents a failure of
tion in buildings. This half-century happened theory and is a handicap in practice. In this
to be the period when personal computing paper, we set out some of the factors to be
grew from merely a specialist interest into an considered. The two authors examine the
essential universal tool; the papers in LRT problem from differing viewpoints and, with
the aim of stimulating discussion, present
them separately. The first looks at standards,
Address for correspondence: J Mardaljevic, Loughborough the second examines the scope in design
University, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. practice of daylight simulation and model-
E-mail: ling. Throughout we use the term daylight’ to
ß The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers 2017 10.1177/1477153517740611
64 P Tregenza and J Mardaljevic

comprise both the direct solar beam environmental conditions – of ventilation,

(‘sunlight’) and the diffuse light from the light, sanitation and warmth – were utterly
whole sky (‘skylight’). unacceptable. The history of this goes back a
long way – examples are given on the second
viewpoint. In the UK and several other
2. Viewpoint: Peter Tregenza countries, local authorities were given the
responsibility of ensuring that every building
The physiology of the human body is bound achieves certain conditions of environment.2
in with daylight. This is the most important There is no reason to believe that present-
general result to emerge during the last day developers possess a greater altruism than
50 years. There is, for example, very strong their historical counterparts: it is a fair
evidence that a view from a window can have working hypothesis that strong economic
a positively beneficial value to health gener- pressures to maximise the volume of building
ally and can influence specific sensations such on a site are associated with a diminution of
as discomfort glare – a significant change the occupants access to natural light and
from lighting guides of the 1960s which ventilation. Public authority control is justi-
treated view as merely an amenity.1 fied wherever the well-being of occupants is
We know now that there are many criteria dependent on the presence of daylight, and
of good daylighting and that specific needs what society would take to be the minimum
vary from person to person. We know, too, acceptable conditions should be defined in
that light has non-visual effects on the body. mandatory standards.
We have computational tools that can predict
almost any aspect of daylight illumination
and we have an increasingly strong know- 2.2. The nature of standards
ledge of the human body’s need for natural A decision to impose mandatory standards
light. Unfortunately, from the position of the is not trivial. Standards are expensive: they
architectural practitioner, the outcome can require a regulatory authority to administer
appear to be an overwhelmingly complexity them; they increase the work of the building
of aims and means. This complexity is a design team; and there must be an appeals
problem in any attempt to regulate the process. Furthermore, regulations can distort
provision of daylight in buildings. the process of design by being focussed on
The following paragraphs are an attempt just one or two out of many requirements and
provide a structure for discussion about the by emphasising those objectives that happen
aims and criteria of daylighting, I look to be numerical. A mandatory standard is a
separately at three aspects: (a) regulations crude tool. Unless it is carefully written and
and mandatory standards; (b) good current applied, it can be ineffective or, worse, result
practice and (c) innovation. in conditions quite different from those
2.1. Daylight regulations: Are they necessary? There are some characteristics which are
Theory and calculation are clearly not required of any standard.3,4 Its outcome must
essential to the design of fine buildings. be beneficial; it must be clear; the conditions
Throughout architectural history there have required for conformity must be (i) few, (ii)
been rooms with imaginative, beautiful and obviously related to the purpose, (iii) testable
practical natural lighting. But there have within a realistic time and at a reasonable
also been places where rural desolation or cost, (iv) capable of giving consistent results
city slums produced dwellings where the when repeated or reproduced by different
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Guidance for daylighting buildings 65

assessors and (v) capable of being used by all a building’s energy use, the outcome can
relevant parties. be visually unsatisfactory conditions.
A ‘proxy’ in this context is the use of one
2.3. Metrics and proxies measured quantity in place of one or more
The metric is the physical measure used to others. For example, in legislation intended to
define the conditions for conformity. Ideally, reduce highway accidents, vehicle speed is
it is the measure that best correlates with the used as proxy criterion for the many factors
aims of the standard. The metric most used in that determine the occurrence of accidents.
regulations and codes of practice for good Speed limits satisfy the conditions (i) to (v)
lighting is illuminance on a given interior above: advanced equations or multiple crite-
surface such as a horizontal working plane. ria do not.
For electric lighting, there are some draw- In lighting, the ultimate aim is the satisfac-
backs with this; with daylight, there are three tion and performance of users. Illuminance
substantial difficulties: can be used as a proxy for this because in
many cases, it correlates strongly with user
 In a cloudy climate, actual daylight quan- requirements. But, in practice, it is not
tities can be described only in statistical illuminance itself, the physical quantity that
terms.5 The daylight illuminance at a given is used: it is the value predicted by a numer-
place and time cannot be given by a single ical model at the design stage of a building.
number: all that can be said is that, based This is true of the whole range of daylighting
on long-time records, there is a known prediction techniques, from simple DFs to
probability that illuminance will lie within a climate-based simulation. What differs
particular range. between models is their complexity, their
 The measure of illuminance required is of ease of use and the precision of their predic-
the building in use; that is, after completion tion. It is always a mathematical construction,
of construction, after furnishing and decor- not a physical luminous quantity that we use.
ation and when the building is used for its It is helpful to consider three levels of
intended activities. This implies that daylighting analysis as in Table 1. They may
approval or rejection of a building proposal occur at different stages of a building project
can be given only retrospectively. and they distinguish between projects with
 Windows affect more than just the daylight differing technical aspirations. At level 1,
in a room: optimising lighting in isolation there is a simple question, and the response
can cause thermal, acoustic, ventilation and is binary: yes, the basic minimum is achieved,
sight-line failures. Conversely, if daylight or no, it is not. At level 2, this approach
is considered solely as a modifier of is invalid for two reasons: there is rarely

Table 1 Types and requirements of daylighting prediction methods

Level Source of criteria What is tested Type of numerical model

(1) Minimum acceptable Standards and regulations Conformity with mandatory Robust, simple, consistent
conditions criteria
(2) Good current practice Codes of practice; technical Comparison of alternative Standard industry software
journals and meetings solutions; conformity
with multiple criteria
(3) Innovative design Research and professional Comparison of solutions Development of advanced
and research literature with existing practice models

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66 P Tregenza and J Mardaljevic

a unique solution and there are often several condition, daylight, in isolation of other
criteria with differing metrics. Good practice aspects of human requirements.
cannot be reduced to the format required of a I have argued that there is an important
mandatory standard without excessive sim- practical difference between mandatory
plification of design aims. If standards of standards which state the lowest acceptable
lighting are to be improved generally, the level and those publications which describe
approach should be to inform designers, not good practice – the codes and guides pro-
to restrict them. Many means exist: advisory duced by professional organisations, for
codes of practice; education, particularly instance. Where the designer is aiming to
professional training and CPD; specialist meet, creatively, the multiple criteria of good
societies; technical journals; conferences and lighting, the primary tool is advanced day-
technical meetings. There is no obvious light modelling software with output taking
boundary between the top two levels: innov- many forms – graphical, numerical, statis-
ation often occurs during routine design work tical, virtual reality. It is, specifically, a means
and creative research usually contains much of examining the performance of a scheme
that is repetitious. Innovations in software against the total set of daylighting criteria.
have the aims, first, of aiding the designer
with good predictions involving several envir- 2.5. Future research: Lighting, information
onmental variables and non-numerical pres-
and energy
entation and, second, of focusing on difficult
There is ample evidence that information
or uncommon applications. This is discussed
about the external world is important to
in more detail in the second viewpoint.
people in buildings. It is not just the total
quantity luminous energy that is important.
2.4. Conformity and prediction Daylight entering a window carries informa-
The difference between testing for con- tion: falling directly on the eye it is perceived
formity and predicting performance is funda- as a view; falling onto the surfaces of the
mental. A test whether, for example, the room it is a changing pattern of room
daylight illuminance in a building reaches a brightness which also tells about the world
given minimum level should be based on the outside. Looking at daylight as a carrier of
climatic conditions that cause low daylight information is potentially a powerful
illuminance. It does not have to be a good approach to both theory and practice. It can
predictor of daylight at other times; the more suggest answers to questions that are intract-
focused it is on minima, the less accurate will able when light is considered only as energy.
be its application to other conditions. For this For example:
reason, it is a mistake to apply the CIE
 What makes a room appear daylit?
Overcast Sky to daylight illuminance model-
 If a room is lit by a combination of daylight
ling in other cases although this sky, with its
and electric lighting, what is the optimum
assumption of no sunlight, is entirely justified
balance of illuminance between the two
for the testing of minima.
The adoption, in UK regulations after
WW2, of a minimum DF of 2% for class- If the first answer is that people associate
rooms was not in itself wrong. The fault, the continuously changing distribution of
which led to rooms with excessive solar gain brightness with the presence of a window,
and other environmental mistakes, was two- and they prefer this to unchanging surround-
fold: an absence of any requirement to predict ings, then the second answer is that the upper
daylight at normal levels and analysis of one limit of electric lighting illuminance should be
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Guidance for daylighting buildings 67

the level in which it is still perceptible. If the design is that attributed to Socrates (469–
variation is swamped, the room ceases to look 399 BC):
daylit: the information carried by the light is
Now in the houses with a south aspect, the
washed out.
Sun’s rays penetrate into the porticoes in
Describing lighting only in terms of illu-
the winter, but in summer, the path of the
minance is equivalent to describing music in
Sun is right over our heads and above the
terms of sound pressure level. Such specifica- roof so that there is shade. If, then, this is
tion might be necessary during the design the best arrangement, we should build the
process, but as a description of the experience, south side loftier to get the winter sun and
it is woefully inadequate. The fundamental the north side lower to keep out the cold
purpose of lighting is to convey information winds.
not power. The analysis and design of lighting Quoted by Xenophon in Memorabilia
as the distribution of information is an area of Socrates6
research with considerable potential.
Socrates’ recommendation appears to be
concerned more with thermal comfort rather
than visual needs, though similar advice is
3. Viewpoint: John Mardaljevic
commonly given in guidelines and books on
daylighting with regard to moderation of the
For the building designer aware of the various
illumination from the sun. Approximately
needs and requirements for daylight described
four centuries later, the sixth of Vitruvius’
in the first viewpoint, a number of questions
(c. 90–c. 20 BC) Ten Books on Architecture
present themselves. Chief amongst these
contains a recommendation to determine a
might be: Is it possible to make meaningful
measure related to what would now be called
estimates or predictions of daylighting
the ‘no sky line’ – a still commonly used rule
performance at the design stage? If so, how of thumb:
might they lead to adjustments in any par-
ticular design? Someone concerned more We must take care that all buildings are
with planning and regulatory guidelines well lighted . . . . Hence we must apply the
might go further and question if it is possible following test in this matter. On the side
to codify measures of daylighting perform- from which the light should be obtained let
ance so that designers may then need a line be stretched from the top of the wall
to demonstrate compliance with a particu- that seems to obstruct the light to the
lar standard, invariably some minimum point at which it ought to be introduced,
requirement. and if a considerable space of open sky
This viewpoint begins with a brief histor- can be seen when one looks up above that
ical survey of the consideration of daylight in line, there will be no obstruction to the
buildings, with observations on the key light in that situation.7
developmental milestones for its evaluation The distinction between light (from the
up to the present day. It concludes with a sky) for illumination and the view out of a
recommendation to help address some of the building is made by Justinian (529–565 AD)
issues raised in the first viewpoint. in the Corpus Juris Civilis or ‘Body of Civil
3.1. The first 1000 years: Socrates to Justinian Light is the power of seeing the sky, and a
One of the earliest recorded recommen- difference exists between light and view;
dations regarding sunlight and building for a view of lower places may be had, but
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68 P Tregenza and J Mardaljevic

light cannot be obtained from a place a claim to the easement is made.9 Once a right
which is lower.8 to light (with regard to a particular window)
is determined to exist, the owner of the right is
Thus, over a span of approximately 1000
years, three of the key considerations for entitled to ‘sufficient light according to the
daylighting design outlined in the previous ordinary notions of mankind’. Whilst the 1832
viewpoint had found expression: the potential Act essentially enshrined in Common Law the
for sunlight; the provision of (mainly) sky- notion of a ‘right to light’, the determination
light for illumination and the distinction of what constitutes an ‘ordinary notion’ of
between illumination and view. In the one sufficiency was, initially, largely a matter of
and a half millennia since Justinian’s Corpus judgement supplemented by rough rules of
Juris Civilis, numerous architectural styles thumb such as the 458 rule, i.e. the vertical
evolved across the globe in response to the angle of sky visible at the centre of the
specific cultural/societal imperatives and window. The attempts to systematise the
driven by advances in building technology assessment of daylight injury date back to at
and construction techniques. Daylighting least 1865.10 In the 1920s, Percy Waldram
design remained a rule-of-thumb practice, determined what was intended to be a precise
informed by tradition and internalised know- and objective measure of an ‘ordinary notion’
ledge about what was known to work for that of sufficiency for daylight illumination. This
particular climate and locale. The apertures of was based on measurements of daylight
early dwellings were rarely conceived for the illumination in buildings combined with sub-
sole purpose of providing daylight illumin- jective determination of sufficiency by a jury
ation since protection from the hot and cold of experts. From this study, Waldram deter-
extremes of the prevailing climate was also an mined the so-called ‘grumble point’, i.e. the
important design concern, depending on the point in a space at the boundary between
locale. The availability of affordable glass sufficient and insufficient daylight from a
transformed the role of building apertures window. The ‘grumble point’ was defined in
into providers of daylight illumination also. terms of the illumination received at that
Prior to the emergence of urbanisation and boundary as a percentage of the unobstructed
the dense development of buildings, an unob- horizontal illumination from a notional aver-
structed view of the sky vault could often be age (assumed uniform luminance) sky. The
relied upon. As buildings became taller and percentage value at the ‘grumble point’ was
packed closer together, the provision of day- found to by 0.2%. For practical application
light in obstructed settings became a design of Waldram’s ‘grumble point’ in ‘rights of
consideration. light’ disputes, surveyors commonly apply the
‘50/50 rule’ to determine if a space is ade-
3.2. Waldram, Trotter and the daylight factor quately daylit, i.e. no more than half of the
Quantitative measures of daylighting pro- space at table-top height should receive less
vision evolved from the methods devised in than 0.2% of the sky illumination.
the nineteenth century to determine some Additionally, the percentage value is referred
objective basis for the degree of daylight to as the sky factor since, for evaluation
injury (that is, reduced daylight illumination) purposes, it is a measure of the illumination
caused to an existing space by the introduc- on a horizontal surface resulting from any
tion of some obstruction, e.g. a new building. direct view of a uniform luminance sky,
The Prescription Act 1832 provides for the expressed as a percentage of the horizontal
creation of a right to light where light has illumination from an unobstructed view of the
been enjoyed for the period of 20 years before sky. Neither reflected light nor attenuation
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Guidance for daylighting buildings 69

from any glazing is accounted for in the densely overcast skies revealed that the lumi-
‘rights to light’ schema. nance of the sky vault can exhibit a relative
Whilst Waldram’s work is widely credited gradation from darker horizon to brighter
as providing the basis for the DF, it appears zenith; this was recorded in 1901. With
that the idea of using a ratio between inside improved, more sensitive measuring appar-
and outside was first proposed in 1895 by atus, it was shown that the zenith luminance
Alexander Pelham Trotter (1857–1947).11 The can be three times greater than the horizon
origins of the DF are actually somewhat hazy luminance for some of the most heavily
since there does not appear to have been a overcast skies.12 A formulation for the lumi-
seminal paper introducing the approach. The nance pattern of densely overcast skies was
reference to its introduction in 1895 appears presented by Moon and Spencer in 1942 and
to be anecdotal and recalled a number of adopted as a standard by the CIE in 1955.
years later. The DF was conceived as a means Normalised to the zenith luminance Lz, the
of rating daylighting performance independ- luminance distribution of the CIE standard
ently of the actually occurring, instantaneous overcast sky has the form
sky conditions. Hence, it was defined as the
ratio of the internal horizontal illuminance Lz ð1 þ 2 sin Þ
L ¼ ð2Þ
Ein to the unobstructed (external) horizontal 3
illuminance Eout, usually expressed as a
percentage. where L is the luminance at an angle  from
the horizon and Lz is the zenith luminance.
DF ¼ 100% ð1Þ The rationale often given for using the CIE
Eout standard overcast sky as a basis for the DF is
that it represents a ‘worst case’ condition. The
However, the external conditions still need implication being that, if a designer provides a
to be defined since the luminance distribution certain measure of daylight for the ‘worst
of the sky will influence the value of the ratio. case’, then surely it can only be better than
At the time that the DF was first proposed, it that for the rest of the time. However, whilst
was assumed that heavily overcast skies such notions are suggestive, they have rarely,
exhibited only moderate variation in bright- if ever, been rigorously expounded – or
ness across the sky dome, and so they could verified. For example, what exactly is meant
be considered to be of constant (that is, by ‘worst case’? Is it that the absolute values
uniform) luminance. The assumption of a provided by the sky (i.e. the diffuse horizontal
uniform sky is, of course, in keeping with the illuminance) is (are?) ‘worst case’, or is it
notion of rating the performance independ- perhaps that the luminance distribution on
ently of sky conditions. Thus, the DF can be the sky vault is a ‘worst case’? The former
taken as a measure of the connectedness of the would seem unlikely, since the most applica-
internal space to the outside, whilst also tions of the DF do not consider absolute
accounting for the reflectance of internal values.
surfaces. The CIE standard overcast sky is in fact –
With hindsight, it is perhaps surprising that to quote Enarun and Littlefair – an ‘extreme’
the DF was effectively redefined some years case of overcast sky.13 Thus, skies that
later to use a particular, non-uniform sky conform to the CIE standard overcast sky
condition: the International Commission for pattern are likely to be rarer than is generally
Illumination (CIE) standard overcast sky. imagined, and in any case produce internal
This came about because measurements of illuminances at or below the lower end of
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70 P Tregenza and J Mardaljevic

what is generally preferred by occupants. building design including natural lighting,

Enarun and Littlefair suggest that ‘. . .if a and the practice is still commonplace today.
general cloudy sky is all that is required, the DFs were often measured in scale models
CIE may not be the best option’.13 In the same under actual overcast sky conditions. The
paper, they suggest that the ‘quasi-overcast measurements of internal and (unobstructed)
sky’ may serve better as a ‘general cloudy sky’. external illuminance need to be taken simul-
The quasi-overcast sky has a more gradual taneously since the illuminance produced by
gradation between horizon and zenith com- an actual overcast sky can vary significantly
pared to the CIE standard overcast. But, it over a period of a minute or even shorter. An
also includes a small component that varies artificial sky provides a controlled means of
with angle from the sun. Thus, it could not illuminating a scale model for the purpose of
replace the use of the CIE standard overcast taking measurements and also for qualitative
in a DF evaluation because the sun position is appraisal.14 As originally defined, the DF
now a factor in the evaluation. Given that the refers to a single point in space. So, multiple
‘quasi-overcast’ cannot replace the CIE stand- values across a grid of points covering the
ard overcast in a DF-based evaluation, space at, say, desktop height would need to be
perhaps the uniform sky is in fact the ‘best’ calculated in order to determine either the
simple sky condition on which to base distribution in DF or some single value such
estimates of daylight provision using the as the average DF – commonly used to
basic method of internal to external illumin- characterise the daylighting potential of a
ance ratios. In fact, the uniform sky is space.15 Even under the controlled conditions
probably a closer fit to an average of the of an artificial sky, taking sufficient illumin-
‘quasi-overcast’ (for varying sun positions) ance measurements to reliably determine
than the CIE standard overcast pattern. the average daylight can be a laborious
Furthermore, it is perhaps not unreasonable procedure.
to describe the CIE standard overcast sky Graphical methods such as the Waldram
pattern and one that exhibits bias when used diagram were devised in the early 1900s to
to estimate the occurrence of internal illumin- predict the direct sky component of illumin-
ance from DFs. This is because the luminance ation under simple sky conditions, e.g. the
pattern – maximum at the zenith – deviates uniform luminance and CIE standard over-
from the gamut of typically occurring over- cast sky patterns.14 The principle of the
cast patterns in a consistent manner. The Waldram diagram is that the half hemisphere
greatest consequence of this ‘bias’ perhaps is of sky visible from a vertical window (without
for any relative comparison of the daylighting obstruction) is mapped onto a regular grid
effectiveness of side-lighting with respect to such that equal areas of the grid correspond
top-lighting, since the CIE standard overcast to equal values of direct illumination from the
sky evidently ‘favours’ the latter which sky. For the DF, the inter-reflected compo-
‘sees’ the brighter sky at the zenith. nent of illumination needs to be estimated and
Notwithstanding the above observations, added to the direct sky component. To
application of the CIE standard overcast is simplify matters – in many cases, eliminating
so entrenched in daylighting practice (and altogether the need for any physical (or
much research) that it seems unlikely that its virtual) 3D modelling – purely analytical
use as a basis for the DF will be widely means for calculating the average DF of
questioned. simple spaces were devised in the late 1970s.
Architects have for centuries used physical The average DF (ADF) equation was first
scale models to study various aspects of proposed by Lynes in 1979.16 In the original
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Guidance for daylighting buildings 71

formulation, the ADF calculated was that for lighting simulation system22 and, ultimately,
all the enclosing surfaces of the space. The CBDM was due in part to the outcomes from
equation was revised by Crisp and Littlefair validation studies which demonstrated quite
in 1984 following validation tests using scale remarkable prediction accuracy, e.g. with-
models.17 In the revised version, the ADF in  10% of measured values.23 Around this
calculated is that for the working plane only – time, the accuracy of physical scale models for
it is usually expressed as follows daylight assessment was called into question,
TWM with validation studies showing large discre-
DF ¼ ð3Þ pancies between illuminances measured in a
Að1  R2 Þ
scale model and the full-size building under
where DF is the average DF; T is the effective the same conditions.24
transmittance of the window(s); W is the total In 2013, the UK Education Funding Agency
glazed area of the window aperture(s);  is the (EFA) made CBDM a mandatory requirement
angle in degrees subtended in vertical plane by for the evaluation of designs submitted for the
the sky visible from the centre of a window; Priority Schools Building Programme (PSBP).
M is the maintenance factor; A is the total School designs submitted to the PSBP must
area of bounding surfaces of the interior; R is achieve certain ‘target’ criteria for the useful
the area-weighted mean reflectance of interior daylight illuminance metric. This is believed to
bounding surfaces. For simple spaces, the be the first major upgrade to mandatory
ADF equation has proved to be a fairly daylight requirements since the introduction
reliable means for determining the average of the DF more than half a century ago. In the
DF. It does, of course, possess some evident US, a climate-based daylight metric approved
limitations – not least of which is the inability by the Illuminating Engineering Society of
to inform about the distribution of DF in the North America (IESNA) has appeared in the
space or indeed to distinguish between single- latest version of Leadership in Energy and
and multi-aspect window designs (having the Environmental Design (LEED). Perceived as
same glazing area for vertical windows).18 long overdue in some quarters, in others, the
EFA decision was seen as controversial and is
3.3. Climate-based daylight modelling not without its critics.18
In the late 1990s, two researchers (this In addition to predicting annual metrics of
author and Christoph Reinhart) working daylight illumination on, say, the horizontal
independently developed what would later work/task plane, CBDM opened up the
become known as climate-based daylight possibility of computing measures of glare
modelling, or CBDM.19,20 Although lacking and visual discomfort derived from (annual)
a formal definition, CBDM is widely taken to simulations of the field-of-view luminance for
be the prediction of any luminous quantity one or more virtual occupants.25 Exploratory
(illuminance and/or luminance) using realistic studies have investigated the possibility of
sun and sky conditions derived from standar- using CBDM to predict measures of illumin-
dised climate data. Nearly all of the CBDM ation received at the eye in order to estimate
formulations to date are founded on the the potential for daylight indoor to induce so-
principle of daylight coefficients – introduced called non-visual effects.26
by the author of the first viewpoint in 1983.21 The emergence of CBDM, and the ways in
CBDM steadily gained traction – first in which it was first used (i.e. largely to predict
the research community, closely followed illuminance on the horizontal plane), are very
by some of the larger practitioners. much in keeping with the developmental his-
The widespread adoption of the Radiance tory of the evaluation of daylighting. Rule of
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72 P Tregenza and J Mardaljevic

thumb measures such as the ‘no sky line’ were 3.4. Daylighting standards and unintended
largely carried out with reference to the hori- consequences
zontal plane. Quantitative daylight evalu- Good daylighting has long been proposed
ations, necessarily, began with a focus on as an effective means of reducing the primary
measurements taken at the horizontal plane. energy consumption of buildings.31 Hoped
At the time, visual tasks in offices were mostly for savings, however, are often not achieved
paper based (including typewriting) and for a variety of confounding factors, e.g.
largely aligned with the horizontal desk sur- blinds left down for extended periods and
face. Percy Waldram’s singularly influential lights left switched on, poorly designed/com-
study was founded on assessments made on the missioned lighting controls, user ‘sabotage’ of
horizontal at desk height. And, as noted automated controls, etc.32 Increasing window
earlier, the original average DF formulation size in the hope of reducing electric lighting
(which applied to the entire enclosure) was consumption could lead to precisely the
reformulated to be applicable to the horizontal opposite if the facade design results in occu-
plane. That CBDM evaluations typically pre- pants making frequent use of blinds to
dict illuminance values on the horizontal plane, control glare or visual discomfort. Another
however, imperfect that approach may be, is reason perhaps for hoped-for savings not
very much in keeping with common practice/ being achieved is that estimates were often
tradition. based on the key studies from the 1970s and
What was, however, perceived by some as a 1980s. Since then, lighting technology,
fundamental shift in the nature of daylight office layouts and modes of working have
evaluations was the switch from relative to changed considerably. In particular, the emer-
absolute measures of illumination, that is, gence of potentially very efficient solid-state
from DF percentages to lux values.27 That this lighting will further reduce in absolute terms
shift might have been seen as ‘controversial’ is whatever savings might be gained from
perhaps down to the huge influence that Percy daylighting.
Waldram has exerted over the years, in par- Studies that have claimed a link between
ticular his claim made in 1937 that: ‘The eye is ‘good daylighting’ and productivity have
affected by ratio only, and is scarcely aware of helped to raise the importance of daylight as
huge variations in amount.’28 Waldram’s claim a design consideration. Perhaps the most
was the foundation for what became an ‘article influential of these was the 1999 schools
of faith’ amongst many practitioners, i.e. that study carried out by the Heschong-Mahone
there is no need to make any consideration of Group (HMG) in California, USA.33 The
absolute values – the DF ratio is all that is HMG study claimed that:
required. Waldram’s assertion and the evi-
. . . students with the most daylighting in
dence in support of it were examined in a 1955
their classrooms progressed 20% faster
CIE conference paper by Phillips.29 In short,
on math tests and 26% on reading tests in
Phillips’ analysis of the original data makes
one year than those with the least day-
the convincing case that, contrary to
light. Similarly, students in classrooms
Waldram’s assertion, the subjects in his study
with the largest window areas were found
were in fact expressing a preference for
to progress 15% faster in math and 23%
adequate absolute daylight levels rather than
faster in reading than those with the least
relative ones; that is, illuminance values not
window areas.
DFs.30 It now seems remarkable that Phillips’
paper was consigned to near obscurity for 60 The HMG study did note also the importance
years. of design in the sizing and placement of
Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; 50: 63–79
Guidance for daylighting buildings 73

windows. However, in the UK at least, the sunlight into the overall assessment of
HMG study was interpreted rather crudely as daylighting.
‘evidence’ to push for higher average DFs in
school classrooms, often without any mention 3.5. Whither daylighting evaluation?
of an upper limit. For example, statements The first viewpoint raised many pertinent
such as this in design guidelines were fairly issues and timely questions. To what extent
typical: ‘maximising the use of daylight in can the most recent developments described
order to improve student performance . . . is an above – notably, CBDM – be said to address
absolute imperative’.34 The first wave of those issues/questions? Whatever one’s enthu-
schools completed under the Building siasm for, say, CBDM, the answer has to be
Schools for the Future (BSF) programme that it is too early to tell. Though the author
were heavily criticised by the Commission for of this viewpoint would argue that the signs
Architecture and the Built Environment should, on balance, suggest promise rather
(CABE) in a report released following a than despair,18 the provision of ‘good day-
freedom of information request by the light’ in buildings is now very much a ‘hot
Guardian newspaper in 2008.35 Many design topic’. In large part, that is because of all that
failings were noted, however, it was overheat- we now know about daylight and its effects
ing of classrooms that often caught the other than simply providing illumination for
attention of the news media with many task (usually on a horizontal surface). So why
reports across the country on children faint- do daylighting evaluations – and the majority
ing in the new schools: ‘The large amount of of standards/guidelines – continue to use
glass used is contributing to the problem of some measure on the horizontal? This is
many classrooms becoming ‘unbearably hot’, primarily due to tradition/habit, but also
officials said’.36 Whilst poorly designed and/ practicality – as the example (below) of the
or commissioned ventilation was often a project ‘Daylighting the New York Times’
factor, several reports noted the concerns illustrates.
regarding the window design: ‘. . .some new The daylighting evaluation for the New
school designs which use a great deal of glass in York Times building was one of the earliest
their construction – with worries they can high-profile ‘live’ projects’ which made exten-
become overheated in summer’;37 ‘. . . new sive use of CBDM. The simulations were used
buildings where much glass was used in the to assist the building owner and manufac-
design’.38 turers in making informed decisions on the
Perhaps inevitably given the reliance on the design and control of an automated roller
DF as the sole measure of daylighting per- shade and electric lighting control system for
formance, ‘good daylighting’ was often taken The New York Times Headquarters in the
to mean higher DFs. Thus, whilst the import- pre- and post-bid phases of the project.39 A
ance of daylight in buildings – especially prior monitored field study in a full-scale
classrooms – appeared to gaining wide recog- mock-up answered initial questions concern-
nition, it did not necessarily result in well- ing technical feasibility and performance
designed spaces. The decision of the EFA in benefits of automated control for the roller
2013 to adopt CBDM as a mandatory blinds. Simulations enabled extension of the
requirement for the PSBP (the successor to monitored field study to the final building in
BSF) was in part a response to the evident its complex urban context. In addition to
failings of many BSF school designs. illuminance on the horizontal, the field-of-
Employing CBDM for design evaluation view luminance (i.e. that perceived by a
inescapably brings the contribution of simulated occupant) was also predicted for
Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; 50: 63–79
74 P Tregenza and J Mardaljevic

multiple views and on several floors – on the greater now than was the case 25 years ago
same annual basis as the illuminance data. when this author first began to tinker with a
This allowed the investigation of various difficult (but promising-looking) software
control strategies for deployment of the system called Radiance.
blinds, in an attempt to balance daylight In the last 15 years, CBDM (invariably
provision whilst minimising the likely occur- using some form of Radiance) has been
rence of visual discomfort. Most of the employed on numerous projects/studies to
CBDM simulations for the New York Times evaluate long-standing and novel daylighting
project were carried out in mid-2004 – less problems. A short list to illustrate the diver-
than a decade after CBDM was first demon- sity of application follows:
strated. The inclusion of simulated view  The prediction of the cumulative annual
greatly expanded the scope of simulations exposure of daylight on artworks for con-
and the effort required to post-process and servation, and the effectiveness of various
analyse/interpret the mass of data (approxi- amelioration techniques.40
mately 140 Gb of CBDM output). Had the  Prediction of the ‘daylight injury’ to the
evaluation been confined to the (CBDM) roof-lit studios of the Art Students League
simulation of daylight on the horizontal, then Building (New York) by the Central Park
the scope/effort/cost would have been con- (formerly Nordstrom) Tower. The Central
siderably less.
Park Tower, due to be completed in 2019,
The New York Times project also served to
will be the second tallest building in
illustrate the difference between daylighting
the US.41
evaluations that are possible (i.e. if sufficient
 An evaluation of (horizontal) daylight
funds and time are available) and those that
metrics and illumination received at the
are practicable. That difference has dimin-
ished over the years as easy-to-use CBDM
 Daylight performance of complex fenestra-
tools have made complex, multi-factorial
tion systems, e.g. a microstructured pris-
daylighting evaluations relatively easy.
matic window film.42
However, the proliferation of these tools, in
particular, those that allow for routine para- Use of CBDM is now commonplace
metric analysis, has resulted in something of a amongst daylight designers and consulting
‘simulate first, think later’ mindset. Such tools engineers, whilst academics continue to
often proclaim that they are ‘user centric’ and extend the range of applicability and, import-
that the generation of voluminous parametric antly, test the reliability of the predictions
results somehow ‘empowers the user’. The from the various CBDM formulations, e.g.
reality often appears to be somewhat differ- the two-phase, three-phase and five-phase
ent: the easy-to-generate reams of simulation Radiance methods, etc.43
output are just as likely to overwhelm as Developments in glazing technology could
empower the user. Ideally, any user of day- render a number of the daylighting design and
light simulation tools – academic or practi- evaluation issues noted above obsolete, or at
tioner – should have some notion of the the very least greatly reduce their overall
outcome(s) prior to switching on the com- importance. In 1998, Steve Selkowitz, then
puter. The use of CBDM as a tool for Leader of the Windows and Envelope
learning rather than just doing is perhaps Materials Group at Lawrence Berkeley
undervalued. Notwithstanding this caveat, Laboratory (CA, USA), called the dynamic
the overall level of activity in daylighting control of daylight the ‘Holy Grail’ of the
research (and not just simulation) seems much fenestration industry.44 Since then, there has
Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; 50: 63–79
Guidance for daylighting buildings 75

been considerable effort and many tens of Building at Loughborough University. This
millions of dollars (US) spent to achieve a facade faces south-west and the original clear
viable product that is a practical alternative to glazed expanse had been the cause of consid-
ordinary or fixed-tint glass. Electrochromic erable overheating and glare/discomfort from
(EC) glass is believed to be the leading afternoon sun. The first solution suggested by
contender in the race to manufacture a the contractors managing the refurbishment
glazing technology that will achieve this ‘big of the building in 2017 was a heavy brise-
prize’.45 Available on the market for a soleil. This would have boxed in the main
number of years, production EC glazing can facade and greatly diminished the view and
now be manufactured in large sizes and with the ‘connection’ to the outdoors, and do so on
performance characteristics such that no a permanent basis. Daylighting and the views
supplementary solar/daylight controls (e.g. out were a particular consideration for this
brise-soleil, blinds, etc.) are required. building since the two floors would become
Current (2017) EC product from Sage Glass the main studio spaces for the architecture
has a range in visible transmittance from 60% students. Fortunately, instead of the trad-
in the clear state to just 1% when fully tinted. itional brise-soleil option, the 24 standard
The corresponding range in solar heat gain double glazing units of the main facade were
coefficient is 0.41 (clear) to 0.09 (fully tinted). replaced with EC glazing, keeping the original
Additionally, a single floor-to-ceiling EC metal frames. Commissioned in August 2017,
pane can be ‘zoned’ into sections that can the EC glass is set to tint automatically
each be assigned a particular tint state. The depending on external illuminance, with the
photograph in Figure 1 shows a view of the option to manually override each of the three
upper-floor main facade of the Architecture zones: upper, middle and lower. The control

Figure 1 Example Sage Glass electrochromic glazing installation (Architecture Building, Loughborough
University, UK)

Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; 50: 63–79

76 P Tregenza and J Mardaljevic

was configured so that, unless overridden, the tested, have proven to be illusory.
lower zone would always remain clear to Verification of DFs by actual measurement
ensure a neutral spectrum of daylight illu- of illuminance in real buildings is rarely
mination in the space.46 Based on early carried out, and the confounding factors are
experience of the refurbished Architecture many and difficult to correct for.18,47,48
Building, it does seem hopeful that many of Compounding the problematic nature of
the major drawbacks of over-glazed buildings any attempt to validate daylight performance
could be avoided altogether by substituting is the woeful lack of any data on actual
standard clear double glazing with zoned EC measures of physical luminous quantities
glass. The daylighting design (that is, per- (e.g. lux) in real, occupied spaces. Anyone
formance) of the space would therefore be attempting such an endeavour is effectively
largely achieved after construction through ‘starting from scratch’ with regard to pre-
the programming of the control system. This, existing data – in contrast to, say, air
of course, could be periodically reviewed and temperature where there is a veritable glut
refined in response to user feedback – the of data for occupied building spaces that is
logging of overrides and the conditions which logged and waiting to be examined. The
triggered them would also help to improve the long-term monitoring of any luminous quan-
operation. Thus, the daylighting designer tity (say, illuminance) in real, occupied
working with EC glazing may be just as spaces has, until recently, been an expensive
concerned with the operation of the control prospect. Calibrated illuminance sensors cost
system as the form of the building. upwards of several 100 pounds each, often
In conclusion, whilst it may not be imme- with additional outlay for logging capability
diately evident from my contribution to this (e.g. wireless basestations). The hardware
discussion, I broadly share the concerns commonly used in buildings to measure
raised by my colleague in the first viewpoint. temperature and CO2 levels is less than
I agree that, for both academics and prac- one-tenth that cost, and much more discreet.
titioners, it is important to be ‘simulation The recent emergence of low-cost sensors
sceptic’ in addition to ‘simulation savvy’. with internet connectivity offers the prospect
Needless to say, that should also apply to of affordable and fit-for-purpose (i.e. rea-
those who draft, or advise on the drafting, of sonable accuracy) light sensors that could be
guidelines, standards and codes. Ultimately, used for the routine, long-term measurement
the true value of any simulated measure of of the experienced luminous environment in
daylight in a building (be it on the horizon- buildings – at a fixed point, or even on the
tal, at the eye, illuminance and/or luminance, person, i.e. a wearable sensor. Even the cost
etc.) must depend on how well it informs on of capture of high-dynamic range images
the actual daylighting performance of the seems set to plummet with the use of
real space, both in terms of objective meas- smartphone cameras/lenses combined with
urement and subjective experience of the tiny microcomputers (e.g. the Raspberry Pi
space. Validation of predicted measures of Zero).49 It seems hopeful, therefore, that in
daylight performance in actual buildings has the next few years sizeable datasets on the
proven to be a challenging prospect. In fact, experienced luminous environment will be
it always has been irrespective of the meas- collected. These, in addition to complemen-
ure used, e.g. DFs or CBDM metrics. tary data on the subjective response/impres-
Though, with DFs the notional simplicity sions of building occupants to the
of the quantity, and consequently the appar- experienced luminous environment, should
ent ease with which it can be measured/ form a key part of any future research
Lighting Res. Technol. 2018; 50: 63–79
Guidance for daylighting buildings 77

agenda. The next decade promises to be an 8 Scott SP. The Enactments of Justinian. The
exciting time for daylighting researchers, and Digest Or Pandects, Book VIII . Cincinnati:
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Declaration of conflicting interests 10 Kerr RM. On Ancient Lights: And the Evidence
of Surveyors Thereon: With Tables for the
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cators for the evaluation of daylighting sys-
tems. Industry Applications Society Annual
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13 Enarun D, Littlefair P. Luminance models for
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14 Hopkinson RG. Architectural Physics -
Prof. Mardaljevic acknowledges the support Lighting. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery
of Loughborough University. Office, 1963.
15 British Standards Institute. BS 8206-2:2008
References Lighting for Buildings – Code of Practice for
Daylighting. London: BSI, 2008.
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3 British Standards Institute. BS 0-3:1991 A London: CIBSE, 1984.
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6 Xenophon. Memorabilia – Xenophon in Seven Buildings 2000; 32: 167–187.
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