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For He Gu, to be secretly in love is like a strong alcoholic drink.

Obviously, once it flows into your system, dizziness, the loss of self-
control and suffering will follow closely by, making it possible for
anyone to be fatally attracted like moths to flames, and willingly
endure the hardships.

While you made sure to not overdo it, I’ve become completely
intoxicated……however, for every intoxicated feeling, you will
inevitably wake up from it one day.

When Song Ju Han continued to act childish and recklessly

destroyed He Gu’s tenderness for him, he had never imagined that
the man has already been written into his destiny. Even more, he had
never imagined that—the person brought to him by destiny—would
one day want to escape……

Author(s): Shui Qian Cheng, 水千丞

Year: 0
Country: China
Genres: Yaoi
Tags: Handsome Male Lead
Source: Sae, Lizonka Web Novels, Nastriumden


UUID: 3174cf00-757d-11eb-ad9d-1fc27aa93fb0
USER: cjherradura
DATE CREATED: 2021-02-23

More info and chapters:
2 Report

Chapter 1
Source: Sae

From the very tip of its magnificent roofs to the unsmooth stones
on the ground, the capital has been attacked by heavy rainstorms for
several days now—casting the entire city into a dejected and gloomy
atmosphere. The dark clouds were like overturned pots that pressed
down hard on the sky, seemingly forcing the humidity and crestfallen
air to ascend formidably to the earth while the traffic that gathered
below, made the cars look like earthworms, creeping forward little by

After working for a few days in a row, now having to suffer in the
stuffy and narrow car with the warm air blowing at his face, He
Gu[1] was already feeling dizzy as his eyes became dry and swollen.
The intensity of the traffic jam was truly a test for his mental state as
it provoked a series of distraught and agonizing anxieties that
refused to be washed away. Like a turtle, he moved forward just the
slightest while using the phone in his hand to communicate with his
subordinate about a project—several times, he nearly struck the car
in front of him.

By the time he arrived at home, it was nearly ten o’clock. Although

it took only a few seconds between opening the car door to opening
his umbrella, he was already dripping wet because of the severe rain.
In late autumn, when the rain hit the skin, it was even sharper and
more dreadful than ice shards.

As he walked up the stair, even the sound of his footsteps seemed

beaten with exhaustion.

Just as the key was inserted into the keyhole and turned a full
circle to open the door, He Gu suddenly shivered and his once
enervated mind immediately sobered up.
3 Report
The sound of the game console being used came through from the
other side of the door.

He came.

In that instant, the heavy workload and fatigue brought on by

overtime were like raindrops, falling on the ground and smashing into
numerous droplets before merging and disappearing. His heart
seemed to be able to see the cool breeze coiling around the moon
before a set of flourishing blossoms set off like fireworks.

That sounded rather outrageous. But once he knew that when he

opened the door he would be able to see that person, the happiness
that rested within him changed into a gust of warm current— as it
flowed along with the blood that travelled throughout his body only
to return to his heart, it was so warm and beautiful.

He Gu turned around to lean against the wall, closed his eyes and
took in a few deep breaths just to try and let his energy come back,
even if just the slightest. Then he took out a cell phone from his
pocket and turned on the front camera which revealed a refined and
upright face. He tried his best to smoothen out his hair that had been
soaked by the overbearing rain. His once bright and handsome face
and even his scalp were also softened—combined with the dark
circles and the weary expression piercing from his eyes, the sorry
state he was in was easily exposed.

He let out a long sigh. Since he became like that, what need is
there to be anxious? With that in mind, he no longer did any of those
useless things and pushed the door open to go in.

The light in the room was not turned on and the only source of light
came from the backlight of the LCD TV. A man hidden in the dark sat
on the sofa with the game controller in his hand. He was engrossed
to the screen with his unreasonably long and slender legs impudently
propped on the coffee table.
4 Report
The man did not glance over at him as his long fingers quickly
pressed down on the buttons on the controller.

“Since you’re here, why didn’t you turn on the lights?” He

Gu said before going toward the light switch.

“Don’t turn it on. The atmosphere will be gone.” The man

said without turning his head.

He Gu looked at the screen, he’s actually playing a zombie

game. There was a policewoman wearing hot pants in a dilapidated
factory searching for zombies—the atmosphere was nerve-wracking
and strange.

“Have you eaten yet? Are you hungry?”

The man did not reply, and his attention was entirely on the game.

He Gu put down his briefcase, took off his dampened trench coat

and hung it up. Then he went to the bathroom to take a quick
shower, changed his clothes before going to the kitchen to get a
glass of water and returning to the sofa.

The glass of water slammed on the coffee table causing the man to
finally tilt his head slightly to the side to give He Gu a glance. In the
darkness, those deep eyes were dark and bright with carefulness, but
that meaningless expression contained a touch of affection. He Gu
could feel his heart trembling uncontrollably for a moment.

I haven’t seen you in over a month already, He Gu thought to

himself as he looked at the man before him. Although, I can see you
on TV or the internet from time to time.

Since the man was concentrating on the game, He Gu also did not
say anything and quietly accompanied him. Unfortunately, the hot
pants policewoman was bitten to death by zombies not long after
and the man threw the controller to the side. “Fuck.”
5 Report
“Are you in a bad mood?” He Gu quietly said.

“I’ve been so busy running around, it’s annoying as hell.”

“Have you eaten?”

“I don’t want to eat. Your TV screen is too small, it’s not

really good at all and the game should also be updated.”

“Oh…I’ll make something. You need to at least eat

something at night.”

“I don’t want to eat. Turn the light on.” The man


He Gu went to turn on the light.

As the light hit his face, the man swiftly covered his eyes with his
hand. After adapting to the brightness, he shook his head and
removed his hands. An utterly good-looking face that could cause
anyone to lose their voice, unable to breath or avert their eyes
illuminated under the light. His features possessed a three-
dimensional quality that was normally unique to Caucasians,
however since he was three-fourth East Asian, the contours were
sharp like knives with a hint of gentleness. The pearls of his eyes
were like the black sea, the bridge of his nose was like a perilous
peak and the corners of his mouth was naturally upturn, looking as
though he was smiling but was not at the same time. To honestly put
it, such a face was simply one of God’s masterpiece. The simple
black turtleneck lining against his neck made his skin particularly fair
and smooth and his half-curled hair was willfully drawn to the back of
his head—obviously, it was completely an ascetic feeling kind of
clothes, however, his languid and insouciant expression unveiled a
bewitching handsomeness that was unknowingly sexy and

“Ju Han, did you lose weight?” He Gu’s eyes fell on Song Ju
6 Report
Han’s body—normally unwilling to shift it away. Since his career was
at its peak, the time that he got to see him in person has lessen more
than ever, therefore, he must not waste a minute or second.

“Maybe.” Song Ju Han picked up the glass of water and drank it.
Then he leaned back into the sofa with his head facing the ceiling
which caused his Adam’s apple to emerge from the turtleneck and
glided up and down.

Suddenly, He Gu felt his heart tremble again. He said, “If you’re

tired, take a shower and go to sleep.”

Song Ju Han turned around to look at him, laughed and joked,

“You’re not thinking I came all the way here to sleep, right?
If so, why wouldn’t I just sleep at home or at a five-star

He Gu looked at him expressionlessly. He knew what Song Ju Han

came for, it was to make love and nothing else. After all these years,
there was nothing else between them aside from making love. He
only had a bit of hope—hope that Song Ju Han was merely exhausted
and came over to calm down his emotions for a moment.

Song Ju Han yawned, “Why are you still so boring? Come,

come here.”

Knowing that, I should have approached him first.He Gu thought.

When He Gu walked over, Song Ju Han grabbed his arm and pulled
him down to his own body. In seconds, He Gu’s 180cm body pressed
against Song Ju Han’s. He was truly heavy causing Song Ju Han to let
out a light groan as he let his hand willfully stretch into He Gu shirt.
“Let me touch you to see if you’ve gotten fat or not.”

“I shouldn’t have.”

Song Ju Han caressed his belly all the way to his lower back—the
muscles beneath his hand were soft yet firm. He satisfyingly said,
7 Report
‘okay’. “Since you sit in the office all day, remember to
exercise more. If you gain more weight, it would be
unsightly. You know that, right?” Song Ju Han lift his chin and
kissed him. “How long haven’t we seen each other? I rather
miss you.”

“39 days.” He Gu said.

Song Ju Han smiled with a light chuckle, “You remember it so

clearly. You’re indeed worthy of being an engineer.” He turned
over and pressed He Gu on the sofa. “How come your hair is so

“It’s raining outside.” Did you just discover that now…

“You were doing overtime until now?”


“I told you to resign a long time ago. I’ll give you money to
open a café, restaurant, or whatever you want. It’ll be easy
and comfortable. There’s no need to go to the office and look
at those people’s face all day. Is it easy to get into the state

“I don’t know how to do anything else.” He Gu simply said.

“I knew you would say that.” He lowered his head to lightly bite
his chin then started to tug at his clothes.

He Gu was very cooperative.

The Song Ju Han of today seemed impatient. If he was in a good

mood, he liked to do some foreplay but if he was not in a good mood,
he would run rampant and simply vent. Today was the latter.

He Gu brows twisted from the pain, but he bit his lips without
uttering a sound.
8 Report
However, Song Ju Han nonetheless took a satisfyingly deep breath.
“He Gu is still the best.”

He Gu looked at him with some confusion—at his face that could

lure anyone into addiction, just like opium; his body trembled without
end as a flush full of passion crept on his face. After all these years,
he was still unable to adapt to Song Ju Han’s beastly strength. But
being unable to do so doesn’t matter, at the least he was used to it.
At the least, he could endure it.

On more than occasion, Song Ju Han had complained to him that

he could not enjoy himself when he did it with others and that there
was no one else as compatible as he was—that was probably the
reason why the two were able to maintain their relationship until
now. Otherwise, Song Ju Han would have a sea of handsome men
and beautiful women at his side—without a turn for him to come here
to sleep with him.

After an unknown amount of time, He Gu was already somewhat

delirious but then he suddenly felt Song Ju Han shot out directly
inside of him…

That was also one of Song Ju Han’s interest.

Song Ju Han gasped breathlessly and lied on top of him. Due to the
extremely cold weather, the capital has been placed in a difficult
circumstance. The heating system was slow to kick in, but the
burning hot temperature of their bodies was able to drive the late
autumn chilliness away.

Soon, He Gu’s eyes changed from being relaxed to focus and after
spending five, six, seven minutes, he moved—feeling considerably

Hugging his waist, Song Ju Han comfortably buried his head in the
crook of He Gu’s neck before he lazily said, “Don’t move, let me
lie down for a while.”
9 Report
“I want to clean myself up.” He Gu paused and added, “Don’t
come inside next time.”

Hearing those words, Song Ju Hai pinched his chest, “What’s

wrong with letting me feel good for a bit? It’s only with you
that I don’t wear a condom.” His tone seemed childish and the
words he spoke sounded pitiful.

He Gu did not express anything—he had already said the same

thing many times already but in reality, it was only three
times…since it was useless anyways, he decided not to say it

Song Ju Han started to banter, “That’s no good. Let’s get


He Gu turned his head away, ashamed until his ears were red from
the roots.

“You’re still really tight here, do you usually take good care
of it?”

He Gu did not utter a word.

Song Ju Han laughed lightly, “That’s right, you don’t

understand those kinds of things at all.”

Wanting to ease the shame that riddle his mind but more so his
body, He Gu let his face collapsed on the sofa.

Seeing He Gu’s crimson neck, Song Ju Han’s mood lightened up

tremendously—a better way to put it, he was in a very good mood
now. As he got up, he also pulled He Gu along with him. “Let’s go,
I’ll shower with you.”

By now, He Gu’s legs were somewhat weak—as a result, Song Ju

Han carried him in his arms and entered the bathroom. When the
showerhead blossomed with water, Song Ju Han pushed him back
10 Report
and pressed him against the wall before his tall body cover He Gu’s.
Then with no explanation at all, another round of conquest began…

When Song Ju Han was done messing around, it was already


The cleaned and dried He Gu lied on the bed, tired to the point he
did not want to move his fingers. Song Ju Han lied beside him,
breathing evenly as he slept.

Borrowing the light that shone from the moon, He Gu carefully

looked at the side of Song Ju Han’s face only to be riled up by an
indescribable feeling that ruptured in his heart. He looked and looked
until Song Ju Han’s face seem to reverse back bit by bit in age and
gradually returned to the appearance in his youthful year. He Gu’s
memories unconsciously took him back to his senior year of high

At that time, he was a bookworm preparing to rage a formidable

war with the upcoming college entrance examination while Song Ju
Han had just entered his freshman year and immediately became the
most handsome and fashionable guy in the entire campus—tall,
played basketball, proficient in several musical instrument, and the
crown prince of many billionaire entertainment companies. Even
before he could speak, he was already like a huge star, showing his
face in various media platforms with half his foot already in the
entertainment circle. Most importantly, he was extremely good-

He was GAY[2]. He knew when he was a junior and he liked looking

at handsome boys. Of course, he only dared to secretly look.

Originally, their lives would have never intersected but they

happened to be chosen by their teachers to participate in a campus
environmental public welfare promotion campaign. The
advertisement approach was very simple, that is, to put a series of
foreign video in the school with Song Ju Han singing live in both
11 Report
Chinese and English while he, He Gu, translated the lyrics to the

As a result, for one afternoon, he sat alone in the teacher’s office

with Song Ju Han and translated the lyrics into his notebook. He has
no musical talent while Song Ju Han had already written many songs
and made his own album. Song Ju Han has a high demand for the
lyrics—it should not be simply translated but must also convey the
artistic concept and rhyme. After, translating for an afternoon, he
discovered that Song Ju Han’s English was much better than his. He
came to learn that Song Ju Han had a foreign private tutor since he
was a child and had consecutively travelled abroad to join the best
summer schools during summer vacation.

He was ashamed and felt that the teacher had completely made
him a surplus.

He could still remember that after the translation was completed,

Song Ju Han smiled at him and said, “Okay, I’m leaving ah.”

It was not an exaggeration to say that that smile was charming and
encased with flourishing blossoms. At that moment, he thought his
heart had been punched by a fearsome fist. However, there were no
pain or numbing sensation—it was as if it has been injected with
something incredible. He remembered himself nervously saying:
“I’m sorry, I didn’t help with anything…”

“What, you still helped.” Song Ju Han unplugged his USB and
picked up his schoolbag. Under the warm light reflected by the
setting sun, his youthful skin appeared soft and full of luster while
those glimmering eyes seemed to look like the crushed Milky Way,
sprinkling into his heart bit by bit. “It’s rare to meet someone
who doesn’t talk much when they’re with me. It’s peaceful.”

He couldn’t tell whether Song Ju Han was actually praising him or

mocking him. He only remembered that he looked at Song Ju Han’s
back until even his shadow disappeared.
12 Report
Later, the public service activity was very successful. The students
probably did not care much about the content itself but rather they
were obsessed with Song Ju Han’s performance. After the
performance ended, Song Ju Han courteously brought the teachers,
promotional and staff member of the planning committee to the
stage. Of course, that included him. Song Ju Han gathered them all
together, stood shoulder to shoulder beside him and talked about
some things during the show.

At that time, there were only two thoughts circling his mind. First,
Song Ju Han was really mature and could really talk. Second, Song Ju
Han said his name. Third…Song Ju Han’s hand was very hot, causing
his whole body to burn up.

His face must have been very red.

After that, they did not cross path for a very long time. But he still
searched for Song Ju Han’s silhouette on the vast campus. In case he
saw him, he would secretly look at him from afar.

That was until the day they returned to the campus after the
college entrance examination, the two accidentally met in an empty
men’s restroom.

He Gu summoned all his courage to greet Song Ju Han while Song

Ju Han looked at him for a moment before looking as if he finally
recalled who he was. “Oh.”

He was very disappointed.

Song Ju Han casually asked him, “You are a senior, how was
the exam?”

“It was okay.”

Song Ju Han whistled, pulled up his zipper and looked up only to

catch his eyes that were stealing a glance at him.
13 Report
He could still remember that moment of awkwardness and
embarrassment until now. It was as if a thief was caught on the spot.

Song Ju Han’s face slightly changed as he glanced at the zipper he

(He Gu) did not have enough time to zip up which accidentally
exposed his reaction. Let’s mention again that to this day, he could
still clearly remember Song Ju Han’s tone: “You’re GAY?” The
sound of the final syllable was full of surprise and frivolousness.

He was paralyzed as his deeply hidden secret was easily shaken

off—that shameful feeling was indescribable.

At that time, homosexuality was not as widely accepted as it is

now. Most people still sneak around it like thieves, but Song Ju Han
has been in touch with the entertainment industry since childhood. In
that aspect, he was extremely mature than most of his peers of the
same age.

Song Ju Han lightly chuckled. It was the kind that was full of
sarcasm before he left.

He Gu remembered that afternoon, how he hid in that bathroom

for the longest time, not daring to go out. That afternoon, where he
was supposed to relax after the college entrance examination was
over—however, he painfully suffered instead.

Translator’s Note:[1]He Gu – 何故[hégù] is the name of one of the

main character and also means ‘what for’ or ‘what’s the reason’.

[2]It is only referring to He Gu
14 Report

Chapter 2
Source: Sae

By the time he woke up, it was already late in the morning.

He Gu opened his eyes only to feel the warm sunlight heating his
face. Then, sensing a heavy arm resting around his waist, he
carefully grabbed it and quietly placed it on his own chest before
turning to look at the person beside him.

Song Ju Han was deep asleep while his disheveled hair lingered at
the side of his face—his long lashes were in the shape of a fan,
shadowing over his eye area and the wings of his nose were moving
lightly. Being a person who was a quarter Aryan allowed Song Ju
Han’s facial features to possess both the profoundness of a
Westerner and the mysteriousness of an East Asian. That was indeed
a face that could easily make anyone go insane.

Once, He Gu spent a long time deliberating if the reason he liked

Song Ju Han so much was due to that face. After all, he was an
engineer, he was good at deliberating—and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Not only that, he also used all sorts of numeration and hypothesis to
strengthen his deliberation.

Later, he came to the conclusion that: even if Song Ju Han did not
have the looks, with his family background, talent, enriched
experiences and mature interpersonal skills, he could still easily
attract anyone. Only a person with Song Ju Han’s class could exude
such a noble and magnificent aura from his very bones with no effort
and being favored by even the Heavens was surely a bright crown
that attracted others to worship him. As for the present He Gu, he
could perhaps only resist Song Ju Han’s words or his smile, but when
he was younger, it was harder to do so.
15 Report
Only someone who truly understood Song Ju Han would know that
he was highly intelligent and a complete egoist. His understanding of
Song Ju Han was perhaps second only to his parents. That was
because Song Ju Han never pretended to be a gentleman in front of
him, or maybe he felt it was beneath himself to pretend.

He Gu looked at him like that for what seemed like an entire day.
But soon, he moved a bit after feeling somewhat tired and stiff from
having stayed in the same position for too long.

At that moment, Song Ju Han woke up.

As he yawned, his eyes immediately met He Gu’s eyes. “What

time is it?”

“10:30 am.”

Hearing that, Song Ju Han’s eyes suddenly shot open. “Fuck, why
haven’t Xiao Song[1]called me yet?!”

Xiao Song was his assistant.

Song Ju Han glanced left and right before he unhappily said,

“Where’s my cell phone?”

He Gu got off the bed and went straight into the living room then
returned a moment later with Song Ju Han’s cell phone in his hand.

Song Ju Han received the phone, but after seeing that it was dead,
he threw it on the blanket and cursed ‘shit‘. “Give me your

When He Gu passed his phone over, he immediately dialed Xiao

Song’s number. “Hello, yes. I’m at He Gu’s place… what
happened? It’s fine… since we missed the date, let’s just
change it to another day. You can think of an explanation.”
With that said, Song Ju Han collapsed back onto the bed.
16 Report
He Gu, “What’s wrong? Something happened?”

“En,”[2]Song Ju Han grunted in low spirit. “Go make something

to eat.”

Once He Gu put his clothes on, he plugged Song Ju Han’s phone in

the charger and then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

By the time Song Ju Han finished washing his face and came out,
breakfast was already on the table. He sat down and began to eat in
silence, completely unaware that He Gu was still busy in the kitchen.

Just as He Gu placed the scrambled eggs down, Song Ju Han was

nearly done with his meal. He stretched his hand out, “Bring me my

As per usual, He Gu took the phone, that could now be turned on

and gave it to him.

After Song Ju Han pressed on the screen a couple of seconds, a

voice message from WeChat[3] immediately appeared. A very
pleasant voice of a woman throwing a tantrum sounded: “Why
haven’t you replied to me? I’m so upset.”

“I’ve been busy lately,” Song Ju Han replied emotionlessly as he


He Gu unconsciously tightened his grip on the chopsticks while his

Adam’s apple agitatedly moved up and down. He silently lowered his
head and ate the rice porridge.

The other two exchanged a few flirtatious words— the woman’s

voice was tender and charming; however, Song Ju Han simply wore
an expressionless face and said a few words as to deal with her
ranting and raving.

After a mouthful of rice porridge, Song Ju Han carelessly asked,

“Can you tell whose voice it is?”
17 Report
He Gu shook his head.

“Oh, I forgot. You don’t particularly listen to songs.

Recently, there’s a popular rookie who has been pestering
me to write songs for her.”

“Did you sleep with her?” He Gu absent-mindedly asked. In

truth, it wasn’t that he didn’t particularly listen to songs— Song Ju
Han’s songs, he had already listened to every single one of them
countless times. He just didn’t listen to songs by anyone else.

Song Ju Han shook his head and spoke with contempt. “Who
knows if she’s clean or not.”

“Then, what are you paying attention to her for,” He Gu

casually commented.

“My dad wants to raise her popularity. Her voice may be

very unique, but expecting me to write songs for her?” Song
Ju Han sneered, “How much does a song I write cost?”

He Gu did not speak.

Song Ju Han looked at He Gu and laughed in a teasing manner.

“Anyone who gets close to me always want to get something
out of me or fancy something, right?”

“I also fancy something of yours.” He Gu wiped his mouth and

looked at him with indifference, “I fancy your looks.”

When Song Ju Han burst into a loud laughter, He Gu also laughed

with him.

In Song Ju Han’s eyes, his He Gu was really no different to

others—all attracted to his looks, fame and wealth. As for He Gu, he
had never explained anything. That was because Song Ju Han only
wanted a ‘mutually beneficial’ kind of relationship.
18 Report
Besides, He Gu’s feelings were only a long-winded and
cumbersome joke to Song Ju Han. He certainly did not want to invite
trouble or bring humiliation to himself.

Since He Gu didn’t gossip, pester, cling, cause trouble, or oppose

him, Song Ju Han would not be fed up with him—unless Song Ju Han
got tired of sleeping with him one day. But before that, they should
still be able to maintain such a relationship for a while. If they were
not fuck buddies anymore, perhaps he would never be able to touch
this man in his lifetime again.

After the meal, Song Ju Han made another call; it seemed to be the

When He Gu was done cleaning the kitchen, he turned on his tablet

and purchased the latest games, spending over a thousand dollars.
Then he started to watch television.

Although the 48″ television that he has at the moment was

purchased only two years ago, it was still considered too big for his
place. Plus, he was busy with work most of the time, so he hardly
turned it on. It was only when Song Ju Han came over would he play
the games for a while. In truth, that television had been changed just
for Song Ju Han—it wasn’t only the television. As a child, He Gu grew
up in a very ordinary household, therefore, his demands for the
quality of life were not high. Any high-end items in his place now
were definitely prepared for Song Ju Han, who only came over every
now and then. Right now, a 65″ television had just been launched
into the market. It looked very luxurious, but was too expensive,
costing over ¥40,000. Staring at the screen, He Gu contemplated for
a while, but in the end, he still placed an order.

Moving just a few fingers, two months’ worth of salary were gone.

He Gu felt sorry, but after thinking about it a bit, he didn’t feel

anything since money was earned to be spent and nothing
else—spending was to make one happy, and as long as he could see
19 Report
Song Ju Han, he would be happy. Besides, he was single, cut off from
others and rarely spent money, even more, it was impossible for him
to get married or have a child in the future, so what would he be
saving the money for?

Once Song Ju Han was done with his call, he came back and
stretched out his waist before lazily lying down on the couch. “He
Gu, come massage my head.”

Putting down the tablet, He Gu went to sit beside Song Ju Han and
rested his head on his lap before rubbing it with a moderate strength.

Song Ju Han closed his eyes and lightly grunt, looking rather

He Gu couldn’t help but to let the corners of his lips rise and, as he
looked down, he had the urge to lower his head and kiss that smooth
forehead. He quietly asked, “Are you preparing for the concert?”

“En, we’ll try to have less later on. Making money is fine
and all, but that involves spending too much time and
energy, and it’s tiring.”

Song Ju Han was not only a very talented singer, but also an
extremely creative producer—a good-looking singer who could write
great songs; there were only a handful of people like that in the
Chinese music scene. Many people would rush over to ask him for a
song because they knew that being able to sing a song written by
Song Ju Han represented that they had a place in the circle.

He Gu gently combed his hands through his hair, “I know you

prefer to write songs.”

Song Ju Han snorted and yawned. Suddenly, he remembered

something. “Oh, guess who I saw?”

20 Report
“Your boyfriend from university, he returned from abroad.”

Hearing that, He Gu was stumped for words. His hands froze in

place as he tried to conceal his emotions. “Feng Zheng? You know
he wasn’t my boyfriend.”

“Oh, what was it then? Fuck buddy?” Song Ju Han laughed,

“That’s not right. When we first started, you were still a

“I have said it already, we were only friends,” He Gu said


Song Ju Han sat up straight and narrowed his eyes to look at He

Gu. “He’s doing quite well now. Once he returned, he started
his own enterprise, instead of working at his family’s
company. When my company was setting up the production
for a new movie, he was the one that came to negotiate. He
was rather polite when he saw me, not as impulsive as he
was back then… that’s right, he also asked about you.”


“Aren’t you curious about what he asked?”

Although He Gu shook his head, he felt somewhat distraught. An

elegant and handsome face emerged in his mind—if it was not
because of Song Ju Han, Feng Zheng and him might have…

“He asked if we were still together.” Song Ju Han picked up

his chin and stared at He Gu while taking in a panoramic view of
every detail of his expression. “Do you want to guess how I
answered him?”

He Gu maintained a flat tone, “It’s not important.”

Song Ju Han laughed, “When I said you were still in my

harem, his face actually lit up.”
21 Report
Frowning, He Gu got up and faced the study room.

But before he could walk away, Song Ju Han grabbed his wrist with
a bit of strength and arrogantly said, “What’s wrong? Are you not

“No, I’m just not interested.”

Song Ju Han got up, pinched his chin and lightly smiled. “Stop
pretending. When you heard his name, the expression in your
eyes changed. Back then, because we were together, that

“We’ve never been together, right?” He Gu raised his head

and looked at Song Ju Han.

Hearing that, Song Ju Han stared blankly for a moment.

He Gu laughed. He pointed at himself then at Song Ju Han. “The

way we are, is not considered being together. Also, I’m not a
member of your harem. Do you really want to discuss our
relationship? Is it necessary?”

Loosening his hand, Song Ju Han’s tone was also cold. “Not

He Gu nodded, “I still have some work to do. You can go play

some games first. Let me know if you need anything.”

Without turning his head, He Gu went into the study room. Just as
he sat down and let out a breath, he heard the door slam loudly. He
sighed heavily and scratched his head.

Was that necessary? He finally came over with much difficulty,

what’s the point of waging a war of words with him? After so many
years, it was not like he didn’t know what type of person Song Ju Han
22 Report
Feeling slightly annoyed, He Gu grabbed a cigarette that was
covered by a diary from the last draw. Song Ju Han wanted to protect
his voice, so he had never smoked before nor did he like the smell.
However, He Gu frequently worked late into the night, if he didn’t
smoke, he wouldn’t be able to hold up. Also, since he had been trying
to smoke less, he rarely did so at home. More so, he must not let
Song Ju Han find out.

After he took in a puff of smoke, the smell and taste of tobacco

flooded his nostrils and poured into his stomach. In truth, he had
never liked smoking, however, that kind of rough and primitive
stimulation was truly refreshing.

He walked to the window and saw Song Ju Han getting into the car.
But, before the chauffeur could close the door for him, he slammed it
shut, causing the chauffeur to pull back his hand in fright.

It seems, Ju Han is very upset. He Gu thought that it was quite

laughable. Back then, the Song Ju Han who humiliated Feng Zheng
and teased him was clearly the victor. No, Song Ju Han would always
be the victor—from the moment he was born, it was destined that
this man could summon the wind and rain as he pleased.[4]He was
always stood at the peak and enjoyed the best things that an
ordinary person, who had fought for a lifetime, would never
attain—even the slightest.

Therefore, why did Song Ju Han become upset when the past was

Perhaps, it was my attitude?

Song Ju Han was used to having others at his beck and call. In his
understanding, anyone weaker than him was only suitable to submit
and serve. He Gu had always sensibly complied, but occasionally he
wasn’t able to control himself—as expected, that provoked Song Ju
Han into irritation.
23 Report
I really shouldn’t have (lost control).

After he finished the stick of cigarette, He Gu returned to his

working desk, turned on his computer and began to work. He Gu was
an architectural engineer, his workload was complicated and mired
with minor details, not to mention the enormous responsibilities. He
led a team of nine people in a state-owned enterprise where they
had been working strenuously for the last six to seven years. In one
year—counting his wage, project bonuses, and year-end bonuses, he
could get around five to six hundred thousand.[5] He had done quite
well for himself. But, having to stay up late to do overtime when he
was close to being thirty years old, was beginning to make him
somewhat strained.

Staring at the complicated structure diagram, he felt a bit tired.

Suddenly, he remembered Song Ju Han’s words, that were about how
he wanted him to start a small business of some sort.

However, he was a very introverted person. He didn’t like to talk or

socialize, so he never thought about changing career before. To
create a structure from nothing required support from seriously
meticulous data and theory. Those were the things that human
beings had never stopped learning and practicing over thousands of
years—it had already taken shape as a branch of science. As long as
he was cautious and professional, he would not make any careless
mistakes. He knew it suited him to be in a dull and law-abiding type
of job, and also, he knew well that he could not do a job that required
creativity. That was because the lesser the change, the safer he felt.

But people could change. Whether it was an active or passive

notion—he had actually started to consider a change of career in the
last two years. The main reason being that it was too tiring. It wasn’t
that he couldn’t bear the hardship, it was because a person would
age faster when they were too tired. But, he wasn’t afraid of aging,
he was just afraid… afraid that Song Ju Han wouldn’t be able to get
hard upon seeing him. As a result, he persistently went to the gym no
24 Report
matter how busy work was—even when he worked overtime until he
felt dizzy, he still did not dare to eat a midnight snack.

An engineer who only knew how to use a bit of

Dabao[6]moisturizer on his dry skin during winter, braced himself to
learn about skin care and wore famous brands that he did not even
know how to pronounce—all of those were for Song Ju Han. After
working for seven years, he practically did not save much.
Unknowingly… it was as if he was living for somebody else.

If he wanted to change career, Song Ju Han would definitely help

him out. Song Ju Han was very generous when it came to money. The
Land Rover and the apartment within the third ring[7]were given to
him by Song Ju Han. He never refused those material things; only
when he accepted them would Song Ju Han not suspect anything. He
often comforted himself—that was, even if Song Ju Han was selfish
when it came to giving anyone love, he did not lose out on too much.
He had liked Song Ju Han for ten years, slept with him for six years,
and had managed to score a luxury car and an apartment. So, what
does he have to complain or grief about? If it had been somebody
else, they would have been extremely happy in their dream and
woken up with a smile.

Translator’s Note:

[1] Xiǎo Sōng 小松: the Sōng here means loose, pine, relaxed. It is
different to Sòng Jū Hán 宋居寒, this Sòng is the same Sòng as Sòng
dynasty. Don’t get mixed up here. ?

[2] en – a groaning sound/nonverbal grunt as an interjection/OK,

yeah/what?/interjection indicating approval, appreciation or

[3] WeChat – is a Chinese multi-purpose messaging, social

mediaand mobile paymentapp developed by Tencent. It was first
25 Report
released in 2011, and by 2018 it was one of the world’s largest
standalone mobile apps by monthly active users.

[4] 要風得風、要雨得雨- Able to summon wind and rain as he

pleased meaning: anything he wants, he will get.

[5] Five to six hundred thousand: that is 75k – 90k USD, which is a
lot of money for a working class person in China.

[6] Dabao – Beijing Dabao Cosmetics Co., Ltd. develops, produces,

sells, and exports herbal cosmetic products in China and
internationally. It offers various varieties of skincare, hair care,
beauty care, perfume, and clinical series products.

[7]Third ring 三環: In Beijing, rings or roads were built in a loop to

the centre of the city, which is where the Forbidden City lies—the
closer to the centre, the more expensive the real estates are.
26 Report

Chapter 3
Source: Sae

He Gu felt a bit agitated. He worked for a while but could not

remain focused as his thoughts incessantly wandered off to how
Song Ju Han had left just like that—it was possible that he wasn’t
going to be paying any attention to him for a long time. Even worse,
He Gu himself was not the type of person to resolve an issue. It was
not that he was afraid of losing face, but he honestly did not know
what to do. He had once tried to reconcile with Song Ju Han when he
was angry, however, that had only made Song Ju Han even more

I’ll just go to work, he commented to himself after much

consideration. Originally, he intended to give himself a day off, but
since he was too tired yesterday, he needed work to distract himself.

Before heading out, he suddenly caught sight of a cellphone on the

sofa, so he headed over for a look—as expected, it was Song Ju
Han’s. For a person like Song Ju Han, who was not careful about the
majority of things, being forgetful happened frequently.

He sent Xiao Song a message: “Xiao Song, Ju Han’s cellphone is

with me. —He Gu

Then he placed the cellphone in his pocket and left.

When he arrived at the company, his assistant Chen Shan was

rather surprised to see him. “He Zong,[1]weren’t you feeling
unwell today?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry.”

“He Zong, you are dressed very handsomely today!” Chen

Shan looked at him up and down, and praised once more, “I think
27 Report
that your taste is getting better and better.”

Hearing that, He Gu looked at himself. These were the clothes that

Song Ju Han had conveniently left at his place and were given to him
by his sponsors. The trousers were too long for him to wear, but the
jacket was surprisingly well-fitting. The quality of this thing was
undoubtedly constructed with a heap of money.

“Not only does our He Zong has a great build, he’s also
handsome. What can he wear that wouldn’t make him look
good?! It’s just his standards are too high. My niece is an
Oxford graduate, but He Zong still doesn’t look at her.” The
Administrative Manager was a middle-aged woman with a
straightforward and outspoken personality. There were very few
people in the company that dared to tease He Gu, and she was one
of them.

He Gu pretended not to hear anything and said, “All of you, go

to work.” After that, he went to discuss about the progress of their
projects with some of his staffs.

As soon as he graduated, he entered one of the nation’s most

famous state enterprises and had been working there strenuously for
the last six years until he became a middle-ranking leader. He knew
that his career could not go any further because he was not good
with communication and expression, therefore, he was not able to be
a Chief Executive—he could only work on his own specialty. In truth,
he was satisfied with his current position and income, but the only
thing was the workload was nonstop.

After reading the project report compiled by his staff, he found a

bunch of problems and scolded them with an especially harsh tone,
(which was probably due to his bad mood).

Just then, Chen Shan came in, “He Zong, Gu Zong is looking for
28 Report
“Gu Zong?”

“Yes, he’s in his office right now. He asked for you to go

there when you have some time.”

The staff let out a sigh of relief.

“Okay, I know.” He Gu briefly clarified his staff’s mistakes then

took his leave.

The ‘Gu Zong’ whom Chen Shan had just mentioned was Gu Qing
Pei,[2]a high-ranking person in their company. He started out in the
production department, later in management, and was now in
bidding and purchasing. He was no more than three or four years
older than He Gu. With strong capabilities and a career that was
rapidly growing, it was hard for anyone to beat him. Gu Qing Pei was
the number one most influential figure in the company—having the
abilities, knowledge and eloquence was just one aspect, more
importantly, he was extremely handsome.

He Gu and Gu Qing Pei were normally in contact with each other

due to business dealings, and since that Gu Zong always took care of
him, their relationship was pretty good.

Taking the elevator upstairs, He Gu passed through the long

hallway and knocked on the impressive-looking wooden door in front
of him.

The ninth floor and above were the executives’ offices. They had
all been renovated last year and cost more than two million dollars. If
someone was to say that they were not enviable, then that was too
hypocritical. But He Gu knew full well that he would never be able to
move into such an office.

“Please come in.” A steady and magnetic voice transmitted from

the other side of the door.

He Gu pushed open the door and entered.
29 Report
In the spacious and luxurious director’s office, a tall man in a white
shirt was standing in front of his desk. His left hand was placed
behind his back while his right hand was writing something on a rice
white paper that was sewn onto a scroll.

“Gu Zong.”

“He Gong,[3]you’re here.” Gu Qing Pei looked up and smiled

kindly at He Gu. In his early thirties, he had an impeccably handsome
face with narrow cheeks, a sharp chin and two thick eyebrows that
flew out in a slant. There was always a deep and meaningful look in
his long and narrow eyes that seemed to captive anyone who
glimpsed at them. He wore a pair of gold frame spectacles; had a set
of hair that was meticulously combed to the back of his head; his
shirt collar was as sharp as a sword, and neatly put as usual—from
head to toe, there was a sense of brilliance and otherworldly aura to
him that made him the cream of the crop. He lifted his chin and said,

He Gu sat down on the sofa.

Gu Qing Pei dipped the brush lightly into the ink and continued to
write something on the scroll while speaking. “I have been
practicing calligraphy recently. When I write, my mood is
especially calm. It helps during times when I need to reflect
or distract myself from stressful situations. If you have time,
you can give it a try.”


Putting the brush down, Gu Qing Pei gently placed the red
sandalwood color leaf-shaped paperweight to the side. Then he
carefully picked up the scroll, faced He Gu and smiled. “How is it?”

There were two lines written on the paper: be ambitious and

unafraid, aim for a position as high as the heaven.[3]
30 Report
Those words were vigorous and free, like the coiling dragon taking
over the ocean by force!

In his mind, He Gu understood it clearly. It seemed that the rumor

regarding Gu Qing Pei’s intent to change jobs was true—with that, he
could roughly guess Gu Qing Pei’s purpose for calling him over. He
nodded, “Gu Zong, your characters are very well written.”

Gu Qing Pei laughed, “Pfft, if someone else praised me like

that, it would sound as if they are buttering me up, but when
it comes out of your mouth, it sounds sincere.”

He Gu, “It’s honestly good.”

Gu Qing Pei rolled the scroll up, inserted it into a silk tube and
walked over—and unsurprisingly, his tailor-made suit perfectly set off
his slender and straight figure.

Seeing him do that, He Gu also stood up.

“Sit, sit,” Gu Qing Pei quickly said as he sat down next to him and
passed the scroll over. “It’s for you.”

“Thank you, Gu Zong.” He Gu politely accepted it.

Gu Qing Pei looked at He Gu and asked, “Have you been resting

well lately? You look really tired.”

“Yes, but there are some urgent projects.”

“The money is the company’s, but your body is your own,

so you have to find a balance between them. People have a
limited amount of energy; there’s no need for you to force
yourself too much.”


Gu Qing Pei picked up the purple clay teapot and poured a cup for
31 Report
He Gu.

He Gu quickly said, “Gu Zong, let me.”

“Don’t worry.” Gu Qing Pei poured two cups, “Try it.”

Taking a sip, He Gu could not find a reason for that action and
could only say, “It’s good tea.”

Gu Qing Pei laughed, “He Gu, you’re very interesting.”

Honestly, He Gu did not know what Gu Qing Pei’s ‘you’re

interesting’ meant, but he knew for certain that letting a leader pour
tea was wrong. After so many years, he often still exposed a lack of
ways with people just from the details of his gestures.

“Don’t be nervous, let’s talk casually.”


“He Gong, how long have you been in the company?”

“Six years.”

“You’re definitely considered an older employee. I

remember two years ago when I was in charge of the human
resource department, I gave you an evaluation each year.
How about I give you one today? Let’s discuss your current
view on your position, work intensity, salary, environment,
anything will be fine.”

He Gu nodded hesitantly.

Gu Qing Pei asked about his most recent projects—and the words
he employed were chosen to feel out He Gu’s satisfaction regarding
his position, workload and salary. He Gu was merely unsociable, not
stupid; therefore, he only focused on the minor details and evade the
major ones.
32 Report
After the two casually chatted for ten minutes, Gu Qing Pei talked
more seriously, “You probably heard about it, I am working on
some tasks, and will leave next month.”

He Gu nodded again, “I’ve heard. Gu Zong, where are you

moving over to?”

“A friend’s company which mainly deals with real estate.”

Gu Qing Pei leaned back into the sofa and looked around, “I’ve only
used this new office for half a year, so I’m actually a bit

“You have been working here for ten years. With such a big
change, you must have taken a lot of effort to reach this

“Yes, that friend of mine has been trying to get me over

there for the last two years. I have also evaluated it for more
than two years. In fact, I don’t have any dissatisfaction with
our work. The leaders think highly of others and the
employees are strong and competent. Once all the
responsibilities have cooled down, there’s no need to be too
stressed over them—and after sitting in my position, there’s
enough leisure time for other things. Most of the time is
spend chatting and drinking, but…” Gu Qing Pei smiled, “It’s
exactly because things are like that, that it made me feel
there isn’t a bit of passion toward it at all these days. I am
still young. I still like a challenging life. If I stay here, joining
the board of directors will be the end, but I think I am far
more than that.”

He Gu had always admired Gu Qing Pei. Gu Qing Pei not only had a
beautiful outward appearance and the gift of (the) gab,[5]but he had
a swift and decisive reaction, and a resolute yet arrogant leadership
style—hewas a pretty amiable gentleman with a gentle and refined
temperament. What’s more, he was exceptionally professional and
not academically picky. Like him, Gu Qing Pei was also an engineer,
33 Report
but the only thing was, their developments were entirely different as
black and white.

When He Gu was a few years younger, he also had the idea of ​

climbing up to try out for better communication skills in order to
curry favors from others. But after leaving the school campus and
stepping into society, he realized that there was a wide gap between
himself and Song Ju Han. He once thought that he could work hard to
shorten the distance, but every time he had that idea, he found
himself tired and lacking, and became afraid. Gu Qing Pei was like a
mirror. As long as he took a glance, all those tireless thoughts would
be dispelled, and he could work on the project with peace of mind. As
he gradually grew older, he knew more clearly what he could and
couldn’t do—for example, that wide gap.He could never fill it even if
he did not stop to sleep or have a rest in this entire lifetime.

He Gu suddenly realized that he, himself, was staring in daze, and

immediately pulled his eyes back. At that moment, Gu Qing Pei
happened to look at him with a smile. He nodded, “Gu Zong’s
abilities can certainly be fully put to use in an even bigger

Gu Qing Pei laughed, “He Gu ah, I haven’t said any of these

words to anyone else in the company. I’ve always been very
accurate when it comes to looking at people. Our experiences
are pretty similar. Every time I see you, it always felt like I
was looking at my previous self. The only thing is, we have
different personalities. You are more stable.”

“Thank you, Gu Zong.” He Gu thought, he really does know how

to speak, making someone who was not content with their own
situation out to be someone who was ‘stable’.Every time he finished
talking with Gu Qing Pei, he often learned a thing or two.

Smiling again, Gu Qing Pei said, “Alright, I know that you’re

busy with work, so I’m not going to beat around the bush.
You have always been smart, you should be able to guess
34 Report
what I want to say. How about it? Are you willing to go with

He Gu had guessed that a long while ago. He had originally wanted

to reject it, but as his brain swelled up with all kinds of thoughts, he
remembered those tiring days and the endless overtime, and
suddenly changed his mind. It was better to listen to what Gu Qing
Pei had to say and give himself one more option. As a result, he
ended up asking about the situation carefully.

Gu Qing Pei briefly explained his circumstances for changing jobs,

giving He Gu a very good future prospect. However, after He Gu
listened to it, he found that it was not in line with his own
expectations. Although the annual salary was much higher, the
independent projects would only be more tiring and stressful than
now, and a private enterprise was not like a state-owned enterprise,
since he would be completely accountable for even the smallest
problem. Of course, he was not going to directly reject it, and only
said that he needed some time to consider it.

Naturally, Gu Qing Pei understood that he might have a lot of

concerns. They chatted about some other things and said he wanted
to invite him to dinner on another day.

When he came out of Gu Qing Pei’s office and took the elevator
back down, a cellphone suddenly rung, but since the sound was a bit
unfamiliar, he did not react. Then, realizing that he was the only one
in the elevator, he knew at once that it was Song Ju Han’s cellphone.

He quickly connected the call, “Hey, Xiao Song.”

“He Gu, bring my cellphone here.” Song Ju Han’s lazy voice

sounded from the other side of the phone.

“Okay, address.”

When Song Ju Han did not speak, He Gu said ‘hello’ twice only to
35 Report
notice that the signal in the elevator was not good at all and the line
had been cut off. Once he got off the elevator, he quickly dialed back.

As soon as the phone connected, Song Ju Han angrily said, “You

fucking dare to hang up on my call?!”

He Gu faintly said, “I was in the elevator just now, the signal

wasn’t good.”

Song Ju Han took a deep breath, and then, after making some
noise, the voice changed to Xiao Song. “He Gu ge, we are in
Dasheng Studio. I’m sorry, I honestly can’t leave today. When
can you bring it over here?”

“It’s fine, I will let my assistant take it over there now.”

“Okay, please have your assistant give me a call once she

gets here. I will give her a work plate…”

“Let him come! Giving my mobile phone to some strange

assistant, are you joking around!!” Song Ju Han’s unhappy voice
transmitted over from a distance away.

Xiao Song smiled bitterly, “He Gu ge…”

“Okay, I’ll head over.” After hanging up, He Gu shook his head
helplessly. Dasheng Studios was in the Sixth Ring to the north; if he
rushed over, it tantamount to him crossing the entire capital. At that
moment, he could only hope that there was no traffic jam on the way

After saying a few words to his staffs, He Gu left his office with the
phone—thinking of Song Ju Han baring his fangs and making
threatening gestures, he couldn’t help but to want to laugh. In front
of the media, Song Ju Han was graceful and confident, however, he
was much more brash and irritable in private. During the years that
he and Song Ju Han had known each other, Song Ju Han had changed
assistant four times. The clever and good-tempered Xiao Song had
36 Report
persevered for the longest.

Of course, no one had persevered as long as he had. In some

senses, he was more patient and tolerable than Song Ju Han’s

In fact, it was not difficult to get along with Song Ju Han. After all,
Song Ju Han did not eat people—as long as you tried as much as
possible to get along with him, it would be fine.

Others can’t do it simply because they are not afraid of losing him.

Translator’s Note:

[1]He Zong (何总) – the Zong here means leader and He is He Gu’s
surname – translated to Leader He

[2]Gu Qing Pei – the main character from the novel 《决对争
锋》Beloved Enemy

[3]He Gong 何工- the ‘gong’ means worker – Worker He.

[4]乘长风破万里浪,凌青云啸九天歌(idiom)- lit. ride the wind and

crest the wave, rise high toward the Ninth Heaven; fig. be ambitious
and unafraid,aim for a position as high as the heaven.

Think of Sun Wukong from the novel, Journey to the West—his self-
proclaimed title is: Great Sage Equal to Heaven 齐天大圣, therefore,
be like him and aim for the best!

[5]gift of (the) gab – the ability to speak easily and confidently in a

way that makes people want to listen to you and believe you
37 Report

Chapter 4
Source: Sae

After driving for more than an hour, He Gu finally arrived at

Dasheng Studio.

This was his first time coming to this filming location known as
“Hengdian in the South, Dasheng in the North’.[1] The scale of the
place was truly astonishing which boosted its reputation to being one
of the most famous tourist attractions in Beijing. Every day, there
would be at least two or three drama productions shot here back to
back, attracting many tourists.

After He Gu parked the car, he gave Xiao Song a call, only to hear
his frantic voice asking him to wait for him, transmitting from the
other side.

That wait lasted for half an hour.

During that time, he watched large groups of tourists lined up and

heading inside; among them were many fans, wearing the same
outfit and carrying all kinds of support goods.

How young, He Gu thought.

At that moment, Xiao Song finally came with his whole body
drenched in sweat. He felt particularly sorry when he saw He Gu and
apologized repeatedly. “He Gu ge, here is the work pass, you
can drive in.”

“I’m not going in, you can just give the phone to him.”

“Ah, you’re not? Han ge is filming a commercial right now,

you don’t want to take a look?”
38 Report
“There’s nothing good to look at. An outsider like me would
only get in the way of your work.”

“No, you won’t. It’s actually pretty fun, come take a look.”

He Gu felt that it was a bit strange, why was Xiao Song so

persistent about him going in for a look?

When Xiao Song also realized that he himself was being overly
eager, he awkwardly said, “Did you and Han gehave a quarrel?
Han ge was in a pretty bad mood today…how about you come
in to coax him, otherwise…we won’t be able to work properly

“I don’t know how to coax people.” He Gu said honestly,

“Besides, we didn’t have a quarrel.” How was it possible for him
to have a quarrel with Song Ju Han? At the most, he would only talk
back with just a couple of sentences, he would already be at his limit.

Xiao Song sighed in disappointment, “Please, drive safely.”

“En, it’s been hard on you.” He Gu patted his shoulder and got
back into his car.

In fact, he really wanted to see Song Ju Han, but he knew that now
was not the right time. Seeing Song Ju Han when he was busy and in
a bad mood, he will most likely cause more problems. It was better to
wait until Song Ju Han has calmed down, then he would probably
come find him.

Not long after the car drove out, He Gu’s phone rang. It was Xiao
Song. When he connected the call, he immediately heard Xiao Song
spoke in a low and awkward tone. “He Gu ge, Han geis angry. He
wants you to come back.”

“Angry?” He Gu honestly did not understand Song Ju Han’s logic

as he helplessly said, “Okay.”
39 Report
He made a U-turn up ahead but ended up hitting traffic since it was
already rush hour which made all the cars move slowly like turtles.
Ten minutes later, Xiao Song called to urged him and then twenty
minutes after that, he called again sounding as though he was going
to cry at any time.

He Gu also became anxious, but he couldn’t fly over there.

Seven to eight metres of distance ended up taking more than half

an hour until he arrived at Dasheng Studio again. Xiao Song was at
the entrance waiting anxiously for him, and when he saw He Gu, he
looked like he saw his knight in shining armor. Afraid that He Gu
would change his mind for coming back, he quickly jumped into his
car, “Ge, drive in. I’ll show you the way.”

The security guard allowed them in once he saw the work pass.
The two followed along a road into Dasheng Studio that was
completely different from the tourists.

He Gu glanced over at Xiao Song who was panting and consoled

him. “Don’t worry. Ju Han has always had that kind of temper,
but what happened to him?”

Xiao Song scowled miserably, “I don’t know. Han ge often

loses his temper inexplicably. I also don’t know what
happened this time, but when I said that you left after
dropping the phone off, he immediately became angry.”

He Gu did not understand that either. In any case, it was definitely

not because Song Ju Han really wanted to see him for him to act up
like that.

The car drove through a street set up to look like the Republic of
China (Taiwan: 1912-1949).[2] Soon, the two got out of the car, and
Xiao Song led He Gu into a large mansion where a shooting was
taking place.
40 Report
Once they were in front of the resting room, Xiao Song cautiously
knocked on the door. “Han ge, He Gu ge is here.”

“En.” A cold and indifferent voice transmitted from the other side
of the door.

When the door was pushed open, they saw Song Ju Han standing in
front of a mirror, wearing the uniform of a Major General of the Army
while the stylist adjusted his belt. In order to capture the quality of
his figure, the outfit was deliberately made to be tighter. The soft
fabric wrapped around Song Ju Han’s body in a way that showed off
his every curve, looking as though they were carved and chiseled
into perfection by God himself. Song Ju Han’s mother was a
supermodel of mixed German descent who once enjoyed a world-
famous reputation. Standing at a height of 178cm, her legs were long
and seemingly defied the law of nature. Song Ju Han was only ten
centimeters taller than her. He possessed the look and stature, all of
which were inherited from the best part of his parents. Some people
in the world were just blessed by heaven.

Song Ju Han turned his face. The pair of black-rimmed glasses

sitting on the bridge of his nose and his high-rise brows presented a
very pleasing contrast that made his facial features appeared
especially profound. His hair was all combed to the back of his head,
revealing a bright and smooth forehead, which further highlighted his
tall nose and the shape of his face. That gave off a kind of strict, yet
mysterious tension that could explode at any time.

“Ju Han.” He Gu nodded at him.

Song Ju Han, “All of you can leave, I want to rest for a bit.”

When the stylist and makeup artist heard those words, they both
went out. Xiao Song also followed behind them while He Gu
hesitated. Just as he picked up his foot, Song Ju Han glared at him.
“You stay.”
41 Report
He Gu closed the door and walked to his side, “What’s wrong,
are you in a bad mood?”

Song Ju Han took off his glasses and threw it to the side, “Xiao
Song told you to come in, why didn’t you come in?” Song Ju
Han was not fond of wearing glasses since his eyelashes were too
long for their own good.

“I was afraid of getting in the way of your work.”

“Bullshit.” Song Ju Han pinched his chin, “Are you trying to

avoid me?”

“What would I avoid you for?”

Song Ju Han smiled coldly, “Wasn’t it because I mentioned

Feng Zheng? You seem to be quite devoted to him.”

“We haven’t been in contact for so many years, that

shouldn’t be considered being ‘devoted’.”

“Then, why are you acting so strange because of him?”

He Gu thought about it for a moment, “I don’t think I’m being


Song Ju Han raised his brows, “Are you arguing with me just
for the sake of arguing?”

Hearing that, He Gu sighed, “Ju Han, what do you want.”

“Don’t fucking use that kind of tone with me, as if I’m

purposely being unreasonable.” Song Ju Han pushed He Gu
away, nearly causing him to fall to the floor.

He Gu tidied up his clothes, sat to the side and looked at him

quietly. He didn’t know how to console people. He only understood
Song Ju Han. It didn’t matter how the fire in Song Ju Han’s heart was
42 Report
ignited, if he didn’t vent it out, it would definitely make everyone feel

Song Ju Han remained silent for a while, but then he suddenly

kicked the coffee table. He faced He Gu and roared, “Are you a
fucking dead person who doesn’t even know how to say a few
nice words or smile, huh?! I can spend some money on a
prostitute and they would still know how to be more tactful
than you. What would I need you for?”

A stab of pain pierced He Gu’s heart as his lips trembled slightly.

The more Song Ju Han was like that, the more he didn’t know what to
do. He could only continue to remain silent.

Song Ju Han’s anger rose to the point he threw quite a few things
to the ground.

He Gu was hesitant before he eventually said, “Ju Han, I was

wrong. Don’t be angry.” Although, he didn’t know what he did

With that, Song Ju Han’s cold eyes looked at him for some time.
“Take…your pants off.”

Those words made He Gu stare at him in shock. This was a resting

room and there were a crowd of people outside…

“Take them off. Since you don’t even know how to coax
someone, at the least, learn how to let him cool down.”

He Gu hesitated for a moment, “Lock the door.”

Song Ju Han locked the door with ease as he kept his eyes on him.

He Gu took off his pants with a blank expression.

Song Ju Han strode over, turned He Gu’s back towards himself and
press his chest into the sofa. Then as if worried that his own clothes
43 Report
would get wrinkled, he only pulled down his pants zipper and
immediately pushed in.

As he thrust, Song Ju Han spoke vulgarly as well. “It’s a pity that

you didn’t do it with Feng Zheng back then. You don’t even
have a way to compare us. Otherwise, I could have let you
know once and for all that I am better than him in bed.”

He Gu bit his teeth, not daring to make even a bit of noise. His
forehead was covered with sweat and blood shots emerged in his
eyes. He could endure the pain and discomfort, but the shame – the
shame and sorrow – made him suffer tremendously. He persuaded
himself, don’t be bothered about it. What he wanted was to be Song
Ju Han’s companion, so he had to pay the same price—it was only

It was probably due to this kind of awareness that Song Ju Han had
never broken it off with him.

Song Ju Han’s demand in this area was much more than that of an
ordinary person, especially when he was in a bad mood or under
pressure. He couldn’t smoke, or drink and he couldn’t casually go for
a drive either. All the methods that an ordinary person habitually
does to reduce their stress level were completely restricted for him.
So, what he did most frequently was exercising and making—love.
But he was not promiscuous — one, he disliked filth, two, he did not
want to be used, and three, his each and every movement were
always watched. Having been in the entertainment circle for all these
years, he had never had any official love relationship. But there were
a few regular bed partners— He Gu had been with him for the

Now that it was mentioned, if Feng Zheng was not in the picture
back then, Song Ju Han’s competitive heart might not had been
provoked with the notion of getting He Gu in his hands. After so
many years, Song Ju Han’s vengeful, arrogant and competitive
nature didn’t change at all.
44 Report
After Song Ju Han released all his need, he wiped himself clean and
fixed his clothes. All the while, both of He Gu’s legs had gone weak
on the sofa and he couldn’t move them for a long while.

When Song Ju Han saw He Gu’s sorry state, his mood somehow
lightened up a bit. He pinched He Gu’s cheek and revealed a
malicious smile. “When you were fucked…did it feel good?”

He Gu narrowed his eyes to look at him but didn’t say anything.

“I’m asking you a question.”

“It felt good.” He Gu said softly.

“Good boy.” Song Ju Han stooped down and kissed the corner of
He Gu’s lips gently. However, the way he spoke was anything but
that. “I also felt good. Any person that I sleep with are
younger and prettier than you, but none are as tight as you
are, that could make me feel exhilarated. In that aspect, you
also have an unusual, yet natural gift.”

He Gu closed his eyes and forced himself to sit up, however, he did
not have any strength below his waist.

Song Ju Han lifted his pants up for him and slapped his butt. “Wait
for me here. I will take you out to eat something good
tonight.” He walked in front of the mirror and tidied himself up a bit
more. Then, he even hummed a tune, turned around and left the

He Gu leaned against the sofa before his weak fingers zipped up

his pants and buckled his belt. For such a simple movement, he took
several breaths just to accomplish it.

As he looked somewhat absentmindedly at the ceiling, both his

heart and mind felt empty.

He knew that he was been cheap, but even if he was, he wasn’t
45 Report
hindering anyone. He was happy to do it, that’s all. Moreover, he’d
only be cheap for a few more years. Since he was going to be thirty
years old soon, he wanted to take advantage of the time before Song
Ju Han become bored and fed up with him. He wanted to enjoy every
minute, every second he spent together with Song Ju Han as to save
a bit more memories. A person’s lifetime is only limited to a few short
decades. He wasn’t concerned how others lived, what others said or
care about how they looked at him. In any case, he didn’t want to go
against his own feelings for the sake of any dignity.

He liked Song Ju Han…then, just like him.

After he relaxed his weak legs became somewhat better, he went

to the bathroom to tidy himself then waited quietly for Song Ju Han in
the resting room. From yesterday to today, he was already
exhausted to the point he felt like dying. Therefore, as he waited, he
ended up falling asleep while lying on his side on the sofa.

After some time had passed, someone pushed the door open and
came in. He Gu woke up with a startle and looked confusingly at Xiao
Song while his brain was buzzing.

“He Gu ge, how come you’re still here?” Xiao Song was
surprised to see him.

“Ju Han told me to wait for him.”

Xiao Song awkwardly said, “Han ge left a long time ago. He

went out to eat with the production team and I stayed behind
to tidy up the things.”

He Gu closed his eyes and said exhaustingly, “En, then I’ll head

“He Gu ge,” Xiao Song couldn’t help but to add a few more
words, “Han gewas pretty busy this afternoon, he…he must
have forgotten. Let me take you out to eat.”
46 Report
“There’s no need. You should also go get some rest.”

“He Gu ge…” Xiao Song sighed, “It’s been hard on you.”

Without saying anything, He Gu picked up his keys and left.

He didn’t need a boy to pity him.

Translator’s Note:

[1] Hengdian in the South, Dasheng in the North – it’s a saying

that means, if a person/place is famous in ‘this place’ than this
person/place is famous in ‘that place’. Like, ‘Heaven above, Hell
below’ in a sense. So, the famous place in the south is Hengdian and
the famous place in the north is Dasheng.

[2] Taiwan, officiallythe Republic of China(ROC) 1912-1949 – is a

statein East Asia. Its neighbors include the People’s Republic of
China(PRC) to the west, Japanto the northeast, and the Philippinesto
the south. It is the most populous state and largest economy that is
not a member of the United Nations.
47 Report

Chapter 5
Source: Sae

For several days, He Gu rushed to the construction site to solve a

problem regarding the load-bearing of a wall. During that period, he
was highly restless and agitated with the architects and contractors,
nearly fighting with them. When he returned home every night, it felt
like a layer of his skin had been torn off. Since the issue had been
resolved for the time being, he could rest for a few days.

When he was at home, he usually turned on the computer and

searched for the latest news on Song Ju Han, roamed on Song Ju
Han’s web post, Weibo, and forum. He normally didn’t have a hobby,
and at most, he would read or exercise— a completely boring
person. The only activity he had in common with others, that he
knew of, was probably chasing stars. Of course, with him and Song Ju
Han being bed partners for many years, it was actually not suitable
to use the term ‘chasing stars’ to describe it. He did think that the
relationship between the two them was not that far off. He silently
paid attention to Song Ju Han’s every move, utilizing various manner
and through all types of ways. However, Song Ju Han did not know or
care. The biggest difference between him and the ordinary groupies
was that he had already slept with the star.

He had joined many online fan communities dedicated to Song Ju

Han, but he rarely talked or exposed anything. He only liked to watch
it. He liked to watch those treasured fancams of Song Ju Han, the
random videos, songs, photos, interviews and those self-made,
cartoons, edited articles, etc., because those were things he never
saw ordinarily. What the fans had created was a very good and very
perfect Song Ju Han. Although this Song Ju Han was completely
different from the one he knew, he had no intention to expose it,
because this perfect Song Ju Han was truly fascinating and good in
every possible way. Why destroy such a great thing?
48 Report
In his computer, there were hundreds of gigabytes of various
materials about Song Ju Han: photos, movies, MVs, advertisements,
interviews, etc. As long as it was about Song Ju Han, he was used to
saving them. He wanted to use this method to save the Song Ju Han
he had never seen. He had even secretly recorded Song Ju Han’s
sleeping form beside him, but naturally, he would never tell anyone.

Just as he was watching a recent interview with Song Ju Han, the

phone suddenly rang. He took it for a look, but it was a strange


“…He Gu?” The voice that transmitted on the other end of the
phone was hesitant— a calm and pleasant voice of a young man.

He Gu’s heart tightened. That voice… although he had not heard it

in many years, he nevertheless knew instantly who the person was.
He took a deep breath, leaned back into the chair and tried to calm
down as much as possible. “It’s me.”

“It’s Feng Zheng.”

“En, I can tell.”

“Not bad, you remember my voice.”

“My memory has always been good.”

Feng Zheng laughed, “That’s true.”

He Gu felt a bit awkward. Even though he already knew that Feng

Zheng had returned to China— from Song Ju Han’s mouth— he did
not expect Feng Zheng to actually contact him again. After all, the
two did not part on bad terms. But thinking about it, everyone were
not crude and impetuous students. Whatever happened back then
should have long scattered with the wind. He slowed down his voice,
“You’re back in the country. I heard you’re working with
49 Report
venture capital.”[1]

“You heard? Did Song Ju Han tell you?”

“En.” He Gu could sense that Feng Zheng’s tone was strange.

Feng Zheng smiled, “I didn’t expect that you two would

actually be together for so long. I’ve truly underestimated

He Gu did not want to continue that topic with Feng Zheng at all.
“Congratulations, I thought you would remain in America.”

“It’s better to be in your own territory. I was going to

return sooner or later,” Feng Zheng said with a sigh of relief.
“Now is the right time. How have you been? What are you
doing now?”

“I’ve been working in Nanchuang since I graduated,

engaging in my own profession that is.”

“That really does suit your personality,” Feng Zheng said.

“I’m quite curious about what you are like now. We haven’t…
seen each other for about six to seven years, right?”

“More or less.” He Gu did not wait for Feng Zheng to speak and
took the initiative to say, “I’ll treat you to a meal another day.”

“Okay, I was also thinking of asking you out. How about

this Saturday night? I don’t know any good place since I just
returned to the country. You can decide on the place.”

“Think about what you want to eat for the next couple of
days and I will take you there.”


After He Gu hung up the call, he was able to unload a bit. He threw
50 Report
the phone on the table, feeling completely exhausted. As a matter of
fact, he didn’t want to see Feng Zheng at all. Without him, he could
avoid troubles. He had some social anxiety since he was a child, and
he had summoned up the courage to change it after he started to
work. But when it came to interpersonal communication, he tried to
keep it simple and avoided being involved as much as possible. He
would rather eat instant noodles alone at home than willingly go out
for a meal in a noisy place.

But he knew that he could not avoid Feng Zheng.

In fact, from a certain point of view, Song Ju Han and Feng Zheng
were somewhat similar—both favoured by the gods and competitive.
If there was no competitive fire in him, it would have been impossible
to provoke even a bit of Song Ju Han’s interest.

How many years had it been since he and Feng Zheng saw each
other? He started to recall.

After he entered college, the high school he formerly attended was

still in the same school district, but the senior department was not so
close together. However, since the campus had only three canteens,
he and Song Ju Han could bump into each other once or twice a
month on average. In order to see Song Ju Han a few more times, he
deliberately went to the second dining hall to eat, just like the little
girls in the school.

When he was a first-year university student, he and Song Ju Han

had met a few times, but Song Ju Han had already forgotten him.

Later? Later on, Song Ju Han went to study music abroad instead of
attending his junior year; up until before his high school internship,
he never saw Song Ju Han again and only knew of him from various
entertainment reports. For example: dating the daughter of a certain
godfather of music, being the honoured guest to a certain singer’s
world tour concert, composing the song for an award-winning movie,
the spokesperson for a certain fashionable brand name for the
51 Report
Greater China,[2] him and his mixed-race supermodel mother
participating in an ancient outfit fashion show…

He Gu remembered that when he saw those reports, he genuinely

understood what was known as ‘people of two different worlds’.
While he held an internship salary of only 800 yuan,[3] Song Ju Han’s
father had already gifted his son an island to celebrate his coming of
age rite.

However, at that time he really held a star-studded mentality for

Song Ju Han. But because the two had spent an afternoon together,
he had a deeper affection for Song Ju Han. Although Song Ju Han,
who was separated from him by a screen or a piece of paper, looked
far away, he had to wonder if that afternoon had been his own

Later, when he was interning during his senior year of university,

Song Ju Han returned to China. At that same time, He Gu also
happened to know a junior schoolmate of an organization— Feng
Zheng. Then, calculating four months after graduation, it had been
six and a half years since he last saw Feng Zheng.

It was of no use to figure that out clearly, He Gu thought it was a

bit ridiculous to even think about that. Perhaps, you wanted to prove
that you really have good memory.

Having a good memory truly had its pros and cons. If one can
choose to selectively remember, it would be ideal. That way, people
can choose to remember the happiness and the useful memories and
forget the sadness and the useless memories. But the memories that
Song Ju Han gave him were mixed with happiness and sadness. Even
if he could freely filter his memories, he would still choose to
remember the time when he and Song Ju Han existed together.

Soon, Saturday arrived. He Gu booked a restaurant that had some
52 Report
years of experience in roasted duck after Feng Zheng said he wanted
to eat authentic roasted duck.

There were not many people that knew of this restaurant, since the
location was far from the city and hard to find. The owner was an old
couple with no children, and roasted less than a few ducks a day, but
the taste was amazing even then— to say the least and relied on
words of mouth. There were only two private rooms in the restaurant,
but since He Gu called early for a reservation, he was able to get one
of them.

After He Gu parked the car, he opened an umbrella and got out of

the car to get the wine out of the trunk before walking toward the

Honestly, the weather in Beijing had been irritating. With the

constant light rain that persisted day in and day out, He Gu couldn’t
remember the last time he saw the blue sky.

As he stood at the intersection, he sent Feng Zheng a message and

told him that he would wait at the intersection since the place was
hard to find.

Feng Zheng replied with an ‘okay’ after a long while later.

Twenty minutes later, a gray Bentley Continental[4] made a U-turn

and slowly stopped in front of He Gu.

That car had only come to a steady stop when the back door was
pushed open and a tall man came out without an umbrella in hand.

He Gu stared blankly, coming face to face with Feng Zheng in the


Six years, time had flown by so quickly. They had changed from
young boys to skilled public figures dressed in suits. Between the
two, there were some intangible things, like the rain and fog, which
made in general made people feel a bit burdened.
53 Report
Feng Zheng’s facial features had not changed much, still as
handsome as ever. However, not only did his temperament calmed
down by a lot; his air of arrogance had curbed by thirty percent;
immature behavior by forty percent and the remaining thirty of
nobility was increasingly dazzling to the eyes. He wore a very well-
ironed suit, topped with a long trench coat which was accentuated
his tall and slender stature.

The driver door opened, and the chauffeur ran over with an
umbrella and then handed it over to Feng Zheng with a terrified look.

Feng Zheng took the umbrella and said some words to the
chauffeur— although his eyes stayed on He Gu. “Find a place to

He Gu coughed lightly, then he walked over and stretched his hand

out with a smile, “Feng Zheng, long time no see.”

Feng Zheng also smiled and grasped his hand for a shake. “He
Gu.” The moment he took He Gu’s hand, he yanked him forward with
some strength and pulled him into his chest, hugging him lightly.

He Gu was a bit surprised, but he also politely patted his back.

After that exchange, Feng Zheng finally let him go. “What are
you waiting at the intersection for? The wind is crazy here.”

“That restaurant is not easy to find, and the cars can’t

enter either. Let’s go.” He Gu made a gesture for them to move.

Feng Zheng glanced at him and smiled before the two started
walking side by side.

“He Gu, you look like you don’t have any energy. Have you
been too tired lately?”

“Being an engineer often requires working overtime, but

I’m used to it.”
54 Report
“The body is the most valuable asset, don’t risk it all so
much like that. You’ve also said it yourself, that there is no
headache without a family, having enough to spend is good

He Gu laughed, “There is enough money to spend, but there

are still a lot of work. Sometimes… hey, since I’m working for
someone else, it is what it is.”

As the two talked casually, they had already walked into the
restaurant. He Gu looked at the simple and crude front of the
restaurant and said a few polite words. “Say, you were the one
that didn’t want to eat at those famous restaurants and
made me bring you to an authentic place. A young master
like you better not hate this small place.”

Feng Zheng laughed out loud, “When we were in university,

didn’t we also eat often grilled skewered at the side of the
road? If I really wanted to show off, I wouldn’t be standing in
front of you.”

He Gu smiled, “Let’s go. This restaurant is very good.”

The two entered the private room and sat down. The restaurant did
not have a menu, aside from roasted ducks, the owner just made
whatever and ate whatever— rather headstrong.

The bottle of wine that He Gu brought was a 1999 VOSNE

ROMANEE.[5] In truth, He Gu did not understand anything about
wine. However, since there were many sent over to his place by Song
Ju Han’s assistant, he randomly took one knowing that Feng Zheng
would like it.

When Feng Zheng saw that wine, his lips pulled back as he spoke
with an unpleasant tone. “That must be Song Ju Han’s, right?”

He Gu was a bit embarrassed, “En… is it expensive?”
55 Report
“It’s okay, but it doesn’t look like something you would

He Gu did not care about the harshness of Feng Zheng’s words

since he knew that the two were not easy to deal with— it was the
same as courting a rebuff, honestly. “If you don’t like it…”

“It’s fine, open it,” Feng Zheng said lightly.

He Gu opened the wine bottle and poured two glasses.

As the two made a toast, Feng Zheng smiled at He Gu. “To

celebrate meeting after a long time.”

“To celebrate meeting after a long time.”

The food arrived at the table, one after another, while the two ate
and chatted.

“En, this place indeed makes very tasty roasted duck. I

don’t particularly like those fatty ducks or know how much
hormones are force-fed to them; they’re all going to look like
geese sooner or later,” Feng Zheng praised.

“The ducks here are raised by the owner himself at his

native place. Since they’re breed in the countryside, they’re
more expensive than Quanjude.[6] I also don’t like that fat

“Do you remember the barbeque shop in front of the east

gate of the school?” Feng Zheng wiped his hands and smiled, “I
wonder if it’s still there or not.”

“It’s long gone. The area was demolished and many of the
locals have relocated, but the hot and spicy soup cart is still
there since it can be conveniently moved around. I saw it last
time I drove by.”
56 Report
“Sometimes, I really want to go back and try it, but now…”
Feng Zheng looked at his own suit and laughed at himself.

He Gu sighed, “I’m also a bit embarrassed to line up with a

group of students.”

Holding his own chin, Feng Zheng looked at him. “Time flies by
so fast. From then to now… that’s right. Song Ju Han told you
that we’ve met, right?”

He Gu paused and feigned to be indifferent. “En, he told me.”

Feng Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, “It seems you two are
getting along pretty well.”

“We’re alright.” He Gu was somewhat conflicted by Feng

Zheng’s oblique insinuation. He was not willing to discuss his
relationship with Song Ju Han with anyone, especially Feng Zheng.

“But since there are so many scandals about him, don’t you
quarrel often?”

He Gu put the chopsticks down and said insipidly, “Those

scandals are all fake.” He said that not to exonerate Song Ju Han,
but because they were indeed fake. In fact, Song Ju Han had hidden
the actual person he was in a relationship with completely, and the
exposed scandals were linked with all types of benefits. How does he
know that? Because Song Ju Han had always thought it was not worth
lying to him.

Feng Zheng laughed involuntarily. He probably thought it was

inappropriate when he was done, so he restrained himself. However,
when he looked over at He Gu, there was still a sense of mockery in
his expression. He obviously did not believe it.

Taking a sip of wine, He Gu thought, those words were actually not

that reliable. It seems that if Feng Zheng doesn’t ask until he gets a
clear answer, he’s not going to willingly let this matter go.
57 Report
He had known long ago that Feng Zheng and Song Ju Han were
more or less the same type of person. They used their elegant and
accomplished outer appearance as a facade to wrap their inner
arrogance and overbearing nature. However, Feng Zheng’s
symptoms were lighter than that of Song Ju Han’s— at the least, his
temper was slightly better than Song Ju Han’s.

As expected, Feng Zheng held his own chin up and looked at He Gu

with all smiles. His eyes were excruciatingly sharp, “He Gu ah,
there’s no need to be that way.”[7]

Translator’s Note:

[1] venture capital – (VC) is a type of private equity, a form of

financing that is provided by firms or funds to small, early-stage,
emerging firms that are deemed to have high growth potential, or
which have demonstrated high growth (in terms of number of
employees, annual revenue, or both).

[2] Greater China – refers to China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau
(esp. in finance and economics) /refers to all areas of Chinese
presence (esp. in the cultural field), including parts of Southeast Asia,
Europe and the Americas.

[3] 800 yuan – about $116 usd.

[4] Bentley Continental


[6] Quanjude – a Chinese restaurant known for its trademark

Quanjude Peking Roast Duck and its longstanding culinary heritage
since its establishment in 1864 in Beijing, China.

[7] FZ is asking HG why he was willing to sleep with SJH like that.
58 Report

Chapter 6
Source: Lizonka Web Novels

He Gu smiled lightly and said, “Feng Zheng, you probably have

a little misunderstanding about my relationship with Juhan.
For many years, we’ve only been each other’s companions.
Whether his sex scandals are fake or not, they have little to
do with me.”

He decided to tell the truth, because he didn’t want Feng Zheng to

dwell too long on this issue. But personally, he roughly felt that it
would be better for him to say it first than to wait until Feng Zheng
found out by himself. This way, he would appear more undisturbed.

Feng Zheng unconsciously clenched his fists, and his voice sank.
“So Song Juhan wasn’t joking when he said that you were a
member of his harem.”

He Gu made a show of laughing lightly.

Feng Zheng leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms in front of
him, and looked at He Gu. His pair of long, narrow, and deep eyes
burst with a sharp light that seemed to cleanly tear off people inside
and out.

He Gu was uncomfortable all over with the way he looked at him,

so he picked up his wine glass and took a drink.

“For all these years, you and Song Juhan have been friends
with benefits?” Feng Zheng’s tone was cold and tinged with anger.

He Gu paused, and his tone became three times more serious.

“Feng Zheng, my relationship with Juhan has nothing to do
with outsiders. Today, I am giving you a welcome dinner.
Let’s not talk about other people.”
59 Report
“What, I can’t even ask? If there was no Song Juhan, you
would have been my man.”

He Gu sighed. “Let’s not talk about what happened in the

past. It was years ago.”

Feng Zheng leaned in close to him, his obsidian pupils hiding a

coldness that made one shiver as he sent an arrow through He Gu’s
heart. “But you like him.”

He Gu’s heart faltered. To hide it, he lowered his head and didn’t

Feng Zheng sneered. “You like him. All these years, you’ve
slept right next to him and watched him change this and
that, yet dare not say a damn thing. He Gu, aren’t you being

He Gu snapped and threw away his chopsticks. He looked at Feng

Zheng without expression. “Feng Zheng, I didn’t invite you to
dinner to lecture me. Whether I’m cheap or not, it has
nothing to do with you. Let’s not see each other again. I wish
you a bright future.” He stood up vacantly.

Feng Zheng also stood up right after and yelled, “I’m just not

He Gu was startled.

“Why did you pick that son of a bitch? He doesn’t like you
at all. What do you want? What can he give you that I can’t?”

He Gu turned around and calmly looked at Feng Zheng. “It’s not

Song Juhan’s fault that he doesn’t like me. He doesn’t owe
me anything, nor do I want anything from him. We are all
adults now. How I choose to live and who I choose with is my
own business. Goodbye.”
60 Report
He stepped out of the private room, paid his bill at the front desk,
then went out without stopping.

When he came out, he realized he had left his umbrella in the

room. He had to walk fast under the drizzle.

He ran to the parking lot in one breath, opened the car door, and
got inside the car. Only then did he take off his strong front.

“He Gu, aren’t you being cheap?”

Feng Zheng’s words were like needles piercing his heart, making
his face feel hot till now.

Actually, except for things related to Song Juhan, he had a strong

sense of dignity most of the time. He could accomplish nearly
impossible tasks for his dignity, undertake responsibilities that he
could not have undertaken for his dignity, and give up the
opportunity of promotion and salary increase for his dignity. It
seemed like he had been building his dignity high elsewhere just to
have a little left for himself to be smashed to pieces by Song Juhan.

Of course he knew shame and embarrassment, but as he said, he

had chosen it himself. He didn’t harm anyone, and he wasn’t
breaking the law, so if he was being cheap or not, why the fuck
should others care?

Why was he doing this? He wasn’t trying to be decent and perfect;

he just wanted to have no regrets.

He regretted meeting Feng Zheng. Spending money on unpleasant

things was simply awful.

He admitted that he had been attracted to Feng Zheng back then.

Feng Zheng was perfect. He had a sparkling family background, a
handsome face without any flaws, and was extremely intelligent and
outstanding. And they were not just schoolmates. That multinational
company he interned at during his senior year was also named Feng.
61 Report
So the two of them becoming friends was a matter of course.

Compared with the misty admiration for Song Juhan that had
arisen because of that brief afternoon together during his third year
in high school, his affection1好感 – can also be simply translated as
“good opinion” or “favorable impression.” for Feng Zheng was
clearly more real. At the very least, Feng Zheng wasn’t unattainable.
If Song Juhan hadn’t returned to China, or if he had only arrived at a
later time, then He Gu would surely have stayed at the Feng family

However, he didn’t feel much guilt towards Feng Zheng today.

Because at that age when he longed to fall in love, hiding his
affection for Feng Zheng and sounding him out by starting as friends,
he felt that Feng Zheng, clever as he was, actually knew everything.
He simply acted leisurely about it, staying not too far, but also not
too near. If it weren’t for Song Juhan’s appearance, then Feng Zheng,
whose eyes were above his head2眼高于顶 – a metaphor for
someone used to describe a person who has a sharp eye and a
strong ability to distinguish. It is also used as a metaphor for being
proud and arrogant and having no one in sight., wouldn’t have
changed from regarding He Gu as someone dispensable to someone

The same went for Song Juhan. If there was no Feng Zheng, a well-
matched rival, then he probably wouldn’t even remember He Gu’s

Men ah, they were all like this. They all wanted to prevail over
others. He saw it very clearly at that time. Neither Song Juhan nor
Feng Zheng liked him; they just enjoyed the thrill in thwarting a rival.
He was just supposed to be the fisherman sitting and waiting to reap
the benefits of their fight3坐收渔翁, 之利的赢家 – The full idiom is
“When the clam and the sandpiper fight, the fisherman
sitting in waiting will catch them both.” It’s about how when two
people can’t agree, a third party will take advantage of the chaos to
62 Report
gain everything., but unfortunately, he liked Song Juhan.

Once you like someone, you lose right from the start.

He Gu sighed deeply, started the car, and drove home.

Halfway there, he received a text message from Feng Zheng with

only one4The raws actually say “three, short words/characters”
coz in Chinese, you write “sorry” as “对不起” word: Sorry.

He didn’t reply. Instead, he deleted Feng Zheng’s number.

He didn’t know what Feng Zheng’s intention was for today, but it
certainly wasn’t because of an old love for him. Although the two of
them hadn’t been in touch in all these years, he’d been able to
occasionally get news of Feng Zheng from his old schoolmates. The
young heir of the Feng family had always been the object of
everyone’s attention; it would be hard for him not to know. In these
years, Feng Zheng hadn’t been idle.

He could guess Feng Zheng’s indignance and shame after being

stepped on by Song Juhan upon returning home. The loss and defeat
from six years ago all came rushing back to his mind. So the more he
felt his face hanging loosely, the more he wanted to pull it back5面子
上挂不住 – “face hanging loosely” or “face not hung securely”
or simply “losing face” is an idiom describing feelings of shame.
And likewise, “pulling it back” is about regaining one’s dignity.?
This was probably the case. Aside from this, he couldn’t think of any
reason why Feng Zheng would still be interested in him.

Many people thought He Gu was not familiar with the ways of the
world, but in fact, he was just not very sociable. He could see through
people better than others. Sometimes, it was very exhausting.

The news of Gu Qingpei’s departure soon spread in the company.

He had already submitted his resignation letter, so there was nothing
to hide.
63 Report
He Gu heard rumors that Gu Qingpei’s annual salary increased
after he was poached, and he was very happy for him. If Gu Qingpei
really made a career out of his new company, it would not be a bad
idea to give himself another option.

Gu Qingpei’s subordinates planned to hold a farewell drinking

party, inviting all the employees who were on good terms with Gu
Qingpei, excluding the big bosses. He Gu was among those invited.

On Friday afternoon, He Gu drove a few colleagues to the bar6酒店

– can also mean hotel or restaurant, but since author said “drinking
party,” then maybe it’s at a private room in a bar. they had a
booking at. That dajie who always spoke unrestrainedly with him was
also in the car.

As soon as she got into the car, that dajie looked around, clicked
her tongue, and said, “Chief He, it’s my first time riding in your
car. This car must cost millions, eh?”

He Gu just gave her an “en,” and looked straight ahead.

“Chief He is young, promising, and also handsome. Really,

Mr. He. And I don’t mean to boast, but my niece and you are
really suitable. She has a height of 1.7 meters, and her skin
is fair and clear. Right now, she’s working in a bank with an
annual salary of 300, 000 yuan.”

Chief He smiled and didn’t say anything.

Chen Shan coughed, quietly elbowed that dajie, and furtively gave
her a meaningful look. Their Chief He doesn’t easily lose his temper,
but his personality was also very cold. This dajie really didn’t know
how to read other people.

That dajie said disappointedly, “Chief He, what kind of girl do

you like? Can I introduce you to some? I know many who are
of the right age.”
64 Report
He Gu frowned a little. From the moment he entered the company
until now, many had wanted to set up a girlfriend for him. From the
management to the staff, they were like flies he couldn’t get rid of. It
seems that the older he got, the less tolerant people around him
were of his being single. Being pestered all the time was also quite
annoying, so he coughed and said, “Yang-jie, you’ve been
troubled, but I don’t intend to get a girlfriend, and I also
don’t want to get married.”

Yang-jie’s eyes widened. “Why?” Her gaze couldn’t help but

wander down, wondering if there was something wrong with He Gu.

That look was rather rude, and the others in the car felt
embarrassed for her, pinching themselves in cold sweat.

He Gu was a little amused, but he wasn’t without any tolerance,

and he said calmly, “When I was a child, my parents had a bad
relationship. My father died when I was in high school, and
my mother never came to visit me again after she remarried.
I don’t trust marriage, so I won’t marry.”

Silence fell in the car, and after a while, Yang-jie said “Oh,” not
knowing what to reply.

He Gu looked at her in the rearview mirror. “Many thanks, Yang-

jie, for your good intentions. But I came to the company for
work, not to find a girlfriend. I hope that, in the future,
things that have nothing to do with work will not be
mentioned in front of me.”

There was no rise and fall in his tone, but the warning implied by
that look in his eyes made Yang-jie shiver.

Who in the company didn’t know that He Gu was usually cold and
apathetic, but that once he fell out with someone, would never give
that person any face.
65 Report
Along the way, no one dared to speak up.

At the bar, Chief He led the people to a private room, where some
of their colleagues had already arrived. They were singing, and on
the table next to them were rows of wine.

“Chief He.”

“Chief He has come.”

He Gu nodded at them one after another. “Where’s Chief Gu

and the others?”

“They got stuck in traffic. Chief He, are you going to sing?”

“I’m tone-deaf. You guys sing. I’m going to make a call.”

The private room was full of young staff members. None of his peers
or superiors had arrived. These young people would be
uncomfortable with him around, and he was also uncomfortable with
them, so he simply grabbed his phone and went out.”

He walked down the corridor to a balcony, and was just about to

open his phone to check the news when Song Juhan’s call came in.

He Gu lit up and immediately answered the call, “Hello, Juhan.”

“En, what are you doing?” Song Juhan’s tone sounded lazy. His
languid tone, slightly husky voice, and accent with an inexplicable
sense of exoticism had been hailed by the media as one of the
sexiest voices in the world. Although it was nothing more than a
compliment, it was true for He Gu, especially so when it came to that
low, suppressed gasp Song Juhan would make when letting out his
desire at his peak. It could literally make one’s ears orgasm.

Truly deserving of being a singer who’d been popular for years.

Song Juhan had a voice that was born to eat this bowl of rice7天生就
该吃这碗饭 – I’m not quite sure, but I think He Gu is saying that Song
Juhan had a voice that was really suited for his job..
66 Report
After a brief daze, He Gu said, “I’m at a dinner party.”

“That’s boring. Come keep me company.”

“Leaving right now is not good. Maybe a little later?”

“How late?”

“About nine.”

It was silent on the other end of the phone. “No, come over

He Gu said softly, “I really can’t leave right now, but I’ll try to
leave as early as I can, okay?”

“Up to you.” Song Juhan’s tone was obviously not very happy.
He then hung up the phone.

He Gu was holding his phone and hesitating when the elevator

doors opened, and he heard Gu Qingpei’s hearty laughter. He
cheered up and greeted him with a smile, “Chief Gu.”

“Hey, Mr. He. You came so early. Come, come, come, let’s
go to the room. What are you doing standing around here?”

“I was making a call.”

“Oh, who?” Gu Qingpei smiled and winked. That teasing

expression paired with his handsome face was really quite charming.
“Is it your girlfriend urging you to go home for dinner?”

“No.” He Gu smiled. “Let’s go. Most of them are here.”

At the dinner table, Gu Qingpei was smooth and slick as usual. He

gave a brief description of what he planned to do after leaving his
job, and what his new company was like. Of course, he also gave his
old employers enough face, telling the employees to work hard and
so on. Even though not a single one of his superiors were there
67 Report
today, he was still talking rigorously.

A subordinate asked about the company Gu Qingpei was jumping

ship to, “Chief Gu, that’s a company owned by the Yuan Clan
holdings, right? I heard that the Yuan Clan took 6, 000 mu8亩
– classifier for fields; unit of area equal to 1/15 of a hectare
of land in Pearwater Bay this year. That’s a really big deal.”

“Yuan Lijiang always makes big deals.”

Gu Qingpei smiled, “Yes, I will also be involved in that

project. If you guys are interested in building commercial
housing in the future, come to me and I’ll give you the
internal price.”

“Wow, thank you, Chief Gu.”

A female employee said with a smile, “Hey, I’ve also heard

news about the Yuan Clan. I saw on the Internet that Yuan
Lijiang’s eldest son is super handsome9She’s referring to
Yuan Yang, the male lead in Zheng Feng Duijue. He is Gu
Qingpei’s gong haha. You will see him later in the story.. The
photo was very fuzzy and was taken secretly, but he’s really
super handsome.”

“Very fuzzy, but you can still make out how handsome he
is? There must be a problem with the angle.”

“See for yourself. I’ll show it to you…”

A few of the young employees began to gossip, and Gu Qingpei

looked at He Gu with a smile, “You didn’t eat much. Is the food
not to your liking?”

“No, I’m just on a diet, so I eat less at night.”

“Oh, that’s a good habit. I also have a vegetarian diet at

night. Once a man is over thirty, his metabolism drops and he
68 Report
gets fat easily.” Gu Qingpei thought for a moment. “You’re not
thirty yet, right?”

“Twenty-eight, about the same as Chief Gu.”

Gu Qingpei shook his head with a smile. “Do you also find me
incomprehensible? In my thirties, and in this position, my life
is already so stable, and yet here comes a big upheaval.”

He Gu said, “I think Chief Gu has already carefully

considered every step. Besides, with the higher annual salary
there, it won’t be such a big upheaval.”

Gu Qingpei’s smile deepened, and he looked elated. “Good

point.” Then he picked up the wine glass in passing.

He Gu also quickly raised his glass, rushing to take the lead to say,
“I’d like to propose a toast to Chief Gu. I wish you the best in
your new environment and in realizing your ambitions.”

Gu Qingpei clinked glasses with a smile, then drank everything in

one gulp.

After dinner, some of them sang, some gossiped, and some drank
wine. While chatting with Gu Qingpei for a while, He Gu couldn’t help
but look at his watch twice.

Such a small gesture was noticed by Gu Qingpei. “What’s wrong?

In a hurry to leave?”

He Gu said awkwardly, “Uh, there’s a little matter…”

“Oh, you can go ahead then.”

“Sorry, Chief Gu. I’ll treat you to a meal some other day.”

Gu Qingpei smiled and said, “Done. Count it as you owing me

a meal. Can you drive? Should I let a driver send you off?”
69 Report
“I only drank a little, it’s no problem.”

“Okay, be careful on the way.”

“Thank you, Chief Gu. Let’s meet again some other time.”

“See you later.”

As soon as He Gu left the private room, he quickened his pace and

headed for the parking lot. Currently, it was just after eight, much
earlier than he had expected. It wasn’t far from Song Juhan’s
apartment, and if he sped up, he could get there by eight-thirty.

Fortunately, there was no traffic jam at this hour, so he soon

arrived at the place. On the way, he bought the small crab roe
wontons that Song Juhan loved so much downstairs, then took an
elevator upstairs.

He rang the doorbell, and when the door opened, he froze when he
saw the person opening it.

It was an unfamiliar and pretty-looking teenager.

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71 Report

Chapter 7
Source: Lizonka Web Novels

The teenager looked at him, his eyes finally resting on the small
wontons in his hand. He took the plastic bag in one hand and said,
“Thanks. How much is it?”

He Gu came back to his senses, vaguely recognizing this person as

that actor who recently became very popular. He wasn’t twenty yet,
and his skin was so soft, one could pinch water out of it. His body still
had the thin youthfulness of a teenager, and he wore a pair of water
mill jeans1A washed-out looking kind of jeans. Something like this:
that lined his legs. Just standing there, he seemed to be glowing.

He Gu calmly said, “46.”

The boy went back to get the money. After a while, he came out
with his wallet and drew out fifty yuan for him. “Keep the change.”

He Gu didn’t say anything. He took the money and left.

“Who was that?” Song Juhan’s voice came from inside the

“A guy delivering take-out,” the teenager replied.

“Take-out? Did you order it?”

“Didn’t Han-ge order it? Crab roe… wontons?”

He Gu tried to walk as fast as he could towards the elevator, but he

was still a step too late. Song Juhan’s voice came from behind. “He

He Gu stopped and turned around.
72 Report
Song Juhan frowned at him, looked at the wontons again, and
sneered. “What did you come here for?”

“Delivering the take-out,” He Gu said woodenly.

Song Juhan frowned slightly. Although He Gu’s face was calm, he

could still sense the man’s hidden anger. He couldn’t help but find it
amusing, for the He Gu he knew rarely showed his emotions except
when they were in bed. He hooked a finger and said, “Come back.”

The boy poked a head out, his round, bright eyes roaming back
and forth between them in puzzlement.

He Gu didn’t move. “You have a guest. Take care of him


“I’m telling you to come back.” Was he feeling jealous? Song

Juhan hadn’t enjoyed it enough yet.

He Gu paused for two seconds, then walked back.

The teenager looked at him and asked, “Han-ge, who is he?”

Song Juhan ignored him. Grasping He Gu’s collar, he leaned into his
face and took a sniff. “Good, you didn’t drink too much.”

The teenager’s eyes widened. Song Juhan’s tone was frivolous and
ambiguous. They were definitely not ordinary friends.

He Gu nodded at the teenager, then familiarly found slippers in the

shoe closet to change into. He’d been to this apartment of Song
Juhan several times. Song Juhan had also wanted to give him a key,
but he didn’t take it. If he had the key, he might not be able to resist
running over every other day. Sometimes people’s self-control is not
enough, and they need some external restraints. He didn’t want to
give himself the illusion of “I can go to Song Juhan at any time.”

In fact, over the years, six or seven times out of ten was Song
73 Report
Juhan coming to find him first. The three or four that he had initiated
were all released when the countless cravings could no longer be

The young man looked at He Gu in a bit of a daze, as if he still

didn’t quite believe in the relationship between him and Song Juhan.
The gap between these two was the same as that of a simple, dull
porcelain and a shiny diamond. Diamonds should at least be matched
with platinum, gold, or colorful jewels like him. By any means, it was
never the porcelain’s turn.

The teenager frowned at Song Juhan. Song Juhan paid him no

regards. Even He Gu hardly put the teenager in his eyes. After he
entered the house, he didn’t even take off his coat as he familiarly
carried the little wontons into the kitchen. He put the wontons into
bowls, brought them out, and set them on the table. “I’ve eaten.
You guys can eat.”

Song Juhan seemed to have just woken up from a nap. The collar of
his loose knit shirt revealed most of his beautiful collarbones and
booming pecs. And his curly hair was a bit messy as he sat at the
table, yawning and staring blankly at the little wontons before him.

Song Juhan was most often praised for his deep, charming eyes,
but He Gu liked his lips the most. Song Juhan’s lips were somewhat a
bit upturned, and they were always red and moist, as if ready for a
kiss at any moment.2Lemme all share this HD official art I absolutely
love of Juhan nngghhhh

The young man unceremoniously pulled out a stool and sat down.
He ate the wontons while giving He Gu a cold glance.

Song Juhan also ate, and while eating, he asked, “Wasn’t there a
dinner party?”

“I left early.”
74 Report
“I asked you to come at six o’clock, and you didn’t come.
What do you mean by coming now?” Song Juhan gave him a
blank look. “Did I say I’d wait for you?” 3Liz: Go to hell, Juhan

“No.” He Gu looked at his watch. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll

go back first.”

“Clean up the dishes before you go back, else the room will

“En.” He Gu turned his head to look out the window. There was a
very good view of the night from here. Those long lines of cars
congested in traffic looked like a beautiful river of stars from above.
Only when one stood from a high place could people get a good view
of this city built up with desires.

“Han-ge,” the young man spoke coquettishly. “I’ll clean up.

You can let him go back.”

Song Juhan smiled at him, then suddenly said, “He Gu, do you
recognize him?”

“I’ve seen him on TV.” But as for what he was called, He Gu

couldn’t remember.

“Introduce yourself,” said Song Juhan.

The young man said coldly, “My name is Zhuang Jieyu.”

“He Gu. Hello.”

Zhuang Jieyu was furious. This man’s indifference simply looked

like he was provoking him. He didn’t know what Song Juhan meant by
letting the man stay. Did he want us to play together4cough,
threesome, cough? He took a look at Song Juhan and was a little
confused. It wasn’t like he couldn’t play, but if he was going to
sacrifice like that, then he had to think hard about what he wanted
back from Song Juhan.
75 Report
Song Juhan finished his wontons, and having eaten his fill, he was
now in the mood for fun. “He Gu, Jieyu is the type you like,

Zhuang Jieyu’s heart sank, feeling that he had guessed correctly.

He cursed Song Juhan in his heart, but on the surface, he no longer
frowned at He Gu and instead gave him a smile.

He Gu’s eyes darted between the two of them. He couldn’t

understand what Song Juhan wanted, so he said vaguely, “It’s

“En, I knew it. He’s a bit like Feng Zheng from back then,
isn’t he?” Song Juhan said carelessly.

He Gu didn’t expect Song Juhan to bring up Feng Zheng again. He

thought of how Zhuang Jieyu wasn’t the least bit like Feng Zheng,
and he shook his head. Song Juhan had a really vindictive
personality. Until now, he still didn’t plan to turn over the page of the
conflict from that day.

“Doesn’t he look like him? A little white face5A usually

derogatory term for an attractive young man with red lips
and white teeth, and about the same age as him back then.”
Song Juhan smiled at He Gu.

“Not quite the same.” He Gu came over, gathered up the bowls

they were done eating on, and took them to the kitchen.

Song Juhan yawned again, probably having had enough fun.

Rubbing Zhuang Jieyu’s head, he said, “Go get ready.” Then he
went to the bedroom.

Zhuang Jieyu said “Oh,” and his eyes drifted to the kitchen. This
man… His figure and looks are not bad.

He Gu had just finished cleaning up the dishes and was planning to

leave when he turned back and saw Zhuang Jieyu leaning against the
76 Report
door frame, looking at him with his hands crossed in front of him.

He Gu tried to walk past him but was stopped. He calmly waited for
what Zhuang Jieyu was gonna do.

He thought he could appreciate a childish jealousy play, but then

Zhuang Jieyu unexpectedly hooked his neck and said ambiguously,
“Can you do 161 is slang for topping, while 0 is for

He Gu replied honestly, “Can.”

“I heard that if you’ve been fucked long enough, you

wouldn’t want to do 1. Han-ge’s skills are just that good…”

“It’s not about wanting or not wanting. You just have to be

physically okay.”

He Gu didn’t know what he was playing at. He grabbed his arms

and put them down, then walked out of the kitchen.

Zhuang Jieyu frowned. What was he putting on airs for?

He Gu grabbed his keys and was preparing to put on his shoes and

Zhuang Jieyu went up to grab his tie, and said none too happily,
“What are you doing?”

He Gu frowned. “I want to ask you that too.”

“Han-ge told me to get ready. Can’t you cooperate a little?

Do you lose out when I’m like this?”

He Gu reacted, realizing this kid had misunderstood. Song Juhan

didn’t have that kind of hobby. He said, “You misunderstood.
Juhan doesn’t play like that.”

Zhuang Jieyu pfft-ed. “He doesn’t play? Then did I sleep with
77 Report
ghosts before?”

He Gu froze.

Zhuang Jieyu raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you know? Han-ge is

very demanding. Sometimes, one person can’t handle him
alone, and he quite likes it. Has he never played it with you?”

He Gu felt some dull emotions churning in his chest, making his

blood run cold. Grabbing the teenager’s hand, he unclasped his
fingers one by one and said coldly, “I’m not playing.”

Zhuang Jieyu was furious. He didn’t expect He Gu to turn him

down. He was the reluctant one, but he also had to play this, okay?
He usually picked those with excellent figures and looks, and this He
Gu was nowhere like that ah. He normally wouldn’t even give him a
glance, yet now he dared reject him?!

Somewhat annoyed, he grabbed He Gu’s collar and blocked his lips

hard, kissing him skillfully.

He Gu froze.

He had never kissed anyone aside from Feng Zheng and Song
Juhan. His only thought at this time was that this kid was a really
good kisser. When he was with Feng Zheng, neither of them had
much experience. And with Song Juhan, he was either too
perfunctory or too impatient. It seemed like this was the first time he
had ever been seriously kissed.

“What are you guys doing?” Song Juhan’s cold and gloomy
voice came from behind.

The two of them separated. Zhuang Jieyu looked at Song Juhan

while slightly gasping. Song Juhan’s eyes were brewing with
something he couldn’t understand, sending chills down his spine.
Had he really misunderstood? Song Juhan wasn’t trying to…
78 Report
He Gu wiped the drool from his lips, not really knowing how to
explain it. Did Song Juhan need him to explain? If he didn’t need to,
then he wouldn’t bother.

“Han-ge… didn’t you tell me to get ready?” Zhuang Jiayu said

somewhat innocently.

Song Juhan said grimly, “Did I tell you to prepare like this? I
told you to get your ass ready.”

Zhuang Jieyu’s face changed. Song Juhan was usually easy-

mannered and charming. Even if he said obscene things in bed, it
was still pleasing. Never had he spoken such vulgar things in front of
others. He didn’t know how he had provoked Song Juhan.

Song Juhan, however, didn’t look at him at all, only staring

viciously at He Gu. “Who told you to kiss him?”

“He kissed me,” said He Gu.

“I think you enjoyed it.” Song Juhan narrowed his eyes. “It’s
been only a few days that I haven’t fucked you. You don’t
need to be this horny.”

Zhuang Jieyu was even more surprised. He had never seen Song
Juhan talk maliciously to others before. Although this big star wasn’t
an all-encompassing person, those who had come in contact with him
never had any comments on how he was as a person. Song Juhan
should be a decent person inside and out, with the essential grace a
person of his background should have. As long as there was no
conflict of interest, he would forever be that perfect and noble young
master. Zhuang Jieyu absolutely didn’t expect Song Juhan to have
such a strong side.

He Gu did quite enjoy that kiss. That kiss that was impeccable in
terms of technique, giving him a new understanding of kissing. But
that was all there was to it. It was like tasting a delicacy he’d never
79 Report
eaten before; there was no special meaning in it. He felt he’d said all
he needed to say, and with Song Juhan clearly taking out his anger
on him, there was no use in saying anything else. He’d better leave.
Whenever Song Juhan was unhappy, it was best for him to disappear.
This rule was something he had figured out.

He turned to put on his shoes.

“If you dare take a step out of this room, you can never see
me again.” Song Juhan raised his chin and looked condescendingly
at He Gu.

This one did the trick. He Gu straightened up and had to explain

again. “He misunderstood what you meant. We…”

“He didn’t misunderstand.” Song Juhan looked at He Gu, the

corners of his mouth lightly hooked up, revealing a somewhat cruel

He Gu’s body trembled. Song Juhan wouldn’t really want to…

Song Juhan came over and tugged on He Gu’s tie. “All these
years you’ve been so obedient. You’ll be obedient today too,
won’t you?”

He Gu’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “Juhan, don’t be

too much.”

He could watch Song Juhan make out with someone else, because
he had no position to care, but he could never join in it. That was too

“How is this too much? Was you and him kissing too
much?” Song Juhan thought of that scene he saw, that slightly
surprised and seemingly delighted look on He Gu’s face, only to feel
his heart on fire and all his blood boiling at once. He Gu actually
kissed a little slut in his house. He Gu actually kissed others? Damn
80 Report
“This matter shouldn’t be my fault.”

These words seemed to annoy Song Juhan. He grabbed He Gu’s

collar and pressed the man against the wall. Those eyes that shone
as beautiful as stars now also rose with the chill of a distant cosmic

Zhuang Jieyu looked at He Gu, then looked at Song Juhan, simply

confused by the tense atmosphere between them. It was just a kiss.
Isn’t Song Juhan’s reaction too strange?

Zhuang Jieyu didn’t understand Song Juhan, for he had only seen
his gentlemanly, refined, and charming side. But He Gu had seen all
of Song Juhan’s faces. Song Juhan’s temper was so big that people
who really knew him were always cautious around him. Because of
the kiss between him and Zhuang Jieyu today, did Song Juhan feel
that his authority had been violated? Although he was also innocent,
it wasn’t the first or second time that he had to endure Song Juhan
taking out his anger on him. He just had to bear with it until his
tantrum was over.

Song Juhan narrowed his eyes, his gaze sweeping over every inch
of He Gu’s face before finally landing on his lips. He rubbed those lips
with his fingertips, then blocked them hard, kissing him roughly.

He Gu didn’t know how to respond to this kiss resembling a

punishment. He was already overwhelmed just trying to avoid their
teeth colliding.

Song Juhan’s tongue brutally pried his teeth open, stirring wantonly
inside his mouth. He Gu gradually felt breathless from the kiss, a
blush creeping up on his face.

In a trance, he felt Song Juhan starting to tug on his clothes. He Gu

was shocked, and he gripped Song Juhan’s hand. “Juhan?!”

“Let’s play something special today. I’ll fuck you, and he’ll
81 Report
watch.” Song Juhan tugged harder, tearing off the zipper of He Gu’s

Zhuang Jieyu felt only numbness in his scalp, frightened by the

anger and malice displayed by Song Juhan.

He Gu was anxious. “Juhan, stop making trouble!”

“Who’s making trouble with you?” Song Juhan’s strength was

so great that it was simply not something that ordinary people could
resist. As the sole heir of the Song clan entertainment empire, his
safety was always the first consideration, and so he grew up with the
best martial arts teacher to teach him how to fight. He Gu once saw
him playfully crush walnuts between his ring and little fingers7And
this is one of the reasons why Song Juhan is known as the Walnut
Man in the Chinese fandom. More of him and walnuts later hahahah.
Those beautiful hands weren’t just proficient in multiple instruments.
They could also bruise the hardest bone in a man’s body with a
single punch. He Gu was helpless in front of him.

He Gu’s face was very red. This was probably the most
embarrassing scene in his life. He looked past Song Juhan’s shoulder
and saw Zhuang Jieyu’s stunned gaze. It felt like his heart was being
trampled into the mud.

Song Juhan ruthlessly pressed closer, and He Gu desperately tried

to push him away. “Juhan, let go of me!”

“Damn it, stop moving. Shouldn’t you make it up to me for

spoiling my date? Maybe you’ll be more excited with
someone watching you. Get a good feel on whether him
kissing you or me fucking you is more pleasurable.” His hands
had taken down the last barriers on He Gu’s skin.

He Gu’s heart ached, and his eyes burned. With a strength coming
out of nowhere, he firmly pushed Song Juhan away.
82 Report
Song Juhan stumbled a few steps, but quickly steadied himself.

He Gu looked like a mess. His shirt and tie were in disarray, and his
trousers were piled at his feet. His face was full of anger.

Looking at Song Juhan, there was a hint of intolerance in Zhuang

Jieyu’s gaze. These rich people ah. They’re really nothing good.

Song Juchan didn’t expect that the usually silent and obedient He
Gu would react so strongly. But before he could even get angry, the
deeply humiliated look on He Gu’s face made him freeze.

Zhuang Jieyu was a little scared, and he stood at the side, not
knowing what to do.

Song Juhan’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. His gloomy eyes
stared at the half-opened door and remained frozen in place for a
long time, unsure of what to think.

Zhuang Jieyu dared not breathe.

After a long time, Song Juhan finally noticed him. He looked coldly
at him and said, “Dare touch him again and you don’t have the
mix in the circle anymore.”

Zhuang Jieyu sucked in a breath and nodded eagerly. “I’m sorry.

Sorry, Han-ge.”

“Get lost.”

Liz, looking at Song Juhan who’s slept with many other people:

Liz: It’s not like you guys are seriously dating. He Gu was never
exclusively yours.

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84 Report

Chapter 8
Source: Lizonka Web Novels

Running out of Song Juhan’s house, He Gu found it a little hard to

hold on.

Fortunately, it was evening, and there was no one else around.

Otherwise, he would’ve looked really unsightly with how he was
carrying his pants.

He miserably1狼狈 – to cut a sorry figure ran back to the car,

eagerly started it, and drove back home.

Halfway down the road, he suddenly remembered that the car was
given to him by Song Juhan. His stomach churned suddenly, and he
jerked the steering wheel, braking the car sharply to the side of the

He wearily leaned back on the seat and slowly closed his eyes.

In the past six years, it could be said that Song Juhan had treated
him well. The house, the car, the expensive gifts every now and then,
and the red envelopes2红包 – money wrapped in red envelopes and
given as gifts on Chinese New Year and other occasions—he had
never lacked in giving them. When he was in a good mood, he’d also
hug him tenderly and sweetly. In general, so long as He Gu put up
with his shifty temper, they were quite amicable. Song Juhan hadn’t
treated him badly.

As for Song Juhan sleeping with other people and having sex
scandals, it wasn’t something he could control. As he said to Feng
Zheng, it wasn’t Song Juhan’s fault for not liking him. There was
neither commitment nor agreement between the two of them. And
He Gu was sober enough to know that the pain he felt from being
with Song Juhan was all his fault3庸人自扰 – to get upset over
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nothing; to make problems for oneself and something he had brought
to himself4心甘情愿 – to be happy to do something.

He thought that after so many years, he’d already been able to put
up with Song Juhan’s bad track record, but today, he had
underestimated the extent of how much an asshole Song Juhan was.

He groped for a half pack of cigarettes in the drawer, and after

groping a little more, he found a lighter as well.

Song Juhan didn’t like smoking, so if He Gu wanted to smoke, he

had to hide.

He opened the window and let the cold, humid air pour in, and the
smoke rose a little, blurring his vision. As the taste of nicotine drove
around in his lungs, he felt the confusion in his brain being cleared
away by the stimulation of the tobacco.

It was ridiculous. His feelings for Song Juhan were a joke. This joke
was like a guillotine hanging over his head. For years, he’d been
waiting for the guillotine to fall, for Song Juhan to part ways with him.
He had been preparing for that day, and now, he felt it was not far

The phone suddenly rang. He Gu’s heart trembled so much that

when he took it over and saw an unfamiliar number, he breathed a
sigh of relief. He answered the phone, “Hello?”

“He Gu, it’s me.” Feng Zheng’s voice came from the other end of
the phone.

“Well, speak.” He Gu’s voice was cold. He was normally like this,
and after the verbal conflict that day, it was even less likely that he
would give Feng Zheng any good face.

“I want to apologize for that day.”

“It’s nothing.”
86 Report
“Your umbrella is with me. I’ll give it back to you when you
have time.”

“Don’t bother. It’s just an umbrella.”

Feng Zheng smiled bitterly. “I just want an excuse to see you

again. Give me some face.”

He Gu sighed. “Feng Zheng, what do you want to do?”

One couldn’t help but wonder about Feng Zheng’s enthusiasm. It

had been six years. There was absolutely no need for Feng Zheng to
be attentive to him. He wouldn’t believe that Feng Zheng was still in
love with him.

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment. “I just miss
you a bit, thinking about the good times we used to have.”

He Gu’s heart suddenly twinged, and he couldn’t help but also

reminisce about his time with Feng Zheng in college. They really did
have a good time. Although most of the time they were ambiguous
and finally ended up parting on bad terms, he was also very sad with

The only two people in his life who had ever moved his heart were
Feng Zheng and Song Juhan. He Gu was a person who felt things
deeply; otherwise, he wouldn’t have liked someone for so long. In his
heart, Feng Zheng had always been placed in a sun-splashed corner,
his time with him the lush green years they could never return to.
And because it was really quite beautiful, he couldn’t be too cold to
the man.

Feng Zheng added, “I promise not to mention you and Song

Juhan again. Can we be friends?”

“You…” He Gu said helplessly, “If you do what you say, we’ll

still be friends.”
87 Report
Feng Zheng laughed. “I’ll do as I say. When you’re free, I’ll
treat you to a meal.”

“Let’s wait until I’m done with the case in my hand. So

much has been going on lately.”

“What are you doing now? It doesn’t sound like you’re at


He Gu was stumped for words. “Er, I just finished working

overtime, and I’m now heading home.”

“I’m at a friend’s bar, not far from your company. Can you
come over for a drink?”

“I can’t, I’m really too tired today. I also don’t know your

“You’re still so afraid of strangers.” Feng Zhen laughed in a

low voice. “You’re afraid even with me here?” His voice had a
distinct hint of pampering and indulgence.

“It’s not about being afraid. I’m just really kind of tired.”

“Well, go home and get some rest then. I’ll meet you
another time.”

Hanging up the phone, He Gu calmed down for a bit before

stubbing out his cigarette and driving home.

He rarely ate at home, and when he got busy with work, he’d have
no time to do anything but bathe and sleep. This place was
sometimes more like a hotel to him.

This apartment was also a gift from Song Juhan. It really seemed
like Song Juhan was raising him, even though he didn’t need anybody
to raise him. However, if he were to buy such a house in the Third
Ring, then he’d probably have to pay off the mortgage for ten or
88 Report
twenty years.

As for Song Juhan giving him an RV, he felt neither insulted nor
grateful. These things meant little to him. He had very low material
requirements, and he didn’t mind renting an apartment or squeezing
in the subway. Song Juhan giving him things were out of his own free
will, just like how He Gu rushing to like someone who could never like
him back was also out of his own free will. It got nothing to do with

However, every time he and Song Juhan had a fight, he’d feel that
the car and the house, especially this perpetually empty and
uninviting house, were both an eyesore. They only reminded him all
over again how lonely he was, even foreshadowing how if Song juhan
were to get tired of him one day, he might have to be alone forever.

After that day, the two of them didn’t contact each other for half a

Half a month wasn’t really that long. When Song Juhan was busy or
when he’d seclude himself to write songs, it was normal not to see
him for a month or two. But last time, they had parted on bad terms,
and it was the most intense conflict they’d had over the past six
years, making every day of He Gu’s life a torment.

When his anger subsided, He Gu tried calling Song Juhan several

times, but he couldn’t find the courage. He wasn’t ashamed; he was
just afraid of knowing if they had reached the end of the road. He had
sounded out Song Juhan’s patience and bottomline for him many
times, and with every tear in his heart, he’d feel a kind of masochistic
redemption. The more disappointed he was now, the better he’d feel
when the day of their parting came. And after he had squandered all
his feelings for Song Juhan, he should be able to walk away with

But now was not yet the time. It was as if he was chasing after a
bomb fuse. Whether the bomb exploded first, or whether he got tired
89 Report
and stopped first, it was not yet known. But wherever he stopped,
the bomb was bound to explode, and he was bound to get hurt. He
knew that if he stopped sooner, the damage would be less, but he
couldn’t contain his legs.

One day, He Gu couldn’t take it anymore and quietly called Xiao

Song. He deliberately chose to call at eleven in the evening, thinking
that Xiao Song should’ve already gone home. He didn’t expect that
when the call connected, there’d be noise from a KTV on the other
end. Xiao Song’s voice was not small at all, and in the KTV, he even
had to shout. “Hello, He Gu-ge?”

He Gu closed his eyes. “It’s me.”

“Hang on, let me go out to talk.” Xiao Song’s voice slurred,

obviously a little drunk.

After a while, it was quiet on the other end. He Gu said, “Xiao

Song, you’re not home yet?”

“No, I’m hanging out with Han-ge.”

He Gu regretted making this call. Just now, Song Juhan should’ve

heard it… He wasn’t familiar with Xiao Song at all. Song Juchan didn’t
have to guess what the call was for.

“He Gu-ge?”

“Ah, oh, then you guys have fun. I’ll hang up first.”

“What’s the matter? You must have a reason for calling.”

Xiao Song burped. “It’s okay, I’m not drunk. You can tell me.”

He Gu was silent for a moment. “How is Juhan recently?”

Xiao Song paused, and his voice became a little more serious.
“He’s fine, just busy. Have you guys not met lately?”
90 Report
“No…” He Gu didn’t know his own purpose for calling, so he just
braced himself to say, “How was his mood these days?”

“He’s been pretty good these days. But in the first half of
the month, my god, it was terrible. I had my resignation
letter in my pocket, but fortunately I survived.”

“Oh…” He Gu didn’t know what to say again.

Xiao Song also felt a little embarrassed. “He Gu-ge, did you two
have a fight?”

“Not really.”

“I’ll wait when Han-ge is in a good mood, and I’ll mention

you to him.”

He Gu smiled bitterly. “Thank you.”

What did this make him look like? A concubine waiting for the
Emperor to give him a glance? If he hadn’t relied on Xiao Song, the
personal eunuch, the Emperor would have long forgotten about him.
How amusing.

But he really wanted to see Song Juhan. He was no longer satisfied

with just looking at photos and videos.

Sometimes, he was very glad that Song Juhan had never given him
any hope in the past six years. Otherwise, he would be tortured to
death by his own possessiveness and imagination.

After hanging up the phone, He Gu sat stiffly in the dark for a

while, then looked up the new album that Song Juhan released last
year. That 65-inch TV he bought had arrived, and such a size really
made it look so grand.

He Gu leaned into the soft couch and watched that handsome,

devilish man on TV who was like a king of the dark night. Listening to
91 Report
that sexy, husky voice murmuring into his ears like a spell, his heart
couldn’t help but tremble.

There were so many people in the world who liked Song Juhan. He
should be content that he could be so close to him.

He had admonished himself to be contented, contented,


The ringing of a phone woke He Gu up. He snapped his eyes open

and realized he had fallen asleep on the couch at some point. Song
Juhan’s album had already played out.

He grabbed the phone. It was already two in the morning, and Xiao
Song was calling. He Gu’s heart thumped. Could something have
happened to Song Juhan?

He quickly answered the phone. “Hello, Xiao…”

“He Gu-ge, Han-ge is having some trouble here. Can you

come over?”

He Gu’s heart tightened, and he jumped up from the couch, “What


“I don’t know how the fans knew he was here, but now
they’re blocking the front and back doors of the KTV. Han-ge
is drunk, and he’s getting angry.”

He Gu was relieved. He thought Song Juchan had run into danger.

He said, “I’ll go now… wait, doesn’t your company have
someone who specializes in these?” He was afraid he wouldn’t
be of much help when he went over.

Xiao Song said embarrassedly, “This… If the boss knows, he’ll

blame me for not protecting Han-ge’s whereabouts, so…”

He Gu understood. “Give me the address, I’ll be there in a
92 Report
minute.” He quickly put on his clothes, grabbed his keys, and
rushed out of the house.

There weren’t many cars at night, so He Gu ran two red lights in a

row and arrived at the KTV at the fastest speed.

As expected, the entrance of the KTV was full of crazy fans and
passersby joining in the fun.

He Gu squeezed through the crowd to get to the door, practically

standing out among the group of girls and looking quite out of place.

The KTV bouncer who stopped him at the door looked at him and
said, “Are you…”

“Yes, I am He Gu.”

The bouncer let him in.

The waiter took He Gu to the private room, but before he even got
there, he could already hear Song Juhan flying into a rage inside.

“Get lost! I want to go home. Who the fuck dare block

laozi5老子 – an arrogant way of referring to oneself—”

“Han-ge, there are many fans of yours outside. You can’t

go out with this image…”

“Fans my ass. What are fans? They’re just a bunch of

idiots. Do they know me? Do I know them? Get out of the

There was a rattling sound inside.

When He Gu pushed open the door, he saw Song Juhan being

stopped by Xiao Song, who was sweating profusely. There were two
male waiters nearby, looking panicked and helpless.

Seeing He Gu, Song Juhan froze, then frowned. “Why did you
93 Report

He turned to Xiao Song. “Did you tell him to come? You’ve got
a lot of nerve. Who the fuck allowed you to act on your own!”

“Han-ge, Han-ge, listen to me. You can scold me all you

want tomorrow when you sober up, but for now, listen to me,
okay? If you are photographed like this, Chief Song will kill
me.” Xiao Song was on the verge of tears, and he kept looking at He
Gu with a cry for help.

Only then did He Gu realize that Xiao Song was looking for him to
appease Song Juhan. With so many bodyguards and waiters inside
and outside, it would be easy to get Song Juhan out. But right now,
Song Juhan is drunk and angry. He was likely to lose his temper when
his fans pushed him around. If he said or did something outrageous,
he would be in trouble.

He Gu walked over. “Juhan, calm down a bit. There really are

many of your fans outside, maybe even reporters. Now…”

Song Juhan grabbed him by the collar. “Who the hell told you to
come? Get out!”

He Gu didn’t argue with him but gently grasped his hand. “Juhan,
you don’t usually drink much. Don’t let the alcohol control
you, okay?”

He Gu’s face was very upright. It was equally proportioned6三庭五

眼 – Literally, “three courts and five eyes.” Something like this:
and without the slightest error. His features were decent, but neither
exceptional nor flawless. Aside from being handsome, he also gave
people a sense of reliability and trustworthiness. When he’d comfort
people with his earnest eyes and gentle, kind voice, he could give
them such extraordinary peace of mind.

Xiao Song winked to the waiters, and they all exited, leaving only
94 Report
two people in the private room.

Song Juhan waved his hand and said in a rough voice, “I want to
go home. It’s stuffy here. Get those idiots out of my way.”

He Gu pressed on his shoulders and let him sit on the couch. His
strong hands massaged the back of his neck. “I’ll take you home
in a minute, but for now, just calm down, okay?”

Song Juhan closed his eyes. He Gu massaging him was very

comfortable. His long eyelashes quivered, and his breathing became
much steadier.

Looking at Song Juhan’s faintly trembling eyelashes, He Gu thought

of his willful and irritable appearance, and the corners of his lips
couldn’t help but curl up in a bitter smile. Song Juhan liked it when he
gave him a massage. In order to give Song Juhan one more reason to
stay with him, he had deliberately learned how to massage. Actually,
he had made a lot of efforts just to get closer to Song Juhan, but Song
Juhan would probably never know.

After massaging for a while, Song Juhan really calmed down. He Gu

quickly poured him a glass of water.

Song Juhan took a sip and opened his eyes to look at He Gu.
“Since when have you been so close to Xiao Song?”

“We’re not really close.”

Song Juhan smiled mockingly. “Didn’t you ask Xiao Song to call
you over today? You think I don’t know that you called him
last night? I was right next to him.”

He Gu didn’t know how to explain it, so he simply acquiesced.

Song Juhan sneered, and his tone was somewhat smug. “It’s only
been half a month. I thought you’d last longer.”
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He Gu’s heart was a bit clogged up inside, and his head became
too heavy to lift.

Song Juhan drank another mouthful of water, then suddenly put

the cup on the table. He rudely grabbed He Gu’s hair, forced him to
raise his head, then blocked his nice and warm lips.

He Gu’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Song Juhan wantonly swept all of He Gu’s mouth, then let him go.

He Gu licked his lips and unblinkingly looked at Song Juhan with a

pair of bright, black eyes.

He Gu’s slightly confused look when he licked his lips made Song
Juhan’s heart tremble. “Did you miss me?”

He Gu pinched Song Juhan’s chin, and the overbearing look in his

eyes looked like he was staring at his own belonging.

He Gu nodded.

“How much did you miss me?”

“I miss you everyday.”

Song Juhan stretched out his finger and pointed at He Gu’s heart.
“Do you miss me here…” He moved his other hand to pinch He
Gu’s waist. “Or do you miss me here more?”

He Gu cupped his face and kissed him tenderly. “I miss both.”

Song Juhan smiled and felt much better all of a sudden. He knew
He Gu couldn’t leave him.

He Gu revealed a light smile. “Let’s go home.”

Song Juhan didn’t move. He gently stroked He Gu’s face with his
slender fingers, his eyes unfathomable. “What did Zhuang Jieyu
96 Report
tell you about me playing with others?” 7Liz: WHY THE FUCK

He Gu’s smile froze.

Song Juhan curled his lips into a smile. “It’s true. Sometimes it’s
too much of a bummer to do it with someone who cries out
halfway that they’re tired, so I look for two.”

He leaned closer to He Gu, his rosy lips delicately tracing He Gu’s.

“But I never take you to play. Do you know why?”

With a blank expression, He Gu said in a low voice, “I don’t play.”

“Even if you wanted to, there’s no way you can play. I

won’t allow it.” Song Juhan squeezed He Gu’s face. “You are very
clean. You’ve been with me since you graduated from
college, and your life circle is also very simple. I don’t like
condoms, so I like how clean you are. Understand? I won’t
allow anyone to touch you, because that’s your only

He Gu stared at the face he loved the most, only to see it fuzzy, so

fuzzy that he could barely see it. His heart choked with so much pain
that it was hard to organize his words. In the end, he just nodded
calmly, his face like a brass and iron8铜墙铁壁 – a bastion of brass
and iron. Figuratively, it’s “an impenetrable defense.” mask,
blocking the sword from the outside and barring the emotions inside.

Song Juhan frowned at He Gu’s lighthearted look and kissed him

hard as if he were sulking. “Let’s go home.”

He Gu stood up and followed behind Song Juhan. Looking at that

back, it seemed as if even his back was radiating light.

He spent ten years chasing after that back. He tried his best to get
closer and closer, but that was all. The gap between them would
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never disappear. Even if he grabbed a corner of Song Juchan’s coat,
what would it change?

He Gu took a deep breath and couldn’t help but laugh.

It was actually just as he had guessed. Song Juhan hadn’t broken

up with him for so many years because the sex was comfortable and
safe—safe in every sense of the word. He Gu didn’t sleep around,
didn’t nag, and didn’t cause trouble for Song Juhan. Song Juhan’s
words today were nothing more but a confirmation of his conjectures.
It didn’t matter.

As a matter of fact, he felt that he and Song Juhan were having a

mutual exchange. Song Juhan got safe sex from him, and he got
companionship from Song Juhan. Both of them got what they wanted,
and both of them were happy.

As for the pain and despair he’d been through, it had nothing to do
with others. Just like how his love for Song Juhan was also his own
98 Report

Chapter 9
Source: Lizonka Web Novels

Passing through the corridor, Song Juhan took one look at the
chaotic entrance and rolled his eyes. He leaned against the wall to
breathe deeply, cursing under his breath.

He Gu took off his coat and put it over his head. “I won’t let
them come near you. Just keep your head down and follow

“I was just drinking. I’m not a thief.” Song Juhan wanted to

pull the coat down.

“Getting photographed with your current image is not

good.” He Gu grabbed the lapels of the coat to prevent Song Juhan
from pulling it down. His calm eyes looked at Song Juhan
unblinkingly. “Be obedient. Once I take you out and get you in
the car, it will be fine.”

The image Song Juhan had created to the outside was that of a
mixed-race gentleman with a bit of an evil charm, and he had always
presented himself in a princely manner. Although this kind of
drunken mess look was a bit charming, Song Juhan’s father hated
unexpected situations the most. One careless mistake and Xiao Song
could lose his job.

Aside from music, which he loved deeply, Song Juhan didn’t care
much about anything in his life. So even though he was such a willful
person, in order to protect his voice, he would be very disciplined.
He’d only drink a glass or two of red wine at most. He’d rarely drink a
lot, and he wasn’t a good drinker either. If he were sober, he’d be
able to cope with this small scene by himself, but now, He Gu had to
protect him well.
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Song Juhan looked into He Gu’s dark, inky eyes that had the kind of
steadiness only mature men could have. His restless heart gradually
calmed down, and he nodded his head gently.

He Gu shielded Song Juhan’s face with his coat, held Song Juhan’s
hand in his warm hand, and wrapped his other arm around his
shoulder. Then with Xiao Song and the staff escorting them, they
walked out of the entrance.

Ear-splitting screams exploded around them.

He Gu frowned deeply, feeling like his eardrums were being

pierced. He had seen the madness of these little girls many times, for
he had been to many of Song Juhan’s concerts. However, this was
the first time that the seemingly tangible frenzy was coming towards
his direction. He felt his body being pushed, shoved, and pulled, and
he had the illusion that he would be eaten alive by these normally
weak and delicate girls.

“Song Juhan, Song Juhan! I love you! Aaaah!”

Suddenly, a black object came crashing down. By the time He Gu

realized that it was equipment, it was too late for him to dodge. He
grunted, only to feel a pain at the corner of his eyebrow, the vision in
his right eye turning red and blurry.

“He Gu-ge?!” Xiao Song exclaimed.

Song Juhan, who had been walking silently with his head down,
paused, and in the next second, he tried to take down the coat. He
Gu firmly held down Song Juhan’s head with his arm, and the hand
that he held Song Juhan with also suddenly tightened. Both their
palms were covered with sweat. “It’s okay, and we’re almost to
the car.”

Song Juhan was angry. “He Gu, what happened to you?!”

“It’s nothing.” He Gu’s voice was deep and steady. In this
100 Report
exceptionally noisy place filled with screaming fans and grunting
bodyguards, it flowed into Song Juhan’s heart like a stream of clear

Xiao Song pulled open the door of the nanny van1保姆车 – It’s a
van that has lots of space inside and can be used as a temporary
changing room or lounge. It’s called a nanny van because it can
provide celebrities with almost anything, just like a nanny.. He Gu
stuffed Song Juhan into it and got in himself.

As soon as the doors closed, those maddening sounds were

immediately isolated, and the taut heartstrings of the three were
finally loosened.

Song Juhan yanked off the coat. Seeing the corner of He Gu’s

eyebrow broken, his face immediately changed. “Fuck, which idiot
did this!”

When He Gu took out some tissues to wipe it, Song Juhan snatched
them and carefully wiped off the blood below the wound. “Open
your eyes. The blood is getting in.”

It was too painful for He Gu to open, and his eyelashes quivered all
the time. Song Juhan used his fingers to open his eyelids, then gently
used the tissue to absorb the blood out of his eyes. Only then did He
Gu feel his right eye regaining its vision.

Xiao Song started to car and was about to drive when Song Juhan
said coldly, “Don’t drive yet.”

Before He Gu and Xiao Song could react, Song Juhan had opened
the car door. He Gu was too late to stop him. The crazy wave outside
came over them again, giving people a splitting headache.

Song Juhan’s eyes roamed past the crazy fans, and in such a
chaotic scene, he was as calm as a bystander. Finally, his eyes
locked on a reporter carrying a camera. He grabbed his bodyguard
101 Report
and said, “Bring that man here.”

The bodyguard hurriedly passed through the fans.

Song Juhan combed his curly hair with his slender fingers, took a
deep breath, and smiled charmingly at his fans. “Not going home
to bed at this late hour. What would a group of girls do when
they get wrinkles early?”

That gentle and considerate look, the very image built by the
countless capitals of Song Juhan, the talented singer-songwriter, was
not one He Gu was familiar with.

Fans let out screams that could clash with the sky.

“I had a few drinks with my heartbroken friend today, so

I’m a little drunk. If you guys took pictures of me, just keep
them private. Don’t make them public, okay?”

His voice was soft and husky, with a bit of a lover’s coquetry that
could simply intoxicate one’s ears.

Those fans looked like they were about to faint. They readily
agreed over and over again. They were so excited, they couldn’t help

At this time, the bodyguard had pulled the reporter over. Song
Juhan grabbed his equipment and took a look at it. The bloodstains
on it stung his heart, but he restrained the urge to hit someone.
Grabbing the reporter by the collar, he dragged him to the door of
the car. Song Juhan was so tall, nearly 1.9 meters, and dragging that
reporter was like dragging a little chicken. He pointed to He Gu and
said with no room for excuses, “You hurt him. Apologize.”

He Gu was covering his bleeding eyebrow with a tissue, and the

tissue had turned red from the blood. The reporter was so frightened
that he immediately bowed his head and apologized. But He Gu’s
eyes didn’t even look at him. He just kept telling Song Juhan to
102 Report
quickly get into the car.

Song Juhan said goodbye to his fans, then got into the car and
slammed the door. Xiao Song was afraid that he might cause trouble
again, so he drove away quickly.

Song Juhan leaned back into the chair and stared at He Gu. “Does
it hurt?”

He Gu smiled. “It doesn’t hurt.”

He thought of how Song Juhan dragged the reporter to apologize to

him just now, and his heart warmed like the summer sun. Don’t even
mention a little scratch. Right now, even if he lay in the hospital, he
would be happy.

Over the years, he rarely felt that Song Juhan cared about him,
even if this person had said something that stabbed his heart only
five minutes ago.

Liking someone was probably like this. One word could send you to
heaven, and one word could send you to hell.

“Damn, if there weren’t so many people, see how I would

have dealt with him.”

He Gu couldn’t hide the smile on his face.

“What are you smiling at?”

He Gu wasn’t a person who loved to smile. In fact, he rarely had

any expression on his face. In Song Juhan’s impression, it seemed to
have been a long time ago that He Gu smiled like this. He gotta
say… it was quite worth a second look.

“You were so handsome just now.” He Gu’s eyes fell on Song

Juhan’s face and refused to move away. The tipsy Song Juhan, with
dazzling curls hooked up in a rather amorous way, slightly red eyes,
103 Report
and a languid, laid-back, and somewhat decadent air, was so
beautiful, he could take people’s breath away.

Song Juhan sneered and asked in reply, “When have I ever been
not handsome?”

He Gu squeezed his hand. “Juhan, thank you.”

Song Juhan pushed aside his short bangs and looked at his wound
that was beginning to clot. He said softly, “You can’t even protect
yourself. Are you still a man?”

“It’s just a scratch. You really scared me just now.” If Song

Juhan had gone crazy after getting out of the car, who knew how the
night would have ended. Then thinking of how Song Juhan’s face was
still photographed, He Gu said worriedly, “But your pictures…”

Song Juhan said without a care, “That reporter wouldn’t think

of sending out those pictures, and fan shots are not that big
of a problem. It’s just ugly, not that big of a deal.”

Xiao Song wailed, “Han-ge, don’t take it lightly. Chief Song is

definitely gonna wanna talk to you.”

“It’s just talking. It’s not like he could eat me.” Song Juhan
yawned, not concerned at all. “Don’t go to the apartment. Send
us back to the villa in Fragrant Hills2a park in Beijing.”


Xiao Song sent them to the villa and treated He Gu’s wound with
the first-aid kit. The wound wasn’t deep, and it had stopped bleeding.
It was only at the edge of the eyebrow, so even if it left a scar, it
wouldn’t be noticeable.

Song Juhan was so sleepy when he got home. After seeing He Gu

was okay, he went upstairs to sleep.
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He Gu took a bath, then also went upstairs.

He pushed open the bedroom door and saw Song Juhan lying on
the bed without changing out of his clothes, already asleep. He went
to the bathroom to get a wet towel, then gently wiped Song Juhan’s
face and hands before undressing him.

Halfway through taking off his clothes, Song Juhan woke up and

squinted blankly at He Gu. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down,
but he didn’t say anything. He just closed his eyes and fell asleep

He Gu couldn’t help but smile. He tucked Song Juhan into the quilt
and also got in himself.

As soon as he entered, Song Juhan instinctively moved closer to his

warm body and hugged him.

He Gu put his arm around Song Juhan’s waist and quietly watched
his sleeping face. For him, this moment was really worth a thousand
pounds of gold. He just watched and watched him, not wanting to
close his eyes, until he could no longer resist the sleepiness, falling
into dreams.

He Gu was used to getting up early all year round. Unless there

was an emergency, he had never been late to school or work ever
since he was a child.

Meanwhile, Song Juhan was still asleep. A bit of his shoulder was
exposed in the tightly wrapped quilt, and his curly hair was in a mess
all over his face and his shoulders. His red and moist lips were
slightly opened, showing a kind of unworldly innocence.

He Gu lowered his head and gently kissed Song Juhan’s ear. Being
able to wantonly kiss, touch, and even go to bed with him, He Gu felt
he was better off than most people in the world who were in
unrequited love.
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The villa in Fragrant Hills was too far from the city. Song Juhan
didn’t come often, but someone would come at regular times to clean
and fill the refrigerator with fresh ingredients. He Gu had been here a
few times. In fact, he’d been to several of Song Juhan’s residences in
the capital. He had also met Song Juhan’s parents and had dinner
twice with that incredibly beautiful and hot supermodel mother. He
was kind of special, by the way. Probably because he’d been with
Song Juhan for so long.

After cooking, he took out his phone. At this time, he should’ve

been checking his company email, but instead, he looked up the
entertainment news to see if yesterday’s events had any impact.
There was indeed some news, but fortunately, it was nothing official.
It was nothing more than some blurry photos taken by fans that
didn’t stir up much water.

Only then did he put his mind at ease and started working on the

It wasn’t until almost ten o’clock that some noise came from
upstairs, and Song Juhan called out, “He Gu.”

Responding to his call, He Gu went upstairs.

Song Juhan had just taken a shower and had only pajamas on. He
was putting on a shirt, and his bare upper body had the most robust
and beautiful muscles. Song Juhan had the kind of figure that looked
thin in clothes but was actually muscular without. Such a figure
looked good on camera, and in reality, it was even more picturesque.

Song Juhan grabbed his shoulder and poked the gauze wrapped
over his eyebrow. “How is it?”

“It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt anymore.” If Song Juhan hadn’t

mentioned it, He Gu would’ve forgotten.

“This can be regarded as a workplace injury. What kind of
106 Report
compensation do you want?”

He Gu put his arms around his waist and said with a smile, “Just
giving me a kiss is fine.”

Song Juhan lowered his head and gave him a kiss. “This is a rare
opportunity, so I’ll ask you one last time. What kind of
compensation do you want?”

He Gu didn’t think he was being serious. Naturally, he wouldn’t

miss such an opportunity, so he said without hesitation, “Spend my
birthday with me?”

He never really cared for birthdays, and he hadn’t had one since
his mom left, but he needed to name something.

“Okay, when?”

“Any day next month.” He knew Song Juhan was very busy, and
he couldn’t possibly pay thousands and millions of breach of contract
fees just to shift his schedule and spend his birthday with him.

Song Juhan smiled and kissed the side of his cheek. “That’s what
I like about you. Sensible.”

He Gu smiled dryly. The word “sensible” was usually used for an

elder to a junior, a boss to his subordinates, a man to a woman, and
of course, in his case, a gold master to a bedmate. This word made
him feel uncomfortable, but he didn’t show anything. He just pat
Song Juhan on the face and said, “Let’s go down and eat.”

He Gu’s cooking was not bad. He only cooked some home-made

dishes, and although they looked quite ordinary, they tasted very
good. Song Juhan ate two bowls of congee, and his nausea from last
night’s stomachful of wine and late night snacks dissipated a lot.

After eating, He Gu gave him two pills to relieve the effects of the
alcohol. “Why did you suddenly drink yesterday?”
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Song Juhan gulped down the medicine with the water, then sighed
in relief. “I’ve changed the new song more than ten times, so
when I was finally satisfied with it, I was in a good mood.”

“Congratulations. May I hear it?”

“Ask Xiao Song for it.” An unbidden smile came on Song Juhan’s
face. The pure joy coming from his heart made him look childish, but
he was still very good-looking.

Only music could make Song Juhan smile like this.

He Gu also smiled. The greatest benefit in liking someone were the

little gains when getting along with each other. What may be
ordinary words, actions and behaviors to Song Juhan could have
countless meanings and value in He Gu’s eyes. A smile from Song
Juhan could instantly light up his life, and a word from him could have
mulling over it many times until it was broken down and chewed up
as he tried to find any ambiguous meanings in it. Whether he
succeeded or not, it was enough to make him feel for a while that his
life was so full and beautiful.

Aside from the pain, those days and nights he felt happy or sad
from thinking of Song Juhan were also accompanied by his sweet

He often told himself that the most painful thing was not in asking,
but in having nothing to ask for.

How lucky he was to at least like someone. For a person like him
who lacked interest in anything, liking someone made him feel like
he hadn’t walked the earth in vain.

He liked Song Juhan, but these six years had worn out any
expectation he had on Song Juhan liking him too. He no longer
speculated, fantasized, nor craved. He simply enjoyed the little
happiness that the very act of liking Song Juhan brought him. That
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was enough.

In the past six years, He Gu had suspected many times that Song
Juhan knew that he liked him. Song Juhan was very smart and had a
high IQ and EQ. Having been exposed to the dazzling and chaotic
circle ever since he was a child, the unimaginable and unthinkable
people he’d seen were a hundred times more than that of an average
person. Very few things could be hidden from his eyes.

However, He Gu also thought that he had hidden it quite well. So

many benefits could be gained by accompanying Song Juhan that he
feared that, from a very young age, Song Juhan had stopped
believing in people who didn’t want those benefits.

Or maybe Song Juhan did know about it, but he just didn’t know
how He Gu’s like was any different from the like of the other men and
women who had come and gone. After all, everybody liked Song
Juhan. Even if it was special, it probably won’t mean anything to him.
109 Report

Chapter 12
Source: Lizonka Web Novels

This chapter is sponsored by P’Raikantopeni

He Gu knew Gu Qingpei would ask him about this, so he cleared his

throat and answered, “Chief Gu, what do you want to know?”

Gu Qingpei chuckled. “Just chatting. I’m just curious. So, you

two are school friends? Then you must’ve known him for
many years now?”

“Ten years.”

“Oh, that’s very long.”

“Yes.” Ten years… He Gu felt his heart stir.

Ten years sounded very long. Looking back now, it seemed to have
passed in the blink of an eye. At times, he felt as if everything
happened yesterday, and sometimes, as if waking from a dream,
everything became a confused daze. The older he got, the more he
felt as if time just flew by. Life was indeed very short.

“You and him… I really couldn’t imagine you two together.

I’m not saying you’re not good enough. It’s just that you
don’t seem like you belong in his circle.”

“It’s true. I don’t belong in his circle. It’s only because we

went to the same school that we met.”


“No. He is two years younger. We met at a school event.”

He Gu thought back to ten years ago and entered a trance.
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“And so you became…” Gu Qingpei was embarrassed to finish
the sentence. After all, they weren’t very close.

He Gu laughed. “En.”

Gu Qingpei frowned slightly. “Do you not want to have a

proper boyfriend?”

He Gu shook his head. “Chief Gu, you know how I am. My

personality is boring, and I’m not good at talking to others. I
think what I have now is quite good.”

Gu Qingpei looked at He Gu’s expression of forced calmness, and

thought back to Song Juhan’s hostile glare that day. A hint of
mischief flashed before his eyes, but he didn’t probe further. “True.
Aren’t we all just looking for some companionship? But to be
honest, even if that’s what you think now, in a few years, it
might be different. I used to think that was good too—being
free, having no responsibility or commitments. But now, I just
want to settle down and find someone to be with properly.
People will change.”

“Indeed. When I get to that stage, I will let you know.” If

that really happened one day, it would definitely be something to
celebrate about.

“So what type do you like? Your qualities are not bad. I can
introduce you to some of my friends.” Gu Qingpei then added,
“But you better not tell me your type is someone like Song
Juhan. I don’t know where to find you someone as handsome
as him.” He chuckled to himself.

He Gu smiled back. “Actually, I’m not sure.” What type did I

like, He Gu had never once considered asking himself that question.
His type had already been defined by Song Juhan many years ago,
and Song Juhan was a unique, one of a kind type of man.
111 Report
“Hm, don’t worry. When you have time, I’ll introduce you to
people in our circle. You should really be more involved with
the modern times.”

He Gu’s smile faded. Gu Qingpei was right. Maybe if he met more

people and experienced more of the world, he wouldn’t desperately
hold onto the hope that his relationship would someday turn around.
Of course, he didn’t feel like what he had right now was bad at all,
but who could truly get exactly what they wanted? He just couldn’t
get over a certain someone.

After chatting for a while longer, Gu Qingpei brought the topic back
to headhunting. He Gu knew this was what Gu Qingpei was really
aiming for, and he might have even purposely exposed his sexual
orientation to create a sense of familiarity with him. However, the
fact that someone had acknowledged his skills was not a bad thing.
The two continued to chat amicably, and He Gu started to feel a bit

After that day, He Gu and Gu Qingpei became closer. He Gu even

started to understand more of the company Gu Qingpei was moving
to. He Gu thought that after his current projects ended in the new
year, he would take some time off and seriously consider his options.

In a few days, it was soon his birthday, and this year, it happened
to be on a weekend. Since his father passed away, he had only seen
his mother once in the last ten years. Although they kept in touch, it
was only the one phone call every year on his birthday, and the red
packet he sent on New Year’s day. Even if they talked, there really
wasn’t much to talk about, apart from the usual courteous greetings.
It was as if their routine phone calls were a business matter that
needed to be done based on their blood relationship.

However, this year seemed different. His mother’s voice didn’t

sound as energetic as before. In a quiet voice, she asked how he was
doing recently.
112 Report
He Gu frowned. “Mom, are you feeling okay?”

“Oh, just the usual, low blood pressure. How about you?”

“Everything is good.”

“That’s good… You are already 28 years old. Time really



He Gu heard a soft sigh on the other end of the phone. “Have a

good birthday. And remember to wear more clothes, it’s
getting cold.”

“Okay. You take care of yourself too.”

After he hung up, He Gu shrunk into the sofa and zoned out for a

His parents’ marriage was a complete tragedy. His father was a

cowardly yet ambitious professor. His mother was a headstrong
woman who couldn’t settle for anything less than perfect. Ever since
He Gu could understand the world up to his adolescent period, the
two had always quarreled because of their conflicting principles and
values. Later, when he heard them quarreling, he would casually
walk past the living room to his bedroom to read a book. This family
of three lived in a small apartment, but they seemed to be divided
into three completely different worlds. It was probably from then that
He Gu became a man of few words.

From very early on, he had already been prepared for them to get
divorced. However, he never thought that his father would fall sick
before they even got divorced. After his father passed away, his
mother was like a bird out of its cage, spreading its wings in the
wind, and took off to pursue a better life and marriage. Through his
relatives, he heard about his mother’s situation. She was strong-
willed and capable, with her new husband, they started their own
113 Report
public listed company. However, none of these things had anything
to do with him.

Having faced his father’s passing away at an early age, as well as

his mother’s disappearance, He Gu had once resented them. But
now, he was just numb.

Actually, this was also quite good. At least, he didn’t have to face
the disapproval of his parents or relatives because of his sexual

He picked up his phone and sent Xiao Song a text. “Is Juhan busy

After waiting for half a day, there was still no reply. So he decided
to give a call instead, but no one picked up too. He could only give up
and go read a book.

Around the afternoon, Xiao Song called him back. “Hello. He Gu-
ge, I’m so sorry. We’ve been shooting an MV this afternoon. I
didn’t see your call.”

“Don’t worry. Are you guys still busy now?”

“There’s still a little left. Is there something you need?”

“Nothing urgent. We’ll talk after you’re done.”

“Should I tell Han-ge?”


After he hung up, He Gu felt a little disappointed. He should’ve

known that Song Juhan wouldn’t remember. This famous celebrity
was quite simple-minded and heartless. Even if Song Juhan forgot, he
would simply remind him a few times. In this lifetime, the only thing
He Gu had in abundance was patience.
114 Report
When it came to dinner time, He Gu gave Xiao Song a call, but no
one answered. He called Song Juhan, but likewise, nobody answered.
He shook his phone a few times, and threw it on the sofa. It seemed
nothing was going to happen today.

He went to put on an apron and made himself a bowl of longevity

noodles1长寿面 -(cháng shòu miàn) A birthday celebratory dish
made to wish the person celebrating their birthday a long and
healthy life. The long noodles are both ‘long/长’ and ‘skinny/瘦’ –
these two chinese characters sound the same with the phrase ‘long
and healthy life/长寿’ – hence the name of the dish., with a few slices
of meat, sprinkled with some fresh green onions and a fried egg on
top. The freshly made bowl of noodles gave off a light and warm
fragrance that made him instantly calm down.

Just after he ate two mouthfuls, a noise came from the door,
followed by the sound of keys rattling and the doorknob being
turned. He Gu stood up abruptly and walked quickly to the door.

The next second, the door opened. Song Juhan wore a pair of
sunglasses, a peaked cap, a burgundy down jacket, and dark black
jeans that hugged his long and slender legs. Still encased in the chilly
air of the cold weather, he appeared in front of He Gu.

He Gu froze in place. It was as if his heart was being gently struck

by something, rendering it numb and tingling and lingering with a
boundless warmth.

Song Juhan was carrying a pile of things in his hand. “What are
you standing dumb there for? Come and take these.”

He Gu reacted, and hurriedly went over to take the bags from him.
“What… what are you doing here?”

Song Juhan then had time to take off his sunglasses and cap.
“Didn’t you say you wanted me to spend your birthday with
115 Report
He Gu blinked. He was so happy that he didn’t know what to do.

Song Juhan snorted. “It’s getting colder and colder. After

shooting an MV the whole day outside, I’m freezing to

He Gu put down the things and wrapped Song Juhan’s cold hands
in his. “The room heating is enough. It will be fine in a while.”

Song Juhan looked into He Gu’s smiling eyes and was in a good
mood. With a smile, he said, “Happy?”

He Gu said sincerely, “Happy. I didn’t think you’d remember.”

“I’m not seventy, how could I not remember?” It was actually

Xiao Song who suddenly remembered and reminded him, but looking
at He Gu who was so happy, there was no need to say it. He pointed
at the bag at his feet with his chin. “This is the gift I asked Xiao
Song to pick.”

“Thank you.” Even if there were a pile of gold now lying on the
ground, He Gu wouldn’t even look down at it. His eyes couldn’t leave
Song Juhan. In the past six years, there were moments of warmth like
this from time to time. Even if it was only once or twice a year, they
were like coals in the middle of winter, enough to warm him for a
long time.

Song Juhan took a look at the dinner table. “You’re eating that
on your birthday?”

“I didn’t think you’d come.”

“Even if you’re by yourself, you should at least buy a


“I don’t like sweet food.”

Song Juhan frowned, and said, “Let’s go out. I’ll take you to
116 Report
eat a big meal.”

He Gu pulled him back. “Juhan, it’s cold outside. Let’s not go

out. I’ll cook another bowl of noodles. You just have to eat
with me.”

Song Juhan crossed his arms and looked at him. “Is this how you
want to spend your birthday?”

He Gu nodded. “It’s not bad.”

“Okay, it’s your birthday anyway.” Song Juhan suddenly

spotted the big TV in the living room, and his eyes lit up. “You
changed the TV?”

“Didn’t you say the previous one was too small?”

“Has the game been updated yet?”

He Gu showed a doting smile. “It’s all updated. Go and play.”

Song Juhan took off his coat and threw it aside, then went to play

Looking at Song Juhan nestled in the sofa, his long legs on the
coffee table and hands on the controller as he concentrated on the
game, the corners of He Gu’s mouth couldn’t help but turn up. This
picture was so perfect and so warm; it was as if Song Juhan belonged
here, in this house. He smiled and went into the kitchen.

He first made a cup of honey and ginger tea for Song Juhan, then
cooked a bowl of noodles and called Song Juhan for dinner.

They sat facing each other, each holding a bowl of longevity

noodles and smiling at each other.

He Gu said, “Juhan, I’m very happy that you can come today.
Had I known you were coming, I would have prepared more of
117 Report
what you love to eat.”

Song Juhan licked the corner of his mouth, and like a fox, his eyes
narrowed slightly. “You are what I love to eat.”

He Gu kept on smiling. “Eat well.”

Song Juhan ate two mouthfuls of noodles, then said, “By the way,
do you want to change your car?”

“Hm? Change the car?”

“You’ve had that car for about four or five years, do you
want to change it? It’s your birthday, just ask for what you

“No need, I’m used to it.” He was, after all, an employee of a

state-owned enterprise, and his current car fit his income and
position. If he changed to another one, the impact wouldn’t be very

“Then what would you like?”

“Didn’t you buy gifts?” He Gu looked at the pile of gift bags.

“I’ll open them later.”

“Those are nothing. You’ve followed me for so many years,

no need to be too polite.” Song Juhan stared unblinkingly at He

He Gu laughed lightly. “I have food, drink, a house, and a car.

I can’t think of anything I lack at the moment.”

Song Juhan sneered. “You don’t have to live with such a pure
heart and have few desires2 清心寡欲 (idiom)- To clear out
distracting thoughts, reduce desire for external things, and
keep the heart/mind clean.”
118 Report
Song Juhan often couldn’t see through He Gu. The man was at
times simple and transparent, and at other times, he was deeply
hidden. Even he himself was surprised that he would keep He Gu by
his side for so many years.

“A pure heart and few desires is good for the health.” He

Gu spoke in a relaxed tone, obviously in a very good mood.

Materially, he really lacked nothing, but as for spiritual satisfaction,

it was something only Song Juhan could give him. Now that the
person was right in front of him, this birthday was enough.

After finishing the noodles, Song Juhan drank the honey and ginger
tea, and signalling with his eyes, he urged He Gu to open the gifts.
He Gu put the gift bags on the coffee table and opened them one by
one. There were clothes, ties, watches, cufflinks, belts, and several
sets of men’s skin care products. He shook his head helplessly.
“Xiao Song, this kid, is more like a gay than me.”

“Oh, drop it. He’s like a puppy when he sees his girlfriend.”
Song Juhan picked up some ties at random, and raising them to He
Gu’s neck, he compared them with each other. “Mm, being with
me for three years, Xiao Song’s taste has gotten much
better. Back when he was new, he’d wear large,
unpresentable shirts.”

“It’s not like you’re calling him out, so don’t be too harsh
on him. I think he’s doing quite well.” Taking advantage of Song
Juhan’s good mood, He Gu quickly put in a couple of good words for
Xiao Song. In all fairness, Xiao Song was a good person. He was soft-
tempered, clever, hard-working, and above all, tolerant. Song Juhan
could probably never find a more suitable assistant.

Song Juhan smiled. “En, he’s doing a good job. I’ll give him a
raise on the New Year3Referring to Chinese New Year.” Song
Juhan tugged on his tie, and He Gu leaned forward, pressing their
warm lips together.
119 Report
Somehow, Song Juhan remembered the kiss between He Gu and
Zhuang Jieyu, and he felt unhappy. Pressing on the back of He Gu’s
head, he sucked hard on those soft lips. He pried open his teeth with
the tip of his tongue, then wantonly entangled inside.

He Gu’s eyes widened. Song Juhan rarely kissed seriously. Most of

the time, it was just foreplay to sex. His focus on this kiss was both
surprising and enjoyable to He Gu.

He Gu stopped thinking about it and hugged Song Juhan’s neck,

savoring this rare indulgent kiss.

Song Juhan stroked his back and said under his breath, “I’ll give
you one last chance. What do you want for your birthday?”

“I want you.” He Gu pressed Song Juhan’s shoulders and pushed

the man down on the couch.

As their desires thickened, the phone suddenly rang out of

nowhere. He Gu was getting lost in lust, so when he realized it was
his own phone, he didn’t want to answer it. Song Juhan also naturally
didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere, but the caller was really
stubborn. After not being picked up once, there was a second call.
And when it still wasn’t picked up, there was a third call.

Song Juhan finally got annoyed. He straightened up and grabbed

the phone on the coffee table. “Who the fuck is so blind…”

He froze when he saw the name on the caller ID.

He Gu’s face was red, and breathlessly, he asked, “Who is it?”

In an instant, Song Juhan’s face went from frolicking in the spring

to freezing in the ice. He said in a deep voice, “Feng… Zheng?”

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All for only one simple price: $10
120 Report

Chapter 13
Source: Lizonka Web Novels

This chapter is translated by Hillary, while I (Liz) just made some


Btw, there was no new episode of the YOI manhua this week
because the main artist for it fell sick. Hillary went ahead to translate
the next episode preview though, and you can see it in the Discord

Lastly, someone asked when we update YOI, and I’ll just answer
them here…

If it’s me translating the chapter, the YOI novel will be updated on

a Saturday (GMT+8). If it’s Hillary, she’ll do it in her timezone
(GMT+0). [It’s supposed to be her posting today, but I forgot
to leave her instructions on how to add footnotes, so I’m
doing it for the time being XD]

On the other hand, Hillary tries to update the YOI manhua on

Fridays (GMT+0), so long as the raws are on time as well.

The manhua raws normally update on 12AM Wednesday (GMT+8),

but sometimes there’ll be delays. Hillary can usually translate the
new episode within a day, but since I still have to proofread it, it gets
held back for another day because of our 8-hour time difference.

So there! I hope that answers everybody’s questions about the

update time. Now, on to the chapter…

Read YOI 13
121 Report

Chapter 14
Source: Lizonka Web Novels

Feng Zheng shook his script and said to Song Juhan, “Did you
read the script of the interactive segment that I sent to you?”

“Read it,” Song Juhan said lazily as he looked at Feng Zheng with
a smile that was not quite a smile.

The president was surprised and said, “You guys know each

Feng Zheng said without any fluctuations, “We’ve known each

other since we were kids.”

“Feng Zheng, you’re too much. How dare you not tell me!”
The female host who was partnered with Feng Zheng was so angry
that she stomped her feet. No one here didn’t know that she was a
fan of Song Juhan. Rumor had it that she even gave money to her
teacher in order to be the host of this celebration. Feng Zheng’s
name had been rightfully on the list. As the school heartthrob and
having a father who donated money to the school, it was only natural
that he’d be the man of the hour.

Feng Zheng laughed, but he didn’t say anything.

Song Juhan walked over. “It’s been a long time. How have you

“Yeah, you haven’t been back to the country that much

these past two years. I’ve been doing fine.”

Somehow, He Gu felt that Feng Zheng was avoiding Song Juhan.

Underneath the superficial courtesy, there was some subtle
animosity between the two.
122 Report
“I’m back now, and I’m not going to leave.” Song Juhan
stretched his body. “How long before it starts?”

“In a bit.” Feng Zheng turned to He Gu. “Are you nervous?

How come you’re sweating?”

He Gu subconsciously wiped his forehead, and Feng Zheng

couldn’t help but laugh. “On the tip of your nose.”

He Gu shyly wiped off the sweat on his nose. He was indeed

nervous, but not because of the speech, but because of the few
minutes he had just spent with Song Juhan. “Is it fine now?”

“Your hair is a little wet. Xuejie1 学姐 – an older female

schoolmate, do you have a tissue?”

The president handed over some tissues. Feng Zheng took them
and pressed them directly on He Gu’s hairline.

After wiping the sweat, Feng Zheng said, “Let’s go outside and
go over our interaction. It’s a little hot in here.”

“Our interaction is only a few words. There’s no need.”

“Let’s go out to get some air.”

“Oh, okay.”

He Gu nodded at Song Juhan. From beginning to end, Song Juhan

had worn an impenetrable smile.

The two of them walked to the back door of the auditorium. He Gu

let out a breath and said embarrassedly, “Ah, talking to Song
Juhan makes me so nervous.”

Feng Zheng frowned. “What’s there to be nervous about?”

“It’s my first time meeting a star.” Then He Gu thought about

it. “Well, not really the first time. In high school, the two of
123 Report
us were in a school activity together, but back then, he was
still a child, and his aura was not so imposing. Now, his whole
person was not quite the same.”

“It’s all in the training. You can be a star even if you train
for two years.”

He Gu laughed. “How can I do that? To be able to speak in

front of so many people at school is already my limit. You are
more likely able to do it.”

Feng Zheng curled his lips. “I’m not interested.”

“By the way, it turns out that you and Song Juhan know
each other. I’ve never heard you mention that.”

“What’s there to mention?” Feng Zhen raked his fingers

through his hair, and his tone sounded a little impatient.

He Gu perceived something sensitively. “You don’t like him


Feng Zheng was silent for a moment. “We knew each other
since we were very young. Back then, our relationship was
very good, but when we grew up, we had less contact and
became estranged.”

He Gu felt that the two of them were not simply “estranged.”

Maybe there were other conflicts, but Feng Zheng didn’t seem to
want to mention it, and He Gu wasn’t a talker either.

Feng Zheng then thought of something. “By the way, how long
before your internship ends?”

“There’s more than a month left.”

“My dad really appreciates you. When you get your

diploma, you can sign the contract.” Feng Zheng teased.
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“Afterwards, you’ll be a member of our old Feng family.”

He Gu at once felt his face turn hot, and for a moment, he didn’t
know how to answer.

Having also realized that his words were ambiguous, Feng Zheng
coughed lightly and tried to cover up by straightening his tie.
“Right, didn’t you say last time that a new ocean park has
opened? I’m free this week, let’s go together?”

“Okay,” He Gu said with a smile. “Grabbing tickets right now

is difficult. You’ll have to make a reservation. I’ll tell you
when I can book one.”

“En, then I’ll check out the good places to eat nearby.”

The two of them chatted for a while, and when they saw that it was
almost time, they went back.

The celebration that day went smoothly. After He Gu delivered a

speech on behalf of the students, he invited Song Juhan to the
podium. The students off the stage were boiling with excitement.
Their screams could pierce through the roof, turning the solemn
celebration into a celebrity meet and greet. For a moment, the scene
got a little out of hand.

Song Juhan took over the microphone and calmed the students
down in a few words. Having such a weighty yet seemingly light-
hearted approach at this age was not to be underestimated.

When He Gu’s task was over, he switched with Feng Zheng on the

The two talked and laughed on stage. They didn’t talk about
having known each other before, and one also couldn’t see any trace
of hostility between them. They just interacted with each other in a
routine manner.
125 Report
He Gu looked at them from the stage and thought to himself,
Perhaps only a proud son of heaven like Feng Zheng will not be
overshadowed when standing next to Song Juhan. Compared to Song
Juhan though, Feng Zheng appeared a little young and

After the celebration, there was an in-house banquet. Although the

dishes were all Chinese, a Western-style buffet was adopted to give
participants enough time to mingle.

He and Feng Zheng were chatting on one side when the hostess
called Feng Zheng away, saying that the teacher had something to
tell him.

When Feng Zheng left, He Gu’s eyes began to roam all over the
place to search for Song Juhan. He should’ve been easy to find, but
He Gu couldn’t see him anywhere.

Maybe he went to the toilet. He Gu’s heart stirred as he

remembered what happened in the summer of his senior year in high
school when he met Song Juhan in the toilet. It was really
embarrassing at that time, but fortunately, Song Juhan didn’t seem to
have remembered.

Thinking up to here, He Gu put down his plate and headed for the
toilet. He hadn’t asked Song Juhan for an autograph yet.

Two bodyguards were standing at the entrance of the toilet. Song

Juhan really was here.

He Gu waited outside.

After waiting for a while, Song Juhan came out, and the moment he
raised his eyes, he saw He Gu. He swept his gaze over him and
showed an unfathomable smile.

He Gu nodded at him and said with a smile, “Can I have your

126 Report
“No problem.”

Song Juhan took the tissue handed over by the bodyguard and
wiped his hands. Then that long, beautiful hand reached towards He

He Gu hurriedly took out a notebook and pen and handed it over.

Song Juhan quickly wrote down the characters “He Gu” on the

He Gu was a little elated.

Song Juhan followed on to write the cliché “Feel happy every

day,” and then signed his name with a handwriting that was like
dragons flying and phoenixes dancing2龙飞凤舞 – metaphor for a
flamboyant or bold cursive calligraphy.

He Gu said happily, “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing.” Song Juhan paused and said with a smile, “You
and Feng Zheng seem to be very familiar?”

“En, I intern at his family’s company.”

Song Juhan gave a long “oh,” then said something that seemed to
have a more deeper meaning. “He doesn’t seem like someone
who’s good at making friends.”

“Uh… he’s okay.” He Gu recalled the time when he first met

Feng Zheng, and he did indeed feel back then that this dashaoye was
somewhat cold and arrogant. But then the two met frequently in the
school and at the company, and gradually, they became familiar with
each other.

“Oh, by the way, I have a fan meeting this weekend. It’s

not too big, but there will be some games and raffles, so it
should be quite fun. Do you want to come and hang out?”
127 Report
He Gu beamed, “Yes, yes.” He didn’t expect Song Juhan to invite

“I’ll give you my phone number. You can come with Feng
Zheng. Call me when you arrive, and I’ll let someone bring
you guys in.”

“Okay, okay!” He Gu was somewhat flattered, and he didn’t

know how to respond better.

After many years, He Gu would still think back to that weekend. It

was by far the worst weekend ever. Starting from the morning,
everything was cursed. First, the faucet was broken, then he couldn’t
find his keys. As he left, he tripped on his way out the door, then
proceeded to lose his wallet. Every little problem seemed to be
preventing him from going to see Song Juhan. Nonetheless, he
stubbornly arrived exactly on time.

From the beginning, everything was fated.

The day before the event, He Gu had called Feng Zheng to invite
him, but Feng Zheng refused to go and declined in an unpleasant
tone. He Gu was a little hesitant to go, but since Song Juhan had
especially invited him, it would be impolite for him to not attend.
Most importantly, he really did want to go, so he decided to go by

When he arrived at the hotel, He Gu called Song Juhan. After Song

Juhan replied quickly with two “En, en,” he told him to wait and
hung up.

After a few minutes, Song Juhan’s assistant came out and directly
led He Gu to the waiting room. At that time, Song Juhan was getting
his hair styled.

He Gu smiled and awkwardly said, “Hi.”

Song Juhan looked at him through the mirror. “Is it just you?
128 Report
Where’s Feng Zheng?”

“Oh, he said he wasn’t feeling well, so he didn’t come.”

Song Juhan nodded his head. “Find somewhere to sit down.

We’ll find a good spot for you later.”

“Thank you.” He Gu picked a chair in the corner of the room and

sat down. From this position, he could secretly steal glances at Song
Juhan without being noticed.

Today, Song Juhan wore a casual suit with sneakers. Although he

gave off a youthful appearance, he was still as handsome as ever,
making it hard for others to look away from him.

He Gu had listened to all of Song Juhan’s songs before. He

wondered whether Song Juhan would sing something today, perhaps
his newest single. As he thought about Song Juhan’s lazy yet sultry
voice, his heart throbbed uncontrollably.

Song Juhan finished getting his hair styled, and the assistant and
hair stylist both left the room, leaving only the two of them inside.

He Gu suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Being alone in a room

with Song Juhan was a little too much for him to handle.

Song Juhan looked at his newly-styled hair in the mirror and ran his
fingers through it. Then he said casually, “I heard Feng Enterprise
often makes you work overtime. Don’t you have to work
overtime too?”

“Yes, we do always work overtime. But I’m free this


Song Juhan smiled. “What a coincidence. It must be so that

you can have time to come see me.”

He Gu felt his face heat up, and he stammered, “Yes…”
129 Report
Song Juhan got up and started walking towards him. “Why are
you so nervous? Back then, you were a lot calmer.”

“You still remember?”

“I forgot before, but looking at you now, I remembered

again.” Song Juhan sat down next to him, his knee pressed up
against his thigh. “Back then, I already felt very comfortable
with you. If it were anyone else, they would always either
pretend to be nice or ask for autographs, photographs or my
number. It’s just so annoying.”

He Gu smiled embarrassingly. “I was also pretending to be

calm. Actually, it’s quite hard for people to not be nervous
just by being in the same room as you.”

“Oh, why?” Song Juhan squinted and chuckled lightly. “Do I eat

“You…” He Gu turned his head, and his eyes directly met Song
Juhan’s enchanting eyes. His heart trembled, and he abruptly
lowered his head. “aren’t…”

Song Juhan was still waiting for him to finish his sentence when He
Gu’s phone suddenly rang. As if the incoming phone call was a
lifesaver, He Gu hurriedly stood up and answered it. He took this
moment as an opportunity to calm down and catch his breath.
“Hello, Feng Zheng?”

“He Gu. Where are you?”

“Me? I went to the fan meeting event.”

Feng Zheng was silent for a while. “I got the tickets for the
aquarium. It’s at 3pm this afternoon. If you take a taxi now,
you’ll be here just in time.”

“Oh… But the fan meeting also starts at 3pm.”
130 Report
“What’s so special about seeing Song Juhan? I especially
made an appointment for a tour with the Deputy Curator. He
has a postdoctoral fellowship in marine biology, and he
doesn’t usually give tours. I only got this appointment
through my connections. Didn’t you always like fish and
marine life?”

He Gu said awkwardly, “But… I’m already here. And I’ve seen

him too. If I just leave like this…”

“Since you’ve already seen him, what’s the point of

staying? That event is a fan meeting, it’s not specifically to
see you!” Feng Zheng’s voice was obviously a little frustrated.

It wasn’t clear when Song Juhan walked over, but he was now
standing right behind He Gu. He said slowly, “What’s wrong. Are
you leaving?”

Feng Zheng seemed to have heard Song Juhan’s question. After a

moment of silence, he said, “Either way, just be here by 3pm.
You can’t just leave me to go around the aquarium by
myself.” After speaking his mind, Feng Zheng hung up.

He Gu didn’t even have time to reply, and the phone call had
already ended. He frowned deeply and wondered. Feng Zheng did
usually have a domineering temperament and was quite the willful
young master, but he was not an unreasonable person. What was
wrong with him today? Is it perhaps… related to Song Juhan?

Song Juhan crossed his arms around his chest and said, “Feng
Zheng asked you to leave?”

He Gu was embarrassed and didn’t know what to say.

Song Juhan frowned. “Isn’t he feeling sick?”

He Gu answered awkwardly, “He isn’t… He just wants me to

go spend time with him.”
131 Report
“It’s fine. Don’t bother with making up excuses for him. I
know he doesn’t want you to meet me. He’s always been like

He Gu was confused, “Why? Is there some kind of

misunderstanding between you two?”

Song Juhan shrugged. “When we were young, we were quite

close, but gradually we grew up. Because of our similar age,
we were always compared by the adults. So eventually, we
started to compete in everything, but we both didn’t want to
lose.” Song Juhan bent down slightly and whispered in his ear, “He
is probably… just afraid that I will steal you away from him.”

He Gu widened his eyes and stared at Song Juhan, his whole body
going stiff.

Song Juhan laughed out loud, “I’m just kidding. You look so
scared right now.”

He Gu was completely confused. Of course, he knew that Song

Juhan couldn’t “steal” him from Feng Zheng. After all, he and Feng
Zheng only had some hazy ambiguity.

Although he had a clear understanding of Feng Zheng’s above-

average mentality and had a good impression on him, he didn’t dare
venture into it.

Song Juhan patted his back. “It’s fine. Go spend time with him.
I’m older than him anyway and shouldn’t be as narrow-
minded as him.3Liz: nOt aS naRRoW-miNded aS hiM, you say.
Haha, don’t make me laugh.”

He Gu apologized. “I’m sorry. I wasted your invitation.”

“Don’t worry. If you really feel embarrassed, just treat me

to dinner next time.”
132 Report
He Gu’s eyes sparkled with a flash of joy. “Yes, that sounds

Song Juhan smiled and said, “Go on then. I will tell the driver
to take you there.”

“There’s no need. I can take a taxi.”

“Don’t worry about it. The driver is just sitting around

anyway. Go on.”

“You really don’t have to…”

Song Juhan tilted his head slightly and gave him a look that
seemed to say that he shouldn’t refuse the offer.

He Gu nodded. “Thank you…”

Song Juhan revealed a dazzling smile, and at that moment, it was

as if He Gu had returned to the memory from four years ago. With
the dusk light beaming through the classroom window, he could see
the bright smile from the young man that casually swung his school
bag over his shoulder. It was a smile so dazzling that it made him
realize for the first time in his life what it was like for his heart to

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133 Report

Chapter 17
Source: Nastriumden

It's confusing if the two are dating.

Song Ju Han is very busy. He Gu often can't find him. He Gu send

a text to him. There are eight stones in the sea(no reply). He Gu
doesn't care about these things. He just want to see Song Ju Han
every day, but he can only meet him once a month and only see him
in a hurry.

Gradually, even Feng Zheng discovered that He Gu was not right

and asked him what's wrong. He was often distracted recently.

Song Ju Han was particularly demanding of privacy. He Gu

couldn't tell anyone. He was a celebrity. He was naturally afraid of
this. He Gu had to lie: " I had to change the thesis topic, had to
prepare for the answers ....too busy."

"You are preparing, no problem, do you want me to help


He Gu smiled: "No, I can do it myself."

"You don't work yourself too tired. Let's go fishing this

week. Friends recommended for me a good place, freaking

"Forget it, the timetable is tight, now I can't even dare to

go out to play, wait until I get back to you."

Feng Zheng was a little disappointed: "We haven't been out

for a long time." He suddenly reached out and squeezed his face
and said, "I have so few friends, you still won't accompany
134 Report
He Gu laughed: "You have fewer friends? Last time you had a
birthday, you had fifty or sixty people invited."

"Forget it, those people are friends ... A really a friend,

there are so few. As a result, they went to study abroad one
after the other. What is so good about going abroad, I don't
want to go anywhere."

He Gu was helplessly: "Feng what you said is true."

Feng Zheng showed a big smile: "No matter what, you have to
accompany me to the movie at least this week. I would like
you to accompany me."

"Well, Saturday?"

"Well, I will take you to a good meal after that."

When He Gu couldn't see Song Ju Han, he could only work hard.

He did want Song Ju Han to have time, but he himself not have time.

Love is unbelievable, He Gu hated that he can not be with Song

Ju Han every minute, every time, as long as he sees him, he will be
happy, if he can not see Song Ju Han then even the tea is not
tasteful, at night he will think of his smile. If he doesn't sleep, he will
try him best to make himself better.

He Gu lived alone from high school. His mother had to bear all the
expenses before he graduated from college. There was not much
money to spare and after buyingenough food and drink, but there
was not much extra disposable cash. Fortunately, he did not have
high materialism requirements and his living expenses had always
been spent carefully, he has been receiving scholarships, plus the
wages of working and internships. He had saved tens of thousands of
yuans in a few years. Now, for the first time in his life, he has the
idea of ​dressing up for himself.

His character doesn't care much about money in his heart. In the
135 Report
past, when the hair was long, it was 15 yuan for washing and
blowing. This time, he spent 500 yuan to cut a hair into a particular
style and he didn't feel distressed. After cutting the hair, he went to
the mall and bought several sets of clothes and shoes.

After the whole person changed from head to toe, he looked at

himself in the mirror. He really looked a lot better. Maybe... standing
next to Song Ju Han, he would not be too awkward.

On Saturday afternoon, He Gu went to see a movie with Feng


When the two met, Feng Zheng said: "He Gu, you changed your
hair and you have a lot of handsome flair."

He Gu was very happy to hear that: "Really?"

"Really, I don't know how many times better than before.

You have become more. Where did you cut it?"

"Cut in the stars saloon."

"No wonder, the craftsmanship of the stars hair cutting

saloon is really good." Feng Zheng wondered, "Hey, why are you
willing to spend money to gather stars to cut your hair?"

He Gu touch his hair: "Well, I'm graduating soon. I'm not a

student anymore, I want to change my hair."

Feng Zheng couldn't help but laugh: "He Gu changing your

lifestyle.... you also care about your hair style, these clothes
wouldn't be newly bought?"

"Oh, yeah, my clothes have been worn for a few years and I
have to have a few new clothes when I go to start work."

Feng Zheng smiled and shook. He climbed his hand over his
shoulder and gently covered his head with his mouth. He whispered,
136 Report
"What to do, I am not adapting if you become handsome too

He Gu slowly took his arm down: "The opening time is coming,

let's go in."

Feng said: "Oh, let's go."

They looked at a sci-fi film. There was a background sound that

was especially quiet. In the middle of the movie He Gu phone was
ringing, echoing in the auditorium and it was particularly harsh. He
Gu quickly took out his mobile phone and saw the caller ID is - Song
Ju Han. He stood up without hesitation and went out to answer the
phone: "Hey, Song Ju Han."

"He Gu, where are you?" The phone sound was lauded with
Song Ju Han's laziness as if he was too tired.

"I was watching a movie."

"Watch a movie? Who are you with?"

"With Feng Zheng."

Song Ju Han was silent for a moment. He Gu felt some tension in

his heart. These two people don't quite deal well with eachother.

Song Ju Han said slowly: "I feel jealous when you go watch
movies with him."

He Gu was relieved and smiled: "What are you jealous, I just

watch a movie with my friend."

"I am jealous, I am resting today, you ....come to my place."

"Now? The movie hasn't finished yet. I promised Feng

Zheng to accompany him to dinner."

"I have a rare day off, don't you want to see me?"
137 Report
"Of course I think, but..." He Gu hesitated if he knew that Song
Ju Han would be free today. He should have said to Feng Zheng that
he was staying at homd to deal with the thesis.

"Nothing, you come now." Song Ju Han's tone is somewhat


"Ju Han, I really want to see you, but I'm not so good to

Song Ju Han said: "You like Feng Zheng?"

He Gu spoke urgently: "Of course not."

"Since you don't, what are you hesitating for? What

occasionally counts between friends, He Gu, come now or I
will be angry."

1]..... Uuughthis bitch nikka

He Gu sighed, he felt that Song Ju Han was really a little angry,

although he did not care, but he did not want for them to be awkward
for this and Song Ju Han, so he said: "Then you wait for me, I will
come as soon as possible."

Song Ju Han said with an easy tone: "Well, hurry."

He Gu like a cat run back to the seat.

Feng Zheng: "What happened? Who called?"

"My tutor is looking for me, I have to go back to school

now." He lied to Feng Zheng and felt bad, especially in his heart.

"So urgent?" Feng Zheng frowned. "The movie hasn't finished


"Sorry, Feng Zheng, I will accompany you the next time."
138 Report
Feng Zheng is not very happy, but there is no waybto refute.
"Then you go see the mentor and come over to eat with me

"I think that the tutor invited me to dinner at night."

Feng Zheng: "You have been busy with papers all the time,
we haven't had time to come out for a long time."

"I'm sorry, Feng Zheng, wait for me to get back to you and
for dinner."

"Forget it, I don't want to watch it, let's go." Feng Zheng
stood up disappointingly.

The two walked out of the cinema together.

He Gu stopped a tax and hurried away.

Song Ju Han lived in a high-class apartment in the urban area,

not far from the cinema. The taxi arrived in 20 minutes, He Gu
rushed to Song Ju Han apartment

When he was in the elevator, He Gu squint at the mirror for a long

time patting his hair and straightened his clothes and his heart was
full of joy.

The doorbell rang twice and he heard a footstep. The next

moment, the door was opened. The reason he looked at his own
thoughts was in front of him and there was a huge joy in his heart.
He went up to hold the Song Ju Han and kissed the soft lips.

Song Ju Han snorted, then hugged his waist and responded


The two of them were very entangled only half a minute apart, He
Gu gasped and said: "You know I miss you more."
139 Report
Song Ju Han smiled: "Know it." He touched his hair. "You
changed your hair? It looks good."

He Gu thought that this spent money is too much valuable

Song Ju Han pulled him into the door: "Come, look at the gift I
have prepared for you."

"Ah, what gift?"

Song Ju Han pointed to a dozen gift bags on the floor: "The

clothing brand I recently spoke to gave me a new season
clothes, I deliberately asked for the ones more of your size."

He Gu was busy refuting: "This dress is too expensive, not

suitable for me to wear."

"What is not suitable about them? isn't that people wear

clothes and they are clothes to wear."

"I am still an intern now, it's really not suitable."

Song Ju Han glared at his earlobe: "But if you don't, I will be

very disappointed."

He Gu looked at the clothes slyly and looked at Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han hooked his shoulder:"YouI will take them, I will

occasionally wear these clothes to go out for publicity, we
can wear them as couples wear, are you not happy?"

He Gu imagined the two people wearing a couple's wear.

Although they probably didn't have the chance to wear the same
clothes and stood together, the picture very aspire to him. He smiled
and said, "Thank you, but I was in a hurry. Didn't bring you

"You are my gift." Song Ju Han said that shamelessly and his
140 Report
face was not red.

He Gu couldn't held his mouth up from a smile.

"What movie did you watch with Feng Zheng today?"

"A sci-fi film, not bad."

"You didn't finish watching it? It doesn't matter, wait for

the blue light to come to my house." Song Ju Han's apartment
has a large walled in home theater.

"Nothing." He Gu embarrassing to whisper, "I wanted to see

you even more."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Would you like to listen to the
song I am writing?"


When Song Ju Han got into the bedroom, he sat on the rug with his
legs crossed, holding the guitar against the edge of the bed and
smiled slightly.

He Gu looked at him quietly, his heart warm and his mouth could
not stop smiling.

Song Ju Han's slender fingers fiddled with the guitar strings and he
sang an English song with a hoarse voice with the sound that has not
been post-processed, with a few sleek modifications, it was not as
perfect as the audio-visual end products, but it retains the most
original and pure taste that the song brings.

Song Ju Han closed his eyes and sang with fascination. He Gu

looked at Song Ju Han and he was fascinated.

Song Ju Han's smile, his eyes, his soul and even his voice, he is like
a sinister devilish satan, easily fascinating thousands of people.
141 Report
He Gu felt the fear at that moment, he began to suffer from the
same loss as everyone who fell in love, being unable to restrain
himself to think about why Song Ju Han was with him and one day he
would leave him.

Until Song Ju Han finished singing the song, He Gu hadn't returned

to reality, Song Ju Han stretched out his long legs and yelled at him:
"He Gu?"

"Ah?" He Gu woke up like a dream.

"How was it, nice?"

"Good, it's so nice."

"What is your opinion?"

"I am a layman and can't make any comments."

Song Ju Han casually stroke the guitar: "Sometimes a layman

can give people an unexpected opinion, you can just talk
about it."

"Mmh..." He Gu thought for a long time, still couldn't think of any


Song Ju Han laughed: "Forget it, it is difficult for you." He

patted the carpet around him, "Come, sit down."

He Gu went and sat down with Song Ju Han.

"I will sing to you, what do you want to hear?"

"Your new single which you made last month."

"Good." Song Ju Han cleared his throat and sang while playing
with a guitar.

He Gu laid on Song Ju Han shoulders, closed his eyes and feel the
142 Report
sound of the notes and the whole person seems like he was flying.

How can he be so happy, how can it be so sweet, if this moment

can be like this to the end of the old days.... how good will it be.

Song Ju Han sang one after another, He Gu listen till he got drunk
on them, so that he did not know when Song Ju Han was laying down
the guitar, when Ju Han overwhelmed him in the carpet, when he
recovered from the heat-kiss, the two had already red - body
lingering sensations fully naked.

He Gu panicked, the brain going blank, but he did not resist, he let
Song Ju Han fire burn him, even the pain that he had never tasted
was felt now but did not let his thoughts of being with Song Ju Han
think regret.

He Gu was finally stunned by the pain mixed with pleasure---the

new sensation brought by the coupling and Song Ju Han's pair of
eyes, which seemed to be carrying the magic, had followed him into
his dreams.

He woke up the second day. He Gu was sober and only felt sore,
especially in that place, it was embarrassing painful. He rubbed his
temples and the whole person feeling a whirlwind. It took him two
minutes to digest what happened last night.

He sighed, although the muscle and the skin is very comfortable,

but it is too damn painful to do this. He didn't have any understand of
what is bottoming at that time. He only thought that Song Ju Han had
experience, so it should be like this, but it was not the same as those
people who looked like they enjoyed it in the small porn movies...

1]...... Porn is fantasy

He barely managed to get up from the bed, went to the

bathroom and took a shower. After washing and cleaning, he wanted
to find Song Ju Han, but he called twice and there was obviously no
143 Report
one at home.

He called Song Ju Han twice and no one answered. He felt a little

lost in his heart, so he sent a message telling Song Ju Han that he
would go back first. When he left, he looked at the pile of clothes that
Song Ju Han sent him. He hesitated and took them.

These clothes are impossible to wear in college and at the

company but when he goes to see Song Ju Han, they will be useful.

After returning home, He Gu felt some low-grade fever, he

swallowed two tablets and continued to rush through the paper.

Until dusk, Song Ju Han called and said that he had gotten up in
the morning and asked if He Gu was uncomfortable.

1]...... Weren't you supposed to check on him before leaving you


"No, I'm okay." Even if it is not comfortable, He Gu is a man, he

will not admit it.

Song Ju Han said with a smile: "That's good, I wanted to stay

with you."

He Gu felt a lot calmness in his heart, he softly said: "You are

busy with work, there is no way."

"Yeah, I have been..." Song Ju Han said and a soft female voice
called his name on the phone.

He Gu froze.

Song Ju Han said: "I still have work here, I will first hang up
and then contact again."

"Oh, okay..." Before all the words have not been finished, the
phone has been cut off. He Gu held the phone for a long time, only
144 Report
silently let it go, continue to change the paper, but it to concentrate,
the low-feverish brain was a bit worrying, he kept thinking, even he
can not tell what he is thinking.

At this time, the doorbell rang.

He Gu suddenly woke up and his eyes widened and he was


He took a deep breath and got up to open the door. Feng Zheng
presented two plastic bags and appeared in front of him with a big

"Feng, Feng Zheng, how come you are here?"

"The project document of the Property Department has just

been sent to my mailbox. Anyway, I want to see both of them
together. I just bring you to dinner along." Feng frowned. "How
do you look so tired, are you sick." ?"

"No, I stayed up late last night. I haven't read the mail yet,
I am reading the paper."

"Do you have a lot of opinions from your tutor?"

"No, he was very satisfied with it."

"Ah, what did he ask you to do yesterday?" Feng Zheng

smashed the plastic bag into the kitchen and asked while unloading
the goods.

He Gu thought that he lied yesterday, it seems his lie is going to be

burnt and he was busy fixing it: "He mentioned something and
said some ideas to me."

Feng Zheng came over: "He Gu, I feel that you are not quite
alright, are you really not sick?" He said that and Feng Zheng
explored He Gu forehead of his hand. "Heavens, you have a
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"Nothing, it is not high."

Feng yelled in anger: "You are sick... You are really sick, do
you want to fight like this, isn't there still three weeks away
to submit the paper? You have been preparing it for a year,
there are still a few days to go right? Now hurry and resting."

He Gu smile bitterly: "Nothing."

"It's not okay, you walk and shake." Feng Zheng held his arms
and pushed him to the bedroom.

"Feng Zheng, I am really fine."

"Be obedient, I will go to cook, I told you to get some rest."

Feng Zheng pushed the bed into the bed and stuffed him into the

He Gu got into bed and found that he was really tired and the bed
was really comfortable. He immediately sighed with a sigh of relief:
"Well, then I will take a break and wait for what Feng cooks."

Feng Zheng smiled and said: "I bought it for you and I have to
cook it too. Now you are having a good time. I haven't
cooked..... even for my parents."

He Gu smiled.

Feng Zheng went to work busy for dinner, He Gu fell asleep in

confusion. When Feng Zheng made a meal ready and called him, it
was already dark.

Feng Zheng put the food on the table and asked for his input:
"Hurry and taste, I just went to buy the medicine and you will
take the medicine after you eat the meal."
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"Okay, it's good." He Gu felt really hungry.

"I want to drink some beer, where's the bottle opener?"

"I think it's in the drawer by the TV cabinet."

Feng Zheng went to find the bottle opener, but saw a pile of bags
given by Song Ju Han on the sofa in the living room. He picked up
those paper bags and turned them over. They were all clothes.

He Gu apartment is not big, the living room and the dining room
are connected, He Gu saw Feng Zheng's move at once and he was so
nervous because he forgot to put away those things.

Feng Zheng turned around and his face was a bit ugly: "Don't
tell me this is what you bought."

"...I bought it."

"These clothes are thousands worth of casual ones. He Gu I

know that you are not so generous with your spending?"

He Gu licked his lips and felt that he was sweating on his forehead.

Feng Zheng threw the bag back to the sofa angrily: "Do you like
Song Ju Han so much? For him you would be able to spend
this kind of money that you wouldn't spend on anyone else at

He Gu felt very embarrassed. He really didn't want to say more lies

from his mouth, so he stayed silent.

Feng Zheng took a deep breath: "You are sick, I am too lazy
to argue with you, but your fucking behavior is really worth
of a brain-dead moron. You think you are better that those
underage girls who still chase celebrities."

He Gu spoke with a condescending tone: "Feng Zheng, I spent
147 Report
my money and it's none of your business keep your nose out
of my life."

"You..." Feng Zheng was blocked by his anger and could not

He Gu softened the tone: "Okay, come over to eat then before

the food gets cold."

Feng Zheng probably felt that He Gu was childish and naive for
this matter. He couldn't pull his face to continue to be angry. He went
back to eat but he kept his head down and didn't talk to He Gu.

He Gu felt a splitting headache.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
148 Report

Chapter 18
Source: Nastriumden

After five minutes of silence, He Gu felt that this kind of face-to-

face dinner was too boring and he took the initiative to chat with
Feng Zheng. Feng Zheng said a sentence back and his mood was still
not very good.

After dinner, Feng Zheng threw the medicine to him: "You have
to take those half an hour after a meal."

"Okay, thank you if you hadn't come today, I wouldn't eat

such a delicious dinner."

Feng snorted and took his eyes and yelled at him: "If I didn't
come, maybe no one would knows if you burned out to

He Gu smiled: "How come, I have taken the medicine before

you come, but it has not yet taken effect."

"You go lie down, I have almost half an hour to clean up,

just enough to get you up and take medicine."

"No, I feel much better now that I am full. I can clean up


"I said you go, you go." Feng Zheng took him into the bedroom
and pressed him on the bed. "Your clothes are a little wet,
change drenched." Feng Yan pulled the collar, just as He Gu laid
down, the button on the front slammed open, revealing a small piece
of collarbone and chest.

Feng Zheng's eyes suddenly went straight red. He Gu didn't know

why. He looked down and saw the traces of blue and brown on his
149 Report
chest. This is... Bite--mark! He remembered he had them all over the
body when he took a shower today...

Feng Zheng's eyes widened and he ripped He Gu shirt violently.

When he saw the traces on the body, the whole person was like
someone struck by lightning.

He Gu pushed his hand with force: "Feng Zheng, what are you

"What is this?!" Feng Yan pinched his shoulder, the strength of

the force made He Gu feel pain.

He Gu was extraordinarily shy: "What does it have to do with

you! Do you know what you are doing!"

"I asked you what this is!" Feng Yan was so angry that he
couldn't believe what he could see on He Gu body!

He Gu closed his eyes and felt embarrassed and angry like never
before: "Bite-mark, is there a problem?"

Feng Zheng's hand trembled and his eyes were a little red: "...


"Who is it?"

He Gu was silent for a moment: "I think I have the right to

keep my privacy, Feng Zheng, you are too abnormal now, is it
me who has a fever or you have a fever?"

Feng Zheng gritted his teeth and said: "Tell me who it is!"

"I don't want to say!" He Gu really angry. "I am a 22-year-old

grown man. Why do you think I need to report my life to you?
Feng Zheng, you should go back."
150 Report
Feng Zheng seems to think of something in general and the two
pupils shoot out Ju Han mang: "It's Song Ju Han, is it?"

It was so shocking that when He Gu wanted to hide his expression,

it was too late.

"Why are you stupid!" Feng Zheng was so mad that he pushed h
hard. "You fucking are a big fool, you and Song Ju Han?
You know what he is?!"

He Gu calmed down at this time: "Feng Zheng, I don't know

what kind of fight you have with him, but those have nothing
to do with me, you are too abnormal now, do you know that?"

"I am abnormal? You are the abnormal with your

motherfucking brain! You slept with him? Are you sleeping
with Song Ju Han?" Feng Zheng anger seemed to be rushing to kill
He Gu.

He Gu took a deep breath, "Yes, is there any problem?"

"He will sleep you today, he will be able to pick another one
up tomorrow, Song Ju Han is a jerk, you fucking ....uuugh!"

"Even if it is ....this is my own business."

"Your own business?" Feng Zheng glared at him. "Why do you

think Song Ju Han came after you? If it is not because of me,
would he even look at you?!"

He Gu cussed, his face changed: "What do you mean?"

Feng Zheng consciously stopped talking, but it was impossible to

take them back. He gnawed his teeth and screamed.

"Feng Zheng, what is the meaning of your sentence, make

it clear. If Song Ju Han really wants to play with me, I can
afford it, I am not a woman, sleeping around is no big deal, if
151 Report
you really take me as a friend , make the sentence you have
just said clear."

Feng Zheng clenched his fist and said, "He...he is trying to piss
me off."

"What do you mean?"

"We... from a young age we had a competition, he saw you

with me, he wanted to grab you from me."

He Gu felt the blood leaving his face and also his brain and he
hadn't returned to reality for a long time: "But me and you ..... we
are only friends."

"But he doesn't think so." Feng Zheng stared straight at his

eyes. "I don't think so."

He Gu was shocked and looked at Feng Zheng.

"I know that you were only confused by him for a while. We
used to get along very well. Is it not? He Gu you asked me if I
might like boys? I didn't answer at the time. I can answer you
now, if the boy is you. ......"

"Don't say it." He Gu hanged his head. "Feng Zheng, this is

not the first time. I don't know if you intentionally or
unintentionally saying this but I am finished and I have not
done anything wrong. I can't stand still and play this game
with you and Song Ju Han."

"You could have given me some time!"

He Gu sighed: "Is it the same feeling?"

He Gu once wanted to be with Feng Zheng and his hope has

been almost squandered in repeated temptations and
152 Report
Feng Zheng held his shoulder and screamed: "He Gu, don't you
be stupid, Song Ju Han is playing with you, you... you stay
with me."

He Gu grasped Feng Zheng's wrist and unconsciously tightened it

up. He said with a blank expression: "Feng Zheng, what you said
today, you're doing things just like a child .... And it is
unreasonable, you go home calmly. We can talk again later."

"You do not believe me?"

"How?... Would you believe me if I say things in this way?"

"You only knew Song Ju Han for a few days? Do you believe
him? What kind of people are around him, you may want to
rethink about why he is close to you!"

This is what is called heart stabbing, He Gu took a deep breath:

"You said it, I have thought about it. You listen to me Feng
Zheng, first, we are not dating, there is no possibility of it
ever, second, I can not believe you... there is no doubt that
Song Ju Han likes me, third, even if you are telling the truth, I
am still not going to be with you."

1].... Wow cold-hearted effer

He Gu spoke so cool, but his heart was very uncomfortable, he

does not want to believe what Feng Zheng said, but then it is a good
explanation of his long-standing doubts - why Song Ju Han came at
him fast and furious.

If it is really because of Feng Zheng... He simply can't think about


Feng Zheng looked stiffly and his expression gradually became

sad: "He Gu, I never found out, you are so calm. You don't feel
anything about me? You will know what Song Ju Han is,
sooner or later."
153 Report
"Feng Zheng, even if I had feeling for you before, it is
already past. Song Ju Han may be a jerk, I will be clear with
you I can't be with you, then why are you becoming this kind
of a person?" He Gu looked at Feng Zheng seriously. "Feng
Zheng, you are my best friend. We are very happy when we
are friends. Did you have to do this?"

"He is not good." Feng Zheng pushed his hand and his face was
awkward. "He Gu, you will regret it, I will leave you to see the
true face of Song Ju Han." He turned and slammed his fist against
the wall, his head looked whirly and he walked out

"Feng Zheng-"

The door was slammed and the voice hanged into the air.

He Gu felt that his body tight nerves are loose and the whole
person fell weakly on the bed.

Why... Did things become like this.

Does Song Ju Han really like Feng Zheng? He Gu didn't want to

believe in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel that Feng Zheng
was right.

He is a plain college graduate and his family is is not prominent or

anything. When he sees himself on Song Ju Han's side, he looks like a
boy toy being favored by him.

But... he remembered Song Ju Han's gentleness, Song Ju Han's

smile, Song Ju Han's voice, those could not be faked, should he
believe what his eyes saw or Feng Zheng's words?

He Gu closed his eyes and felt the chaos in his head. His heart
seemed to be blocked by something, falling all the way and below, it
was the abyss that could not be seen in the dark end.

He doesn't know for how long he had been sleeping, when he
154 Report
woke up again, he felt burned out and his body was relaxed. After he
got up, he swallowed some medicine and drank two large glasses of
water. His brain was sober.

Thinking of what happened last night, he still felt uncomfortable

and embarrassed.

To be honest, he cares a lot about Feng Zheng. Feng Zheng is his

best friend when he was young. Both of them have a common
language both at school and in the company. He Gu was somewhat
isolated person based on his character, it is not easy for him to be
able to make a friend who can talk.

He didn't know what deep contradiction between Song Ju Han

and Feng Zheng there were, but it was obviously more serious than
he thought. Whether Song Ju Han really is as a bastard as Feng
Zheng said, Feng Zheng can't just make such a strange speculation it
has to be based on something.

As for Feng Zheng's saying that he wants to be with him, He Gu

does not believe it. If Song Ju Han really only wants to provoke Feng
Zheng for the so-called "childhood competition", then Feng
Zheng, who is suddenly liking him is more suspicious.

He Gu nestled on the sofa, calmly thinking about the morning,

finally decided to personally go to find Song Ju Han to ask him. With a
knife in his head and a knife in his heart, he was only shackled. He
was so young, his life was just beginning and his emotional
frustration was nothing that can't be forgotten.

He packed up and went out. He planned to go to the vicinity of

Song Ju Han's home.

He went downstairs in the neighborhood where Song Ju Han lived,

sat down in a coffee shop and sent a text message to Song Ju Han: "I
am near your home, I'm looking for you, when are you
coming back?"
155 Report
The text message did not get a response for a long time, He Gu
was not in a hurry, took out the notebook and began to continue to
work on the paper.

The sky soon became dark and Song Ju Han returned to the
message at this time: "Photo shoot in a far location, I'm not
going home today."

Somehow disappointed, packed up the notebook and planned to go


in the car, he received a call from Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng's cold voice came: "He Gu, where are you?"

"Outside, I am going home soon."

"You come with me now."

"What's wrong?"

"You want to know what kind of person is Song Ju Han? I

will open your eyes today."

He Gu breath stopped, his voice shook a little: "...well, you send

me the address." He got off the car and took a taxi and rushed to
the address given by Feng Zheng.

It was a nightclub that looked very private. There were two

bodyguards standing at the door and the who guests went in had
showed something to be allowed.

Hesitating, Feng Zheng came over and his face had a look of

He Gu has never seen such a look on Feng Zheng. When Feng

Zheng was angry, he never looked such a picture of suffocation. He
opened his mouth and finally had nothing to say.
156 Report
Feng Zheng led him to the door and showed the security guard a
picture on the mobile phone. The two security guards brushed and
asked for the gesture: "Young Feng, please go inside."

Feng Zheng walked in front of him, He Gu he followed.

Before going to a box, Feng said: "Go in, I am waiting for you
outside." When he turned around, he sighed, "Do not start a

He Gu looked at Feng Zheng's eyes and his heart beat like a drum.

Through the door, he heard a sweet female voice singing inside.

Open this door, what will he see? No matter what, he couldn't

retreat. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

He Gu closed his eyes and pushed the door open.

The box is very large. There are more than a dozen people sitting
and standing. He Gu eyes located Song Ju Han, who was sitting in the
corner of the sofa and holding a very beautiful girl in his arms. The
two are talking and laughing. Also looking at each other with
googling eyes.

He Gu felt that his scalp went numb, the hands and feet suddenly
become cold and the eyes of everyone around them pierce his skin
like a needle.

When Song Ju Han saw him, his face changed and he was very

He Gu was unusually calm: "Sorry, I am looking for someone."

Song Ju Han loosened the hand that was holding the girl thin waist
and stood up in the air. His tone was very pissed off: "He Gu, how
157 Report
come you come here?"

He Gu refrained from yelling the feelings of his heart inner turmoil:

"Ju Han, you come out."

Song Ju Han rushed to his friends and nodded: "You play first."
After that, he went out and closed the door.

He Gu chest rose and fall a bit and he sighed and said: "I have
something to ask you."

"Who brought you here? Is it Feng Zheng? You told him?" A

series of questions.

"It was my own discovery." He Gu gazed at Song Ju Han, just

yesterday, he looked at this person and felt that his heart was full of
happiness and now the blooming flower has been knocked into the
mud with the cold wind.

Song Ju Han stroked his hair with some irritability: "He brought
you here right?."

He Gu heart suddenly felt a sharp pain, as calm as possible he

asked: "The girl you just held, is she your girlfriend?"

Song Ju Han said indifferently: "No."

"What am I then?"

When Song Ju Han looked at him his eyes seemed to be incredible:

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" When He Gu heard this question, it is even

more incredible, "Song Ju Han, you don't know what I mean?"

Song Ju Han first sneered, he looked at He Gu face and then

laughed uncontrollably.

1]..... How many of us have been laughed at because we assume
158 Report
we were their one and only ???...Well not me.... I'm not into that

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
159 Report

Chapter 19
Source: Nastriumden

He Gu felt that his eyes were burning and his line of sight got a bit

Song Ju Han said with a smile: "He Gu, what did you really
came here to do? You are also a pure gay, how can you not
know the rules than my half-way?"

1]..... (bisexual/whoring)

"...Rules?" He Gu chewed these two words repeatedly, as if he

was swallowing poison--- medicine.

"We just slept together and now you think I am responsible

for you? Or else I am the only one for you?" Song Ju Han's voice
was full of sarcasm.

There was a fierce flash in his eyes. He Gu grabbed Song Ju Han's

collar and pushed the man to the wall.

Song Ju Han was a little surprised. He buckled his wrist. He was

half-heartedly joking and said, "He Gu, you better not act
impulsively. Fortunately, you can't beat me. If you really beat
me, you gonna get into big problems."

He Gu eyes were bloodshot and his chest was violently rolling. He

has never suffered such humiliation in his life. He feels that
something in his body has been torn and blood has fallen to the

This face made him familiar and unfamiliar. From the first
acquaintance to the present, for four years, he silently paid attention
to Song Ju Han's every move, only because of the afternoon he got
160 Report
near him in that small classroom. For the first time, making him know
what kind of good things he likes.

If they didn't meet again, he would always be a fan for Song Ju Han
and will not be out of control as he is now.

What did Song Ju Han think of him...

Song Ju Han looked at the somewhat distorted face, sighed and

touched his hair gently: "If I thought you play like thins? Wanted
to be lovers?I wouldn't bother come to playyou... ."

Can't play?

He Gu remembered what he said to Feng Zheng. He said, "I am

not naive."

How brave is it when he was bragging, now? He never thought

about playing and he couldn't play with it.

Song Ju Han's tone became gentle and confused: "Were we not

so good? He Gu, I like you very much, but I am still young, I
don't want to fall in love, you are so young, why are you too
serious? What you want? Everything can be obtained from
me, what is there a need to be so angry."

He Gu felt like a punctured ballon he slowly loosened his hold on

Song Ju Han's collar, forced the pressure off the surging, he was
silence for a few seconds, he nodded and said quietly: "You are

Song Ju Han, you are right, why bother being too seriously.

He also didn't have a small piece of regret and he still slept with a
celebrity. If it was just a fuckbuddies, Song Ju Han's specifications
were too high, as long as he was not serious.

He Gu held his fist and suppressed the pain that made it difficult to
161 Report
breathe and looked at Song Ju Han with a blank expression: "You
continue to play, I am leaving."

Song Ju Han frowned. "He Gu, this thing... I blamed myself for
not telling you at first, I thought you understood. I will
compensate you, whatever you want, I will buy it for you."

"You didn't say it clearly, which part exactly?"

Song Ju Han couldn't speak.

"Is it the part that you fooled around with me then to

provoke Feng Zheng?"

Song Ju Han's face was somewhat uncomfortable: "Is this what

Feng Zheng told you?"

"If not?."

Song Ju Han was silent: "He Gu, you follow me, I will always be
good for you, you want to experience things a bit, we have
fun years at this age."

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han deeply and watched his face for half a
minute before saying, "Okay."

At that time, he was too young and stupid. He thought he made

a decision that was free and mature.

The loss of love is a small episode in his life. It will be overdone.

Since he still has some fascination with Song Ju Han, it is not a bad
thing to be a companion. He has nothing to lose. He even thinks
about it. They are all men, Song Ju Han can play around, what can he

He couldn't predict at the time that it would be the most costly,

irreparable and wrong mistake in his life. His love for Song Ju Han did
not die because of changes in mentality and time. Instead, it became
162 Report
more and more blazing. When he suddenly felt shocked, he had
already walked too far and sank too deep to turn back.

He Gu opened his eyes and saw the familiar ceiling of his home.

Thinking about the past, he fell asleep on the sofa and the past
was woven into a story that merged into his dreams. Six years, all
the details at the time, he actually remembers yh so clearly.

In particular, he remember how Song Ju Han was fascinated by

He Gu fascination. How could he use his words like that. In a few
words to make his cheeks hurt and his heart broken? He also
remembered how frustrated Feng Zheng's decision was made at the
time. Remember Feng's impulsive the rough kiss.

He knows that because of his affairs, Song Ju Han went to find Feng
Zheng then Feng Zheng went to find Song Ju Han, the two also had a
lot of conflict, but He Gu did not know what happened when they
met, Feng Zheng flew out from the country, the other one He Gu has
been shackling with him for the past six years.

He also remembers that in the past six years, Song Ju Han fed him
a whispers of a sugar and He Gu was firmly fixed.

He really made up his mind to "fool around with" Song Ju Han.

He wanted to vent out his fascination with Song Ju Han and he now
was too addicted. He could leave the man without regrets. He doesn't
feel that he was out of the box. Unexpectedly, Song Ju Han was still
the Song Ju Han, but He Gu could not withdraw.

He Gu never regretted it, but occasionally he can't help but

think, if at that time he and Song Ju Han had split off each other,
what will happen now? Probably he will have heard Song Ju Han's
news after a few years then just laugh at it then smile and tell his
friends that he had slept with this big celebrity. In short, it will not be
the situation that is so deep in the quagmire today.
163 Report
But can he dare he regret it.

He rubbed his sore back and climbed up from the sofa and at a
glance he saw the cell phone that was thrown out by Song Ju Han.

He took the thrown battery put it in the phone on and booted it up,
but fortunately the phone is not broken.

One boot, more than a dozen missed calls and text messages
came out, all of them were from Feng Zheng, he dialed him back and
Feng Zheng almost immediately picked up the phone on the first
tone, he nervously shouted: "He Gu, are you okay?"

He Gu was tired and said: "I am fine, I am sorry, you must

think I'm a joke now."

1]..... Girl all my readers thinks you're a joke..... But it get better

"You are really..." Feng Zheng gnashed his teeth. "Song Ju Han
has been a really bastard for ten years. What did he do to

He Gu laughed at himself with a mockery: "In fact, there is

nothing. He came to accompany me on my birthday. He was
angry when he saw you calling me. You haven't been around
here for so many years."

Feng Zheng was silent and evaded the weight and said: "You are
okay then."

"It's rare that you remember my birthday and he was


"How can I not remember it. Song Ju Han is gone? Come out
and hang up with me."

"It's too late, I have to go to work tomorrow and you should
164 Report
rest early."

Feng Zheng couldn't help but said: "He Gu can't I persuade


He Gu slowly leaned on the wall: "Feng Zheng, all the things

you can think of, can't think of, I understand, but I still can't
help myself. Anything you advise me that it's useless, I am
self-sufficient, but I don't want to be with you. It's already
awful for me to say the same things again and again."

"He Gu, you are the only one I know, who jumped into the
fire pit while he was wide awake."

He Gu was teased by his description: "No, maybe I owed him in

my previous life and I have to pay debts in this life."

There was a long sigh from Feng Zheng on the phone.

After Gu Qing Pei went to the new company, he did not abandon
the group chat of the old company. He Gu opened the group chat
occasionally and he could see a few grumbles as he joked.

On this day, He Gu was reading a document and a pop-up window

popped up on the computer. It was Gu Qing Pei's video call invitation.
He opened it with some doubts.

He saw Gu Qing Pei sitting in the boss's chair and waving at him
with a smile: "Hey, He Gu whatchu up to?"

He Gu ust wanted to laugh: "Work, Gu you seems to be in a

good mood."

"Hey, I have to keep a strong smile, this company has a

bunch of messed up people, the boss gave me a big
problem... forget that, don't say this, I have to show you my
new office." Gu Qing Pei stood with his mobile phone after he got up
he made a sweep movement of the office.
165 Report
That office is more luxurious than the office belonging to a
Nanchuang's executives. It's a private company. If they want to
spend money that's their right, He Gu can't help but envy him: "This
office is very good."

"Yeah, how are you, are you not tempted?"

He Gu smiled: "That is the president's office, what is the use

of being tempted."

"We are renovating the new office area. I installed it and I

moved it. This office is yours." Gu Qing Pei looked at him with a
smile. "As long as you come, I have reserved a seat for you at
any time."

"Gu, you are really lifting me up. I will only work for this
company. Nothing else will work. I am really afraid to live up
to your expectations." Although He Gu is very grateful to Gu Qing
Pei for his appreciation, he always has some guilty conscience. He
felt that Gu Qing Pei, such a beautiful man, should not be able to see
his dead hopeless brain.

"Hey, If you still want to work like this, as long as you do

what you do, I will give you something else."

He Gu smiled: "Gu, I will give you an answer later, okay."

"Okay." Gu Qing Pei sighed. "He Gu, I think you should be

able to imagine my situation. Yuan Li Jiang career path was
very big. He promised me to put this branch on the market
and let me enter the group executive board, but there is no
one around me now, it's really crappy."

"I know."

"So I have high hopes for you coming to work here, I will
wait for you to answer me later."
166 Report
"Okay, sure."

"Right, I will show you the Arowana that I have raised. I

have two in the office. I hoped it can assimilate to the new
officer's suffocation. As a result, it died yesterday. I bought it
for 80,000 yuans..... I feel bad. I didn't sleep well last night."
Gu Qing Pei said that he was grievously screaming and he was a little
bit childish.

"That must have helped you block a wave of anger and

heroic righteousness."

"Hey, when you said that way it makes sense. I have a lot
of comfort in my heart." Gu Qing Pei pointed his mobile phone at
the fish tank. He Gu didn't spent time to see the baby fish who was
more expensive than gold? Suddenly there was a rough opening

Gu Qing Pei's voice was immediately wrapped in a full mockery:

"How many times I said that you have to knock on the door
become bring your face in my office. You are a grown up, how
can you not even understand the courtesy taught to a two-
year-old child?"

1].... The one who doesn't knock get it

"Don't speak such nonsense." A young, clear, angry voice came

over from that side.

He Gu curious sat up and the video was moved off.

Immediately, the original video frame began to change there was

an ad playing --- Song Ju Han's electrical concert advertising.

He Gu sighed and shut the video window. He is unlucky, even if he

wants to forget the man, the one who can be overwhelmed every day
is hiding from it.
167 Report
Since his birthday, there has been no connection between them
for half a month. He felt that Song Ju Han would have been angry for
a long time and He Gu still can't afford to reconcile. Near the end of
the year, the work pressure is too great, he was on the job site.
Under this high pressure, he was exhausted and tired and he was too
lazy to think or go find Song Ju Han.

That one thing he has always expected to be coming, maybe it

has come now, he has been preparing for this day for six years and
he has long been flustered.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
168 Report

Chapter 20
Source: Nastriumden

Afterwards Gu Qing Pei made a phone call to explain He Gu, it was

his driver who lacked manners and his tone was very embarrassed.

Of course, He Gu doesn't believe that it's a driver, that is, the

creditors are not necessarily so horizontal. But he has never said
much, if Gu Qing Pei does not want to say, he does not ask.

It seems that Gu Qing Pei's situation in the new company is not

ideal. He is used to being boss in Nanchuang. It is inevitable that he
will be frustrated when he changes the new environment. However,
He Gu believes that with Gu Qing Pei capabilities he can get it slowly.
However, now he can feel the loneliness and pressure there is a need
to talk about it, so he offered to have a meal together with Gu Qing
Pei, the last time he drank the wine he was bought by Gu Qing Pei,
saying that the repaying meal was always good.

Gu Qing Pei readily agreed.

He Gu had a busy day on the construction site and rushed home to

take a shower and change clothes, so he was ready to go to the

Before leaving the door, he received a call from Xiao Song.

He Gu looked at the caller ID and his heart was hanged to hus

throat. Xiao Song called him, it is impossible for it to have nothing to
do with Song Ju Han. He took a deep breath and pressed the call
button: "Hey, Xiao Song."

"He Gu, brother." Xiao Song's voice was pumped up and

169 Report
"What happened to you? Why are you crying?"

"I may have to be fired. I feel bad in my heart and I won't

dare let my girlfriend know. I want to talk to someone."

He Gu looked at the watch and the time was abundant before he

has to meet with Gu Qing Pei. He sat down and his voice was quiet:
"Don't you cry, tell me what happened?" His voice was low and
the sound line sounds particularly steady, which is very calming.

Xiao Song calmed down a bit: "That, Brother Han has been in a
bad state during this time, are you two quarreling?"

"Why do you say that? What did he say to you."

"That is... Brother Han is in a bad state, it is easy to erupt

into a fit of anger. When he gets angry, his father Song He
turns his anger at me. The day before yesterday, Brother Han
kicked the photographer at the advertising shooting scene.
Song He spent a lot of money to suppress it, then I was used
as a cannon fodder." Xiao Song said that in a way, and his voice
was a little choked.

"Why did he fight?"

Xiao Song hesitated: "In fact, the contradiction is not too big,
that is, the opinion are not in the work.... well not by much.
Brother Han usually has no temper. Then I asked him, he

"Say what?"

"The machine used by the photographer is junk."

"Just for this he fought with the photographer?" Although

Song Ju Han has all kinds of problems, but he is very dedicated in his
work, how can he fight for this?
170 Report
"I don't know if there was something wrong with the
machine, but the machine looks expensive. Then I think that
machine looks like the machine that hurts you that day."

He Gu face wrinkled into a frown: "You think too much, those

machines are dark and look like they are all the same."

"...also, in short, every time you have a conflict with

Brother Han, Brother Han will be in a for of one heck of

He Gu doesn't you know if he should laugh or not: "Xiao Song,

whoever makes him unhappy, he will end up in a fit, if you
just make a cat angry, it will scratch you two times. I
understand what you mean, you want me to come and calm
him down?"

Xiao Song whispered: "He Gu, my brother, I actually admire

you and I especially admire you. I don't want to ask you forgo
your work. I just think that you and Brother Han are a thing.
If you don't quarrel with him he will be good, and that will be
good for everyone around him."

"Me? What a pitiful thing we have?"

"I think that Brother Han cares about you and cares more
for you than others."

He Gu felt some sadness in his heart? He said with ease: "Why do

you think so?"

"I, I feel it."

He Gu smiled but there was no smile in his eyes: "Xiao Song, I

think I know you know Ju Han more than you think. I may not
be able to help you with your work. Every time I look for him
to calm his head, it is just like pouring oil on the fire, but you
can rest assured that I guarantee that Song Ju Han will not
171 Report
fire you. He can't find a better assistant than you."


"Really, the last time I was with Ju Han, he said that he

would raise your salary. In fact, both the father and son are
very satisfied with you."

Xiao Song's voice sounded better: "Really? I'm still on

mortgage, the pressure is so big and if I'm fired, I might not
be able to find a job with such a high salary."

"Do not worry." Song Ju Han saw Song He, he is a shrewd and
daunting man. People who are in high positions, it is too normal for
them to take their anger to the people underneath them. Xiao Song's
work ability and character are good, it's impossible le to fire him

"Thank you, He Gu, brother, thank you for talking to me,

my heart is much better."

"It's okay, you work hard, no one is willing to fire you."

"Ah, thank you."

"Well, that's it then I will hang up."

"Well... brother, when are you going to find Brother Ju


He Gu was silent: "Let's talk about it later"

Hanging up the phone, He Gu rushed out the door.

When he heard that Gu Qing Pei wanted to eat pizza. He Gu

specially booked a very famous Italian restaurant. The restaurant is
located in a particularly lush business district. The road is blocked
and the parking space is not easy to find. He lined up his car in the
172 Report
underground parking lot, the snails generally moved forward faster
and finally he saw the parking space, but his car was blocked,
because at the front a sports car was reversing very sharp.

He Gu looked at the White 911 Porsche and slowly leaned over his
body, then slowly fell back. As a result, he found that he couldn't get
in and went forward. He repeated horned several times and still
couldn't get in and the car waiting behind made angry horn.

When he looked at the watch, the time was a bit tight. He turned
off the car and went to the side of The White 911 Porsche and
knocked on the window of the driver's seat.

The window slowly descended, revealing a handsome and white

face, both of them were taken aback.

Zhuang Jie Yu

It's a coincidence that the capital is so big that they can come
across each other.

Zhuang Jie Yu did not return to reality and looked at him with

He Gu said coldly: "Get off the car."

"…… What?"

"Get down, you are blocking a bunch of cars behind."

Zhuang Jie Yu bit his teeth and took a look at him and got out of
the car.

He Gu sat in, closed the door, went forward and then reversed the
car, the car slipped into the parking space smoothly, the action was
done in one go.

Then he got out of the car and looked at the little actor who didn't
173 Report
look fazed. He took his own car away from the place

Stopping the car, He Gu quickly walked to the restaurant and just

as he walked to the elevator, he saw Zhuang Jie Yu leaning on the
pillar next to the elevator, as if he was waiting for him.

He Gu couldn't help but look at him up and down again, he wore

a cap and sunglasses with a baseball jacket and jeans in the cold, he
looked as tender as a bamboo shoot.

Song Ju Han is probably right. Zhuang Jie Yu is a perfect look-alike

to a 19-year-old Feng Zheng. It is not a look, nor a figure, but the
youthful temperament.

Zhuang Jie Yu saw him and seemed to be reluctant then he finally

said: "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He Gu pressed the elevator and stood by and


Zhuang Jie Yu came over and walked around him for two laps. He
screamed: "How did you get together with Brother Han? You
two are too circles away from each other."

He Gu didn't pay attention about him.

Zhuang Jie Yu did not feel embarrassed: "Hey, why are you
here, did you came here to eat?"


"I just came to eat too let's go together."

"I have a friend."

"I don't mind."

"I mind." The elevator door opened, He Gu strode in.
174 Report
Zhuang Jie Yu sighed and he followed him. "Do you want to use
such awkwardness? How many people want to eat with me
and I give you a chance you don't want it?"

He Gu looked at the elevator door and pretended not to hear him.

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Jie Yu was so angry that he


The elevator door slammed open and He Gu strode out, just

wanting to be far from this strange person.

"It seems like someone is here to eat with you... you don't
want to be eating together here?" Zhuang Jie Yu pointed to the
restaurant in front of him.

He Gu sighed: "I am here to talk about business, don't follow

me anymore."

"Who the hell is following you, you have no shame!" Zhuang

Jie Yu wanted to blow up. "I am here with my friends!"

"Oh, misunderstanding." He Gu went in and walked in.

He Gu sat in the reserved position and waited for Gu Qing Pei,

but found that Zhuang Jie Yu and his friends were not far away.
Zhuang Jie Yu did not know what to say to his friends. The two of
them were looking in his direction. He Gu was not very comfortable,
but also helplessly but had to wait for Gu Qing Pei.

After a while, Gu Qing Pei came and when he sat down, he

complained: "It is getting harder and harder to park around

"Yeah, especially on the weekends." He Gu smiled, "How

does Gu feel in the new company?"

"Oh, don't mention it, a bunch of bad debts, but it is quite
175 Report

"It's quite right for you. Your energy is so abundant. There

may be no room for challenges in Nanchuang."

"Haha, I think so too."

The two of them chatted and ate and Gu Qing Pei suddenly
looked at him with a strange look: "He Gu, have you noticed that
the people at that table have been watching us?"

He Gu warn Zhuang Jie Yu with a warning look. "Maybe they are

look at the general direction"

"It will be alright." Gu Qing Pei smiled and called the waiter to
come over. "Send a bottle of wine to that table."

He Gu almost drowned

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "The little boy with dark hair is
the type I like. Do you think he will come over?"

He Gu cough twice: "He will."

"I also think he will." Gu Qing Pei smiled confidently.

"He seems to be an actor."

"Is it? I don't care much, no wonder he looks so flattering."

"Well, not famous so many people still don't know him."

The waiter sent the wine to the table and Zhuang Jie Yu breathed a
sigh of relief. He smiled at Gu Qing Pei and the smile was quite cute.

Soon, the two of them came over and Zhuang Jie Yu said with a
smile: "Brother, thank you."

"You're welcome, wanna come and sit together?."
176 Report
"Okay." Zhuang Jie Yu looked at He Gu provocatively.

He Gu pretend not to know him and nodded at him.

They sat down in a attention gathering way. Zhuang Jie Yu's

friend hairs was dyed in a red maroon color, his baby face looked
very cute, both of them were so sweet and Gu Qing Pei turned to
chat with them, He Gu sat on the side, like a prop.

He Gu didn't feel embarrassed about it and politely smiled at the

content he barely listened to, while observing how Gu Qing Pei
hooked people. He does not want to learn, he is curious, its really
attractive gayness.

After watching it for a while, he found that there is no

observation value and there are conditions which are employed by
Gu Qing Pei. In fact, there is no need to do anything deliberately it's
just a multitude of skills.

Gu Qing Pei found out He Gu was left out and quickly talked to him.
Zhuang Jie Yu and his friends added a WeChat to each other.

After the addition, Zhuang Jie Yu gave a look at the side sitting
around and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes: "He Gu, what
are you doing?"

"Engineering." He Gu said it lightly

"Oh, no wonder you're so stable." Zhuang Jie Yu gave a look at

what was going on and said with his friend, "Oh, this is called
abstinence------, right?"

Gu Qing Pei laughed and it shook his shoulders.

He Gu awkward: "I don't understand the things from your


"Then I will explain it to you, abstinent - desire - is that..."
177 Report
"You talk, I have to go to the bathroom." He Gu stood up.

Gu Qing Pei said with a smile: "Don't tease him."

"Then I am teasing you, brother."


When he went to the bathroom, he took out his mobile phone and
watched the news for a while. Until the time was too long, it would be
rude to wait he left and reluctantly walked back to his seat. As he
expected Zhuang Jie Yu and his friends had left.

He Gu was relieved.

Gu Qing Pei smiled apologetically: "If I knew you were so

uncomfortable, I would not let them come."

"Nothing, anyway, let's just eat."

"Actually, I also hoped that you can meet more friends."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu." He Gu knew that Gu Qing Pei had a good
intention, but they have to get to know each other and he don't need
to know Zhuang Jie Yu's types.

The two chatted about the company. Although there was a little
accidental episode in a meal, it was very pleasant. After many years,
he felt that he once again found a friend who he can talk to. He Gu
was happy from the bottom of his heart. .

He doesn't feel lonely, he is just more tolerant.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
178 Report

Chapter 21
Source: Nastriumden

On this day, He Gu was supervising the work on the construction

site and he received a phone call from Xiao Song. At the time, at the
construction site concrete was being poured and the noise was
stopping He Gu from hearing what was said. He took the phone and
tried to strain his ear to hear from him for a long time and did not
manage hear what Xiao Song said.

Xiao Song hung up the phone and sent a message: He Gu, brother,
Brother Han's mother returned home and asked you to eat together
with her

He Gu looked at the text and was dazed for a long time and
returned one: Does Ju Han know she is back?

That reply came back soon: He know.

Hesitated for a moment, He Gu replied: address.

Xiao Song sent the time and address. He Gu didn't expect it to be

today's at dinner time and the place was quite far away. It was
definitely too late to go home to change clothes. He had to find a
female colleague to borrow some wet wipes and wipe the dust from
his pants and shoes. Hurrying and drove to the address.

Song Ju Han's parents have been separated for many years and
it is not a secret in the entertainment circle, but at least on the
surface, the relationship between the couple is not bad. The
attendance of social occasions has always been them as a couple,
probably, Song Ju Han's mother is unrestrained and open-minded
enough to accept an open marriage

1] ....Love: Let's try open marriage
179 Report
Me: Divorce!!

He Gu rushed to the hotel then he was more than ten minutes late.
He had obsessive-compulsive disorder about being on time and he
was very uncomfortable when he was late.

He walked to the front of the box and was nervous.

He and Song Ju Han have not seen each other for more than a
month. He worked hard to distract himself from that attention. Only
in this way can he not think about this person from time to time.
Maybe he has been mentally preparing for too long. Even if he is
uncomfortable, he will hold back from looking for him. Song Ju Han's
an impulse, both before and now, he was constraining He Gu with
this self-abuse self-control. However, even if it is such a constraint,
He Gu just controls its own behavior and he does not care.

He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was a sexy
female voice reply: "Please come in."

He opened the door into a spacious and luxurious Chinese-styled

suite. The living room was decorated with a carved dragon-shaped
rosewood dining table and some tea and delicate snacks had been
placed on it.

There are two people sitting at the table, one is Song Ju Han and
the other is a mixed beauty who is glamorous and unpretentious. She
is Song Ju Han's mother and the international supermodel.

"Hello He Gu." Vanessa walked over. She wore a plain blue lake
skirt. The tall and moving figure swayed with her feet. She embraced
him enthusiastically. "We haven't seen each other for a long
time. "

A fragrance and a scent, even if he was not interested in women,

He Gu can not ignore the charm of this human being, the beauty she
180 Report
radiates is beyond the gender, not to mention her character is so
good, such self-cultivation is good and she is so intelligent, it is
simply a perfect representative of textbooks perfect woman.

He Gu gently hugged her: "Vanessa, I haven't seen you for a

long time."

Song Ju Han sat in his seat and didn't move. He looked

uncomfortable when he looked at him: "Why do you dress thing
like those?"

He Gu didn't I have time to look in the mirror, but he can imagine

himself staying at the construction site for a day and he never wears
prim high quality clothes when he goes to the construction site. This
image is definitely not much better.

Vanessa scolded: "Ju Han, manners."

Song Ju Han snorted disdainfully.

Vanessa took He Gu arm and took him to the dinner table: "Come,
please come sit down."

He Gu apologetically said: "Sorry, when I received the notice

from Xiao Song, I was still at the construction site, not only I
came late, but also empty-handed."

Vanessa waved her hand and smiled. "Don't need to care about
these little things. I just turned over the time difference, I
especially want to eat delicious Chinese food, then I
remembered that I haven't seen you for a long time."

"I saw the news, you are participating in the Golf Stars."

"Yeah, I have traveled to six countries and I am exhausted."

Vanessa pinched a salt and pepper peanut with her fingertips and
looked at it. She muttered in her mouth, "6 calories." Then she
threw it into her mouth.
181 Report
"Mom, you can rest assured that I will accompany you to
fitness tomorrow."

"Okay, tomorrow we will play the table tennis, if you lose."

Vanessa pinched the Song Ju Han's nose, "You will apologize to
your father."

Song Ju snorted: "He never apologizes for doing something


"But you are not him, you are the mother's son, huh?"

Song Ju Han rolled his eyes: "Okay, but the premise is that if
you can win."

Vanessa showed a charming smile: "I will win."

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han intently. In front of his mother, Song

Ju Han has a very different childish side. He will be spoiled, will be
babied, will be cared for and will be spoiled some more. How good
and desirable is this Song Ju Han.

Vanessa turn to the same, He Gu looked like a thief peeking and

quickly turned his face to Vanessa and smiled, He Gu face felt a bit

"He Gu, you lost a little more weight than I saw you last
time, is it that because you're busy at work?"

"Yeah, especially at the end of the year I will be more


"When you are busy with work, you should pay attention to
your body. You are so young and you have 20 or 30 years for
your career, but health should be your life's pursuit."

He Gu smiled and nodded: "I will."
182 Report
Vanessa turned to Song Ju Han and told him: "Let the waiter
know he can bring up with the food."

Song Ju Han looked at him for a moment, his expression was still
cold and he got up and asked people to pass the food.

Vanessa held her chin and smiled and looked at him: "Are you
two getting along well? I heard from Xiao Song and he said
that you have quarreled."

He Gu has always wondered if Vanessa knows the true

relationship between him and Song Ju Han, she may know, after all,
her son's lacey news is constant, but she may not really know,
because she seems to regard him as a good friend of Song Ju Han.

He Gu decide not puncture that bubble and said: "There is a little

contradiction, its nothing."

"Xiao Song is right. If you and Ju Han have a fight, it will

cause trouble. It is a son who does make us worry."

He Gu thought that Song Ju Han has thousands of pets and there

are very few people or things that are not going to follow his heart.
When he is angry, he has to vent and with whom he is angry at, the
relationship is not important. He Gu smiled and said nothing.

Vanessa patted his hand and said sincerely: "He Gu, I appreciate
you very much, I really hope that you can get along well, I
don't care if he likes girls or boys, as long as he feels happy."

He Gu smiled: "You are an open and wise mother."

The two people smiled at each other.

Song Ju Han came back and the waiter began to serve the food
one by one. He Gu only dared to eat one or two. The willpower is
really admirable.
183 Report
They chatted and ate and the time passed quickly. It was just that
Song Ju Han had not said anything more than the sentence when he
entered the room. He Gu didn't talk about it.

After dinner, Vanessa told Song Ju Han: "I called the driver to
pick me up. Go with He Gu car."

"I do not……"

Vanessa patted his face. "My baby should be obedient."

Song Ju Han turned his face impatiently.

After Vanessa left, He Gu stood up and shouted: "Do you need

me to drive you?"

Song Ju Han glared at him: "Who wants you to drive me."

He Gu silent: "I will drive you."

Song Ju Han snorted and stood up.

The two men walked to the parking lot without saying a word.

When he got to the side of the car, He Gu opened the door of the
back seat to Song Ju Han. Song Ju Han slammed the door and sat
down to the co-pilot seat.

He Gu sighed and got in the car

Silent permeated all the way.

He Gu forced himself to concentrate, so he can sit on his own side

without thinking about Song Ju Han and concentrate on driving.

Song Ju Han's breathing became a bit heavy and in the end it

seemed that he couldn't bear it anymore: "Will you not even say a
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He Gu didn't really know what to say. He thought about it and said,
"Listened to Xiao Song and he said that you fought with the

"Yes, it's the asshole who first started it."

"Song was very distressed."


"Xiao Song is very worried that he will be fired."

"Will not."

"That's good, he is preparing for marriage and the financial

pressure is quite big."

Song Ju Han glanced at him: "Since when did you care about
Xiao Song?"

"He called to complain."

"Why does he not ask me at work?"

"Can he dare complain to you."

Song Ju Han said while annoyed: "You have nothing else to


He Gu was silent: "It don't seem to be there for the time


"He Gu! You fucking..." Song Ju was almost mad at the window.
"What about Feng Zheng? Did you see him during this time?"


"Afterwards, will you see him later?"
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"Why are you so concerned about him? If I were into him
before, I would not wait until now."

"Before is before, now is now."

"Yeah, I think so too, we are only friends now."

Song Ju Han turned his head and stalked Song Ju Han. "If I told
you to not see him in the future?"

He Gu helpless: "It is unreasonable to say that .....Song Ju


"Who is the motherfucker unreasonable here!" Song Ju Han

sighed. "I am annoyed by him. You are not allowed to see him
again. You are not allowed to contact him again."

He Gu slowly parked the car on the side of the road, turned to look
at Song Ju Han, his heart was feeling like a knife going through it, but
his expression was as calm as ice: "I am going to see him Ju Han,
you have no reason to do this, it is too naive."

Song Ju Han grabbed his collar and said coldly: "You really have
nothing to do with him. I haven't seen you with any friends
for so many years. How can you be so reluctant to leave this

"Because I don't have many friends, I will cherish the ones I

have sometimes." He Gu pushed Song Ju Han's wrist and
whispered, "I have said that I will not have anything with him.
I have never lied to you. You can trust me."

Song Ju Han's face was white for a while: "I don't believe Feng

"Feng Zheng has already had his own life."

"What is he doing so attentively following you?"
186 Report
"He is not very attentive to me, but after he returned to
China, he remembered me as his friend. Otherwise, he has
been abroad for so many years. He had a way to contact me
why didn't he contact me."

Song Ju Han heard this, his face was a little calmer, but his attitude
was still overbearing: "I don't care about this, I don't want you
to see him again, you can only choose one of us."

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
187 Report

Chapter 22
Source: Nastriumden

He Gu was frowning deeply. " How can this be a multiple-

choice question. Its not the same thing at all, don't you start
being so annoying"

"I am annoying to you? For you, Feng Zheng is more

important than me? Your motherfucker actually hesitated
and said that I am annoying, you have not been good for him
in the past six years, how can you not do it now?! I have no
time to accompany you. You are awkward - are you so - itchy
to be fucked!"

"Ju Han!!" He Gu screamed, "What do you want? You are 26

can't you think before you speak?"

Song Ju Han was blushing a red colour of anger on his face. He

narrowed his eyes and pinched his chin. He said, "Are you trying to
educate me? Who gave you that courage? You now think
you're good to educate me?"

His chest was beating very fast and he seemed to be a little

emotional excited.

Song Ju Han pushed him away and looked at the cold window: "He
Gu don't let me see you again." He opened the car and got out of
the car and slammed the door.

He Gu body was shocked and his brain was blank.

Don't let me see you again.

Don't let me see you again.
188 Report
Don't let me see you again.

He Gu ear continued to echo this sentence and it was more

piercing than once. He felt a snake coming in from his ear and went
straight into his internal organs, making him feel a squeezing pain.

Song Ju Han didn't want to see him again? So its ended? Six years,
is it really over?

No ……

He knew that it would come this day. He thought he was ready,

but... but!

Seeing the back of Song Ju Han from the rear view mirror, He Gu
felt a huge fear that caught his heart and made him cold and

The brain was still able to react in the future and he suddenly
opened the door and said: "Ju Han!!"

Song Ju did not turn and was preparing to cross the road.

"Ju Han, wait a minute!" In the sight of the world, the whole
world has turned grey. Only Song Ju Han can be reflected in his pupil.
He ignores everything and everyone.

Suddenly, a glaring white light shone and then the acupuncture in

the eardrum was generally braked. He Gu felt like a wind mixed with
a behemoth force hitting his body, he was knocked to the ground
uncontrollably, rolling several times until he hits the road block.

"He Gu!"

He Gu felt a blackness in front of him, his eyes were dizzy and he

couldn't breathe for a long time.

"He Gu! He Gu!" Song Ju Han's voice changed. He picked him up
189 Report
and kept touching. "How are you, where are you hurting?
Where were you hit? He Gu?"

He Gu felt his eyes disappear and he couldn't analyze what Song Ju

Han said.

The driver got off the car and ran over and frightened. "How, how
is he?!"

Song Ju Han roared: "How?! How is he really, I want to kill


"Ah, he suddenly rushed out..." The driver pulled out his phone
and dialed 120.

Song Ju Han kept patted his face, his hands were shaking: "He Gu,
can you hear me? How are you?"

He Gu finally returned to reality. He had some pain in his body and

his head was dizzy, but it seemed that there was no serious problem.
He clung to Song Ju Han's sleeves: "It seems... I'm okay."

"An ambulance? When will the ambulance arrive!" Song Ju

Han shouted at the driver.

"Quick, very soon."

Song Ju Han kept breathing heavily. He continued to touch the

bones of his body. After discovering that there was really no problem,
his breath gradually became smoother. He looked at him with a grin.
"Are you stupid? You didn't look at the road?"

He Gu felt his head hit the road tooth just now? It was estimated
that the brain was concussed. He was nearing unconscious. He just
grabbed the sleeves of Song Ju Han shirt and said, "Don't leave

"I won't leave, I am staying here." Song Ju Han held on to He
190 Report
Gu, his brow wrinkled into the word "chuan(川)".

The ambulance and the traffic police arrived almost at the same
time. Song Ju Han looked at the people who know how to get there
when they weren't called. He could only bury his face very low.
Fortunately, they were not easily seen in the shadow of a big tree.

The driver was at a loss, Song Ju Han whispered: "You come


The driver came over, Song Ju said coldly: "You give me your hat
and glasses and then vow not to tell anyone that you have
seen me, even today."

The driver had already recognized Song Ju Han and he groaned:

"Yes, yes, I will never say it." He quickly took off his hat and
glasses, put it on Song Ju Han and the man took the initiative to
evacuate from the crowd. Although there was a problem when he
suddenly rushed out, he was a little faster at the time and someone
wanted to spread the trouble by pulling his hat.

Song Ju Han suppressed the low hat and when he got on the
ambulance, he was was relieved.

When the nurse looked up she screamed "Aaaah" .....and yelled:

"Song Ju Han!"

Song Ju Han looked at her angrily: "You have to check him out

He Gu was so dazed that when he went to the hospital, he was

almost asleep.

The doctor gave him a full check up, a moderate concussion, plus
some soft tissue contusions, the problem was not big, the doctor told
him to stay in the hospital for a night and then go home to rest for a
few days.
191 Report
After taking the medicine and taking a needle infusion, in addition
to dizziness and nausea, his mind was awake. He sighed: "Ju Han,
sorry, it was a stupid thing."

Song Ju Han touched his forehead: "its okay, take a rest."

He Gu felt both humiliated and annoyed. He was out of control at

the time, just wanted to catch Song Ju Han and prevent this person
from going out of his sight.

He was sadly aware that even if he had been preparing for it so

long, the day when the lead was burned up and he would still be
blown up and bruised.

He felt desperate and powerless.

If the heart can be manipulated as one desired, there would be less

tragedy in the world.

1].... Woooooord!

But if the heart is really free to control, he will not choose not to
love Song Ju Han, he will dig out his heart, and say to it do not love

Song Ju Han looked at him for a long while he sat at the bedside.
He took off his shoes and went to bed. He hugged He Gu gently and
said in his ear: "Take you for a night and you exhausted me."

He Gu felt Song Ju Han's soft and warm chest and his heart calmed
down calmly. He gently held Song Ju Han's hand and whispered,

Consciously, he heard Song Ju Han whispered: "He Gu, you are

really stupid, why can't you say a few soft words."

He Gu tried to tell if he was dreaming, but he was too sleepy to

open his eyes and he can only let himself fall into deep sleep.
192 Report
Woke up the next day, He Gu vomited out a lot, the little food that
was eaten at the dinner last night was vomited out he was

He called to tell the subordinates a few things and then personally

took a leave from work with the boss permission, now is the busiest
time, the boss was not happy about it but there is nothing he can do.

Xiao Song came in to deliver the meal, seeing He Gu was still on

the phone and talking about the official business. "Oh, oh yeah," he
came up to grab the mobile phone. "He Gu, brother, you are still
working like this."

He Gu make a "hush" action, "I will speak two more words..".

"Yes, that wall paint is absolutely problematic, the
trademarks are like fake, you confirm with the original
factory, um... right..."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Song looked at him helplessly: "I

bought you some porridge, Brother He Gu what do you want
to eat ?."

He Gu face had on a bitter smile: "I really have no appetite, Ju

Han?" He is now dizzy in his head and his mouth was feeling

"He has a shoot and will be back in the afternoon." Xiao

Song sat next to him and picked up the porridge to feed him.

He Gu didn't hide, he had to eat it.

"Brother, you are too careless. Why didn't you look at the
road, but fortunately, there is no big deal, you scared me."

He was afraid when he thought about it: "At that time, I was a
little anxious, hey, I'm fortunate."

"But it is also a blessing in disguise."
193 Report

Xiao Song sneer smiled: "You and Brother Han have not
reconciled yet?"

He Gu felt awkward, are they considered okay now.

"This is also a great joy."

Looking at Xiao Song's young face, the heartfelt smile, He Gu was

really envious. At the age of Xiao Song, he had not reunited with
Song Ju Han and he was so simple and childish.

After dinner, Xiao Song returned home, gave him medicine and let
him rest.

He Gu endured a dizziness and took a shower and put on a

comfortable home service, the whole person was feeling a lot more

He slept all day and didn't want to sleep anymore. He turned on

the TV and put it in Song Ju Han's MV. In his spare time, this is
something he loves to do.

Watching and listening, time flies and he fell asleep.

In the sleeping room, He Gu heard someone calling him, his face

slammed open and he barely opened his eyes: "...Ju Han?"

"How do you sleep on the sofa? You are now concussed,

you can't rest on the coach."

"Ah... I didn't want to sleep." He Gu looked at the window, he

propped up his body, "The sky is dark, have you eaten?"

"No, I bought a takeaway." Song Ju Han slammed the plastic

bag on the coffee table and then his eyes fell on the TV screen.
"Were you looking at my MV?"
194 Report
"Well, I wanted to relax."

"I am here, why do you watch this?" Song Ju Han looked at the
cover of the album and frowned. "What aesthetic .... It was a few
years ago, this makeup was ugly."

He Gu smile: "I think it's not bad."

"I changed the song a little later and the singing method is
not as good as it was in the early years. I think my singing
better now."

"Yes?" He Gu heart moved and he asked, "Can you sing to me?"

"Yeah, let's eat first. I will sing you a live karaoke in a

while." Song Ju Han smiled and pinched his chin. "Do you know
how much I charge for singing a song? You guess it."

He Gu ridiculed him: "One minute 80,000 yuans?"

Song Ju Han snorted: "Not the same billing method, I have to

be given 300,000 yuan on the spot."

He Gu laughed: "It's really profiteering."

Song Ju Han pulled him up from the sofa: "Come let's have

The two were eating and taking out and the atmosphere turned
out to be an unprecedented harmony. No one mentioned what
happened last night or what happened before, they rather forget
their memories then just live in the present memory.

After dinner, Song Ju Han really planned to sing. He sang a few

words to the microphone and frowned. "This is a real live show."

"I just bought TV, I will go back and buy a set."

"Forget it, my family has a bunch ommf karaoke sets, let
195 Report
Xiao Song send you a pair next time." Song Ju Han single-
handed grabbed his waist, bowed his head and smiled, "Listen

He Gu mouth rose and nodded with a smile.

Song Ju Han sang a love song with that unique lazy voice.

Song Ju Han is right. His current voice is a little more settled than
in the early years. It has more charm and the deep feelings contained
in a song can't stop He Gu from shuddering.

He Gu listened to the singing, just feeling that his eyes were sour,
there is an impulse to cry.

The last time Song Ju Han sang to him then it was the afternoon six
years ago, now he think back, it is the most memorable and sweetest
memory of his life, Song Ju Han with his guitar, eyes closed and
intoxicated singing, only Song Ju Han, who sang to him alone, is like a
glowing angel, always in his best memories.

Nowadays, even if the scene of the day reappears, it is already a

matter of fact.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
196 Report

Chapter 23
Source: Nastriumden

He Gu spent a few days at home, colleagues went to come and

see him, Gu Qing Pei also got the news, he intended to come

He Gu didn't like the noise in his house at all, it was not a big car
accident and he's not a big leader, a colleague wants to sympathize
with him and he has no reason to refuse.

Before they came, He Gu thought about hiding the traces of Song

Ju Han that might be at home. He searched the entire house
carefully. Song Ju Han's album, movies, TV, posters and
endorsements were collected , clothes, skin care products, snacks,
wine, etc, anything that showed Song Ju Han stay here, what he
found out is that this house has shadows of Song Ju Han everywhere .

He Gu looked at the two electric toothbrushes on the washstand,

indicating that the number of population here is two. It looked just
like they are living together. He laughed and put his toothbrush

At this time, Gu Qing Pei called him: "He Gu, do you remember
the little actor that we met the last time we ate?"

"i remember, what happened?" After that day, Zhuang Jie Yu

gave him a Hi message in WeChat. He Gu deleted the person
directly. Zhuang Jie Yu sent a friend request to him.

"Oh, we have lunch together at noon today. He heard about

your business and wants to see you together with me."

"Me?" He Gu frown deeply. He became more and more confused

about what Zhuang Jie Yu wanted to do. The first meeting between
197 Report
the two people were very unpleasant, the relationship was even
more embarrassing and he was once seen by a little boy as
embarrassment. He really doesn't want to have anything to do with
Zhuang Jie Yu.

Gu Qing Pei said: "Yeah, I also feel everything was a bit

abrupt, but he is probably a guy with good intention. If you
feel inconvenienced, I will say nohim."

"That..." He Gu just as he wanted to refuse, but another thought

came up, if Zhuang Jie Yu really has any purpose, even if he avoids
him now, He Gu is afraid he will find an opportunity to achieve the
goal in the future, if Zhuang Jie Yu is in front of Gu Qing Pei that it is
even worse for him. Today there are so many people and Zhuang Jie
Yu won't dare to do anything. It is better to see what the child wants
to do and to solve the problem. He felt that he was not yet able to
make out what a 19-year-old child could want with him. Thinking of
this, he changed his reply: "Nothing, if he wants to come let
him come."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, six or seven colleagues arrived one

after another. Chen Shan carried of the skin care products in one
hand and held an information folder in one hand. He said helplessly:
"He Gu, you see..."

"I'm okay, where are you going with that, I will read it at

A few colleagues went to cook and others sat in the living room to
chat. Somehow they talked about the price of this house.

"When was this house bought? How much is it when you

bought it?"

"I bought it more than five years, it was less than 20,000
yuans at that time." After graduating, He Gu entered Nanchuang.
Although he had a house left by his parents, it was too far away from
198 Report
the company and he would have to spend more than an hour in a
single trip to get to the office. Song Ju Han gifted him his car and
house in a year, but until today, he did not go to that Family house.
He always planned to do it one day and Song Ju Han would be
coming over. These things he didn't want to take away. He was very
indifferent to the material things, not to mention the house he had,
he couldn't afford it, when one day Song Ju Han leaves me he wanted
let the traces of this person disappear completely from his life and
only then can he heal the wound and move on.

"Oh, now it's all up 890,000 yuans I'm scared to death and
it would be nice to buy a house soon."

Colleagues ridiculed: "You can afford to buy 20,000? He is a

rich second generation, how can you compare yourself to

He Gu chuckled: "I am not a rich second generation."

"He is humble, you have just entered the company, what is

your current income."

He Gu was too lazy to explain that him being called a rich second
generation, in fact, it is not wrong, his mother and his stepfather are
really rich, but that has nothing to do with him.

He was chatting with the colleagues when the doorbell rang, He Gu

opened the door and it was Gu Qing Pei and Zhuang Jie Yu.

"General Manager Gu, hey, Gu has come." Colleagues went to

greet him. "Gu how is it in the new company?."

Gu Qing Pei said to himself: "Hey, it's a hurricane, it's a

disaster. I can die now and I miss the leisure of Nanchuang."

"Ha ha ha whoever dares to worry is not gonna end up

199 Report
He greet the two people into the house. Zhuang Jie Yu gave a
sneak peek at He Gu, He Gu frowned and really wanted to throw him
out by his neck collar.

"He Gu, are you better now?" Gu Qing Pei brought some

"I am much better. I was little sick at first. These days I feel
a little dizzy and lethargic. It's okay."

"Wow!" a female colleague exclaimed. "Zhuang Jie Yu, are you

Zhuang Jie Yu?"

Zhuang Jie Yu gave a cute smile: "Hello everyone."

He Gu frowned, this kid is very fast, he is an actor.

"God Gu you even know an actor."

"He is a cousin of a distant relative and He Gu is friends

with him." Gu Qing Pei's face was not red and his face didn't even
dance with that lie.

Zhuang Jie Yu said with a smile, "He Gu, brother, how are

"Much better." He Gu looked at him with his eyes open.

When Gu Qing Pei came, he became a center of communication

and He Gu finally took a break and looked at the TV.

Zhuang Jie Yu came over and lowered his voice and said, "Hey,
you dare to blacklist me?.... Are you a person who is
educated or not?"

He Gu looked at the phone without looking at it: "Why ever

should you contact me?"

"Well, we have slept with the same person. Isn't that a bit
200 Report
of a relationship between us?"

He Gu held the phone tightly, he looked up and stared at Zhuang

Jie Yu deeply, his eyes were radiating coldness.

Zhuang Jie Yu felt his the body contract and couldn't help but
swallow his throat.

He Gu stood up and said: "You come in, I will tell you


Gu Qing Pei was a little surprised, but did not show anything in his

The two entered the study and He Gu shut down the door, looking
at Zhuang Jie Yu.

Zhuang Jie Yu looked at him with some caution: "What do you

want to do?"

"I also want to ask you, what do you want to do? I am not
familiar with you, what do you want to do when you come to
my house?"

Zhuang Jie Yu gave him a griny smile, "I am a little curious,

what is your relationship with Brother Han."

He Gu ridiculed him: "What do you think is the relationship

between me and him?"

"You don't think you are too wrong with Brother Han, I
wonder how you two got together."

"What does this have to do with you? Song Ju Han hates

talking too much. You want to follow him how is that
connected to me?"

Zhuang Jie Yu was somewhat ashamed: "You don't need to
201 Report
scold me!"

"I am not interested in scolding you. Once I get out of this

door. We are only strangers who met for the second time.
Don't talk that nonsense in front of Gu Qing Pei. Do you
understand?" He Gu went close to Zhuang Jie Yu and his expression
was severe.

Zhuang Jie Yu also stared at him and stayed silent for a long while,
suddenly his expression changed and licked his bright red lips.
"When I kissed you, did you really enjoy it?"

For a moment, Zhuang Jie Yu's sudden change of the topic really
caught He Gu by surprise.

Zhuang Jie Yu gave him a low smile: "He Gu, you said that you
can be a top on that day, have you done it?"

He Gu frowned, he really did not understand what Zhuang Jie Yu

wants to do.

Zhuang Jie Yu gave him the courage to swear. "In fact... I am

really interested in you. You are a type I have never
encountered before. How can I not be curious?"

1]..... Aaah the twink horny mode;

He Gu grabbed Zhuang Jie Yu wrist: "Are you sick?"

"Brother Han told me not to touch you, but the more he

didn't want me to touch, the more I became curious." Zhuang
Jie Yu's face had a young and beautiful smile. "You answer me,
have you ever topped?"

He Gu didn't know what Zhuang Jie Yu was playing with, but he

never believed that the "interest" was directed at him. He said with
no expression: "No."
202 Report
Zhuang Jie Yu laughed: "You don't want to try it?"

"At least I don't want to try with you."

Zhuang Jie Yu rounded his eyes: "You are such a fucking

annoying person..."

He Gu threatened him: "Zhuang Jie Yu, you listen well, I don't

know what you want to do, but I don't want to have anything
to do with you. If you do something awkward, I won't spare

Zhuang Jie Yu was so angry that his nose was violently contracted.
He was very popular because he looked handsome. He was so
frustrated. He had such a frustration. He shook his hand and
whispered: "You really shame your face and go fuck your

Zhuang Jie Yu opened the door with enthusiasm, He Gu thought,

this time he should not bother him again.

When returning to the living room, Gu Qing Pei looked at his eyes a
little weird. He explained: "Zhuang Jie Yu wanted to see my
architectural model."

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said nothing.

When the colleagues had eaten the meal, He Gu picked up three

calls from Song Ju Han and he asked if He Gu can send those
colleagues away, one is more impatient than the other and He Gu
wanted to send them away quickly.

Until 8 o'clock in the evening, they only said goodbye, He Gu

immediately called Song Ju Han and say they were gone.

Song Ju Han said while annoyed: "Now now they think that
they can come to your home, why do they hit the floor at the
203 Report
"They are also kind, I can't stop them, where are you? I am
going to find you."

"Forget it." Song Ju Han said: "You go to take a shower."


"I will be there soon."

He Gu believe that then he really went to take a shower. Just as

he changed clothes, Song Ju Han opened the door and came in. He
Gu was surprised: "Were you nearby?"

"Had my foot in the store near your home." Song Ju said with
a cold face. "Why did you let them come, such a bother."

"Colleagues, it's really hard to refuse them." He Gu said

softly. "If I knew you were waiting below I would have claimed
that I was sick and drove them away."

"Hey, now I feel guilty." Song Ju Han pushed down the jacket,
went up to hug He Gu, he smelled the warm shower gel on his body
and his mood slowly calmed down.

He Gu caressed his back: "Tired much?."

"Today's rehearsal concert went long, I'm very tired." Song

Ju Han's voice was sleepy.

"You take a hot bath and have a good rest."

"You know that my way of rest is not to sleep." His hand

reached into He Gu clothes, caressing the warm back and stroking
his waist punitively.

1]..... So you rest by working out the sex thing.... Wow.... And they
called me a busy're like. Horn horny bee

The two had not fucked for more than a month and each had fall
204 Report
and tumbled from the living room all the way to the bedroom and
soon fell into a frenzied lust.

In the midst of the confusion, He Gu felt some flashy thoughts flash

through his mind, he thought, this is too good and Song Ju Han
should be able to spend winter here.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
205 Report

Chapter 24
Source: Nastriumden

According to Xiao Song, "Bless in Disguise", during his time of

cultivation, his relationship with Song Ju Han has been very
harmonious and even a little sweeter. For such a precautionary
character, his life and soul were trained on Song Ju Han to have a set
of likely mindset in time. For this harmony, it is possible to pretend to
forget all the previous events.

After a week of rest, although there was still some uncomfortable

moments, the company had a lot of things for him to do and Song Ju
Han went to shoot MV. He Gu couldn't stay at home and had to start
to work again.

This afternoon, he received a call from Feng Zheng. Feng Zheng

recently asked him out twice. He did not go. The injury was an
excuse. The most important thing was that he knew that he was
subconsciously avoiding Feng Zheng. Since Feng returned to China,
his relationship with Song Ju Han has become more and more tense,
although this is not Feng's fault.

Feng Zheng told him that this gathering was a meeting of the Peng
Fang delegation to a brother winery and Peng Fang also specifically
wanted him to go.

He Gu heard a lot of people who went there were high class

socialite and he was really embarrassed to refuse and he had to
promise to go.

He worked overtime until the evening and drove directly to the bar

The location of the bar was quite clever and it was just opposite
the "Gay Bar" that he and Gu Qing Pei went last time.
206 Report
Feng Zheng and Peng Fang have just finished eating, they just
meet at the door of the bar.

"Hey, He Gu." Peng gave him a smile and waved at him. "How is
it that you work even on Saturday, how good it is to get you
to eat with us."

He Gu apologized: "Mr.Peng, hello, the company has been

busy recently, there was no way to escape it."

"Hey, He Gu?" Feng Zheng came over and patted him on the
shoulder. "How do I feel that every time I see you, you are
losing weight."

"No, I haven't lost my weight." He didn't tell Feng Zheng about

the accident. In fact, his appetite dropped during this time and he
actually lost a few pounds.

"Come on, I want to introduce you to the group this is Wu

Zi Ang, this is his girlfriend..." Peng called them one by one and
finally reached to a gloomy youth. "This is my brother,Yuan Yang,
now he is learning the business stuff."

He Gu looked at the young man, who is very tall, seems to be

similar to Song Ju Han, but his demeanor is more cold than Song Ju
Han, with short hair, looked arrogant and handsome, with a
particularly tall and capable temperament, like a soldier.

He Gu said: "Hello."

Yuan Yang acknowledged him and nodded, but he didn't look pay
attention to him. This didn't look good.

"Do not put on that constipated face here." Peng slapped

Yuan Yang neck, "lets walk, come in."

Feng Zheng advanced the bar with a reason.
207 Report
Behind him, He Gu listened to what Yuan Yang and Peng Fang were
discussing. After a while, Yuan Yang went to the opposite side of the

1].... Refer to Beloved Enemy Ch10: Getting Caught With A Rent


Into the box, He Gu asked Peng Fang: "Where is Yuan Yang ?"

"I don't know, he said that he met an acquaintance and will

go talk to him." Peng put a little bit of fun smile on his mouth and
he spoke. "There may be bunch of gossip in a while."

"What gossip?" Others also came to interest.

"I don't know if I should said it, lets wait for him to come
back and you can ask yourself."

Peng put a table full of wine and stayed up late, men and women
began to have fun.

He Gu sat in the corner and chatted with Feng Zheng, talking

about things that are irrelevant, Feng Zheng sewed the needle to
persuade him to resign, afraid that he is working too hard.

After a while, Peng put it over and complained: "There is no

difference between drinking and talking about the difference
between life and work. Come come, hurry, drink."

Feng Zheng smiled and said: "Peng Fang, what have you been
busy with recently?"

"When you are busy making two steel shovel, it is better

than Mr. Feng the venture capital hotshot."

"You are chilling me, in my new company, my feet are not

standing steady yet."
208 Report
"Haha, come, let's have a drink in respect to your new

A few people come here to drink, He Gu took a few glasses of

initiative, he is not a bad drinker, but even if he is not easily to get
drunk he just hate these noisy occasions, if he was to be alone with
Feng Zheng, he would not come.

After a long while, Yuan Yang came back. Surprisingly, the haze on
his face was swept away and he even had a smug smile.

Peng put his eyes on and hurriedly scraped to him. The two men
looked down and discussed something and occasionally made a bad

Feng Zheng asked Yuan Yang for a drinking game, Yuan Yang
drinking is quite heroic, cups and cups could be sent down the hatch
and he would be steady as a cat, Feng Zheng seeing this posture,
where does he dare to stay for a long time, he drank three cups and

He Gu whispered: "Whether Yuan Yang child is a soldier, just

by watching the momentum, drinking is like the style of the

"Yeah, he just returned from the army. He is Peng Fang

best friend, his father is the chairman of Yuan Investment
Group, have you heard it?"

"Yuan Investment Group?" He Gu was a little surprised, "Is his

father Yuan Li Jiang?"

"Yeah, how do you know him?"

"I don't know, but one of my boss just jumped ship to Yuan
Li Jiang company." Unexpectedly, Yuan Yang is the son of Yuan Li
209 Report
"Oh, the people under Yuan Li Jiang company are very
generous. He is really good in keeping his people. My dad
can't do this. Although he has a clear reward and punishment
system, sometimes he is too powerful and will not win the
hearts of the people."

"Yes, I think that Mr. personal style has a direct influence

on the company's decent style and which is the one that
works get rewarded for it. I feel very good."

Feng Zheng smiled. He looked at him. In the dim light, the deep
and beautiful eyes were extraordinarily bright: "In fact, you should
have stayed with my dad at the time. Our personal
relationship would not have affected you career, I am not
such a small chicken."

He Gu seriously said: "I never thought that you were a little

chicken, but at the time... oh, forget it, it's all in the past." He
Gu poured Feng Zheng, "Drink."

Feng Zheng's eyes flashed some complicated thoughts and the two
of them killed glasses of wine.

Suddenly, the phone rang and picked it up. It was Song Ju Han.

Feng Zheng glanced at it, his voice was not salty and said: "Song
the big star."

"I will take a call." He Gu took the phone out of the box, "Hey,
Song Ju Han."

"He Gu, where are you?" Song Ju Han's tone sounded a bit

"I am outside with my colleague." His background sound is

very noisy and he can't fool people.

"It won't be with Feng Zheng."
210 Report
"No." He Gu choose to lie almost without hesitation and after he
finished these two words, he sighed silently in his heart.

Even if he does everything to retain such a sad relationship, how

much can he change himself for it?

Song Ju Han said: "Do you know where I am?"


He Gu heart trembled. Here is a bar street, one of the most famous

circles of nightlife. Did Song Ju Han saw him?

"I met Ou Taining, who was filming here at the hotel in

Dasheng Film and Television."

He Gu say something wrong: "Oh, him..."

Song Ju Han's voice is a bit gnashing. "You explain to me, what

is going on with this gay thing... Why is you're going to gay
bar alone?"

He Gu felt a headache: "You still remember the things

happening downstairs in our company that day. Gu Qing Pei
saw our relationship. I didn't expect him to be gay. He just
left the company and wanted to make a friend. Nothing else."

"You didn't know him before?"

"I didn't really know him before."

"Is Mr. Gu chasing(flirting) you?" Song Ju Han's tone was a bit


He Gu felt a bother to help: "No."

He strangely remembered Zhuang Jie Yu's face. "I am not the

type he likes. We have been working together for many
years. If he wanted to flirt with me, he would not wait until
211 Report

Song Ju Han said with sarcasm: "I found that you are quite
capable of recruiting people."

He Gu felt unspeakably tired, he said in a deep voice: "You are

thinking too much."

"It's better that I think too much." Song Ju Han's voice was
cold. "You are somewhat conscious, you should stay rather
away from the messy gay lifestyle."

"…… I know."

The next second, a busy tone came from the phone.

He Gu looked at the name on the caller ID and he hadn't returned

to reality for a long time.

He is almost thirty and he is like a child who is being pulled by

his ears and he choose to endure. Even if he loves him... it makes
him humble and desperate. What is the meaning of liking the abuse?

I am afraid that this question will not be answered for a long time.

Back in the box, Feng Zheng saw that his mood was not right:
"What's wrong, a quarrel?"

"No." He Gu shook the glass, "Come, drink."

Feng Zheng looked at him deeply and clinked glasses with him.

He didn't know that there were too many people on that day. He
drank too much from the respect of the people till even he himself
was drunk. In short, when he left the bar, he was carried by Feng
Zheng and the driver.

He Gu is no broken piece, but his brain is inebriated, his line of

sight was blurred, the footsteps are soft and his mouth is also
212 Report
unclear: "Feng Zheng, you help me call a... driver."

"What driver, I will let the driver send you back."

"Then I...the car..."

"I will let someone send it home."

"Okay..." He Gu nodded, feeling that his head was going to sway

and his body could not stop falling.

He Gu was stuffed it into the car, Feng Zheng himself drilled in, He
Gu body was thin, but it was also a block of more than 70 kilograms
and he also drank a lot of himself, his legs are a little soft, a short
way pushing left him drenched in sweat.

He Gu leaned on the door, his eyes squinting, watching Feng

Zheng: "I didn't expect... your kid to hid a hand."

Feng slammed his head and wanted to get rid of a bit of

drunkenness: "What did I hide?"

"You can drink more than me..." He Gu use plastered his face
on the car window, he felt very dizzy.

Feng Zheng looked at the fascinating drunkenness of the man.

This is a serious man on weekdays. At this time, he showed a rare life
style. Feng Zheng's heart was moved and pulled: "If we hit a speed
bump, you will hit yourself."

The car was just a turn, He Gu heart fell into Feng Zheng

Feng Zheng stopped breathing , looking down at He Gu, his eyes

were burning.

He Gu struggled to get up, Feng Zheng straightened his body and

patted the messy hair in front of him, staring at the face carefully,
213 Report
the face that was once green and correct, now precipitates a few
mature charms, When he was young, it had looked a lot better. Feng
Zheng felt some uncontrollable emotions in his chest. He whispered:
"He Gu, I always felt that you were smarter before Song Ju
Han appeared."

Somehow He Gu can't stand this sentence: "I am... still smart."

Feng Zheng's brain was hot. He couldn't help but touch He Gu

cheeks. His tone is full of unwillingness: "He is so not right to you,
what do you like about him? I am not good? Where can I not
be compared with him?"

He Gu wrinkle his eyebrows. He already realized that things were

not right. He wanted to leave Feng Zheng lap, but his body could not
move: "Feng Zheng, I am drunk... You are also drunk."

"I am sober, but you are really intoxicated and you haven't
woken up since you were intoxicated six years ago."

"Feng Zheng..."

When Feng Zheng approached him, he knew that some words

should not be said, but he could not control himself: "Do you
remember our kiss? I have always regretted it. I have not
been able to kiss you once and I regretted it. If I didn't leave
at the time, if I stayed, you would not have become what you
have become so... oh."


Feng Zheng's face flashed a trace of a naught boy aura. He

pinched He Gu chin and violently kisses the lip.

He Gu brain went blank and even forgot to resist.

Feng Zheng slammed his hand---- kissed the lip that he had
fantasied of for a long time. He Gu was he unable to breathe and
214 Report
instinctively pushed Feng Zheng, but Feng Zheng grabbed his hand
and pressed it to the back.

When Feng Zheng let him go, He Gu brain had brain hypoxia and
he nearly fainted. He looked at Feng Zheng and gasped and said:
"Feng are looking for death right...?"

Feng Zheng smiled, laughing drunk from the kiss: "Yes, I am

looking for death, why don't you give death? You know why
Song Ju Han was looking for you... haha, hahahaha, He Gu,
you are the one looking for death."

He Gu raised his fist and wanted to hit Feng Zheng, but his body
was once again planted in the seat with the turning of the car. He
was struggling, his eyelids were more heavy than a thousand dollars
and he couldn't even move his finger. He almost fell asleep in an

He Gu woke up the next day, his headache was splitting and he

turned around. He has never regretted drinking so much. After all,
the trauma of concussion has not fully recovered. This wine
completely flipped him.

He rolled over and looked at the chandelier above his head with his
sore eyes, recalling how he got home yesterday.

It seems that Feng Zheng sent him.

Feng Zheng...

Some strange pictures and dialogues emerged in his mind. He

remembered that he and Feng Zheng seemed to... kiss!

He Gu alarm bell rang in the brain. Did he have hallucination or is

it reality?.

He turned his head and went out of bed, turned his phone out of a
pile of stinky clothes and wanted to call Feng Zheng for verification.
215 Report
He looked at the name on the screen and he hesitated.

If it is true, how much fucked up is it, if it is his hallucination, it is

even more embarrassing. But if he won't prove it, he will probably be
uneasy. He bit his teeth and dialed him

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. Feng
Zheng's hoarse voice came with a nasal voice: "Hey?"

"Feng Zheng, are you drunk too?"

"Yeah, headache, my mouth is also uncomfortable, what

about you?"

"I am also..." He Gu doubt more serious. "That, yesterday, did

you send me back?"

"My driver sent us and then he drove your car to your


"Aah, thank you for helping me."

"Nothing, its just polite."

"That... Yesterday, I have no memories at all."

Feng Zheng smiled: "I don't even remember if I lost myself.

How can I remember you? Don't worry, let's forget it."

When he heard it, He Gu don't know if he should be relieved, but

obviously he can't ask anything. Although he thinks that even if he is
confused, he should not dream of kissing Feng Zheng, but even if it is
true, Feng Zheng won't admit it, he is not sure.

It's just that he's more worried about Feng Zheng.

In fact, he did not think that he would find someone who wants
to share the cold and heat and would be with him for the rest of his
life. Maybe he will be able to come out from the shadow of Song Ju
216 Report
Han hold, but that person should not be Feng Zheng, because he
knows It is impossible for him to forget Song Ju Han in his life. All his
love and enthusiasm have already been exhausted in one person. He
cares about Feng Zheng, so he can't take his own broken feelings to

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
217 Report

Chapter 41
Source: Nastriumden

ears of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han's hegemonic look that "you don't

have to promise were not broken up today", a bit of tiredness
hits his heart.

He suddenly figured it out.

What he wanted is at his fingertips. Why refuse? Why not try it, try
if it is really as beautiful as he think, try to see if Song Ju Han can
hold it for a few months, if he can bear with him for a few moments.

He guessed it will not be more than three months.

Song Ju Han was born with no time specific concept. His

background and family did not teach him this. After he grew up, he
faced so many temptations. Whoever talked to him about "only me"
must be scornful of others. His promise of "not to fool around with
other people" is only a temporary condition to deal with He Gu

As for Song Ju Han's "seriously together", it's very sweet, but it

can't go to his heart. Because once he really believes that they are
together, his possessiveness will completely devour both people and
drag themselves into nothingness.

He Gu stretched out his fingers and gently stroked Song Ju Han and
said faintly: "Okay."

Song Ju Han smiled. He knew that he knew why He Gu couldn't

bear be away from him. He Gu has been too calm and steady all the
time. Occasionally, he had a bit of a sigh. He likes to see what is
218 Report
different from the past, so he likes to bully him in bed, just to make
this man show the facial expression that others can't see.

"But... since you promised me, you must abide by the

promise." He Gu dark face is like a dark lake with no bottom seen in
the bay. "If you sleep with any other person we will be
completely finished."

Song Ju Han said proudly: "I promised you, naturally I will do

it." He pressed his head in the back of his head, gently covering the

He Gu blinked his eyes and felt that the kiss was bitter.

This scene seems to be similar, yes, it was the same the case six
years ago.

At that time, he was doing it in the name of "having fun" to stay

with Song Ju Han. This time, he was serious... seriously planning to

Because the first one to ruin the agreement, must be Song Ju Han,
as long as he accompanied the play to finish this last journey, Song
Ju Han has no reason to force him to stay, it is also at the last
moment, but his long-cherished wishes come true having Song Ju
Han all for himself.

Song Ju Han did not go back in the end, forcibly holding He Gu he

went on to sleep until dawn, only to sneak away. Fortunately, Sun
Qing went back to Shanghai to handle the official business, otherwise
she would definitely found them.

With the end of the spring break, the heat of the news finally
began to dissipate and fans and reporters around the hotel were also

He Gu stayed at home for almost three weeks and one day he

finally got the courage and decided to go out.
219 Report
He put on his coat and put on his sunglasses and when he went
downstairs, he met the passengers who took the elevator. He felt a
guilty conscience.

Walking slowly along the street, he found that no one paid special
attention to him. He tried to take off the sunglasses and watch the
scenery in the early spring more clearly. This is the most beautiful
time of the capital in the year. The chill is not gone and the vitality is
vivid. It is a pity not to look at it.

The pedestrians are woven in the crowd, but there is no such thing
as the imaginary pictures that have been pointed at, the computer
and the TV are turned off, as if the whole world is clean, no one
knows him, no one pays attention to him, no one will overdo it. The
mind is on a topic that is already out of breath.

He Gu couldn't help but laugh at himself, he is really seeing himself

as a mediocrity.

He went to eat out by himself, he watched the movie, then went to

a coffee shop to read a book and called his own boss and wanted to
talk to him about his resignation.

That afternoon, he had a meal with his boss. He was open-minded

and calm. Without a few words, he ended his career in Nanchuang
after nearly seven years.

Even if he is psychologically prepared, he still felt sad. The youth

and sweat he contributed in Nanchuang has ended at this moment
with helplessness. How can he not feel sad?

The boss said that the company would give him double the year-
end award, plus more than three months of salary, whether it is a
nod to his mother's face or because of his affirmation of his years of
hard work then thank him for being so clean, In short, the company
did not treat him badly.
220 Report
Chen Shan helped him clean up the office, go through the
formalities of resignation and hand over the work with the person
who succeeded him. He would not go back.

He suddenly remembered Gu Qing Pei. When Gu Qing Pei left,

the diners they had eaten countless tons of food, so the atmosphere
was so high, so the future was boundless. And he couldn't even talk
to his former colleagues, even if he didn't have He Gu to go back to
the company to take a look, he went so madly.

This must be "thank you" to Song Ju Han because now he can

look for another job.

After finishing the resignation, He Gu call Gu Qing Pei and wanted

to come out and talk.

He has been actively trying to dig up his Gu Qing Pei. At this time,
he was in a bad state. He said that the company had something
wrong here and apologized to him. Obviously everything has become
a mixup over there.

Somehow he was worried and asked Gu Qing Pei what happened,

Gu Qing Pei would not say it.

With Gu Qing Pei's character, it is difficult to make this kind of

worry happen and it cannot be concealed. It must not be a trivial
matter, so He Gu did not ask again, but comforted him. Although he
is going to go to work for Gu Qing Pei, he does not want to get into
the job right away, just because he can take a break for a while and
then wait and see.

After contacting the decoration company, he officially began to

decorate his home. The house is small and the construction period is
expected to take no more than two months. He Gu that the foreman
who has cooperated many times is very reassured, he handed over
the house to him, bought a ticket and went to Shanghai.
221 Report
When he got off the plane and just turned on the phone, it was
jumped out of a row of missed calls. All of them were Song Ju Han. He
returned a text message: Whats wrong?

Song Ju Han's phone quickly caught up: "Where did you go?
Why was your phone shut down?"

"Was on the plane, I came to Shanghai to see my mother."

Song Ju Han seems to be relieved: "When are you coming


"No, it will be two days."

"My dad is no longer looking for someone to look after me

anymore. Come back to me soon."


"When is 'Yeah' coming back?"

"I am not sure."

"Two days."

He Gu said: "I am not sure."

Song Ju Han scoffed on the phone: "Forget it." Then ended the

He Gu didn't care about it. If Song Ju Han suddenly turned the call
into sex call, it would be scary.

He Gu got in the car, went to the hotel he stayed at the last time
and had dinner with my mother and Su Su at night.

Although Su Su is usually naughty and speaks a lot, but this time

he was surprised because she was sensible. She didn't mention the
news that had been raging in the past, just like nothing happened,
222 Report
she sitting in his arms and sharing with him videos of her singing and
dancing, photos of skiing in Switzerland.

Until Sun Qing went out to answer the phone, Su Su said quietly:
"Brother, is Song Ju Han really your boyfriend?"

He Gu touch her head: "No."

Su Su looked at him, her eyes sparkling, obviously she does not

believe hi.. After all, he once lied about not knowing Song Ju Han. In
this matter, she estimated that there is no credibility.

He Gu said helplessly: "Really no." The word boyfriend, placed

between Song Just Han, it always looks very funny.

"Then do you like him?" Su Su said with a longing, "I like him
too, he is handsome and cool."

"Yeah."He Gu laughed, "But he doesn't like me."

Su Su smashed her eyes, then frowned and said, "Is he sure that
his eyes are okay."

He Gu felt teased.

"Brother, after you resign, will you come to Shanghai?"

"I still do not know."

"You have to come."

When he thought of Gu Qing Pei, he had some hesitation at this

time. If Gu Qing Pei really had no job for him there, would he really
want to come here? There are at least relatives here...

He Gu shook his head: "I have to take a break and plan


Returning to the hotel in the evening, He Gu went to shower and
223 Report
when he was going to sleep a doorbell rang.

He cried: "Who is it?"

"Room service."

He Gu swore, this voice, it won't be... He jumped out of bed and

opened the door.

Song Ju Han's mouth was smacked with a touch of evil laughter, he

looked at him with a sly look.

"You, how are you..."

"It is not easy to find the hotel you staying in." Song Ju Han
hugged him. "Whoever let you run so far, I had to come to

He Gu was scared to be seen, quickly returned to the room, closed

the door: "How do you dare to fly now, are you not afraid of
being recognized?"

"So I didn't fly, I sat in the high-speed rail and I almost

broke my back." Song Ju Han stretched his slender torso. "I
covered my face and I couldn't be recognized. It definitely
opened my eyes into this kind of travelling."

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han's appearance's ignorant appearance

and he couldn't say what it was like. In the moment he saw Song Ju
Han, he did feel a little surprised.

"I am going to take a shower." Song Ju Han bowed his head and
kissed him and said, "Wait for me."

He Gu reaction didn't happen until Song Ju Han entered the

bathroom and he only sighed. He had planned to stay in Shanghai for
ten days and a half to see if he could adapt to the climate and
environment here. It seems that he can't even stay for a few days
224 Report

Song Ju Han took a quick shower and threw himself into the bed.
He pressed He Gu under his body and kissed him intimately: "Were
you going washing it's so sweet."


"It was almost like you prepared for me." Song Ju Han
laughed, oh--how to dial the sex.

He Gu hasn't you done it for a long time and the body suddenly felt
awkward--and agitated, he now wants to enjoy sex.

Song Ju Han was very patient today when he was mobilizing the
desires no one knows more about He Gu body than him and he can
control the ups and downs of this person.

The two of them had f*cked for an entire night, just like the flames
that had been extinguished and they were re-ignited. He Gu desire
made him feel like he was sinking in the sea and finally lost the self...

Waking up the next day, He Gu was so tired that his body is almost
unable to move, he has not been done hard like that for so long-----
he wanted it and the sequelae are quite obvious.

Song Ju Han also woke up and held him with a kiss: "Hungry?"

He Gu eyes were swollen and unable to open and he slowly


Song Ju Han picked up the microphone on the bed and asked the
hotel to send two breakfasts.

He Gu struggled to think about it, but when he just moved, he took

a breath and sighed.

Song Ju Han laughed twice and said: "I am tired like you... Are
225 Report
you tired of that little marathon? Your physical strength used
to be better than this."

He Gu didn't want to answer, he wanted to take a shower.

"Okay, I will help you shower and you can lay down
honestly." Song Ju Han took him back into his arms and stroked his
smooth back. "We are not going out today."

"No." He Gu opened one mouth, throat was hoarse, he

remembered everything last night, suddenly he felt his ears go red,
"My mother..."

"You were not going to stay for a few days, just say that
you are going to meet friends today, you are like this, how
can you let you mother see you like this."

He Gu slammed the swelled head on the pillow. Indeed, how can

he let his mother see him like this, He Gu was afraid that walking is
out of the question.

Song Ju Han gave him kiss on the a temple: "are you feeling
uncomfortable? I will massage you."

He Gu body stiffened

How did Song Ju Han turn being so tender to him? This is simply

"I often think..." Song Ju Han said, "What were you thinking
about in the detention center? When you promised to cop to
the charges... I was thinking about it."

He Gu was silent.

"He Gu, do you think I am good to you?"

He Gu said numbly: "Yeah."
226 Report
"Don't pretend, I know that you have sorrows in your heart.
You are like this. If you think about it, you would rather not
vomit blood. If you don't say, how do I know how sad you are,
how do I know what you want."

He Gu gently bit the trembling lips.

Song Ju Han buried his face in He Gu neck, his voice was lazy and
soft and he was simply spoiled. "So many years, I have met so
many people, but only you are true to me, only you don't ask
me for anything. This time we are together, whatever I didn't
give you before, now I will compensate you. So your heart,
your eyes, can only be placed on me."

He Gu wanted to retort with two sentences, but he doesn't know

what to say. He has realized that he and Song Ju Han have great
differences in character and views and Song Ju Han is only interested
in him in terms of sex. He gave up trying to make communication

Now even if he want to communicate, he don't know where to


Communication is not a one-off event, it's just like a congested

pipeline, it is impossible to unblock it all at once. He said too little,
thought too much, not just a personality problem, but even if he said
that Song Ju Han would not bother to listen.

Today... Song Ju Han said that but whether it is right and wrong, it
does not matter at all.

The hotel waiter sent two breakfasts. Song Ju Han pushed his hair
back and smiled and pinched his nose. "Baby, do you want me to
feed you?"

"No." He Gu cheeks were a bit hot. When Song Ju Han wants to be

good to people, it is simply glorious thing that cannot be ignored.
227 Report
Song Ju Han put the breakfast on the table and walked to the bed
to hug He Gu he quickly stood up and his legs were soft and the body
slid down steeply.

Song Ju Han grabbed his waist and smiled slyly: "This fault
not blame me." He closes his ear and whispers, "You should
blame yourself for always biting me."

He Gu coughed a little, barely able to stood firm, he pushed Song

Ju Han away and walked to the table step by step.

That pain and soreness is really awkward.

Song Ju Han was in a very good mood. He also gave food to him,
He Gu was really hungry and ate.

Halfway through, Song Ju Han's cell phone rang. He looked at the

screen, his brows were furrowed and he reluctantly answered the
phone: "Hey?"

He couldn't hear what was being said on the phone, but he could
hear Song He's voice.

"Don't you always want to keep me at home? I was bored at

home." Song Ju Han was quite angry.

"What can I be doing at home? There is no nothing I am

now more than a dog."

"How can I recognize it, can you eat me?" Song Ju Han hung
up the phone, shut down directly and threw it to the side.

He Gu looked at him.

Song Ju Han took a deep breath: "Food."

After thinking about it, he asked, "How is that over there?"

"How can I do that all the work has stopped and he says he
228 Report
has lost a lot of money."

Song Ju Han said that he did not care, but the frustration of falling
from a height is certainly difficult, especially for people who are used
to smooth life.

"Are you blocked by SARFT?"

Song Ju Han stunned his hair: "It's okay, after all, things are
very big and the country is catching the typical model. I just
hit the block. My name is not a red-headed document, but
they are all Ah-Sheng. My people, my parents wanted me
avoid the limelight, there will be no public activities in these

"Ah, what happened to Ah-Sheng?"

"Come on, it will take at least for half a year, the basics of
the case will be abolished and most of the issues will be
turned behind, but my dad doesn't want to use this. I said
that the moron Ah-Sheng that he shouldn't touch the drug
gadget several times. He didn't listen and now he was pitted
by his wife. I still have so many people depending on the
work, its really f*cking annoying." The more Song Ju Han said the
more angrier he became, the fists were gripped tight.

He Gu doesn't know how to comfort Song Ju Han because he is a

victim himself, but it is useless to blame Han Sheng. The law will
punish him.

When Song Ju Han looked at him, he whispered, "I should not

have taken them to your place."

He Gu sighed: "I really can't figure out, why did you took
them to my house?"

Song Ju Han lowered his head and said with some guilty
conscience: "You ignored me for a while, I thought, I will bring
229 Report
so many people, you will be forced to act cordial to me."

He Gu wanted to laugh and cry.

Song Ju Han thought of something: "That house, why was it not

in your name?"

He Gu silent: "No need."

"What is not necessary?"

"It's there anyway."

Song Ju Han was not very happy: "I can't live there. I will give
you an apartment in the city center. Now I am a little
monitored but after I go back..."

"No need." He Gu looked up at him, his eyes clear, "I have

resigned from Nanchuang and intend to move back to my
parents' house."

Song Ju Han frowned: "How many years has that house stood
there? The age is bigger than you."

"I had refurbished it."

"I went to go there to find you once. It was small and

broken. It is surrounded by residential areas. It's mixed in
bad street. You can't go to that place to live. If you don't like
to live in the city, I will buy you a villa in the suburbs."

"Song Ju Han." He Gu looked at him seriously, "House, car,

clothes, watches, these things are irrelevant to me, taking
things from you, it makes me feel uncomfortable, I always
felt uncomfortable but I accepted them because I was afraid
that you would not be happy, so I didn't say anything."

Song Ju Han face had an incomprehensible expression. "He Gu,
230 Report
you are almost thirty. As for what kind of pure love, what
about these? If a man don't take care for his own man I can't
take it. Don't take it too serious."

He Gu calmly said: "I am also a man, not to mention I do not

need to be supported to live, you can understand me, I will
not live in your house."

"Why are you so stubborn!"

He Gu continued: "Your car is first, anyway, it has

depreciated so can't sell it a few dollars, you certainly won't
want it, I won't waste it."

Song Ju Han was annoyed: "Who cares about a car, why are
you being so uppity with me!" Although He Gu reconciled to him,
he always felt that there was something missing between the two,
no, it should be said that a lot less things were coming in between.
He Gu was more silent than before, but even in the bed, in the bed,
he simply did not look at his face like before, but Ju Han did not know
what to do, but when he asked, He Gu used language, eyes and all
expressions, actions, etc to tell him that "its all okay."

It's nothing? Obviously it's not nothing!

What he wants is not this He Gu, but the former one, the only one
who is considerate and gentle, but the more he wants that man, the
more difficult it is to grasp this new one, the combination of countless
times, clearly at his fingertips. He still felt that He Gu was far from
him and he was slipping away from him little by little.

The feeling of powerlessness made him deeply angry.

He Gu bowed his head and took a sip of soup and said faintly: "It
is still best."

Song Ju Han dropped the chopsticks: "What do you mean? Do

you want to draw a line with me?"
231 Report
He Gu silent: "You said we have to be serious together, are

"Of course."

"Then we will start on an equal footing."

Song Ju Han taunted him: "I am not equal because I want you
to live a better life ? Your thoughts are so bad."

"Maybe." He Gu not be annoyed.

Song Ju Han realized the feeling of the fist hitting a swaying cotton,
it's best to completely ignoring it and his heart was blocked. He bit
his teeth and looked at him, really wanting to bite him.

He Gu said: "Eat, the food is getting cold."

Song Ju Han turned his eyes: "Don't want to eat." After saying
that he went playing mobile games in the sofa.

He Gu looked at the back of Song Ju Han air, he hesitated then

walked over and stroked his back: "Come and eat."

Song Ju Han looked up at him, his eyes were angry and like a man
wronged: "I am only doing these for your own good, don't you
know that?"

"I know."

"You know bullshit, you are deliberately coming against


"I didn't mean that, lets go eat."

Song Ju Han hesitated then returned to the table.

He Gu thought of Song Ju Han's childish look, he wanted to laugh.
232 Report
Song Ju Han said without shame: "What are you laughing at?
Come on feed me."

He Gu scrambled the eggs with a chopstick and sent it to his


Song Ju Han opened his mouth and ate it.

After feeding a few mouthfuls, Song Ju Han's mood was much


Song Ju Han is such a character, his temper comes quickly,

urgently and slyly, but it also goes too fast.

He Gu often felt that Song Ju Han is a child who has not grown up
inside. He has a child-specific naivety and cruelty. Even if he hurts
others, he does not know, care or attempt to recognise it.

The two stayed in Shanghai for five days. When he went to

accompany the mother and sister, Song Ju Han was in the hotel and
madly reminded him to come back fast.

The time of those days is really sweet. Song Ju Han was simply
trying to express his tenderness and romance. He Gu knew that Song
Ju Han will not be able to cope with it for long and the ability to fall in
love is very big work. When the two of them first met, Song Ju Han
would not be able to sleep for a night without a a conversation call.
He does not feel it, after a long time, he once again realized the
charm of Song Ju Han.

Only this time, he no longer fainted to it. He was soberly enjoying

the goodness of Song Ju Han tender treatment. He felt so happy. He
looked forward to the things he had longed for. It was really good.

Although he has not been so desperate to want it.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
233 Report

Chapter 42
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

After returning to Beijing, He Gu spend 10,000 yuans for a month's

stay in a hotel, then bought some clothes and a few books and
temporarily stayed there.

Where he used to live, all the things in his apartment his mother
were sent them for him and stored them in the temporary warehouse
belonging to the moving company. When his house was finished, he
could move them there. In fact, half of the things in the house are
Song Ju Han, especially clothes, wine, skin care products, etc. His old
house, He Gu doesn't know if he can't let all fit in and if he has time,
he will sort it out and let Xiao Song come take it away.

After this incident, Song Ju Han's career has fallen sharply. People
who have been able to scream his name in the past have
disappeared in the public eye. Even street advertisements have been
reduced by a lot. It is estimated that the relevant departments
intervened. It may also be that Song He wants to avoid the limelight.
In short, the Song Media star who had been at the top height was
snowed in during this time.

Song Ju Han went to the hotel where He Gu was everyday and

staying for two or three days or Song Ju Han would take him to the
villa in Xiangshan.

Because there is no work, Song Ju Han has a lot of time to do what

he usually wouldn't time to do.

For example, they cooked together, eat hot dumplings, watch

movies, they are like an ordinary couple.
234 Report
How deeply he realized that when Song Ju Han was good to
someone, it was really good. For the first time, he felt that Song Ju
Han was "pampering" him. Although he was embarrassed, the word
pampering was not suitable for his man who was nearly 30 years old,
but he could not find a more appropriate word.

Song Ju Han sang to him, watched him cook, accompanied him to

fitness and taught him to swim, as if to make up for the missing
points between them in the past years.

Although it is not flattering, it can be a bit flustering. This Song Ju

Han is too strange, He Gu is not used to it.

On this day, the two were exercising in the gym at home.

Song Ju Han wore vest shorts and was doing marathon training.
The tight uniform made the thick chest beating up and down fast and
the sweat rolled into the neckline along the smooth skin. His arm
muscles are really muscley, his thighs are strong and his calves are
slender. When he wears a suit, he looked thin and lean. When he
took off his clothes it's was still very well. People who practice martial
arts all year round, their muscles are beautiful and explosive, but
they don't look very exaggerated. He curled his hair with a small
braid on his head and a few strands of hair swayed on his cheeks,
adding a touch of wild charm.

He Gu sat for a while and worked with a barbell machine, he felt

that his arms were sore and couldn't do it anymore. He hasn't been
exercising for a few months and his physical strength has obviously

Song Ju Han wiped the sweat with a towel and walked over: "How,
can't you move it?" He glanced at the weight and smiled. "This

He Gu swayed: "I haven't exercised for a long time, it's

235 Report
Song Ju Han pulled him up: "Don't do it when you are tired.
You are too thin during this time. Hold your hands and eat
more fat."

"You don't want me to be fat." He Gu thought of the life of the

former Song Media star, who told him in not so many word that
fatness is s big no..

"It's not the same thing to get fat and get some meat."
Song Ju Han pinched his waist: "You look at you, you can't lose
weight any more."

He Gu naturally was thin and after work he has been very careful
to control his weight and for so many years his weight has been
floating within three or four pounds margin, but this time his appetite
was too little, he was sleepless and he actually suddenly lost 10
pounds. It is true that he should raise his weight.

He Gu use a towel to wipe the sweat: "When is Xiao Song

sending food to eat? The grocery for making dinner is not

"I don't know, he will send it before dinner."

"Well, I am going to take a shower."

Song Ju Han grabbed his neck with one hand and bowed his head
and kissed him: "Let's shower together."

He Gu said: "I am a little tired..."

"You don't need to move." Song Ju Han smirked at his ear. "It's
good to exercise your legs."

He Gu often do not understand where is Song Ju Han's physical

strength is coming from, he just finished fitness, actually still had the
strength to do this.
236 Report
The two of them went to the bedroom from the bathroom and Song
Ju Han had tossed his chrysanthemum for more than two hours and
he rested.

The shower was a stupid idea and since they sweated again, so
they had to go through showering again.

After the flush shower, Song Ju Han spoiled him and let him blow-
dry his hair.

He sat in front of the mirror, standing for a moment, using a towel

to suck up the water on his hair, shaking the hair dryer while fiddling
with the thick black hair.

Song Ju Han's hair is inherited from his supermodel mother, is a

natural voluminous soft and fluffy, feels very good to touch.

Song Ju Han looked at himself in the mirror and smiled: "Before I

was seven or eight years old, I still had straight hair. One day
I took a shower and touched my hair and suddenly it was

"Can it still be like this?"

"Yeah, interesting, maybe because my dad has straight

hair, but in the end it was lost to my mother's genes." Song Ju
Han sighed and blew the broken hair in front of his forehead.

"You are more like Vanessa."

"Of course." Song Ju Han was somewhat proud.

He Gu knew that the mother and son have very good feelings.
There is such a mother who is like a fairy. Anyone will be especially
proud of her. He Gu just can't figure out how a woman who is as
intelligent and open-minded as Vanessa will marry someone like
Song He. Maybe the charm of Song He's youth can really cover his
sinister assholely character.
237 Report
Song Ju Han suddenly hugged his waist and looked up at him: "My
mom still wants to see you, saying that she want to apologize
to you."

"No, she is an elder, after all, its not suitable for her to

"You don't want to say "Elderly" in her face, she will be


He Gu smiled: "I know."

Song Ju Han also smiled: "My mother, you don't know how
much effort she had to keep her body and face. I really
admire her perseverance."

He Gu casual spoke: "She does keep it very well."

A woman who is nearly fifty years old looks like she is in her
thirties, how much sweat and money she has to pay for that.

Song Ju Han patted his half-dry hair, then smashed it twice on He

Gu clothes and laughed.

Why was he laughing

If Song Ju Han has always been like this, how good it would be back

At this time, from the living room came the sound of the door
opening and said: "Is it Xiao Song? I will go see it."

He walked to the living room and saw that Xiao Song was carrying
a large bag and light stepping the foot on the door and squeezing in.

He Gu went and met him

Xiao Song saw him and he was very embarrassed: "He Gu, thank
you, thank you."
238 Report
He Gu nod and rushed to the kitchen.

"Hey, brother, that's not for eating, it's fishing gear."

"Fishing gear?" He Gu looked at the cardboard box in his hand.

"It's a fishing gear. You said before that you like fishing."
Song Ju Han walked out while rubbing his hair. "I want to take you
to a fishing farm tomorrow."

Some things, Song Ju Han will remember and He Gu heart was

touched: "Okay."

He took the food to the kitchen and picked it, he thought about
what to eat at night and began to wash the vegetables.

Suddenly, a broken glass sound came from the living room,

followed by the roar of Song Ju Han voice: "What did you say?"

Xiao Song whispered something.

He Gu didn't move. He had nothing to do with their affairs.

Song Ju Han is obviously very angry. Xiao Song seems to have

been comforting and pleading. He sounded a bit pitiful.

He Gu erected his ears for a long time, listening to Xiao Song's

voice filled a cry, he hesitated, he cut some fruit and went to the
living room.

Song Ju Han smashed a very expensive cup and Xiao Song stood
with a crying face.

He Gu put down the fruit: "Xiao Song, come and eat some

He glanced at the TV, which had an interactive talk show

promoting the movie, starring now the popular male star Yan Ming
Xiu, except that he looks like a human being, never smiles. It is his
239 Report
biggest selling point. He Gu remembered that Song Ju Han has a
guest character in that movie and all the music and theme songs in
the movie are made and sung by his team, so he should also had
been invited.

Xiao Song quietly waved his hand and looked at Song Ju Han with

He Gu took the broom and swept the glass fragments and swept
the side: "What is it, is the fire too hot?"

Song Ju Han said wickedly: "At the beginning, they came to me

and me twice to appear in the show. Now I am afraid thry
would cut off my part if I do something wrong!! It's that not
daring enough."

"The last payment has already been paid, just to avoid


"They're trying to avoid.....!" Song Ju Han anger can not be

erased and hit foot banged the sofa.

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han's violent face and sighed.

Slowly, Song Ju Han will become more aware of exclusion, coldness

and alienation from the public. This has been a concern since birth.
At the age of four, he was on the cover of vogue and he was the
proudest son of the world and his family. Once encountered such a
heavy setback. On weekdays, the stars are holding the moon. Now
those who hold the birds are shooting the birds and beasts. They
can't draw a line with him. He was used to hysterically screaming
from fans who loved him. They smashed him on the ground after
being too full. The work that he started, they can't wait to come for
the money they sent and now its gone.

Such a huge gap, Song Ju Han does not how to handle it, he can
not be open-minded, how much anger, unwillingness and resentment
240 Report
is in his heart, ooh it can be imagined.

However, this is probably just the beginning. If the wind is over and
Song Ju Han isn't able to make a comeback, he will be swallowed by
this wave and he will not be able to stand up again. Fans are the
most precocious things, but they are also the cheapest ones. They
like to be too young and too old when it comes to their idols. Song Ju
Han has been in the entertainment industry for a lifetime and he
understands this truth.

Xiao Song whispered: "Brother Han, Song He wanted you to

keep a low-key for a period of time. After another two
months, he will slowly give you momentum. You can rest
assured that you will return soon."

"What kind of return? Now a bunch of people yell at me

aging that I have to be blocked by SARFT." Song Ju Han leaned
on the sofa, irritation present on his eyebrows.

"He is looking for the public relations team to clear the

scandal then the public opinion can be guided favorably
towards you, you don't have to worry about it Brother Han,
now they dare to cut your scene and they will cry and ask for
it later."

Song Ju Han bit his lips and his emotions did not improve.

He Gu whispered: "You have done something wrong,

accepting punishment and supervision is appropriate, don't
be angry, Xiao Song is right, you have a lot of loyal fans, you
will definitely get up again."

"Who is that unique?." Song Ju said coldly. "I can't spend all
my life's money. I just want to sing."

"Well, don't watch TV, come and cook with me."

Song Ju Han was silent for two seconds. He really stood up and
241 Report
went to the kitchen with some reason, leaving Xiao Song to stare at

He Gu was washing the vegetables and cut meat for cooking, Song
Ju Han was next to him like a cat who wanders around the owner's
feet, looking at him, can't help but hug He Gu and kiss him. He Gu
felt that a making a meal is more tiring than a marathon.

The next day, the driver came to pick them up and sent them to a
farm in the outer suburbs.

There is a beautiful scenery and pleasant air. The environment is

not as good as in the capital. In order to avoid some harassment,
Song Ju Han rented the whole farm and left only the staff.

He Gu spent the holiday that was perhaps the most leisurely and
relaxing in his life.

They fished, walked, climbed mountains, barbecued and played.

Although they were a bit cold in the early spring, they played very

Song Ju Han showed tenderness and affection, so He Gu have a

feeling of being in love, his heart that was almost frozen into ice and
finally had a hint of warmth, he even thought about it, in case, they
would really go on like this.

In case there is a case.

The two stayed in the farm for a week, Song Ju Han was rushed
back by Song He's phone and He Gu returned to the city.

He went to the house and looked at it. It was probably because he

had given enough money and through a little friendship. The
decoration company's progress was very fast and he could work in a

He looked at the house that had already begun to take shape and
242 Report
felt a little peace of mind. The Chinese generally have the concept of
living in their own home is a thing but deep in the bone marrow and
only the house that belongs to them can give a sense of belonging.
Now he also realizes this little thing.

He thought that if he earned more in the future, he would change

his house to a bigger one. He Gu himself was very casual, he mainly
repaired this house considering that his mother and Su Su might
come over.

After watching the house, he drove home. When he passed a

street, he suddenly remembered that he and Gu Qing Pei had eaten
here. He moved and gave a call to Gu Qing Pei.

The phone rang for a long time before picking up. Gu Qing Pei's
voice was still like a man who woke up from his sleep. He Gu was a
little surprised, how could a person like Gu Qing Pei, who is self-
disciplined, sleep in the afternoon? Is he ill, he asked the question.

Gu Qing Pei yawned: "No, just a little tired recently, I have

been insomniac, I took a sleeping pill and I slept until now."

He Gu frowned: "Gu, what's wrong with you? Your state

seems to be very bad."

Gu Qing Pei was silent: "...I left my place."


Gu Qing Pei sighed: "Where are you?"

"I am... my house is under renovation, I am living in a hotel

now." He Gu reaction had not been processed and Gu Qing Pei left

"You come to my house and accompany me to the bar."

He Gu could not hesitate: "Okay."
243 Report
Gu Qing Pei said the address, He Gu turned the front of the car and
drove to his house.

He Gu went to Gu Qing Pei house for the first time. It was in a very
good community area. It was a large-sized apartment. It seems that
Gu Qing Pei's accumulations over the years has been very gainful.

He took the elevator upstairs and pressed the doorbell.

The doorbell rang for a long time before someone came to open
the door.

Gu Qing Pei did not wear glasses, his hair was cluttered on the face
and he looked younger than usual. He Gu was so surprised because
he had never seen Gu Qing Pei in such a state of abandonment.

"Come on, come in." Gu Qing Pei yawned again. "Sorry, letting
you see this look on me."

"Gu, are you not feeling well?"

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "Fortunately, there is nothing

wrong with me." He went to the refrigerator and took a few bottles
of beer and threw one to him.

He Gu took the beer and put it down: "Have you eaten?"


"I will cook something to eat, let's eat and drink."

Gu Qing Pei fell to the sofa and said "Okay."

He Gu couldn't help but look at Gu Qing Peing's eyes, this kind of

Gu Qing Pei is really eye-popping, whatever he is going through must
be a very troublesome thing.

When he went into the kitchen and looked at it, the refrigerator
was almost empty. Finally, he managed to find out a few ingredients
244 Report
and cooked two bowls of hot noodles.

He came to the sitting room with his face and Gu Qing Pei had
already washed his face, put his hair together and put on his glasses.
With some Sven in the weekdays, the thick dark circles still made
him look tired.

Gu Qing Pei smiled and laughed at himself: "I didn't want to go

out today."

"No." He Gu put the food in front of Gu Qing Pei, "I guess you
haven't eaten for a long time."

Gu Qing Pei nodded, grabbed the chopsticks and ate a bit by bit.

He Gu took chopsticks in one hand, pull the beer by the other hand
hand and take a sip: "Gu, you are worrying me."

Gu Qing Pei grabbed the beer and clinked with him: "Do not
worry, in life, there is always ups and downs, I can adjust

"What happened? Your boss is not very appreciative of you,

are you not doing well there?"

Gu Qing Pei was stiff and put down the beer. He suddenly smiled:
"I slept with his son and was discovered by him." Gu Qing Pei
couldn't stop laughing.

He Gu eyes nearly popped: "Yuan Yang, Yuan Yang?"

He remembered the man who was a tall man and arrogant.

Gu Qing Pei and Yuan Yang? !

1]..... Shoker

Gu Qing Pei nodded and still laughed: "It's incredible. In fact, he

is not the type I like. The type I like is... well, just like Zhuang
245 Report
Jie Yu, the thin little white face, how can me and him...
all awkward."

Some people don't know what to say. He Gu himself is really pitiful.

He wants to give a thumbs up to Gu Qing Pei. Yuan Yang is big man
and even when He Gu had seen him twice. He felt that if he was the
one who would look at him and he would be jealous. What should he
praise Gu for? Are artisans daring?

Gu Qing Pei did not care about why he said it or not. He drank the
alcohol a swig by one by one. Obviously, he was already bored.

He Gu thought about himself, the same thing had to lead to his

leaving Nanchuang, he and Gu Qing Pei, who one is more shameful?
Ooh it's still him, his face reached into the newspaper. He was silent
for a moment and asked, "What are your plans next?"

Gu Qing Pei shook his head stunned: "I don't know. He Gu, I feel
very embarrassed about your business. I don't expect that I
could not stay working there any longer."

"Its nothing, who can expect such a thing? I didn't really

think about it. I just want to take a break and relax."

"I plan to go back to my hometown tomorrow." Gu Qing Pei

smiled faintly. "With my parents... I haven't gone in a long
vacation for a long time."

"Gu, you don't think too much, talents like you, where are
you not being clamored for."

"I hope so." Gu Qing Pei shook the beer can. "However, if I
can't find a suitable job, I probably have to start my own
business. Maybe this is also an opportunity, so that I can
make up my mind to do it alone. He Gu, if I have stabilized
and you still have no good places to go, I still hope to be able
to do business with you."
246 Report
He Gu nod: "Okay, a word is fixed."

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
247 Report

Chapter 43
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

On this day, the empty headed Zhuang Jie Yu ran to find out He Gu.

Zhuang Jie Yu recently played a good TV drama role and it was all
trending. Now his movements are very inconvenient.

As soon as he entered the house, Zhuang Jie Yu smashed his hat

and sunglasses and shouted: "F*ck its freaking cold!"

He Gu held back a laugh: "It's so cold, yet you still wear such
a thin windbreaker."

"Sculpt, it fits my shape." Zhuang Jie Yu flipped his hair in the

mirror and then smiled and said to him, "Uncle He, missed me?"

"I can often see your face on TV."

"That is." Zhuang Jie Yu put his hands on his hips and said
proudly, "I have finally gotten famous and I have made a lot of
money recently."

"Congratulations. Sit down.... tea or coffee?"


He Gu made a cup of coffee for him and handed the cup to him.

Zhuang Jie Yu gave him a smile and looked at him. "You look
good now. Although you have lost a lot of weight you look
more spiritual than before."

"Well, my work is too tiring. It may be a good thing to quit.
248 Report
I have been sleeping for eight hours every day."

"Good thing." Zhuang Jie Yu said with a smile, "Resigned from

the work of the exhaustive nature and left that bloody scum,
your life will start a new chapter."

He Gu cussed, but laughed.

"Uncle He." Zhuang Jie Yu patted his calf with his toes and licked
his lips. "Since you are not worshipping with Uncle Song, won't
you consider me."

He Gu patted his head, "Little kid."

"Don't tease me Uncle, my experience is much richer than

you." Zhuang Jie Yu pushed his hand with dissatisfaction. "My
technique is good. You really don't want to try it?"

"Do not want to."

"Liar, you have never topped, I don't believe you are not
curious about it, I have topped, say Uncle He, men who do
not use their stuff is that not a waste?"

He Gu didn't talk. In fact, he was very curious. Zhuang Jie Yu was

right. He also felt that it was not a waste of his manliness. But he is
not Song Ju Han and he does not want to have this kind of
relationship with Zhuang Jie Yu.

Then Zhuang Jie Yu went around, he said, "I told you, I am not
sick. Did that bastard Song say a lot of bad things about me?
Please, I have a hard principle..... sleep with people who
must be taller than me, loving and handsome, I am not able
to sleep for the sake of the movie, but it is good to sleep with
a handsome guy, how cool."

He Gu looked at him with a calm face: "What you choose to do

is your own business, you don't need to explain it to me."
249 Report
"Well, I think so too." Zhuang Jie Yu said indifferently, "Why do
people want to shut me down, I am happy, so Uncle He." He
smirked at He Gu neck. "Do it with me, the more I can't eat it,
the more I want to try it, it's like you are standing in front of
me and beckoning at me."

He Gu pulled his claws down: "You came to me .... For?."

"I wanted to see you."

"No kidding."

Zhuang Jie Yu looked up and down for something and said with a
grin, "Hey, if you look at your recent state, I will strengthen
you now. You wait, I will get you sooner or later."

He Gu nearly screamed

"You are laughing at me?" Zhuang Jie Yu was a little upset.

He Gu said: "Did you eat? I will let the hotel deliver food?"


He Gu made a phone call and when he turned around, he saw

Zhuang Jie Yu looking at the mobile phone and laughing to it. "What
are you looking at? Is it so funny."

"Ha ha ha ha." Zhuang Jie Yu said with gloating, "Just a friend

said told me a gossip, the luxury brand endorsed by Song Ju
Han canceled his contract and then sued him for damage to
the brand moral image, they're claiming 5 million."

He Gu thought about Song Ju Han at this time, he is afraid that he

would be like a thunder.

"More than that Song Ju Han advertisements were pulled

down, the endorsements were stopped, there were concerts
250 Report
and various activities signed. Now it is estimated that there
is a case in the coming weeks and his family will have to
loose money and it will hurt." Jie Yu snorted, "Really what a live

He Gu can't tell what the feeling is in his heart? Fortunately, the

Song family has money, otherwise the light compensation can be

"But Song Ju Han is also unlucky. He really didn't smoke.

His case is very expensive. Don't say that stuff. You must
have a big face. Song Ju Han will accompany them for a glass
of wine. The entire Song media has been made miserable
because of Han Sheng." Zhuang Jie Yu gave him a grin. "But I
still think they should live through it. That old Song He is
insidious and sinister. The famous wolf in the circle is really
wicked to wash the white son's son he hired water army "

He Gu body stiffened. "What did you say?"

"You don't know? The insiders can see it at a glance. He

went to look for the people of the water army company, they
would send a half-truth post, then a bunch of people go
crazy, build momentum, there is always a foolish story
following, after that whats true and false its unclear, but now
a bunch of people sympathize with Song Ju Han and feel that
he was made gay by you. That was all Song He."

Although he had guessed it early, but to hear it from other people's

mouths. He Gu still feel that his back had gone cold. In this case, he
is so innocent and can be victimised by Song He. If he really copped
the charges for Song Ju Han, Now he really doesn't know how much
he would have been used. Would he still be able to sit quietly with
friends for coffee?

Song He is really hateful and terrible man.
251 Report
He Gu was silent for a moment, whispered: "Song Ju Han also
knows of it?."

Zhuang Jie Yu took a glance at He Gu flattened his mouth. "How

could he not know, I say, everyone in the circle is fam with
this plot, Song He is neither the first one nor the last one to
use it."

He Gu was so cold for a moment, suddenly he smiled, it is no

wonder that Song Ju Han has been so diligent sweet lately, it seems
that he is really feeling a bit sorry to him. For Song Ju Han, his
unseen little person was bullied by netizens for a few days and lost a
salary meaning that he "cannot earn a few dollars" and what a
big deal he made out of it.

Zhuang Jie Yu gave him a look : "You don't have to feel bad,
anyway, you won't have any relationship with them in the
future. You should know when you're be bitten by a dog.
Anyway, you have money and leisure now. Resting is also
very good."

"Well, I think so too." He Gu smiled, "Don't worry, I don't

care about them anymore." Hearing that Zhuang Jie Yu said this,
He Gu was not sad or angry, not even surprised.

How much disappointment..... he accumulate nothing but dust..

When Song Ju Han came in the evening, He Gu didn't say anything,

but the words he spoke became even less.

Song Ju Han looked at his emotions too badly. Seeing He Gu talked

less and ignored him more. He was even more uncomfortable. He
spoke his voice with no anger: "What happened to you today?"

"Nothing, maybe reading a book left me tired."

"Reading books can make one tired." Song Ju Han finished the
meal, went to the bathroom to wash his hands and looked down, he
252 Report
saw a Coke canister thrown in the trash can. He frowned and
shouted, "He Gu?"

He Gu come over: "What's wrong?"

Song Ju Han pointed his finger at the trash can: "You never drink
coke, who was here?"

He Gu said calmly: "Zhuang Jie Yu came in the afternoon."

Song Ju Han's eyes straightened: "Do you still contact him?!"

"I are am friends with him, why can't I contact him." He Gu

said, "You can't interfere with my normal friends."

"Normal friends? Zhuang Jie Yu doesn't see you as one -

how much confused are you? Don't you know what he wants
from you?!"

"That is his private life, it doesn't matter to me." He Gu left

the bathroom without going back and went to sit on the bed and
picked up the book.

Song Ju Han chased him out and squinted his eyes: "You are
deliberately making me angry."

"I am not so childish." He Gu calmly said, "I hope that you can
learn to respect others people's friends, we are all adults, we
each have our own life, I do not interfere with your work and
communication and you should not interfere with mine."

"What do you want to really tell me huh!" Song Ju Han said

with anger. "There are eight hundred people who want to
educate me in the sky. Are you going to educate me?"

"I don't want to educate you, I just told you my attitude."

"Attitude? Are we not falling in love now, shouldn't your
253 Report
cold attitude be avoided?"

He Gu stopped and looked up at him and when he heard the words

"falling in love" from Song Ju Han's mouth, it really made him feel a
little touched.

But when he remembered what happened was because of Song Ju

Han, it looked very unconvincing.

As to why his heart is soft, probably because the three words of

"falling in love" were shocking to him, he thought: "Well, I will
avoid him."

Song Ju Han took a deep breath and calmed down the violent
mood. Then he stumbled on the bed and put his head on He Gu
thigh. He sighed: "I am so annoying every day, you can't be
angry at me."

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han's grieved face, but he can't help but

smile. How can someone like Song Ju Han use cruelty and attempt to
do cruel things.

"I have a headache, message it for me." Song Ju Han grabbed

his hand and put it on his head.

He Gu put down the book and gave him a a temple massage.

"You are the most comfortable, but you haven't massaged

me for more than half a year."

After all, the two people did start conflicts six months ago. It
happened that Feng Zheng had returned to China. He did not think
that Feng Zheng was the source of their contradictions. Feng Zheng
was just a spark, detonating the explosives which have accumulated
for many years.

Song Ju Han seems to have thought of the same thing. He closed

his eyes and said in a gloomy manner, "If it was not Feng Zheng,
254 Report
we would be the same as before."

"Like the same as before?" The hand of the hand paused. "Do
you enjoy the same things as before?"

Song Ju Han realized that this was not the right thing to say. He
grabbed retracting hand and looked up at him. "I don't mean that,
but you used to be much sweeter to me than now. You don't
talk to me as much now."

He Gu quietly stared at him and didn't know what to say.

In fact, there was not much common topic between the two
people. After all, the life circle and the backgrounds were too
different. So Song Ju Han came to him just for making love. He Gu
used to want to find a topic they can talk about, but now he doesn't
want to. He was just lazy, too lazy to step on himself into the dust,
just to please Song Ju Han.

He knows that he will love this person all his life, but he is not
going to be with him. Just now he was enjoying the gentleness from
Song Ju Han, he felt that there was no regret.

The family house was renovated and it was settled for a while and
he moved back.

On the day of moving, he was busy from morning to night and

sealed the contents of Song Ju Han belongings alone and then sent a
text message to Xiao Song to let him take it.

After cleaning up, he took a shower, ate two large lunches and
then moved to the bed.

He seems to have never eaten so much meals for a long time. It is

a good thing to have an appetite to eat, even if he is tired.

Before going to bed, he habitually looked at the news, the headline

pictures of the entertainment section, something very familiar caught
255 Report
his eye, He Gu stared at the title for two seconds: THE FIRST

He Gu clicked on the picture and Song Ju Han had the cap on and
walked with a woman with a stature.

The report said that the woman is a newcomer to the Song

media and Song Ju Han's friend, because the beauty had studied in
the United States, her performance is remarkable, the popularity
trending is comparable to a rocket, there is a rumor to the next
movie and there is no limit to the future of repairing the gay scene.

The news also questioned the homosexual rumors on Song Ju Han.

He Gu laughed at the mockery and threw the phone aside

Although he was already tired, he still had insomnia that night.

Early the next morning, Xiao Song, who was originally scheduled to
take the Song Ju Han thing, was replaced by Song Ju Han himself.

When he opened the door, He Gu groaned: "How come you are

here so early?"

Song Ju Han said with a black face: "What do you mean by

saying that Xiao Song should come and take my things

"My family house is so small that I can't fit it all." He Gu

said, "And you shouldn't think much about it."

"If you want a big house just say it... you said you can't live
there, you have to live here, are you crazy?" Song Ju Han
squeezed into the room, looked around, he frowned and said bluntly,
"I really don't want to come here."

"The size of the house is irrelevant to me. As long as it can
256 Report
be used to shelter the wind and rain."

Song Ju Han didn't talk to him for a minute or two. He Gu didn't

care about it and went to the house to brush his teeth.

When he came out, he saw Song Ju Han sitting on his newly bought
sofa and playing with his mobile phone looking bored.

He Gu said: "Did you eat?"

"No, I want to eat the mushroom porridge you made."

"There is no mushroom."

"The other porridge."

"Okay." He Gu turn into the kitchen.

In a short while, Song Ju Han walked in and leaned against the

wall looking at He Gu back. It was the thin waist apron and the long
legs that were stretched out. How do you not see how sexy that is....
but the conservative gray wool sweater has added a few bans--the
breath of desire scented the air and it seems that Song Ju Han's eyes
were not right.

He Gu started cutting vegetables.

Song Ju Han got up and hugged him from behind. He said, "I want
to eat your pants now."

He Gu was stiff. He remembered the news last night and suddenly

felt uncomfortable and pushed Song Ju Han away.

Song Ju Han was somewhat disappointing and said carelessly:

"Yes, did you see the news yesterday?"


"Saw?" Song Ju Han got to his side. "What news?"
257 Report
"You dating the actress."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Are you jealous?"

He Gu looked at him, he did not say anything, he continued to bow

down to cook.

Song Ju Han stared at him for two seconds: "What do you mean
by that?"

"What do you think I mean?"

"What do you react to?"

"What should I react to?"

"You said no to letting me sleep with others."

He Gu put down the kitchen knife and stared at Song Ju Han's

eyes: "Have you slept with her?"

"Of course no. It is a news gossip. The rumor that I am gay

it's impact is not good."

"Okay." He Gu continued to cut vegetables. Song Ju Han knows

that He Gu is not likely to get into a hysterical questioning, it does
not mean anything.

Song Ju Han felt just like the one that has been drowned. His
tone was suddenly high: "Well, what's right?" You reacted to this? I
also came to explain to you, you don't care at all!"

He Gu didn't look at him for a while: "You didn't sleep with her."

"I will promise you I won't do it, of course, but you haven't
reacted its like you're a dead person. Even if just slept with
her. Does it matter?" Song Ju Han's eyes were a little red, he
doesn't know why He Gu has become like this, no, he doesn't know
how He Gu has become like this. In the past, he also turned a blind
258 Report
eye to his affairs. He was still satisfied. He was young and had
capital. He didn't play because of it. Anyway, He Gu was always
there. He could hold his arms and would listen to his words.

But now He Gu is like a changeling he is getting less and less

worried about Song Ju Han. How can he change the pattern of the
relationship--love and romance, it is like playing the piano to a
f*cking goat.

He really wants to start over with He Gu and everything he does is

to make him feel moved and pampered. He feels that he can't live
without this person. He has never been so good and so modest to
whomever, but He Gu poured him bucket of cold water.

How did that happen?

1].... Its called waking up from intoxication

He Gu who usually put down the kitchen knife carefully, but this
time he smacked it directly on the cutting board. He looked up at
Song Ju Han: "You said you didn't, I believe you, so why are
you angry?"

"You..." Song Ju Han was so mad that he couldn't speak.

"I know that your entertainment is very easy to played

around with and many news shouldn't be believed, so I
believe you, so what's the problem?"

"There is also a lot of news that is true. Aren't you worried

about it at all?" Song Ju Han said that in the end, he was almost

"Really?" He Gu sarcastically said, "Also, there is really

something true. For example, they said you have been
entangled in homosexuality because of being near me for
many years, it is still a bit credible."
259 Report
Song Ju Han looked at He Gu and the arrogance he had suddenly

He Gu smiled: "What's wrong? Do you think I wouldn't


Song Ju Han's eyes were a little dodgy and he quickly said: "That
was what the company's public relations team came up with
and it was necessary to divert public attention."

"Well, I understand." He Gu said faintly.

"My dad was mad at me. I really didn't dare to disobey

him." Song Ju Han lowered his head and whispered, "Nobody
remembered you anyway, this news is hot. Your work if if you
cannot find a job... I will compensate you."

He Gu hand was hanging on the side of his body had become a fist.

It's fun, exactly the same as he thought.

Song Ju Han stroked his ear and took him into his arms. He said:
"Things are in the past, don't be angry. Isn't it good now? You
don't even go to work, let me pay for you isn't it good for me
to take care of you?"

"You can rest assured." He Gu empty. "I certainly can't find a


He didn't expect that one day, he would be the one who wanted to
end the relationship with Song Ju Han. When he stayed with Song Ju
Han, most of his experience was painful and unbearable.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
260 Report

Chapter 45
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

Song Ju Han had to leave the country early in the morning and was
picked up at five in the morning.

When he woke up, He Gu sat up on the bed and watching him

wash his face, brush his teeth, change clothes and not talk, so he
looked at him silently.

In the end, he took a heavy kiss and said that he would return in a
few days. He Gu looked at him and he did not send him to the door.

Then he also got up. He pulled out the suitcase, packed up a large
box of clothing and common items, as well as all the documents and
cards used to go out along with cash.

Packing up the luggage, he began to wash, ate breakfast, change


Dressed neatly, he sat in the study room and called his mother, he
told that he was going to Europe for a long vacation. His mother was
very happy. She said that he would give him the address of the
French house and the contact information of the housekeeper. He
can go to France to live there. In the summer vacation, he will send
Su Su to play with him.

After finishing his call, he sent messages to Gu Qing Pei, Zhuang Jie
Yu and Chen Shan respectively. He calmly said that he wanted to go
to Europe to distract himself. The mobile phone will not be reached
at any time and if there is something to send an email. He gave them
a mailbox he used to log in to the gay forum. No one knows it, he
also told them that they could not tell anyone if it.
261 Report
After doing all this, he took a taxi to the airport and bought a ticket
to Europe at the counter to Amsterdam.

Coincidentally, the middle and high level executives of

Nanchuang company went to Nice, France to conduct the annual
meeting. Although he did not go they had already completed the
Schengen visa for him when it was organized by the personnel
department a few months ago.

At the moment when the plane took off, He Gu looked at the

ground that was gradually moving away and his heart was numbly
from pain.

He made the most determined screeningof his life. He thought that

at this moment, he would collapse, but he didn't, because as early as
seven years ago, he had paved the way for countless days and he
couldn't describe how painful it was. But he is sober and awake now
than at any time in the past.

He saw Song Ju Han, he saw himself, saw everything between

them and saw the future.

When Song Ju Han asked him if he "minded", he did not lie. He

really didn't mind because he didn't care. Song Ju Han's life has
nothing to do with him.

Liking a person, the most pure love is when you are silently loved
in his heart, so why come out and make it look awkward.

He seemed to have drunk a drink and he was so intoxicated for

seven years that he couldn't extricate himself. Now, this wine left
him and he finally woke up and woke up in a big way.

So he decided to take a look at the world he had never seen

before and he still had such an impulse to start over again, so as not
to regret his life.

He hopes to use the world's greatest moments to reflect the
262 Report
narrowness of his life painting and firmly walk out.

When he arrived in Frankfurt, he began to regret leaving China.

Looking at the strange environment around him, the various races
and the language he understands or can't understand, he wanted to
fly back home.

He took a deep breath, went to buy a sim card, booked a nearby

hotel and let the taxi drive him.

When he arrived at the hotel, he finally felt more comfortable.

He washed away a journey jetlag and slept.

When he woke up, it just dawned. He asked the hotel to send the
meal to the room, he sat at the table, ate and watched the scenery
outside the window, thinking about his next plan.

Finally, he still opened the computer and started searching for

travel sites.

The border between the Germany to France is easy to cross but he

wants to wait for Su Su to come to France when she comes and he
wants to your around with her there.

After watching it online for a long time, he contacted a Chinese

travel agency that provided customized travel. He called and the
staff asked him a number of people. He simply said: "One."

The other party groaned: "Sir, do you want to travel to Europe


"Do you still have a driver?"

"Hey, there are drivers and guides, but if you are alone, the
cost will be very high."

"How high."
263 Report
"The specifics are based on your itinerary. If it is the
regular route we recommend, it will cost about 50,000 or
60,000 yuans."

He Gu hesitated for a moment, it was a bit expensive, but he really

didn't want to be around too many strangers: "I just need a driver,
don't need a guide, can it be cheaper?"

"Yes, our drivers can be used as a tour guides."

"Well, I will send you the itinerary of where I want to go."

He Gu engineer's mind came alive looking at the European travel

map, he carefully planned a relatively reasonable and time-saving
travel route map, passed it to the travel agency.

The travel agency negotiated with him and he paid a deposit,

waited for the driver to pick him up tomorrow.

He Gu stretched his waist and couldn't help but show a faint smile.

Until now, he still felt that everything was like a dream, how he
came alone on the other side of the earth, so far away from home.

Just to avoid Song Ju Han?

Yes, he really doesn't want to see Song Ju Han again. He is afraid

that his emotions will get out of control and he will promise
irreparable things, just like when he looked at Song Ju Han's gentle
smile on him last night, it was like it was trying to tighten his neck.

He will go back sooner or later. When he goes back, he can face

the Song Ju Han with a calm and fearless heart

The next day, someone knocked on the door of the room.

He Gu has been tidying up waiting for the driver and when he

heard that knock he walked over and opened the door.
264 Report
At the door stood a handsome young man wearing a simple t-shirt
and ripped jeans with a wheat-colored skin and a sunny smile: "Hey,
I am Zhou, my Chinese name is Zhou He Yi, you are Mr. He?."

He Gu smiled and shook hands with him: "Why am I indeed."

"Hello, hello, I am your driver and tour guide. I hope we will

take care of each other in the next month." Zhou He Yi picked
up the luggage attentively. "Mr. He, please."


Zhou He Yi is a very cheerful and talkative young man who smiled

a lot. He told He Gu that his grandparents were the first Chinese
immigrants who came to the Netherlands. He grew up here and only
returned to China several times. .

He Gu really like the kind of enthusiasm and simple temperament

from him. If there is such a person on the road, his experience should
not be stuffy.

Zhou He Yi introduced him to the Dutch customs and introduced

the general situation of the city they were going to. From time to
time, he followed the music with two lyrical sentences and then
enjoyed himself for a long time.

They strolled in Amsterdam for a day and stayed at the hotel next
to the canal recommended by the travel agency.

After dinner, Zhou He Yi took him to the red light district.

He Gu character is more conservative, but not old-fashioned, he

looked at those gay couples in the street , although not very
acceptable, but he did not express any opinions, what Zhou He Yi
took him to see, what he looked at, the Netherlands sexual culture,
especially the same-sex culture, the degree of openness has given
him an eye-opener.
265 Report
When they were tired, they sat in a tavern and watched football
while drinking beer.

Zhou He Yi is a standard fan. He said that the head of the football

and his eyes were shining with excitement. Recently playing was the
European Cup qualifiers, he introduced the advantages of each
country and proudly said that this year the Netherlands is his biggest
favourite team.

He Gu laughed and listened and his heart was envious.

A simple, kind, enthusiastic, happy young man, with him, seems to

be able to infect the relaxed atmosphere.

In the evening, they returned to the hotel.

Zhou He Yi took him to the door of the hotel and smiled and said:
"Mr. He, go to rest, what time should I pick you up

He Gu accidentally say, "Aren't you staying near here?"

"Where can I live, I can't afford it for two days for a

monthly salary. The company can't order such a good hotel
for me." Zhou He Yi blinked. "Our company has arranged a
small hotel, you don't worry about me."

"What hotel?"

"The kind of dormitory with more than ten people." Zhou He

Yi grabbed his hair. "Its a place to sleep anyway."

He Gu frowned, "Come and stay with me, this time most of

the bookings are standard rooms, double beds, if it is not a
big bed, you can sleep on a floor."

Zhou He Yi stunned: "This is not good, Mr. He."
266 Report
"We are all males, what's the worry? Anyway, I am alone.
How can I rest well in this environment? You are the driver.
My safety is in your hands. I hope that you can drive a car in
the evening and have a good night's sleep."

Zhou He Yi moved and said: "Mr. He, you are very good."

"No big deal, come up."

When he was having fun in Europe, Song Ju Han, who was in

Beijing, was already burnt up.

"I found something." Song Ju Han was sitting in the boss's chair
with his face, his eyes were a little bloody and he was very tired at
first glance.

"He bought the plane on the morning of the 17th and flew
to Amsterdam. Then he used a credit card to pay for the
travel expenses of the hotel, the restaurant and a local travel
agency. We have already hacked into the travel agency's
computer and got his itinerary." The man put a piece of
information in front of Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han looked open and looked at him. It was a very ordinary
trip. He stunned his eyebrows: "He will be going back to
Germany next time and I will be booking a ticket to Berlin."

"Young master, you have a very important day after


Song Ju Han aggravated the tone: "Get me a ticket!!."

The man said with a distressed face: "If the master..."

Song Ju Han slammed the table and glared at him. He said: "I
said, book the ticket!!."

The man nodded and stepped out.
267 Report
Song Ju Han tiredly leaned back into the chair and stayed quiet
for a few seconds. He suddenly stood up and kicked everything on
the desk to the ground and smashed the real wood table twice. He
stared at the thin material on the ground and his eyes were red.

He Gu

When he was busy with Melbourne's charity performance, he

took a dozen-hour flight back to Beijing and with a bunch of gifts
rushing to He Gu home, he ended up facing an empty house and a
shutdown phone.

He panicked. In fact, he felt something was wrong when he left on

that day, but he did not think deeply of it. In the days he was in
Melbourne, he was always upset and ran back when the activity was

Its not that wanted to see He Gu, but to eliminate the uneasiness
in his heart.

But he was still a step late.

He Gu was gone.

Without leaving a single word, without leaving a contact, he

decided to go.

Song Ju Han couldn't stand up while sitting on the sofa. He realized

an indescribable fear. He is not afraid that He Gu can't be found.
What he is afraid of is why He Gu did not say goodbye, what kind of
mood did he have.

When he asked He Gu is he was mindful of it, He Gu really didn't

mind.... he did not know why He Gu really didn't mind.

He Gu, why did you not say anything!

Song Ju Han got on the plane with simple luggage and a half-
268 Report
length injury. He got his father's bodyguard before he went out.

He now has only one thought in his head: He wants to see He Gu.

Ever since the call connection was not established, the fear of
whats is going encased the whole body was always with him, as if he
was not looking for it now, He Gu might disappear forever.

When he arrived in Berlin, he was very tired, but he still found the
hotel that the travel agency had ordered for He Gu according to the
address on the data. He went to the front desk and said that he was
a friend. The front desk gave a call to the room, but no one

It is still daytime, they must have gone out to travel, Song Ju Han
was sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby waiting, a pair of eyes
staring at the revolving door.

From the day to the dusk, a tall, thin Asian youth came in. When he
passed by him, he suddenly paused and looked back at him, his eyes
widening in surprise.

Song Ju Han thought that no one in Germany would know him. He

was confused in his mind and forgot to cover up. He just blinked at
the young man.

The young man ran over and said excitedly: "You, you, you are
Song Ju Han? God, you are Song Ju Han!"

Song Ju looked at him coldly and with indifferently.

The young man stroked his ear: "Can you sign me my name?"

Song Ju Han nodded.

The young man touched a pocket and had no paper. He ran to the
front desk and borrowed a pen to let Song Ju Han sign on his shirt.
269 Report
Song Ju Han only wanted to send him away quickly, so he signed
the name.

The young man thanked him and walked happily.

Zhou He Yi took the jacket and left the room and rushed to the
restaurant near the hotel. They went out for a day and they picked
up a restaurant to eat, but the restaurant was too air-conditioned, so
He Gu was cold, he came back to get him his jacket.

Unexpectedly, he met Song Ju Han in the lobby of the hotel!

Zhou He Yi was so excited that he walked straight and flickered.

The Chinese community in the Netherlands was not big. Basically,
the preferences were very common. The young people often sang
Song Ju Han's songs. He never imagined that such a coincidence
would happen. .

Back at the restaurant, Zhou He Yi couldn't stop jumping.

He Gu laughed: "You are so happy, have you received some


"I am still happy than the money." Zhou He Yi said with a

smile, "I met my idol, God, how the world is so small."

"Oh? Who? C Ronaldo?"

"Song, Ju, Han!" Zhou He Yi said excitedly.

He Gu face slightly changed: "Song Ju Han?"

"Yeah, you can't say you don't know him, is there anyone in
China who doesn't know Song Ju Han?"

He Gu quietly squeeze the jacket: "How come he came here?"

"I don't know, maybe came on vacation and more

coincidentally, he stayed in the same hotel as us. I met him in
270 Report
the lobby." Zhou He Yi looked at his shirt hem. "Look, he signed it
for me."

He Gu took the champagne glass, took a sip and then calmly said:
"He Yi, do you care about domestic news?"

"Ah? News, not very concerned, you want to say about the
person who the Song Ju Han team are involved in --- those
things? I have heard of this."

"Then starting now, don't ask him anything, take my

baggage out of the hotel, inform the travel agency tell them I
have canceled all the hotels afterwards, I won't follow the
itinerary, we will book the hotel ourselves and you can't tell
anyone, we go to the hotel at night and get sufficient cash,
as much as possible in card... Does your car have satellite

"...No." Zhou He Yi was dumbfounded and he whispered for a long

while then whispered: "Mr. He, are you a special agent?"

He Gu closed his eyes: "I don't want you to ask anything, I

pay you, you do what I said, I won't let you do illegal or
dangerous things."

"Oh, oh oh, good." Zhou He Yi felt strange, but did not dare to
ask again.

He Gu hid his head and took a sip of wine.

Song Ju Han, what do you want to do? No matter what you want to
do, it doesn't matter to me.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
271 Report

Chapter 46
Source: Nastriumden

After dinner, Zhou He Yi went to the hotel to take the baggage.

When he got in the car, he lowered his voice and spoke by someone
whispering secret codes to He Gu: "Mr. He, no one has found us."

He Gu felt funny by his antics: "I am not a special agent, you

can relax."

Zhou He Yi made an ok gesture: "Where are we going now?"

He Gu thought about it: "Do you have friends you know in



"First let your friend take his document and book a hotel
for us."

"Okay." Zhou He Yi frowned. "What are we going to do when

we get to Eastern Europe?"

"There should be a way to stop a money trail."

"Right, I know a website that can find people who provide

their own homes for tourists. Every city has it(Airbnb??). The
documents are not strictly enforced and some conditions are
very good but they are more expensive than hotels."

"Yes, you can contact them."

Zhou He Yi seemed a little excited, probably feeding into the

special agent play. He drove a car and called a friend in Berlin. The
friend was very enthusiastic and helped them to book the hotel. They
272 Report
took the room card and went straight to the building.

He Gu sat in a quiet room, quietly staring at the t-shirt that Zhou

He Yi threw on the bed, the words "Song Ju Han" on the top are
faintly visible.

.... I just wanted to come out and have a good time, can you
fucking not bother me ?

In a short while, Zhou He Yi wore big shorts, his naked upper body
was on full display, he was not as tall as the Europeans, about 178,
but his body is very good, the chest and abdomen muscles are faintly
visible, the waist is thin and sturdy, the legs straight and long,
coupled with the always smiling face full of vitality, he was very
flattering, a reminiscent of the sun, sea and beach.

He Gu couldn't help but look at it more.

"Mr. He, go take a shower, I have wiped the water off the

floor, but you should be careful when you go in, the floor is a
bit slippery."

"Okay, thank you." He Gu took the changed clothes, went into

the bathroom and took a shower comfortably.

When he came out, he saw Zhou He Yi's legs on the arm of the
sofa while he was playing with the mobile phone. When he heard the
movement, Zhou He Yi turned around and looked at him for a
moment, his eyes were stunned and weird.

He Gu guessed that he looked at him because of something so he

waited for him to talk.

Zhou He Yi squinted his eyes: "Mr. He, I know why you are
hiding from Song Ju Han, I... I checked it online, it turns out
that you..."

He Gu patted his hair with a towel and calmly said: "I didn't hide
273 Report
from him, I just didn't want to be bothered by him."

Zhou He Yi said with a guilty conscience: "You will not be angry

with me? I was just a little curious."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you know... So there is no

difference between knowing and not knowing."

"Mr. He, you can rest assured that your lifestyle and choice
are your freedom and nothing can change my respect for

He Gu smiled: "Thank you."

"Then I don't like him at all." Zhou He Yi's chin was lifted in the
direction of the trash can and the t-shirt was thrown inside. "I don't
believe what the media said, I believe you are a good

He Gu seriously said again: "Thank you."

To hear such a sentence, even if it is from a person that he has

only met for a few days, it is a little comfort to him.

"Well... that, Song Ju Han must have a wounded face." Zhou

He Yi made a slash. "He must have been find out he got
ditched. You will be happy if you hear this?"

He Gu felt helplessly: "I will be more happy if I don't hear

anything about him."

Zhou He Yi nodded quickly and he looked at the slender legs that

were exposed under the bathrobe and his eyes were bright.

Song Ju Han waited until ten o'clock in the evening at the hotel. His
temper has always been violent and he has never waited for anyone
for so long in his life. When he sat down at the end, he was sore and
he couldn't help but pull out his mobile phone. He called the driver's
274 Report
phone, but the phone to be turned off. There was an ominous
premonition in his heart. He went to the front desk and wanted to
confirm if He Gu would have returned when he went to the toilet.

When he checked at the front desk they said Mr. He had checked

"Checked... Out????!" Song Ju Han's expression instantly

became fierce.

The front desk lady was scared and took a step back and looked at
him in horror.

Song Ju Han gritted his teeth: "When? When did he checked


"It's around eight in the evening."

Eight o'clock... Song Ju Han recalled it, isn't that the time when the
Chinese youth who asked him for a sign returned to the hotel for the
second time? He did go to the front desk at the time and had two
pieces of luggage in his hand.

He Gu is with that person?

1]....Uh oh

Song Ju Han scoffed angrily and turned and left. He returned to the
car and called back to China: "You...send me the photo of the
driver immediately."

After waiting for three minutes, the mobile phone received a

photo and the ID card. Song Ju Han opened it and saw that the youth
was the correct one.

Song Ju Han was angry and anxious and wanted to kill someone.

He Gu traveled to Europe with this young handsome guy? Two
275 Report
people stayed in a room?! And what he was pisses about mostly he
and He are in turmoil because of this person, because of this person!

Song Ju Han felt that he is going crazy. The hand holding the phone
trembled and he whispered: "You will investigate all the
information about this driver."

Hanging up the phone, Song Ju Han closed his eyes. He felt that
the chest was being squeezed by something heavy. The throat was
like gripped by a hand and every breath required a lot of effort.

Why was He Gu hiding from him, so not only did he not say
goodbye, but also hid himself from him.

The one person who liked him for so many years, holding him,
stare at him, what did he say and where did that person go? Why
can't he keep him anyway, no matter how tightly he is holding how
can he keep He Gu from sliding off?

He wanted to see him and asked why he is hiding from him?

He regretted that he had not been able to detect the

strangeness earlier, but He Gu had never said anything and even if
he was thinking about something when He Gu said nothing and it
would be hard to see it. He ran without a word, but it really matched
the He Gu silent personality.

After getting along for so many years, it seems he had not had
enough understand of a man called He Gu, he wants to understand
him and his thinking, he wants to use the next time they are together
to learn about this man bit by bit, maybe he will understand why it
has been seven years and he cared about He Gu and why he can't let
go of him. Why is that a man who doesn't even say a good sentence
can give him a excitement drug!

When he woke up, he saw that the bed next to him was empty. He
had a regular routine and got up very early every day. He thought
276 Report
that Zhou He Yi had already gone out. He yawned and got up and

Just as he packed himself, Zhou He Yi came back, he was wearing

a sportswear, the headphone cord hung around his neck and his hair
was slightly wet. Obviously he just jogged back, holding a paper bag
in his hand and laughing at the first sight. Showing a white tooth:
"Mr. He, I saw that you can't eat Western breakfast, I went to
Chinatown to buy you dumplings and porridge."

He Gu was so embarrassed moved: "Thank you, in fact, I am

very casual person and it's okay to eat anything, but also
trouble you to wake up so early."

"It doesn't matter, I just thought you may want to eat it."
Zhou He Yi opened the bag and sniffed. "Well, it tastes good so
come and eat."

He Gu really didn't like to eat something like bread and cheese. He

kept feeling that he didn't have enough food to eat compared to the
traditional Chinese breakfast is the most appetizing.

1].... Mmmh I find myself pretty filled when I eat 2 milky egg
chapatis and milk chai... If you never had chapatis.. mh fuck lord you
haven't lived

"Mr. He, today we are going to Cologne and I will take you
to Cologne Cathedrals."


"The last stop in Germany is Munich. The beer in Munich is

great. If you like football, I can take you to the game."

"Okay, arrange for it."

Zhou He Yi smiled and said: "Mr. He, you are the best guest I
have ever seen."
277 Report
He Gu smiled: "Am I?"

"Really, you're polite, good to talk with and generous."

Zhou He Yi licked his lips, "mega handsome."

"Thank you, you are also a good driver and guide."

"If I come to China later, can I visit you and you can be my
guide around?"

"Of course, I welcome you."

The two got in the car and headed for Cologne.

On the road, He Gu found out that in the car the music playlist
there was no Song Song's song. On the way, the young man's careful
and thoughtful thoughts made him feel very happy. This kind of
thoughtfulness makes him feel good.

Good feeling.

When Zhou He Yi saw He Gu was particularly silent today, he

changed the way to find the topic: "Mr. He, Mr. He."


"German's high-way speed has no speed limit. Now that

there are so few cars, do you want to experience the feeling
of a speeding car?"

"Well, how fast can this car go?"

"Two hundred and twenty kph is not a problem."

"Do it" He Gu patted the seat belt, it was very strong.

Zhou He Yi changed a song on the radio to the explosive metal

rock, "squeaky", one foot to the throttle pushed to the end, the
Buick car flew out.
278 Report
He Gu was in shock, he has never done such a fast car in his life
and his heart is somewhat nervous. Even after the acceleration, the
visual effect in front is still scary. When he looked at the side window,
the scenery outside is flying backwards and the body seems to be
drifting on air.

He Gu clenched his fists, the whole body pores blew open,

nervousness was permeating, fear of fear, but the stimulus was
unprecedented, he could not help but laugh.

Zhou He Yi also laughed: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Fucking amazing!" He Gu was harmonious

The pointer of the speedometer panel exceeded 200. The two men
flew along the empty highway for two minutes. The nerve-tight
pressure made the ordinary people unable to persist for too long.
Zhou He Yi slowly lowered the speed.

He Gu felt that his back was dripping with sweat.

"That is what you call pleasurable ." Zhou He Yi sighed with a

sigh of relief, showing a big smile on He Gu, "Is it fun?"

"It's fun."

"There are so many fun things in the world. What time is

there to be unhappy? When the garbage is thrown away, it's
fine. The Chinese don't say it, happy is a day, unhappy is also
a day, why not be happy,why not be unhappy? Can you solve
the problem with it?"

He Gu laughed, he was actually educated by a boy who was a few

years younger than him and was a little embarrassed. However, what
Zhou He Yi said in that the sentence is reasonable. He began to
regret some time. After spending so much money and running so far
and in such a strange place, what can he get in the end? Now he
thinks that it is very worthy to escape to this part of the world. There
279 Report
are so many fresh and interesting things waiting for him to
experience, why should he always hang his eyes on single person, he
can definitely try to get joy, fulfillment and satisfaction from other
people and places.

When they arrived in Cologne, they visited for around for a day. In
the evening, they went to Chinatown to buy a lot of snacks, cooked
food, instant noodles and then went to the house where Zhou He Yi
was looking for.

The rooms are furnished by a couple of Italian couples working in

Germany. The company rented a large house for them and they
rented out the rooms to earn some pocket money.

On this day, the three rooms were full, except for him and Zhou He
Yi and a couple of Japanese couples who came to travel.

Coincidentally, today is the birthday of the daughter of the host

couple, a bunch of friends were celebrating, the host invited them to
join the party.

He Gu drank some wine that day and he was brave enough to say
a few words to foreigners. In fact, his English is very good, but it is
easy for him to be nervous when chatting to people at first. After a
while, the psychological burden is much lighter and he can speak

Zhou He Yi said with amazement: "Mr. He, it turns out that

your English is so good, I thought.... you don't speak much."

"I haven't spoken it for a long time." He Gu smiled in this

warm and happy party and felt very relaxed. When he was in Beijing,
he felt that the air was depressing and his breathing was not good.
Ever since he came here and he never felt that way anymore.

After the end of the party, He Gu had drunk a little bit, but he was
still awake.
280 Report
Zhou He Yi helped him to the room by his waist: "Mr. He, I will
send you back to the room."

"It doesn't matter, I didn't drink too much, I can go by


"It's not safe to go up the stairs, I will still help you."


The house is very large and the stairs are designed to be very
narrow. When Zhou He Yi helped him to go upstairs. The two men's
bodies slammed into each other. It was more trouble than if he was
alone, but Zhou He Yi was always enthusiastic and that enthusiasm is
hard to refuse.

They finally got to the room, He Gu leaned over the quilt that
smelled of lavender and stretched his body.

"Mr. He, are you not feeling well? There is a hangover drug
in the car."

"Nothing, no more drinking." He Gu looked at Zhou He Yi, both

eyes whirly and he casually asked: "He, how old are you?"

"21." Zhou He Yi stared at He Gu inconspicuous and his throat was

gently rolled.

"So young... why not go to college?"

"I don't like studying." Zhou He Yi smiled and said, "I like
surfing. I have to work for a while. If I make enough money, I
will go to the surf competition in the world to challenge the
best. Then I want to open a surfing training class in the

He Gu smiled: "It's good."
281 Report
Zhou He Yi sat unconsciously at the bedside: "Mr. He, what
about you? Do you have any dreams?"

The words "dreams..." Is somewhat ironic for what his dreams


The dream he understands is what he wants or what he wants to

achieve. The only thing he wanted strongly in his life was that he be
Song Ju Han's only man, but he only remembered it at the end. At
first he wanted Song Ju Han. What he wanted was Song Ju Han's
loyalty, loyalty and companionship, not just that the thought that he
could satisfy his occasional companionship. He had comforted
himself that it will be just a "step-by-step" . He's step by step in
seven years, as time goes by. He didn't even dare to think about his
initial dream.

Because Song Ju Han is precisely a person who can never be loyal

in his feelings. Song Ju Han is a selfish and greedy claimant. He never
minds giving Song Ju Han his whole, but what he gives can't change
Song Ju Han to the point that he will want only belongs to He Gu, so
He Gu doesn't want anything.

In the past seven years, he was able to look at Song Ju Han's

lingering flowers(fucking around) and was indifferent because he was
not qualified to be jealous, but in the end, Song Ju Han gave him a
promise, he promised to be an invisible rope for him, but for Song Ju
Han, it was just a sentence only to get He Gu back on his grip. Song
Ju Han even wanted to upgrade him from the "fuckbuddy" to
"mistress". He was awake at the same moment of despair that he
was so deep that he can't see his head.

He is soberly aware that he will never get what he wants from

Song Ju Han. If he stays in this cave, he will be distorted and go mad
because of the endless derailment of Song Ju Han and eventually
destroy himself.

So it's best if he prevents the nightmare from happening.
282 Report
When Zhou He Yi saw He Gu didn't talk, he said with some
emotion: "They said that the older people are, the more they
will forget their dreams. I don't know if I will forget them in
the future."

"If you forget, it may be that you have more important

things to do in your life."

Zhou He Yi smiled and said: "Yes."

He looked down at He Gu and his eyes focused. "Mr. He, you

said so much to me for the first time."

"Yes, we don't chat every day."

"That's all me speaking, when I ask you answer by a few

words occasionally. In the first few days, I was still afraid of

He Gu laughed: "I am afraid of what I do."

"You are too serious." Zhou He Yi laid on the bed and He Gu

looked at him. "I later discovered that when you are only
talking less, you're very good and that silence is also the
charm of men."

He Gu turn his head and looked at him with a slight smiled.

Zhou He Yi's heart jerked a bit and he couldn't help but swallow his
throat, staring at He Gu gaze.

HeGu took a nap and suddenly noticed something was wrong and
sat up.

Zhou He Yi quickly sat up and his face was reddish: "Mr. He, then
take a rest, we can go out tomorrow."

"OK, good night."
283 Report
Before going to bed, He Gu opened the mailbox and anyone who
knew the e-mail address wrote an e-mail to him.

His mother sent a message about the summer study tour program
that Su Su participated in. Gu Qing Pei told him that he is now well
and Zhuang Jie Yu told him that Song Ju Han was looking for him

He Gu return the e-mail separately. In the email to Zhuang Jie Yu,

he only wrote a few words: Let him still look around.

Song Ju Han traced the email account belonging to Zhou He Yi and

found out that they booked at homestay. When he was about to go
kill the homewrecker he was found by his father's bodyguard.

He didn't expect his dad to be so hardheaded this time, that Song

He sent someone to Germany to catch him and tie him and cargo
him and ship him home.

Seven or eight people blocked him in the hotel and one had the
electric taser with him.

Song Ju Han just managed to put down three with his fist punching
power and zap.... He felt the body numb and he fell like a sack of
potato on the ground. When he opened his eyes, he was a tied cargo
already flying back on his father's private plane.

When he got home, he was put on a shut up lock down again. This
time in a real sense, his father sent people to watch 24 hours a day.

Song Ju Han's passing time may be the toughest time in his life and
it is even more difficult than when he was in a detention facility.

What is in his mind you ask?

Every day he wondered where and what He Gu is doing and the

driver is most likely a homosexual gay young man, what if the two
are dating and doing dating stuff. He has been staying with him for
284 Report
too long, sometimes even forgetting The He Gu Charm but He Gu
had men around him, Feng Zheng, Zhuang Jie Yu, Gu Qing Pei, not to
mention that Chinese hyper active driver, is enough to prove He Gu
charm can make bisexual people gayer.

Ju Han is increasingly unable to sleep and eat and most of his

waking hours are spent in anxiety. He didn't know what happened to
his own brain. He seemed to be crazy, like a man who had been
hungry for ten days, he was eager for food, but he longed for He Gu
not the food.

He wants to see He Gu, want to see He Gu, want to see He Gu....

Oh yeah. .. Want to see He Gu

He wants to ask why He Gu dares to do this to him. He wants to

take him home and shut him up inside and do punishing things to
him. He will not let anyone see He Gu not hear He Gu or anyone
touch He Gu. He wants to tell He Gu, he will not marry, doesn't want
children, as long as He Gu loves him. Everyone and everything can

The thought of " He Gu might not like him", even just by

thinking about it, it makes his blood scream for violent.

After he tried to escape twice and broke the ribs of a bodyguard,

Song He finally realized that the matter was a bit serious and called
the unsuspecting Vanessa from her skirting calm life abroad.

After Vanessa and her husband had a big fight.., they walked into
Song Ju Han's bedroom and Song He saw his son's mourning. He
frowned deeply.

Song Ju Han looked up at her and said with anger: "Ooh you are

Vanessa gracefully squats in front of him, her long fingers tickling

his chin: "Baby, how do you make yourself like this, you are 27
285 Report
years old, not 17 years old, how can you be so childish?"

1]... So at this point Song Ju Han is 27 He Gu 29 and Gu Qing Pei 31

or 33 I'm not good with numbers

"Mom, I want to see He Gu." Song Ju Han dumb.

"Does he want to see you?"

Song Ju Han scoffed, rubbed his lips and shook his head.

"In this case, why do you want to force him to see you if he
doesn't want to see you isn't that forcing him ?."

"Erg eh eh ....I want to see him." Song Ju Han said stubbornly,

"I found out where he is, as long as I can go out, I will find
him immediately."

"After finding him then?"

"Take him back." Song Ju Han stared at Vanessa. "Mom, He Gu

loves me, he freaking said it, I know, he loved me for many
years, he can't bear me now, he just is angry with me, he is
not really wanting to see me."

Vanessa looked at his son sadly, whispered: "He loves you,

everyone knows heck even the band team knows it, probably
its only you can't see it, I reminded you several times, He Gu
is good for you, are you good to him?"

"I am .....of course.... to him..." The words came to his lips, but
Song Ju Han suddenly felt he couldn't finish them.

Is he good to He Gu?

He gave him the house, the car and the countless gifts, but He Gu
didn't care about those. When he is in a bad mood, he always gets
angry because he knows He Gu will let him vent his anger and then
286 Report
calm him. He sometimes deliberately mentions others bed conquests
in front of He Gu. He just wants to see if this man who is always
serious will be jealous. But now that he made him loose his job and
his private personal information was exposed on the Internet and he
was harassed and abused by countless people. Finally, he told him
that he also plans to marry someone...

Is he good to He Gu?

1]....Bitch no...

He suddenly did not dare to answer this question.

However, he never thought about how it's going to be if he is to be

separated from him . No matter how many beautiful women come
and go, when he is tired and tired, he only wants to go back to He
Gu. After Feng Zheng appeared, he spoke with anger and he let He
Gu go, but back then he knew He Gu will not leave him that he will
definitely come back to him. After that, He Gu really didn't come
back to him and that not okay, so he went to find out He Gu.

For seven years, this man has occupied the best seven years of
his life, sharing his joy and achievements, frustration with him. No
matter what happens, as long as he turns back, He Gu must be
silently waiting there. He, as long as he needs it Song Ju Han can do
anything for He Gu and get what he wants from what he wants.

He never thought about that He Gu would leave him one day, he

couldn't imagine it and there will be a life if He Gu is not around

Now that he has realized it too late and his life has been
completely chaotic.

He was not afraid when he was handcuffed. He was not afraid of

the accusations of the media and the embarrassment of the netizens.
He was not afraid of his career, but he gradually became afraid of He
Gu not being in his life.
287 Report
The powerlessness feeling of trying to tighten his grip in any way
and the sand keeps getting looser faster and faster, this let him taste
the fear that he has never been felt before.

In fact, he did not think about it. Why should he like He Gu, he
wouldn't be so persistent, but he was too lazy to think of He Gu and
confirm that he was still young, he had not played enough, he did not
want to respond to troublesome feelings, even if he did not respond if
He Gu is not around him? What is the difference?

He Gu so smart, he will know everything? Will he know what Ju Han

thinks in his heart, if, if He Gu knows and still left, how sad it is...

Song Ju Han hugged his head and only felt a dull pain in his heart.

Whsy a mood must He Gu had been in to stay with him for seven

Song Ju Han did not dare to think about it. In the past few days
under house arrest, he thought too much. The more he wanted to be
more calm the more fearing he became the more he thought about
it, the more he felt that He Gu might not come back.

Vanessa sighed and touched her son's hair: "Baby, your father's
marriageand I is free and unconstrained, but this is only a
special form of marriage. Most people's feelings require
loyalty to a single lover. I am sorry that your father and me
have not taught you this."

Song Ju Han shook his head and his voice was hoarse: "Mom, I
want to see He Gu, he loves me, he will come back."

"He may not come back." Vanessa gently stroked his arm. "Is
He Gu someone who does everything to the extreme? His
feelings for you have reached the limit. Now he is leaving
you, he will ......"

"Impossible!" Song Ju Han raised his head violently. He blinked
288 Report
and said evilly. "He loves me. He will come back. Just let me
see him, I will marry him."

Vanessa sighed: "I am going to communicate with your

father, if you want to leave, you can, but you have to promise
me three conditions. First, don't do anything to hurt others
or hurt yourself. You know that you hurt a few bodyguard
right? Second, you can't be willful. Your career is hard to get
on track. You can't play foul at this time. Third, you have to
promise me that you won't force He Gu to do what he doesn't
want to do."

Song Ju Han nodded and grabbed Vanessa's hand.

Vanessa touched his flawless face and said sadly: "Maybe I have
not established a correct concept of love for you, but I have
taught you humility, sincerity and kindness. How did you
become so arrogant and selfish when you grew up? You are
influenced by your father and this circle has broken you."

Song Ju Han bowed his head and was speechless.

"Even if you go to him, you may not be able to change

anything. You think about what you did and if it is you on the
opposite side, you can understand that he will not come

Song Ju Han's body trembled. He clenched his fist and his eyes
were a little fuzzy. He gritted his teeth: "He will come back, he will
definitely come back."

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
289 Report

Chapter 47
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

Zhou He Yi, took him all the way to visit Central Europe, Eastern
Europe and finally to Northern Europe. He Gu skipped France and
Southern Europe because he intended to stay with Su Su and travel
to those parts

If it is not Russia, there is no big country like China in the whole of

Europe and it takes only an hour to drive between countries. They
stopped here and there went all the way, choosing where to spend
the night with their moods. If they were tired, they would rest for two
days and they would have fun.

He Gu looked at the money and expenses and he still didn't want

to start worrying. He wanted to think about it later. He worked at
Nanchuang for seven years and he almost never took a vacation.
This time, he will give up the worrying and live all those past missed

The more he toured along with Zhou He Yi, the more satisfied he is
with this young man. His care, thoughtfulness and enthusiasm made
He Gu feel that He Yi is not only doing these things based on his
work, but that he is such a person.

After two months of departure, they arrived in Denmark. After

driving and sightseeing in the past few days, both of them were tired
and planned to take a few days rest in this peaceful and small

In May, the climate was so cool. He Gu wore a thin windbreaker,

sitting on the benches of the Copenhagen City Hall Square, reading
books, sunbathing in the warm sunshine and gentle winds, which
290 Report
made him feel very comfortable.

Zhou He Yi went to buy snacks and drinks for him. Why these
celestial bodies come to the convenience of someone running
errands? Finally, he understand why rich people have hands and feet
and they still hire people to do some small things. It is really
comfortable and thoughtful.

"Hey." Someone greeted him next to him.

He Gu looked up and saw a blond foreign handsome guy looking at

him with a smile, he nodded: "Hello?"

"Can I sit next to you?"


The man sat down: "What book are you reading? Is it


"Yes, it is a popular science book."

"My name is Fred." He reached out.

"He Gu"

"He Gu?" Fred said awkwardly. "What does your name mean?"

"It means... 'Why'."

Fred smiled happy: "'Why?' You're called 'Why?'"

He Gu couldn't help but smile: "This is a comparison of 'Why' in

Chinese..." He Gu does not know how to describe it in English for a
long time and finally I had to say it bluntly, "it's a saying in ancient

His name was given by his father. He Gu's father originally had
the high hopes for his son constant seeking knowledge. He spent a
291 Report
whole half of his life expectancy lost in one person.

Fred said "Oh" two times: "That should be a very elegant

statement." He finished and looked at He Gu with the deep smile

He Gu nodded his head.

"Are you traveling or working?"


"A person traveling alone?"

"Yeah, I hired a tour guide."

"I rarely hear anyone coming out to travel alone."

"Because I don't have friends." He Gu honestly said it.

"I can be your friend." Fred squinted. "I can also take you to
some good places that tourists won't go, only the Danes

He Gu closed the book and looked at him with a puzzled look.

Fred smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, the Chinese people are

more conservative. I am just... um, I just passed by, I saw you
sitting in a chair, reading the book intently, the sun was
shining on you, very beautiful, I was very excited and wanted
to know you."

He Gu suddenly realized that he was suddenly cramped. He was

unconsciously nervous when he spoke to foreigners. This person is
still so upfront and direct. He was trying to say something but from
far away, he saw Zhou He Yi coming over.

Fred also looked at him with his gaze: "He is your..."

292 Report
Zhou He Yi came to the front and looked at fred and asked He Gu:
"Who is he?"

"A stranger." He Gu serious statement.

Zhou He Yi smiled and smiled at Fred, pointing to He Gu, then

shook his head.

Fred made a clear expression and smiled and stood up: "I am
very glad to meet you, I wish you a happy time in Denmark."

"Thank you."

Zhou He sat in a chair and looked at him and laughed.

He Gu felt some embarrassed: "What do you laugh at, is it

incredible to find someone to talk to me?"

"No, hahahaha, just think that the person is very pitiful, it

must be very embarrassing."

"Fortunately, we talked a few words."

Zhou He Yi smiled and looked at He Gu: "You are also very

popular in China."

"I'm not."

"No?" Zhou He Yi said with amazement, "How is it possible that

there are definitely many people chasing you."

"Really not."

Zhuang Jie Yu did not want to flirt with him, he just wanted to
tease him.

"You are so attractive, can't you see it?" Zhou He Yi's hand
was placed on the armrest of the bench, his chin was on the back of
his hand and he looked at He Gu side face as it was hit by the golden
293 Report
sunset. The handsome lines are heart-wrenching.

"I have any charm, it is too stuffy with me, normal people
can't stand it."

"Who said that?, that is, they just can't find a good topic.
You don't talk very well. I am very happy with you, I don't
feel bored at all!"

He Gu turned to look at Zhou He Yi: "You boy are a sweet


Zhou He Yi's eyes were as bright as stars, revealing the goodwill

and affection that can't be hidden.

He Gu felt in his heart, he did not know if he misunderstood, Zhou

He Yi was so enthusiastic and considerate to him, just because of the
employment relationship between the two.

Zhou He Yi handed a sandwich and coffee to him: "Come, eat

something to pad the belly, I will take you to eat seafood at

He Gu bit the sandwich and squinted at the crowds in the square,

feeling that he can relax in this place where no one knows him. It
turned out that when he really came out, the strange environment
was not so terrible, he could adapt and integrate and as soon as he
stepped out of it, everything would become easier than imagined.

He felt that he had the courage to leave the city that he had lived I
for more than two decades - since he had the courage to leave a
person who he had loved for so many years.

After dinner in the evening, he returned to the hotel.

When he took a shower, he suddenly didn't want to take off his

clothes in front of Zhou He Yi. He took the changed clothes and went
into the bathroom.
294 Report
Zhou He Yi probably also noticed that he did not wear out his shirt
after bathing, but put on his clothes.

The temperature in Northern Europe is low. At this time, it is still

cold at night. Zhou He Yi is young and used to it, he was wearing a
vest and shorts lying on the bed to play games. Even the quilt is not
covering him As a result, he plays and plays suddenly. He screamed
and rolled up with his thighs exposed.

"What's wrong?" He Gu come over nervously.

Zhou He Yi sighed with relief: "Nothing, just ... cramps."

He Gu knelt on the bed and grabbed his foot in one hand: "There
is a point to release cramp at the sole of the foot. I will
massage you." He used to give Song Ju Han a massage for two
days, although not professional, but he has good memory, most
commonly used acupuncture points are known.

Zhou He Yi nodded fiercely, whining, He Gu pinched his foot with

one hand and stroked his calf in one hand, calmly like a doctor.

Zhou He Yi cramp gradually eased, he stared at He Gu eyes, his

eyes flashing with strange light.

"Okay...?" After seeing Zhou He Yi's warm eyes, He Gu stopped

Zhou He's face suddenly turned red and he gently grasped the
hand: "Mr. He,"

Mr. He bowed his head and wanted to stand up. Zhou He Yi

grabbed his wrist and his face was flushed.

"He Yi." He Gu that "I just got out of a bad relationship, I just
want to relax and play around."

Zhou He Yi nodded a little: "I will accompany you."
295 Report
"Then I will leave here, I will never stay here forever, I
don't know when I will come back."

"I don't care." Zhou He Yi sat up. "Mr. He, I like you. All of you
characters are attractive to me. I don't care who you think in
your heart, if you will you stay, or when will I see you again.
It's a waste of time to think about it. It's better to get along
and live in the present then regret it later."

He Gu watched Zhou He Yi silently. He was very fond of this

young man. He also secretly appreciated the mans body, full of
strength and beautiful thoughts in his heart. In a foreign country, he
encountered such a person. It seems that all conditions are in place.
He can't find a reason to refuse.

Song Ju Han is especially unable to do any of that.

From the moment he decided to leave Song Ju Han, he was free,

from the heart to the body. Its the time to try something that he had
just thought about before. Try it, if it is really so good, so Song Ju is
not in the thoughts.

Therefore, when Zhou He Yi kissed his lips, He Gu did not refuse,

but hesitated and then his hands grabbed the boy thin waist.

The two men fell on the bed and Zhou He Yi kissed his lips, chin
and throat with enthusiasm. He Gu smelled the scent of his shower
gel on his body and his heart galloped with the horses.

Desire furred through him, He Gu felt awkward to said: "I, I don't

know much..."

Zhou He Yi sticks his tongue to his ear and whispered: "Thats

nothing, you will be fine, every man will be born not knowing
anything, you just need a little guidance."

When his cock entered Zhou He Yi, He Gu realized the so-called

"man's happiness", what he thought in his mind was Song Ju Han,
296 Report
thinking that according to the standard made by Song Ju Han, he
finally became "unclean".

He was deeply disgusted by the trauma he got from the man

named "Song Ju Han".

He finally indulged in enthusiasm and spent a special night with

Zhou He Yi.

Zhou He Yi is a very ambitious and very open-minded person. He

doesn't say much and he doesn't ask any questions that are difficult
to answer. He really enjoys spending time with him and He Gu just
like this.

More than a month passed quickly. They traveled more than half of
Europe. After the trip was over, people were too tired. Zhou He Yi
sent him to Paris.

He Gu phone called the property company in advance and the

property company sent the housekeeper to prepare the house and
wait for him to come.

It is a three-storey villa in the 16th district. The surrounding

environment is pleasant and the security is excellent.

Zhou He Yi saw the house and praised: "This house is beautiful

and the houses in the 16th district are very expensive."

"It's my mother's." He Gu walked in with simple baggage and

Zhou He Yi held a big box, which contained some handicrafts and

Zhou He Yi put down the box and wiped the sweat: "How long do
you have to stay here?"

"Not sure, my sister will come over after the summer

vacation, I want to take her out to play." He Gu smiled, "If my
mother doesn't have special arrangements, can you come
297 Report
back to be our guide?"

"Of course." Zhou He Yi looked at him with a sigh of relief. His

expression was suddenly lost. He rushed up, grabbed his hand and
kissed his lips heavily.

He Gu hugged his waist, thinking that he would be separated soon

and his heart was also a bit sad.

Zhou He Yi arms hooked his neck. He gasped and said, "I have to
go back to work."

"Thank you for your company during this time." He Gu

touched his head and said softly: "Be careful when you go out."

"Well..." Zhou He Yi flattened his mouth. "Amsterdam is not far

from here. It takes only a few hours to drive. I will take time
to see you."


Zhou He Yi paused and said with expectation: "Brother He, do

you like me even a little?"

He Gu sincerely said: "Yes."

Zhou He Yi kissed him again, his eyes were reddish: "Once I am

gone, you should call me, I often come to Paris to have fun,
its very familiar city."

"Okay." He Gu quietly looked at Zhou He Yi, who had an impulse

in his heart ... He wanted to leave someone behind, but he did not
say anything at all.

He Gu can't give himself to Zhou He Yi a hundred percent, so he

should not promise anything.

After Zhou He Yi left, He Gu looked at the empty house and
298 Report
suddenly felt lost.

He is another person alone. He didn't even know what to do.

The housekeeper of the property company will come twice a

week to clean the room, replenish the ingredients and help with
some trivial things. In addition, there is almost no contact with

Yes, he has not gone out for a week. He has not experienced
such a strong sense of loneliness for a long time, but the more lonely
he is, the more he is afraid to go out and meet people. He wants to
go back to China, but he thinks that as soon as he touched ground in
China will encounter Song Ju Han, he feels tired just by thinking
about it. He is not afraid to face Song Ju Han. He just feels annoyed
by it. He is tired of coping with the violent and angry looks on Song Ju
Han and he does not want to listen to the so-called "commitment"
that makes him feel nauseated.

Compared to these, loneliness is nothing.

After Zhou He Yi's holiday, he couldn't wait to drive to find He Gu.

He Gu was very happy to see him. He took out a professional
surfboard that he asked the butler to help buy and send it to Zhou He
Yi. Except for his mother, he didn't send expensive gifts to others,
but he was very happy to do so. The smile on Zhou He Yi's face made
him feel worthwhile.

Zhou He Yi deliberately pushed off two trips and made a one-

week vacation to specifically accompany him. He Gu went around
Paris with a with He Yi, Paris's old town was covered step by step
and some unknown, delicious food, followed by Zhou He Yi, there are
countless surprises.

The two sat in the cafe where they could see the Eiffel Tower and
Zhou He Yi smiled and said: "I can't believe you didn't go out for
so long, so I can't stand it if I don't go out for two days. If I
299 Report
didn't come, you planned to stay at home all days?."

He Gu nodded: "I am completely unfamiliar with this place.

What should I do if I am lost?"

Zhou He Yi laughed happily: "You are so mature, how can you

be so shy in this respect alone."

He Gu smiled: "It is not being timid, it is being cautious."

"It seems that I need to spend more time with you." Zhou He
Yi yawned. "I don't have a holiday, sometimes I have a job,
sometimes I don't."

He Gu thought that he would drive a car for four or five hours at a

time? It was really unsafe. He said: "The next time you take the
train, we can rent a car here."

"Alright, or..." Zhou He Yi said with a smile, "You can come to


He Gu swore: "Also... can."

"I rented an apartment in Amsterdam. There is only one

very quiet roommate. If you are bored, come to me."

"That's good."

Zhou He Yi grabbed his hand and put it on his face and said: "I
really hope that I will be with you every minute before you

He Gu touched his warm cheeks and laughed.

The two had a meal at a prestigious Michelin restaurant and the

road had been discussing that the dishes were all the same, not good
at all.

When they got home, they found a black sports car parked outside
300 Report
the villa.

1].... Aiyaaa...finding a cockroach leg in a chocolate

sundae....miscarriage of justice

He Gu didn't care. Zhou He Yi took a car and drove into the garage.
The two men went to the house with a smile.

Suddenly, the door of the black sports car opened and a tall figure
walked down from the car, screaming.

He Gu heart tremble and he secretly clenched his fist.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
301 Report

Chapter 57
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

The next day, He Gu called the hotel staff borrowed a suit and left
five hundred yuans with instructions for them to buy a set for Zhou
He Yi, and then left with the body screaming discomfort.

He wouldn't want to remember what happened last night after

Zhou He Yi woke up. He couldn't face Zhou He Yi at this time.

When he got home, Sun Qing and Su Su were still not awake. He
crept back to the room and got into the quilt.

The pain in the body is nothing, after all, the heart is still being
fried in the oil pan.

He did not estimate the fault at all. Song Ju Han was still the Song
Ju Han. All the affectionate, gentle, and flattering acts were
disguised. How long did he hide the wolf's nature and pretend to eat
grass? After all, he's a wolf, and one day his real appetite will
definitely be revealed.

He still had some doubts, and Song Ju Han is really never ever
going to turn around.

This is Song Ju Han, a selfish, cold, overbearing bastard. It is not a

good thing for him to be completely convinced of his judgment last
night. At least, he will not have any illusions about this person any
more, and will not waver in his decision.

Even the love he had for Song Ju Han, which he thought was hard
enough stand for life, has been fragmented.
302 Report
He used to think that he had to get Song Ju Han to get happiness,
and he never thought of one day, the facts would be completely
reversed. It was the biggest ridicule for his first half of life.

He buried his best seven years of youth in such a person.

He Gu woke up to noon and was awakened by the phone. He

stumbled across the phone and saw that the caller ID clearly read:
Zhou He Yi.

He almost hanged up without thinking about it.

The phone didn't give up ringing, and He Gu blocked Zhou He

Yi's phone. For the time being, he really didn't want to deal with the
matter between Zhou He Yi. He didn't want to do anything now. He
didn't have any strength at all.

After a while, he climbed up from the bed and saw that there was a
meal and a note on the table. He took it and looked at it. It turned
out that Sun Qing was going to do something early in the morning.
Seeing that he didn't get up, she thought that since he was tired he
should rest.

He Gu felt a sigh of relief, and he ate a few mouthfuls of cold


The phone rang again. This time it was Feng Zheng's call. He didn't
give up on him to eat. He didn't return even a text, he just threw the
phone aside, put down the chopsticks, stumbled on the sofa, and fell
asleep unconsciously. .

Before dark, he woke up and took a shower. When Sun Qing and
Su Su came back, he seemed to have returned to normal, as if
nothing happened last night, but the deepest tiredness in the eyes
still made Sun Qing suspicious, but she was assuaged by him.

Before going to sleep, he received a message from Zhuang Jie Yu,

which was a photo. The background was the streets of Beijing at
303 Report
night. It was very dark and fuzzy, but as long as he knew him, he
would recognize it. It was his photo of Zhou He Yi, and he did not
expect that he was drunk with a drunken person. From this angle
they did looked very intimate.

Zhuang Jie Yu's voice has been ringing over, and it's just awkward:
Who is this and who is this?

He Gu hand was a little trembling. He directly called the overseas

phone and went straight to ask: "How do you have this photo?"

"Ou Taining was sent forwarded it in the circle, and then

someone must be turned out. They said..." Zhuang Jie Yu gave
me a moment. "Ou Taining is a jealousy--person."

He Gu said coldly: "What are you talking about?"

"He said that... Song Ju Han was wearing a cuckold."

"The f*ck what" He Gu rushed out.

Zhuang Jie Yu sighed: "Uncle, you are vindictive good man,

this nephew can't hold it."

He Gu sighed with a thick breath: "You rest, I will hang up."

"Don't, I will get there early in the morning." Zhuang Jie Yu

said uncomfortably, "Who is it are you holding, is the the fox?"


"Oh, I don't believe it." Zhuang Jie Yu said, "I feel a lot
worried when I am not there."

He Gu wanted to tell him why there are so many things happening,

but he doesn't want to say a word.

Zhuang Jie Yu said again: "Ou Taining is the bastard. If there

is something that can give him an edge over Song Ju Han, he
304 Report
will use it. He actually used you. This photo was it taken at
the door of his bar? I recognized it at a glance. Ou Taining is
also courageous, squatting. There is a bit of background in
the home. It happens that Song Ju Han is a low tide in
business. I want to grab the limelight before Song Ju Han
career pick up. This is good. I heard that he was defamed


"It's so good, a group of people chanting at the bar, and

then swearing a sentence, ‘do not hurt Ju Han', and then they
smashed the whole bar, do you feel a little more happy?"

"Yes." He Gu really wanted to know if Ou Taining can still show

that smirking smile?

"But it's also because the two have old hatred. Song Ju Han
slept with him. On the surface, he hates him. But inside he
always remembers being scorned by Song Just Han. Hey, it's
not a good thing to be jealous."

He Gu heard Song Ju Han's name and felt uncomfortable: "Well,

you can rest assured, I am fine, I have even passed the news,
will it be affected by this photo. Jie Yu, thank you for your
concern." He knows Zhuang Jie Yu got up early to find him because
he was worried about him.

"What kind of politeness. Right, I will return to China next

month. You must miss me terribly."

"Yeah." He Gu tried to squeeze out a little laugh? "Slightly."

"You, I really can't talk, but I like it too, well, wait for me to
get in the wind!"

Hanging up the phone, He Gu search the Internet for a " Out

Tanning", and his bar really was smashed, the media has not
305 Report
reported on it, the comrades circle has already blasted the pot, and
its been rumored that Ou Taining offended the black ---- he--- wolf.

When he looked at the photos on the scene, it was completely

ruined. He Gu felt a little relieved, but he did not feel a good half.

Song Ju Han has a lot of "not easy to provoke" and anything to

do with He Gu is the clearest one.

After that day, Song Ju Han seemed to disappear in his life all at
once. Not only did he not show up, but even the daily text messages
were gone, but He Gu could often see him on various advertising
media. It took a few days from the initial resentment to numbness.

Feng Zheng came to him once. He was really tired of coping with
it. They had a meal together. Feng Zheng saw that he was not in the
house, and he was very lost. The two of them broke up.

Sun Qing started to do chemotherapy. He Gu has been with her to

running to the hospital these days? But she seems to be absent-
minded. She often talks for an hour or two and goes out to meet

He Gu did persuade her to tell him for a few times, and there was
some fire: "When you are so critical now, you can't let go of
your work. What can I do to help you run your legs? Why
don't you tell me anything?"

Sun Qing sighed: "It's a company thing, you can't help me,
building a building and making capital gaps are too far ."

He Gu frowned: "Even if it is important, it is not as important

as your health."

Sun Qing shook her head: "I have a measure of proportion,

and I have not delayed treatment."

He Gu looked at Sun Qing wearing a sick suit, wearing a headgear,
306 Report
pale face, but also distressed and helpless, he has a temper, so he
knows her personality very well, but whoever decides, who said it
does not work .

After half a month, He Gu has become accustomed to running at

home and taking care of his mother and his sister's life. He finally felt
that he was needed again.

When he got home this day, he received a text message from Zhou
He Yi again, asking to see him, even if he had a phone call. He stayed
for a long time and felt that it was not good to hang him, but he
really didn't want to talk to Zhou He Yi. He was afraid of Zhou He Yi's
question. He didn't have enough time to think about how to answer,
so he returned. WeChat: Let's just talk here.

Zhou He Yi immediately replied: Are you okay, is that Song Ju Han

still coming at you, what did he do to you?

He Gu replied: I don't want to say anything about that day, sorry,

he hurt you again.

Zhou He Yi replied: I should say sorry, I had drunk too much, and I
am sorry for you.

He Gu sighed: He Yi, you didn't do anything wrong, but I am in a

bad state now, my mother is still ill, needs my care, I am not suitable
to see you for a while, give me some time? Sorry, you came to China
to find me, but I can't entertain you."

It was silent for a few minutes over there, only to return: Sorry, but
I love you.

He Gu heart trembled and he don't know what else to write.

Zhou He Yi did not say anything.

He Gu thought about Zhou He Yi's pleasing eyebrows and felt sad.

If, if, he gives him a year or two, he can completely remove the
307 Report
poison named "Song Ju Han" in his body, and Zhou He Yi if he is
willing to accept him. He may seriously talk about a relationship with
him. But now, no, he does not want to live up to this warm and kind

He went to the hospital to give dinner to Sun Qing. He was going to

go to class after she finished taking it. Su Su was in the painting
class. It was still early. He could sit in a nearby cafe and watch a

On the way, his cell phone rang twice. He glanced at it. It was an e-
mail. On the flashing tip, he caught two words: Qin Qing.

Qin Qing Industrial? That is the name of his mother company.

He Gu opened the email with some doubts and swept the title: Qin
Qing Industrial Assets Survey.

He Gu heart felt tight, and he parked the car on the side of the
road. He looked at the sender, it was not his mother. If it wasn't his
mother, who would send him this thing? He quickly opened it.

The survey content is very long, with more than ten pages. It lists
the most recent loans Qin Qing tool, the company owed 400 million
to the bank, many industries under the company name were seized,
and the Shanghai local government issued a new environmental
protection policy. The relocation of the industrial zone, Qin Qing's tire
making factory just happened to be on the list that must be
relocated. In addition, the survey also collected a lot of evidence,
questioning the loss of Qin Qing Industrial profits last year, and doing
fraudulent accounts to defraud investors.

The more he saw it, the more He Gu was scared, his hands were

Qin Qing Industrial was originally a small-cap company. The casual

ones in these investigations are enough to make its stock price fall.
308 Report
Although there is no actual evidence for doing false accounting,
many of the analysis are head-on, obviously it is fully investigated,
and as long as these investigations were made public, and the
regulatory authorities must check them. It is not known what will be

He Gu closed the document, returned to the mailbox page, found

that the sender is a strange mailbox, and in addition to this
attachment, not a word was said, but He Gu had guessed who it is.

Song Ju Han.

Only Song Ju Han has such ability, in such a short period of time to
get through the required links, get the most private information, as
one of the largest market capitalization companies in the domestic
capital, Song's Media network is full of civil affairs, from securities
inquiring about a company in the market is simply an easy matter.

Only Song Ju Han has such a motive. Think of the threat made by
Song Ju Han on that night...

In just two and a half months, Song Ju Han did not get the
documents, and he almost gave him the Qin Qing mess

He Gu dropped the phone and slammed the steering wheel, and

the horn sounded angrily with his low voice.

He finally understood why Sun Qing was so busy every day, and
whether the loss was true or not, owing the bank so much money,
and facing such a big change in the relocation, there must be
countless problems waiting for her, not to mention that she is
fighting cancer. It is also a matter of internal and external troubles,
and it is even worse.

But she chose to sit on it and say nothing.

He Gu felt so uncomfortable to breathe.
309 Report
After a long time, he took the phone and dialed the phone number
that he had deleted but was deeply imprinted on his mind.

The phone was quickly connected, and Song Ju Han's voice was not
lazy on weekdays. It was very low: " I see you have finished
reading it ."

He Gu bit his teeth: "What do you want."

"Come to my house, now." Song Ju Han finished, he directly

hang up the phone.

He Gu started the car and violently stepped on the gas pedal and
went to the place where he thought he wouldn't have to set a foot in
his life.

When he arrived at Song Ju Han apartment, he stood at the door

and exhausted the courage of the whole body and pressed the

The door was opened, Song Ju Han stood at the door, the man
looked decadent, depressed, and the whole person lost a lot of
weight, and no longer had the glory of the past.

It is difficult to restrain the anger of the heart and glare at him.

"Come in." Song Ju Han spoke

He Gu clenched his fist and walked in.

Song Ju Han's eyes did not move away from the beginning to the
end, and the beast was generally eager to make a surprise.

He Gu stood in the middle of the living room, one step is no longer

forward: "said, what do you want to do."

Song Ju Han walked to the small bar: "What do you want to

drink? You seem to only like tea and water."
310 Report
When he went to the bar, He Gu coldly looked at him: "You, think,
do, want, what?"

Song Ju Han paused and looked up at him: "I want you."

"Song Ju Han!" The expressions were somewhat distorted. "You

are a beast, what do I owe you, why can't you let me go!"

There was a bit of pain in Song Ju Han's eyes: "I am... no."

"Those information, do you think I will believe it?"

"If you don't believe it, you wouldn't come. If you want to
know if it's true or not, just ask your mother." Song Ju Han said,
"I can ruin the Qin Qing industrial, and I can save it.
Everything depends on you."

He Gu went and pulled up his collar: "Are you crazy?"

Song Ju Han smiled: "Probably.... you made me crazy."

"What do you mean by doing this, I will hate you, I will look
down on you forever!"

Song Ju Han's big hand wrapped his hand, his body leaned forward,
and he was close to the face. The darkness of the shadowed man
was not at the bottom: "At least, you will always belong to me."

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
311 Report

Chapter 58
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

He Gu push Song Ju Han away, and the expression on his face was
very embarrassing.

Song Ju Han couldn't look directly at in He Gu hate filled eyes, and

unconsciously moved his eyes. He said: "As long as any of the
investigation reports leaked, Qin Qing's share price would
plummet and evaporate hundreds of millions of market value
in a day. "

He Gu say coldly: "Song Ju Han, you make me sick."

Song Ju Han's throat was sliding, and the facial features were as
stiff as the ice, but the bleak eyebrows had leaked his emotions. He
whispered: “I can also finance Qin Qing, help it through the storm,
and give it active government relations. Get more compensation for
relocation of the factory, it all depends on you, He Gu. Even if I do
nothing, Qin Qing will decline, it is your choice to watch it ruined, or
to save it, all is in your hand, as long as you come back to me, I can
free your mother."

"What do I have to believe you?"

"I will give you time to investigate." Song Ju Han held his
hands on the bar, his eyes were gloomy, and he was stunned. "But
my patience is limited."

He Gu bit his lip hard, stepped back two steps, and turned to go to
the door.

"He Gu?" Song Ju Han's voice hesitated behind his back. "...I'm
312 Report
sorry, I don't want to hurt you..."

There was no hesitation in the steps, and He Gu slammed the door

and left.

Song Ju Han's hands held his head and his shoulders shivered

He Gu stayed in the car for a long time.

He touched the cigarette that he hadn't touched for a long time.

After taking it, he took two cigarettes and then smothered the
cigarette butt with his fingers.

The burning tingling made his brow wrinkled, and the air gave off a
hint of scorching, but he didn't let go, he needed a little stimulation,
and he plucked the dark clouds floating in his brain.

He originally thought that it would be impossible to know a person

who is more paranoid than himself in this life. Song Ju Han once
made him feel so strange.

Is this love? No, this is forced, intimidating, threatening, hurting,

and crazy.

They have also had sweetness. What makes the relationship

between them so terrible? At the end of the last minutes even the
last beautiful and traced old feelings he got from Song Ju Han were
wiped out.

He Gu felt it painful to swallow throat. For a moment, he feels that

if there is any power that will free him from this hole, he is willing to
pay for everything.

But he can't, after all, because there are things that can't be

He wiped off the liquid leaking from the corner of his eye, threw
313 Report
the cigarette butt, started the car, and drove to the hospital. He
wanted to ask his mother to confirm the contents of the report.

When he arrived at the hospital, he just walked to the door of the

ward and heard his mother calling inside. Her tone was very angry.
He paused and listened.

"Giving us four months, what can we do in four months?

The site selection is not enough to complete in those months!
So many people, so many equipment, so many raw materials,
four months is nonsense!"

He Gu leaned against the wall and listened to his mother shouting

loudly, and his heart fell into the abyss.

It wasn't until she finished the phone call that he adjusted his
emotions and pushed the door of the ward. She didn't have time to
clean up her angry face. He saw him bow down: "How come you
came again? It's not time to pick up Su Su?"

"I will go soon." He Gu a chair and sat at the bedside, gently

pinching his mother's thin shoulders. "Mom, you lost a lot of

"Hey, there is no appetite with a chemotherapy, but it is

difficult to eat when in is old and thin." Sun Qing unconsciously
touched her own hood. She always pays attention to the image. She
is always generous in front of people, and now she does not like
others very much she looks at her head.

He Gu spoke: "Mom, I heard it outside."

Sun Qing was stunned and didn't speak.

"I have also heard some rumors about Qin Qing."

"Where did you hear it?"
314 Report
"Online." He Gu looked directly at her eyes, "Is the company
really losing money?"

Sun Qing evaded the weight and said: "Affected by the

downturn in the real estate market, many related industries
are shrinking, not just us."

"So it is really losing money."

Sun Qing looked at his son and nodded helplessly.

He Gu was silent.

"We are actively looking for financing, we want to do more

export and restore cash flow. If you open a company, you
may not encounter problems. The hardest time is this. Rest
assured, your mother can hold it."

He Gu wanted to say that if she were young and healthy at the

time, but he couldn't bear to say: "Mom, it's different now. The
most important thing for you now is the body. Give it to
Uncle Li to deal with it."

Sun Qing shook her head: "If he doesn't care at this time, my

"Mom." He Gu added a tone. "Money is not as important as

you think. Even if Su Su really has nothing in the future, she
has me as her brother, I will let her be wronged."

Sun Qing's eyes were reddish, she touched his cheek: "Son, you
don't understand, Qin Qing is my hard sweated work, I don't
want to watch it fall, and I don't want for something I have
worked hard for twenty years and have it taken away by the
old Li family."

"Then find someone to buy it, I know some companies that

do home improvement..."
315 Report
Sun Qing shook his head: "In the most difficult time when Qin
Qing talks about the acquisition, the price will be
unimaginably low. Qin Qing has not yet reached that time.
Son, you have your life, I used to owe you too much, now I
will never bring the trouble to you, so you shouldn't care
about this matter. Things are really not as serious as you
think. I want to make sure that the day I die, I will leave you
with endless money."

Under Sun Qing's firm gaze, He Gu had nothing to say.

Now things may not be that serious, but if Song Ju Han really
announces the report that will be bad for Qin Qing, then he is afraid it
will be irreparable.

The doctor said that the disease like breast cancer has a very
strong relationship with emotions. The pressures that his mother has
experienced in these years can be imagined. How can he bear to let
her bear the burden during the treatment?

I have to go back to face Song Ju Han...

Sun Qing saw He Gu face was pale, and in turn she comforted a
few words. The strong, Sun Qiang is really admirable.

There is no way for her to pay attention to her rest.

Su Su also saw that he was in a bad mood. She didn't make a lot of
trouble along the way. She just whispered when they got home soon.
"How come Brother Yi didn't come to me to play?"

He Gu whispered: "He is busy." He Gu has been so bad that he

has no time to worry about Zhou He Yi.

Su Su was disappointed with "oh".

He Gu looked at her and think that she was so small, but she had
to go through a series of painful changes, and he suddenly felt soft:
316 Report
"A few days later, a handsome brother will come to me and
you can play with him."


"Zhuang Jie Yu, do you know him?"

Su Su eyes went wide open: "How can I not know him! I used
to think that he is also your boyfriend."

He Gu knocked her on her head: "What is this about ‘also.'

Su Su blew out her tongue.

He Gu looked at the endless stream of vehicles in front of him, and

his heart is like stabbed with a knife.

He Gu mother and younger sister who are fighting cancer.

What can he do...

A few days later, Zhuang Jie Yu returned to China. He Gu heard

that there are many fans who lined up the plane. He Gu decides it
was not good to meet at the airport, let him be free and he can call
himself. He didn't expect Zhuang Jie Yu to be extremely energetic.
After sitting for six or seven hours plane the first phone call was on
the floor. It was just he wanted He Gu to came to pick him up to eat a
hot pot. He wanted to eat hot pot and want to go crazy.

He Gu had to promise.

When he was ready to go to the airport, he received a WeChat,

which was sent by Zhou He Yi. He opened it and it was a big
passage: Mr. He, hello. I'm a friend of Zhou He Yi, I know your
relationship. You may be the only person in China who he can ask for
help. He is in a detention center. Can you call me back?

He Gu brain nearly wooed.
317 Report
Detention center? ! Zhou He Yi? !

He Gu quickly dialed the number of Zhou He Yi, the young girl who
answered the phone, the voice was very anxious: "Mr. He."

He Gu said: "Don't worry, slowly say, what happened?"

"He... Hey, he hit someone and was arrested."

"Hit a man? Who is he fighting with?"

"It's a star, Song Ju Han, do you know him?"

He Gu stay: "Song... Ju Han?"

"Yes, I don't know what happened. He has been particularly

uncomfortable since he came back from drinking that day.
Once I even saw him crying. He went out alone last night,
mobile phone, wallet, key he left them all then he called me
from the police station today, I..." She whimpered, "I don't
know what to do."

"In which police station, are you now?."

She said an address.

"You bring his documents and meet with me there."


He Gu felt that the first two are big, the whole person has to
explode, and generally irritated and worried.

Zhou He Yi hit Song Ju Han?

How could he be so stupid! How did he beat Song Ju Han, how can
he actual hit Song Ju Han!

He Gu turned around the front of the car and called Zhuang Jie Yu
318 Report
to say that he was in a hurry to go somewhere, and he pressed the
throttle, and he couldn't get there soon. He couldn't imagine how
uncomfortable Zhou He Yi would be now. A boy in his early twenties
was detained in a foreign country because of his impulsiveness... This
may directly affect his academic and future.

When he arrived at the police station, He Gu saw a short-haired girl

standing at the door, with exaggerated punk ornaments, and a pretty
handsome look.

When she got off the bus at first sight, she ran over: "Mr. He, are
you Mr. He?"

He Gu asked: "Yes, what is your name?"

"It's Jia Hao." She handed the documents and Zhou He Yi's
mobile phone to her, and said with a sad face, "He will not be

"I have to understand the situation first, don't panic."

"How could he conflict with Song Ju Han? I can't imagine..."

He Gu patted her shoulder: "You go home and wait for news."

Severely nodded: "Mr. He, you have to help him."

"I will do my best to help him."

He Gu took a deep breath and walked into the police station. After
he explained his intention, the police let him meet Zhou He Yi.

Zhou He Yi came out slowly. His nose was swollen and his face was
a little beaten up. When he saw He Gu, he was embarrassed to bow
his head.

He Gu was sad for a while, and he whispered: "What are you

thinking about!"
319 Report
Zhou He swallowed his throat and sighed: "I want to teach him a

"Do you know how ridiculous and childish you are! If you
get jailed, you may be permanently banned from entering the
country. You may also be rejected by the school. You have
thought about it!"

"What's that all for!" Zhou He Yi also fired. "Would I let the
bastard bully you? You can bear it, I can't stand it!"

He Gu took a deep breath and couldn't help but slow down his
tone: "I am an adult, I don't need you to help me solve my

"I am also an adult. I can do things, I can bear the

consequences. I don't regret it." Zhou He Yi snarled. "I gave him
what he deserved and I really got mad."

He was it angry and anxious, He Gu simply ignored him, told the

police that he wanted to bail him out.

The police said that they would wait until Song Ju Han's injury was
classified before they could discuss whether Zhong He Yi could be
released on bail.

He Gu understand the law in this respect, but he thinks that Song

Ju Han will never let Zhou He Yi easily. If he wants to rectify Zhou He
Yi sleeping with He Gu. Zhou He Yi's future is likely to be destroyed

He was insulted by Song Ju Han, but he did not dare to raise the
idea of ​revenge, because he knew that it would only make him and
his family worse. Zhou He Yi was really a newborn calf. If this incident
is known by Song He, a small fight event may also become a mistake
that will make Zhou He Yi regret his life.

In desperation, he comforted Zhou He Yi with a few words and left
320 Report
the police station. Now it is meaningless to go to a lawyer and find a
relationship. He knows who he should go to.

Zhou He Yi did it for him, He Gu opened the door and pushed him
completely to the person he resisted from the bottom of his heart.

When he came to the Song Ju Han apartment, He Gu ring the

doorbell numbly.

The person who opened the door was Xiao Song. What he saw, his
expression was a bit strange and he whispered, "He Gu are you
looking for Brother Ju Han?"

He Gu eyes were empty and he barely looks at him: "is he in."

"Brother Han is being looked after inside."

He Gu walk straight into the bedroom.

Song Ju Han was sitting on the bed and staring out of the
window. He had a white gauze on his head and a few bruises on his

Xiao Song closed the door behind He Gu.

Song Ju Han turned his head and couldn't see the anger: "I know
you will come."

"Let him go." He Gu whisper.

Song Ju Han slightly narrowed his eyes: "You didn't ask me how
bad I am?"

He Gu was calmly talking as a man chatting about the weather:

"Let him go, let go of the Qin Qing, whatever you want to me
do, I will do it."

Song Ju Han tightened the quilt and said with a grin: "You really
love him. I can let go of Qin Qing Industrial, but he is
321 Report
impossible to let go. I didn't beat him hard that day, it was to
give you face. I want him to rot inside the jail cell giving him
enough time to confess for touching what's mine!"

"Song Ju Han!" He Gu sighed, "You also attacked him twice. If

you even level out, why bother?"

"That foolishly man sneaked me from behind me with a

baseball bat!" Song Ju Han yelled. "The doctor said that an inch
up and I may ended up disabled. You don't care about that at
all! From the time you enter the door to now you fucking only
care about him...why don't you ask me how I am doing now!"

He Gu said indifference: "You look very spiritual for an injures


Song Ju Han was so angry that his eyes were red: "You want me
to let him go, OK, you... Get on the bed naked."

He Gu paused and started unbuttoning clothes.

Song Ju Han's eyes straightened and took a pillow and threw it on

him: "You're fucking un f*cking believable!"

He Gu wanted to kill him: "What the hell do you want! This is

not what you want. You have to go through the collections to
collect the information about Qin Qing. Do you want this or

"No!" Song Ju Han's voice was already hoarse. "I don't want
this, what I want is your f*cking heart!"

"You also want that?! Have you forgotten what you did at
the hotel that day?"

At that moment, Song Ju Han's expression seemed to be crying. He

bit his lip and lowered his head: "I didn't mean it. When I saw you
together, I was mad..."
322 Report
"Song Ju Han, don't say that these are useless fucking
words, you said that day, you want nothing more than just
want to sleep with me, no big deal, I will let you fuck me - I,
fuck me until the day you're tired." He Gu slowly, grabbed the
fruit knife on the bedside table!

Song Ju Han's face changed, but the outstretched hand was forced
to stay in the air. He suddenly wanted to know if He Gu would do it,
why would he...

He Gu swung the fruit knife and stabbed it in the pillow. The man
eyes shot a strong hate. He said something from the ground teeth:
"What you do to me, I recognize, I am guilty for it, you are
such a f*cking bastard. But you dare to make it difficult for
me, dare to make my family life difficult, there must be a
meeting with blood!"

Song Ju Han looked shocked at He Gu and his eyes were full of

sadness that could not be opened. Finally, he smiled and smiled very
bitterly: "Good, good, He Gu, you get it now. As long as you
stay with me, I will let go of Zhou He Yi."

He Gu took back the fruit knife and threw it in the fruit bowl,
making a creaking sound that pierced the hearts of the two.

They were relatively speechless and the pain of precipitation in

their eyes can almost paralyze someone.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
323 Report

Chapter 59
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

Song Ju Han did not sue. Originally it was an ordinary fight and it
did not cause very serious consequences. Zhou He Yi was still a
foreigner. The police educated him and put him aside.

He Gu went to pick him up

Zhou He Yi walked out of the police station and saw He Gu. He

bowed his head and not speak.

He Gu looked at him for a while, reaching out and touching his

head: "Don't do this stupid thing again."

Zhou He Yi kicked the stone with his foot and whispered, "Is he

"...just fine."

Zhou He Yi seems to be relieved: "He deserves it."

"No matter whether he deserve it or not, you can't solve

problems with crime."

Zhou He Yi slowly raised his head and his eyes were a little red: "I
am sorry brother, I made trouble for you."

"Forget it."

"You are a few years older than me, so I always wanted to

be very mature, lest you think of me as naive." Zhou He Yi
smiled bitterly. "That image is completely ruined."
324 Report
He Gu looked at the very helpless man, but he did not have the
slightest effort to educate Zhou He Yi: "You think too much, I will
not blame you, I just hope that you can eat a long, smart one
and when you do things, you will have a brain."

Zhou He Yi nodded a little.

"Well, I will send you home, your friend is very worried

about you."

Zhou He Yi whispered: "Song Ju Han... How can he let go of

me easily, did you went to find him?"

He Gu was silent: "No, it was not a big deal, I found a friend

to help."

The two got in the car. Zhou He Yi leaned on his seat, slightly
rubbing his lips, his eyes falling on the door of the police station not
far away, his eyes were very bleak.

Suddenly He Gu realized that Zhou He Yi was a little scared. After

all, he is only in his early twenties and he has never experienced
such a thing and he is not in his own territory. Even if it does not
appear on the surface, he should have a panicking shadow.

He Gu reached out and pinched his neck and said softly: "He Yi,
it's okay."

Zhou He Yi turned to look at him, his eyes were awkward and the
wetness was as gentle and pitiful as a puppy.

He Gu sighed softly.

"My brother, if..." Zhou He Yi's voice choked. "If I don't go to

the United States, I stay here, can we be together?"

He Gu slightly raise his eyebrows and his eyes were full of pity:
"He Yi, go to school, you have dreams, goals, these things
325 Report
are more important than your feelings. You will encounter
more people in new places, you will soon forget about me."

Zhou He Yi shook his head: "I will not forget you."

He Gu smile a little: "I will not forget you."

Sending people to the house, Zhou He Yi kissed him lingeringly, as

if pouring all the enthusiasm and love and finally reluctantly let go
and said sadly: "Brother He, you are the gentlest man I have
ever seen, the best man, Song Ju Han can't match you, you
must be far from the madman."

He Gu said faintly: "I will."

Zhou He Yi glanced at him deeply before he got out of the car. He

didn't even dare to look back and hurried upstairs.

Both of them know that they will not see each other again in the
short term.

It seems that nothing has changed, in fact everything has changed.

He Gu stayed in the place for a long time, until the sad sadness of
the heart was too much and then re-started the car and returned

When he arrived at home, he saw that the hourly worker had

already given a meal to Su Su. Su Su saw that He Gu was very happy
to rush over: "Brother, He Gu you came back so late, I want to
go to see my mother with you."

"I will take you to see mother tomorrow." He Gu pinch her

chin. "Did you have a teacher meeting today?"

"Yes, the teacher has always praised my foundation."

"Have you eaten?"
326 Report
"Have you eaten, my brother?"

"I have eaten."

He Gu held her on her lap: "Su Su, your brother will discuss
something with you."


"Tonight, your brother is going to accompany a friend. Are

you okay sleeping alone?"

Su Su raised her eyes and immediately shook her head: "I am


"I will be sleeping with you and then go, you are a big girl,
it is nothing to sleep alone."

Su Su has flattened her mouth and is not willing to look at her

brother: "Who are you going to accompany?"

"A friend is hurt."

"What kind of hurt, is it worse than my mother?"

"Not the same as mother, but he need someone else to

accompany him."

Su Su was too reluctant to said: "Then you have to wait for me

to fall asleep and go."

"I will, when you get up tomorrow, I will be back and I will
buy you the sirloin noodles you like."

"Okay." Su Su looked at him and whispered, "Brother, if we

knew each other earlier, how good would it be."

He couldn't help but laugh.
327 Report
"You don't laugh, really, I like you very much. I hope that
when I was born, you will be with me and grow up with me."

He Gu touched her head: "It's not too late."

Su Su buried her head in his neck and smiled happily.

He Gu took a nap to sleep and some tumes later he quietly left

home, drove to Song Ju Han.

He can't say that he is numb then he is calm. In short, he is calm

now. When he finds that there is no retreat it not worth to fight, he
will face any predicament with the calmness of his life cultivation.
Flustered is neither his character nor useless.

Now, he is going to face Song Ju Han.

If there is really a power in the world that can make a thing

unrecognizable, then he and Song Ju Han have already experienced
it. He witnessed how he and Song Ju Han walked step by step to this
unbearable day, but it was difficult for him to take such a rather
sinister name, but he could not understand the reason. He is a victim
and like a bystander, watching the relationship between the two
people rot at an embarrassing speed, but there is nothing they can

He hopes that Song Ju Han can stop before it get to no return

point. In that case, he will let himself forget all the unhappiness in
the past, leaving only the pure beauty that he loved in that person.

Unfortunately, it is already late.

When he arrived at Song Ju Han's house, he took out the key and
opened the door - the key that he had not accepted.

When he opened the door, Song Ju Han just sat up on the sofa,
sleepy, apparently waiting for him and complained: "It's coming so
328 Report
"Oh my sister is sleeping." He Gu stood in front of Song Ju Han,
waiting for the next "instructions."

Song Ju Han took his hand and let him sit on the sofa and gently
arched the head wrapped in gauze into his arms: "I have been
waiting for you, I have not eaten."

"What do you want to eat."

"Hungry, but I don't want to eat." Song Ju Han hugged his

waist and said softly: "Your mother, you don't have to worry, I
will help her take care for it."

He Gu looked at the night scene outside the window: "Okay."

"I will... I will solve all your troubles, help you take care of
your family and let you live a carefree life." Song Ju Han closed
his eyes and his eyelashes trembled. "I will be good to you
forever, so don't leave me."

He Gu silent and the eyes were empty: "Okay."

Song Ju Han tightened his arm, even though this person was in his
arms, but his heart was still sorrowfully far away.

He knew that this was not normal. From the day he wanted to
leave him, he was not normal. He thought that the person who could
always be there, always waiting for him silently behind him, the
person who looked like the air he breathed, when that man wanted to
withdraw, he realized that there was no air to make him live.

In seven years, He Gu planted a seed in his heart for seven years

and then cultivated it into a towering tree between the slanting wind
and the rain and he enjoyed the greatness of the big tree. However,
what he had not found is that countless roots have already been
deeply implanted in his blood, nerves, flesh and bones and they have
moved all over the body. To remove this big tree, it is simply like skin
peeling and bones cramping, which is more painful than death.
329 Report
He has already scared, how can there be a person in the world,
who make him fear to lose to this point.

He Gu couldn't see through the coldness of Song Ju Han's eyes, he

only knows that he and Song Ju Han, used to be a package--- feelings
cultivation and now it is still a package---cultivation. Only he used to
be voluntary package, but now he is forced package.

Yeah, he should have this dog focus its teeth on him. As long as
Song Ju Han is no longer going crazy to bite others, it is enough for
him to bear the pain alone. After all, no one in this world can adapt to
Song Ju Han more than him.

As for whether he will be hurt, whether he will be afraid, whether

he will be ashamed, sad, tired, who the f*ck cares.

In the evening, Song Ju Han took a nap and fell sleep. He took
medicine and had sleeping pill.He slept very well around him, but He
Gu didn't close his eyes all night.

He looked at Song Ju Han, who had been sleeping in peace for a

few times and looked at the undefended look and the slender neck,
all of which gave birth to a kind of malice. Maybe there is a simpler
way to end their torture, but he can't.

So they can only continue to torture each other.

The next morning, He Gu went early. He promised Su Su, to go

back before she woke up and to send her to the painting class and
then had to go to the hospital.

Sending Su Su, he took the meal to find his mother, his mother
seems to be mentally ok today, chemotherapy also has an effect,
temporarily inhibiting the spread of cancer cells.

The two of them were chatting about the sky and He Gu cell phone
rang. He looked down and saw it was Song Ju Han. He went out and
answered the phone.
330 Report
"Where have you been?" Song Ju Han asked to open the door.

"Came to the hospital to accompany my mother."

Song Ju Han was silent: "When you finish with her, come to
me, I am also a patient."

"I have to pick up my sister to go to class in the evening,

but also to cook for her, to sleep with her, I can only come to
you at night."

Song Ju Han didn't talk. After a while, He Gu found that the phone
had been hung up. He didn't care and threw the phone into his

At dusk, he watched his mother finish the meal and went to pick up
Su Su meal. The two also bought some ingredients in the
supermarket and planned to eat hot pot at night.

When he got home, the sky was still a little bright. The two of them
saw the familiar figure again at the door of their home. The figure
was sitting on the ground and used their hoods to cover the head.
They had the same experienced the last time, they were not scared. .

Su Su big eyes went wide: "Song, Song, Song..."

Song Ju Han raised his head and put his index finger to his lips. He
smiled at Su Su.

Su Su's face was red like she was forcing herself to suffocate.

There was nothing to say, He Gu had to open the door. Song Ju

Han took the big bag in his hand and walked into the house.

Su Su had been looking at Song Ju Han with her neck turned and
after Song Ju Han took off her hood, she stared at the head of his
331 Report
He Gu couldn't help but said: "You didn't hear the doctor who
told you to rest."

"You are not there, I can't sit still." Song Ju Han said as a
matter of course.

Su Su called out: "Brother you slept with him last night."

The hand was pressed against the top of her head and turned her
direction: "Go and change clothes and wash your hands."

Su Su was obviously a little excited and even jumped back to her

room and the moment she closed the door, He Gu was slammed.

Song Ju Han hugged him for a moment and he kissed him a lot: "I
missed you."

He Gu pushed him away: "Don't run around in the future."

"Why not, your mother is not here, your sister likes me too,
you can't come to see me, I will come to see you."

"You have nothing else to do?"

"I am injured now, what can I do. It is more troublesome to

be seen." Song Ju Han smiled. "Is it hot, I will, I will help you cut

He Gu pick up the bag with a blank expression and went into the

Song Ju Han stayed in his sleep, his eyes flashed and lost, but he
also followed.

When he handled the ingredients, he just lay his hands next to

him, but he found out He Gu would at least talk to him before and
now he wouldn't say more than half a sentence unless necessary.

When eating, Su Su has been entangled in Song Ju Han to ask
332 Report
this and that question. Song Ju Han has always had no patience with
the children. He is surprisingly gentle and friendly to Su Su and she is
very excited when he is excited.

He Gu took twice as long to take a nap to sleep and when he

returned to the room, Song Ju Han had already taken a shower,
dressed in his obviously short pajamas lying on the bed and saw him
entering the house. Just looking at him with a smile, there is a certain
desire in his eyes.

He Gu closed the door and say flatly: "My sister just fell asleep,
if you want to f*ck yes but no sound is allowed."

Song Ju Han's expression froze: "I... I don't have to... I'm not
looking for you for that."

"Then for what." In the tone of the matter, there is not even
ridicule, just calm. "I think you are still alive and well, this
injury should not affect your waist movement."

Song Ju Han sat up and breathed a little faster: "He Gu, I will not
force you any more."

"You said the same thing half a year ago." He Gu stood on the
bedside and looked at him with a high might gaze. "Do not do it, do
not want to sleep."

Song Ju Han bit his lip and bite: "I was really crazy that day. I
have regretted not knowing what to do. If I am so alive again,
I will smash my own stuff. I am absolutely .... I longer will do
anything to you against your will."

He Gu smiled at the corner of his mouth, but there was no smile in

his eyes. He opened the quilt and went to bed, lying down against
Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han stayed for a long time and slowly closed his eyes. He
lay back in the quilt and hugged He Gu from behind. For him, even if
333 Report
he just held He Gu, it was enough.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
334 Report

Chapter 62
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

As promised by Vanessa, Song Ju Han disappeared for a while.

Su Su wanted to ask about Brother Han every day and she didn't
dare to speak when she saw the gloomy face on her brother face

The first treatment of Sun Qing chemotherapy was over and she
returned home temporarily. He Gu accompanied her to see the four
investors, he helped her analyze the situation and have a lot of
things to do every day.

Feng Zheng did not give up expressing his heart. He went looking
for He Gu from three to five places. It was only because of his usual
indifference that his heat was getting lower and lower. After all only a
person like Song Ju Han is crazy and reckless, you can't find a second

Without Song Ju Han, life seems to have gradually returned to the

right track. Occasionally, he saw the news about Song Ju Han on TV.
He Gu saw and was able to change the channel calmly, just like it is
really a star that has nothing to do with him.

This is good, its the best, them always keeping a distance that
means they will not hurt each other, while each quietly live their own

After many parties' screening and negotiation, Sun Qing found an

ideal investor. The other party is willing to acquire half of the shares
at Qin Qing Industrial held by Sun Qing at a price of 26.8 per share,
excluding public relations, taxes and other expenses. The transaction
was successful and Sun Qing would be able to leave the Li family
335 Report
with more than 200 million net worth.

However, when Sun Qing and Li Family communicated, there was

no unexpected opposition.

Probably Li Cheng Xing was too loud. He Gu heard what he was

saying when you passed Sun Qing's room. "You have been
brainwashed by your son."

Sun Qing was so angry that she hung up the phone.

He Gu felt some anger in his heart, he went in: "Mom, is

everything okay?"

Sun Qing waved his hand: "Nothing, I expected it early."

"What does he want?"

Sun Qing said coldly: "He asked me to sell the shares to him,
but the price is only two-thirds of what we were offered so
how can I sell and still sleep calmly."

"But then you can get out as soon as possible, otherwise

your shareholding ratio is equal, he does not agree, you can't
sell it."

Sun Qing frowned. "He Gu, I know that you don't look at the
money as important that you can say it easily, but this money
was hard earned by your mother. How can I give it to him

He Gu held Sun Qing's knees and whisper: "Mom, don't be

angry, I don't mean that your money is not important. I just
think that people always have to make choices, your body is
not good..." He sighed. "If you really can't swallow this breath,
then we will think of something else."

Sun Qing nodded and tiredly rubbed his forehead: "My money
336 Report
should be left for you. One day when I am gone. I want my
children to live comfortably for a lifetime. He Li Chen Xing
will not take one more from me."

He Gu can't help it. He would rather not have his own part of the
inheritance and hope that his mother will get out of bed as soon as
possible, so that money is meaningless to him. It is not meaningful to
him. It is not difficult for him to support himself, but he dare not say
it. He said: "If you want to sue for divorce."

Sun Qing was pale and kept his head on his head. He looked
uncomfortable. "He can only drag that on for a long time when
he is in trouble with the property division. I can't think of a
better way."

He Gu patted himself in the temple: "If you can't think of it, you
can do things slowly then you can work with him in another
form. After all, someone is willing to inject capital, which is
good for Qin Qing."

"Well, I will think about it again."

He Gu once again receive the news about Song Ju Han, he was

going to perform in a large concert.

Because of the time lapse when Song Ju Han didn't perform. The
concert's VIP ticket were sold out in less than a second and more
than 10,000 regular tickets were sold in more than half a minute,
creating a new sales record.

Song Ju Han used this facts to prove his unshakable position in the
music scene and the gradual recovery of popularity.

"There is a lot of attention in his life." It is said that people

like Song Ju Han.

On the night of the ticket sales, He Gu received a call from Song

Ju Han. When he saw the strange number of the caller ID, the first
337 Report
reaction was it was definetly Song Ju Han. According to past
experience, if he didn't answer the call, Song Ju Han would call him
till he does, so he closed the door and pressed the answer call

"He Gu?" Song Ju Han's hoarse voice rang on the phone, with a
strong nasal sound, which sounded weak.

He Gu frowned slightly, he held back the question about what was

wrong with you he instead said: "Well, you speak."

"I miss you so much."

Song Ju Han's breathing sound through the microphone, felt as if

he was caressing He Gu on the face, He Gu can even imagine the
heat. He came back to reality: "If there is nothing to say..."

"Don't hang up ... please don't hang." Song Ju Han said slowly,
"I... I have a fever, so I can't help it. I promised my mom,
never to harass you before the end of the concert, but I can't
help it, I may be burnt out... I want to hear your voice."

He Gu clenched his phone and hesitated to hang up.

"Don't hang..." Song Ju Han pleaded, "Just stay with me..say


He Gu indulged for a moment: " I hope you get better."

Song Ju Han sucked his nose: "Is there anything else? I haven't
seen you for more than a month. This time its going to be
longer than when you went to Europe. I wrote a song for you.
When I finish I will sing it to you so you can listen, you used
to like to listen to me singing."

He Gu lips trembled slightly. He lowered his head. "I want to

hang up, there is no need for you sing..."
338 Report
"My mom talked to me a lot." Song Ju Han rushed and said,
"She said that before I didn't learn how to love someone, I
don't deserve to have you. I often thought about it during
this time. It turns out... Love can't be so painful. Before, was
it not so painful?"

He Gu tightened his grip on the bedding, he subconsciously bent

down, resisting the sorrows from his heart and for how much pain,
he knows better than anyone, Song Ju Han, the heart bled its love.

"I understand now, how sad I made you feel. I always did
stupid things, always make you sad, no wonder you don't
believe me, you don't believe at all..." Song Ju Han voice choked,
"Whatever I do for you and how much I like you."

He Gu took a breath and his eyes were red, but his sound was still
indifferent: "You should rest well." After saying that he hanged up
the phone quickly.

Yes, he does not believe that, he does not believe that in the
entertainment circle in the colorful where one is surrounded by
countless enchanting beauty, Song Ju Han, will be loyal to him for a
lifetime, even if Song Ju Han really loves him now, this favorite
preservation period. How long can it last?

Maybe Song He and Vanessa were originally loyal to their

marriage, but it was only a long time and the human heart has
changed. It has become a situation of mutual interference. It seems
to be free and easy and only oneself knows it. Song Ju Han has such
a pair of parents, they are such realistic and three-dimensional
examples. If he and Song Ju Han are together, he can already see
that after a few years, they will step on Song Ju Han's parents
footsteps. At that time, he could not compromise with the " fuck

That is what he can't tolerate. If he wants a partner, it must be

them alone.
339 Report
Or not.

A few days later, he took the opportunity to take Su Su from class.

Su Su said in the car: "Brother, Brother Han is going to have a
concert, you know?"


"So can I go?"

"No." He Gu didn't look back in front of her. "I won't go and you
are too young to go alone."

Su Su said quietly: "But I really want to go."

"When you grow up you can go."

"Then can I watch the live broadcast?"


When the car drove into the community, Su Su suddenly

slammed on the seat: "Brother Han, that is his car! His freaking

He Gu saw Song Ju Han's private car. He stepped on the throttle

almost conditioned to flee and hesitated for a moment before he
drove in.

He Gu got off the car and Su Su couldn't wait to jump.

The door of the private car opened and Song Ju Han walked down
with a cap and a mask.

"Brother Han!" Su Su rushed up and hugged him.

Song Ju Han touched her head: "Su Su, I have a cold, it will be
transmitted to you, you should go upstairs first."
340 Report
"I am not afraid." Su Su refused to hold Song Ju Han. "I really
want to see your concert."

He Gu coughed lightly: "Su Su, go upstairs."

Su Su reluctantly loosened Song Ju Han, bowed her head and went

downstairs in disappointment.

Song Ju Han saw no one was around and took off his mask,
revealing a face that was obviously thin and sloppy. He was pale and
the five features that were perfected by the knife lines were smeared
with a bit of morbid paleness.

The two men looked at each other for a few seconds and Song Ju
Han took out an envelope from his pocket: "This is a concert..."

"I won't go." He Gu whispered.

Song Ju Han's hand was in the air and he licked his lips: "Su Su
wants to go."

"She is too small to be suitable for such a messy


"This concert is my biggest concert." Song Ju Han looked

deeply at what happened. "Since you have gone to all of them
before, don't miss this time."

"I really hope that I missed your last concert."

Song Ju Han thought of something, his eyes dimmed a few points:

"I'm sorry, I was..."

"You don't have to apologize, there is no need to explain.

You didn't do anything at the time." He Gu bowed his head.
"You are ill, go back and Vanessa will worry."

"She knows that I came here." Song Ju Han took the ticket and
341 Report
stretched out his hand. It wasn't taken and he didn't shrink back. It
ended up falling down, but his eyes were not willing to move away
from the face. He looked almost greedily. He Gu, felt the air seems to
be gentle, he desperately wants to say something, say something
that can be fixed, "I know your mom is in contact with the
investment company, she is satisfied with the offer?"

"Satisfied." He Gu whispered, "But things are not that simple,

no matter what, thank you for the matching company."

"What do you mean?"

"It involves ... some factors on her side, it will take a step
and take a step."

"If there is something you need help, even though you can't
say it, I can help you."

He Gu shook his head.

"Why?" Song Ju Han took a step forward pressing the desire in his

He Gu upper part of the body retracted like a reflex.

The look of the guard tense cut Song Ju Han deeply. He paused
and turned his face and his nose was gently agitated.

He Gu panicked in his heart, he said: "I am going back." He

passed him to go upstairs.

When passing by Song Ju Han, Song Ju Han grabbed his arm and
said: "Just tell me a little while, do I make you unbearable?."

"...Do we have anything to say?"

Song Ju Han clenched his lips and almost used all his willpower to
loosen the hand.
342 Report
He Gu walked back to the door.

Song Ju Han looked at the front with a hollow look and felt that the
world was slowly melting in front of his eyes.

He hated that he didn't find out earlier, how much He Gu was

important to him.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
343 Report

Chapter 63
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

He Gu went upstairs and found that the door was not closed. When
he entered the house, Su Su was about to come down from the

"Su Su." He Gu cried out.

Su Su shook her hands and jumped directly from above.

He Gu rushed over and hugged her: "What do you think you

were doing climbing the balcony..." He Gu reacted to what Su Su
was doing.

Su Su patted her elbows and knees that were numb. At this time,
because of the guilty conscience, He Gu could not complain.

He Gu looked at her with blaming eyes: "What do you look like

that when you do this, girls are supposed to act like little

Su Su said "oh", and ran away, ran to the door of the bedroom and
suddenly turned back, whispered: "Brother, you promised that I
can watch live TV, right?"

He Gu nodded.

The negotiations between Sun Qing and Li Family were not

smooth. She suspected that the telephone communication efficiency
was too low. She planned to go back to Shanghai and He Gu said that
he will to go with her, but she refused.
344 Report
He Gu didn't understand: "You just gotten out of the hospital
if I am so close to you. I can take care of you with you."

Sun Qing was playing with a wig in the mirror: "No, there needs
someone to be at this place, there is someone to take care of
me there you are here to stay here look at Su Su."

"You both quarreled with Li Chen Xing last time. It is also

angry to go back. If there is anything to talk about, it is
better to talk about it."

Sun Qing turned to look at him and smiled slightly: "They are
biased against you. When you go, things will only get worse.
Recently, Li Chen Xing has been soft with me. I will not take
the element back and let him use it. It's a good thing, but I
can't bring you back to stimulate them, so I'll go on my own.
If you want to listen, you'll be obedient."

He Gu shook his head: "Mom, you are too stubborn."

"You still have to listen to me." Sun Qing patted his back. "I
hope I can bring you good news."

After Sun Qing left, He Gu would talk to her every day, but he could
feel that she did not want to mention the progress of the
negotiations. She always avoided the weight and made it more
worrying for him.

In a twinkling of an eye, the hot summer vacation was coming to

an end and Song Ju Han's concert will be held on the day of late

Su Su bought a lot of snacks and was more excited about the

concert than the holiday season. He Gu really wanted his mother to
be at home, so that he didn't have to face his TV with a red face, but
he has already promised Su Su.

"Is the sketching job finished?"
345 Report
Su Su said: "Yes I'm watching this."

"You must be asleep at no more than ten."

"The concert will be over at half past nine." Su Su sat on the

sofa a few times, staring at the TV intently, excitedly like a bird.

Some videos before the concert start were being played on the TV.
The crowds on the scene surged, because there were too many cars
and people in front of the stadium, many traffic police were diverting

For the first half of the year, Song Ju Han was mostly doing charity
performance. He did not perform a new song and did not have any
big moves. However, this concert will start with three new songs. The
fans were enthusiastic and ready to welcome their god return. And
the media that used to ridicule him when he was in trouble were
rushing to praise again.

He Gu said: "You don't want to be too noisy, it will ilk the


"Know that!" Su Su saw him go. "Brother, don't you want to


"I'm going to read a book." He Gu closed the door to the


He leaned on the bed and took out the recently published science
book on astrophysics. He tried to read a few lines of words, but found
that he could not see the words at all.

He heard the sound from the outside TV, he knew that the concert
started and Su Su was happily singing along.

It didn't take long for the music to sound. Although he couldn't

hear anything, the tunes were very familiar. It was a song he had
heard repeatedly. The song was the first top in the six-week Chinese
346 Report
music charts.

Song Ju Han was right, he won the award and his goal was almost

At his age, he has got everything that others have pursued

throughout his life. No wonder he is so proud.

He Gu took out the earphones and stuff them into his ear, but the
outside voice was still noisy ringing into the tympanic membrane, so
that he couldn't stop it. He simply opened the phone and wanted to
put a song to listen. He picked up the phone and stopped. He thought
of it, the songs on his mobile phone are all Song Ju Han. He was a
little annoyed and went to search for an English album from the
Internet and put it up.

The world is finally quiet.

The book was more and more boring and the words were difficult
to understand which made him feel extremely bored. His mind was
chaotic, as if the outside world was a broken world. He blocked
everything with headphones, but it was just blocked the stop thinking
did not happen.

He understands why he can face Song Ju Han indifferently, but he

cannot calm down when Song Ju Han sings. Song Ju Han songs have
always been his a hard-won obsession, which was the one that was
deeply implanted in his heart that afternoon, seven years ago and
could never be removed. Because no matter what he does, he can't
forget the goodness of that afternoon.

He sighed, put down the book, leaned back on the bed, staring
blankly at the white wall, his thoughts gradually became chaotic, his
eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. Finally, he was lying on the
bed and accidentally fell asleep.

He doesn't know how long it took. A loud noise awakened him from
347 Report
his sleep. He opened his eyes violently. The whole person bounced
up. Only Su Su rushed in with a flustered face and shouted:
"Brother, come on. !"

He Gu was annoyed: "What is your hurry, did I not say..."

Su Su rushed up and pulled his arm: "Brother, come on!"

"What are you doing?"

Su Su did not know where the strength came from and she even
pulled him off the bed and dragged him to the living room.

He Gu just wanted to reprimand her, then the perfect face

belonging to Song Ju Han on the big-size TV in the living room
crashed into his eyes without warning and he suddenly felt a little

Song Ju Han was swaying, his face filled with sweat, reflecting his
skin that was exceptionally clean. He looked tired, but his breathing
was calm. He said: "Please listen to the last song, "Love He Gu."

Su Su shook his arm so hard and said excitedly: "He said that
there is a song that was not in the plan, going to be sing to a
person! It is you, my brother, he is going to sing it to you!"

That is completely stupid.

Is Song Ju Han crazy? So obvious... It maybe homophonic, the

media and fans will be able to explode soon. No, it is his self-love,
this song is not necessarily written to him.

1]... 爱= ai = love , 何= He= why or what, 辜= Gu= 爱何辜

could mean Why Love is a Sin or just means I love He Gu.... Chinese
can use verbs nouns as names...

But he immediately remembered what Song Ju Han said when he

last met.
348 Report
Everyone from Song Ju Han team went down. He sat on a high
chair, touched the ground with long legs and held a guitar in his
arms. In front of him was the microphone. The super-large led screen
on the stage background was extinguished, all fancy. The cool
lighting effects were gone, only a round of white light hit him. On the
dark stage, he looked lonely and small, as if he was left alone in the

The entire stadium was quiet.

He Gu and Su Su were also quiet and even the atmosphere was so

tight that they did not dare to breathe.

Song Ju Han fiddled with the guitar and his mouth opened. The lazy
and sexual--the voice full of sensation was as Ju Han signage, but it
was additionally injected with a sense of sadness that could not be

"Love He Gu"

They say that love makes people difficult to move

They said that entering into one is the fool errand is too deep and
will lead to inevitable tragedy

I have heard a lot about love.

I sang too many songs full of love.

And I never know what love is.

Numerous soul pains in the world

There are thousands of affectionate pieces

I used to sneer at those impulses.

I thought they were just talking about it.
349 Report
And I still don't understand what love is.


When I miss the expectations in your eyes

Missing the joys and sorrows in your world

I missed love

Missed you


When I squandered your love

Always thought that you will not leave

I missed love

Missed you


Can be lingering like honey


You said that you paid the wrong feelings and left the cold back.

I heard the fall of spring flowers because I missed it.

Seeking no words into words

Love can't cut and be piece of love

Maybe I still don't understand what is love.

When you first see it, your eyes are like stars.
350 Report
How many nights do I turn to dream memories?

If time goes backwards, it will bring back the old things.

Thousands of sails always do not hesitate

Maybe I can read what is love


When I miss the expectations in your eyes

Missing the joys and sorrows of your world

I missed love

Missed you


When I squandered your love

Always thought that you will not leave

I missed love

Missed you


Can be lingering like honey


My love

I already know what love is.

Where are you?
351 Report
... It was a sad heartbreaking song. It was different from Song Ju
Han's past style, but he sang with the depth of emotion he had never
had before.

At the end of the song, the stadium is still quiet.

Song Ju Han smiled lightly, adjusted the microphone and

whispered, "Is it nice?"

Only the screaming sounds were heard, most people are still in
shock, because anyone who has paid attention to Song Ju Han's big
news will have unlimited imagination about the song's title.

Song Ju Han bowed his head, silenced for a few seconds, then
raised his head and the eyes shot a firm light: "I fell in love with

The audience was in awe.

"This song was written for him. Although he is not here, I

know that someone will tell him."

He Gu stood stiffly and his eyes were fixed on TV.

"This year had the biggest change in my life. I have

experienced a lot of things, good, bad and mostly bad." He
said then he smiled.

There was also laughter from the audience.

"The worst thing is that I lost a very loving person and I

have only been awake from my intoxication now." Song Ju Han
put the guitar on the side of the chair and stood up. "I have done a
lot of wrong things, stupid things, thinking. I think I am a
jerk, but I can't change the past, but at least, I can change
the future."

Su Su looked up and saw He Gu frozen and she quietly held his
352 Report
hand with her little hand.

"I have been resting for a long time this year. Since I
debuted, I have not had such a long free time, which allowed
me to settle down and think. I sang songs for many years, for
various purposes, for money, for prizes, In order to compete
and for public welfare, I sang mixed with too many purposes,
so that I forgot the reason why I originally decided to sing,
but I want to sing, I want others to listen, but I have not been
able to find it for a long time, I strongly want to sing. The
desire to listen to others - hope."

"Fortunately, I have found that person now, every song I

want to song I want to let him listen, I want to share that
with him, as long as I can convey my song to the right
person, 10,000 people listen or one person. What is the

Song Ju Han ignored the turmoil in the audience, as if he was in

his own world, his eyes were but gentle: "In my life, there are
three things that are most important, parents, music and
him, but I only let him down, only let him hurt. I think, I
should also taste the taste of love, just like the one he
tasted, so..."

He took a deep breath. "Today's concert is my farewell


The audience was silent for half a second and then they were
screaming like a mad mad cows voices rushing through the sky.

Song Ju Han was silent for a moment, waiting for the wave to pass
and continued: "From today and onwards, I will bid farewell to
the stage I love, turn to work behind the scenes, I will only
sing to him alone until he is willing to listen until he is willing
to forgive me. I am sorry to you my fans, but I gave too much
time to the music and gave it to you. Now I want to give it to
353 Report
him only, I hope everyone can understand my decision."

There was a wave of cries from the stadium and the scene was

Su Su took a breath of cold air and her eyes were red: "Brother..."

He Gu felt that he has been punched in the chest and the whole
body is numb.

Song Ju Han... What are you doing? What are you trying to say?

No longer singing? !

Even if there is an arrogance in Song Ju Han, there seems to be

nothing in Song Ju Han's eyes that scream arrogance now, there is
also everyone who knows what he regards as sacred in his life, that is

He loves the stage and loves everyone madly singing his songs.
He can sleep and wake up for the sake of writing songs. He can go
sleeplessly in order to rehearse, so that one is going to turn behind
the scenes? !

He Gu mobile phone rang, he recovered from the shock, but his

thoughts could not be removed from the TV. The lens magnified Song
Ju Han's face, Song Ju Han looked at the camera and the deep eyes
were melancholy and affectionate. He Gu thought he is watching
himself, even if they are separated by more than ten kilometers.

Song Ju Han stared at the camera for a moment, then bowed

deeply to the audience, threw a scream of a wolf and left without

He Gu mobile phone is still ringing on the ground, Su Su took a

look, sucked his nose and said: "Brother, it's Zhuang Jie Yu, do
you want to pick up?"
354 Report
He Gu turned back to the room and slammed the door.

Crazy, all crazy, Song Ju Han crazy.

Song Ju Han is equivalent to crazy for appearing in front of the

National TV and then immediately announce his withdrawal from the
music scene. He Gu could not imagine how wonderful the news of
tomorrow would be. He always knew that Song Ju Han was a daring
person, but he did not expect him to do this.

The consequences.

Dedicated to his own future, bid farewell to the favorite stage, just

Such a huge crazy "fruit", he did not want to be that "cause"!

When he remembered what Song Ju Han said, "I should also

taste the taste of love, as he has tasted."

This is the purpose of Song Ju Han? He thinks that by doing these

things the two of them can be evened out?

This selfish, savage bastard.

Su Su was knocking on the door with concern: "Brother, brother,

are you okay?"

He Gu wiped his face hard and gradually calmed down. When he

opened the door, he had recovered his normal appearance. He took
the phone from Su Su's hand: "I am fine, it's almost ten o'clock,
you should go to sleep. "

Su Su looked at him like a chicken, not moving.

"Well? Sleep."

"Brother, you are all... Are you not responding? Brother

Han confessed to you on TV."
355 Report
"Don't say that, he's just..."

"I know I am just small but I am not stupid!" Su Su shouted.

"He is telling you that the song is "Why is love A Sin" and the
homonym is Love He Gu..."

"Okay." He Gu hrld her head and sighed, "That's his business,

it has nothing to do with us, now you go to sleep."

"How can it be irrelevant!" Su Su had to cry.

He Gu frowned: "Go to sleep, don't you listen to your brother


Su Su pushed his hand and ran away angrily.

He Gu turn to lean against the wall and sighed a long breath and
the whole person could not stop shuddering.

Love He Gu?

Bastard, come...

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
356 Report

Chapter 64
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

His phone was still ringing, He Gu picked it up, Zhuang Jie Yu, Feng
Zheng, Zhou He Yi, Chen Shan and many formerly unfamiliar or
colleagues or old knowledge, Anyone who has paid attention to him
and Song Ju Han can't wait to find him. He simply turned it off.

After calming down, He Gu started thinking about the

consequences of this incident. Last time he had been involved in the
--- bastard incident, he lost his job and all of his personal information
was posted online and now Song Ju Han pushed him to the limelight

He changed his new mobile phone and never looked for a job. The
house was not yet lived when he left, and he did not transfer to his
name, so those people may not find it, and what? What else?

Suddenly, he suddenly found out that he should have been

thoroughly exposed in that incident and covered his tracks. Now,
there is nothing terrible, and he don't know whether he should be
happy or sad about that.

He stayed silent for a long time, and he repeatedly thought about

every sentence that Song Ju Han said at the concert, and the song,
even if he only listened once, the lyrics and melody were clearly
imprinted in his mind, each of the sound, were like the love words
Song Ju Han whispered in his ear, leaving him with shuddering

He loved that person for seven years, how could he be
357 Report

He thought about it, opened the computer and typed it in the

search engine: Song Ju Han.

A lot of news about the amazing concerts came over.

"Song Ju Han's concert announced his withdrawal from the

music scene, and he sang his lover's confession!"

"Song Ju Han publicly released the cabinet doors?"

"Song Ju Han quits the song after sending a song to He


"Song Ju Han's homosexual lover is exposed, "He Gu. Who is

He Gu?" He Gu?"

"Song Ju Han's concert finale song "Ai He Gu", is it a

suspected public confession, homosexuality exposure?"

He Gu looked more painful as he read on. He opened the forum

again, but the concert ended in just one hour. About that incident, a
high-rise posts of more than 300 pages has been built. The posts on
the forum's home page are related to Song Ju Han. The words "He
Gu" are mixed. Between the rows and columns, especially glaring at
He Gu.

He opened a post titled "Heather's Meaty Information

Summary", but found that the post has been deleted. He returned
to the home page and opened a few more posts about himself and he
found that all of them were deleted.

He refreshed the forum, and the posts he just saw were gone, and
the new posts started to be posted and even those disappeared in a
few minutes.

Someone is operating behind the scenes...
358 Report
He went to Weibo again and found that his name was blocked by
search. Only when he went to search for Song Ju Han, he could see
information about him, but as long as it was related to him, the post
was deleted after being refreshed.

The mood is very complicated. When his personal information was

exposed, he reported to the police. His mother spent money to find
the company to do damage control, and did not control the
deterioration of the situation, but now the situation seems to be
easily suppressed. Although this made him relieved, Song Ju Han
knew what Song He did for his son. He chose to use him to divert the
public's attention and transfer firepower. He still felt the anger about
at that time.

He couldn't sleep, and he couldn't keep quiet. He kept refreshing

information on the Internet, lest those people find his current
address. Fortunately, they didn't have it for the time being. Instead,
he watched Song Ju Han's fans divided into three big trusses.

One party supported Song Ju Han for his bravely to express

himself, respecting Song Ju Han's choice, and said that they would
like for him to get his lover back and all that.

One party used all kinds of vicious and dirty words to curse the
man named "He Gu", and asked "He Gu" to return Song Ju Han to

One group said that Song Ju Han ignored fans. They were feeling
disappointed, and all insults about fags and gay and disgusting

Song Media official website has been flooded with community

posts, filled with countless messy information, but the company has
no movement.

For many people, this is a long night.
359 Report
He Gu was awakened by the ringing tone of the landline phone. He
opened his eyes and felt that his back was sore. He didn't know when
he fell asleep at the computer desk yesterday. He rubbed his waist
and his swollen eyes and went to the living room.

The person who knew the landline number, was only his mother
and Su Su, he took a deep breath and picked up the microphone.

"He Gu!" Sun Qing's voice was very anxious. "What happened
last night? What happened to Song Ju Han?"

"Mom, I am also very surprised."

"It's hard the man stop for half a year, how come he came
back to hurt you!" Sun Qing said angrily. "How did he treat you,
why is he being affectionate to you now, it's shameless! You
haven't been in contact for a long time. How could he..." Sun
Qing's voice suddenly paused. "Son, you tell the truth, after
that, have you ever had a connection with him?"

It is difficult to talk about it, after all, their connection has almost
never been broken.

Sun Qing was so clever, He Gu was hesitant, she knew

everything in her heart and she sighed long: "You should go out as
little as possible in the next few days and don't take Su Su to
class, so I will come back and say."

He Gu put a casual smile: "Mom, don't you treat me as a child,

I can handle it myself, you continue with your business,
don't worry about me."

"I'm afraid that you will be blocked from going home at the
same time as last time."

"I really want to call the police, I am going to starve to

death." He Gu stopped. "This time it should not be like the last
time, online posts are deleted very quickly. Most of the
360 Report
information about my private information is blocked.
Occasionally, there are leaks and the spread is not

Sun Qing sighed with relief: "That's good, those star fans are
crazy. If they do something extreme, you will be in trouble."

"Mom, don't worry, I can take care of myself and my


Hanging up the phone, once he got back, he saw Su Su standing

behind the door and looking at him with red eyes.

He Gu frowned: "How do you look so bad, don't you want to


Su Su pouted: "I had a night with them."

"With whom?"

Su Su took out the ipad from the back and cried with aggrieved:
"The people on the Internet. They don't know you at all, they
say you are not good, there are still many accomplishments."

He Gu went over and took the ipad and whispered: "I said that
you can only play with this for two hours a day, how can you
not obey."

Su Su gripped a small fist and endured tears. She said with

resentment: "They are all bastards. They don't know you. I
wanted to kill them? I really want to kill them!"

He Gu was so sad that he was stunned: "Why do you check

those people, there are always people like this in the world
and after a few days, they are going to pay attention to other
things, you are more real than them, except for their own
anger, nothing make sense. Um? Don't be angry."
361 Report
"What did mother say?"

"Mom wanted to come back, but I told her not to come

back, just as you start school soon, I will send you to

"Good..." Su Su said sadly, "Brother, what will you do?"

"I won't be intimidated, I wasn't the last time, it won't be

this time."

"That... Brother Han?"

"...he won't be like it."

Su Su said seriously: "Brother, I have saved a lot of money,

there are more than 100,000 yuans in my bank account. How
about we go to the hackers, find out those who are bullying
you, and give them a crawling virus, how's that?"

1]..... Love Su Su

He Gu couldn't help but smile: "How could it be sent over,

don't worry, it will be fine in a few days."

Although it was okay that came from the mouth, He Gu could not
go out for safety reasons and the meal was all ordered in and no one
found the place where he lived now, so that he was relieved a lot.

Since Song Ju Han has not contacted him since that day, although
Song Ju Han's face can not cover every corner of the world, once
again became the headline of public opinion.

Some people praised him for being brave. Some people blamed
him for being inferior. In any case, he did the feats that no one dared
to do in the entertainment circle and people always remembered
362 Report
The official HD video of the concert was released online, but the
last part was cut off and the netizen could not stop uploading it. The
full version was forwarded 160,000 times. He Gu took a day to
prepare for it... And then courageously pressed the play button.

The video was de-noised and equipped with subtitles. Because of

the certain distance of the shooting, the light was dark and Song Ju
Han face was not clear but his unique voice like flowing water often
broke into the heart.

Love He Gu.

Love He Gu.

Love He Gu.

He Gu hand went to cover his eyes.

Seeing that Su Su was nearing to start school, He Gu book a ticket

and planned to send her back to Shanghai.

It's been a week since the news, the news has been reduced and
no one has harassed him. His vigilance has completely relaxed and
he drove to the airport.

Just entering the airport hall, he heard a scream coming from

behind: "It is him!"

He Gu froze and when he turned his head, he saw a bunch of

people carrying equipment came to him in all directions. His heart
leaped wildly, but he still had to calmly pulled Su Su and walked on.

The door has been blocked and some people who are obviously
fans have gathered.

Su Su was so scared, He Gu pick her up, put her head on his

shoulder, blocked her face and then he went in the nearest toilet.
363 Report
The reporter swarmed to block the door to the toilet.

"Mr. He, Mr. He, what do you think of the deep confession
at Song Ju Han's concert?"

"Is that song sung to you? How long have you been with
Song Ju Han?"

"Are you breaking up? Are you gay?"

"Online rumors says you are in a relationship with Song Ju

Han, is that true?"

Dozens of people surrounded him and he finally couldn't move. He

angrily pushed open a number of cameras and screamed: "Get

"Mr. He, He Gu, are you gay?"

"Song Ju Han is gay? How do you know each other!"

"Song Ju Han quits the music for you?"

The question was like a slap in the face, such as the magic sound,
piercing his ear, He Gu head fell down, the line of sight was full of
messy feet, no matter which direction he wants to go, he will
eventually be pushed back, he is surrounded by crowds and
machines, he heard Su Su crying .... He felt so helpless that he
couldn't grow wings!

Suddenly, at the corner of his eye he saw something flying over

and he had no time to react. He only heard a crackling sound,
something stinky was blasted on his head and then the cold liquid
dripped down the hair into the collar.

He Gu was stunned.

There was something on his back that didn't hurt, but he felt his
364 Report
face burned.

"Smelly shameless gay, you go to hell!" There was a female

voice yelling wildly.

"Return Song Ju Han to us! Return Song Ju Han to us!"

"You are shameless! You don't deserve him! You are going
to die!"

Countless eggs and tomatoes were thrown in from all directions.

The reporter shouted attention to the equipment. He Gu trembled
with his hold on Su Su, his eyes were red, his fists were tight and the
toilet was just a few steps away, but he could not pass. He finally
couldn't bear it and he punched the reporter in front of him.

But his fist was stopped in midair and the powerful big hand that
gripped his wrist was so familiar.

He turned his head and even if the man was wearing sunglasses
and a mask, he also recognized Song Ju Han at a glance.

How could he not recognize Song Ju Han?

Song Ju Han pressed his hand, then picked up the reporter's collar
and pushed him. Suddenly, the reporter was knocked down to the
ground with the three or four rows of people behind him.

The next second, He Gu was he embraced a broad and gentle

embrace, he heard the sound of broken egg shells, tomatoes
shattered, but those fell on Song Ju Han. He Gu heard the low, gentle
voice rang in his ear: "Don't be afraid."

He Gu bit his lips and felt a sense of redemption in the panic.

Song Ju Han dragged his hand and pushed the two people into the
bathroom. Then he took off his sunglasses and a mask and unfolded
his hands in front of him. He said: "You want to interview me
365 Report
then interview me. Uf you want to fight then come to me, but
let me fucking warn you, whoever leans over on this side, I
will beat you till you're unrecognizable.... you can try."

At this time, Xiao Song came to the rescue with the bodyguards
and the airport men. From the encirclement of reporters and fans, he
broke a breakthrough. To answer the question, Song Ju Han accepted
the reporter's question on the other side.

Xiao Song said: "Brother He. you walk down with me and you
will be fine soon."

He Gu did not say a word, he left the airport under the escort of a
bunch of people, went to sit in the car, the door completely isolated
everything outside, he relaxed and felt his hands still shaking.

Su Su slowly raised her head, revealing a small face and looked

sadly at He Gu.

He Gu touch her head: "It's okay, it's okay now."

Su Su had erased the egg white on his face by hand and her tears
could not stop flowing down: "They should die!"

He Gu suffered from it and the panic and resentment that was

blocked and humiliated in public turned into a anger, but he could
not show it. He could only slow down his voice as much as possible:
"We don't know them well, now it's ok. It is just stupid

Xiao Song used a wet tissue to wipe his face and body and wiped
his nose. "Brother, sorry, we were late. There are too many
things to deal with in the past few days. I have to field
hundreds of calls every day, I am going crazy. I only knew
that you booked the ticket an hour ago. If you had turned on
the phone, we will know that something is going to happen
and come over."
366 Report
He Gu silently wiped himself out and didn't say a word.

Xiao Song said uncomfortably: "Brother Han has been planning

this thing for a long time. He has been screaming at Mr.Song
He. In fact, he was well prepared and tried to control the
things on the Internet, but there are still some omissions..."

He Gu wipe himself and wiped him hair.

Xiao Song's eyes hang down: "Brother, I beg you to say


He Gu finally looked up at him and Shen said: "I really don't

know what to say."

Xiao Song seems to be crying. "Brother Han is true to you. It is

really true. It is not because you left him. He felt that his
self-esteem was damaged and he came back to look for you.
The people around us I saw them all. I followed him for four
years, I have always known that he always cares only about

There is no expression on the face, but He Gu heart was already


Suddenly, the door was opened violently and Song Ju Han

appeared in the sight.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
367 Report

Chapter 65
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

The two of them looked at each other for a few seconds.

Song Ju Han's dark eyes were like a sea without a bottom and the
densely interlaced eyelashes are like a raging net, which binds He Gu
from the depths of the soul and makes him breathless.

He Gu looked at the eyelids and unconsciously lowered his head.

Song Ju Han held his chin and his big hand wiped the water from
the tomato juice in his forehead, like it was blood.

He Gu didn't look over the face, Song Ju Han wiped it down, rubbed
it from his cheeks to his hair and then rubbed it around his neck.
Finally, his eyes were red and he couldn't help but pull He Gu into his
arms, his voice shook: "I am sorry."

He has too many grievances, too many sorry for this person, so
that there are tons of apologies, he do not know where to start.

He Gu gently pushed him away and whispered: "If they

photographed Su Su's face..."

"They won't dare to publish them, including your photo."

Song Ju Han quickly said.

"Brother Han, get in the car, let's leave here and talk
later." Xiao Song stepped into the driver's seat from the back seat
and nervously looked around, lest the reporters come up.

Song Ju Han got in the car and after closing the door, the car was
368 Report
quiet as if he could hear each other's heartbeat.

He Gu looked at the time: "I have to take Su Su to Shanghai."

Song Ju Han whispered: "I will arrange for you to go

tomorrow. Let's avoid it today."

He Gu nodded tiredly.

Song Ju Han touched Su Su head and said softly: "Su Su, sorry,
are you scared?"

Su Su shook her head with her eyes open: "I am not afraid of

Xiao Song said: "Those fans are really crazy and they could
see that there are children around and they kept throwing

Song Ju Han was so uncomfortable that he couldn't lift his head. He

had been peeking at He Gu, but he didn't want to see him. He kept
his head down and wiped his hair.

Song Ju Han opened his mouth several times and then he

swallowed back his words.

Silent was in the air all the way.

Xiao Song drove them to a nearby hotel, led them into the suite,
said: "Brother Han, I am going to buy clothes for you, you
should take a shower first."

He Gu said: "Su Su, you go to take a shower."

Su Su looked at the two people and walked into the bathroom.

There were only two people left in the room. He Gu looked at his
face in the mirror he looked like a wolf. He hadn't recovered from the
panic of hundreds of people ganging up on him and he didn't even
369 Report
have the strength to get angry.

"... He Gu?" Song Ju Han called carefully.

He Gu unbuttoned the shirt, took off the wet sticky shirt and threw
it into the trash can. He turned his back to Song Ju Han and said,
"When you did that at the concert, did you expect such a
thing to happen?"

Song Ju Han looked at the light - the naked back and the thin waist,
his throat was tight, he swallowed and only to sigh, "I thought, but
if I don't do it, my dad will use more vicious means to deal
with you, I had to cut off the road once, so that he can't
interfere, he will die."

He Gu turned to look at him: "Do I have anything to do with

the things happening between your father and son push and
pull ?"

Song Ju Han was speechless.

He Gu took out his mobile phone from his pocket and sent a text
message to Sun Qing, saying that something was delaying them and
they would go back tomorrow. He knows that his mother will see the
news sooner or later and it will be a while before she starts to ask

"That song... do you think it was nice?" Song Ju Han


He Gu stopped, the back can be seen to be obviously stiff. He

paused: "I forgot to watch it."

"You are lying."

He Gu didn't even turn around, he was afraid to see Song Ju Han's

eyes, those eyes, separated by a dozen kilometers, across the TV
screen, across thousands of people, but still managed to pass the
strongest affection.
370 Report
Song Ju Han walked over and forced his arms to hug from behind.
His cheeks were tightly attached to He Gu's neck: "The song, every
sentence is what I wanted to say to you, you wouldn't believe
me, I will retire. I will work behind the scenes, there will not
be so many messy people around me, I will quietly write
songs at home, as long as you accompany me, I will only sing
to you."

He Gu heart felt the mother of the earthquakes, Song Ju Han's

voice is so good that he was numb.

He really can't imagine why Song Ju Han would do that. Song Ju

Han is a person who, besides music, he care less about anything, but
he gave up the stage for him(He Gu).

It wasn't until then that he believed that Song Ju Han really loved
him. In the humble, sore seven years, a miracle he has been praying
for, it really appeared.

He wasn't expecting to be shocked.

However, he used to think that the moment he saw the miracle he

would burst into tears, but now it is only indescribably sad and ironic.

After he saw all Song Ju Han at his worst and experienced all the
injuries, can they go back to the past? He has been tortured and he
was full of anger and tiredness. Before he changed, he did not
believe that it will happen that one day he would not feel joy when he
faced Song Ju Han that he will only have anger, helplessness and

They have been run down to this point, can they go back to being

Song Ju Han, who has retired behind the scenes, is still in the
possession of wealth, beauty and status. What does he want other
waving his hand, can this guarantee that he will not cheat anymore?
371 Report
Can this guarantee that he is no longer guilty?

Who will guarantee him a lifetime.

He Gu was scared. He is afraid that he will be confused again by

Song Ju Han. If he repeats the mistakes, one day he will probably fall
more and more seriously than he is now and he may not be able to
climb out. After all, Song Ju Han gave him too many things that he
didn't dare to ask for. In the past, can he bear the loss?

Song Ju Han tightly held the body that was obviously stiff and
dumbly said: "You say something, you have to say something."

He Gu eyes were empty: "You are always so arrogant,

regardless of the consequences, because you are not afraid
of anything, but I..."

"Who said that I am not afraid!" Song Ju Han hurriedly said, "I
am always afraid that you will not want me."

He Gu pushed his arms and finally took the courage to look directly
at him: "That song, it was very nice."

Song Ju Han was happy.

"But you're not the one who can impress someone when
you sing a song."

Song Ju Han's expression almost collapsed in an instant.

"There was a reason for that. Seven years ago, you sang a
song to me that day. I was moved by it then you f*cked me
and I was bleeding. I was in so much pain that I didn't say
anything. Why can't I stop smiling. I am as fascinated by you
as I am intoxicated and it is seven years of intoxication."

"But I woke up and found that you are not so good, at least
you are not worthy of me, so stupid, putting myself in for a
372 Report
lifetime." He Gu eyes were like a quiet lake just under the stagnant
water, there is a surging undercurrent "After waking up, I wont
take it from you anymore and I saw us more clearly. I am very
clear about making decisions that to be separated from you. I
think this is the best for me. As for you. I used to think about
you only now, I want to think about myself only. You sing
that song to me, I am a little touched, but it is like this, I did
not decide on your exit from the stage and anything that
happens afterwards I'm not responsible for it."

"I didn't..." Song Ju Han trembled with his breath, his voice
choked. "I didn't want to make you take any responsibility.
This is my own choice. I chose you. Whether you will forgive
me or not, I don't regret it. If you feel that you can't believe
me for a year and a half, I will always be with you and
accompany you for a lifetime. I only love you, one song and
one man is enough. One has made me want to die. He Gu, I
am just I wanting to tell you, I am willing to do anything for
you, I can give up the stage for you, I can turn your face for
you with my dad, I can come out for you, I will tell the world
that the person I love is you, can't you I believe I will be just
with you?!"

He Gu felt the air was difficulty to breath. Song Ju Han's words

seemed to be like bloody wound and it was dripping down on his
head. He knew that he was shaken. From the moment he decided to
leave Song Ju Han, no matter how much Song Ju Han had done, good
and bad. He has never wavered, but at this moment, he knows that
he has shaken.

Did Song Ju Han change? Can he change? The man who said that
he would not hurt him any more, forced himself to be good just for
him, but when he blocked him in the hotel and humiliated him and
threatened him with his mother company, wasn't that this same Song
Ju Han? !
373 Report
Song Ju Han is a jerk. He knew it seven years ago. Will such a
person change?

How can he shake for such a person? !

He pushed Song Ju Han away: "Enough, let me stay alone for a


"He Gu..."

"Get out!" He Gu can't he restrain himself.

Song Ju Han's eyes were filled with pain, but in the end he did not
say anything, quietly left the room.

He Gu felt that his legs were soft and he sat down on the bed

After a while, Su Su was finished and he couldn't wait to put

himself in the bathroom, washing the unpleasant and embarrassing
smell on his body.

These are also given by Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han said that he loves him and what he gave to him is
often pain, embarrassment and shame.

After the shower he came out, Xiao Song had already sent the
clothes. He Gu put on the clean clothes and got into the quilt? He felt
that the pores in his body finally stretched out. He finally got a little
free from the nightmare of the airport, just because his entanglement
with Song Ju Han and the fact that he was tired, made him extremely

Su Su seems to be able to read what he is thinking and he looks at

him without hesitation: "Brother, I am fine, I am not afraid."

He Gu touch her head: "You are so powerful, much stronger
374 Report
than when I was a child."



Su Su said angrily: "Those people are disgusting, they will be

revenged sooner or later."

"Don't think about those people, they are not worth

remembering." He Gu touched her head, "Sleep, sleep, I will
take you home tomorrow."

Su Su closed her eyes obediently. He Gu looked at her tender face

and when his line of sight lost its focal length and Song Ju Han's face
appeared again.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
375 Report

Chapter 66
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

After Su Su fell asleep, He Gu quietly got out of bed, put on clothes

and opened the door.

He heard that when Song Ju Han went out, he entered the room
next door. He went to the next door and raised his hand to the door
panel. He sighed, but did not have the courage to knock down.

He wanted to ask how Song Ju Han arranged the trip for tomorrow.
He thought about it completely redundant. He took the phone and
went to the corridor to call his mother.

He explained the matter that happened at the airport today and

explained it lightly, lest she see the news and end up worried.

After the phone call, when he returned to the room, I was seen by
Song Ju Han and Xiao Song coming back from the outside. In the
narrow hotel corridor, the three people could not avoid each other.

Song Ju Han's mouth was blue and purple and his cheeks were
swollen. When he saw He Gu he subconsciously turned his face.

He Gu swore: "You had a fight with the reporter?"

"No, I went back home." Song Ju Han said indifferently.

No wonder, only Song He can smack Song Ju Han's face, he

indulged in it for a moment: "Tomorrow, how do we go to
Shanghai? What time?"

"I went looking for my dad to borrow the plane. You want
376 Report
to go there we can go at any time."

He Gu nodded: "Then at ten o'clock in the morning."

After that, he wanted to go back to the room.

Song Ju Han moved half a step, blocking him in front of him,

looking down at him, softly said: "Hungry? Xiao Song brought
back a meal."

He Gu happen to look up and saw Song Ju Han talking, touching his

mouth, his eyebrows jumped, he hesitated.

Xiao Song immediately got near: "Brother, let's eat the food. I
haven't eaten anything since the afternoon. Is Su Su hungry?
Call her to eat."

"She fell asleep, she was scared today, let her sleep."

"Oh, let's go next door, don't bother her." Xiao Song took out
the card and brushed the room next door, letting them go in.

He Gu didn't want to go in and face Xiao Song and Song Ju Han.

Xiao Song put the food on the table and He Gu took a look at it.
Many of them are the food loved by him. But after experiencing the
physical and mental "wearing" in the afternoon, he really has no

Song Ju Han wanted to peel the skin shrimp for him. As a result, he
was stabbed by the sting of the shrimp. The next shrimp with a big
palm was pulled apart into several pieces by him. The meat went to
the shell and he did not see the whole meat. He threw that one away.
Xiao Song wanted to take over and help but he pushed his hand in a
"go away" way.

He Gu can't stop Ju Han from wasting his food so much so he

grabbed the shrimp from his hand and smashed the shell from the
377 Report
stomach twice, then gently peeled the whole shrimp shell down and
the tail of the shrimp was completely covered. When the flesh came
out, he threw the shrimp into Song Ju Han bowl.

Song Ju Han was busy: "Let me, I will give you something to
eat." He put the shrimp into He Gu bowl.

He Gu was not so polite, he stuffed it into his mouth.

Song Ju Han picked up another one and he had learned how to slap
the shrimp in the stomach. Xiao Song whispered, "Brother Han, let
me do it."

Song Ju Han gave him a blank look: "Eat yours own."

He Gu put down the chopsticks: "I have finished eating, I will

go back first."

"Hey, it will soon be stripped!" Song Ju Han hurriedly said,

"You only eat a few mouthfuls and eat more."

"Full." He Gu went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"Then I also have finished eating."

"Brother Han, you haven't eaten..."

Song Ju Han turned a deaf ear and went over and wash his hands
under the small water faucet.

He Gu frowned, he rubbed the water, wiped his hands and turned


Song Ju Han also followed him.

When he went outside the room, he stopped and helplessly looked

back at Song Ju Han: "What are you doing?"

Song Ju Han thought for a moment and whispered, "Isn't it too
378 Report
early to sleep now, its only nine o'clock."

"It's not early."

"There is an open-air garden restaurant on the roof and the

desserts and drinks are very famous. Let's go sit down."


Song Ju Han couldn't help but hold He Gu hand. The man's voice
was so low that he could hardly hear: "Do you think that I am

He Gu swore: "What do you mean."

"I always give you trouble." Song Ju Han took a deep breath
and his expression was a bit of a strong man's broken wrist. "That
Ah-Sheng's thing, I brought the trouble to you and later... my
dad was guiding the public opinion to slander you. I pushed
you out, I know, but I didn't stop it. My dad was mad at the
time, I didn't dare to confront him again, but the biggest
reason was because I felt... your reputation, Your work is not
as important as mine." The more he said, the smaller his sound

These things have long been thought of, but when he heard them
from Song Ju Han's mouth it made him feel a rush.

He recalled that the history could be said to be the darkest time of

his life. He didn't dare to go out, couldn't see anyone, he was
exposed, his face in the public was lost, his future was completely
destroyed, but he never really felt that Song Ju Han had a lot of
apologies, just like Song Ju Han said, his reputation was a little-known
little man, he had a job with an annual salary of only a few hundred
thousand, which is more important than t Song Ju Han's contract
worth tens of millions of dollars, in such a case, of course, you had to
lose the car.
379 Report
But if he didn't do anything, he could bear all that.

He Gu sighed: "What do you mean to say that now?"

"I want to apologize to you." Song Ju Han said uncomfortably,

"My mom said, I should start from seriously reflecting on all
my mistakes and apologizing. Sorry, your reputation is as
important as your work."

He Gu chest violently fluctuate a few times, when he heard Song Ju

Han mention this and apologize, he can not tell what the heart is
feeling, for a moment, the grievances that have been stagnation for
a long time have finally dissipated.

"And, seven years ago, I got close to you the purpose was
not pure, I used you to defeat Feng Zheng, I also laughed at
you 'can't afford to fool around'..." As Song Ju Han said that his
voice was a little trembling, "I... ...sorry, there are many..."

"Okay, don't say it again." He Gu thought that according to the

ethics of normal people, if Song Ju Han needs to apologize for every
wrong done to him it is estimated he will spend a day and night and
he can not finish, but mostly is because He Gu does not need it,
because it was his own decision, there is no point to blame others,
now Song Ju Han repented for the old things, those heavy stuffs
patting the knife on his chest, did not make him comfortable, after
all, that one piece of past events, all the bloody evidence he had
slandered before, he did not want to store them in his memories.

Song Ju Han's eyes faded: "I've been thinking about things

that I need to reflect on and need to apologize to you. Later I
found out that there are so many... I thought I gave you your
house and gave you a car it would be like me being good to
you. But those things are neither what you needed, nor what
you valued. I always embarrass you, call you and tempered
you. In order to see if you have a different reaction from
usual, deliberately flirting with others in front of your face."
380 Report
Then Song Ju Han fave got even more uncomfortable, "I did a
lot...the things that made you sad, so many years, you have
been holding back..."

Song Ju Han tried to imagine the reverse of the relationship

between the two, thinking about if He Gu did those things to him,
thinking of them one by one and finally he almost collapsed. He Gu
endure it all those years, how he was hurt and ridiculed and he still
did not leave, how much feelings he could have, so that he could not
afford to be consumed by it. If you he didn't really love him, how can
he endured such torture, even if it him so, finally he will completely

It was him, who personally killed the heart that was full of his love,
the one he loved the most, the most missed and the one he needed
the most.

I have been loved like that and I won't give up my life.

He Gu can't endure and sighed lowly: "I don't want to say

anything to you, I don't need you to apologize, apologies are

This Song Ju Han has made himself into a stranger. Perhaps he is

more accustomed to the former Song Ju Han, at least that Song is
cold, he knows how to cope and how to resist him.

"Yes, it is useless to apologize." Song Ju Han dumbly said, "I

just want you to know that all the hardships you have
suffered, now I am trying to resolve them, so that you will be

"It has nothing to do with me." He Gu throw a sentence coldly

and wanted to go back to the room.

Song Ju Han's voice came from behind: "He Gu, if you can stick
to the bad for seven years then I can."
381 Report
He Gu quickly open the door, rushed back to the room and closed
the door.

Su Su was awakened and muttered eords.

He Gu felt like he woke up from a dream and said with a breath:

"Su Su, its nothing, you continue to sleep."

Su Su sat up: "Brother, what's wrong with you? You looks

very nervous."

"Nothing, I just went to eat some food, are you hungry?"

"Not hungry, sleepy."

"Let's sleep." He Gu closed his eyes and breathe a sigh of relief in

the darkness before he calmed down his emotions.

The next day, Su Su got up very early and she was hungry. So far,
the hotel didn't have breakfast, so He Gu planned to go down and
buy some for her.

He just opened the door and the door next door opened. Song Ju
Han came out. Even though his cheeks were hurt and tired, he
smiled. "Going running?"

"Go to buy Su Su breakfast."He Gu suspect that Song Ju Han

was listening for the sound at the door.

"I will go with you."

"Wouldn't you like to be surrounded by crazy fans?"

Song Ju Han took out the cover and hat from his pocket and
skillfully disguised it: "So early, there are fewer people on the
street, let's go."

He Gu didn't bother to talk to him and walked to the underground.
382 Report
In Beijing, which is more than six o'clock, there are very few
pedestrians and vehicles on the street. There is none of that
impetuousness in the daytime, which gives people a smooth and
refreshing morning.

Song Ju Han stretched out his arms: "I haven't run in the
morning for a while."

He Gu didn't talk, he was looking for a breakfast shop.

"There is one there."

He Gu saw that there was a shop in front of the road, which was
actually the chain store of Song Ju Han's favorite crab.

He hesitated.

Song Ju Han pulled up his hand: "It's so good, it's actually this
store, we..."

He Gu pushed his hand and walked in and took a few soups, side
dishes and soy milk.

Song Ju Han heard He Gu order for the crab yellow and his eyes
could not stop smiling.

On the way back, Song Ju Han showed some awkward smile: "I
used to work late, you came to see me, you will buy this

He Gu thought of those years. At that time, his mobile phone was

loosing power when he had no electricity power bank. Whenever he
went there, he would bring a charger. In order not to miss any call
from Song Ju Han, as long as Song Ju Han wanted to see him, no
matter how important it was, he could push it. Song Ju Han was all
the fun in his life, the absolute center of gravity of life, he humbled
and devoutly loved Song Ju Han, carefully maintaining the tactile
relationship of the tightrope.
383 Report
Now thinking about it, he is really enchanted. Unfortunately, until
now, he is no more, maybe for a lifetime, he can't completely get rid
of the demons.

"Be careful!"

He Gu body was half leaning and Song Ju Han pulled him into his
arms. When he woke up in his dream, he found that there was an
open manhole in front of him. There was a sign of maintenance post
next to him and he suddenly walked forward unconsciously.

Song Ju Han stared at him: "What's wrong with you? You

would have fallen in there."

He Gu pushed him away and he calmed down and said calmly: "I
saw it early."

Song Ju Han once again wanted to help him with breakfast, He Gu


Back at the hotel, Su Su has already woken up. The little girl
braided herself had a neat ponytail, she was dressed im the lake blue
dress brought by Xiao Song, her face was tender and full of morning
dew flowers and yesterday's wilting was swept away, she looked

"Brother He." Su Su screamed happily and then her eyes fell on

Song Ju Han. She restrained her lips and screamed, "Brother Han."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "If you are hungry, come and

Su Su looked at her inquiringly, He Gu said: "Come and eat."

Su Su ran across the ground and leaned over to Song Ju Han.

Seeing He Gu has no reaction, she sat down.

He Gu didn't care, he handed her a soup meal and she ate herself.
384 Report
Song Ju Han gave Su Su a few crabs and shrimps: "Taste this,
your brother and I are very fond of eating this."

"This store also has shop in Shanghai, I also love to eat

these." Su Su smile and while eating she was secretly looking at the

He Gu said: "Concentrate on eating, after eating and packing

up we will go to Shanghai."

Su Su suddenly had a lingering look: "But we went to the


"Nothing, we are going on a private jets, no one will


Su Su eyes were shining: "Private aircraft? Is that only on TV?"


"Is there a big TV, a bar, a sofa and a bedroom?"

Song Ju Han nodded: "Yes."

Su Su exclaimed excitedly: "Can I take pictures?"

He Gu swore: "No and calm down."

Su Su excitement suddenly fell.

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Yes, but you can't say whose
plane it is."

Su Su suddenly nodded.

Song Ju Han patted her head: "Su Su is really beautiful in this

dress. This is a new model that will not yet been released
until next month, in the whole world it is only worn by you
alone, do you like it?"
385 Report
"Like it? Love it! So beautiful!"

"Isn't Brother Han(me)good to you?" Song Ju Han's smile was

very awing.

"Awesomely good." Su Su's face is red and she was a little


"That's good." Song Ju Han turned to smirk at He Gu.

He Gu glance at him coldly and bowed down to eat.

Song Ju Han was disappointed and his eyes fell.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
386 Report

Chapter 67
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

After eating, Xiao Song sent them to the airport and this time he
drove them directly under the plane.

Su Su was excited and when she got off the car, he let her take

Why not take pictures at all, the person who shoots is not only the
head is too dark to see the face, Su Su is very dissatisfied, Xiao Song
quickly took over, let him and Song Ju Han go up first.

If you are too hot outside, you will go up first.

This was He Gu the first time to ride a private jet. He already knew
that Song Ju Han had money, but he had no money for the "rich"
extravagant like this. There was no concept. This time, he was
shocked by the luxury of the plane.

"Sit." Song Ju Han happily pressed He Gu to the leather seat.

"This plane was bought by my dad with his friends. Oh, Peng
put it in their home and he also bought one. I used to think it
was not practical, but it was not as good renting, now ut
finally comes in handy."

He Gu hear the familiar name and asked randomly: "How is Peng


Song Ju Han turned his eyes: "Ghosts would know, he should

387 Report
The last time he was too lazy to find Peng Fang, but for the time
being, he didn't want to meet Peng Fang gain. Peng Fang's mouth
was too big in this circle. The name Peng Fang is enough suffering.
Song Ju Han really did not expect that the relationship between the
two of them to not get salty, not to the level where he can be wished

"That..." He Gu hesitated then asked, "What about Yuan Yang?

Do you have any news of him?"

In Song Ju Han's heart there was a worrying pinch, he said: "Are

you familiar with Yuan Yang? Why did you ask about him?"

"He is unfamiliar, but he and my former boss have had a


"Gu Qing Pei?"


Song Ju Han frowned. "Are you sure? Yuan Yang likes women."

"I can confirm."

"I only heard that he and him were quarreling and then
their temperament changed greatly. They started to do
business. He seems to be quite grownup." Song Ju said coldly. "I
said that Gu Qing Pei is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He can bend
for Yuan Yang, so he really didn't mean anything to you?"

He Gu: "Gu is very charming, people liking him is not

unusual, but we... forget it, why explain it to you."

Song Ju Han was a little nervous: "Don't be angry, I was just

talking about it."

He Gu turned his head and looked out the window, Xiao Song just
took the opportunity to get on the plane.
388 Report
Su Su was happy and straightforward: "Wow, it's so beautiful,
Brother Han, I like this plane."

"You like that I will take you wherever you want next time.
When you are ready to spend your birthday, I will fly to take
you out to play."

"Good!" Su Su couldn't stop laughing. "Brother Han is


"Yes?" Song Ju Han teased her. "Is it a Brother Han a

handsome guy?"

When Su Su looked at him, she looked at Song Ju Han and

hesitated with a sigh of relief. He whispered: "Brother Han is

Song Ju Han snorted and shook his head without admiration.

"But I love my brother most," Su Su said shyly.

He Gu turn her head and smile at her.

Song Ju Han said: "Well, I also love your brother most." Then
he raised his hand and punched a fiver and Su Su hit back with the

He Gu frowned and said: "What are you talking about?"

Song Ju Han looked at him, his eyes filled with affection and smiles.

"Hey." Xiao Song stared at the phone and screamed. "You two
were going to buy breakfast this morning and a photo was
taken. It took a little longer and the photo has spread."

"F*ck, can I be recognized even that early?"

"Delete it?" Xiao Song asked, "I don't think it is necessary to

delete, because many people are saying that you two are
389 Report
very warm and very good together."

He Gu slowly turned to look at Xiao Song and dare to said:


In order not to make himself angry these days, he simply did

not go online to see the messy things. Even the news at the airport
yesterday he did not look at its coverage. He is the singer of the
Song Media, how can there be such a paradox.

Song Ju Han's eyes shined in front of him: "Come and show me."

He grabbed the mobile phone, his finger swept the screen quickly
and his face gradually showed a smug smile. "Let them look at us
with their jealous eyes, don't delete it."

"The effect of guiding in this direction is very good. Now

many people support you, especially your fans." Xiao Song
smiled and looked at him.

"Brother, this thing happened to Brother Han, it will

definitely make them unprepared at first, let people feel that
they are deviant and unforgivable, but after a long time,
there will be different voices. This is not a bad thing after all.
This is a piece of art. The point of literary and art, that is,
true love is the most supreme, it is very touching, now many
people are bragging about Brother Han bravery, domineering
and they also say that you two are specially matched and
wish you all happiness."

He Gu stayed silent in bed for a long time and spit out a sentence:
"So the society is so open now?"

Xiao Song smiled and said: "How do you say that the people
are relatively open, but the heads have to be very
conservative and Brother Han said that confession after that,
he can only go behind the scenes, the loss of their idol is too
390 Report

"Okay, there are so many words." Song Ju Han interrupted him

and snorted. "I don't care what they say, but if they say that I
am as good with He Gu, the aesthetics must be good."

He Gu felt some strange emotions in his heart. He thought that he

had become a "public enemy", but he thought that those people
just loved the house and the model because they liked Song Ju Han.
There was nothing to be happy about and he could barely be

"He Gu, you see." Song Ju Han shook his mobile phone face.

He Gu carelessly sweep his eyes. In the photo, there was Song Ju

Han who held the breakfast in his hand, holding his his hand and
pulling He Gu away the hole on the ground, one by one, although the
photos were a little hazy. But those untouched, the scene looked
very life-like pictures look surprisingly harmonious.

"I have to look too." Su Su got together.

He Gu reached out and block the screen of the mobile phone:

"Children shouldn't want to have this kind of excitement.
Have you finished your summer homework?"

Su Su's face collapsed.

"You start school in a few days and you're going to write

homework now."

"Ooh." Su Su went to write homework.

Xiao Song stood up and spoke very clearly: "I am going to coach
her, oh my math is good."

The plane took off, He Gu was sitting in the single sofa with Song Ju
Han, He Gu looked at the window, Song Ju Han looked at him.
391 Report
He Gu corner of the eye always feels Song Ju Han gaze, he has
nowhere to hide, it was like he was sitting on a needle simply intend
to put down the backrest, rest for a while, although he is not tired at
all. His fingers moved up the row of buttons on the armrest, not
knowing which one is the right button.

"Whats wrong?"

"I want to push the chair down for a while."

"If you are tired, go to the bedroom."

"No need to."

Song Ju Han got up and held the armrests with both hands. The
upper body was pressed down and the deep eyes gazed into He Gu

Song Ju Han's light perfume and pure manly smell drifted in a very
close distance, He Gu tried to avoid it, held his breath not to be
outdone he turned to look at him.

Song Ju Han's finger was gently pressed on the armrest, so He Gu

felt the backrest tilted back until it was tilted to a comfortable angle.
Song Ju Han couldn't help but lean down and gently kissed him on
the nose, "Let's take a break."

When He Gu closed his eyes, he was worried that his eyes would
leak his emotions.

Song Ju Han took a thin blanket from the cupboard and covered it
on He Gu body. Then he sat in the seat and supported his chin. He
looked at him quietly and his mouth gradually pulled out a gentle and
bitter smile.

It didn't take long for the plane to reach Shanghai. Song Ju Han
personally pulled on the baggage: "Let's go."
392 Report
He Gu looked at him strangely: "Do you have to get off the
plane?" He thought that Song Ju Han and Xiao Song just
accompanied them here and would go back with the plane.

"Of course, if my Auntie is willing, I want to ask her to have

a meal."

"No." He Gu didn't hesitate to refute, "She doesn't want to see

you, don't be fooled."

Song Ju Han's expression was somewhat lost: "Okay, but I still

have to stay I will take you back to her"

There is no way for him to refuse hi. and he no longer care for what
Ju Han does.

They got in the car and Song Ju Han sent him to the hotel where
Sun Qing booked. After he put down his luggage, he returned home
with Su su.

Sun Qing and her husband have been separated for several years.
In order to facilitate Su Su schooling, they bought a house in the city,
but occasionally Su Su father's family will visit at Su Su. In order to
avoid the encounter, He Gu came to Shanghai and had to stay in the

But now it seems unnecessary. When the three people see it, Sun
Qing will ask his questions.

He Gu road said: "Forget it, I am convenient to live in the

hotel. Mom, how do you feel these days? month you're going
to take a second course of treatment."

"I can still do it." There was a trace of fatigue in Sun Qing and it
was clear that the negotiations were not going well.

"How is the situation now?"
393 Report
"Li Chen Xing still cares about the old feelings, a little
loose, but his two sons are too greedy things and ... They
know what I am sick and now want to force me to sell shares
at a low price."

He Gu face changed slightly: "How did they know it?"

"Oh, actually, this thing can't be stopped from spreading

sooner or later. Now the company is a bit stable. They spread
rumors and said that I won't live for a long time. People who
used to follow me loyally began to plan for themselves, to
other side. By the way, now the situation is very unfavorable
to me."

"Mom, things are so serious, how can you just tell me


Sun Qing sighed: "What do I say to you, you know that your
own life has been overwhelmed."

"Then you can't..." He Gu was annoyed. "I am such a big

grown person here. Is it that I'm useless in your eyes?"

Sun Qing said: "How come, I just don't want you to get
involved in these messy things."

"I don't want to, I will get involved sooner or later. At the
moment, you shouldn't have a hard time."

Sun Qing was embarrassed. "Son, I know that you really want
to help me but I really don't know, what can you do for me?
My affairs with Li are too messy, if you are involved again. It
will only be more chaotic. If you just take care of me, it will
be the biggest help for me. Other things , Mom doesn't want
you to worry about it."

He Gu felt that his heart is blocked, but he also know that his
mother is telling the truth, he really can't help. He does not
394 Report
understand business, does not understand the law and even the
world is not perfect enough. After all, he is only an engineer and can
play a role in participating in this hundreds of millions of property

Looking at He Gu face was lost, Sun Qing felt very uncomfortable

and said a lot of words to comfort him.

Somehow, somehow, he suddenly remembered Song Ju Han,

perhaps deeply troubled by their problems. With the financial
resources of Song Ju Han, they can easily solve it... but he will never
ask Song Ju Han for help.

"Right, what happened to you and that Song Ju Han now?"

Suddenly he heard the words "Song Ju Han" from his mother's

mouth. He Gu was in a shock and there was no guilty conscience. He
groaned: "What is going on?"

Sun Qing shook his head: "I don't know how to go online, but I
am concerned about your news. You were photoed together
this morning. You don't know anything you did."

He Gu quickly thought of a lot of excuses, but in the end, he

decided to tell the truth: "He wants to reconcile with me."

Sun Qing glanced at him with a grin: "He wants to reconcile

with you, now all China oh no, not just China, anyway, who
doesn't know now, the key is you, what do you think?"

He Gu shook his head: "We have been together for so many

years and it just proves that we are not suitable, so I am not
going to look back."

"Do you really think so?" Sun Qing looked at him seriously. "If
you really want to think so, I will be relieved. Don't take
worry of him. He will know that he will not be entangled in it
sooner or later."
395 Report
"Yeah."He Gu lowered his eyebrows.

Sun Qing looked and his expression flashed a little helpless.

He Gu sent Su Su home, and the three had a meal together and He

Gu went back to the hotel at night.

He just used the room card to open the door and the door in the
next room suddenly opened again. Song Ju Han arms whirlwind
generally found his body and said happily: "You are back."

He Gu frowned: "How do you..." Did Song Ju Han always listen to

his room movements?

"Friends gave me a bottle of good wine come so we can

drank it together."

"No." He Gu entered the room.

Song Ju Han was hard to follow and came in. "I know that there
are delicious food nearby. Let's go to eat late at night."

"I am full."

"There is a KTV on the second floor of the hotel. Can I sing

to you ?"

He Gu body shape paused and said: "I have to rest."

Song Ju Han leaned against the wall and made a melancholy tuned
words in his mouth.

For almost all of a sudden, he heard that Song Ju Han singing the
the first verse "Love He Gu". His heart trembled and turned sharply:
"You should go out."

Song Ju Han's eyes are like stars, with an unbearable expectation:

"Do you want to hear to the best part?"
396 Report
"I don't want to." He Gu reprimanded Ju Han and spoke, "Go

Song Ju Han's expression fell in an instant and turned away


Listening to the lock and door slamming, He Gu tight nerves slowly

relaxed. He closed his eyes and his heart was like a desert.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
397 Report

Chapter 68
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

He Gu wanted to take the opportunity to discuss with his mother

and about him moving to Shanghai to live and work, but seeing that
the situation is not good now, his mother is not able to sort the chaos
because of all sorts of things he stopped.

But he really wants to find work.

Although financial management and stocks have good returns

every month, it is not his style to sit on the mountain, but because of
the "feat" of Song Ju Han at the concert, he once again made
headlines and now it is impossible to find a normal job, maybe he
really should start his own business.

He has a lot of contacts in the real estate circle in Beijing. It is not

a problem to recruit a few people and pick up some small projects.

But in this way, he can't come to Shanghai.

It's a bit embarrassing to think about it and it makes him feel a bit

The phone rang and for a moment, it was a fucking call: "Hey,

"He Gu?" Sun Qing's voice shook a little. "You are not
inconvenienced to come to the house now?"

He Gu body tremble, he heard Su Su is crying and his mother's
398 Report
voice was very wrong: "Mom, what happened?"

"Don't panic, Old Li and his son are coming. We had a few
arguments. If you are busy..."

"I will come right away."

"You be careful on the road, don't worry."

He Gu quickly changed his clothes and rushed out the door.

The movement of the door was particularly large and Song Ju Han
really chased him out: "He Gu, what happened?"

He Gu didn't care about him, while he was buttoning the shirt, he

strode to the elevator.

Song Ju Han chased him. He apparently just got out of bed and
only wore a pair of trousers, showing a half-body-skinned muscled
meat. The muscles of his arms were massive and full of strength. He
grabbed He Gu arm and said nervously: "He Gu, what happened!"

He Gu pushed his hand: "My mom has something happening

over, don't block me."

"I will come with you."

"No, what do you have to mix with our family." He Gu press

the elevator button a few times with irritability.

"You are not an ordinary thing to look at, no matter what

happened I can help you." Song Ju Han held his shoulder and
looked deep and calm. "Wait for me, I will put on clothes
immediately, okay."

"Why don't you pat your face?"

Song Ju Han stroked his ear and turned and ran back to the room.
399 Report
The elevator door slammed open and he looked at Song Ju Han,
who had already entered the room and hesitated a little, then looked
at the man and walked into the elevator.

Out of the hotel, he took a car and rushed to his mother.

When he arrived at his mother's house, he took a deep breath and

took to arrange his hair. His face was calm and watery and he
knocked on the door with restraint.

The door was quickly opened and Sun Qing opened the door. Her
eyes were a little red and she looked pissed off.

He Gu whispered in her ear: "We have this." He walked in with

Sun Qing's shoulder.

There are two men sitting in the house, one is Li Chen Xing. He Gu
saw his photos in Su Su's ipad and a young man who is very smart at
first sight, must be his son.

He Gu nodded and nod: "Hello, Uncle Li"

Li Chen Xing smiled hard and smiled: "Hello, hello, listening

about you from your mother, I finally saw you." He pointed to
the young man. "This is my youngest son, Li Hui, same age as

"Hello there."

Li Hui's attitude was somewhat arrogant and he nodded.

"What about Su Su?" He Gu asked.

"In the room." Sun Qing looks a little tired.

He Gu glance at the coffee table with a large stack of documents

and some of them carried in anger and being thrown on the ground.
He Gu bend over and pulled it up and turn it over. It is the equity
400 Report
transfer agreement that Li and his son hoped Sun Qi would sign.

Li Chen Xing touched his nose and said: "Sun Qing is not in
good health. It is difficult to take into account the operation
of the company. At this time, the focus should be on raising a
disease, right."

Sun Qing said coldly: "You should be showing less pretense to

care about me here. If you really want to let me feel at ease. I
don't want to be angry with you. At this price, you want me
sell the equity. Isn't it like I have given you everything over
the past ten years? You strode your nose and claim this is Li
Family's work? Qin Qing has become what it is today not
because of the Link Family.... my Sun Qing sweat built half
of the company."

Li said something yin and yang: "Sun Qing, no one has erased
your credit in the company. It's just that the situation is not
very good. The purchase price is still within reasonable
limits. Everyone is a family. Do you really want to sell your
own efforts to outsiders, when the time is fine, it is no longer

"I am not needed here, Qin Qing is not diligent. Since I

want to sell, I also want to find a good price. I think Rongtou
is the best choice. He can support Qin Qing and make it go to
a higher level. Your reason for disagreement is too far-

"We disagree because we believe that Qin Qing can

overcome this difficulty and we do not want to sell the shares
to outsiders. Sun Qing, if you are not sick, we could rely on
your courage and skill, you must also want to go over this
yourself. Now you are sick, but we don't have your support.
We can lead Qin Qing to stand up again."

Sun Qing trembling lips spoke: "You want to buy my shares
401 Report
with half the money. When I am such a fool? If you change
me to you, would you agree?"

Li smiled: "Why do you care about a family? You are still my

father's wife. Su Su is still our sister. Even if you go, there is
no cheap outsider to come in."

He Gu took the documents to the table: "My mother can sell the
shares at a high price to outsiders and the money is also
given to Su Su and at the same its not cheap." He deliberately
increased the word "outsiders."

Li Hui's face changed slightly: "You said, Sun Qing's money is

reserved for Su Su and you, so you are so active campaigning
for it. It is also interesting to say that your mother and you
her son have not been in contact for more than ten years.
Suddenly you're this intimate in this section of the bones,
isn't it the sin of Sun Qing, really smart."

Sun Qing said: "Li Hui, don't talk nonsense."

Li Chen Xing waved his hand and said cold words: "Hey, blood is
thicker than water, it is normal."

He Gu voice voice was cold screaming: "The things between a

mother and the child will not be considered as 'outsiders'. If
we want to negotiate, the negotiation is to seek common
ground while reserving differences. This price, my mother
will not accept it. If you really want to talk, come up with a
better offer."

Li will narrowed his eyes: "How much do you want?"

Sun Qing no expression: "I will give you a price the same as

402 Report
"There is nothing to say then. I will go to file for divorce
tomorrow. Let's slowly grind it. I also want to know which one
between me and Qin Qing will die first."

Li's father and son eyes flashed with anger.

Li angrily responded: "Sun Qing, the onlookers are clear, you

reflect about how much you have changed your behavior and
temper since you contacted your son. You used to be

He Gu looked at him with disdain.

"How about my son and I..... if you can't swallow it then


Li Hui's eyes were a bit gloomy: "Auntie Sun, you better

consider it."

Sun Qing said coldly: "Go away, don't force me to say whats
it's hard to hear."

After Li's father and son left, Sun Qing's son sat on the sofa and his
face was pale.

He Gu caressed her back: "Mom, sue for divorce, no matter

what, it is better than it is now."

Sun Qing sighed: "It can only be like this. I recently heard a
news that they have found an investment company and are
willing to invest for Qin Qing, but they must have 51% of the
shares to pass the investment, their shares are not enough
and they do not want to give up. I own the shares, so they
took the attention on my shares, if they bought them at a low
price and then sold them to the company at a high price. The
difference is that they can earn two or three hundred million
403 Report
"It's really greedy."He Gu bit his teeth, "we can't let them
succeed." He had thought about letting his mother give up and
concentrate on raising a disease. Now that he has seen that Li and
his son and their greed was all about he can finally understand why
his mother can't swallow this breath.

"I will never let them be satisfied. The investment company

can't wait for us to finish the divorce lawsuit. They have
limited time and will definitely go for a compromise."

"Yes, the last compromise will definitely be theirs." He Gu

held Sun Qing's hand and thought about Li Hui's gloomy eyes and he
was worried.

Comforted Sun Qing, He Gu entered the room and he patted Su

Su. At such a young age, she have to experience the change of her
parents' marriage. This reminds He Gu of his own time. At that time,
he also cried, made troubles, grievances and fears because of his
parents' disagreement. In the end, he was completely numb. He
really didn't want Su Su to bear everything he had endured, so he
tried to play the role of brother and father.

Even so, he can't avoid it. If he had a brother at that time, maybe
he would have a lot of open-mindedness.

He Gu stay the night of his mother, during the dinner they made
dumplings together, watching the mother and the daughter have a
smile on their faces and he also relaxed a lot.

After Su Su was sleeping, He Gu talk to her mother late and then

set off for the hotel.

He went downstairs and hailed a taxi. The driver was very young
and his eyes looked strange. Especially the kind of eyes that stared
at people in the flesh made them uncomfortable. He Gu didn't think
much, he spoke the address and looked at the window.
404 Report
After ten minutes, he didn't feel right. Although he was not familiar
with the roads in Shanghai, he was still clear of what was the
southeast and northwest. The hotel was clearly in the north. How did
the driver drive south? He said: "Sir, where are you going? Open
it, I will complain to you again."

The driver turned a deaf ear and kept moving forward.

He Gu frowned and took a hard shot of the iron mesh: "What are
you doing, stop!"

The driver suddenly turned around and had a bottle of spray in his
hand, he sprayed on his face.

The space in the car was narrow, He Gu tried to go backwards, but

did not hide well then inhaled some unpleasant smell and then the
whole person began to go sleepy.

Before the falling unconscious, only the driver's smirked face was
left in his sight.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
405 Report

Chapter 78
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

Song Ju Han and He Gu made love once, which was not enough for
Song Ju Han but He Gu pushed him and sat up.

Song Ju Han's face was still unfinished and he made a cat-like

dissatisfaction: "Don't go out."

"Won't stay here for one night, you will disappear when you
disappear." He Gu wore his clothes, looked at the wrinkled shirt and
trousers and quickly stroke the creases, but it was not smooth.

Song Ju Han saw it, he bent his knees and bowed his lower body
and dragged He Gu trousers with his hand.

"Hey..." He Gu wanted to stop him, but he saw that Song Ju Han's

expression was quite natural and he turned awkwardly.

Song Ju Han looked up and smiled at him: "Wrinkle... a little

wrinkle, not obvious, you come with me, they will only look at
my face not your pant crease."

He Gu smiled and reached out to Song Ju Han Song Ju Han took his
hand and was pulled up by him: "Let's go out."

Song Ju Han grabbed his waist with one hand and kissed He Gu on
his neck. He smiled and said, "Do we really have to go?"

"Yes." He Gu give him a look.

Song Ju Han smiled low and said: "Let's go home and continue
this I'm still thirst."
406 Report
"Continue it on your head." He Gu cheeks were hot, he pushed
Song Ju Han, walked straight outside the door.

"He Gu." Song Ju Han stopped him in the back.

He Gu turned his head: "Don't you want to leave?"

Song Ju Han looked at him with a gentle look: "Thank you."

He Gu swore: "Thank me for doing this?"

"Too much, from the moment you appear in my life, to the

day you accompany me to the end of my life, I will thank

He Gu couldn't help but smile: "You will say it every day."

"I will still do it." Song Ju Han blinked at him.

He Gu helplessly lift the chin: "Let's go"

He opened the door and went out.

Xiao Song looked anxious outside and when he saw them, he

shouted so loud to the ancestors: "You are both smart enough
and the celebration feast has begun."

Song Ju Han caught up and took the hand of his hand: "What is
urgent, I am not the protagonist."

He Gu wanted to pull his hand back: "Don't make trouble, the

venue is filled with reporters."

"What about that?" Song Ju Han clenched and did not let go, He
Gu stride toward the venue.

The celebration feast has already begun. They heard the director's
speech all the time. The two men walked into the venue from the
side door. Many people present here cast their eyes on them.
407 Report
Song Ju Han got on the stage waved a greeting and then sat down
on the arranged space.

He Gu felt that the goose bumps are all up and the guests who saw
them sitting at the same table are looking at him and the feeling of
being watched by the people is only the people who live in the eyes
and flashlights to Song Ju Han and they are calm, okay, okay. Song Ju
Han has always held his hand and settled his heart.

Song Ju Han went to in his ear and said, "Don't be afraid,

whoever dares to look at you wrong, I will kick him."

He Gu smiled.

Song Ju Han shook his hand hard and then put the hand into his

He Gu unconsciously straighten his waist and looked at the stage

without squinting and then was not affected by the various lines of
sight around him.

After the celebration feast, the director asked Song Ju Han to go

drinking with them. Song Ju Han refused. He said without blushing:
"He Gu and me are tired, we have to go home."

He Gu glanced at him: "I am not tired, you can go."

"Don't?, I am tired."

The people around him laughed.

The farewell to the crew, the three left the hotel.

Xiao Song sat in the co-pilot and sneaked looke at them from the
rearview mirror.

Occasionally his gaze was caught by Song Ju Han, Song Ju Han

glared at him: "What?"
408 Report
Xiao Song shrunk his neck: "Brother Han, I have known you for
so many years and I am often surprised by your beauty."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "Bullshit."

He thought about how Xiao Song had been waiting for them
outside the door and he didn't know what he heard. He felt awkward
and coughed: "Xiao Zhao, stop."

1]..... Zhao is driver.....

The driver stopped the car: "He, what's wrong?"

He Gu got his body in front and patted driver Xiao Zhao and Xiao
Song shoulders: "You two get off the car and take a taxi back."

"What th~?"

He Gu smiled: "Obey."

Xiao Zhao quickly got out of the car, Xiao Song licked his mouth
and he showed a stunned expression. When he patted his thigh, the
thief smiled and saw He Gu and he sneaked out into the underground
car park.

After switching to the driver's seat, Song Ju Han also took a long
leg and walked directly from the back seat to the front seat. He
smiled and said: "Do you hate Xiao Song?"

"It's more like he is annoying." He Gu didn't want to stay in

such a narrow space with the kid as soon as he thinks that Xiao Song
might have heard something that happened in the trailer.

Song Ju Han pinched his face: "Where does the wife want to

"Go home." He Gu started the car.

"Well, lets go home." Song Ju Han face was full of smiles.
409 Report
"Hey, do you know what is going on with Yan Ming Xiu and
Zhou Xiang?" He Gu thought that he must have been infected by
Xiao Song and he has become such a gossip.

"I really asked, Yan Ming Xiu said that he was his first love.
He liked him for many years."

He Gu smiled: "It's good."

"We are also first love to each other."

He Gu turned to him: "Crap, don't let me reveal your bottom


Song Ju Han said without hesitation: "Those childish stuff do

not count, I only loved you."

He Gu hook up the corner: "How do you think."

"It was originally." Song Ju Han smiled. "I am also your first

"That's not necessarily." He Gu deliberately tease him.

Song Ju Han frowned deeply, not asking for a taste: "You really
had a lover before me? Who?"

He Gu looked at the front without squinting, but laughed.

"Say, who, how old is he, you said that you don't study
well, play what you love."

"Su Su's mother."

Song Ju Han groaned, laughed, He Gu laughed, he still remembers

when he said that Su Su was his daughter, Song Ju Han's face was so

When he got home, Song Ju Han couldn't wait to push him on the
410 Report
wall and the hot lips locked up, no matter what He Gu wanted to say.

He Gu was difficult to get a breath and the sloppy clothes were

pulled. He Gu grabbed Song Ju Han's neck and gasped and said, "Be

Song Ju Han smiled lowly: "If I worsen the injury, I will rely on
you, so... help me bathe."

He Gu smiled and said: "Hooligan."

Song Ju Han forced him to take a kiss and smashed him into the

Song Ju Han, as he said, left him broken. After doing it at the hotel,
he was put through several positions at home for a whole night. He
Gu didn't know that he was tired or sleepy. He was already
unconscious, letting Song Ju Han do whatever he wanted, his mind
floating intoxicated between in heaven and hell ....intertwined as
fast---a few degrees of fainting and a few degrees of waking.

The next morning, He Gu opened his eyes and the one that caught
his eye was the mixed-race face that made thousands of fans crazy.
Several curly hairs scattered in front of Song Ju Han's eyes, but they
could not stop the veins in the eyes.

After looking at him for two seconds, he closed his eyes.

Song Ju Han smiled, his voice was lazy laced with sexual feeling: "I
still want to sleep, it's noon."

He Gu opened his eyes again and muttered: "Why don't you call

"Tell you what." Song Ju Han glared at his hair, "continue your

When He Gu moved, he found that his back pain was very bad.
411 Report
The lower--half--the body lost consciousness. He took a breath and
the handsome face was distorted.

Song Ju Han was busy stroking his back: "What's wrong? Is it


"Back pain."

"I will massage you."

"No, you are too rough and you can't find acupuncture

"Then tell me where to massage."

He Gu laid on the bed: "I will lie down for a while."

Song Ju Han looked down at him and couldn't help but kiss his lips
and smiled: "Don't let me stay thirst(sexually) for so long next

"You still have reason to talk."

Song Ju Han smiled and his eyes bent: "What do you want to
eat? I will cook it for you."

"No, you go downstairs and buy it."

"What's wrong, I specially learned to cook just for you."

"Where did you go to learn? Give me the name of the


Song Ju Han snorted: "I am going downstairs to buy."

"Forget it." He Gu grabbed his arm and smiled, "I am not

hungry, you can accompany me."

Song Ju Han lay back in the quilt and hugged him: "I am not
412 Report
hungry, I eat you and that was enough."

He Gu too lazy to care for him, he just quietly leaning against Song
Ju Han chest, listening to his heartbeat, feeling a very calm peace of
mind, what he has been craving, that is, these moments.

Song Ju Han rubbed his thick palm: "You listen to me, no

matter how you look at the media today, don't let it go to the
heart, they are all a bunch of fools."

"Do not worry, I am already numb."

"A lot of people envy us and many people like you. You look
at those."

"Yes, is there anyone who likes me?"

"Of course, you have a big fan now, you don't know it
yourself. They all say that you are handsome, smart and
temperament, saying that we are a perfect match."

He Gu laughed: "You are teasing me."

"Cheater that is what you made up." Song Ju Han extended his
arm, touched the phone from the bedside table, opened Weibo and
casually opened a Weibo comment: "You see it yourself."

He Gu took the phone and suspiciously, Song Ju Han casually sent

something, all tens of thousands of comments, what is said below,
there are awkward, well-held, there are several voices, like wishing
them two hundred years of good life. He Gu really was a bit
surprised, he really does not understand the young people now, the
original society is so open?

"How, didn't tease you, you are now more popular, I know,
they see you well."

He Gu smile bitterly: "They love you and love the house and
413 Report
the Ukrainian model, but I am sure you can't find a better

"Who said it." Song Ju Han forced him to kiss him. "Whoever
has my love is best."

He Gu shook and his heart was numb. No one knows Song Ju Han
better than him. Even if he knows that this is a love story, he can
listen to his ears and directly shake his heart.

The person who I love is best

Only the pride of the gods such as Song Ju Han can speak this
sentence with confidence.

Song Ju Han looked at him sideways and said: "When are we

going to honeymoon?"

He Gu smiled: "What honeymoon."

"The two of us have never gone out to have fun together."

Song Ju Han accidentally remembered Zhou He Yi, his face sank.
"You like Europe, let's go to Europe."

"I have travelled almost all in Europe."

"The object is not with me, it is not."

"You really……"

Song Ju Han pinched his face: "I want to make you only
remember me in every piece of memory, no one else."

"How is that possible?"

Song Ju Han grabbed his hand and took a bite on He Gu fingers and
said with some negative spirit: "So that they're sincere."

He Gu laughed and said with some emotion: "I really have you in
414 Report
every memory of my life." Whether it is good, bad, happy, painful,
all the memories he remembers have Song Ju Han in them. This man
has been completely imprinted into his life and his heart will always
be beating for this person.

"In every memory of your future, you will also have me in

it." Song Ju Han clasped his hand and said firmly: "This time, I will
catch you very tight."

He Gu pinched his chin and kiss him gently: "Oh, you must
hurry. If you drop the chain again, I might have to smashed
you." Even he himself did not know, what he said was not a joke, he
decided that Song Ju Han was his and he would... hurry.

Song Ju Han rubbed his cheek with his nose and said softly:
"You're too much in the wrong to look at me. I played with my
life and chased you back. In this life, I won't let you leave

He Gu face reveal a shallow smile and his heart rises infinite hope
for the future.

As early as eleven years ago, the stunned teenager who smiled at

him had planted a seed in the depths of his soul. After so many years
of wind and rain, the green and yellow overlapped, the tree fell, the
roots were unbroken and the wind blew and he finally saw the
awaited flowers.

-------- The End ------

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
415 Report

Chapter 79
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

Life has gradually stabilized.

Song Ju Han signed several potential newcomers, he was only full-

time music writer, other publicity and other things, the management
company was responsible for those, his leisure time was spent with
He Gu.

Sun Qing was successfully divorced from Li Chen Xing. Li Chen

Xing and Li Hui were facing the prosecution of bribery. Su Su was
returned to her without any dispute. The stock was also dealt with at
the proper price with the help of Song Ju Han. She plans to finish the
company's business. When Su Su graduates from elementary school,
she will come to Beijing to continue treatment and Su Su will also
attend secondary school in Beijing.

He Gu flew to help her deal with the company, Song Ju Han also
had to come over, he could work on the way to work and follow He
Gu, Sun Qing suspected that Song Ju Han was still too eye-catching
and both of them rushed back to Beijing.

He Gu felt too flustered. I feel that it was tiring to be with Song Ju

Han every day. Sun Qing has to give him money to do something. He
finally decided to start a business.

He first sorted out his former connections and then began to do

market research. At the same time, he dug out Chen Nan, a former
assistant in Nanchuang. Chen Shan is not strong enough and not
smart enough, but she has a very large advantage is obedience,
what to do how to do it and must do it. He lets Chen Shan contact the
proper channels to register a company, rent an office, purchase and
416 Report
post information on the Internet.

Song Ju Han did not dare to say anything like "Don't work, I will
be your sugar daddy". He said that he had been blinded once, so
he could only look at every day with sorrow and looked at He Gu get
busy and busier. Following He Gu was no longer convenient.

On this day, He Gu received a strange phone call, there was a

deliberately depressing male voice: "He Gu Hello, I saw the
information you posted on the recruitment network, I think
that I fully meet your recruitment condition."

"The one left is my assistant's phone..." He Gu suddenly

stopped, the voice was too familiar, he was surprised, "General
Manager Gu?"

Gu Qing Pei laughed happily: "I am back home."

He Gu was happy to said: "How come you're back so fast? I

contacted you last month and you still said that you were not

1].... This is after Gu Qing Pei return to China

"In fact, I have just gotten here but you told me that you
are starting a business, I can't help it, so I will come back. I
also wanted to recruit people. When I went online and see
the company name you mentioned on that day. I knew it is

He Gu was embarrassed to said: "Song Ju Han put his nose in


When he registered the company, Song Ju Han said it had to be

called "Han", but he did not expect to be registered like that..

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "It's very nice. This is my new
number. Are you free today? Come out and talk, I think the
417 Report
time for our cooperation is here."

"Well, I will get back to you." He Gu very happy. In fact, the

most troublesome thing about the company is communication. He
has independently led the team to do so many years of projects. All
the processes are very familiar and his ability is unquestionable, he is
very worried that even the project can not pull without good
communication skills, if he can partner with such a slick person like
Gu Qing Pei, it really solves his biggest problem.

Hanging up the phone, he made the meal, then went to take a

shower and change his clothes.

When Song Ju Han saw him bathing and changing clothes, he was
so happy that he shouted at him. He said, "Is it a candlelight
dinner today?"

"What kind of light is zooming in your head I want to go out

and see someone."

Song Ju Han's face collapsed for a second: "Going out again? I

haven't even had half of my dinner at home this month."

"I have left the construction industry for almost a year. I

can't pick up the previous relationship. Besides, Mr. Gu
returned to China. I want to talk to him about cooperation."

"Gu Qing Pei?" Song Ju Han's eyes straightened. "You want to

see him?"

"You don't make a fuss about that again."He Gu wore his

clothes and patted Ju Han curly hair. "I cooked you the meal, you
can eat it yourself, don't wait for me at night."

"You still want to stay overnight!" Song Ju Han instantly pulled

up the volume and almost shouted it.

He Gu held his neck back and over his ears away from Song Ju
418 Report
Han: "We are going to be drinking some wine and we have to
come back later."

"Take me with you, I will drive you." Song Ju Han blocked the
door and did not let him go.

"What are you doing, how strange is this"

"How strange? You take me out to shame them!"

"Where would I go with you." He Gu pushed him and didn't

manage to even move him an inch.

Song Ju said coldly: "If you don't take me, don't think about
going out today."

He Gu sighed and looked at Song Ju Han's unwillingness to say,

"Let's go but you have to promise me. You were so rude in
your first time, this time you can't be like that."

"Yeah whatevs."

"Go and change clothes."

"Wait for me." Song Ju Han proudly smiled and quickly kissed him
on the face, the man was generally more involved in the bedroom.

He Gu thought about it and felt that he was taking his child.

He and Gu Qing Pei met in the old place. He often finds it strange
that this small business bar with a strange business and a remote
location has not closed down.

Gu Qing Pei arrived very early. As soon as he entered the door, he

saw the handsome man who sat in the corner.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Gu Qing Pei raised his head
and waved his hand as he smiled.
419 Report
Song Ju Han scoffed

He Gu turn his head and glanced at him with a warning gaze and
he licked his mouth.

"General Manager Gu."

After a while, the two men shook hands: "Welcome to come


Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "I have finally come back and it is
better here than home." He looked at Song Ju Han and apparently
the two had some accidents.

He Gu was a bit embarrassed: "Then, I don't need to introduce


"Haha, don't need to, Big Song." Gu Qing Pei looked at Song Ju
Han with his chest and smiled quietly. "Hello."

He Gu used his elbow and hit Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han "Ah" for a moment, reluctantly extended his hand:


Gu Qing Pei only slowly reached out and shook hands slowly,
apparently still remembering the first time they met.

Song Ju Han narrowed his eyes and dared to speak out.

"Come, sit."

The two sat down and made a cup to celebrate Gu Qing Pei's
return to China. Gu Qing Pei did not change much than when he saw
him in Singapore last time. It was just that his eyebrows had already
been stained with a layer of scorn that could not be erased. It
seemed he is much more stable than before.

Gu Qing Pei talked about his work experience in Singapore for the
420 Report
past two years and his specific plans after returning to China. When
he was in China for a few years, he joined an investment company
with a friend. Now that his friend has withdrawn, he just took over
the company , the company has several real estate projects with
good prospects to be developed, but now there is a lack of funds and
no shortage of people. He Gu can buy shares, whether it is to invest
money or invest in technology, it is a win-win cooperation.

He Gu spoke his own situation. The two of them almost hit it off.

He said: "I have no problem with the project, but the funds
are not enough. I will call my mom tomorrow. With the
quality projects in the hands, she will be interested

"How is your money not enough?" Song Ju Han frowned at him.

"Ah?" He Gu swore. "It's not enough. I have seven or eight

hundred thousand in my hand."

Song Ju Han said while annoyed: "What about me? You know a
free cash machine is sitting next to you?"

Gu Qing Pei laughed and his eyes were mixed with envy.

He Gu face was hot: "This... We can speak it when we go


"You can say it here." Song Ju Han looked at Gu Qing Pei. "How
much startup money do you need? I will go back and let the
lawyer talk to you about the shareholding issue."

"Jun Han..."

Gu Qing Pei smiled and said: "I still need just startup funds, it
is nothing more than the problem of less money and less
money. Pure technology shares, I will give up to 10%, with
funds to buy shares, I only sell 30%, no more than that"
421 Report
"Say the price."

"Jun Han!" He Gu increased the reprimanding tone, "Let's go

home and talk about it." He Gu didn't want to argue in front of Gu
Qing Pei.

Song Ju Han looked at He Gu, very dissatisfied, but seeing his

serious expression, he pressed his temper and did not speak.

He Gu smash his hand: "General Manager Gu, look back, you

send me the company's information, I will discuss it with my
mother, no matter what, I really want to work with you, I
have been doing it for you for so many years, you also know
my temper best, I am afraid that I can't pull the project."

Gu Qing Pei laughed happily: "I know you too well, your
professional ability is first-class, but you are really not
suitable for being a boss. You need a person to give you a
overall plan, assign tasks to you and I happen to be that
person. I also need you the most trustworthy, serious and
serious person, so we will be able to do a big business

In the place where Song Ju Han could not see, someone took a look
at Gu Qing Pei and Gu Qing Pei took a sip of wine without hesitation
and he always smiled.

He Gu laughed again: "I am also very confident."

The two talked to the middle of the night, talked about the
prospects of many projects, very speculative, He Gu felt that this is
the blood of a business and it was directly ignited by Gu Qing Pei, he
is so stable, now he just wants to fold his sleeves and follow Gu Qing
Pei to the field.

Because he was too excited, until Gu Qing Pei left, he discovered

the silent Song Ju Han.
422 Report
He Gu slapped Song Ju Han thigh. The man was playing with the
mobile phone in the bow: "Jun Han, lets go home."

Song Ju Han looked up and gave him a look and stood up: "Go."

He Gu swore and followed up: "What's wrong? You are not

happy yet."

"No." Song Ju Han took his hand, "All that drinking and you're
not even dizzy?"

"Not dizzy, I can hold my drink very well."

When he got in the car, Song Ju Han pulled the seat belt buckle
and started the car. The right hand slipped the gear from the parking
to the forward gear. After a moment, he pushed the parking gear
back violently and turned off the engine

He Gu calmly looked at him: "What do you have in your heart?

Let's talk, let's talk."

"Why won't you let me pay for you." Song Ju Han asked
without hesitation.

"My mother……"

Song Ju Han calmed reprimanded him: "Auntie is now dealing

with the company in Shanghai. She can't get away from it for
a month or two. Where can she evaluate Gu Qing Pei's
company? I am willing to give you money with my eyes
closed. Isn't it mine most convenient?"

He Gu indulged in a moment: "I am still chilling, I still hope

that the relationship between us is simple. I may have no
money in your eyes, but I have never felt that I am short of
money, how many shares, I don't care for too much, if I can't
do it. Technology shares are still good, anyway, how much I
earn is enough for me to spend."
423 Report
"What isn't simple about that? If you treat me as your
partner, yet you will not consider what my money is yours
status. You can think of your mother at this time, but can't
even think of me?" Song Ju Han frowned deeply his eyes were
obviously sad.

"I didn't treat you as an outsider..."

"Then why do you reject my help!"

He Gu suddenly said with annoyance: "Because I am not a gold

digger in your dad's mouth..."

The more embarrassing words he really couldn't say, he knows

what kind of a person he is in Song He's eyes, is it still necessary to
continue to sit down and depend on Song Ju Han and prove him
right? He used to accept the various things that Song Ju Han gave,
not because he needed it, nor because he liked it, just because it was
a "screening" that he could stay with Song Ju Han, but he does not
need this cover now. He wants to have a relationship that is upright.

Song Ju Han froze and for a long time, he lowered his head in

There have always been two gunpowder barrels between the two,
the first one is the past, the other is Song He and He Gu just pointed
the second one.

He Gu looked at Song Ju Han's uncomfortable look and he

regretted it a bit, but he didn't know what to do. He never know what
to do to comforted Song Ju Han

Song Ju Han looked at the steering wheel and said, "Sorry, my


"Forget it."He Gu sighed, "Let's change the subject."

Song Ju Han shook his head: "If he can't respect you, I won't
424 Report
go home again in the future. He still doesn't realize it then
doesn't believe it. You are the person I want to spend with
my life. He will have to understand and get on with that line
of thought sooner or later."

"I don't care if he doesn't recognize us. I just want to stay

away from him." He Gu hates Song He, but he can't force Song Ju
Han to hurt his own father. The best way is to keep his eyes open
and he doesn't want to do anything that makes Song He look down
on him, so he does not accept the money from Song Ju Han.

Song Ju Han bowed on the steering wheel and buried his head low.
He looked pitiful.

He Gu sighed and pinched his neck: "Well, why bother to

destroy this mood."

Song Ju Han slowly turned his head and looked at him. His eyes
were reddish: "I love you. I want to bring all the good things
and the things you need to you. I want to solve all the
troubles for you. I want to watch you smile and laugh
everyday do you understand?"

He Gu felt his heart sway and he smiled: "I understand."

"I don't like Gu Qing Pei, but as long as you are happy, I
want to support you to start a business, but I don't want you
to suffer..."

"How can I suffer? We will be in a partnership." He Gu looked

at him. "And, I am an adult, older than you, let me solve my
troubles myself. If there is anything I can't solve. I will ask
you for help."


"Really, I promise."
425 Report
Song Ju Han came over and hugged him. He whispered, "He Gu, I
am not doing well enough. Why don't you rely on me at all,
you always want to keep a certain distance from me in all
aspects of life, you don't want to be too close."

He Gu thought he wouldn't something wrong: "You think too


"I don't have to think it, I feel it. You used to want to give
me everything. Now you always keep me apart, it seems... It
seems like once I do something wrong, you will pull back fast,
you know, it makes me I'm scared."

Song Ju Han's voice was a little trembling. "I don't know if I'm
going to make a mistake and I don't know if....."

He Gu heart was a bit heavy. He did have reservations. After

experiencing everything, he dared to guard up too deeply. He just
didn't expect Song Ju Han to feel it, but he couldn't help it. This is the
ultimate he can do now. He touched Song Ju Han's head and
reluctantly comforted: "You think too much, we said that
everything will be open to talk about it."

Song Ju Han was full of sorrow, but he did not dare to look at He
Gu. He smiled and said: "That's good. He Gu, sometimes I really

The rest, before even Song Ju Han finished, He Gu did not ask, he
did not know what Song Ju Han "really hope" was, perhaps he
wanted him to remember the past, but they can never return to the
past, he just wants to make the future feel too good.

Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and

wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication.
426 Report

Chapter 80
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

On the next day He Gu received the information sent by Gu Qing

Pei, he also read the information to his mother.

Looking at the information throughout the morning, he had a

backache and suddenly remembered that he had not seen Song Ju
Han in the morning. He walked out of the study and vaguely heard
the piano sound from the piano room.

Song Ju Han's loft apartment in the city center is very large, with
more than 300 square meters. The entire space above is the place
where Song Ju Han works. There are recording studios and piano
rooms. The decoration is made of professional-grade sound insulation
materials, so Song Ju Han could be busy with something moving
upstairs, he can't hear it without concentration on it.

He remembered that Song Ju Han was pitiful yesterday and that his
heart could not bear it. He made two bowls of freshly cooked lobster
soup from the kitchen and went upstairs.

He went upstairs, put the tray on the ground, just as he wanted to

knock on the door, but he heard the sound of a piano inside... is a bit

He doesn't understand music, but the sound of the piano is

obviously too slow. Although the rhythm is on point, it is not like the
super-professional piano skills like Song Ju Han. He Gu was faintly
noticed it in his heart, so he gently pushed the door open.
427 Report
Song Ju Han had his back facing him, his shoulders were slightly
skewed and his strength was tilted to the left. The right hand slid
softly over the black and white keys, but his left hand seemed to be
somewhat stiff. The speed of movement between the left and the
right hand could not be compared, so the sound of the piano was
suddenly slowed down. The rhythm of the left hand is slower and the
right hand is also slowed down, which is why he heard.

He Gu gently held his fist and his face was a little white.

Song Ju Han suddenly raised his left hand and slammed on the
keys. A loud bang was accompanied by a messy melody. Song Ju Han
cried a painful breath and bent over and hugged his left arm.

"Jun Han!" He Gu ran over and hurriedly said: "What are you
doing banging it so hard! Your bones have not completely
healed yet!" He Gu was so distressed when he went to hold Song Ju
Han's arm, Song Ju Han's face was too late to pack up the
frustration.... It hurts him.

After Song Ju Han's silence, he smiled casually: "When did you

come in?"

He Gu held his hand and said: "You don't worry, it takes time
to recover."

"I know, I just tried it." Song Ju Han stood up. "Wow, you
stewed the soup, I just smelled it, so sweet." Song Ju Han said
that as he was going to the food.

He Gu hugged him and use the strength of the man to hold him
still: "What have we agreed to? What do you think in your
heart, you have to say it, you always tell me that the arm has
recovered, why have you lied to me."

Song Ju Han's body suddenly became stiff. He was silent for a

long time before he softened it down. He hugged He Gu hand. He
428 Report
said: "With your character, you will definitely feel guilty. I
don't want you to think too much. I said, even this. The arm
is disabled, as long as you are ok, I am willing to make songs
for you, the arm is just not as flexible as before, really

He Gu remembered the thick--long iron rod hitting on Song's

arm, the fear he could never forget, but what he remembered was
Song Ju Han's strong and powerful eyes. Those eyes made him get
the most needed sense of security, perhaps at that moment, he
realized that in this world he is not alone and someone willing to
protect him at all costs. He sighed: "I believe that your arm will
recover. The doctor said so. It just takes some time, but you
shouldn't take it by yourself. I know how important music is
to you."

Song Ju Han smiled: "It is not as important as you."

"I don't need to be on the balance with music, we are all up

there together is more important."

Song Ju Han's eyes were a little moist. He licked his lips and
couldn't help laughing. "You are such a good wife, where can I
find one like you?"

He Gu laughed a little and head-butted his back with force: "Come

and drink soup, drink with me and I will accompany you to
practice the piano."

"I won't practice it. You don't have to worry about me one
day. It's hard to come with me now." Song Ju Han picked up the
tray and put it on the table. "I want to taste this soup."

"I was the first time I made a lobster soup. How does it
taste compare to the one Xiao Song often get?"

"Most of them are sent by people." Song Ju Han tasted a bite
429 Report
and praised, "It's so delicious, you did it so well for the first
time, my wife is awesome."

He Gu looked at him and smiled and said, "You are pitiful one."
He also took a spoonful. "Well, it tastes really good. I checked
the recipe on the Internet and put a lot of cream. You can
drink less. I was told by Vanessa if you get fat I must
abandon you."

Song Ju Han said indifferently: "I am fat? No."

"No, it seems that I am fat." He Gu touched his stomach. Since

he had abandoned exercise, his abdominal muscles were a little lax.
Before he lived with Song Ju Han, he had no concept of fitness. Later,
in order to stand on the side of Song Ju Han, he began to learn to
modify his appearance. Because Song Ju Han, he did leave with some
good habits.

"Whoever said that, you are not fat at all." Song Ju Han
turned his eyes. He remembered that he used to laugh at He Gu that
he was too thin and dressed wrong. "You forgot what I said
before, you can be fat, I don't care."

He Gu smiled: "I don't want to get fat, I will go to the

morning run with you tomorrow."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to get up in the morning."

Song Ju Han snorted and smiled like a cat who found a canary
"Especially you will be too overworked at night..."

He Gu was afraid that the more he said, the harmful it was and he
quickly put the spoon into his mouth: "I ate too much."

Song Ju Han smiled.

"Right, I will fool around with you all the time."

Song Ju Han's smile froze.
430 Report
He Gu quickly add: "Can you play ball?"

"What ball." Song Ju Han said too happy.


"The weather is so bad, if I still play golf and my brain will

be getting into the water."

"Gu Qing Pei will be there, I just happened to talk to him

about the shareholding."

"I am going." Song Ju Han used his thumb to lick off the soup at
the corner of his mouth and his eyes sparkled with faint light.

The next morning, Xiao Song sent a new set of new golfing

He Gu whined helplessly: "You spent money again and I have

another set at home."

Song Ju Han pulled a cap and said, "We will do business like
a family. The people in those places are snobbish. If you
don't arm your head from the beginning. People won't take
you seriously." Song Ju Han smiled and kissed He Gu for a moment
and turned his elbow. "Come on, bring me there I will, definitely
give you a face."

He Gu smile and did the same movements with him and shook his
arm. "I am taking you, shouldn't you take me?"

Song Ju Han quickly grabbed his arm and put his head on his
shoulder. He said, "He Gu, let me go out to fool around."

He Gu can't just laugh and cry? Who can imagine the elegant and
mysterious mixed-blood prince who is proper in front of people.... will
be a variety of eye-popping behaviors in the background
431 Report
The driver sent them to the clubhouse. Gu Qing Pei was already
talking to a group of old men. A group of wealthy businessmen, he
was handsome and young, looking at the coming way.

When Gu Qing Pei saw them, he quickly shouted and waved: "He
Gu, Song Daxing."

"Hey, isn't that the superstar?" a boss was surprised.

Song Ju Han revealed a professional smile: "Hello, I am Song Ju


"My daughter screams about you, say will you sign me a


"No problem."

There are not many people in the clubhouse, but all eyes are
attracted to Song Ju Han, even if it is a middle-aged man who does
not follow the stars at all and does not listen to songs. Seeing Song Ju
Han is almost seeing an aggressive beauty, it is inevitable they will
turn to look at him.

1]....Bunch of oldie pervs

Gu Qing Pei and He Gu stood by and looked at Song Ju Han writing

signatures to the boss's relatives. Gu Qing Pei said with a smile:
"Even people of this age know him, Song Ju Han is really a

He Gu nodded: "But the entertainment circle is changing

quickly. After a few years, the enthusiasm for him will be

At that time, Song Ju Han could walk freely with him on the

"Not bad." Gu Qing Pei said with a smile.
432 Report
"What is good then?"

"You and him, you look very good."

He Gu was embarrassed to said: "Come off it."

At this moment, the doorkeeper heard the voice of the staff of the
clubhouse welcoming the guests. The two men subconsciously
turned their heads and then they stopped.

Today's two men are very ordinary, a domineering and introverted,

a slap in the face, and there is Yuan Yang and Peng Fang that have
not been seen here for a long time.

He Gu almost heard the sound of Gu Qing Pei swallowing his throat

next to him? He looked at Gu Qing Pei and Gu Qing Peing's eyes were
staring straight at Yuan Yang and one could not see his thoughts.

"Hey, Gu, He?" Peng put his finger on the cigarette and pointed
at them. "How come you look so smart, that..." His gaze fell on
Song Ju Han and suddenly he looked like a man who saw a ghost,
afterward he was stepping back till he just hit Yuan Yang body.

Yuan Yang pressed his shoulder and pushed him away. Then he
walked straight to Gu Qing Pei. He smiled lightly: "Hello, Gu."

Gu Qing Pei said lightly: "It is not a coincidence that the

capital is so big that we can meet casually."

"Yeah, it looks like I am following you."

He Gu smacked a few words with Peng Fang and subconsciously

leaned against Gu Qing Pei trying to block Yuan Yang, even if it was
only a little.

In all fairness, Yuan Yang has changed a lot. The first time he saw
Yuan Yang, he kept the air around that he couldn't cut. It was like the
short hairs on his body could stab him, his eyes were cold and
433 Report
arrogant and he was stalking the young and the world. But now Yuan
Yang, even if he was wearing loose casual wear, can not stop the
business people's skill and calm, but in two years, a person who has
never thought to change, the temperament can be turned upside
down. This kind of originality, looking at Gu Qing Pei eyes, the hidden
wolf-like eyes, made He Hu feel a little awkward from the bottom of
his heart.

"Yuan Yang?" Song Ju Han accidentally said, "I actually met

you here." He smiled and looked at Peng and gave a look, "Mr

Peng Fang said two words: "Hello, hello." He did not dare to look
at Song Ju Han's eyes, after all, he looked guilty.

Gu Qing Pei did not give Yuan Yang a chance to speak alone. He
introduced the bosses to each other and dealt with Yuan Yang
attitude, which is like he is no different from others.

He Gu brought Song Ju Han to the side and whispered, "Are you


Song Ju Han blinked his eyes: "I told him why I am not familiar
with him."

He Gu looked at him suspiciously and he was not sure about it for a


Song Ju Han looked at the two men, laughing lowly: "Gu Qing Pei,
this person, even Yuan Yang hard bones can't be
embarrassed it is difficult to ensure that he does not hook
other men, you can stay away from him."

He Gu sighed: "Gu is more restrained than you."

Song Ju Han was suddenly blocked and speechless and the whole
person was awkward.
434 Report
Well don't forget to vote and comment..... Get intoxicated..... and
wake up...As Always Years of Intoxication
435 Report

Chapter 81
Source: Nastriumden

Years of Intoxication 《一醉經年》 Yi Zui Jing Nian.

Almost everyone did not care to play golf.

Gu Qing Pei talked about his own project in the sky, ignoring Yuan
Yang from beginning to end and Yuan Yang was standing on the side,
interjecting from time to time.

The reason is that the more people are more around and more
silent Yuan Yang gets, he was just sitting behind Gu Qing Pei and
occasionally laughing at the big bosses, Song Ju Han also does not
speak, his eyes have been very alert to Gu Qing Pei.

Peng Fang was the most pitiful, he was ignored by Yuan Yang, he
did not dare to get close to Song Ju Han and finally he was forced to
chat with the caddy. The caddy is a woman and she has a bit of a
sense of color. She thought that Peng was flirting on her face. She
wanted to keep a phone number when she hits the side. Peng's eyes
were obviously high and she hid silently. In the end, there is no way
to talk about it. The day was going fast.

"He Gu, I haven't seen you for so long, how are you, what
are you busy with?"

This is really superfluous. For a while, He Gu is always on the news

about Song Ju Han and Peng Fang is such a gossip but he did not
know how he was, but He Gu follow his words and said: "My mother
is sick. I am busy taking care of her."

"Oh, this is a big deal, what is the sickness, do you need

436 Report
"The condition is well controlled. If there is a need for Mr.
Peng's help, it will be welcome."

Peng gave him a smile, then sneaked a look at Song Ju Han and
said with a little bit of praising tone: "You two are really good
now, really enviable such a heavenly match."

Song Ju Han's slightly brows stretched a bit and he smiled: "Peng

Fang, you have such a vision."

"That is, at first glance, it is the face of the wise man." Peng
put a thumbs up.

Yuan Yang was suspicion of his exaggeration, he gave him a look:

"When will you look at the face and see beneath what's the

"I will not tell you anything, I am afraid to say it and scare
you." Peng Fang was a little annoyed.

Song Ju Han didn't care if Peng Fang would see it in the end. He
listened to his happiness and smugly raised his chin, a look of
"listening to none."

He Gu smiled.

After playing the ball, Gu Qing Pei had to go out to eat with the
bosses. He was originally member the bureau of his group. Of course,
he now had to start from the beginning. He said politely to Yuan
Yang: "I know that Yuan Yang General and Mr. Peng must be
very busy, so I will not bother you. I will find you alone in the
next day." Gu Qing Pei made a look to Yuan Yang, "Go."

"I am not busy." Yuan Yang smiled like a hooligan. "I just
happen to have a free today. It's quite a day with everyone.
We haven't talked enough yet."

Peng put his eyes on him and looked at him. His eyes nearly turned
437 Report

A boss immediately said, "That's just right, then lets go eat

together, let's go on."

Gu Qing Pei looked up at Yuan Yang.

Peng puts his hand on the wave: "I really have something to
do, then I will take a step away first."

"General Manager Gu, I have an appointment at night, I will

go back first." He Gu knew that Gu Qing Pei has so many people
today, even if he may want to talk about cooperation, but Yuan Yang
around he can't talk about anything right tonight, so it's pointless to

In fact, he feels that Gu Qing Pei and Yuan Yang have not finished
with their confrontation, if anything, sooner or later, there will be a
knot, Gu Qing Pei wants to hide from Yuan Yang and can not hide.

Gu Qing Pei had no choice but to take Yuan Yang to go to dinner.

On the way home, He Gu asked Song Ju Han again: "What were

you trying to do back there?"

Song Ju Han looked innocent: "Nothing."

"That's how smart you are."

"There are more coincidences in the world." Song Ju Han

shifted the topic, "Where do you want to go at night?"

"What do you want to eat?"

"I listen to your choice." Song Ju Han glared at him with a

charming smile.

He Gu felt that Song Ju Han pent up hormones was all the time
high and turned his face to look out the window: "Look at the
438 Report

Song Ju Han turned over: "A new hotel was opened nearby and
the top floor is a rotating suite. We can eat while enjoying
the night view." Finally, his warm lips were attached to He Gu ear
and he whispered, "The hotel is particularly high. We can make
love in front of the floor to ceiling window and we will not be

He Gu body trembled and then he looked at the driver with a guilty

conscience, seeing the driver did not respond, He Gu did not know if
he did or did not hear, but hus cheeks went red hot and pushed Song
Ju Han away.

Song Ju Han smiled and looked at him: "Won't you go?"

He Gu coughed lightly: "Mmmh."

Song Ju Han laughed and said to the driver: "Go to the XX


The hotel's revolving suite is truly ingenious, the decoration is

extremely luxurious, the style is partial business, but if the suite is for
a couple, you can change the style slightly by waiting for half an
hour. The whole room is rotated around for two hours and you can
enjoy the best night colors. It's just cost a really lot of money.

After the suite was booked, Song Ju Han ordered the meal and
deliberately pulled He Gu. He Gu who was on the phone had to hang
up the phone. He was taken the bathroom and squandered fully in a

Out of the bathroom, they washed away the tiredness of the day,
but after the "bathroom sports", they were already hungry. Song Ju
Han made people send dinner. They wore bathrobes and sat by the
window to eat.

He Gu looked at the bustling and extravagant night scene outside
439 Report
the window his heart was very emotional: "It's really good to have
money, no wonder everyone wants to make money."

Song Ju Han smiled and said: "How come you suddenly

accepted coming here? Don't you always look at money as
something outside your favorite things?"

"I thought of General Manager Gu. He has always lived very

well off. People really want to have his hard work and
ambition to become prosperous. This is why I want to follow
him. He can motivate me."

Song Ju Han snorted: "Why do you admire him? Should you

even mention him at this time?"

He Gu looked at him and screamed: "Whichever

vinegar(jealous)you eat, Gu is not a love prospect. I just treat
him as a friend. You are always hostile to him."

"He, I just see that he is not pleasing to the eye, he is too

hypocritical. Who knows what is going on in his heart."

"In any case, it is not my attention. We used to be

colleagues. Now we are business partners. You have to
promise me. First, be polite to him. Second, don't think about
that nonsense."

Song Ju Han took down his fork and looked at him with a
reluctance: "Know it." Then he whispered, "Someone will pack
him in bed sooner or later."


"Nothing." Song Ju Han poured a glass of wine for him. "Cheers, are in front of me."

He Gu smiled and toasted.
440 Report
Celebrate with you in front of me.

That night, Song Ju Han used the suite and made the best use of
it. He pressed He Gu to the floor-to-ceiling window and penetrated
him in all manner of styles. It was a pious sneak--shame--the kind of
shame that makes the body particularly sensitive.

The next day, Gu Qing Pei called him for something, not
mentioning yesterday's business, he was only talking about business.

It didn't take long for He Gu to get a sum of money from Sun Qing
and formally decided to take a stake in Gu Qing Pei's company. The
two of them would talk about the contract in detail. In order to sort
these things, they frequently met several times.

Song Ju Han dared not to speak, he could follow and He Gu found

that Song Ju Han since the curtain was turned over, the man free
time is indeed a lot more, but He Gu has become too busy, not busy
with business, is busy taking care of things, ah, including Song Ju Han

Everything enters the sluggish autumn and the mood is warmer

than the spring. After becoming a partner of Gu Qing Pei, He Gu
immediately got a project, a project that he really wants to lead the
team independently.

At the same time, a newcomer trained by Song Ju Han quickly

became popular, letting the name of Song Ju Han and his legendary
homosexual feelings once again get plunged into the public eye.
However, unlike the criticism of a year ago, this time, whether it is
the media or the netizens, the blessing voices is getting more and
more alive.

Both of them are a little busy, but no matter how busy they are,
they will try to go home to eat together.

Song Ju Han's arm recovered very well, but when he was at home,
441 Report
he always had to play tricks and to romance He Gu which always end
up with him in tiring sleep and there was never a lack of fun in their
life. Under the influence of Song Ju Han's passionate and greasy love
mode, even He Gu also began to learn to buy a bunch of flowers to
decorate the dining table on the way to work. Passing the mall to buy
for Song Ju Han a bottle of the latest perfume and replacing the
towel, cup, slippers and pajamas with couple matched stuff one by

Vanessa gave up a lot of foreign work and started to stay in China

for as long as possible. She said to He Gu, sine he changed Song Ju
Han, she will try to change Song He, she should have done it 20
years ago. In the face of a disappointing marriage, she chose to
escape and now she chooses to save it.

Therefore, the old goddess also got integrated into Song Ju Han's
life, acting as a friction between them and Song He, so that it has
reduced a lot of grievances in the Song family.

Sun Qing combed the company's affairs in an orderly manner and

the basics have already settled. She planned to graduate from Su Su
Elementary School next year and take her to the capital to stay with
her son.

Whenever He Gu was in a daze, then he will think of Song Ju Han

and think of his current life.

He feels that his life is perfect.

Have family, have a lover, have a career. His family was

incomplete and his lover had hurt him, his career was too taxing to
make too much money, but he is very satisfied, because now his
family is at least healthy, his lover is now very good to him. Well, his
career made him feel full. No one's life is flawless, but his ambiguity
is not concealed, so he is satisfied.

Moreover, after experiencing the storm, he cherishes the peace
442 Report
now. He is willing to run his own life with the greatest tolerance and

A pair of powerful arms grabbed his waist from behind and his lips
twitched slightly, relaxing back to the broad chest embrace behind
him: "Come back."

"What do you want, I was standing here and being in a


"I miss you." He Gu turned back and smiled and kissed him, "Do
you believe it or not?"

"Why don't you believe that I am the right one in your

mind." Song Ju Han tightened his arm and sniffed the warm and
good smell He Gu skin.

"Cute you, I want my mom."

Song Ju Han said: "How can you not say something nice in
such a time?"

"What do you want to hear?" He Gu liked to see Song Ju Han

eating vinegar, his face is especially interesting.

1].... Eating being jealous

"I want to hear..." Song Ju Han looked at his head and looked at
him. "Forget it, if you have to suddenly say that you love, you
will scare me."

He Gu smiled: "You know it."

"In fact, it doesn't matter if you say nothing." Song Ju Han bit
his neck and looked at him. "You can scream it well."

"Hey, I said that you can pull anything from that." For so
long, He Gu has often been shocked by Song Ju Han shamelessness.
443 Report
"Because I saw you, I couldn't help thinking about it, like
what I'm thinking now." Song Ju Han suddenly hugged him and
threw it on the sofa and then then got on top of He Gu

The two of them looked at each other for two seconds and

Song Ju Han kissed his lips and said: "Don't go out on

weekends, stay with me."

"Well, what do you want to do with all that time?"

Song Ju Han buried his head on He Gu chest listening to his steady

heartbeat, smiling: "I don't want to do anything, you just work
tired, I want to stay with you at home for two days, no one
can see us, nowhere to be bothered"

"Me too." He Gu fingers flirted through Song Ju Han's soft curly

hair, quietly looking at the ceiling, eyes filled with soft smiles, "We
will stay at home, no one to bother us and nowhere to be

As long as they are together, in front of each other, at the other

hand, even in the most usual place, the most ordinary life, that
minute and second, it is worth a good time.

==== The Freaking End ====

God such an Intoxication....
444 Report

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