A Mistaken Marriage

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A Mistaken Marriage Match:

Pursuit of Murderer in Liao
5th Book in the A Mistaken Marriage Match Series • A
Mistaken Marriage Match – Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue •
错嫁良缘 - 燎越追凶

What do you get when you put a thick-skinned, acting-dumb

constable and the aloof, genius daughter of the Premier in the same

For the sake of winning a bet, Lou Chen left her home and crossed
into neighboring Liao Yue for some sight-seeing and treasure-
hunting. But barely a few days into her trip, she gets embroiled in a
mystery murder which leads her to meet a nonchalant, happy-go-
lucky constable, who is obviously hiding an astute brain under his
flippant appearance.

Turns out that this flippant constable has a birth mystery that links
back to some of the most prominent families in Liao Yue.
Coincidentally, this constable also seems to have something to do
with her sword “Cang Feng” which apparently used to belong to his
family before it disappeared 18 years ago.

Author(s): Qian Lu, 浅绿

Year: 0
Country: China
Genres: Action, Adventure, Martial Arts, Mystery, Romance
Tags: Beautiful Female Lead, Clever Protagonist, Cold Protagonist,
Female Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Royalty, Scheming
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book, Wook’s Teahouse, Imported, Asian




UUID: 2ec58bb0-84dd-11eb-ad25-3fe72262b75c
USER: Memeowwth_12
DATE CREATED: 2021-03-14

More info and chapters:



2 Report

Chapter 0 - Prologue
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)


Qiong Yue, was a great nation under heaven whereas six countries
acknowledged their allegiance in surrender.

Now that there was peace throughout the country, the common
people were rich and naturally people were eager to listen to the
stories of any matchless hero, romantic love affair of gifted scholar
and beautiful ladies ( or it can be said it this way also, stories of pair
of lovers, him with his brain and her with her looks), it was really
senseless. Even so, in teahouses the business was booming because
some topics even it was discussed for over 16 years, the degree of
fervor was the same as before.

For example, in the Capital City, it was known to everybody that

everyone knew of the three daughters.

The first daughter was such a treasure, the only daughter of

country’s generation of generals, for hundred years they produced
only one daughter and she was the darling of the entire Su military
family, Miss Su Su. Second daughter, was from Prime Minister’s
House, Longfeng meaning (dragon and phoenix), brought double
happiness was Prime Minister Lou’s daughter, Miss Lou Chen. Lastly,
the third daughter though was not raised inside the palace, the
darling Princess Yan Ning actually was most cherished by Qiong Yue

**Longfeng meaning the dragon and phoenix, the two most

powerful celestial animals complementing each other; the dragon is
3 Report
the “yang” and phoenix is the “yin”; meaning also lucky because
of rare occurrence.

All three daughters all have their own admirers and supporters
from the beginning of their birth and common people of the Capital
City, seemingly have not lost sight continued the fête.

No wonder why the common people in the capital were such

because of their mothers, though the famous three beautiful sisters
were given as “gift” and delivered to Qiong Yue by the Hao Yue,
they went against such status and captured the hearts of Qiong
Yue’s three most powerful and influential men.

For such many years, The House Minister together with Lady Qing
Ling unknowingly assisted her husband through helping the Ministry
of Justice solve corpse’s mystery. The General Madame, Qing Mo, has
trained “Gray Hawk”, not only made the Su family armed forces
invincible in its existence but also made the various countries’
generals frightened. Although Qing Feng was one of a kind Imperial
concubine, actually she was unconventional, she live outside the
palace in her own fairyland and did not disturb anyone at the palace,
latter she become dedicated to medical world and became the Ghost
doctor’s last disciple.

Such legendary women, for their daughters, don’t blame if people

cannot help but be curious?!

What people did not know was that the three Qing ladies were
tired of their great reputation in the past and had a lingering fear and
did not want their daughter’s to have the same horrible experience
and have kept everything about their daughters as deep secret. The
three young ladies were isolated from the sight of the common
people of the entire city; no one can inquire or investigate about
them completely. Ahh! But for but for a society such as this, the
more you were hidden tightly, people were more curious of the
unknown and greater were the anticipation.

4 Report
About three daughters’ matters, even if there only a very tiny
clues, people will try to figure out and speculate countless times,
until it become big, then a gossip disseminates, after all the
imagination of common people are infinite.

No one would not know if the three madams have regretted to

have covered things up too tightly during those years because the
speculations have raise to such spectacle…

So, it made the entire common people of the city to have mental
obsession, was full of the infinite mystery about the three famous
daughters, at this moment, what are they doing? Is it embroidery or
playing with the butterflies? Reading poems, playing chess as oppose
to playing a qin?


With a simple decoration, everywhere was actually a display of fine

female boudoir; three forms were extremely beautiful, women of
different personalities gathered together. The lady dressed in white
was the owner of the room, the General Government’s only daughter
Miss Su Su, cheeks like peach blossom, smart and sharp eyes but
what a pity at this moment does not have sense of propriety, her
body was spread out on bed with very sluggish appearance.

A lady in black clothing was sitting on the wooden chair by the

bedside, she appeared very calm and her posture was tall and
straight. She has that arrogant refined disposition; anyone who will
look cannot ignore her beautiful appearance. Who would expect that
the mild Prime Minister Lou will have a daughter with such aloof

Standing across Miss Lou Chen at bedside was a another lady

wearing a crimson dress and between her eyebrows was a cinnabar
mole that resembled fire, the person’s appearance was valiant and
formidable and her whole body passing an aura of extravagance. The
woman presented a rectangular box in the hand to Su Su as a gift.

5 Report
What is this thing? Su Su looked with some curiosity, opened the
box to find unexpectedly an arched mountain map of cow leather.

A map of this kind was indeed rare and especial, if it was for
common family this will be treated as precious thing, but to the
General House, Miss Su Su was not attracted to it at all. The Su
family owned various types of maps, of different kinds spread all over
the house. Su Su lost her interest and throws the map inside the box
and asked, “Eh, Elder Sister Ning, why are you giving me a
map for?”

She took the map and spread it on the table, Yan Ning’s sight fell
on the map, gazing intently, “All day in the capital is boring,
don’t you feel bored?”

“Certainly bored.” She glanced the map on the table then

looked at Yan Ning again, Su Su finally crawled up, supporting her
chin, said with a smile, ” Is Elder Sister Ning thinking of an amusing
thing to do?”

Yan Ning looked up and mystically said with a smile, “We will
play a bet on it.”

“What is the bet?”

“In this big world, we will compete who can find a treasure
depending on her own skill. Same time next year, we all
come back to compare..”

“One year? This means we must leave home?! My mother

will skin me alive.” Miss Su as she was talking, her eyes were
actually glowing excitedly.

“Do you bet?”

“I will bet!” The challenge demonstrated fully the personality of

Miss Su, who was anxious to stir up the world in chaos since she was

6 Report
Yan Ning looked to Lou Chen who was on one side sitting silently.
Lou Chen was a kind of person that only displays paralyzed facial
expressions, not loquacity, but her thoughts exceptionally were keen
and brilliant, Yan Ning was anxious and asked in a whisper, ” And

Lou Chen glanced at the map on a table, looked at Yan Ning again,
displaying that rare smile replied, ” I’m in.”

Early autumn, the night was cold, breeze was gentle and moonlight
shining softly. It was midnight, long past the time to rest but in the
Prime Minister’s Manor, one can still see in the small courtyard a
weak candle-light casting a shadow through the paper window. There
was a tall figure near the door who has no intention of leaving but
also unwilling to disturb occupant of the room.

” Come on in. “

Inside the room, a chilly delightful woman’s voice can be heard

lightly, the person on the door found out that the person inside did
not mind, gently smiling, the slender fingers pushed open the door.
Closing the door gently, a delightful deep male voice with careless
smile spoke, “Before, I thought you did not want to see me
before leaving?”

Inside the room had only one small oil lamp, the light was weak,
the room was very blurry, the master in room was a tall and slender
lady, seeing her put two of the clothes she often wear in the house
conveniently into the bag and replied, “You poke outside the door
and if I am discovered that will obstruct my affair.

The man have a young delicate and handsome face, his eyebrows
were straight and slanted upwards entering the temple, high pointed
nose, peach blossom eyes not revealing a playful side, profound
pupils joined to his unique mild personality, leaning at the door
calmly and as always his noble aura was threatening. His smile was
more like a grin, likely he has been used to such treatment and took

7 Report
it as ordinary, only laughed away his embarrassment.

With both hands folded in front of his chest, the young man’s face
looked serious, “Do you really want to join these two to wanton
mischief, seriously?”

The owner in room was no other that Prime Minister Government

Office young lady, Miss Lou Chen. She finally turned her head and
glanced towards his own elder brother, replied lightly, “Ning wants
to leave the Capital City and it is not merely for one day or
two days, this time I feared that she really could not be
stopped. We will act together, three of us will leave from
one place, so as a shield for her, if you are worried about her,
send a shadow guard to protect her in secret.”

“This is all because of Yan Ning?” Lou Xi ‘s smile disappeared

and his eye full of tease, “Isn’t that you also wants to go out to

Lou Chen raised one eyebrow, if other people would look at her,
they would not be able to read her expression, the face was a
complete dead pan but for Lou Xi ,the answer was clearly written on
that face, ” Yes, I am why”?, that is what it said.

Lou Xi shook his head and sighed, “You will happily exit the
mess and will leave me behind to face remaining chaos,
Chen’er, aren’t you cruel enough?”

*Er meaning small or young, call of endearment

Hearing the word “Chen’er” , Lou Chen narrowed her eyes, ” If

you have the skill, you can also run away.”

Lou Xi cleared his throat, “Chen’er”, that word he did not dare to
say again but just staring at Lou Chen as she packed her bag at
moderate pace, his heart was grieving, “Ahem, you are not
fearing that I will tell?”

8 Report
Lou Chen packed her bag ready and placed it on the table; she
pulled open a small bedside cabinet and took some stack of paper
money, forced it along her pocket waistband and put more broken
silver in small bag and placed it inside her baggage. Lou Xi was
watching agonizingly all along this process.

The Lou Xi was somewhat frustrated and felt very helpless, let
alone he favored the three girls, naturally he cannot disrupt their
plans, even if he reports and this time they will be blocked, but the
three clever girls have iron core, they will run away with

Lou Chen thing were few, tidied quickly and when Lou Xi raised his
head once more, she cleaned everything and ready.

Lou Chen clutched her small baggage and put in a simple blue
dress, waist length hair was pulled to a chignon with the white jade
hairpin. The moonlight was dripping through the open door, shining
its light, the 3 foot soft sword master at this moment the obediently
winded on her waist, such as a pliable and tough sparkling like pale
ribbon, against her black clothing, ready to set off and come out of
increasingly unwelcoming dust.

Lou Xi looks at his own treasured younger sister, he was little

worried and not able to restrain her, Chen’er, too unaware to cause ’
bees butterflies wave’, does not know what kind of lascivious
person will be attracted unrestrained, he was not actually worried of
Lou Chen, for all these years, he naturally knew that his younger
sister was smart and at times can be heinous, though her face have
no expression but there were actually hundred things going on her
mind and whoever provokes her heart was inviting trouble for a

Observing her slim and graceful figure standing under the

moonlight, Lou Xi had a feeling of bewilderment, how his home girl
had grown fast.

9 Report
Lou Xi sighed, walked out towards Lou Chen and when he passed
through his side, said in a whisper, “Be careful on the road, for
any matter to send me a letter, I am your elder brother.”

Lou Chen shoved open the door and paused, the jade like
appearance was cold and the stiff lips rarely answered obediently,

At the third watch of the night, the deserted capital was silent and
chilly and was covered by darkness, three forms dash about wildly to
the city wall, rises with a leap, to climb on the top unexpectedly and
then leaped again to descend. The three figures falling lithely were
now all outside the city wall, more three ten feet high city walls, for
them to accomplish this, obviously the three people of skills in
martial arts were truly exceptional.

They paused after running 10 ten feet. (10 feet=3.3m)

“For one year.”

“Take care of yourself.”

After the few simple words, three people run on three directions
without looking back.

Yan Ning proceeds ran all the way, silently apologizing, Chen, Su,
I’m sorry but I have to go to that place, I have deceived you. I have
to scatter the families’ energy and resources, only then they can’t
bring me back quickly, forgive me, and forgive me!

☆☆☆☆☆Mayo ☆☆☆☆☆

10 Report

Chapter 1
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

Original translation published for https://killerninjablog.wordpress.


A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu (错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

” Big Sister, you come and see quickly, Su Tong is right or not?!”

The towering trees of the forest have luxuriant branches and

leaves, almost blocking the sky. At high noon, sun rays were like
halos passing through the dense leaves. The weeds and bush were
no more than two feet high and the surroundings were covered by
the fragrance of vegetation, from time to time, one can hear the
sound of the beasts roaring or a sound of howling. This was a piece of
inaccessible mountain forest, the crisps sound of child’s voice
resounds in such environment, it was very domineering.

At a closer look, behind the green and luxuriant forests was a 6 or

7-year-old little girl, her hand was holding nameless grass over her
forehead, with a smile on her face that was more brilliant than

The little girl was actually holding a dark bluegrass, the leaf’s blade
has a tiny stripe, on the leaf stem it has also several purple-red
florets.It looked common, but this plant was actually being used to
detoxify poisons and to stop the wounds from bleeding, it also to
alleviates fever and remove dampness.

The little girl handed in front of the woman the medicinal herb The
woman took one look and welcomed the little girl’s fearful look. The
little girl was anticipating anxiously and a cold voice spoke with

11 Report
several points of gentleness, saying, “Right, this is Huang Qin.”

The girl’s eye light up, holding that small herbal medicine like a
treasure and the happy expression on face was deeper, also bringing
several points of pride, “Su Tong has not deceived the elder
sister, you are very intelligent, that side also has much grass,
but Su Tong picks the right one!”

The woman rubbed girl’s head, looked at several Huang Qin

grasses 4-5 ten feet away (Chinese 10 feet=3.3 meters) and said, ”
You be careful don’t run.”

“Ok.” The little girl was cautiously holding a bamboo basket with
medicinal herbs, sweetly smiled, then runs ahead, but not far away.

When she determined that the little girl was away from danger, the
woman lowered her head and continued searching for raw herbal
material for analgesia and sleep aid.

The woman that was “running away from home” was no other
than Miss Lou Chen. She was en route by Liao Yue and just passing
by the Capital City to have a look and had not actually thought that
just right after leaving Qiong Yue, she entered the small border town
of Luo Shui along the Lou Shen River Mountain*, she met a little girl.
This girl was dirty all over, sitting at the foot of the hill crying.

Lou Shen River Mountain or Goddess of Loushui River Mountain

Little girl’s name was Su Tong, her household made a livelihood by

hunting, they lived below Lou Shen River Mountain and she has a
mother that was physically very weak. The father climbed the
mountain to hunt and traded the hunts with money, this is how he
maintained his family alive. Unfortunately, six months ago, the girl’s
father climbed the mountains to go hunting and encountered a black
bear and was seriously injured. Though he was able to escape with
great difficulty and reached home, his injuries were so severe and he
passed away.

12 Report
The family had no savings, now completely broke and no
livelihood. Life was indeed difficult for them. The girl also had an
elder brother, named Su Meng and he was about 12 or 13-year-old
youth. Thinking now that he should carry the family burden, he ran
towards the mountain secretly, hoping that he can hunt for small
animals to exchange for money to buy the medicine for mother.
However, in one of his outing, he had a bad luck of encountering a
rainstorm and he fell halfway up the mountainside and broke his leg.

The sudden blow that runs in this family had made them go
hungry; it was one misfortune after another. They couldn’t afford a
doctor and if Su Meng will not see a doctor for his leg to be treated,
surely the leg will become disabled. The little girl heard that in the
mountain has many raw herbs for medicine and went to walk into the
mountain to gather some medicinal herbs but what a pity, who would
be willing to lead little daughter to walk into the mountain, therefore
she can only sit at the foot of the hill to cry and was lucky to meet
Lou Chen.

Lou Chen originally intends to give them 20 taels of silver money

(1 tael=50g), for them to find a doctor to treat the illness and the
remaining money was suffice per them to live for several months. On
the contrary, this little girl refused to take the money for her family.

Such strength of the character Lou Chen felt very helpless at the
same time some admiration. She does not have a heart not to look at
the youth because this small girl has a wound and small disability
from the fall. Lou Chen found an excuse and pretended that she does
not have a place to live temporarily, needed a temporary lodging and
would stay in the hunter’s family household and as a repayment, she
will help the youth cure his foot and wound.

These past few days, together with the little girl, they have been
frequenting the Lou Shen River Mountain, searching for some herbal
medicines and then to go back to give it to Su Meng. The young
fellow’s body was good and healthy because after 7 to 8 days later,

13 Report
the wound on his foot was almost healed, only that was needed to do
was carefully raised up and practice walking. This time she feared
that this will be their last visit on Goddess of Loushui River Mountain.

The herbal medicine that Lou Chen will pick were about to be
placed inside the bamboo basket, suddenly she heard an abnormal
noise from the distance, that sound could be anything from, most
likely a fly fleeing the thick patches of grass, she marched towards
the direction of the little Su Tong.

The girl was sitting in the thick patches of grass and did not feel
the danger that approaches.

Lou Chen’s heart was startled, she was worried not to scare the
beast of prey in the wooded mountain, hurried to raise and used her
qinggong to leap lightly, runs towards the girl’s direction and did not
forget to observe not to make such big noise, it could be anything.
Carefully went closer, only to discover that coming towards their
direction was likely not a beast of prey, it seems ……Several

Even so, Lou Chen did not relaxed but remained vigilant, her foot
speed was faster than that several people, shortly, Lou Chen rushed
in front of the little girl, hugs her into her bosom. Meanwhile, those
people also rushed in front of them, particularly the person runs in
the front leaving the rest by three ten feet far. His whole body
muscle was pumping, the hand was also holding a broadsword and
he looked rattled.

Behind him were three men that were in hot pursuit. They were
wearing a dark blue vigor attire, Lou Chen eyes then recognized that
it was Laio Yue’s official government uniform. Her hand lightly touch
her waist for the soft sword, she unexpectedly entered Laio Yue, it is
not convenient to bring the government authorities’ attention.

” Wang Si, stop, you cannot run away!”

14 Report
The robust fellow’s breathing was messy and his footsteps were
disorderly, his martial arts was not high. Lou Chen thought has
flickered, even if she wants to run away now quietly, there was not
enough time, she would rather watch for changes quietly. Lou Chen
holds the girl vest, just awhile ago, she tossed her gently beside her
and the girl rolled several in the thick patch of grass and she has
been separated from the dangerous circle, besides being frightened,
she did not get hurt.

The little girl was just out of the danger when a big hand has
reached to Lou Chen, wanting to hold her shoulder. Lou Chen did not
have to turn her head but the situation was quite familiar,
inadvertently slightly inclined her body avoiding the hand of the
robust man. Since he was not able to catch her, the robust man took
out his knife to block Lou Chen’s way.

Secretly she was sizing up the man in secret, Lou Chen and she
determined that this person was completely not her match, this time
she did not hide, calmly stood in-place, allowing the long knife rest
before her own neck.

He achieved his wish to catch a “hostage”, the robust man

immediately put Lou Chen in front of him to use as a shield. He
shouted to the government constables that were pursuing, “Do not
come! You ……if you come again, I will kill her!”

Several constables did not continue to pursue actually, not

because he has the hostage in the hand, but because this hostage
was really not like a hostage.

Under the knife’s edge the woman looked indifferent, she wore a
black clothing as before with jade hairpin black as ink stick, the color
blending with this wooded mountains. She was extremely beautiful
but seeing her in person, people did not actually exclaim in surprise
by her beautiful appearance. The woman gave the feeling of a person
in Chinese ink and wash painting. She was pale and cold, the inking
was clear and actually magnificent in artistic conception, the

15 Report
woman’s beauty was simply out of this world.

The several people chasing him was suddenly stunned, they stood
there staring blankly in her direction. Wang Si was perplexed and his
heart was worried, even more, called out like crazy, “Do not come.
Let me go, let me go!”

After several shouts, it finally broke the spell of the three

constables, the spokesperson of the group finally recovered and said
hurriedly, ” Wang Si, do not be impulsive, you have killed a person,
but also wants to do another one?!”

Lou Chen was insightful, her eyebrows crumpled and wrinkled, why
did he reminded the man that he just killed a person, can this
constables really saving others or injuring someone? Killed one
already, in any case killing two does not make any difference.

While two side troops were confronting each other, Lou Chen sizes
up the opposite three people secretly, they are young, about twenty
and moments ago, the first one to open his mouth was the youngest
one.The other two, although they look ordinary but appeared to be

Another was about 24 or 25-year-old after he has gotten back his

composure, he immediately saw something lying on the grass, it was
a scared little girl. The man went forward to hug the girl, then
withdrew several steps, the direction that he went was not towards
the two constables but towards the robust man.

The power his observation was good and very intelligent, Lou Chen
took one looked at that person unavoidably. He was tall but not burly
and his sleeves were curled, it reveals two small arms, quite rigorous
in his official constabulary uniform that was unexpectedly
worn casually, he was just the same with Lou Xi, has the same sexy
look and that double eyelid, but mildly different because Lou Xi’s was
profound but in this person of eye was like suffering from stomach
gas, the entire person naturally looked exactly uninhibited, not like a

16 Report
person of government authorities.

Seeing that Lou Chen was eyeing him, that person’s of corners of
the mouth smirk and was inspired to tease her unexpectedly, his
vision tightened on her and he stared at her with self-indulgence.

He locked looks with Lou Chen for a moment and then turned away

Wang Si hid behind Lou Chen and called out, “No, I ……I have
not killed people, you are unfair to me!”

The three constables seemed to calm, one man goes forward one
step and said, “Again, you put down the knife first.”

The robust man was very vigilant and also very anxious, the
constables moved, he put up the knife’s point toward the Lou Chen’s
neck immediately, shouted to clear the way “You get, out of the
way, go away!”

He then threatened Lou Chen’s neck with the shining knife back
and forth. She remained calm as before. It was the little girl that was
actually frightened and her complexion turned very pale. The girl
closely holds the neck the man with her arms, crying and said in a
whisper, “Brother, the elder sister is a good person, you save
the elder sister quickly, ok?”

The constable looks at Lou Chen, he lowered his head, then

comforted the girl by patting her back, said with a smile in a soft
voice, “OK, but, elder brother needs you to help.”

“Um?”The little girl somewhat innocent, opened a bright and

intelligent big eye to look at the man puzzled, can she help? The men
lowered his head slightly, whispered something near little girl’s ear
several words, the little girl was listening earnestly, looked at Lou
Chen with one eye, finally made an effort to nod, replied, “Ok!”

The calm man gave a meaningful wink to nearby young man,

17 Report
seemed that they have some tacit understanding because they
move back several steps, making the robust man relaxed, the
speaker carefully said: “Wang Si, you said that you have not
killed person, we believed you to be useful, however, the
county magistrate nanren does not believe us, we don’t have
the evidence, even though she said again you have not killed
your wife and actually injured this woman, you will be equally
guilty, might as well be kind and obedient without a fight, we
will go back and talk clearly with the honorable magistrate
and tell them you have not killed anyone and in any case you
should not fear anything.”

As he was listening to the constable’s words, Wang Si was

somewhat in trance, lowered his head slowly, and have not waited
for the opposite two people to have the next movement, the robust
man looked up thought of something fiercely, whatever he thought
about, his eyes were full of alienation and frenzy, loudly exclaimed,
“No! I do not go back with you, you are not good people,
definitely will treat me unjustly, I have not killed people,
have not killed people!”

Wang Si’s hand trembled so much, his hands move up bringing the
edge of the knife abruptly on Lou Chen’s slender neck ….

End of the Chapter


18 Report

Chapter 2
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book


Thanks Mayo enjoying your work ∼∼(*Monica*)

Thanks for the edits. This chapter is guarded by SuTong

Published as a fan girling MTL translationexclusive for


A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue (错嫁


The man’s hand was trembling so much; he raised his hand to put
the knife’s edge to Lou Chen’s slender neck. Lou Chen right hand
raised slightly and waited for the hand with a long knife to be closer
to her neck then press the acupuncture point on the arm of the
robust man, then a child’s voice of weeping screamed, “Please,
please don’t hurt my elder sister!”

The child’s voice was very immature but sharp enough that the
strong man had a scare, he paused his hands then his eyes looked
and immediately spotted the little girl in a distant place.

He doesn’t know when and where the little girl came from and was
now with the constable, she was mightily trying to escape from the
man’s arms, after some struggle she finally got down from his arms
and stood at his side. The man’s voice was not deep, his tone was
clear and delightful, his intonation will make people at ease, “Wang
Si, you are surrounded by us, certainly you can’t run away,
beside, you are still holding in your arm a hostage, running
away with her struggling, you will not be able to escape fast,
presumably taking her, it is like your hand is tied and just

19 Report
waiting to be captured?”

The little girl ran a few steps toward Lou Chen, her watery bright
and intelligent big eyes staring at the man, a soft sticky voice quickly
said, “Su Tong is most obedient, I will listen to you but don’t
hurt my elder sister, okay?”

Wang Si stared at the girl for a while; he was looking and

considering grabbing her later. The woman didn’t fight and was
spookily very calm and quiet, he suspected in his heart that
something was not right, the man cried, “You want me to release
this woman then give me that girl.”

Lou Chen has been quietly watching on the sidelines all the while
but when Wang Si made a proposal to exchange with Su Tong, she
has confirmed her speculation. In this dangerous and chaotic
situation, the man shouldn’t let the little girl on the fields, not to
mention both of the other men saying nothing of it, every word every
motion was trying to tempt the brawny men.

Owing to the account that she was confident with herself in this
critical situation to keep her and Su Tong safe, Lou Chen did not
intend to stop Su Tong when she came closer, just like before she
remained silent. She was very calm, but the others were actually
unable to continue watching.

Wu Yi, the youngest constable of the three, quickly shouted, “No


Wang Si moved the knife closer to Lou Chen’s neck for a few
minutes and demanded, “Let her through or I will kill this

“I will come. I will come! Don’t hurt my elder sister!” Su

Tong was saying this and ran quickly towards Wang Si, the local
constabulary appeared to be mad and reached out his hand to grab
and seemingly wanted to block the little girl but the little girl ran too

20 Report
fast that he was not able to catch her.

Little Su Tong ran up towards Wang Si, when she was about four
ten feet far (ten Chinese feet=3.3m), she suddenly stopped her
footsteps, turned around to run toward the two constables on the
right rear.

When he saw Su Tong had suddenly changed direction, Wang Si

hurriedly asked, “Where are you going?”

The little girl stopped running two or three feet, pointing to a little
basket filled with herbs on the ground and replied with indignation,
“The bamboo basket was full of drugs and medicine for my
brother Su Meng, Mother said the deep bamboo basket
cannot be lost.” Su Tong said as she carried the deep small basket
and continued to walk towards the direction of Wang Si.

Seeing that the little girl was obediently walking over, Wang Si
relaxed, but when she arrived in front of Lou Chen, she suddenly
stepped on something, “Ouch!” She let out a cry and fell down like
splashed water, lying down on the ground she just lay there on her
belly, she couldn’t crawl. The little girl was under his feet, Wang Si
was somewhat impatient and bent down to pull her, as a result, the
long knife posted on Lou Chen’s neck was away for a few seconds
and was resting on her shoulder instead.

When the long knife was down, that was when Lou Chen knew that
this was the opportunity that the constable’s suffering of untold
hardships wants to create.

☆xīn wàn kǔ an idiom meaning with difficulty and some effort

Sure enough, Wang Si hasn’t had the time to catch the little girl’s
hand, when a sword thrust fiercely towards Wang Si’s shoulders, the
sneak attack was from the calmest and carefree of the three men.
Actually, when Su Tong changed her direction to get the bamboo
basket, he had quietly approached from behind.

21 Report
Wang Si was surprised and quickly step back. At this time he
wanted to grab Lou Chen for a shield but was too late to grab her.
The constable madly rushed and arrived beside Lou Chen and
grabbed Su Tong from lying on her stomach and then prepared to
embrace Lou Chen’s waist. However, Lou Chen also took advantage
of the opportunity earlier and moved to the side and broke away
from Wang Si’s control and put a distance between them. It looked
like they have been rescued by the man, who initially wanted to
grasp her waist but was no longer possible.

The youngest constable, Wu Yi, finally broke away from initial

shock, raised the sword to go forward and fought with Wang Si.

Lou Chen and Su Tong moved away from Wang Si, the other ruffian
constabulary was mad that the other who first attacked is now
unexpectedly did not come up to help fight because right now, on the
contrary, he was leisurely and comfortably guarding the two women
on the side.

Two to one, Wang Si lost, the long knife in his hand was quickly
knocked out and the young men jerked forward in excitement,
overwhelmed Wang Si and neatly pulled the rope on his waist to
quickly tie him up.

Wang Si was kept down to the ground, nose, and mouth full of
grass and soil, even though he was all tied up, it couldn’t stop him
from cussing angrily, “You cheated me! I knew it, the official is
not a good guy. I’m going to kill you, kill you!”

One side was still clamoring but on the other side, the man turned
a deaf ear, kicking up the most charming smile on his face he asked
Lou Chen, “Miss are you all right? By the way, how do we
address you?”

Lou Chen was taking the pulse of Su Tong and has not given him a
glimpse, not even a tiny bit from the corners of her eyes.

22 Report
The little girl noticed that the bad person was held finally, one can
see in her eye that she was completely excited, said with a smile,
“Big brother, did I do okay?”

The man gently pinched her rosy cheek and praised her, “You did
very well, absolutely good. ”

Wu Yi tied up Wang Si’s hands tied with the rope and stood to hear
the little girl takes undeserved credit, was slow to react, finally after
sensing something from the response, Wu Yi stared at his colleague,
saying angrily, “Jin Yan Hen! You went too far, how can you let
a kid take a risk, after going back, I will truthfully tell the

The local ruffian constable was mad but Jin Yan Hen just shrugged,
nonchalantly replied, “Now the person was caught already, the
child and the hostage are all right.”

Wu Yi did not stall, contrary to expectation his whole face had an

expression of righteous indignation, shouted, “What if there was
an accident, can you take responsibility?!”

Jin Yan Hen put up a hand, “Okay, okay… you go back and
‘truthfully’ tell the superiors how wrong I was.” Lips had said it
but how pity to see his indifferent look.

Wu Yi just hummed and did not bother himself with him again and
then coaxed Wang Si to walk down the hill.

The beautiful woman looks straight at the moment but not at him.
Jin Yan Hen was more courageous with each setback, gather around
Lou Chen and continued to chatter, “My name is Yan Hen, you
can call me Ah Hen. Such a beautiful girl like you, climbing
the mountains to pick the herbs was really too dangerous,
you might as well let me protect you, how about that?”

Lou Chen just finishes taking Su Tong’s pulse, checked both her

23 Report
knees and legs and after determining that everything was alright,
she didn’t hold her and whispered, “Come on.” She then took the
bamboo basket carried by the girl in her back, continued ignoring
him then walked down the mountain.

“Oh,” Su Tong was cute and clever, she turned her head to blink
at Jin Yan Hen, then stick out her tongue, then followed Lou Chen’s

A common woman, even if they were indifferent but at the time

they were being pestered, neither do good or evil, at least will stare
to one’s eyes to express their rage? If he remembered correctly, he
was neglected and probably ignored thoroughly? This was really a
whole new experience, Jin Yan Hen cracks into a grin, umm, this time
a beautiful woman was very different from the common ice queens.

“Jin Yan Hen,” Mu Yan screamed out and Jin Yanhen withdrew
from the gridlock and glanced over the beauty. Mu Yan said in a
whisper, “The woman is very suspicious.” Luoshui is a very small
town, although very close to Qiong Yue, there were many
interactions between people, but he was absolutely sure that this
woman is not from the town when she was being held hostage, her
expression did not change from beginning to the end of the ordeal
and was terribly quiet.

Jin Yan Hen nodded, “Umm”, replied with seriousness, “Really

suspicious.” Mu Yan just wanted to say it something again, when Jin
Yan Hen suddenly lifts his arm and put his arm around Mu Yan’s
shoulder, his eyes looking back intently on the road, “Gee”, he said,
“Too suspicious! I have not seen such an outstanding,
beautiful, and indifferent woman, I wonder who and where
this beautiful woman comes from.”

Mu Yan choked back his words, unable to reply. Jin Yan Hen eyes
were staring blankly and pressing hard his arms on the shoulder
making it too heavy, Mu Yan decided not to get involved in this silly
talk with this fellow, for all these years he had not seen him act

24 Report
properly. Fortunately, his conduct can still be considered reasonable
and proper that he can be relied on.

Jin Yan Hen followed Lou Chen and Su Tong behind with slightly
drooping pupil, his vision swept on the dark green embroidered shoes
that Lou Chen was wearing, like dancing on the breeze and for every
step it was not stained by the fine dust.

This woman was indeed beautiful and Jin Yan Hen pupil had a spark
of amusement and interest.

End of the Chapter


Love at first sight. Good thing for Su Su, she was able to hide her
identity for some days and enjoyed being crazy… … Too bad for Lou
Chen, the bee won’t leave the flower.– ☆☆☆☆☆Mayo ☆☆☆☆☆ PS.
remember SuTong no spaces you might need her for next chapter


PREVIOUS CHAPTER Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue Index NEXT


25 Report

Chapter 3
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of
the links below or a search?

26 Report

Chapter 4
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

Originally published as a fan girling MTL translationexclusive for


Lou Shui town was not far from the Lou Shen River Mountain. Two
people were holding Zhang Jing and walked for half an hour before
they arrived at Luo Shui Town’s most dynamic street, Yongning
Street. The street was spacious and shops were everywhere,
compared with the general small town, here, it was very lively. Jin
Yan Hen lead them in front of a big hospital gate to a famous place
called Qian Cao, meaning thousand grass,. The hospital entrance hall
was very big, on the top beam two cursive black characters were
written in large scripts, “Thousand Grass”, the large characters
were written wildly in a candid manner and very eye-catching.

Not each type of medicine can be found in the mountain, Lou

Chen for Su Meng’s injured foot, went also to buy the medicine. In
the past, she just bought it in small Chinese medicine shop near Shen
Shan Mountain; it was also her first time to come to this medical hall
located in the small town center.

Inside the hospital, there were many physicians, three doctors for
each patient sits open in a front of a big wooden table, they examine
and the diagnose the ailment that needs to be treated. On the other
side of the great hall were medicine-cabinets, two pharmacists were
busy taking prescriptions and were busy collecting the medicines.
After she scrutinizing the place, she notices nobody here was idle.

The three people just entered the threshold, Jin Yan Hen shouted,

27 Report
“Fang Ru Hui, come out quickly, someone fainted.”

Jin Yan Hen’s voice was not small, people waiting and those that
were being examined, they looked at him but he did not concern
himself with being the center of attention.

Nearby a medicine-chest, a curtain was lifted from the inside, a

young man who looked younger than Jin Yan Hen, had a pretty
appearance, the eyes were limpid and had a mild temperament and
his body carried a faint medicine scent.

Fang Ru Hui glanced at Zhang Jing, did not ask any questions and
answered, “Bring the person inside the room.”

Jin Yan Hen nodded and holds Zhang Jing to walk, Fang Ru Hui has
swept his eyes sideways, frowning slightly, “How did you get in
such state?” Clothes were dirty; besides being dirty it was dusty.

Jin Yan Hen grinned like a dog; his smiling face was somewhat
unexpectedly self-satisfied and proud. Fang Ru Hui looked blankly,
wondered what is there that of value to be happy about?!

Lou Chen followed the two into the room silently, the channel or
passage, it had four rooms respectively, did not have the door but
divided by a curtain made with dark blue cloth.

Jin Yan Hen was holding Zhang Jing into the right side of the room,
the room was not big and it has one bed and two chairs.

Jin Yan Hen just opened the curtain calmly and laid Zhang Jing on
the bed. Fang Ru Hui then immediately stepped forward to take her
pulse. The time for him to take her pulse was similar with that of Lou
Chen, after he withdrew his hand he had his diagnosis, “She is
congenitally deficient, physically weak, has anemia and
other related weakness, she possibly received something
that distressed her and could not withstand it and she

28 Report
Jin Yan Hen sat on the wooden chair casually and urged, “You
administer to her quickly, whatever the outcome, make her
wake up first.” He also did not forget to pull another chair and
attentively facing Lou Chen he said gallantly, “You also sit down
and have a rest, we walked for so long and you must be
tired.” Jin Yan Hen, the constable flatters and tried to please in
every possible way, but what a pity because he had not obtained
even single side glance from the beautiful woman.

After he had determined the situation of the patient, Fang Ru Hui

was not as anxious as before. He pulled out a bag leisurely, put out
several acupuncture needles while saying, “Well she will wake up
in a while, this illness has no cure and but she will wake up

” There, she will wake up soon.” Probably, about after one stick of
an incense, Fang Ru Hui tidied up the acupuncture needles, sets out
and about to leave when a cold delightful sound resonate inside the
room suddenly, “I wish to have a liang ( liang is a measure
weight China= 50 grams) of each, two herbs of raw
materials for medicine, root of Chuan Xiong (rhizome of
Ligusticum wallichii ) and white mustard seed.” .

Fang Ru Hui looked up suddenly and caught her eye, he

momentarily appeared and acted silly, he knew that today Jin Yan
Hen came together with a girl, but his attention was always
concentrated on the patient, naturally, he did not pay attention to
other people. This girl … …he doesn’t really know how to describe
her, spoken words was not enough. He has not seen someone in a
blue sweater dress to be so elusively refined, even that indifferent
facial expression seems just right.

“Ahem! Ahem!”Jin Yan Hen with exaggeration coughed two

times, cleared his throat and said, “Fang Ru Hui, are you a
lecherous man, how could someone stare at a girl so intently
like this!”

29 Report
Fang Ru Hui recovered his composure and his facial expression
showed some awkwardness. He smiled at Lou Chen apologetically
but he did not respond to Jin Yan Hen’s observation because he
believed that this kid also looked lecherous the first time he saw the

Fang Ru Hui restored his mildness, lifts the curtain and said to Lou
Chen, “Please, come along with me.”

Lou Chen left the room with Fang Ru Hui, turned right at the end of
the hall and then entered a big room; it was about 3- ten feet square.
In the room, four sides of the wall were medicine-cupboards, right in
the center of the room stood a black wooden square table, topped
with paper and pen and hanging above it was a small-scale for

Before Fang Ru Hui arrived at the cupboard, he asked, “How

many roots and white mustard seed the girl wants?”

“Respectively 3 and 2 will be sufficient.”Lou Chen looked up

in one medicine drawer and said, “You have pretty complete
drugs in here.” Raw materials for medicine in small hospitals in
Qiong Yue Capital City also were also complete and precious, but for
a hospital pharmacy in a small town could achieve this, this was not
really that simple.

Fang Ru Hui showed a faint smile, the good-naturedly explained,

“For generations my family practices medicine, this hospital
in Luo Shui Town was opened more than 200 years ago. Shen
Shan Mountain had many raw materials for medicine and in
addition to that Luo Shui Town was bustling town whereas
the trading between apothecary ** were also many, therefore
the collection raw material for medicine was easy.”

(**apothecary a person who prepared and sell medicines and


30 Report
Fang Ru Hui puts out the two measure of ingredients that Lou Chen
needs and said with a smile, “Is this girl also skilled in

Lou Chen was busy looking at the medicine cupboards on the walls
and curious to what kind of medicine were they. She heard Fang Ru
Hui, the “Umm,” considered to be her response.

Fang Ru Hui scooped up the medicine using his hand. At this time,
his expected her to answer “know something” or “have a little
knowledge” and so on in a modest language? This girl’s “umm”,
he does not know where to lead the conversation next.

He does not know, but being with this girl at the same room made
him feel tensed, always made him feel this inexplicable anxiety, Fang
Ru Hui cleared his throat and said with a smile in a low voice, “That
woman should be awake now, if the girl is worried, she can
go back to have a look, after the raw material for medicine
are wrap securely, will take it to you.”

Lou Chen nodded, turned and left the pharmacy.

Fang Ru Hui weighed the raw material for medicine and prepared
to exit. He discovered that on the table was a small half copper coin,
which almost exactly the price of the two raw ingredients, Fang Ru
Hui took the copper coin, hefting it in his hand, that girl’s medical
skill fundamentals he does not know if it is good or not, but
understanding the price of raw material for medicine was actually not

“So, you and Wang Si are childhood sweethearts, you two

were lovers then? ”

Lou Chen approached the room and only separated by the curtain
when he hears the voice of Jin Yan Hen slightly poking fun, Lou
Chen’s eye corner slightly raised and stopped her footsteps.

31 Report
Earlier Mu Yan and Jin Yan Hen glanced at each other with a
meaningful look. Lou Chen did not miss it, therefore she deliberately
gave him the opportunity to have a dialog with Zhang Jing alone and
obviously Jin Yan Hen has not wasted such opportunity. In a relatively
comfortable environment, he was casually asking questions in an
easy manner, the effect was absolutely different from a rigorous
method of inquiry.

Sure enough, Zhang Jing’s gentle voice narrate slowly, ” It was a

childhood thing, I and Brother Wang grew up together, naturally
developed the feelings, but in my childhood l grew up as a sickly
child, Aunt and Uncle Wang has no liking for me. Afterward, they
gave Brother Wang a bride, Sister Hua’s father was the personal
bodyguard in distant bodyguard office, she practiced martial arts
with her father, very healthy, her disposition was also good and the
Wang’s elder liked her very much. But Sister Hua’s has a huge
jealousy against me and does not like us to meet. After a while, I also
got married, for several years; two of us do not have any interaction
for more than ten years. Six months ago, my husband had an
accident and passed away. After Brother Wang learned about it, he
would often give financial aid in secret. I feared that Sister Hua
would know about it and get angry, unless it is absolutely essential, I
am not willing to meet with Brother Wang.

Zhang Jung took a deep breath, sound a bit choked up.

Jin Yan Hen chuckled and said, “That person, Wang Si, is really
good. When was the last time he gives you financial aid to

“Three days ago in the evening.”

“What hour?”Jin Yan Hen voice was slightly more anxious than
before, certainly, of course, he was listening carefully.

Zhang Jing has pondered for a moment and replied saying,

“Probably at around youshi ( 5 to 7 p.m.).”

32 Report
“When did he leave?”

“We spoke for a little bit, roughly after the quarter of a

time and then separated.”

Fang Ru Hui carrying two packages of medicines and came back.

He saw that simple and beautiful person was standing behind the
curtain, listening to the room as they speak. After seeing him, she
was embarrassed and just nodded gently. Fang Ru Hui felt that he
really should have not even appeared, he spoiled the artistic illusion
of beautiful woman listening secretly in a refine and elegant manner.

For the first time, Fang Ru Hui did not know if he should enter or
should he drawback, or how about accompany her eavesdropping for
a while?

End of Chapter

☆☆☆☆☆Mayo ☆☆☆☆☆

PREVIOUS Chapter Index

33 Report

Chapter 5
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

Originally published as a fan girling MTL for


☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆

In the case of Fang Ru Hui, he was in a dilemma, the questioning

inside seems to draw to an end, because he heard the voice of Jin
Yan Hen lowered deliberately but asked something of tone full of
excitement, ” All right, how about that Miss Lou, are your family

” Miss Lou is also a good person, she … …”

The curtain was opened at a right moment, Lou Chen slowly

walked in.

Jin Yan Hen’s regret was written all over his face, twitched his lips
and looked at Lou Chen, she was having the appearance as if nothing
important happened, though he was inquiring about her, in general, a
moment ago which was not common, “Chen’er*, you came back.”

*(tantamount to saying little darling Chen)

Fang Ru Hui followed inside the room behind Lou Chen and does
not understand that what happened, he only thought the
atmosphere’s temperature suddenly lowered several degrees. Jin Yan
Hen pretended and not admit that he did something crazy, he stood
abruptly and walked towards the door, while he laughed with a smile
said. “Time is late, I will go back to the yamen** ( **the

34 Report
government office), otherwise Wu Yi that boy does not know
how to lay things out in front of the daren (the title of
respect to elders or boss) and Xiao Touer (leader) if I am not
the one in front.”

Do not know if it was an illusion, Fang Ru Hui always felt that Jin
Yan Hen deliberately bypass “Chen’er” girl to go out, once out of
the hospital he suddenly turned back and said, “I am usually in the
yamen, Chen’er if there is something that you need my help,
you can come and look for me.”

After ditching a few words, Jin Yan Hen urgently runs out like his
buttocks were on fire…

Today in the day of one’s life, a man who was always been sluggish
unexpectedly so lively even energetically running back to
yamen. Fang Ru Hui, was still wondering when that chilly girl actually
also unexpectedly went out, going through by his side, only a briefly
leave a word and handing him a package, “Her body is extremely
weak and is not conducive to walking, you sauté the bowl of
medicine to soothe her nerves and restore her vital energy, give that
to her to drink and I’ll come back to pick her up later.

“Hey … …” Fang Ru Hui recovered his composure but the

beautiful woman already walked long ago. Raise his hands and
looked at the two packs of raw materials for the medicine she
ordered moments ago. Fang Ru Hui can only smile bitterly and go to
make the decoction of medicinal herbs.

Lou Chen goes out of the hospital and from afar she can see Jin
Yan Hen’s the figure, she was not sharply pursuing to catch up, but
away from a distance, secretly following him far behind.

Passing through few junctions, after about 15 minutes, just as what

Lou Chen suspected, Jin Yan Hen did not go back to the yamen, but
entered into a lane that was of a common residential area.

35 Report
He stopped at the front of someone else’s residence, the entrance
was sealed by a sheet of paper, Jin Yan Hen looked around and went
on top of the wall in one leap.

Lou Chen’s corners of the mouth cannot help express that her
insight was right all along, as expected this was Jin Yan He’s style,
in the capacity of government workman, he does not walk to the
front doing things contrary to the norm and insist on doing his own
thing like this climbing over the wall to go into that room. If she
guesses right, this should be the crime scene.

Jin Yan Hen’s qing gong was awfully good, he leaped gently, treads
the wall eaves with his foot by leveraging, then has leaped forward in
the building. Lou Chen looked all around and did not choose the
same route like Jin Yan Hen but treads the eaves lightly, dropped
down between the two households’ eaves intersections to position
herself where she can see clearly what was happening in the small

The sky was gradually getting dark, Lou Chen hiding in that
position if she does not make a noise; no one can discover her

Jin Yan Hen just jumped into the small courtyard, ready to enter
the room when the door was shoved open from violently from the

“Who ?!” A shrill delicate voice came through, simultaneously a

touch of blue figure rushed out from the house, the speed was not
fast and obviously, the martial arts skill was not excellent. Jin Yan
Hen eyes flashed and raised his hand to the person’s shoulder, but
after seeing the face of the person, he was taken aback and
recovered his hand, kept it off in front of his body and received a
female palm at the same time called out, “It’s me! “

The woman moved to capture and grasps Jin Yan Hen on the arm,
he did not escape nor shun it, letting her arrest him red handed.

36 Report
After hearing the low shout, the woman’s hand did not release his
grasps, puzzled and asked, “Jin Yan Hen?

Lou Chen slightly squinting and finally see clearly the woman’s
appearance, she was young almost 28 years of age, the face was
oval like a goose eggs, looks delicate, beautiful and the pair of
almond eyes were particularly bright, her clothing color and design
were similar to that of Jin Yan Hen. Her waist long hair was put in a
bun at the back of her head giving a strong and nimble appearance,
the whole person gives the air of full of vitality, brisk, brute and
difficult to deal with feeling.

Jin Yan Hen moved both hands to be seized by the woman, he took
a deep breath and in a very clear voice without a hint of retreating
but in need of a spanking, ” Miss Qu dàxiǎo jie, although I do not
mind you grabbing me, but this posture I’m not quite comfortable.”

dàxiǎo jie- meaning eldest daughter of an affluent family, bossy or

highly indulged woman

“Go away!” The woman throws off Jin Yan Hen’s hands and asked,
“You, how can you be in this?”

Jin Yan Hen rubbed his wrist, smiled and answered, “Naturally, I
have to investigate the case.”

“You?” The woman exclaimed, “All day you do not do your

work and I do not know why my father did not kick you out of
your post yet.”

Since Qu dàxiǎo jie, was the treasured daughter of Qu daren and

no one in Lou Shi town dares to challenge this girl, Jin Yan Hen
naturally does not want a touch of bad luck, with chuckle, “Miss Qu
this time you are really unfair to me, after I brought Wang Si
to justice, but I am also thinking about the investigation of
the case, this is simply adhering faithfully to my duties.”

37 Report
Qu Ning Shuang forced a laugh or two , she disregarded his feeling
and scoffed and say with a smile,” I certainly do not believe this, you
were so lazy before and strolled away in this case and now you turn
around to say that you are investigating the case?”… …

Jin Yan Hen just shrugged and had not refuted, Qu Ning Shuang
was definite on what she just said and Jin Yan Hen glanced at her
blankly and then put his hand behind his back and walked back in the
small courtyard, while walking expressed his placid analysis, “In this
small courtyard there are inhabitants, according to their
testimony, that day between 3 to 5 pm they heard the Wang
couples quarreled, about a quarter of an hour later, Wang Si
slammed the door to leave. At about xushi time (7-9 pm)
Feng Qian Hua’s younger brother Feng Qian Feng came and
discovered the dead body. The neighbors did not hear any
quarrel or fighting sound, arguably that the two had been
quarreling fiercely. Feng Qian Hua’s temper is not good and
if Wang Si in such a short time to come back, among the two
it is impossible they would be so calm.”

Jin Yan Hen folded his arms in his chest, he was not there to
investigate the scene, but rather specifically to accompany person
and to chat with the girl, “Miss Qu, this only means that the
murderer is not Wang Si?”

Qu Ning Shuang waved her hand and replied, “I certainly have

not explained very much, it is possible that Wang Si already
killed his wife at earlier time or went out to pass anger and
perhaps went back to their home secretly, killed Feng Qian
Hua, in short, there is only doubtful points and must be
investigated thoroughly and verified clearly.”

For the last few words, Lou Chen’s focus circled on Qu Ning,
perhaps it was because in the family also someone has frequently
said those similar statements, Lou Chen actually had several points
of favorable impression to this frank girl.

38 Report
Jin Yan Hen simply leaned against the poplar tree in the small
courtyard, as always, cynical, “That the eldest sister found

Qu Ning stared at him, clears her throat said, “I just arrived for a
while to meet you and I did not have time to check it! Get out
of the way and do not prevent this girl to investigate!” As she
was talking she was surveying and investigating the small courtyard

Jin Yan Hen was still standing in his place, from the perspective of
Lou Chen she only saw the small profile of his face, he couldn’t
clearly see his expression, only saw him shaking his head, while
saying,” Did you carefully looked there are a lot of blood here also,
have you discovered it also?”

“Nonsense! She did not struggle to run outside and go out

for help!” Miss Qu sound like she liked to bicker with Jin Yan Hen
after the words have ended, she also immediately shout in a low
voice, “It is not right!” Qu Ning, squatted her lower part of the
body, not caring about blood stain and dust everywhere, she looked
and looked at that dried up bloodstain that has continued from the
room that has extended to the door which was about 2-3 ten feet,
seemed alarmed, Qu Ning muttered, “She was killed with the pig
knife by stabbing her chest, unexpectedly can also crawl this

Lou Chen in the high place could clearly noticed Jin Yan Hen made
a shallow smile and it was not his usual smile, if she has not misread,
Jin Yan Hen should have already seen what was strange at the crime
scene but he did not say it, only hinting through suggestion.

Lou Chen this time was finally a little curious, for what reason Jin
Yan Hen want to let somebody do something like influential family to
think and to feel that he is not attending to his proper duties, that he
was cynical about his work and despised worldly conventions or
always trifles without respect?

39 Report
Qu Ning eyes straighten brightly as if she figured out what was
strange, quickly stood up, anxiously, “Go, we go back to take a look
at Feng Qian Hua ‘s corpse!

This way, they are going to leave? Lou Chen slightly frowned,
looked up at the dark clouds covering the horizon, there may be a
heavy rain tonight so a lot of pieces of evidence will be washed away
by heavy rain. Seeing the woman pulling Jin Yan Hen intending to
turn around the wall to leave, and he did not prevent her apparently,
Lou Chen immediately lifts her foot and made an effort to stepped
forcefully on the rubble above, intentionally sending out a sound.


End of the Chapter

Chapter Index

© May Ortega and Killerninjablog@wordpress.com, 2016-2017.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express
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40 Report

Chapter 6
Source: Wook’s Teahouse

“Who is it?!? Qu Ning Shuang pricked up her ears again, starring at

the place where the sound came from.

The sky was not completely dark, a woman in green clothes

suddenly appeared above the eaves, as if she had been standing
there all the time. Although the woman’s looks and expressions were
completely invisible under the back light, but with that leisurely
posture, there was obviously no trace of embarrassment or panic
could be found.

Qu Ning Shuang stared at the woman warily and asked coldly,

“Who are you? Why are you sneaking up there?”

“I…” The woman’s voice was slightly cool and very nice. She
paused for a while, raised her finger to Jin Yan Hen and continued:
“am here to find him.”

Jin Yan Hen stepped forward and said with a surprised smile: “It
turns out Chen’er has come to see me. I’m really flattered.”

If the expression on his face wasn’t so exaggerated, Lou Chen

might have believed his words.

Qu Ning Shuang looked at Lou Chen suspiciously, then at Jin Yan

Hen and asked, “Who are you, and why are you looking for

Lou Chen originally wanted to say something, but after seeing the
corner of Jin Yan Hen’s mouth, she changed her words, “It would be
better if I go down to say it, but I’m afraid of heights, as I
can’t get down, can Miss come up and help me?”

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Qu Ning Shuang’s eyes widened and she became very upset,
“Why should I help you? You are suspicious. It’s already nice
enough that I’m not arresting you!”

Lou Chen stood on the spot leisurely and said in a cold voice
slowly: “You have no evidence to prove that I’m a bad person.
Can you just arrest me because I climbed over the wall to find
someone? What’s more, as a bailiff, can you just ignore the
words of common people? Or is it that…” Lou Chen paused,
looked up and down at Qu Ning Shuang with a puzzled look, then
chuckled: “Miss isn’t actually a bailiff?”

“Of course I’m a bailiff!” Miss Qu was like a cat with its tail
stepped on. She rolled her sleeves up a bit and said loudly: “You
wait there!”

Seeing Qu Ning Shuang volunteering and rushing forward

proactively, Jin Yan Hen couldn’t help but feel that it was funny. He
had thought that the cold beauty usually didn’t like to talk much, it
turned out it wasn’t that she didn’t like to talk much, she just didn’t
like to talk nonsense. In just a few words she was able to incited this
Eldest Miss Qu to personally went and picked her up in person.

Qu Ning Shuang stepped lightly on the wall and jumped with a bit
of strength. Although somewhat unsteady, she managed to stand up
the wall. As she got closer, she finally saw the woman’s face clearly
and she just had to exclaim. The woman was so beautiful she didn’t
look like human at all, Qu Ning Shuang thought in her heart.
Suddenly she felt something was wrong. It seemed like… with a light
cough to concealed the random thoughts in her heart, Qu Ning
Shuang waved at Lou Chen and her voice became softer than before,
she said, “Come over, I will jump down with you. In any case,
we’re also about to leave.”

Lou Chen stood on the spot, not having the slightest thought to
walk over, Qu Ning Shuang gave her a second glance, but still walked
towards the eaves where she was standing step by step. When she

42 Report
was almost there, Qu Ning Shuang’s footsteps halted. She discovered
that above the wall in the backyard, there were some odd dark red
stains. Qu Ning Shuang let out a surprised gasp and immediately
squatted down to look closer. She touched the dried dark red stains
and put her hand in front of her nose to smell it. She thought aloud:
“How could there be bloodstains up here?”

Looking down at the ground outside the wall, there were similar
marks. Qu Ning Shuang exclaimed excitedly: “Jin Yan Hen come
up and see, I found blood on the wall over here, there is more
than one spot!”

Jin Yan Hen looked at Lou Chen, the two people’s gaze met in the
air for a short moment, Lou Chen’s expression was the same as
usual. Jin Yan Hen smiled generously and gently jumped up the wall
as well.

Taking a look at the place from where Qu Ning Shuan was talking,
Jin Yan Hen nodded and said, “Looking at the degree of dryness
of the blood, it is indeed the same as the blood in the

Qu Ning Shuang was obviously a little excited ad began to analyze

seriously: “So, the murderer was also injured that day and he
went to the backyard’s wall to escape. At that time, Uncle
Xiao and his men only asked a few households about whether
there were any abnormalities at the street in front of this
courtyard and he presumably overlooked to ask about the
alley behind. The murdered was injured, someone might have
possibly seen him!”

Compared to Qu Ning Shuang’s excitement, Jin Yan Hen looked

indifferent, but he said in a timely manner, “When we captured
Wang Si, we didn’t find any wounds on him.”

“Really?!” Qu Ning Shuang’s eyes gleamed, as if she had done

something major and smiled heartily: “Great, Wang Si may have

43 Report
been wronged! I will definitely find evidence to help him clear
his name!”

Lou Chen stood aside and said lightly: “It is possible that more
than one murderer was involved, but…” Lou Chen turned her
gaze to Jin Yan Hen and said with a smile, “If Wang Si has an alibi,
it will be different.”

Facing Lou Chen’s gaze, this time Jin Yan Hen didn’t try to conceal
anything, generously said: “According to Zhang Jing’s
statement, Wang Si was at the foot of Mount Lou at youshi (5
– 7 pm) and they only separated 30 minutes later. If he runs
back home as fast as possible, kills someone, then escape, 30
minutes is barely enough. As a result, Zhang Jing’s words can
prove that if he wants to commit the crime, the time period is
too hurried, but it cannot completely prove that Wang Si
didn’t commit the crime.”

As if she had heard some clues, Qu Ning Shuang hurriedly asked:

“Who is Zhang Jing?”

“Wang Si’s childhood sweetheart, she met Wang Si that


When Eldest Young Miss Qu heard it, she was immediately upset
and said angriky: “Why don’t I know such an important clue?
Why didn’t you tell me?”

Jin Yan Hen covered his aching ear and replied innocently: “Eldest
Young Miss you didn’t ask me either.”

“Let’s not talk about those first.” Qu Ning Shuang snorted

softly and didn’t worry about the problem anymore. Standing on the
wall, the long bloodstain in the courtyard looked even more hideous.
Qu Ning Shuang frowned and said in a low voice: “The deceased
had only one fatal wound on her chest, which was pierced by
a butcher knife and almost penetrated the body. How could

44 Report
she have crawled so far?”

After a long pause, she couldn’t think of the reason, Qu Ning

Shuang said in an irritated tone: “This is really suspicious, let’s
go back and check the condition of the body first! The corpse
will tell us how she died and what happened before her

Lou Chen was stunned for a moment just because this sentence
was so familiar. It was almost similar to her mother’s catchphrase.
Now that it came out of this young girl’s mouth it was somewhat…
awkward to listen. Was is possible that Qu Ning Shuang knew her
mother? Lou Chen took a closer look at the girl’s hairstyle and
clothes again. It was a bit similar to her youngest aunt when she was
training. Lou Chen suddenly felt a strange feeling. The little girl was
trying very hard to imitate her youngest aunt and mother…

Lou Chen was still looking at the strange girl secretly when she
heard a smiling voice approaching her and said, “Chen’er, do you
want to come with me?”

Lou Chen hadn’t expressed her opinion yet when Qu Ning Shuang’s
face turned black the moment she heard it and said anxiously:
“We’re investigating a case! How can she come with us?!”

Jin Yan Hen’s corner of the mouth hooked up and said:


45 Report

Chapter 7
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

Translation project from Killerninjablog.

Someone has a zany character here, find out who? ? Guess who’s
this chapter title belonged.

Lou Chen has not decided yet if she would agree but Qu Ning
Shuang face became grim as she listened and swiftly remarked, “We
are going to investigate! You want her to come together with
us and why would she?!”

Jin Yan pursed his lips and said, ” It is because ….”

Lou Chen was also staring Jin Yan Hen, she also would like to know
if he can find a reasonable excuse.

“Because she is my ……” Jin Yan Hen paused a bit and his face
had that smiling expression ( T/N: Have some naughty thoughts I
suppose) , a look that like someone asking for some awful beating,
but at the same time he noted the chilly radiant coming from Lou
Chen’s eye, Jin Yan Hen with mouth as quick as his brain swiftly
said,” Friend !… A friend of mine and also the most attractive girl I
have ever seen. But what is most important is that we are equally
very clever, with the two of us that will assist you from the side, Miss
Qu (dàxiǎo jie was the actual word used here, addressing her with
the utmost respect) will certainly solve the case in no time.”

Lou Chen was wrong not to acknowledge the ability of this man
before, what was worse was she also underestimated the” thickness
of his face”.*

46 Report
*This a common saying in Chinese which was literally translated
which meant someone who doesn’t care about losing face or a
person who doesn’t care about the opinion of the others.

Miss Qu’s face expressed that now she was well aware of that fact
and in the know, this time she has not rewarded him a supercilious
look but reached out her hand and prepared to grab Lou Chen’s belt
to lead her along down the wall.

Lou Chen took one step and reached out her hand to hold on her
shoulder, makes a slight effort and they leap together.

On the ground, Lou Chen recovered her hand. After the incident,
Qu Ning Shuang ‘s heart started to have doubts and glanced at Lou
Chen. She jumped down together with this girl and she felt that her
agility and obviously her speed going down was pretty quicker than
hers, she felt lighter than her which means her qing gong skill was
definitely better than her. Why would such a person fear height?

She watched Lou Chen for awhile and finally Qu Ning Shuang
cannot make out anything from her face, to avoid anymore
entanglement, the three walked towards the county alley together.

Because Qu Ning Shuang was with them, Lou Chen thought she
was a stranger and entering the government office yamen for the
first time, unexpectedly none of the constables inside the yamen had
come out to stop them.

The government office in Luo Shui town was not big, from the side
they entered, then went around the short section of the road and the
three people arrived at the room that was specially built with black

This stone chamber in the yamen was made especially for the
corpses that have not settled their case, the bodies wind up here are
waiting to be placed in a coffin. The room was customized and used
as morgue for corpses because the stone material was special, the

47 Report
bottom of the stone chamber also had ice pit, therefore for a short
period time corpses were preserved and does not suffer decay due to
low temperature.

Outside the morgue was a guard but before Miss Qu Ning, they
exist in name only, they have this particular titles but duty wise Miss
Qu Ning can just come and go as she wishes.

The three people entered the morgue, inside were two corpses
who were wearing simple skimpy skirt pants. Qu Ning Shuang arrived
in front of a corpse, held their palms together to bend and pay
respect, then lifted the plain white cloth.

It was a female corpse, the body was wearing simple skim skirt
pants, Qu Ning Shuang moved forward to begin since it was a female
corpse, Jin Yan Hen drew a step backward.

“Are you a constable or the medical examiner?”

Lou Chen’s voice was as natural as her personality, forever

indifferent and chilly, however, she wanted to understand her and be
aware, only then she could be of help.

At this time, Qu Ning Shuang felt Lou Chen’s meant to ridicule her
(T/N: because in reality, she doesn’t hold any of those positions) and
her face quickly turned red. She bit her lip and she was not actually
angry but more of embarrassed, she gained her composure and
looked straight at Lou Chen and firmly said, “I will become
constable and at the same time I will certainly become the
most outstanding medical examiner of Liao Yue.”

Qu Ning Shuang thought that this arrogant woman will certainly

not pass the opportunity and will ridicule her for lying, but on the
contrary, she just slightly nod, that ‘I knew’ tranquil appearance
which made her difficult to have an opportunity to say her next
excuse or rhetoric.

48 Report
She looks away, her eyes with the appearance of embarrassment,
Qu Ning Shuang sets to level the corpse and started a little

Lou Chen watched at the sequence of her autopsy procedure, her

stance, everything was considered standard criteria and she
determined to have studied but unfortunately, it was only in
conformation to the norms, there was really nothing special to it.

She checked the corpse’s fingers, elbows, knees and other

positions that have bruises and the wounds that caused her death
one more time, which was made before she crawl outside the door.
Lou Chen carefully examined the woman’s corpse once again, finally
determined, ” She has a wound on her left chest.”

“Really there’s a wound, ah!

” Qu Ning Shuang was very focused, after looking and thoroughly

searching, drew a similar conclusion, frustrated and not willing to
accept it, Qu Ning Shuang asked, “You are saying that the
murderer stabbed her with a knife first then patched it up
and later punctured another?”

Nobody answered her, she did not seem to care about their
answers actually but kept her eyes staring at the wound, her face
has a look of anguish, “How do you know that the person had
been stabbed by a second knife?”

Inside the morgue, the dead bodies along the board have only few
oil lamps and the light rays were not bright. Lou Chen looked at Jin
Yan Hen, he lowered his head and she does not know what he was
thinking but it was obvious that he did not intend to speak. She
suddenly thought of instructing and guiding the person to solve a
case in secret, probably this would turn out to be quite amusing. Lou
Chen was in a good mood good, therefore said, “For you to know that
the if the same wound has secondary injuries, you have to split the
body to see that. The direction of the force is not the same, person’s

49 Report
power is not the same and the second track line of the knife will be
different from the first.

Qu Ning Shuang eyes lit up and grabbed the knife to cut the wound
to check it out.

The silent Jin Yan Hen suddenly approached her and held her arm
to stop her, “Do not act recklessly and mess things up, if you
destroy the corpse that is equivalent to the destruction
important evidence.”

Qu Ning Shuang hands paused after hearing Jin Yan Hen’s few
words of advice, she almost poked him with the knife when she
turned in his direction.

“Or, Chen’er do you want to help out?”

Fully aware of the handling of bureaucratic procedure of the

Yamen cases, Lou Chen naturally knew that it was impossible without
the approval of county magistrate and the government authorities
and without the medical examiner on the scene they could not
arbitrarily dissect the corpse. What a pity Miss Qu does not know that
Jin Yan Hen was looking for trouble and teasing Lou Chen. She,
however, exploded immediately and angrily, “Why she can do it
and I can’t? Am I not good?”

“She is a doctor, you are not.”

Miss Qu was not convinced, ” A doctor is not the medical examiner,

I have studied autopsy!”

Jin Yan Hen has answered him coolly, “Unfortunately, one that
has not finished an apprenticeship.”

While their mouths were violently debating, Lou Chen does not
have the interest to listen to them but just looked at cloth sack that
Qu Ning Shuang opened a moment ago, above it was the dissection
tools commonly used for corpses neatly laid out. Lou Chen readily

50 Report
took out a knife and conveniently held it appreciatively in the hand,
rubs the knife rubs to check its sharpness, it was very sharp, very
clean, obviously, the master cherishes it very much, that but the
knife blade that mother habitually uses in comparison, this was
insufficiently thin.

During the time she was studying acupuncture, she became very
curious about the person’s body and studied under her mother ( T/N:
For those who was not aware of MMM Book 1: Qing Feng is her
mother who is modern-day forensic examiner). She dissects corpses
for her without any difficulty but when it comes to strategy, analysis
and experience, she slightly loses to her mother.

Jin Yan Hen eyes lightened up and said with a smile, “Chen’er you
can try?”

Lou Chen was holding appreciatively the cutting tool in her hand,
shot a look at his eyes and menacingly, “If it were you, I would be
happy to open you up with a knife.”

The knife in her white jade fingertips was rotating very fast, looking
at her the gesture was done with ease, it seems that this knife and
the book for her was just the same. Jin Yan Hen thought that his neck
felt a cold whiz, the others person had the knife in the hand, after
considering the situation for his own poor life; Jin Yan Hen understood
it was time to shut his mouth.

Lou Chen was contented and put down the knife satisfied and gave
Qu Ning Shuang her attention , “In county government should
have one medical examiner, ask him to come and make him
examine the body.”

Qu Ning Shuang thought for a moment, also agree that this was
the best way, she pulled open the morgue door and called, “Lu Xiao
Dong, go and fetch advisor Wu Shi Ye.”( Shi means master or
teacher, Ye means grandfather)

51 Report
” Right away.” The voice transmits from outside the door, a voice
of a young fellow and ran swiftly all of a sudden.

“Wu Yi, father is the coroner in county yamen, he is the

senior medical examiner for many years, occasionally also
put forward advice and ideas to other seniors, therefore the
people in county yamen politely call his him ‘Wu Shi Ye ‘ (or
Advisor Wu).”

Lou Chen glanced a look at Jin Yan Hen’s eyes, outside that chilly
façade she saw smiling face while explaining the matter to her. Lou
Chen, just a moment ago in her heart, she truly has some doubts, but
she could never displayed it on her face, better wear this facial nerve
paralysis so she does not have to explain herself . This person really
has a lot of word but this way it is better, for a time being she should
be keen to the situation ?

In less than 15 minutes, Lou Chen heard the sound of footsteps

coming from a distant place, before long, an emaciated man appears
in front of them. He was about 40 years old, his stature was not big,
the body has makings of a scholar, the hair was combed
meticulously, clothes were handled neatly and his appearance truly
looks like an advisor not like a medical examiner. He has a scent of
pale ginger flavor which made Lou Chen determine his status,
generally medical examiner to yamen , the custom was to carry few
gingers and sesame oil, so as to be able to inspect or examine a
decaying body at any given time.

Wu Yong Xi arrived before Qu Ning Shuang, sighing painstakingly,

the appearance of scuttle and bitterness written all over his face ,
“Young lady, what is it that you want to do?”

Qu daren and his wife Jiandie have deep affection with each other,
unfortunately after Madame Qu gave birth to daughter, in a few
years she die of illness. This daughter was the one’s favorite of Qu
daren, even if she wanted the star from the sky, Qu daren would
wished he could to pick one to give her. This Miss High and Mighty

52 Report
was fond of aiding somebody suffering against injustice, she most
wants to become a bailiff and sweep the world completely of
injustice. But what a pity, Liao Yue until now, does not have a female
bailiff. Therefore, Miss Qu can only stay in this Luo Shui Town to fulfill
her addiction of being a constable. In any case, the central
government was far away from this border town and more or less has
little care about affairs in such border region small town; here the
county’s magistrate is the biggest officer. He has tacitly consented,
everybody also turns a blind eye, but this little ancestor too can toss
about, was entangled by her, Wu Yong Xi besides grumbling one bad
luck, can only accept his fate.

Qu Ning Shuang regardless of bitter gourd face of Wu Yong Xi

excitedly recounted her own discovery, ” Before this, we went to the
Wang’s residence yard to examine the crime scene and I discovered
very suspicious place, the dead supposedly only have one fatal
wound, properly speaking it supposed to be from a knife stab, even if
the person did not die immediately, the quick excessive loss of blood
should bring her to stupor, but the dead crawled unexpectedly from
the room to the front gate, this was impossible. Therefore we
suspected that the dead had not been killed with the knife but
actually later maliciously made up that the cause of death was that
of the knife stab.”

Then, Qu Ning Shuang pointed to Lou Chen and said, “She said
we have to make an incision and take a look, then we can
know that the knife had just been a cover up. Therefore, I
want to make you examine again.”

Wu Yong Xi looked up to Lou Chen, at heart he could not help but

gasp a cold air while looking at this significantly very cold and
indifferent young woman. Since his adolescence, he was with Qu
daren and even trained in the capital city 10 years ago. His eyes
could not misread a human and he could say that the makings and
temperament of this person was not that of a commoner .

53 Report
He recovered his line of sight, Wu Yong Xi pondered for a moment
then said, “Very well.” He then picks the nearby cutting tool, cut
open the corpse’s chest gently.

Before heard Wu Yi said that that the murderer killed using his left
hand, Lou Chen knew that some medical examiner abilities of county
yamen, can enter the angle and direction through the cutting edge,
you can infer that the murderer use the left hand, this was not a
general medical examiner can achieve. Now after seeing his way of
dissecting the corpse, Lou Chen was affirmed of the previous

His knife’s position was very accurate and his movement was also
quick, all of the sudden then shows the section that the knife holds
into before the people all of a sudden he put the knife in cross
section in front of everyone.

Wu Yong Xi carefully looked at a wound, then glanced at Lou Chen,

what a pity that on the beautiful face does not have any expression,
Wu Yong Xi turned his head and said to Qu Ning Shuang, “In this
wound has two traces, one was shallow, another was much

“I see!”Qu Ning Shuang stared at the wound and earnestly stared

at it for very longtime, she was extremely serious.

This result was already expected by Lou Chen, it does not give her
any element of pleasant surprise anymore. Jin Yan Hen who was
rarely quite, followed after the medical examiner, he has not spoken
a word. To be honest, Lou Chen to Jin Yan Hen, her curiosity was way
far than this murder case alone. After all, in the capital, she followed
series of odd cases and the file was broken in the Ministry of Justice
by mother and younger aunt coordination, therefore she does not
have anything to anticipate to this case, but on the contrary
watching Jin Yan Hen, she felt to be more of the problem.

Wu Yong Xi was observing Lou Chen in secret, Lou Chen was

54 Report
observing Jin Yan Hen, Jin Yan Hen, the person was frozen and
ultimately pondering about the case, only then Miss Qu was left.

“This is the evidence that shows, the deceased was

stabbed first then stabbed again to death. The one who
discovered the dead body first was the younger brother,
Feng Qian Feng. I heard that that the relationship between
this siblings were not intimate and he was also skillful, how
come that day was the day he’s chosen to visit? That evening
the surrounding neighbor had not heard Wang Si quarrelling
with her, is it possible that someone, an acquaintance came,
he did not pay so much attention about him and used the
knife to stab her. The dead struggled and he was also
injured, then flees to the wilderness, after going back, he
feared that the matter will be exposed, therefore disguises
by visiting the dead. After passing through the gate, he later
discovered that the woman did not really die, therefore for a
penny and for a pound, the he went for a kill and then shout,
makes himself to come to see his elder sister again in false
appearance that he finally discovered the elder sister death!”

Qu Ning Shuang, as she was talking her excitement was grand,

with great force she pounded the long and narrow table made of
solid wood of funeral parlor and exclaimed, ” Let’s go and
immediately meet Feng Qi Feng now!”

Advisor Wu and Jin Yan Hen were both adapted to Miss Qu saying
that obviously very much having the disposition like that of wind and
of rain. Advisor Wu Wong Xi put a good words to urge her, “These
are your speculations and its now haiji ( 9 to 11 p.m) , isn’t
too late?”

“While doing an investigating also this morning! I deduced

also a moment ago that I have a certain basis, first looks for
the Feng Qi Feng for questioning, if is he is really the person
who commit the crime, he will definitely leak something

55 Report
between questioning.” Miss Qu the more she wanted something
badly the more she thought she was right. She rushed forward to
catch and out of the morgue, then turned her head to look that Jin
Yan Hen and Lou Chen who were leisurely walking behind. Qu Ning
Shuang urgently urge, “You two, walk quickly, do not dawdle.”

Jin Yan Hen footsteps were procrastinating, but also has hit a
moment of sleepiness and yawned, with great reluctance said, “Miss
Qu, I was formerly responsible to apprehend the suspect and
I haven’t not rested for two days. The investigation is being
manage by Xiao Touer, or you ask him to accompany you to
go, you go with him is also good.”

Qu Ning Shuang look blankly at Jin Yan Hen and whispered in a low
voice, “I, if can go, but also needed you!” Finally, she found a
little clue with great difficulty, though it was not like it was in her own
accord, Qu Ning Shuang where was almost resigned, “Speed is a
crucial asset in war**, be swift and resolute, doing the
investigation quickly is vitally important! So don’t talk
nonsense. Walk quickly, I was careful if you say something
again I will complain with my father, later you did not need to
be the constable!”

(T/N From the idiom** ‘bīng guì shénsù’ meaning incredible speed
is precious to the army or speed is a crucial asset in war)

Jin Yan Hen’s face has an appearance of being aggrieved but

helpless, his footsteps actually has no qualm but followed in the Qu
Ning Shuang behind by one ten feet.

Three people went out of the government office yamen, Qu Ning

Shuang walk in the forefront, turns head to look and happened to see
Lou Chen before the government office yamen and has not come out
yet, Qu Ning Shuang called out, “Hey, can you walk a bit faster.”

Lou Chen was somewhat astonished, hasn’t this girl disliked her?
Unexpectedly inviting her to go together, but also that was really a

56 Report
little unexpected.

Qu Ning Shuang the face flashes through an awkward look, she

turned her head promptly, slightly lift her chin and put on a high and
mighty act, ” You seemed to be intelligent person and will not be
drag by this girl on her hind legs, if you followed in any case and I will
let you investigate the case together.”

To believe by letting someone accompany her where she goes, this

girl has a lot of guts to say and declare it clearly with all authority, is
it not a twisted and to turn and depart was little awkward, ‘to cover
up will just makes matters worse’***. Lou Chen thought it was
ridiculous, this girl was very funny.

(*** T/N: idiomatic expression was used ‘ yù gài mí zhāng’

meaning to hide it makes it more conspicuous; or a cover up only
makes matter worse.)

Accompanying Qu Ning Shuang on her trip was also nothing, but

Lou Chen thought about her conversation with Fang Ru Hui which she
said she will come back to meet Zhang Jing, it was already so late, if
she did not visit her it was really improper. Fortunately, the hospital
is not far from the government yamen walking by the streets. Qu
Ning Shuang was impatient and Lou Chen said at a moderate pace,
“.I must go to a ‘Thousand Grass’ Hospital.

Qu Ning Shuang planned not to wait for Lou Chen, she walk by
herself first with Jin Yan Hen , but after hearing the place where Lou
Chen said she was going, her footsteps stopped immediately, asked,
” Why do you go to ‘Thousand Grass’ for?”

Qu Ning eyes were full of doubts and a trace of tension, Lou Chen
ponders and interestingly saw the transformation of the brilliance in
her eyes, she turned and walked toward the hospital.

“Hey, how can you be like this?”Qu Ning Shuang stared at the
beautiful back on that road floating going far away, even if she

57 Report
stomped her feet she did not to feel relieved, she pursued after her.

Jin Yan Hen’s index finger was stroking his chin gently, pondered
the moment, then leisurely continued to follow after two people to
walk toward the hospital.

Not too long , the voice was that only of Miss Qu, can be heard
saying ….

“Why you went ahead, I asked you a question!”

” You go to the hospital to do what? Who are you?”

“I don’t even know your name! My name is Qu Ning

Shuang, you?”

She was speaking her one’s mind all the way but did not received
any response, Miss Qu was not the good nature person. If she was
neglected like this, she will explode with rage, exclaimed, ” Why are
you not saying anything? This is something extraordinary… …”

Unknowingly, the three people reached the ‘Thousand Grass’

hospital gate, the front door of the hospital has closed, but there was
door nearby that was open next to the gate and with a lantern
hanging to illuminate the entrance. There seemed to be a sound and
the tall figure walked out from the inside.

After seeing that person, Miss Qu seemed like a duck being

pinched on the throat, the ominous expressions all stopped up at the
throat, her face flushing red.

Qu Ning Shuang quickly stood straight, waved towards that person,

simultaneously not forgetting to move several steps, kept off Lou
Chen behind her, her smile brought, several points of shyness,
greeted in a soft gentle voice, ” Hui elder brother, it was so late, you
are still busy in the hospital ? You work very hard, you are really a
good doctor.”

58 Report
Even though Lou Chen saw many surprises, but this one was
outstanding, she was an able person who can suddenly turn very
different, at this moment she must praise her, the time that this
small girl turned hostile earlier, she learned about her very well.

Fang Ru Hui smiled slightly as he greeted her, his voice was

generally clear and bright like his mild personality, “Miss Qu, you
so are also late.”

Qu Ning’s both eyes pupil were radiating, her smiling face was
bringing the obvious pride, answered saying,”I had found the vital
clue and was preparing to investigate.”

Fang Ru Hui glanced at Jin Yan Hen sideways and saw only him
only curled his lips as signal and turned smug. Fang Ru Hui
understood clearly and turned to Qu Ning and nods twice, did not
continued to go but went to Lou Chen’s side on the contrary and
whispered, ” Miss Lou, Madame Su took the medicine and went to
sleep, the time was late, we might as well make her rest an evening
at the hospital.

Lou Chen thought and answered, “That is good. The doctor’s

fee I will come tomorrow again to settle it.”

Fang Ru Hui smiled bitterly, somewhat reluctantly returns saying,”

The medicine payment was enough, Miss you don’t need to.”

When Lou Chen prepares to turn around to leave, Fang Ru Hui goes
forward suddenly one step, his facial expression was somewhat
awkward, ” Miss Lou, I ……have a presumptuous request ……”

Lou Chen unemotionally, calmly stood in place waiting for him to

talk as he continued.

Jin Yan Hen has been calm and composed the whole time with a
faint smile looked at Fang Ru Hui. His heart was extremely anxious,
for what matter can make this modest and self-demanding

59 Report
gentleman exist to have an audacious request?

Qu Ning Shuang has suddenly turned blue in appearance, such as

Hui elder brother, how you can be such person! Seeing a beautiful
girl, now boldly asking a favor?


Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue Chapter Index

60 Report

Chapter 8
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

Have you ever meet someone like Miss Qu? Very funny character.
Exactly the opposite of Lou Chen.∼Mayo∼

Although Fang Ru Hui was speaking with Lou Chen his vision was
split between Jin Yan Hen and Qu Ning Shuang. After watching their
expressions, he also quickly rushed to add, ” Please, do not

Lou Chen

Jin Yan Hen’s smile looked more and more similar to a local thug.
Qu Ning Shuang, on the other hand, her face continually disfigures.
Fang Ru Hui sighed and explained, ” Well, this afternoon I have
some time to chat with Madame Su and she said that the medical
skill of Miss Lou is excellent. She said her son broke his leg and Miss
Lou helped him straighten his bone back and only after several days,
he was already able to get out of bed and walked few steps. Before,
‘Thousand Grass ‘ hospital also had a female doctor. However one
year ago, the female doctor died of illness. Since then, many
unmarried women have kept their body sickness in secret and does
not dare to come to the hospital for help. So, some of them just do
some home remedies, it sometimes only delay the conditions or
useful for some minor matter. However, some medicines
administered might not be right and may end up causing their

Fang Ru Hui’s facial expression was very serious. He looked at Miss

Lou with the pleading and limpid eyes with a sincere tone. “So that

61 Report
is why I want to ask Miss Lou to help in the hospital by
examining the patients in the hospital. I know that Miss Lou
is not a local and you are not required to actually stay very
long during the day. Only a few days a week also will also do.
As for your fee, if what the patient gave is not enough, the
hospital will cover the rest.”

Lou Chen quietly listened to Fang Ru Hui until he finished talking.

In her observation, it seemed like he has some problem with
uncontrolled vision and she was not sure if it was only an illusion. She
plainly replied,” I promise to come if there is no important matter,
every day from 9 to 11 a.m and afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m. I will
come to examine.” Qu Ning Shuang was recounting few words to
herself alone, saying that this was truly right and correct and that he
was indeed a good and reliable doctor, that he possessed a vision
and aspirations and not to be only be known as a good doctor.

“That was really good!” Lou Chen can only comply, Fang Ru Hui
was very happy and the gentle facial features said with a smile, “I
will prepare in an elegant room for Miss Lou to be used as a
clinic. If you have any other request from me, just say it and I
will get it ready.”

He will prepare the clinic personally, the doctor’s fee was casual,
this treatment rather was also too good, although she heard Fang Ru
Hui’s untouchable phrase ‘my presumptuous request’, this was not
actually for him, Qu Ning Shuang was quite happy, but he gave so
much great importance to Lou Chen on that Miss Qu was not very
happy. But in front of Fang Ru Hui, she could not throw a chaotic
temper but she can only twist her waist clothes with both hands and
whisper in a very low voice, “Her medical skill has to be good,
can say for sure that she is not a fraud … …”

Qu Ning Shuang seemingly low whisper and thinking aloud but the
three other people on the scene naturally heard it. If a common girl
even if she doesn’t get angry, this comment was somewhat

62 Report
embarrassing. Sorry to say, but Lou Chen remained calm in
appearance and totally unaffected. She actually completely ignored
the comment and facing Fang Ru Hui, ”Prepare me an examining
room that is neat and clean. As for the doctor’s fee, just give me
what you normally give the other doctor’s in the hospital. I am not
sure when I will be leaving but will definitely stay 10 more days in
Luo Shui Town.”

Fang Ru Hui relaxed and nodded, although this girl was always
aloof, her heart was very good and her bearing and tolerance were
also good.

Qu Ning Shuang was busy raising her hand, volunteered to say, ”

Elder brother Hui, as for my medical skill, although unsatisfactory,
but I also knew many raw materials for medicine, I can help collect
herbs and drugs.”

Fang Ru Hui was smiling, his face, however, showed some

reluctance. He politely answered, ” Miss Qu, you are supposed to be
busy investigating a case? I do not dare to delay the proper business
that you have to get rid the people of all evil.”

“We will not delay you further. If I have time I will come
again.” For fear that Fang Ru Hui will say some words to flatly refuse
her, Qu Ning Shuang quickly walked around the side of Lou Chen,
while pulling her sleeves she went forward saying.” So things here
were settled, that we have to go to investigate. We are going first!”

Almost fleeing away in general and ran out 10 ten feet before Qu
Ning Shuang stopped her footsteps, loosened Lou Chen sleeves and
walked with her side by side. She does not care if Jin Yan Hen was
able to follow as well as catch up with them. Qu Ning Shuang was
walking also at the same time kept looking at the person beside her

The moonlight was shining on her body, shrouded her in a layer of

soft light and the original cold look under the moonlight made her

63 Report
elegant beauty more revealing and feared her to be the fairy maiden.
Judging her against herself, Qu Ning Shuang wants her to be inferior
for just at least a little. Qu Ning Shuang appearance was more and
more irritated thinking that finally somehow she is an evildoer will
reveal itself! Really, who was born with such beauty! Really!

Qu Ning Shuang sped up by two steps and went in front of Lou

Chen, with a menacing tone, “Hey, I tell you around brother Hui
be very careful. He is a good person and good to all people.
Even if he usually smiles at you, look after yourself. You are a
normal person and do not misunderstand, but brother Hui is
not the kind who fancy people by their appearance, like a
superficial person!”

Miss Qu at this moment was like a tender barbarian. She did not
lose her loveliness even if she acted this way. Lou Chen decided to in
her heart to tease her and answered in a soft voice, “In the first
place, Fang Ru Hui does have many merits?”

“!” Qu Ning Shuang did not expect this kind conversation that she
started on her own to go this way. Not only did she play the role of
warning her but instead made this woman to be drawn out. Now, her
heart was also coveting Brother Hui, how is it alright! Qu Ning
Shuang hurried to gesture with her hand and said, “No way! It is
not! Sometimes, elder Brother Hui has many shortcomings,
he… when he is busy, he does not pay attention to no one,
sometimes he doesn’t wholeheartedly sympathize and
considerate with the patients! He also frequently retracts
from an engagement. He was also a picky eater! Also has

Jin Yan Hen was following the two people behind; they were
walking already for some time in addition to that their conversation
was naturally heard in full. He was thinking if he continued his
silence, his good brother’s reputation and personal privacy will be
revealed by the young lady. Besides, this person was always

64 Report
standing by him, these two always discussed Fang Ru Hui, where was
his self-respect in all this!

“Hey.”Jin Yan Hen called their attention in a low voice, which

attracted Qu Ning Shuang to pay attention towards his direction, his
index finger was moving and acting intentionally mysterious, ” Let
me say this Miss Qu, you should not be worried, Chen’er does not
like the type of Fang Ru Hui .”

Doesn’t like? A person like elder brother Hui, such outstanding

person does not attract her. Well, then who can she like? Qu Ning
Shuang curiously, asked, “What type did she prefer then?”

Jin Yan Hen both hands were folded in front of his chest, went
beside Lou Chen, the corners of his mouth hook to signal, nods his
head like crazy, giving her the ‘you, how silly’ expression, sighed
and said, “Does this need to be stated clearly?”

Qu Ning Shuang did not respond for a while which forced Jin Yan
Hen to lift his index finger and secretly and vaguely pointing to
himself. Qu Ning Shuang stared and his eye widened cried out, ” It
cannot be .”

Qu Ning Shuang shook her hands and stared at Lou Chen and
pointed at Jin Yan Hen, incredibly asked,” Your foresight at looking at
things is not so bad?”

Jin Yan Hen made one big stride to walk ahead vigilantly. He was
afraid to repeat the same mistake like the first meeting. As always
unpredictable Miss Lou actually did not move but welcomed Qu
Ning’s eyes whose eyes have a quarter look of angry feeling, quarter
points fear, a quarter of helplessness and the rest was a trace of
grievance. She sighed gently because she has no words but
everything was all expressed in Qu Ning’s face.

Qu Ning Shuang was stunned for a moment, staring at the road

looking at that simple and dusty figure slowly walking in the dim of

65 Report
the night. After thinking for a moment, she finally recovered and the
next instant, she immediately rushed to Jin Yan Hen and fiercely
kicked him angrily, “You thick-faced.”

Considering the feeling of this proud and aloof young lady that
could not speak out of anger, this scoundrel was giving this young
girl a bad reputation. Kicking his foot was a light punishment, hmp!

Jin Yan Hen rubbed his sore calf, to summarize profoundly he was
caught off guard whereas this time the culprit did the crime directly
with a borrowed knife! He underestimated her, he took a wrong step!

*** ***

Feng’s household lived in a middle of a narrow lane. The three

people arrived about 9 to 11 p.m. Most of the people were already

Qu Ning Shuang gave a meaningful glance toward Jin Yan Hen, he

complied and came up to knock on the door.

“Bam… bam..!”

The people inside seemed to have not sleep yet, the gate was
being knocked for some time and from behind the gate was a
woman’s voice, ”Who?”

“Government authorities investigation, open the door.”Jin

Yan Hen’s voice pressed very low and the person behind the gate
seemed to hesitate a moment, opened the door to show a small gap.
Seeing that the person was wearing an official constabulary uniform,
the woman completely opened the gate and asked, “Was my
daughter’s case has news? Have you caught Wang Si for the

Jin Yan Hen was playing the corners of his mouth, pumping it in
and out, even if the man was already held he could not say anything.
Miss Qu at the right moment moved forward and found a solution to

66 Report
divert the topic of conversation, ” The case was still under
investigation after the murderer is caught, we will meet with the
senior to meet for the arbitration. We come tonight because we have
questions to ask the Feng Qian Feng.”

Feng’s mother glanced suspiciously at Qu Ning Shuang, observing

her at one corner of her eye. She was only an ordinary woman,
naturally, she was not aware of any female bailiff, but she saw that
two women came with the constabulary. She did not block them and
said, ” Come in and can you say that again inside?.”

Three people entered the room along with Mu Feng Gang ( mother
of Feng), in a room an old man was coughing and in between a cough
asked, ” So late, who is it?” *Mu meaning mother or elderly

At this time, naturally only Jin Yan Hen came forward to deal with
them, “We are the bailiffs of government authorities. There
was something we want to ask Feng Qian Feng, sorry to
have troubled you.”

The old man was nearly 60-year-old, his body was probably not
quite healthy and has been coughing very hard. Nonetheless, both
eyes were very sharp. Lou Chen recalled Zhang Jing once saying that
Feng father was a personal bodyguard, although now he was old, his
imposing manner had not weakened.

Fu Feng Cao signaled with the eyes towards the wife, Mu Feng
Gang nodded and prepared to call the person. The gate near the
room suddenly opened and came out a man over his 30’s. He was
less than seven feet, thin stature and wears a light gray long unlined
close-fitting gown. His hair was casually combed a little, it seemed
like he was about to sleep. *Fu meaning father, elderly

The men saw several people and were very surprised, asked, ”
Constables, it was very late, what was it that you wanted to know?”

After he finished talking, he thought and politely said, “Please, do

67 Report
drink some tea. “

As he was talking, he then took teapot and cup and poured tea for
few people, Jin Yan Hen kept off his hand, said, “No need, we will
just ask several questions for clarifications?”

The men, however, put down the teapot resentfully, returns

saying,” Go ahead.”

“On the day 14th, on the same day where did you go before
the 7 to 9 p.m time, before visiting Wang residence? Are you
nearby Wang’s”

The man did not open his mouth, Qu Ning Shuang in a low voice
suddenly said, “Think clearly about it.”

The man was stunned, glanced at her and composed himself and
said calmly, “No. At the same day, I have not gone to Wang’s
residence before 7 to 9 p.m. “

Qu Ning Shuang pursued and followed with another question, “You

came to Wang’s residence at what time?”

Mu Feng was not contented with Qu Ning Shuang’s attitude. She

answered for her son and said, ” My daughter practices martial arts
since childhood, even at the daytime time, even the door that
covered, it was not locked.”

Qu Ning Shuang did not pay attention to Mu Feng and continued to

stare at Feng Qian Feng. The line of questioning was now even more
intense, “When you went in, is Feng Qian Hua already dead?
Or when you saw her at that time, she was actually alive?
Have you ever touched that knife?”

Qu Ning Shuang was throwing so many questions, Feng Qian Feng

somewhat appeared confused, roughly answered saying, “I … …I… I
am not clear, at that time I only saw ……blood everywhere, I
do not know if my elder sister is dead or alive, that knife ……I

68 Report

His look a little panic, his manner of speaking afterward was quick
and incoherent. Qu Ning Shuang sensed it and secretly happy inside
and continued to press for an answer, ” Are you afraid to say a word?
Are you hesitating because you are concealing something?!”

Qu Ning Shuang walks toward the Feng Qian Feng as she was
talking when suddenly she felt that she tripped on something under
her foot. Qu Ning Shuang yelped and accidentally fell towards Feng
Qian Feng. Feng Qian Feng was not strong with the sudden
commotion he also flutters down on the ground.

Qu Ning Shuang face turns red and crawled hurriedly and said
hastily: “Oh, I am so sorry! It is not intentional, are you all

Feng Qian Feng was very distressed, his heart was annoyed but
being knocked down by this young girl, he was also embarrassed to
pursue further. After standing and dusting himself replied, “I am

Mu Feng arrived beside her son, she looks to his left and to his
right, very afraid to extricate any good and evil, inspected him
carefully and did not discover any issue. Mu Feng was angry and
protected her son behind her and pointing at Jin Yan Hen and Qu
Ning Shuang scolding them, “What do you actually want in the
end? You already questioned him the first a time, now the
greater part of the night was also consumed with
questioning. You did not catch the murderer but came to
question my son! What are the meanings of all this?”

Qu Ning Shuang face looked very embarrassed. Jin Yan Hen

touches his nose, coughs lightly but did not say anything. The silent
Feng’s father has finally opened the mouth to actually say, ” Qian
Feng, answer the constable’s questions well.”

69 Report
Qian Feng eyes have traces of resentment, but still respectfully

One does not know that a mental draft was being laid down in the
heart, this time, the words of Feng Qian Feng has some orderliness.
“That day I meet a friend for tea at the Fuyong building and
separated with them about 5 to 7 p.m. I went home and it
was almost 5 to 7 p.m. Since, my parents were not at home
at that time, nobody can testify for me, but while I was
passing through the gate, I run into Uncle Liu from next door.
If you don’t believe my words, that you can ask him. I was
resting at home for about a quarter of an hour and thinking
for a long time. I have not seen the elder sister for quite
some time that was why I went out to the Wang’s residence.
Therefore, before 7 to 9 p.m, I do not have the time to visit
the Wang’s but when I went to Wang’s residence, I arrived
and saw my sister in a pool of blood, I was very scared, I
hugged her she looked deathly pale. I do not know if she was
dead or alive at that time. I have not used any knife, I grew
up not liking the swords and knives, since childhood if I saw
one that scares me like crazy, how could I even touch it.”

After listening to Feng Qian Feng, Qu Ning Shuang frowned. She

wants to say something more but she felt a heavy hand on his
shoulder. Lou Chen’s hand were on her shoulder and at this time Jin
Yan Hen also got up and suddenly said, ” We have disturbed you
enough, we will say goodbye first.”

After they left the front door of Feng’s, Qu Ning Shuang lowered
her head and a frustrated face, weakly complained, ” I did not
actually get anything usable, I did not get any clue.”

“It’s not necessarily.”

She heard Jin Yan Hen’s chuckling sound. Qu Ning Shuang full of
suspicion looked up at him and saw him blinked to Lou Chen, saying
with a grin so wide, “I will not let you fall Chen’er for without

70 Report

“Just now you deliberately tripped me !!”

*** ***

Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎

越追凶) Chapter Index

71 Report

Chapter 9
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

She suddenly heard Jin Yan Hen chuckling. Qu Ning Shuang

suspiciously looked up at him and caught him blinked at Lou Chen
said with mouth grinning wide, ” If you will tumble down to fall
Chen’er, it should not be without purpose and to never do it in vain.”

“A moment ago, you deliberately tripped me?!” Qu Ning

Shuang finally knew at that moment that she could be murderer
herself because this person does not know who he was fooling. Who
cares if Jin Yan Hen or this other person involved works in the
government? She, on the other hand, has also long hands. However,
standing in front of a slender body having the temperament of the
coldness under her beautiful stature, Qu Ning Shuang inexplicably
cannot fully let go of her tumultuous anger.

Instead with agitation waved her hand triumphantly and seriously

looking like unaffected, “Forget about it, but what have you

Jin Yan Hen was keeping an eye on Qu Ning Shuang ready to enjoy
the fun of the incident. However, he was secretly disappointed
because he made way for his own defeat and failed to use Lou Chen
to “kill from a borrowed knife”.

Jin Yan Hen’s provocation to this little trick and tease, Lou Chen did
not pay any consideration to join him. When she glanced at Qu Ning
Shuang, she decided instead to help her. She shared the rationale,
“If he was not injured, he habitually uses his right hand.”

Qu Ning Shuang was very surprised! How did she know? She
72 Report
recalled carefully the moment of the incident. After she fell down,
Feng Qian Feng got up immediately with an expression of vitality on
his face and he does not look angry. His movement was agile and did
not look like he was in pain. Nothing will indicate that his body was
suffering from an injury. As for habitually using the right hand…
….Qu Ning Shuang remembered when he said that he must pour tea
for them to drink, his right hand held the pot. When he crawled out
from the ground that time, he was also supported with the right

Qu Ning Shuang was very upset, these things, she also obviously
saw and how come she did not think of it beforehand? Qu Ning
Shuang sighed deeply because of disappointed and said, “So he is
not really a murderer. “

Lou Chen slightly knits her brows. Considering the time for Qu
Ning Shuang to take such length of time to come to such a
conclusion she was somewhat saddened and pitied her. A cold voice
replied, “I have already mentioned from the beginning that there are
two murderers. When questioned by Jin Yan Hen if Feng Qian Feng
visited Wang’s residence before 7-9 pm, he said he did not go to
Wang’s residence and he was very calm. But when he was
questioned if the dead were really dead indeed when he visited the
Wang’s residence, he said he did not touch a knife but at the same
time, he was at the state of panic. His eyes were flashing indicating
that he was lying. When you knocked him down that was when his
mother helped him to speak. He came back to his senses after being
briefly distracted by you. He was pondering in the end how he should

“Right!” Qu Ning Shuang did not hear that in the cold voice of Lou
Chen, it was buttered with light spunk. She continued adding her
analysis, “The alibis that he said afterward are really impeccable. I
simply asked if the dead was really dead with the knife after he found
her, he did not move after that and he gave a detailed description of
his itinerary for the day. He stressed specifically that he was not able

73 Report
to go to Wang’s residence before Xu (7-9pm).

“Wait a minute! You said we are looking at two murderers,

how did you know that the murderers were two people, who
were the second murderer then?”

This time, Lou Chen did not answer her unlike before, instead, she
simply turned away.

Once again she felt so ignored, Miss Qu Ning Shuang’s temper

flared, staring at Lou Chen’s back and shouted, “Do not just walk
away! Speak clearly!”

Miss Qu Ning Shuang’s looked like she would like to murder her.
Lou Chen, on the other hand, did not even care to turn her head, ” A
person said before that she wants to become the most outstanding
bailiff and medical forensic in all Liao Yue has ever known. One must
learn to ponder and analyze the issue. Why always depend on others
by asking questions? This kind of person is not qualified to become a
constable and not to mention a medical examiner.” Her chilly voice
reverberates in the silent residential alley and each utterance was,
by and large, pounding a person’s heart.

Qu Ning Shuang clenched her fists with eyes flushed red. Nobody
dared to talk back to her from her infancy to maturity. Everyone was
telling her that she was smart and capable. Only this woman, actually
dared look down on her, hmmp. She does not need to ask anymore.
She was able and can certainly think through!

Qu Ning Shuang wiped her tears and ran quickly out of the road.

Jin Yan Hen on his toe point and lightly followed Lou Chen’s
direction. After about 2-3 miles of catching up with her towards
Shenshan Mountain, he lost that black figure. If his direction was not
wrong, then only one thing can explain it and he was frustrated was
that fact, Lou Chen’s qing gong was better than him … …

74 Report

The next day at “Thousand Grass” Hospital, time was between

9-11 am… …

This particular morning, it seems that there were more patients

visiting the hospital than normal. At the entrance there, were many
people coming and going, but there was a person that was especially

It was a woman. She was standing straight in front of the hospital.

The woman had red eyes and dark circles under the eyes that looked
scary. Her spirit, however, was full of excitement and those that see
her, unconsciously stayed at a distance from her.

As Lou Chen arrived at the gate that time, she saw such Qu Ning
Shuang in such a state.

Of course, Qu Ning Shuang also saw her and she did not wait for
Lou Chen to come to her but went up to greet her, “I have
something to say to you.”

“Let us hear it inside.” Lou Chen said softly. Qu Ning Shuang

suddenly stops the words that were about to come out of her mouth.
She also noted that people around them to coming and going and it
was not a conducive place to speak finally about the matter.

They walked in the door of Thousand Grass Hospital, Fang Ru Hui

came over appeared like he had been waiting for a long time. “Miss
Lou, you came.”

Lou Chen bowed slightly to greet him. Standing in her side was Qu
Ning Shuang in which after seeing Fang Ru Hui, her whole body just
suddenly felt stiff. She quickly moved a step back and stood behind
Lou Chen and said in a low voice, ” Elder brother Hui. “.

Fang Ru Hui gawked for a moment and thoughtfully asked, “Miss

Qu you don’t look so good.” Not only that her facial expression

75 Report
was not quite good, something seemed wrong.

Qu Ning Shuang lowered her head, laughing and said with a smile,
“I am all right.”

Seeing that this girl cannot find her way out of her predicament
and try to find a good excuse, Lou Chen finally spoke to her rescue.
“So, where are the patients?”

Qu Ning Shuang abnormally turned like this, Fang Ru Hui was not
naturally good at staring at girls and taking notice about their looks
and appearances, he, therefore, followed Lou Chen’s lead saying, ”
Oh, now well, I will lead you to your room first.”

Fang Ru Hui led the two through the front yard separating the
pharmacy and behind it was a small courtyard which will serve as a
clinic. The building consists only of two rooms, Fang Ru Hui opened
one of the rooms letting them in.

“Is Miss Lou satisfied with this room?”

The room was not small. There was a small bed in the middle
separated by the screen on both sides. Inside also was a wooden
table, a few chairs, the table full of pen and paper, and silver needles
for acupuncture was ready for use. The building was decorated with a
gauze curtain and few pots of flowers were sitting on the windowsill.
The ambiance of the place will make a person relaxed. Fang Ru Hui
was indeed a careful and considerate person.

The Lou Chen nodded slightly and replied, “This is very good.”

Fang Ru Hui guessed that the two have something that they want
to talk about. Tactfully excused himself,” I let you talk privately. I will
leave first.”

Once Fang Ru Hui got out, Qu Ning Shuang cannot repress her
excitement and hastily stand in front of Lou Chen, proudly and
impatiently said, “Last night, I sat on the eaves where you were

76 Report
standing before and looked for a long time. I finally figured it out. The
blood trail mark of the location is verrry long… A person injured in
the chest if he wanted to want to climb that far, it will at least take a
column of incense fragrance. The murderer had been injured and it is
impossible to wait for the victim crawling only to finish the job. So,
the murderer after stabbing the victim with the knife escaped
towards the wall where the bloodstains were. After he left, he
actually did not return. The victim was already stabbed with a knife
and there must be another person who certainly used a different
knife, so are the two stabbing marks and therefore two murderers.
Feng Qian Feng has full of alibi for the time of the incidence that he
was not present at the scene, what a fortunate coincidence.
Certainly, the first murderer already reached an agreement with
another murderer. After the first murderer stabbed with his knife, he
quickly escaped and did not even dare to venture a look at the dying
person for he himself was injured, obviously this person is not a
habitual criminal. Feng Qian Feng may I dare to say that he is the
kind of person who plotted a conspiracy and the other person he
plotted with is definitely someone close to him.

After she finished, Qu Ning Shuang looked provocatively at Lou

Chen, with the kind of expression that says “see now, you can’t
say that I am also like the one that can think through!”

“Have you finished?”

Qu Ning Shuang thought and she was sure nothing was missed,
replied and said,” I said it all!”

Lou Chen nodded and said, ” Then let go, you are delaying others’

“Ah ?” Now, Qu Ning Shuang followed Lou Chen’s vision looking

outside the room and there she saw in the small courtyard about 2-3
females and others waiting for a consultation.

Qu Ning Shuang prepared herself to go out, but also thought she

77 Report
still must not forget to ask if her analysis was right or wrong so
very quickly added, “You did not say anything if I am correct!”

Lou Chen with her very rare smile, replied, “You’re right .”

After finally getting an affirmation, Miss Qu’s mood was very good
and said with a smile, “I will go to visit the backstreets of Wang
Si’s residence to investigate more to see if anyone has seen
that villain! I will go first!” Then excitedly left and run outside.

Perhaps this girl can really become an outstanding constable and

medical examiner. Intelligent but not conceited, persistent and hard-
working, most importantly, she has the enthusiasm.

Mother said she was all good, except for the lack one thing, being
warm to the people matters very much, she did not have that show
of enthusiasm. Lou Chen ridiculed herself and laugh, passion in the
end … … how that felt?

Today, was her first day to examine patients. Women who came to
see a doctor were not that many and their miscellaneous illnesses
were not really difficult. Lou Chen took their pulses and wrote the
prescription and then let them go.

Evidently, Fang Ru Hui was only letting her see female patients.
Lou Chen also was happy to leisure. After waiting for a while and
seeing that no patients came in, Lou Chen intended to see the
situation of Zhang Jing. If she improved, it was better to let her go
home, so that the two children need not worry about her.

Lou Chen just arrived in front of Zhang Jing’s room, she heard the
familiar male voice, “Chen’er, good morning. Two of us are
really fated to meet. I am here to investigate.”

If this man was to be compared with Qu Ning Shuang, Jin Yan Hen
can be regarded simply as the ‘spirited mouth ’(or enthusiastic
mouth), always grinning and smiling. Lou Chen was having an

78 Report
impulse to slap him in the face. Seeing that the pretty girl’s facial
reaction was slightly unwelcoming, Jin Yan Hen hastily pats the back
of the man with him and said, “I am really here to investigate the
case. The murderer was heavily injured and will surely need
treatment. In the whole town of Luoshui, there are only three
medical hospital and seven pharmacies. Before we visited this
hospital, we have already checked the pharmacies. The ‘Thousand
Grass’ is the last one we visited hoping to gather some clues.

Standing beside Jin Yan Hen was a person that who was calm and
present also during the arrest of Wang Si.

The man also obviously recognized Lou Chen and nodded in a

friendly way, says with a smile, “Call me Mu Yan, how do I
address you miss?”

“Lou Chen.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you. I am most fortunate.”

Facing such an aloof beautiful female, Mu Yan really doesn’t know
what to say. Perhaps, Jin Yan Hen, how this ruffian can always find
the words to say since doesn’t have any.

Mu Yan smile became more and more awkward. Finally, Fang Ru

Hui came in the corridor leading three old doctors with him.

Upon seeing Lou Chen, Fang Ru Hui quickly asked, “Lou Chen, is
there anything you need?”

Lou Chen shook her head and replied, “No, there are not many
women patients this morning. I came out for a casual walk. “

Fang Ru Hui smiled and nodded. He did not say anything more,
turned to face Jin Yan Hen and Mu Yan, said, “These three are the
doctors who worked on the 14th. They were the ones on duty
who examined the patients.”

Several people were standing in the corridor and it was difficult to

79 Report
speak in that situation. Fang Ru Hui invited the few people standing
in the aisle inside the small compartment. Lou Chen did not go in and
just remained standing at the entrance. Jin Yan Hen unexpectedly
did not go in also but leaned on the door and dashed a wink at Lou

Lou Chen also looked and understood that everyone present is in

official mission investigating the crime. Jin Yan Hen cannot speak in a
moment however Miss Qu, of course, was an exception.

Mu Yan focused his attention on the three doctors cupping one of

his hand over his heart and then said, “We will delay you for half a
quarter of an hour. I would like to know this month on the 14th close
to 3-5 pm in the afternoon if there is anyone who came to be
examined with the wound, that wound is not small. “

Three doctors looked at each other, with a puzzled look but did not
ask. They thought for a moment and the oldest doctor first replied, “I
was not comfortable that day because of low back pain and
left at 5-7 pm. I did not see any patient with a flesh wound.”

Mu Yan nodded and looked to another super-fat doctor, he stroked

his beard and thought for a moment, only said,”I did see two, one
was a child, probably 8 years old, was scalded by hot water. The
second was a man, who said that he was chopping firewood and
carelessly injured his foot by the hatchet, the wound is big.”

“When did he come?”

“Probably … …3 to 5 p.m about three quarters.”

Wang Si at the moment after leaving, the murderer cannot in such

a short period of time get into the house to kill and then rushed to
the hospital for treatment.

Mu Yan looked at the last doctor, but unfortunately, his answer was
not surprising. “I saw the patients that afternoon, but there

80 Report
was no trauma.”

Mu Yan catches the eye of Jin Yan Hen, who simply shrugged and
said, “Since we found nothing then let’s go around nearby
Loushi town to look.”

The few people were about to walk out of a small enclosure, Fang
Ru Hui who had been quietly standing at side suddenly said, “On
that day when the hospital was about to close, there is this

Chapter Index

81 Report

Chapter 10
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

When the group was about to walk out of a small enclosure, Fang
Ru Hui who had been quietly standing at the side suddenly said, “On
that day when the hospital was about to close, there was this

Mu Yuan, asked immediately, “Who is it?”

Fang Ru Hui tried to recall the event that day and answered
saying,” It was a woman. She is less than 30 years old and she was
wounded at an inconceivable position, it was between the web of her
thumb and forefinger of her palm. The wound was very deep.
According to her she was careless and accidentally cut her hand
using the sickle of the family. However, the sickle is curved and the
wound is not consistent with a cut from a sickle.”

A woman? Mu Yan frowned unaware. He had not expected that a

murderer can be a woman. However, currently they do not have
other suspects, but then again her wound and story have some
discrepancies, this woman was also very suspicious. Mu Yan asked
for more details and pelted him with questions, “What time
specifically this happened? The appearance of female do you
still remember? On that day, what was she wearing? What
kind were they and her appearance? How does she look like?
If you see her again, can you still recognize her?”

Fang Ru Hui nodded, recalling the details from his memories one
by one, “It is about 7 to 9 p.m. She was wearing a very
ordinary dark purple dress, her sleeves, front blouse and

82 Report
skirt have big blood stains. There was nothing special about
her stature, very ordinary. She has a slim build and about
five feet high. If I could see her again, I should be able to
recognize her.”

“Did anyone accompanied her?”

Fang Ru Hui with definite answer said, “No, she was by herself.
There was no one accompanying her. After the wound was
dressed properly, I examined her again only to see that her
face was very pale and she looked weak. I offered her to
remain to rest for a while. She could stay in one of the rooms
but she refused. She did not stay and left immediately.”

Mu Yan took down the details of Fang Ru Hui statement one by one
as he narrated them. When they were about to leave, suddenly there
was a great commotion outside the hospital. A voice of a man was
screaming with panic and urgency, “ Is the doctor in? Ask him to
come out quickly! Save somebody!”

“Oh, my God! A bloody mess!”

“This is just so terrible.”

The crowd could not help but to express their shock for what they
were witnessing. One can hear their whispers one after another and
even so, there was also a woman’s voice crying out of fear.

Fang Ru Hui was the first one to react. He was almost running
towards the hospital hall. The three doctors also hastily followed after

As constables, hearing the word ‘blood’ was very sensitive. They

looked at each other and immediately decided to keep up with what
was happening.

Lou Chen was standing at the door hall in between the room while
Fang Ru Hui walked in and lifted the curtain and he noticed outside

83 Report
the hall there was a gathering of people. There a man was kneeling
down on the ground and a big pool of blood on his side. Even inside
the pharmacy, the smell of seeping blood permeated.

Lou Chen was not ready to come out yet, however, she noticed the
man kneeling before was now standing in the middle of the crowd.
He was wearing beige commoner clothes whose shoulder and back
was full of blood stain and the color of the blood… … it gave her

Lou Chen thought for a moment before she went out.

Fang Ru Hui exited the hospital towards the hall and waited for the
people to step back. Several people in the hallway also rushed to
follow behind. Outside the hall, there was a man whose body was
stained with blood said hurriedly, “Doctor Fang, this person on
my back, I found him in a laying in a small alley. He was
covered in blood and took him quickly on my back and
brought him here! Quickly give him a look and see if he could
be saved?”

Fang Ru Hui half squatting down prepared to lift the man’s

bloodstained clothing. He could visibly see that he was wounded in
his chest. When he was about to touch the wounded man, he felt
someone suddenly seized his shoulder, he looked up and saw Jin Yan
Hen with serious warning expression between his heavy voice he said
in a whisper, “ Be careful the man is poisoned.”

“Poisoned?” Those that stand far off will not be able to hear, but
the man who brought the wounded man standing near Fang Ru Hui
heard it clearly. His face suddenly turned pale, frowned and asked, ” I
carried him all the way to come here, his blood was all over my body.
In this case, will I be poisoned too? Doctor, please take a look at me

After the request of the man who carried the wounded man, the
nearby spectator was also frightened and hurriedly retreat several

84 Report
steps. Everyone carefully stared at the man now laid down on the
ground. He was wearing a Chinese style black dress and they could
not see clearly how many wounds he had, but his grayish ghastly
complexion was still scary for them to behold. The panicked-stricken
crowd could only talk in whispers.

Fang Ru Hui’s expression turned into slight dread, although his

family for generations practices medicine, seeing the common people
in this small town, some mostly come for examination of disease and
flesh wounds. When it comes to internal injuries, he was not an
expert in this field, let alone poison. Similarly, the old doctors in the
hospital also did not have much experience in this field of endeavor.
Even though, Fang Ru Hui worries but he did not show them on his
face. For now, he can only give the people some assurance and said,
“According to common sense, so long as on you do not have
the wound, even if his blood is poisonous, you will not be

Thousand Grass Hospital in this small town was famous and

everybody also trusts Fang Ru Hui very much. When the crowd heard
him said that, they felt relieved and calmed down.

Fang Ru Hui took a deep breath, ready to squat again to first check
the man’s injury when someone suddenly yelped!

“Be careful!”

The incident happened in a flash. Fang Ru Hui’s hand has not

reached the man’s shirt when the man who looked like dead
suddenly opened his eyes, sat ferociously and the hand that was full
of blood tried to grasps Fang Ru Hui on the neck. It was good that the
man behind him reacted swift enough. Jin Yan Hen who was standing
behind him swept him to move backward. Also at this time, a blue
figure quickly arrived beside the poisoned man, lifted her hand to
strike the man on his neck’s vital points. She quickly put the unruly
poisoned man in control. By the time Mu Yan catches up, there was a
sound of something being pounded or falling to the ground. ..thud.

85 Report
The poisoned man hit the ground and now lay motionless.

Jin Yan Hen’s gazed constantly focused on her, glancing at Lou

Chen making sure that she was okay before turning his head to
asked Fang Ru Hui, ” Are you all right?”

Fang Ru Hui sighed heavily and shook his head. When he looked
once again towards the man’s direction, the man was already lying
on the ground. To his amazement, Lou Chen was already squatting
beside the man and neatly pulled out his shirt. The man’s tears were
flowing freely. The man’s chest was very big. He had numerous
wounds, both small old wounds, and new wounds. The most fatal
strike was that knife on his left shoulder just under his rib, it was
deep and long. What was worse right now was the blood coming out
of the wound from his limb. The dark blood coming was
accompanied by small pus.

Fang Ru Hui saw that Lou Chen quickly choose several

acupuncture points on the man which obviously made the blood flow
slow and he also saw her took the man’s wrist to check his heart’s
pulse. Fang Ru Hui asked in her in a low voice, “How is it? Can he
be saved?”

After the moment, Lou Chen released the man’s wrist hand and
stood up, chuckled and said, ” He is in a luck.”

All people were bewildered and wondering what she meant. They
looked at each other in blank dismay for none could give them the
answer. Jin Yan Hen for a time cannot also understand what she
meant. Lou Chen looked at Fang Ru Hui with a smile, the tone
restored its coldness as in the past, ” He could be saved, but I saw
your hesitation and in your mind already gave up.”

“Provide help with your heart and mind” those were

instructions from Fang Jia Zu, his grandfather. He taught and
admonished him since young. Fang Ru Hui naturally does not have
anything that he could not bear however he quickly nodded and said

86 Report
hastily, ” Saving his life was most important. Tell me, how he can be

“Ma Mi grass, Wei Huai leaf, Daqing (Isatis tinctoria) leaf and
Weeping Forsythia boil them in clean water to clean the wound. The
Chinese violet and Patrinia scabiosaefolia grass, pound them
together, add the Rongshan snow ginseng and Ji Wei root to the
decoction and give it twice a day orally. If he could endure for three
days and more, the poison can be cured. “

Lou Chen said it very easily without a hint of strain. Whereas the
doctor was now in dilemma, he was not so sure if there these
complete ingredients in the pharmacy. ” We have all these in the
pharmacy except Rongshan snow ginseng with Ji Wei root, where can
we find them?”

Lou Chen slightly raised her eyebrows, “Since I said that he was
lucky. Naturally, it is in your Chinese pharmacy. You have all
these medicines.”

Fang Ru Hui was silent for a moment and relaxed his agitation,
“Decoction of Roshan snow ginseng roots and Ji Wei root, we
really have them?” Now, it was clear to him why Miss Lou Chen
said earlier that this person was lucky, in the formula of counter
poison drugs he needed to decoct Roshan snow ginseng and Ji Wei,
these were snow mountain ginseng and herbs that was very rare to

The medicines in the pharmacy of Thousand Grass Hospital to be

complete were only by chance. He heard his father said before that
Roshan snow ginseng only grows in North Qi Roshan at the peak of
the mountain. It only comes out few days in several years in this
small state, that’s was why this it was considered very precious.
Twenty years ago, there was this beggar that he saved. If not for that
the beggar would have died in his injury. After father cured his
wound, he wanted him to stay and become a hospital helper, so he
does not need to beg again and wander on the streets. But the

87 Report
beggar refused however before leaving he left my father a small
cloth. Inside the small clothed wrapped a Roshan snow ginseng root.
Though this was just a small piece, it will be difficult for him to trade.

His father often uses the story of this herbal root to warn him to
have a charitable disposition, think and feel only with good thoughts
and blessings will follow. This legendary herb can solve hundred of
illnesses and comparable to hundreds of drugs. Unfortunately, Lou
Shui Town was just a small town and they only look into minor
illnesses and actually, there was no need for this holy ancient
detoxification herb.

The medicine was to save others and if it can save others life now,
he naturally does not have anything not to give up. Fang Ru Hui
hesitated for a moment then said, “Ji Wei roots in Chinese
medicine shop not ……”

She did not wait for Fang Ru Hui to finish and Lou Chen said in a
whisper, “East side of pharmacy the medicine-chest, count on
the third row from bottom to top, from left to right it is the
second row.”.

Fang Ru Hui gawked at her. After he recovered, he nodded towards

his side for medicine boy to go, who was standing behind him. The
boy ran towards the big pharmacy hall immediately. Before long,
came back running again with some paper wrapping in his hand. He
stretched his hands in front of Fang Ru Hui while handing him the
medicine, laughing joyfully, “Young master, we really have it.”

Fang Ru Hui looked surprised. The paper-insulated bag wrapped 5

to 6 pieces of something that looked like common tree root from
a deadwood. He thought that this was also one of the medicine that
his father collected. At that time his father said that this was root
constantly fights and clean the body poison inside however if not
used properly it was also not good, instead of saving it will kill.
Therefore, he has not thought of using it. Many years that passed by,
he had forgotten.

88 Report
But wait, the question was now, how did Lou Chen know that the
pharmacy has the raw material for medicine that he himself does not
remember? She was also very accurate and aware in which
medicine-chest?! Fang Ru Hui somewhat rudely step forward and
pursued to ask her, “How do you know?” He was really curious.

Lou Chen answered lightly, “You brought me in that day in the

pharmacy and let me look around.”

The people in hospital understood completely and they begin to

laugh. She previously visited the pharmacy, no wonder she knew.

The people finally relaxed except for Fang Ru Hui and Jin Yan Hen.
They were actually startled in their hearts especially Fang Ru Hui,
nobody knew it clearer than him. Actually, on that day Lou Chen
followed her in the pharmacy for a brief moment. It was less than half
column of incense (15 minutes) and she has not done anything but
looked around. He cannot believe in such a short period, she had
completely mastered the place. The average person, the average
person let alone those who carried medicine boxes with labels in
each were still reluctant, but she ……unexpectedly she did not write
them down but still remembered it so clearly!

Fang Ru Hui stared at Lou Chen like a deadened fool. Jin Yan Hen
patted his shoulder and said loudly, ” If you do not arrange for
someone to decoct the medicinal herbs and processed his wounds,
he will be dead.”

Fang Ru Hui recovered from his reverie and quickly arranged for
men to carry him into the treatment room. Lou Chen already turned
and walked towards the backyard when Fang Ru Hui was still in a

The three doctors started to examine the poisoned man, they

encircled him in the hall and the crowd also to quickly dispersed
outside, went back to their line to see a doctor.

89 Report
Mu Yan was staring at the ground, examining the dried up blood
and said as a matter of fact,“ That man does not look like that
he is from Lou Shui town. It looked like he was chased down
to be murdered. His identity is certainly not simple.”

Jin Yan Hen crossed his arms over his chest, restored a careless
appearance like before, said with a smile, “He is not simple. He
did not die. None of this things mattered to us.”

“What about her?” Mu Yan pointed towards the direction of Lou

Chen before pouting.

“Her?”Jin Yan Hen smiled happily, “On the contrary, I actually

wished to be very involved with her.”

Mu Yan eyes glared at him and scolded him in a low voice, “You
are not afraid to provoke a trouble.”

Jin Yan Hen gently shook his index finger, said with a smile, “The
word trouble is bad, but trouble such for her I am willing to

“Ah Hen, do you want to provoke trouble?”

A woman’s voice behind them resounded. Jin Yan Hen’s whole

body turned stiff and signaled fiercely with his eyes to Mu Yan. Mu
Yan looked like he wanted to help but too late, and could only quietly
moved two steps to the side.


Chapter Index

90 Report

Chapter 11
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

” Ah Hen, what is it that you want to provoke to trouble?”

As soon as he heard the moderate voice of a woman, Jin Yan Hen’s

body suddenly stiffened. He was signaling with Mu Yan fiercely but
though how much Mu Yuan wanted to help, he was unable to think of
anything to get out of there quickly enough. In resignation, he just
quietly moved two steps to one side giving way to the lady.

Jin Yan Hen glared at Mu Yan with eyes full of spite but by the time
he turned around, he hung a perfect facial expression that was
somewhat surprised and worried, “Oh, you come here? Are you
not sick anywhere?”

The woman was not touched completely by his acting and

complained in a low voice, said, ” I have not seen you for three days
three and nights. You, young man, was off earlier than chicken in the
morning and in the evening returns very late at night. I cannot wait
for you at home like a dog so I come out only to catch where you

Jin Yan Hen put his hands on woman’s shoulder and called out like
a thug, ” Rú měirén … ” ( T/N: The word měirén just a change of
stress of the tone the meaning could change from beautiful to

The women squint her eyes before fiercely reaching out to Jin Yan
Hen’s ears, clutched his left ear and twist it really hard. Jin Yan Hen
lifted his right hand to protect his left ear that seems to tear out from
his head and simultaneously used the other hand to tightly grasp the
91 Report
woman’s hand. Giving her a pleasing smile and laughed,” Paternal
Auntie, what I meant was that you are beautiful like flowers in a full
bloom and full of elegance. I am actually complementing the well-
deserved beauty.”

What Jin Yan Hen said was not actually a lie. The woman he called
was his paternal aunt. She has a fair and delicate skin, looked like 30
over in appearance with a pair of phoenix eyes slightly picked
upward. Her eyes and Jin Yan Hen’s looks like very much alike only
that Jin Yan Hen’s eye shape was longer and narrower. She wears a
dark red dress with a wide black waistband that grasps gracefully her
waist. She was not like any other woman, very few women of her age
wear this color, but on her, it was actually exceptionally appropriate.

Jin Ru enjoyed it very much when she was being praised by Jin Yan
Hen, just the way it was now. However, her face must remain and
carry the impression and manner of a dignified elder, “Explain and
report to me in the past few days what are you doing?”

Jin Yan Hen curled up his lips before answering saying,” I am a

constable, in town, there are actually many homicide cases, naturally
I was working.”

“There is also Lao Xiao and Mu Yan with you. Besides work,
was there something else that kept you busy, usually I don’t
see you work so energetically? What is it this time? What is
the truth that you are trying to hide from me?” Jin Ru’s eyes
were both staring intently at Jin Yan Hen face to catch for hints just in
case he lies.

” Am I even able to hide the truth from you?”Jin Yan Hen turned his
eyes towards the sun outside the room and said, “Time is so late,
ah! The case was not yet solved. I have to leave to continue
investigating first. Mu Yan let’s go, hurry.”

Mu Yan cried out to her, “Auntie Ru, we will leave first.”, then
quickly ran to catch up with Jin Yan Hen.

92 Report
They quickly ran far away. Jin Ru was so annoyed but she was
helpless. She could only grudgingly criticize this “smelly brat”. She
definitely can smell something and she will not back down and will
surely find the means to eventually find out the truth.

Jin Ru reached the medicine cabinet where she planned to buy

some medicinal herbs to be put in a stew. She plans to prepare a
soup for Jin Yan Hen to keep his body healthy. As she was preparing
the raw materials to be purchased, she heard several people in front
of her talking amongst them about the commotion that happened
moments ago. She was curious what these people were talking

A tall man said in a hushed voice, “You said that a moment

ago, the very attractive girl comparable to an angel is
actually a doctor in Thousand Grass hospital? ”

The old man around him nodded, “Yes, didn’t you see her went
back inside.

Room inside? Ah Jin was staring at that direction moments ago

when she came in. So, it was inside the room! Jin Ru perked up her
ear and listened diligently to the people in front of her if they were to
add anything more.

“Is the medical skill of the woman doctor also good? A

moment ago took she took the pulse of the man then Doctor
Fang asked her opinion if the man can be saved.”

“No matter what kind of medical skill she has, I have not
seen in any case a woman that looked so attractive.”

“I only cast her sidelong glance. Her whole body looked like
of a noble but the temperament is so aloof. I do not dare to
stare at her to look more.”

“Same here, also!”

93 Report
Several young men echoed the same in a hushed voice, their faces
were covered with the expression of shyness and look of fascination.

Jin Ru brows raised, then twist and went to reach out and grab the
youngster inside the small drugstore, saying, “Xiao An, you come
for me here.”

Xiao-An was caught by a hand out of nowhere. She had a scare and
when he recovered her senses to see clearly the person that grabbed
him, it was Jin Ru. He quickly smiled, ” Auntie Ru it’s you. Did you
also come to be examined?”

“Right!” Jin Ru eyes twinkled with an idea, started to act as if

something wrong with her stomach, furiously rubbed it and said,
“Recently, I was always uncomfortable and wanted to be
examined by Ru Hui. However, I heard that your Thousand
Grass Hospital has now a female doctor that sits and
examines, also that she is attractively beautiful, is that

Xiao-An scratched his head and shyly replied saying, “Young

Master truly invited the woman doctor to come back, her
appearance I do not dare to discuss randomly, but I heard
that her medical skill is excellent.”

Jin Ru now approached Xiao An closer, whispered a question, “Has

our family’s Ah Hen met that female doctor yet?”

Xiao-An does not understand why Jin Ru asked for something like
this, but still answered her, “He definitely has seen, this woman
doctor, it was Ah Hen who brought her yesterday?”

Where did the Ah Hen get to know this kind of woman? Jin Ru
maintained her poise and continued with her request, ” Help me
arrange quick, I want this female doctor to examine me.”

Xiao-An nodded, points at the door saying, “Good, Auntie Ru you

94 Report
only need to pass through that and go to room inside
directly, then it will lead you to a small courtyard, you can
see the small clinic there used for examination. Today, there
are not many people so you just need to wait for a little bit.”

“Good.”Jin Ru patted Xiao An’s shoulder and said with a smile,

“You are busy. Get going.”

Xiao-An immediately complied and busied himself with his own

matter. Jin Ru did not waste time, turned around to walk towards the
inner room.

When she entered the courtyard, Jin Ru noticed a pair, a mother,

and daughter, sitting on a bench under a tree shade. The gate to the
inner courtyard and the clinic door was separated by some distance.
The clinic was covered by a gauze curtain and across that curtain
were two people sitting, the curtain offered some privacy so no one
can see clearly the activities behind.

Jin Ru was not anxious at all and confidently sat down beside the
mother and daughter. That woman doctor does her examination
really fast because before long the facilitator called for the mother
and daughter to go inside in which they immediately came in. In less
than half a quarter of an hour, they came out.

By this time there were three women that entered and waiting with
her in the yard. Jin Ru got up and walked into the small clinic.

She lifted the gauze curtain and Jin Ru eyes behold before her,
sitting on a long table a woman wearing a black clothing, heads
bowed as she was writing something. The jet black hair behind her
seemed like its flowing even though the room has no wind. Her
sleeves also flutter about sending out a feeling of slight graceful
dance movements. Jin Ru has not seen the face of the woman yet but
her heart was already feeling some kind of fear.

For a long time, Lou Chen did not hear any sound just a sense of

95 Report
human presence. She lifts her vision and met Jin Ru’s eyes looking
intently. She withdrew her gaze, put down her pen and said in a low
voice, ” Take a sit “.

The sound of her voice was pleasant though slightly indifferent. Jin
Ru finally saw the woman’s face, this time she was not surprised. She
just had a glimpse of beauty a while ago and she felt that the woman
was much more beautiful than she imagined her to be.

Jin Ru obeyed dutifully and sat down then placed her hand on top
of a cotton pad and a cool hand gently touched her wrist.

Jin Ru looked secretly and trying to see some hint from her face,
but what a pity for she achieved nothing. She cannot be defeated. Jin
Ru smiled and coughed a little, then opened her mouth, “Girl looks
unfamiliar. You are not from the town of Luo Shui right?”

She was answered with a room full of stillness. Jin Ru persisted and
casually chatted and asked again, “You are such youth and now can
already sit at Thousand Grass Hospital to make a diagnosis, your
medical skill and knowledge is surely excellent, I wonder who is your
teacher? “

Lou Chen released her hand and pick up a pen and paper wrote
some words. Jin Ru did not lose heart and continued to ask, ” Girl,
you have a celestial angelic appearance, it is certain that you are
already betrothed to someone right?”

She continually asked several issues and giving her opinion,

however, Lou Chen did not reply, not even once. Jin Ru looked
straight continuously but Lou Chen did not even bother to look at her
eyes. Jin Ru’s heart was annoyed but it was not good to manifest it
this moment. Then unexpectedly a yellow paper was handed in front
of her.

Jin Ru stared at what she received, “This is ……a prescription?”

She readily threw the prescription on the table and sneered at Lou

96 Report
Chen saying, “I observed that you only took a pulse and did
not ask exactly where I was uncomfortable. Now, you directly
prescribed me a medicine. You as a physician worked
contrary to what one might expect, you take things
effortlessly, not very seriously.”

Jin Ru’s unstated criticism, her body was healthy and to prescribe
any medicine randomly, then that person’s medical skill and
knowledge were very questionable!

Lou Chen gently pushed back the prescription to Jin Ru, ” The
lady’s throat is very uncomfortable.”

Cold voice faintly sounded or can be even counted on as gentle. Jin

Ru’s body has no signs of a cold and for a time did not understand
the meaning of Lou statement. Lou Chen did not make it troublesome
for her to guess for her to get her meaning, she continued to say in a
low chilly voice, “Every day, if you speak this many words, your
throat truly would not withstand.”

This is saying that she talks so much!

Jin Ru pounded the table, stood up and stared Lou Chen walked
ablaze with fury and rushed to go out without taking the prescription.

She was out of a small courtyard but Jin Ru’s face was full of rage
and if there was anything remaining that will be a room for worries.

This woman has grace and talent, bearing appeared excellent and
the looks of it she was not raised by a common family. To wish the
safety of Ah Hen through his lifetime, they need to be cautious and
timid*, ( T/N probably meaning go under the radar) to be prudent to
hide the spearhead. If this woman gets entangled together with Ah
Hen, by no means that should happen! It is not good. She must find a
way to avoid them from having a contact with each other.

Lou Chen found that in the afternoon, the patients were more

97 Report
compared to the morning but fortunately, all are common illness, the
diagnosis was not troublesome. Even so, she diagnosed more than
20 patients and the sky started to darken, it was already long time
passed of her agreed time to leave.

She tidied up the paper and the inkstone, and in the afternoon she
has to write prescription drugs to give to the pharmacy to preserved.
As she finished doing all of this, the gauzed curtain was lifted again
and in a threatening manner a pretty form was burning in anger
appeared before the clinic.

“Lou Chen!” Qu Ning Shuang arrived in front of Lou Chen and

called out breathless in anger, ” I want to hear it from you. What did
you do for Elder Brother Hui?”

Lou Chen’s beautiful eyes cannot look at her straight for she feels
like laughing seeing her this way. Qu Ning Shuang ignored those
satirical eyes and went straight to say in a crackling voice, “Do you
know that now the entire Luo Shui Town were crazy about
the beautiful doctor that came at Thousand Grass Hospital!
They said you are not only a person of beauty, medical skill is
excellent, and also said … … they said that you… as a
talented woman and Elder Brother Hui are a perfect match.
They said the two of you will make a perfect pair. What is
more hateful, but also some people said that you are at the
threshold of marrying him to become his wife and now
started to help to manage the hospital with him!”

Qu Ning Shuang talked with great agitation that her cheeks

blushed looking at Lou Chen who remained casual in appearance. In
reality, Lou Chen, care less about this matter and deemed Qi Ning
Shuang’s big news like a story from a storyteller, with an attitude of
nothing-is- new and this is just another ordinary matter. Qu Ning
Shuang got angrier, “How aren’t you pissed off or mad?”

Lou Chen with the rare smile answered her, “What is there to be
mad about?”

98 Report
Qu Ning Shuang frowned and now more puzzled than ever, “They
talked absurd things about you, but also spoke irresponsibly
that you are betrothed to others. This will go bad on your
boudoir reputation, shouldn’t you be mad?”

What is the fastest and most incredible thing in this world?

Naturally, that is a rumor. Common people in small town will stop for
this and will embroil in a quarrel for what they “know”, be it right or
wrong. The ability of the small town to spread rumors compared to
Qiong Yue is simply trivial, they were simply dwarfed by the city folks
and it was not worth mentioning. If this little rumor was worth being
mad and then she estimated that all her life she would have spent it
living mad.

Lou Chen was so lazy to explain things, she sat to examine the
whole day and was already very tired. She leaned herself against the
back of the chair and cast a sidelong glance at Qu Ning Shuang eyes,
said reluctantly, “You rushed all the way here to say these
unworthy matters to me?”

Qu Ning Shuang answered back loudly, “Certainly not!” She does

not know why but she does not want to lose face before Lou Chen.
She wanted to be acknowledged for her ability and today she
investigated and found a new clue. Finally, Qu Ning Shuang looked
happy and her face was full of smiles, “I went door to door to
inquire at Wang Si’s back lane today and I finally find two
witnesses, on the 14th from 5 to 7 p.m. about three quarters,
they noticed that an injured person ran from the direction of
Wang Si’s backyard, you cannot think absolutely what I
found, unexpectedly that person was actually a woman!”

“Is she wearing dark purple clothes and was injured in her

Miss Qu’s self-satisfied proud smile did not last long on her face.
The thoughts that she was about to say was immediate, crushed by
Lou Chen casually. Qu Ning Shuang was panic-stricken, “You

99 Report
……you even ……knew!”

During the time with Zai Feng, Lou Chen said some things that she
also saw but has not actually thought of. She believed then that Lou
Chen has exquisite intelligence and an excellent way of thinking. But
this time she did not even went to investigate but surprisingly, how
could she be so precise?

For the first time, Miss Qu wanted to cry, the disparity between her
and this person, so really big?

Qu Ning Shuang looked deeply disappointed and on the verge of

crying. Lou Chen shook her head for she does not want to leave
behind that deep psychological harm to her. Lou Chen explained her
good intention, “At noon today, Jin Yan Hen and Mu Yan came
to inquire about the day of the murder. On the same day if
there was anyone that was treated for a flesh wound. Fang
Ru Hui said that there was a suspicious female, wearing a
dark purple women’s clothing at around 7 to 9 p.m. He
treated her flesh wound on palm and piecing the two
incidents together with what you are sharing, it was not
difficult to guess.”

Sure enough, after listening to Qu Ning Shuang sighed deeply, she

finally breathes a sigh of relief and put away the despair on her face.
Lou Chen had not planned to continue listening to her sighings. In a
cold voice, she said her thought of the matter, ” Feng Qian Feng side
there are not many women capable of killing her, the murderer has a
flesh wound in the hand and it is not very difficult not to find her.
Perhaps, by this time, Jin Yan Hen had already caught the person. “

Miss Qu finally recovered from self-pity, urgently said, “What? I

cannot miss the process of arresting the perpetrators! I will
go first.” That moment the sound dropped, the person’s shadow
already vanished in the small courtyard.

Lou Chen shook her head, this girl she feared needs a long time to

100 Report
be able to learn how to be calm. Lou Chen was deep in her thoughts
when suddenly she heard a loud cry, immediately the sound was
something she was very familiar. It was Miss Qu who just walked out.

“Who are you? Do not mess with it, otherwise, I am sorry

for you!”

Lou Chen’s heart was frightened, immediately sets out to walk

outside. The youth in charge of pharmacy happened to meet her. He
was anxiously rushing and in panic, panting and trembling. ” Lou
Chen not good. The poisoned man woke up. Come, he caught my
young master!”


Chapter Index

101 Report

Chapter 12
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

Lou Chen’s heart was startled and she immediately got up and
walked out to meet the young pharmacist apprentice, Xiao An. The
young man looked anxious and shaken, breathing heavily and in
trembling voice, “Lou Chen, it is really bad, the man that was
poisoned woke up and he held my master hostage! “

“I ask you to let me go. ” Lou Chen heard a constrained male

deep voice just in time upon reaching the small courtyard. Lou Chen
looked and saw along the passage, the man was holding a sword
pointed at Fang Ru Hui ‘s neck, his eyes were fully alert and
nervously staring at Qu Ning Shuang. The two people were
suspended, deadlock in confrontation along the hallway.

It was already late, the patients and several attending doctors

were already gone. Outside the room was the apprentice and the
pharmacist, the two people were standing awkwardly and would not
dare move, anxiously watching the two people that were in a
confrontation in the hallway.

Lou Chen calmly stood at the end of the hallway secretly

observing the man. This person should have drunk the medicine or
otherwise, he cannot wake up and hold people hostage.

Though his blue-black complexion faded a little, it still remained

like ash grey. Whether this man is good or bad it clearly displayed on
his appearance. He had straight eyebrows like that of a scimitar, very
prominent eyes, his features exhibit heroic tendencies and noticeably
a handsome man. In any case, Lou Chen’s attention was not

102 Report
attracted because of the man’s appearance but that of the long
sword in his hand.

At noon, Lou Chen when had seen the man wearing a sword
around his waist, there was nothing special about it because the
scabbard was ordinary and the sword hilt was rough. She has not
thought that its sword blade unexpectedly so special. The long blade
was jet black with the length of about two feet and seven inches with
a width about two inches. The edge of the sword being wielded
shows that it was not a common sword because even though it was
barely touching Fang Ru Hui’s neck, there was already a trail of
blood flowing down. This tells that the blade was not blunt but
surprisingly sharp.

Qu Ning Shuang’s eyes displayed fierce anger, ” No one will let

you leave unless you let loose Elder Brother Fang Ru Hui first!”

The passageway was too narrow while Xiao An followed Lou Chen
behind, he does not dare to go further to add to the chaos, but after
seeing his own young master being held against his will with a sword
pointed to his neck, his heart became anxious which turned to rage.
He reproached the man, “How can you be so ungrateful to my
master when he was kind enough to save you. If not for him
you would have been dead! How could hold a sword against
someone who saved your life?”

The men heard Xiao An’s words, he tried to find some esteem. His
vision fell on Lou Chen, stunned because he have only fuzzy
remembrance when he was awake, earlier in a very brief moment, he
saw a touch of black clothing followed by a severe pain on his neck
then fainted.

The sword on Fang Ru Hui’s neck approached closer, the man

became more agitated and in a low husky voice said, “Stand back.”

Seeing the new stain of blood in Fang Ru Hui’s neck, Qu Ning

Shuang quickly stepped back and announced, “Well, we will draw

103 Report
back, do not hurt elder brother Fang Ru Hui.”

The men grab Fang Ru Hui and prod him to walk outside. Though
the Doctor Hui has no martial arts skill, he has been very calm and
walked in the pace of the man’s steps to avoid hurting his neck

The men withdrew slowly out of the Thousand Grass Hospital. Qu

Ning Shuang thought that Fang Ru Hui was at such disadvantage and
would not let them walk away. She chased after them and overtook
them several steps. “Now that you are out of Thousand Grass
Hospital you have to let go elder brother Hui. “

The men look at the people that encircled them watching. He

hesitated for a moment but finally decided not to put aside the long
sword from Fang Ru Hui’s neck, he pulled him back few steps and
threatened, “You do not follow or I will kill him.”

Lou Chen did not see any killing instinct in the eyes of the men
and he doesn’t seem like an evil person. Lou Chen could not hold it in
anymore and rushes beside Qu Ning Shuang saying, “Your poison
only he can cure but now that you seized him he cannot
administer drugs to your body and you will die even before
you can leave Lou Shui town.”

Her voice was soft like a whisper and cold but very clear making
everyone who is sane consider that intelligence and wisdom that
even the man holding Fang Ru Hui cannot resist but look at Lou
Chen. His eyes fell on Lou Chen’s waist noticing the soft sword like a
ribbon winding around her waist. The man’s eyes stared at her
sternly, his heart quivered, hands shaking that he could not grip the
sword properly and in a lowly excited voice shouted, “Cang Feng!”

The people surrounding them were bewildered. Lou Chen looked

at the man’s eyes trying to read more to it. The people were baffled
but they did not know that she knew what ‘Cang Feng’ meant, it was
the soft sword that was around her waist.

104 Report
The sword was acquired by her aunt when she was only 5 years old
and kept the sword in the room and only a few people knew and used
it. When she was a child, Aunt Su’s swordsmith cast a small similar
soft sword for her to use and practice. After she grew up and was tall
enough, his father gave her the sword and told her that it is called
‘Cang Feng’.

Her father did not elaborate on the story of the sword’s origin. She
later only learned that this sword blade is special and it is for her and
for the rest of the tale, she has no idea. She liked this sword since
she was 13 years old and this sword never left her side since then.
She did not imagine that today she will meet a person who can call
the sword’s name at a glance. She now believed that the sword has
hidden tale and she is very much interested to find out.

The man’s burning look finally left the ‘Cang Feng’ and turned his
gaze at Lou Chen. After staring at her for some time, with a very
complex look and in stammering voice asked her, “You, who really
are you?”

Lou Chen’s side vision caught a glimpse of two figures running

extremely fast towards her side. She quietly asked in return, “ You,
who are you?”

The men frowned and couldn’t think of anything at the moment.

While his attention was distracted by Lou Chen, swords suddenly
came to his left and right to man’s great surprise, he swung his
sword away. The sword that he was wielding was finally separated
from Fang Rui Hui’s neck and he was now free from his grasp.

Qu Ning Shuang rushed forward immediately and pulled Fang Ru

Hui towards a wall and asked anxiously, “ Elder brother Hui, are
you alright?”

Fang Ru Hui touched his neck. It has only scratches and there was
some skin that was deeply cut making that bloody stain but nothing
was serious. After seeing the man was being held by Jin Yan Hen and

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Mu Yan, the man started spitting blood, he hastily shouted, “ You
guys already caught him don’t make him use his internal
force, otherwise the poison will break into his heart’s vein, if
that happen even gods will not be able to save him.”

Qu Ning Shuang drags Fang Ru Hui to sit, took out a scarf from her
bosom, snappily said, “He tried to hurt you, you still thinking
about his poison, that person is not worth saving. Do not
move heedlessly, let me help you cover your wound.”

Qu Ning Shuang eyes were slightly tearful, although her tone of

voice was not good, her movement was actually very gentle while
wrapping him up. Fang Ru Hui took the scarf and hastily tried to wrap
his wound, awkwardly, “I am all right, many thanks, Miss Qu, I’ll
do it myself.”

Qu Ning Shuang stared at him with raw hate in her eyes, snatched
back the scarf and carefully bandage him. Fang Ru Hui did not dare
to move afterward.

The man was poisoned and his body suffered internal injuries.
Although he has a sharp sword in his hand, it is not enough defence
against Jin Yan Hen and Mu Yan. Before long, the long sword was
knocked to the ground and the man was also pressed down.

While the man was lying on the ground, he vomited a black blood
and gasping for breath. Fang Ru Hui hurriedly commanded the two,
“You carry him inside room quickly.”

Mu Yan and Jin Yan Hen were holding the man on each side of the
arm to bring him to the Thousand Grass Hall, suddenly two shadows
sharply flushed from the opposite eaves going down with the long
sword directed to the man.

“Be careful.”Lou Chen shouted to warn them.

Jin Yan Hen responded quickly with his left hand made an effort to

106 Report
push the man to the ground to evade the oncoming sword.

The two assassins upon seeing what happened looked ruthlessly

at Jin Yan Hen and Mu Yan, pointing the swords to their throat
completely disregarding their constabulary uniforms with the intent
of killing them.

Jin Yan Hen took two steps back anxiously and evaded the
assassins front surface sword, but Mu Yan actually blocks the sword
with his sword and did not notice the hidden dagger. The assassin
swings the dagger to stabbed his chest.

Jin Yan Hen quickly raised his sword to stop the sword and dagger
from hitting his friend. Another assassin seizes the chance to sneak
an attack on him and Jin Yan Hen can only move sideways to avoid
his attack and although he evaded the crucial attack, he was
scratched at his arm by the sword.

At this moment, Lou Chen also rushed towards them to help. She
kicked the assassin’s hand which pushed him two steps back.

“Ah Hen!” Now, a dark red figure also rushed forward and
simultaneously kicked the assassins’ shoulder. Her kicked was very
strong and it almost knocked the men to the ground.

Lou Chen recognized this woman, she met her at the hospital in
the afternoon and so she actually knew Jin Yan Hen … …

Jin Yan Hen raised his sword to prepare to move forward to attack
the assassin once more, but Lou Chen suddenly held his arm,
narrowed her eyes and checked the wound. The wound was not deep
but surprisingly the blood was very dark red, “ The sword was

The faces of the people around suddenly changed, especially that

of Jin Ru, her face turned very grim. She grabbed the sword from Jin
Yan Hen and pushed him back while the assassins dressed in black

107 Report
rushed past, calling out to Fang Ru Hui, “ Brother Hui, you look
after Ah Hen.”

Jin Yan Hen looks that under the moonlight her swordsmanship is
sharp, Jin Ru was unstoppable, though he does not agree, he could
only shake his head in reluctance. Who said his swordsmanship is
bad, by not teaching him swordsmanship, he found himself a crude
master dabbler and brave as they are now, how can he pretend to
know nothing?

Lou Chen was pleasantly surprised. The woman’s swordsmanship

was very exquisite, every gestures and motion were very smooth and
quiet. Her offense and defense were heart stopping that an ordinary
longsword of government authorities given to the officers was like
passing clouds and flowing water that can only be caused by her,
with that she was slightly dominating against the black assassins.
Lou Chen does not dare to claim that if she was able to read all
martial arts fighting spectrum, but she is sure that the martial arts
style of this woman was of that noble descent.

Jin Ru was vaguely gaining the upper hand but on the other side,
Mu Yan was actually miserable beyond description and after hearing
that the sword has poison, he not dared not to be touched by it. On
the other hand, since he was a constabulary he cannot just kill
ruthlessly. The assassins, on the other hand, fought with no
conscience and all his moves were very deadly. Mu Yan was sweating
profusely and gradually losing his energy and was not able to
overpower his opponent.

Jin Yan Hen who was watching with the corners of his eyebrow
wrinkling stooped down to pick up the man that was knocked to the
ground. He did show interest to the black sword that was on the
ground lying beside the man. Lou Chen held him back and said, “
This poison is unusual and there is a limited ginseng snow.”

Lou Chen’s finger on the back of his hand was slightly cold and her
strength actually appeared somewhat overbearing. Jin Yan Hen

108 Report
gawked at her. He was stunned for a moment and thought that she
also wanted him to stay aside so he will not waste the material for

On the other hand, Mu Yan had another thrilling escape from the
long sword of black assassins. Lou Chen finally moved. Her right
hand rested on her waist for a brief moment and turned her wrist.
When her hand raised the soft sword left its sheath with the
humming sound. The sword that looked like a soft white silk
instantaneously after stimulation using her internal strength turned
into a shining three feet long sword…


Chapter Index

109 Report

Chapter 13
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

Chapter 13 Pain in the Neck

The moment the sword leaves its sheath, the man who fainted
earlier opened his eyes wide excitedly. That pair of fierce eyes was
staring without blinking. Those widened eyes were transfixed at Lou
Chen that even his breathing seemed to have stopped at this

Lou Chen swung her sword very quickly towards the assassin
before he had the opportunity to attack Mu Yan again. The long
sword’s blades entangled, crashes against each other and sparks
were flying in every direction, the incisive sound of the sharp swords
was too harsh for Qu Ning Shuang ears that she went to cover her
them. When the two swords separate, the sword at the hand of the
assassin was completely distorted and the sharp edges were gone

The people who were watching got scared. What exactly is this
kind of sword? Cutting an iron like a mud is not enough to describe
its sharpness.

It is the Cang Feng ( hidden brilliance)! It is really the Cang Feng!

The man’s eyes were full of excitement. The world doesn’t know, the
reason that this sword acquired the famed name “hidden brilliance“,
it is not because it can be hidden and in the fight it was double-
edged … but it was said that whoever dares to contend with the
sword, it destroys its sharp points, breaking the soul of the sword.
This sword was called numerous names but the real meaning was

110 Report
still concealed.

He had not expected that the sword today will be at the hands of a

The assassins were surprised for a moment but quickly recovered

and discarded the wasted sword he was holding. He grabbed a
dagger and did not fight with the sword to sword but changed his
tactics. He was ruthlessly aiming for Lou Chen’s neck and chest.

Jin Yan Hen was close watching Lou Chen and the sword that she
was holding in her hand she did not let go. Although she had a sharp
sword in her hand, the assassin, however, was actually not just
a good swordsman but a sinister fighter and ruthlessly attacking
her to kill. Jin Yan Hen was fearing that Lou Chen will rigidly
adhere to the sword’s offensive and defensive movements and in
turn, find their way to her.

Jin Yan Hen’s worry was very justified, but he does not know that
Lou Chen studied and experienced swords off combat skills. Aunt Gu
Yun did not just teach her routine moves, but they are partly ruthless
also. Quick– accurate–fierce was the three words chant for her
combat style.

The photographic memory of Lou Chen was helpful, she

only needs to look at various human body diagrams of passages
through which vital energy circulates that her mother had personally
drawn. In addition, father sought for a famous expert in sword fights
to train her so she would remember very clearly. In
short, Lou Chen uses a sword, but she does not
have a fixed sword trick.

Under the moonlight, Cang Feng was shining brightly in the hands
of Lou Chen with its entire splendor, she swung her sword effortlessly
to deal with the assassin that was attacking her.

The assassins sneak attacked several times but have not

111 Report
succeeded, instead, Lou Chen seized the opportunity for the sword to
curtail the dagger then stabbed the assassin’s left shoulder. While
the dagger fell to the ground at the same time, Mu Yan came up
immediately and suppressed the assassin’s shoulder and
pushed him down to the ground.

After witnessing that his companion was captured, the other

assassin immediately retreated few steps, anxiously turned to

“Escaping!” You actually dared to stab the Ah Hen and only tried
to poison him! Jin Ru was burning with anger at this moment and
wanted to pursue the man.

Jin Yan Hen has been watching Jin Ru’s circumstances all the
while, seeing that she planned to chase after the man called out right
away, “Aunt, do not pursue!”

Jin Ru the fine figure stomped her foot, finally

stopped on the opposite eaves and just watched the assassin ran

Jin Yan Hen relaxed, but not after looking at the assassin that was
captured on the ground, his face was dark blue and from his mouth,
dark colored blood was pouring out.

Qu Ning Shuang also came to take a look, seeing the scene, she
was shocked, “How did this happen?”

Mu Yan checked the condition of the man’s breath and pulse shook
his head and declared, “Dead. His mouth contained a highly
toxic poison, see the blood coming out of his throat.” It was
also negligence on his part. He had not expected that this person he
was holding will move so swiftly and commit suicide.

Qu Ning Shuang stared at the man on the ground, he asked the

man who looked more dead than alive, ”Who are the people who

112 Report
send you? Who are you?”

As Qu Ning Shuang was asking him questions, the assassin’s

eyes shut and fainted. Greatly disappointed, she madly hops about in

Fang Ru Hui asked two of his assistants to come and help hold the
Jin Yan Hen. When they come about he asked him, “Ah Hen, how
are you?”

Jin Yan Hen glanced at the arm that was wounded, with
cunningness displayed in his eyes, he passed the sword to Qu Ning
Shuang, clutching the wound with his other hand, he slightly act
fainting and leaned towards Lou Chen while saying, “ I felt like
fainting and I couldn’t help it. My strength is leaving me!”

Lou Chen raised her eyebrow while he slightly leaned his head
towards her. She did not dodge but Jin Yan Hen did not fell
completely on beauty’s shoulder because before that happened he
felt a finger pinching his ears carrying his head up, “ Stand still, I
am here to hold you!”

“Aunt, you hold me gently! I can walk ……”

Jin Yan Hen finally rescued his ear from Jin Ru’s hand, he
grabbed her hand and begs for mercy, while pushes her to
walk inside the building. Once they were in the hospital, Jin Yan Hen
tilted his head and winked at Mu Yan, who caught the signal quickly
turned around and coaxes Jin Ru to quickly bring Ah Hen inside the

As he watched Jin Yan Hen on his way inside, he turned a glance at

Lou Chen who was now squatting beside the corpse and examining it.
She untied the coat of the man and rummaged his body for some
signs. She checked the arms and the chest carefully but did not find
anything of significance.

113 Report
The sword was dipped into a potent poison when assassination
attempt does not succeed, he took the poison quickly and he was no
token or tattoo. When the companion sees him captured, he fled
right away and this man was absolutely not afraid to die than to

No matter what organization these assassins belonged obviously

they are cautious and very sinister. If she would chase after them,
what likely will happen?

Lou Chen slight shook her wrist and ‘Hidden brilliance’ obediently
wrapped itself back around her waist. Lou Chen’s mouth was still
pouting. Going after this case, more should be revealed, what likely
to cause this?

By the time, Lou Chen entered the room, she saw that two people
were blocking the hallway.

“Auntie Ru?”Auntie Ru was looking intently at the sword in Qu

Ning Shuang’s hand, the woman’s appearance was that of complete
astonishment and shocked. Qu Ning Shuang called her several times
but she did not respond. She was staring at Jin Ru curiously, patted
her shoulders lightly and called out louder, “ Auntie Ru?!”

“Ah? What? How?”

Jin Ru’s back was facing Lou Chen. Although she cannot see her
facial expression from the sound of her voice, she knew that she was

“What is going on?.”Qu Ning Shuang whispered low voice, “Is

there something interesting about this sword?”

Lou Chen leaned her head, saw clearly that Qu Ning Shuang was
holding the black long sword.

“There is nothing. I haven’t seen such a sword and I am

somewhat curious.”Jin Ru’s hand stroked the long black sword

114 Report
gently several times. Finally, she put down the sword and did not
give even glance at the sword again. She then turned aside to enter
the room.

As Jin Ru entered the room, Qu Ning Shuang also saw Lou Chen
coming and beckon her to hurry toward her, “You come
in quickly, such as the Elder brother Hui was looking
for you a moment ago.”

Sure enough, as she stepped in, Fang Ru Hui immediately stood up

out of the bedside and said, “ Miss Lou, glad you came.”

Lou Chen did not say anything, reached the man’s side and took
his pulse. Looking at Fang Ru Hui’s questioning look, she bluntly said,
“The poison has no cure and if he gets agitated, he is just
seconds away from death.”

Fang Ru Hui frowned, “What medicine did you say we have to

use before?”

Lou Chen reached behind her nape and replied, ” I gave you the
prescription this afternoon, give him double the dose.”

After seeing that Lou Chen finished checking the man’s pulse and
Jin Ru quickly said, “You check Ah Hen quickly, also”. This time
Jin Yan Hen’s complexion turned blue and the corners of his mouth
has a smirk, obviously, the poison on arm started to spread.

Lou Chen has not come around the side of Jin Yan Hen, he has
already extended his wrist and looked at her with a smile, “Chen-er,
will I survive? “

“You will survive.”Lou Chen showed a faint smile,

while Jin Yan Hen stupidly looking at her, he then heard Lou Chen
said to Fang Ru Hui, “Let him drink the concocted soup like that
of the man, use it to also clean the wound, and for his benefit
give him without measure, an old stoke’s leaf.”

115 Report
Jin Yan Hen has some bad premonition, looked at Fang Ru Hui with
questioning eyes: ’What is stoke’s leaf.”

Fang Ru Hui avoided his line of sight and pretended not to see his
inquisitive eyes. He does not know how Ah Hen offended Miss Lou but
an old stoke’s leaf, though the herb was good in healing wounds,
when used constantly it puts a person in a great depression that they
wish they were dead. So, basically, no one uses it without measure.

Fang Ru Hui looked at the half-dead person and thought of Jin Yan
Hen that was also poisoned. He sighed and approached Lou Chen
and said in a whisper, ” Miss Lou, I ……”

This intertwining hesitant expression looked very familiar to

Lou Chen. She said lightly that, ”What is the presumptuous request?”

Fang Ru Hui was surprised for a moment. On his face was a trace
of awkwardness, smiled bitterly and said, “I heard that Miss Su
said before that you are staying temporarily in her house.
You came every day to the hospital to sit down and give a
diagnosis. Rushing back and forth is very laborious. What I
am … … the backyard has two extra rooms, one is used for
medical treatment and the other we use it as a guest room. If
you don’t mind, you might as well live in Thousand Grass
Hospital temporarily. Detoxifying the poison, I am not really
an expert and for their poisoning, I have to depend on you,
Miss Lou. This time I would also stay in the hospital, to take
care of everything. The backyard gate can be locked, Miss
Lou does not need to worry that some people might disturb

“Hmm.”Lou Chen thought for a moment before answering. The

time she was temporarily staying In Su house because the mother
and child needed a doctor. Now, that the wound has been okay and
living in a hospital does not really complicate matters, and the
surroundings of the backyard she likes it so much, she prefers it

116 Report
better than an inn.

“I am going to clean up.” Xiao An volunteered after hearing

Lou Chen accepted the offer and skillfully runs to the backyard

Qu Ning Shuang was biting her lip secretly, her face was unhappy
and painstakingly enduring not to say a word.

Jin Yan Hen looked like he was in a stupor and Qu Ning Shuang
who was holding back with the black sword in her hand hit a turning
point and said, “ Where Ru Hui stays, there I stay.”

Fang Ru Hui was stunned for a moment, “You?”

Jin Yan Hen shook his arm, sighed, said, “I was poisoned
and now my whole body is very uncomfortable. Temporarily,
possibly I should also live in the hospital. If there is any
untoward incident, the hospital is just nearby and I can be
treated right away. I agree with what you said!”

Fang Ru Hui has not spoken, she was standing about near Jin Yan
Hen and immediately interrupted the conversation to say to Jin Yan
Hen, “Then, I will also live here.”

” Paternal Aunt ……”

“Maternal Auntie Ru ……”

Jin Ru suddenly raises her hand, her eyes were staring at the two
coldly, “Hmmp, everyone shut up. I don’t care so much about
anything else but I will be close by where Ah Hen is.”

Fang Ru Hui has now a bitter face, then together somewhat in a

painstakingly shy also but also an excited female
voice announced, “Well then, that settles it. I will live in the
hospital too!”

117 Report
Jin Yan Hen cast a sidelong glance to Fang Ru Hui whose face is
getting darker, with the good
intention declined for him, “Miss Qu, you don’t try to be funny.
While the sun is still up, why don’t you go back home before
it’s too late.”

“I wish not!”Obviously, Miss Qu do not read their expressions

and also a very tenacious person. “While Elder brother Hui
is living in the hospital for your convenience. I will also live in
the hospital to take care of him. So, I am not leaving.”

Fang Ru Hui felt like his head starting to hurt, can they just go to
the town, here is a hospital and not an inn.

When Fang Ru Hui was thinking hard how to send this hard-to deal-
people out of the hospital, he heard a “bang” sound, a sound of
something being struck or falling to the ground. Several people
looked up to see an elegant silhouette already left the room.

Fang Ru Hui looked at the leaf door leading to the backyard, and
he very much would like to do the same, slam the door until it

“Ru Hui, which one do you want me to stay. I do not mind

at all.”

“Elder brother Hui, wherever you wanted me to live is fine

also! I can endure hardship well!”

“ Ru Hui, just casually arrange a place where Auntie Ru

could stay. I don’t want you to suffer a headache for this
small matter.”

Fang Ru Hui fierce mouth is smoking in anger and he thought that

he will begin to suffer a headache indeed… …


118 Report
Chapter Index

“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now

dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your
salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all
nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory
of your people Israel.”

Luke 2:28-32 Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

119 Report

Chapter 14
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

If in case I am not allowed to publicly post my translations, That is

someone gets a copyright to translate into English. You can wait for
their releases. My translation will become private only in Google
share. If you want a google share of update in the future e-mail me at

Lou Chen was used to getting up early every day in the morning.
She will be up even before her father was up when she was still in
Prime Minister’s Mansion. In the morning she would practice with her
sword for an hour before breakfast but today she is in no mood to
practice but just holding Cang Feng and wiping down the soft blade
with a cloth. This time, however, the steely cold countenance has a
faint expression, her eyes linger on the sword’s blade full of curiosity.

After a while, Lou Chen wrapped the sword around her waist,
opened the courtyard door and went out.

Just out of the inner room, she was immediately greeted by Xiao
An, smiling, “Miss Lou, good morning.”

Lou Chen nodded slightly at the Xiao An, whose face is now
blushing unaware. He grew up in the town and he has not seen such
a beautiful and elegant girl. Although she is little aloof, but not the
kind of arrogant snob, she just does not like to speak a lot.

“Breakfast is ready, the young master asked me to come

over and ask you over to eat.” Xiao An without looking at Lou
Chen quickly took two steps to lead the way.

120 Report
Lou Chen’s initial impression of Thousand Grass Hospital was big.
Xiao An leads her from the outside, after a turn it opened to another
courtyard with a larger backyard and on its center is a stone table
with food on them and three people sitting around.

“Good morning, Chen’ er.” Jin Yan Hen raises from his seat and
greeted her full of smiles.

Jin Yan Hen’s face looked a lot better than the night before, it is
still a little pale but he looks his usual self in general. Lou Chen gaze
fell on his bandaged arm, pointing with her mouth, replied, ” You are
in good spirit, it seemed the medicine helped.”

Jin Yan Hen’s whole body stiffened, it reminded him of the feeling
of searing pain of the wound, he cleared his throat, straightened his
face and said, “Chen’er, the medicine is very good, of course,
it is very very good.” Fang Ru Hui was looking at Jing Yan Hen at
the corner of his eyes and thinking to himself, that this man was
howling last night while his wound was being cleaned, his ears are
still sore after listening to those cry of pain. It is good that he forgot
how painful it was, but Fan Ru Hui did not bother to remind him of it.

Fang Ru Hui smiled at the Lou Chen, “Miss Lou, ah, sit.”

Lou Chen nodded but her eyes were looking around for someone.
She did not see Qu Ning Shuang and she did not find that strange.
She is the daughter of a magistrate and it is not unusual if she can’t
really live in a hospital.

When Lou Chen sat down, a bowl of porridge was quickly handed in
front of him, “Chen’er, what do you like to eat? How about

“Cough, cough!”

When Lou Chen took the porridge, Jin Ru suddenly has a fit of

coughing, then calmly and collectedly herself drank the porridge.

121 Report
Jin Yan Hen magnificently passed another bowl of porridge before
Jin Ru, laughing, “Aunt, you also eat more.”

Jin Ru glared at him, did not say anything, while giving a slight bow
to the porridge, she was stealthily eyeing Lou Chen at one corner of
her eye.

This girl is quiet, graceful, and dignified in demeanor while having

a meal. She dined with her at the same table, unconsciously relieved.
Jin Ru has to say that this girl is extremely well educated and her
upbringing is extremely good. Those qualities worry her much more.
Jin Ru turned to Jin Yan Hen and sure enough, the boy’s stare was
glued to Lou Chen, mesmerized, his eyes were not even blinking!

Jin Ru stepped on Jin Yan Hen’s foot without mercy,” Aww…” after
taking a mouthful of air, he whispered, “My aunt, I am your
favorite nephew!” He dares to mention it. His eyes were still glued
to Lou Chen as he was talking and refusing to come to his senses
making Jin Ru so irritated to death by him!

Miss Lou was leisurely drinking her porridge, but the faint smile on
the corner her mouth shows that she is in a very good mood.

As the group was having a’ lively’ breakfast when Xiao An came

back running and whispered, “Master, that person woke up.”

Fang Ru Hui wave his spoon he was holding in his hand and said, ”
He won’t hurt anyone again”.

” No, he said he would like to see … … ” Xiao An hesitated for a

moment, looked at a Lou Chen sideways and whispered,” He wants
to see Miss Lou. “

Beside Lou Chen, those three other faces around the breakfast
table became frantic and bemused. Fang Ru Hui gave Lou Chen a
questioning look and asked, “Miss Lou?”

After eating the last mouthful of porridge, Lou Chen put down her

122 Report
spoon, wiped her mouth with the clean cloth and just nodded.

Fang Ru Hui just wanted to tell Xiao An to go back and tell the man
to wait but Jin Yan Hen suddenly said,” Xiao An, help him come here
and have breakfast together with us .”

“Yes.” Xiao An did not think much of it and ran out again.

Fang Ru Hui glanced Lou Chen but the expression on her face is
the same. She did not look like she disapproved of it and also she
made no comment about the arrangement.

In a short while, Xiao An came back escorting the man into the
courtyard. The man has changed into a white dress, his face is still
gray, he is not in a very good mood, if it is not for the small help from
Xiao An, he may not be able to walk so far. However, even in his
weak state, he still held the ink black sword in his hand.

The moment the man walked in, his stare is already glued at Lou
Chen who just finished her breakfast and now sipping her tea
ignoring the man’s persistent look. Jin Yan Hen found himself in the
middle of a tense and awkward scenario.

In order not to make the atmosphere more embarrassing, Fang Ru

Hui smiled towards the man, “How do you feel? Do you have
breakfast yet, sit down and eat.”

The man sat down on the stone bench, his eyes finally moved
away from Lou Chen’s face but rather turn his gaze on the soft sword
around her waist with the voice of urgency and perplexity asked,
“Why Cang Feng is in your possession?”

Lou Chen, who is frivolously sipping her tea finally turned to the
man and look at him in the eyes, ” Why should I tell you? “

Just by looking at her beautiful eyes, the man’s brows gradually

wrinkled and he realized that if she can’t get those things she is
interested to exchange, she will never tell him the answer.

123 Report
He looked at the sword again in one corner of his eyes, he thought
for a moment, then said, ” If you want to know something, you can
ask and I will answer your question, then I will ask, then you in return
should also answer my question.”

Lou Chen was very satisfied with this arrangement. She put down
her teacup and threw out a string of questions at once. “Who are
you? How did you know ‘Cang Feng’? Why are you being
chased? Who is chasing you? What’s the origin of the sword
in your hand?”

The man’s frown became tighter, hesitated for a moment before he

replied, “I am Xing Mu, the Young Master of Xiao Jian Villa (or Sword
Manor). I knew Cang Feng because my father often mentions it and
there is a picture of Cang Feng in the Villa, so I recognize it at a
glance. “

Sword Manor? The group of people looks at the man in


Lou Chen is not from Liao Yue but she also heard of this Sword
Manor. Although it is in a place of rivers and lakes of martial arts or
called the pugilistic world, it is famous in all countries because Sword
Manor has possession of countless good swords, famous swords.
Swordsmen from all over the world were attracted to this place
seeking to get a sword, even if they could not, just getting a
glimpsed of famous swords will be good enough. Swordsmen
regarded Sword Manor as the holy land of swords. Lou Chen
originally wanted to see a glimpse of it also, unexpectedly today, he
meets the Young Master of the Sword Manor. But how can this young
master appear awkwardly in the border town of Liao Yue? Lou Chen
actually was very curious also and eager to know the answer.

Lou Chen lightly strokes the soft sword around her waist and
whispered, “Who is its original owner.?” The man answered
without thinking, immediately shook his head, “I actually do not

124 Report
A lie. If you do not know who the original owner, why would you
ask then? “Why Cang Feng is in your possession?” If he refused
to confess it, Lou Chen did not pursue any further.

When he saw Lou Chen’s silent demeanor, Xing Mu was worried

that she would refuse to tell her something about Cang Feng. He
quickly added, “Whoever is chasing me is not clear to me either. The
reason they were after me is probably that of this sword. “

After he finished speaking, Xing Mu placed the sword on the stone

table. The sword looked darker and visible during the day. It is a
modest sword. During the day, this sword black color is darker, just
ordinary. Generally, it can be looked upon only as a sword, if it is
done meticulously and exquisitely, people can see it at one glance,
like Cang Feng, it has a beautiful white blade and when the edge of
the blade shines, it exudes it coldness everywhere highlighting its
uniqueness. But this sword in one look, there is nothing special about
it, it was very ordinary.

After seeing all the people’s attention was focused on this sword,
Xing Mu continued, “This sword is called Zhi Ge ( Counterpart
of Hidden Brilliance).”

Xing Mu was talking and also secretly observing the facial reaction
of Lou Chen. He saw that she only slightly swept a glanced and have
no special expression.

Lou Chen did not respond. Jin Yan Hen, however, was very
interested as he was looking, smiling he said, “This sword is called
Zhi Ge? Quite interesting! Is this Lord Xing Zhuang sword?”

Xing Mu shook his head and sighed before replying, “No, it is my

father’s best friend. He asked my father years ago to keep it
in custody. My father has always been cautious, all these
years it has been fine, but recently I do not know what
happened, the secret leaked and my father was afraid to
keep it because he may lose it and asked me to take it to the

125 Report
safe place as soon as possible. Our party of twelve, I am the
only that remains.”

Send it away? Jin Yan Hen laughed, “You want to send the
sword to Qiong Yue?” Otherwise how else they would end up in
this small border town?

He doesn’t know if he already divulged so much, but he wants to

make things clear so he does not hide anything and said it plainly,
“Yes, to Su Family of Qiong Yue.”

Lou Chen clenched her fist on the teacup she was holding when
she heard a low expel of breath, “No!”

Everyone’s eyes fell on her. Jin Ru stiffened, she lightly cleared her
throat twice, replied, “I mean, your father’s friend is a resident of
Liao Yue, since the owner is Liao Yue’s citizen, how can he casually
send it to Qiong Yue? In doing so, is it not turning one’s back to a
friend who entrusted him? “

Xing Mu looked at her sideways, he felt that her reactions are just
too intense, but her facial expression already calmed down,” The
reason why my father is sending Zhi Ge to Qiong Yue, he said his
father’s friend said if he could no longer protect it, send it to Su
House in Qiong Yue.”

” So it is. “Jin Ru nodded and said nothing more.

Jin Yan Hen saw more dark secrets into it but he did not also ask
anything anymore.

When everyone has settled on the issue, Xing Mu eagerly look at

Lou Chen and said, ” Young Miss, it is your turn to answer my

Lou Chen readily gave him a reply. ‘ Cang Feng is a gift from my
father. “

126 Report
” Who is your father? “

” You just asked one question before and I have already answered.

The chilly voice now unexpectedly has a tone like that of a

scoundrel, Xing Mu stared at her and angrily, ” How can you…”

Anger extremely worked up his heart, Xing Mu expelled a mouthful

of blood. Fang Ru Hui hurriedly got up and persuaded him, ” Xing, my
boy. Your poisoning is not yet resolved and you can’t be angry. “

Just then, Xiao An came running in again and said, ” Lou Chen,
someone is looking for you outside. “

Lou Chen slightly raised her eyebrows, today is not just another
day, it was bustling with noise and excitement. It’s incredibly lively.

Chapter Index

127 Report

Chapter 15
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

Just then, Xiao An came back running again and said, “Lou Chen,
someone is looking for you outside.”

Lou Chen slightly raised her eyebrows, unexpectedly to her

surprise, today is no ordinary day, there is so much bustling, noise,
and excitement.

It is only between 9-11am, there are already many patients waiting

in line in the main hall of the hospital to be examined. Lou Chen just
entered the hall; a small figure rushed over toward her arms,
shouted, “Elder Sister!”

Su Tong? After she saw clearly the little girl’s appearance, Lou
Chen gently caught the child and held her on her bosom, and asked,
“What happened?

“Sister, save mother and Aunt Mei!” Su Tong’s eyes were red
and swollen and the sound of her voice is also very hoarse as if she
came crying all the way.

Lou Chen patted her shoulder to calm her, “What is the matter,
tell me slowly.”

Lou Chen’s cool voice sounds particularly appeasing to the crowd.

Su Tong l finally calmed down, sniffling and in a trembling voice, “I
do not know what happened, my brother and I woke up in the
morning and we saw mother lying down in the kitchen. No
matter how we shouted, she did not wake up. I went to find
Aunt Mei next door for help, but I did not expect, Aunt is also

128 Report
unconscious! I also heard that it is not only them that passed

Lou Chen eyes narrowed, “How many people were


Su Tong paused to think for a moment, anxiously shook her head,

tears flowing down her cheeks, “Do not know, I heard that there are
seven or eight families have fainted. Elder Sister, your medical skills
so good, help mother please, save everyone. “

So many people become unconscious at the same time. It must not

be an ordinary illness. Lou Chen caressed the head of Su Tong to
comfort her and told Xiao An who was behind her, “Call over Fang
Rui Hui.”

“Yes.” Xiao An dared not delay and run immediately towards the
small courtyard.

“Elder Sister, is Mother will be the same as Father … …will

leave us?” Su Tong was tightly grasping Lou Chen, her innocent
bright eyes is full of fear and anxiety.

Lou Chen strokes the girl’s forehead with her palm, looking at her
eyes, Lou Chen whispered, “No, she will be okay.”

“Ah!” Su Tong nodded her head, as if in order to give herself more


At this time Fang Ru Hui also hurriedly came out, Xioa An probably
gave him some information because few people were also following
him. Jin Yan Hen and Jin Ru also came with him. He walked to Lou
Chen’s side and asked,“ What happened?”

Lou Chen lowered her voice and said: “The small village at the
foot of Lou Shen mountain, for whatever reason, it appeared
many villagers fell into unconsciousness. I am worried that it
is an epidemic.”

129 Report
After she finished, the faces of Fang Ru Hui, Jin Yan Hen, and Ji Ru
all become suddenly serious. Feeling in the atmosphere that
something is not right, Su Tong body began to shake trying to
suppress her cry and blankly looked at Fang Ru Hui.

Fang Rui Hui thought for a moment, whispered, “I ‘m going to

prepare some herbs, go and examine them and investigate,
be careful.”

Lou Chen nodded, then right away she heard a sweet male voice,
“I’ll go with you.”

Lou Chen turned to look; Jin Yan Hen came to her side and on his
face was hanging a ruffian smile. Lou Chen glanced at him, she says
nothing and did not refuse his company also.

Jin Ru twists her eyebrows and quickly interjected, “No, your

poisoning is not yet cured. You don’t run around!”

Jin Yan Hen lightly pats his wrapped wounds, laughed, “I just took
the medicine, and now I felt like nothing has happened. I will
go to see the situation, if it is an epidemic disease, I will
immediately inform the authority.”

Jin Ru glared at him and said, “Then, I also will go.”

“Aunt, you stay in the hospital, if it is really an epidemic,

you and the authorities are friends and you can go to them
and tell them and they will take the situation more seriously.
Besides, the hospital is also keeping a dangerous person
inside like Xing Mu. Me too, I am not very comfortable.” Jin
Yan Hen looked his Aunt with a serious concern which rarely seen
with Jin Yan Hen, and he said it is clear and in very controlled
manner. As he was talking, Jin Ru was looking at him and it brought
flashbacks from the past, extremely similar face and tone of voice,
her mind went blank for a split second.

130 Report
After seeing that Jin Ru fell in a moment of trance, Jin Yan hen
flashes a dazzling look of sweetness, smiled as he usually does to her
and said, “Aunt rest assured, with Chen’er, this is nothing.
She can cure even a highly toxic poison, whatever disease it
is, she can find a remedy for it.”

Jin Ru put her head low and thinking, she lifts her head and finally
nodded, “ But you have to come back as soon as you can,
don’t stay too late.”

Jin Yan Hen grinned, “Certainly.”

Jin Yan Hen bent over and picked up the little girl, however, he
accidentally involved the hand with the wound and he gasps because
of pain, paused, in that split moment, Lou Chen already picked up
the little girl and held her in her arms.

When he looked up, the figure of sky blue has already gone with
the little girl. He can only smile and follow behind.

“Give way! Step aside! Sister is coming!”

Outside the small courtyard of Aunt Mei’s residence, a cry of a little

girl suddenly sounded, startling the villagers who surrounded the
door. Looking behind them, they saw a man and a woman standing
at the door of the house, the woman still holding a little girl in her
arms and the voice sounded like it is little the girl from Su household.

Who is talking? The man and the woman have the little girl; their
faces were covered with a white piece of cloth. Before entering the
village, Lou Chen asked them to cover their faces; after all, if it is
really an epidemic, it will be contagious. So, naturally, she has to be

Uncle Mei looked at the people that came in, ignorantly looked at
Lou Chen and asked hesitantly, “You. Are you the doctor who lived in
the Su house before?

131 Report
Lou House nods and continued to examine the small courtyard.
Even with the white piece of handkerchief covering her face, her eyes
remains steely but with the faint trace of surprise.

Inside the small courtyard, whoever arranged it, they put the nine
unconscious people side by side on few beds and their faces were
surprisingly consistent, pale gray and slightly greenish in color. It
looks like, these people were all been poisoned.

Their families were all on the sidelines watching anxiously. An old

herbalist kept on shaking his head in disbelief. The people were
asking him questions but he could not tell them the reason why.

Lou Chen put down Su Tong to a door next to the courtyard. She
did not let the little girl go further. She walked inside and started to
examine the bodies. As she raised one of the women’s wrist to take
her pulse, she asked, “ When they all fainted?”

The villagers looked at each other, they all know this lady doctor,
who suddenly appeared a few days ago and live with Su’s household
and they are aware also that she help cure their son’s leg. Although
they don’t understand why she is covering her face, for her medical
skill, the villagers believed her. The people glanced at each other
before answering, “ Probably around chen shi (7-9am modern

Lou Chen withdrew her hand and continued probing the hand of
the second person.” Do they display any symptoms prior to fainting?”

This time no one hesitates to answer, everyone was rushing to


“No, they are really well.”

“My mother is still up in the morning!”

“My wife is healthy and this morning she even went out to
fetch some water!”

132 Report
Jin Yan Hen has been standing beside Su Tong and was listening to
the villagers. When the villagers said that all have no signs of illness
before, he was secretly relieved. So, this incident is not an epidemic.

Lou Chen continued her diagnosis. Jin Yan Hen thought for a
moment and asked, “What did they eat before fainting?”
Several people shook their heads, “ It’s too early in the morning,
they haven’t eaten anything yet.”

Aunt Mie’s son, about a 12-year-old boy, suddenly shouted, “Now,

I remembered. My mother drunk a mouthful of water before
she passed out.”

“Water? Jin Yan Hen asked immediately, “Where is it?”

The boy pointed to the bucket of water that was in the yard and
said, “That’s the bucket. We took the water from the spring
and directly drink from it.”

Jin Yan Hen went to the bucket, sat down carefully to take a look;
the water is very clear. He scoops the water using a ladle and sniff, it
has no peculiar smell. He put down the ladle and asked, “When did
you fetch this bucket of water?”

Uncle Mei stepped forward, perplexed and replied, “I went to

fetch it this morning, why?” Jin Yan Hen saw that Lou Chen was
still busy checking the people that collapsed, he did not want to
bother her, continues to probe, “Are this people that collapsed
gets water from the same source?”

“Yes .”

“Well, been there.”

“Is there a problem with water? Impossible ah, we drink

from the same spring water for more than a decade, it can’t
be dirty.”

133 Report
Not only people the people inside the courtyard have growing
interest, even the crowds of villager standing outside were lively
chatting about it.

Finally, after she finished taking the pulse of the last person, Lou
Chen asked Su Tong after withdrawing her hand, “ Did your mother
took some water this morning?”

Su Tong shook her head blankly, she did not know.

At this time, the person standing beside Uncle Mei replied, “When I
came back, I saw Sister Su outside carrying water, with her body so
weak, we are neighbors, so I helped her bring home the bucket of
water. “

Lou Chen also walked went to check the bucket of water. Jin Yan
Hen steps on the side. Lou Chen dipped her hand into the water and
fiddled it, then sniffed her wet hand. Her face frowned for she smells
a very faint unusual scent.

Jin Yan Hen has been watching Lou Chen House closely and seeing
her frown, immediately asked, “Is the water the culprit?

Lou Chen did not reply. In the small courtyard, the door opened
and walking in is Fang Ru Hui with two drug attendants, all three are
sweating profusely, and their faces were also covered with silk and
they are carrying large medicine boxes containing all kinds of herbs
on their shoulders.

Seeing Fang Rui Hui walking in, the eyes of the people in the
courtyard brightened and happily exclaimed, “ The doctor came!
They are saved!”

These differences in treatment between the two doctors were very

obvious. Who could blame them, after all, Thousands of Grass
Hospital have the reputation in Loushi town. Lou Chen actually did
not care, but Fang Ru Hui was slightly embarrassed. After

134 Report
acknowledging the crowd with a simple nod, he quickly went beside
Lou Chen and asked, “How is the situation?”

“It is not an epidemic. This looks like poisoning. I do not

know exactly what kind of poison it is. You should give them
some vomiting medicine first. We will go and check the water
source .”

After hearing that the cause of people collapsing is not a disease,

Fang Ru Hui’s heart that was hung all the way finally eased, nodded
and replied, “I know, you go ahead.”

Jin Yan pats Uncle Mei’s shoulder and said, “You lead us there.”

Feeling the pain on his shoulder, Uncle Mei just remembered Lou
Chen’s words and now it made sense to him, “Oh, good!”

Uncle Mei with two other people from the village lead them
towards the mountains, and just after few minutes, Lou Chen and Jin
Yan heard the sound of shallow water flowing. They went around a
small slope and Uncle Mei with the pointed finger, “ There it is.”

Chapter Index

135 Report

Chapter 16
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶) Chapter Index

Uncle Mei leads the two men behind the village to the mountains.
It was not far when Lou Chen and Jin Yan Hen heard the shallow
sound of water flow and bypassed a small water bank. Uncle Mei
raised his hand, pointed to a place and said, “It’s here.”

The two turned their vision to the place and saw a small grove
forest. They did not see the springs described by Uncle Mei but only a
channel for water as big as the arm. The channel is made of 3 ten
feet bamboo tube that was connected together. The villagers use
these bamboo tubes to direct the spring water from the mountain.

At the bottom of the bamboo tube, when nobody catches the

water, the water fell on the soil. The muddy water flows down the
slope making a stream and waters the trees along the road that it
grew relatively taller.

These bamboo tubes look like they have been there some years,
and Jin Yan Hen asked, “Did you build it yourself? How long has
it been?”

Auncle Mei nodded and explained, “Yes, we also have well in

the village, but the water of the spring is sweeter, so we
used the bamboo tube to draw the spring water down. The
moss grows on the tube so we change the tube every three
years. We will about to change to a new one this year.”

Lou Chen squat down and scoop up some spring water and sniffled
it. The faint smell seems to be even lighter.

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Jin Yan Hen checked the surroundings and he did not find anything
unusual, walked to Lou Chen side, whispered: “How?” ”

Lou Chen looks towards the direction of the bamboo tube, replied:
“Something is really wrong, with the water. Let us go up and
see.” ”

“Okay.” Jin Yan Hen took the lead; they went upward following the
direction of the bamboo tube. Uncle Mei hesitated for a moment and
also followed. He is also very curious, whether the spring water is
really poisonous.

After walking a few minutes, they heard that the water sounded
louder and they should be closer to the spring. Jin Yan Hen who was
leading the troop suddenly stops. Lou Chen came to him, and she
heard the familiar voice whispered, “There are footprints.”

Lou Chen followed his gaze and sure enough, there were a series
of footprints from the hillside to the mountains. The direction of the
footprints seemed to be going in the direction of the mountain

The two men glanced at each other, and no one spoke, by tacit
understanding, they used their qing gong to speed up their steps and
rushed upwards.

Although they already have a premonition that the water source

might be the problem, when the two reach the end of the bamboo
tube, the scene before them made the two people frown.

The so-called mountain spring water is actually coming from the

streams of Luo Shen River Mountain. The streams flow down from
the mountains and the villagers set the bamboo tube under a large
rock. When the stream flows down the rocks, it just falls down on the
bamboo tube.

At this moment, next to that stone, there is a person lying. Looking

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at the appearance, it is a woman. Her hand was just under the stone
and the stream washes down her wrist and fell into the bamboo
tube. There is nothing in her but her broken wrist and the only odd
thing is the water mixed with her blood flows into the bamboo tube.

Uncle Mei, whose legs is not as fast as the two, followed with great
difficulty, but when he sees the appalling scene, he can’t help but be
frightened and back up few steps. He shouted in horror, “How can it
be like this?”

Both of them did not care about the cry of panic from Uncle Mei,
they silently looked at one another, and when their eyes separated,
Lou Chen went to the side of the woman and removed her hand from
the stream of water and let her lie flat on the ground. Jin Yan Hen
traced the footprints on the ground and searched where it comes

After 15 minutes, Jin Yan Hen returned and saw that Lou Chen was
not treating the woman. Instead, she was examining the body
wounds trying to determine how the woman died.

After the inspection of the body, Lou Chen looked up and saw Jin
Yan Hen standing behind her and waiting quietly. Without being
asked, Lou Chen had said in a cold voice, “There is no more than
one hour of death. The deceased’s body is highly poisoned
but not dead. The cause of death was excessive blood loss.
Her wounds on the wrists were flat and were caused by sharp
weapons. Except for the old ones, on the other hand, there
were no other injuries or signs of an obvious struggle. The
deceased had fingerprints on her cheeks and her chin was
dislocated. There is residual poison in her mouth; the poison
should be forcibly poured, she fell into a stupor, then bleed
to death. Her blood is highly poisoned. Fortunately, the
water is diluted a lot, and those affected should not worry
about their lives.”

Jin Yan Hen did not let Lou Chen wait for a long and also reported

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her findings, “From the hillside to here, there are footprints of
only one person. There is no trace of blood on the way. There
is no weapon in the vicinity. The woman should have been
taken to the hillside to be murdered. The footprint of the
person carrying the woman is shallow, relative to their
weight together; the murderer should have an excellent
martial arts skill.”

When he finished talking, the two were lost in thought. The

murderer is very cruel. The stream was flowing and it was not easy to
poison people through it. He actually came up with such an idea of
turning a person into a poisonous person and then left it bleeding at
the edge of the stream. When the poisonous blood flowed into the
bamboo tube and mixed it with the water of the stream, the blood is
diluted and red tint cannot be seen as it flowed out of the mountain.
The person was actually bled to death and it was timed until the
people would come to fetch water in the morning and more people
would be poisoned.

However, why did the murderer spend so much trouble doing

this? What is the intention of poisoning the people from the village?

At this point, they cannot figure it out anything. Jin Yan Hen smiled
wryly and said: “It seems that although this is not an epidemic,
we must also summon the authority.”

Lou Chen nodded, she thought to be even further, the poison used
by the murderer is not an ordinary poison, this type is not easy to
dispose of and it is impossible to sell outside. With such a potent
poison and brutal means of murder, is it just for the purpose of
overthrowing several ordinary villagers? She has a hunch that this is
not just a simple case.

“Dead person! The water is really poisonous! How could

this happen? How could it be…” Uncle Mei was standing on one
side looking at the ghastly pale woman on the ground, his hands
were tight clasps together, obviously at a loss and restless.

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Jin Yan Hen went to his side, put his hand on his shoulder and pats
him heavily and said, ” Come, you are going to identify this person. Is
she from your village?”

Feeling the pain on his shoulders, Uncle Mei come back to his
senses. Born as a hunter, he would not be scared of blood, so he
walks few steps forward and dares to identify the dead person. He
stood beside the body and looked carefully, shook his head and
replied, “This one is not from the village, I have not seen her.”

No matter who it is, in short, this is a murder case. Jin Yan Hen took
a deep breath and instructs them, “We will go down first, and
Uncle Mei and you will stay here near the bamboo pipe
outlet. Don’t let anyone pick up the water again, and don’t
let people go up the mountain. Chen’er, you stay and help
Fang Ru Hui. By the way, also let the people in the village
inform each other, not to drink the spring water first. I’m
going back to the Yamen.”

Uncle Mei was a bit absent-minded, just simply nodded to what Jin
Yan Hen said.

Lou Chen nodded without any objection and the three men walked
down the hill together.

Lou Chen glanced at the man at the front leading the trail. Today,
he is entirely different from the past when they first met. Her
curiosity toward him has only increased. Before, there were other
people with him, like Qu Ning Shuang, Jin Ru, and others, but not this
time. Jin Yan Hen always appeared unconventional ruffian that’s
always comical. However, this time, there were no other people
around, he was very calm and sharp, and even between them, there
was a tacit understanding. She can feel that he is actually very
trusting and caring, especially with his aunt and friends. Why is he
hiding his skill and liked to appear dimwitted in front of them?

When the trio arrived from the mountain, they saw the two people

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rushing towards them. When the people got nearer, Lou Chen was
finally able to recognize them; it is Qu Ning Shuang and a young man
following behind her. Lou Chen remembered that the last time she
was held hostage by Wang Si, the young constabulary was called Wu
Yi, who was the son of Wu Shi Ye.

Qu Ning Shuang also saw them. Her eyes brightened, and her pace
became faster. They rushed to the two men and said, “Finally…
finally, we found you! After you left… something went

The words of Qu Ning Shuang was in fragments and Jin Yan Hen
went past her and looked at Wu Yi behind her. He laughed and said,
“What is this happening that she has to anxiously hurry to

Wu Yi’s expression doesn’t help either, and he did not bicker back
with Jin Yan Hen. He replied, ” At Thousands of Grass Hospital there’s
an accident!”

The smile on the face of Jin Yan Hen froze and asked, “What

Lou Chen has a bad premonition. At this time, Qu Ning Shuang has
finally recovered, pushing one of Wu Yi’s hands and hurriedly said,
“Let me! When I went to see you in the morning, you were
already gone. There is only Auntie Jin Ru but she wouldn’t tell
me where you are. I could only stay in the hospital and wait.
Half an hour ago, the two black-masked assassins who were
dressed the same as last night actually boldly rushed into the
hospital and inside the rooms. Auntie Ru blocked one, and
another one went after Xing Mu. I and Xing Mu fought with
him for awhile but I could not resist and almost killed by the
assassin. Fortunately, those who ran out of the hospital ran
to Yamen for help, Uncle Xiao brought over Wu Li and Wu
Yi, and we were not killed.”

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“However…” Qu Ning Shuang looked carefully at his eyes and
said nothing.

Jin Yan Hen’s pupil turns cold, “ Say it.”

Qu Ning Shuang was shocked, today Jin Yan Hen is not the same as
in the past, under his gaze, she got tongue-tied, ” Aunt Ru got hurt.”

“How could my aunt be injured?” Looking at the situation of

last night, the martial arts of Jin Ru was obviously higher than that of
the assassins.Even if the assassin could not be caught, she would not
be injured.

Qu Ning Shuang cleared her throat and said annoyed, “Originally,

Aunt Ru prevailed, but the other assassin saw that they
couldn’t siege her and knew that he could not beat her. He
took the black sword of Xing Mu and just wanted to escape. I
don’t know why but Aunt Ru chased after him like she
wanted to take the sword back, the result, she was attacked
by the assassin who had fought with her before, and stabbed
her with the sword.”

The face of Jin Yan Hen suddenly went dark, Qu Ning Shuang said
quickly: “But don’t worry, she was just stabbed on her
shoulder, there is no danger! Really!”

Jin Yan Hen expression was bitter and silent, Qu Ning Shuang and
Wu Yi glanced at each other, their eyes full of doubts, but neither of
them dared to ask more.

“What about the sword?”

The cold voice suddenly sounded, and Qu Ning Shuang looks at

Lou Chen, lick her lips and whispered…”It was taken away.”


Chapter Index

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Chapter 17
Source: Wook’s Teahouse

(T/N: Surprise! We’re having 3 chapters update today because it’s

me birthday! And if you haven’t realized, now I have another side
project which you can read here. It’s from the same author as
Refusing to Serve Me, Then Off with Your Head! So, give it a try!)

Seeing that Jin Yanhen’s face had turned black, Qu Ningshuang

quickly said, “But don’t worry, she was only stabbed on the
shoulder, she isn’t in any danger! Really!”

Jin Yanhen’s face was cold and silent, Qu Ningshuang and Wu Yizhi
glanced at each other, their eyes were filled with doubts, but neither
of them dared to speak more.

“Where is that sword?”

A cold voice suddenly sounded. Qu Ningshuang turned towards Lou

Chen, curled her lips, and whispered: “It was snatched away…”

Upon hearing this expected turn of events, neither Lou Chen nor Jin
Yanhen showed any surprised expressions. Qu Ningshuang saw that
they were still standing in the same spot, not knowing what they
were thinking. She pulled Lou Chen’s sleeve and said: “Are you
guys not going back to take a look?”

Lou Chen looked at Jin Yanhen, his expression had returned back to
normal. At the moment, his long and narrow eyes were slightly
squinted, still the same peach blossom eyes, but the dark and cold
light in his eyes had already faded.

Is he going start his act again? Lou Chen laughed silently in her
heart, but her face still maintained the usual cold and indifferent look

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perfectly. She was silently listening to Jin Yanhen speaking using that
usual annoying easy going tone, “There’s a murder case up the
mountain, follow this bamboo tube to the mountain stream,
there’s a female corpse there. Wu Yizhi, you go up and guard
the corpse to prevent people or wild animals from destroying
the crime scene. Qu Ningshuang, you go back to the yamen
and inform Xiao Tou to bring people here to look.”

Hearing Jin Yanhen arranging work for him, Wu Yizhi was a little
upset and hummed, “What about you?”

Jin Yanhen shrugged and replied: “Naturally I’m going back to

see my aunt ah.”

Thinking that Aunt Ru was indeed injured, even though Wu Yizhi

was somewhat unwilling, he didn’t say anything in the end. After
taking a glance at Jin Yanhen, he turned around and headed up the

“I’m also going back to the medical hall.” When she was
examining the corpse just now, she had found some residue of
poison inside the mouth and she knew how to detoxify it.
Fortunately, the herbs in Qian Cao Hall were sufficient, otherwise, the
villagers would have damaged most of their bodies even if they did
not die.

Jin Yanhen grinned and immediately walked to Lou Chen’s side and
said with a smile: “It’s naturally better to have Chen’er with

Qu Ningshuang glanced at Jin Yanhen with disdain. Once seeing a

beautiful girl, he shamelessly stuck to her. It was Big Brother Ruhui
who was still good, he would not be tempted by beauty!

Jin Yanhen winked at Lou Chen, however he was completely

ignored by the beauty.

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The three people walked towards the town together. Qu
Ningshuang rushed back to the yamen, while Jin Yanhen and Lou
Chen returned to the medical hall.

Qian Cao Hall, which had always been crowded with patients, was
deserted today. When people passed by from time to time, they
looked in curiously, but no one dared to walk in.

When Jin Yanhen and Lou Chen walked in, they saw the room was
in a mess. Several children were tidying up the broken medicine jars,
chairs, and tables scattered on the ground. A corpse with the upper
body covered by a white cloth was lying on the right side of the
room. Mu Yan was frowning and standing beside the corpse. Jin Ru
was sitting on the only chair that was intact. The injury on her
shoulder was bandaged, and it did not seem like it was a severe
wound, however, she looked absent-minded. Her eyes were fixed on
the ground and she was silent. Even when Jin Yanhen came in, she
didn’t notice.

Mu Yan noticed them, and just when he was about to say

something, Jin Yanhen shook his head at him, walked to Jin Ru, and
softly called “Auntie.”

Sure enough, Jin Ru didn’t respond. Jin Yanhen crouched down and
held Jin Ru’s hands, her hands were cold, but the palms were sweaty.
Jin Yanhen called once again: “Auntie.”

Perhaps it was because someone grabbed her hands, Jin Ru finally

recovered. The moment she saw Jin Yanhen, her eyes were a little
dazed, then a trace of tension flashed very quickly, she blinked, and
softly said: “Ah Hen?”

Taking all of Jin Ru’s expression, Jin Yanhen pretended not to see
anything and only asked worriedly, “How are you? Does the
injury at your shoulder still hurt?”

Jin Ru smiled reluctantly and replied: “I’m fine, it’s just a small

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Jin Yanhen looked at Lou Chen, and she saw the pleading look in
his eyes. Lou Chen walked to Jin Ru and grabbed her wrist to feel her
pulse. Jin Ru didn’t struggle, at this time, she didn’t have the energy
to nag like yesterday. She merely looked uneasy.

Lou Chen let go of her hand and said, “The sword was smeared
with poison, but the people in the medical hall should have
already decocted the antidote for her to drink.”

Jin Yanhen sighed in relief and smiled at Lou Chen, but Lou Chen
was a little worried. Qian Cao Hall’s precious medicinal ingredients
were not much, it would not be enough to detoxify three people.

Lou Chen looked at the corpse on the ground. Will there be

antidotes on the assassin?

Lou Chen walked to the corpse and lifted open the white cloth
covering the body, her hands were already rummaging through the
assassin’s body.

Mu Yan wanted to stop her, but Jin Yanhen suddenly stopped him
and asked, “Where is Xing Mu?”

“After the sword was taken away, he chased after the

assassin with us, but before he could get far, he fainted. He
hasn’t woken up yet.” Mu Yan looked down after speaking. Lou
Chen had pulled out two white porcelain bottles from the assassin’s
body, afterwards, she undid the assassin’s clothes and examined his
body carefully.

Mu Yan was shocked. This was a corpse. Even though she was a
physician, a physician was different from a coroner. Moreover, she
was a woman. How could she be so calm and collected when facing a
corpse. And in addition, it seemed like she was… proficient in it?

Just like last time, Lou Chen also couldn’t find any tokens or tattoos

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on the assassin that could reveal his identity, but fortunately she
found the two small white porcelain bottles.

Lou Chen didn’t dare to be careless. She pulled out the cork, but
didn’t put the bottle near her nose, instead she tapped the bottle
lightly at its bottom, then she leaned a bit closer. This smells like…

Lou Chen had not spoken for a long time, Mu Yan couldn’t help but
asked: “What is it?”

Lou Chen merely replied one word, “Poison.”

These assassins methods were vicious, so Lou Chen knew they

were bound to be merciless. She just never expected that they
wouldn’t be lenient to themselves as well. They only carried poisons
on their body and no antidotes.

Lou Chen got up and walked to the wooden table. She took one of
the bottles of poison and poured some of its content into a small
plate. She carefully checked the color and smelled it. After pondering
for a moment, she picked up the writing brush and wrote a few lines
quickly on a piece of paper, then folded it. She said to the apothecary
who was cleaning: “Mister Zhang, you should prepare nine
dosages of medicinal ingredients according to the ratio
written in this prescription and send them to the small village
under Mount Luo. Fang Ruhui needs them.”

The apothecary knew that the Young Master had went out early in
the morning to treat some villagers, so after hearing Lou Chen’s
words, he quickly took the prescription and replied, “Okay, I will
prepare the medicines immediately.”

Lou Chen walked to Jin Yanhen’s side, one of her hand was holding
the two white porcelain bottles by its mouth, while the other hand
was placed on top of the table, she said: “I think I found the
murderer who poisoned that woman from the mountain.”

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Jin Yanhen looked at the small bottles in surprise. His eyes
instantly turning cold.

Mu Yan didn’t understand the meaning of Lou Chen’s words and

asked: “Who poisoned who?” When did the case happen? How
come he never heard about it?

Lou Chen had always been a less talkative person because she was
too lazy. However, sooner or later this kind of matter would still need
to be explained, thus, under Mu Yan’s questioning look, Jin Yanhen
was forced to explain: “This morning, at the small village under
Mount Luo, several villagers fainted. I accompanied Chen’s er
and Fang Ruhui to check it out. It turned out that there was a
problem with the water. We went up the mountain to check
the source of the water and saw a female corpse who was
poisoned and died. The wrist was cut open, so the poisoned
blood flowed down the channel built by the villagers from
bamboo tubes. The villagers who took the water to drink in
the morning were all poisoned.”

The porcelain bottle placed on the table was found from the
assassin. Combined with what Jin Yanhen said before, Mu Yan could
guess the whole story after he pondered for a moment. His face
instantly became ugly, “To draw you guys away, they would go
as far as using such a vicious trick, they don’t even take
human lives seriously, in the end, what is their purpose?”

All three of them fell silent. Everyone wanted to know the answer
to this question.

“Your poison has not been cured and you have wounds on
your body, you should not move around!” A low shout suddenly
rang from the originally peaceful inner room, followed by the sound
of the collision of tables and chair. A stumbling figure lifted the
curtain and just walked out from inside. He didn’t pay any attention
to everyone in the outer room, he just headed outside.

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A child chased after the figure from inside and was stopped by Jin

“Where are you going?”

Hearing a clear yet deep and low man’s voice from behind, Xing
Mu stopped his footsteps and turned his head vigilantly. He saw Jin
Yanhen, Lou Chen, and the others. The hostility on his face faded, but
he still gritted his teeth and said: “I want to go and take Zhi Ge

Jin Yanhen chuckled lightly, his eyes filled with disdain, “Your
appearance right now looks like one who is dying, yet you
still dare to say you’re going to take it back? What’s more,
didn’t you say you don’t know who is trying to kill you and
wanting to take the sword? How would you know where to
find your sword then?”

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Xing Mu’s face, but his

apologetic eyes looked at Lou Chen.

Lou Chen could feel that Xing Mu’s attitude towards her was very
different. They had never seen each other before, so he could not
know her identity. It must be because of Cang Feng. This person put
so much importance on Cang Feng, wanted to know so bad about
how Cang Feng ended up in her hands, and he cared so much about
the owner of Cang Feng. She wasn’t convinced that he didn’t know
about the secret of Cang Feng.

Meeting Xing Mu’s gaze, Lou Chen frowned slightly and said coldly:
“If you refuse to say, we can’t help you. If you still want to go
after them, you can go by yourself.”

There was also a sense of disgust in the already cold voice. Xing
Mu felt anxious and explained: “I refused to say before because I
was afraid of implicating you. Originally I planned to wait
until tomorrow when my body gets a little better, so I can

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immediately cross the river to Qiong Yue and rush to Su
family as soon as possible. Unexpectedly they acted this

Xing Mu shook his head, eyes full of guilt, and sighed: “In the end
I still implicate you guys.”

Mu Yan glanced over the porcelain bottle containing the poison on

the table, feeling restless and angry, he said coldly: “Since we are
already involved, then explain to us clearly. The sword was
already lost, if you still want to cover things up, we also can’t
do anything about it.”

Those people are too cruel, they would kill innocent people in order
to lure the tiger away from the mountain (to lure the enemy away
from their territory). If they were still staying at Luo Shui County, one
didn’t know how many problems would they cause.

“Who is it? Who is the one after the sword?” Jin Ru, who had
been silent, suddenly said. Staring at Xing Mu, her eyes burning with
sharp light.

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Chapter 18
Source: Imported

I want to rest inside the room?” Jin Yan Hen slightly narrowed his
eyes and gently replied, “Good.” Yan Hen did not say anything
more. He assists his aunt as she walks towards the backyard. The
three people left has not spoken and the hospital was in total silence.
Xing Mu has a mixed feeling especially recounting the responses of
Jin Ru these past two days. He suspected that Jin Ru knew of the
Lingshui League. She seems to have an inexplicable sentiment to Zhi
Ge. Probably… she knew the owner of Zhi Ge? But he never heard
his father’s mention of Jin Ru? As the few people were secretly
pondering, Jin Yan Hen came out, and several people looked at him
somewhat surprised. Everyone can tell that Jin Ru has been so
anxious to take him away out from conversation. She would certainly
do not want him to come back and mix with them. At this time, she
will only hold him back tremendously. How could he be out now? Yan
Hen just shrugs, compared to the people with the serious looks, he
appeared relaxed and smiled. “I ordered her sleep drug. Well,
Xing Mu continue and talk about the Lingshui League.” Xing
Mu’s eyes looked more profound than before and tried exploring from
his eyes if his Aunt has given him any information. It is a pity that
Yan Jen is as ignorant and incomparably curious in appearance. Xing
Mu regained his gaze and whispered, “The Lingshui League is a
mysterious pugilistic faction. The current leader is the
daughter of the former leader Zhan Guxing, Zhan Wuxin. The
Lingshui League’s conduct is bizarre and the method is
heartless, they will not only collect money but also kill
people. There is a news at the pugilistic world that all trades
that is done, as long as the Lingshui League settled a
contract, they will not be stopped even if that means killing
until the goal is achieved. Just as it is, my father learned that
the league is eyeing Zhi Ge. It is the reason why he made me

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leave and go to Su Family immediately. Although Xiao Jian
Villa has some fame on the Pugilistic World, it is definitely
not a match to Lingshui League.” In other words, the Lingshui
League is eyeing the sword endlessly? Mu Yan was even more
disgusted with the Lingshui League, and coldly asked, “Is the
Lingshui League collected a huge money to take the sword
because it has something special? Or is it that the owner of
the sword is special?” Xing Mu with a wry smile and replied, “I
really don’t know. My father

father attached great importance to this sword, but he rarely

mentioned the thing about this sword. If you want to know the
identity of the senior generation is only to go back and ask Father.
However, right now the most important thing is to get back Zhi Ge!”
What happened today is too sudden. Even the people who are as
calm as Mu Yan has an inexplicable fire in his heart cried out in
anger, “What you said is right! What do you want to do?” Jin
Yan Hen looked at Mu Yan and whispered, “Although the assassin
escaped, should he be injured?” Mu Yan nods. “Of course, he
has various stabbed wounds with a sword by me and Ru, and
even if he didn’t die, he would soon be wasted.” Jin Yan smiled
slightly, and the curvature of her mouth was somewhat chilly.
“Luoshui town has more than 800 miles to the next town.
Even if traveled with the best horse, it has to ride day and
night. He received a heavy wound, if he doesn’t want to die
halfway, he will surely not hurry along. They have chosen to
lure the tigers away from the mountains. They should also
know our strength, they are inferior to us. They are afraid
that Xing Mu will cross the river tomorrow and go to Qiong
Yue. They can only seize the sword first then hide, and wait
for someone to aid him. We must find the assassin before the
person who comes to aid him reached Luoshui Town.” Mu Yan
shook hid his head and looked reluctant, there are difficulties to face,
“Luoshui Town is big, not small, if you think it is small, it is
not small at all. We do not know the location where the
assassin will hide, it is not easy to find. If we go from

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household to household, it will take us two days at least.” Lou
Chen, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke. “Since it is
an organization, there will be special communication
methods. The most common one is to leave a secret code in
some secret place so that they can find their companions.”
The cold voice sounded so sweet, but the brow of Mu Yan wrinkled
and tightened, sighing, “We do not know what their secret code
is?” In fact, the so-called Lingshui League’s secret code, Lou Chen
knew it, it is a positive diamond pattern, in the middle, there are two
intersecting cross-links, inconspicuous, but it is appropriate to use as
a signal code. Building Chen actually knew about the matters of
Lingshui League. One winter eight years ago,

years ago, when the plum blossom that year was very good, she
and Su Su went to play at the Sheshan Academy. She was only ten
years old then. When she passed the study room, she heard her
father and the Emperor talking about the league. They seem to have
completely destroyed the alliance. Lou Chen that time was also
curious because this kind of pugilistic organization, the royal court
has never tried to control and left them to themselves. In Qiong Yue
County, there are many of this kind of organization. They are also
extremely vicious and even made some poisonous entrance. They
were some arrests made to people who are refining poisons and who
made big harm. The royal courts even how extreme they sometimes
turned normally do not try to control these organizations, but with
the Lingshui League, it actually alarmed the emperor. She was truly
puzzled, so when Aunt took her to come and called them over to eat,
she secretly entered the study and look at the booklet his father
gave the emperor. It turned out that the royal court had smashed
Lingshui League’s power, now for nearly ten years and the Lingshui
League’s forces were almost completely removed. There should also
a reason why people in Lingshui League did not wait until they
received help. Once Xing Mu entered the territory of Qiong Yue,
Lingshui League’s people cannot chase the after the sword, if not
they would immediately become targets. How she got this
information and knew about their secret code, Lou Chen cannot

153 Report
reveal it here because she does not have a means of explaining how
she knew about the league, how she knew of the Qiong Yue’s secret
demolition of the alliance. How she would say it without arousing
their suspicions. Although she may choose not to still explain it, this
will inevitably cause them to be suspicious. She does not want to
expose her identity yet just a few days after her arrival. Lou Chen
thought for a moment, but in the end, she only suggested what they
should look for in few words. “First of all, look for all the strange
graphics. Lines should not be missed. There will always be
clues.” Now it can only be this way. After all, those assassins are too
dangerous. Mu Yan grabbed his sword and walks out the door. He
says, “You guys look for it first. I’ll go find Uncle Xiao and Wu
Yi to discuss it with them. Everyone let us go and find it
together.” Xing Mu quickly said, “I will also go, after all, that
sword was lost in my possession.” Yan Hen knew thatHen knew
that Xing Mu is absolutely determined and stubborn person. Even if
they did not let him, he would certainly go. He said, “We should
move separately. You will look for two or three streets down
around the vicinity, Okay. ” Xing Mu nodded immediately,
“Okay.” Lou Chen and Yan Hen walked out of the hospital together.
Lou Chen turned to the left side of the street and walked out of more
than ten feet, the person beside her was carefree and followed after
her full of leisure. Lou Chen stopped and said, “What are you doing
with me? Did you not say before, we will look for it
separately?” Jin Yan Hen places his hands on his chest, sluggishly
smiling, “No, I thought I’d follow Chen’er. It is easier to find
clues.” Lou Chen narrows her eyes, what is he guessing? Facing the
icy look of Lou Chen, Yan Hen moved few steps back, smiles happily
then flattered her, “ Chen’er has a photographic memory, I
have such a stupid brain that not good in remembering
patterns. So naturally, it’s better to follow Chen’er.”
Stupid? Lou Chen slightly raised her eyebrows, but did not say
anything, continue to walk forward. Jin Yan Hen, of course, follows
immediately. Lou Chen chose the secluded streets while paying close
attention to pavements and stone walls along the way. After walking

154 Report
through the five streets, Lou Chen suddenly stopped at a corner,
then knelt down and stared at the ground. Jin Yan hen also knelt
down and saw an ordinary diamond pattern on a stone. The picture
on the stone was very shallow and it is not neat. The diagonals of the
lines of the diamond are all connected by straight lines. One of the
sections of the lines is raised. It seems to be a child’s drawing but if
examined carefully, one may discover that the raised section is
pointing a direction? Yan Hen looks at Lou Chen and faintly smiling
asked, “This is a secret code?” Lou Chen ignored the complex
light in his eyes and turned to go in the direction pointed by the
secret code. He looked at the blue figure, his mouth was slightly
raised. Lou Chen’s identity was truly not common. He was even more
curious. What is he going to do? They found two such similar signals
along the way. After that, they lost their clues. The two stood on a
deserted road, looking around and there was nothing to hide. Jin Yan
Hen holding his chin and said, “There are no people in this
neighborhood. He is most likely to hide…” The two looked at
one another and said, ” Lou Shui Mountain!”

155 Report

Chapter 18 Part 2
Source: Wook’s Teahouse

“Who is it? Who is the one after the sword?” Jin Ru, who had
been silent, suddenly said. Staring at Xing Mu, her eyes burning with
sharp light.

Several people looked at Jin Ru strangely. Both Jin Yanhen and Lou
Chen looked thoughtful. Mu Yan knew that Jin Ru’s character was
relatively frank and straightforward. Perhaps because the assassins
had injured her, making her unable to just let the matter go,
therefore she cared about the assassins’ identity.

Xing Mu also had some doubts in his heart, but he didn’t think too
much. He was merely wondering whether to tell them regarding the
matter about the assassins. At last, Xing Mu’s gaze couldn’t help but
landed on Lou Chen. Her expression was cold and her eyes were
clear. She just stood there quietly, looking exquisite. This scene
made him recall the feeling when he saw the painting of Cang Feng
inside his father’s study room for the very first time, shining coldly
and brilliantly. Inexplicably, Xing Mu’s heart throbbed, and he quickly
retracted his gaze.

Once Xing Mu returned to his senses, he found that except for Lou
Chen, the eyes of several people were staring at him closely.
Thinking about the current situation, Xing Mu finally decided to speak
out, since he couldn’t think of a better solution.

After taking a deep breath, Xing Mu spoke in a low voice: “How

many of you have heard about… Lingshui Sect1?”

Lingshui Sect? Jin Yanhen and Mu Yan looked at each other, both of
them saw that the other person was also at a loss. They also noticed
that every other person there, like themselves, seemed like they

156 Report
knew nothing about the name. Jin Yanhen subconsciously took a
glance at Lou Chen, but before he could perceive her thoughts, he
felt something was wrong with his aunt who was sitting on his side.

Jin Ru stared at Mu Yan, her face white as sheet. That’s right,

currently her face was so pale, as if no blood was running. She was
trembling all over, and her face was filled with hatred that could not
be concealed. “You, say it one more time…”

Everyone could sense Jin Ru was behaving abnormally at this time,

Xing Mu probed further: “Madam, do you know about Lingshui

“No!” Jin Ru abruptly stood up and shouted in a low voice: “I

don’t know. I don’t know anything about Lingshui Sect.”

“Auntie?” Jin Yanhen grasped Jin Ru’s hand. Perhaps the heat
from his palm and the power from the grasp finally managed to bring
her back to her senses. When she looked back at Jin Yanhen, the
hatred in her eyes was instantly replaced by panic, and she held back
Jin Yanhen’s hand and said anxiously: “Ah Hen, I’m not feeling
well. Can you help me go back to my room to rest?!”

Jin Yanhen narrowed his eyes slightly and replied softly, “Okay.”
Jin Yanhen didn’t say much, and helped Jin Ru walk to the backyard.

The remaining three did not speak. The medical hall sunk into
silence. Xing Mu’s state of mind was especially complicated. Looking
at Jin Ru’s behavior these past two days, he could guess that Jin Ru
knew about the Lingshui Sect. Moreover, she seemed to have an
inexplicable sentiment for Zhi Ge. Could it be that… She was familiar
with Zhi Ge’s owner? But, he had never heard his father mention
someone called Jin Ru before ah?

When the few people were still busy with their own thoughts, Jin
Yanhen walked out, and they all looked at him in surprise. Everyone
could tell that Jin Ru was so anxious to take him away just now. She

157 Report
definitely didn’t want Jin Yanhen to get involved. At this moment, she
would certainly try to detain the person tenaciously, so how could he
get away.

Jin Yanhen shrugged. Compared with the solemn expressions of the

several people, he looked relaxed and smiled: “I pressed on her
sleep acupuncture point. Alright, Xing Mu can continue
talking about that Lingshui Sect.”

Xing Mu probed even more deeply into Jin Yanhen’s gaze,

seemingly trying to inquire about something. It was a pity Jin Yanhen
still looked ignorant and only seemed curious.

Mu Yan retracted his gaze and started in a low voice: “Lingshui

Sect is a mysterious sect in Jianghu. Currently, the leader2 is
the predecessor, Zhan Zhixing’s daughter, Zhan Wuxin.
Lingshui Sect acts peculiarly, and the methods were shady
and ruthless. Not only they don’t hesitate to kill for money,
they also sell news and information on Jianghu, in short, they
can do everything. Moreover, once they see something they
fancy, even if they have to kill someone, they will never give
up until they achieve their goal. Because of this, once Father
learned that Lingshui Sect was eyeing the sword, he
immediately asked me to go to the Su clan. Although our
Xiaojian Villa has some reputation in Jianghu, it is definitely
not an opponent of Lingshui Sect.”

In other words, once the Lingshui Sect had their eyes on you, it
would be a fight till one’s last gasp? Mu Yan was getting even more
disgusted with this Lingshui Sect, in a cold voice he asked:
“Lingshui Sect goes through a lot of trouble just for this
sword, is it because there is something special with the
sword? Or is it because the owner of the sword special?”

Xing Mu gave a wry smile and replied: “I really don’t know. My

father attaches great importance to this sword, but
regarding the matter of the sword, he rarely mentions it. If

158 Report
you want to know the identity of the senior (his father’s
friend, the one who trusted them with the sword), you have
to go back and ask Father. Right now the most important
thing is to retrieve the sword!”

What happened today was so sudden that even the usually calm
person like Mu Yan grew an unknown fire in his heart, he groaned:
“Well said, how to find it though!”

Jin Yanhen looked at Mu Yan and asked in a low voice, “Although

the assassin managed to escape, he must have sustained
some injuries as well?”

Mu Yan nodded, “Naturally so. He was stabbed by me and

Aunt Ru. Even if he survives by luck, he should be crippled at
the very least.”

Jin Yanhen smiled lightly, the corner of his mouth raised somewhat
coldly, “The distance from Luo Shui County to the nearest
town is roughly around 800 li. Using a fast horse, one will still
need to ride for at least one day and one night, not to
mention that this person is currently injured. Even if he
doesn’t die halfway, he will not risk travelling in haste. They
resorted to lure the tiger from its mountain, this proves that
they were aware that their strength cannot be compared to
us. But, since they were afraid that Xing Mu might cross the
river to Qiong Yue by tomorrow, they had no other choice but
to take away the sword first, go into hiding afterwards, and
wait for reinforcements to come. So, before the
reinforcements arrive in Luo Shui County, we have to find
that assassin first.”

Mu Yan shook his head, his expression was difficult to read. “If
one says Luo Shui County is big, it is not really big, but if one
says Luo Shui County is small, it is not really small either. We
don’t know where the assassin might be hiding, finding him
will be tricky. If we want to check from door to door, it will

159 Report
also take at least two days to finish.”

Lou Chen, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke,
“Since it is an organization, it must have its special method
to contact each other. The most common method is to leave a
secret code in some secret place to facilitate them to find
their companion.”

The cold voice sounded very pleasing, but Mu Yan’s brows knitted
more tightly, he sighed: “We don’t know what their secret code
is ah?”

Actually, the so-called secret signal of Lingshui Sect, Luo Chen

knew about it. It was a regular diamond pattern, with two
intersecting cross lines in the middle. It was not eye-catching, but it
was very suitable as a contact signal.

Lou Chen knew some things regarding Lingshui Sect. Tracing back
to the winter eight years ago, on that year, the plum blossoms had
blossomed beautifully. She and Su Su went to Shushan courtyard to
play together. At that time, she was ten years old. When she passed
by the study room, she heard her father, together with her uncle3
and the Emperor talking about the Lingshui Sect. They seemed as if
they want to completely annihilate this Lingshui Sect. Lou Chen was
somewhat confused, usually the court would not control the matters
regarding Jianghu organizations excessively. Within Qiong Yue, there
were also many evil and shady Jianghu factions. Some were even
known as the ‘poison-users’ factions, they would catch people to turn
them into poisonous people, dangerous factions were not small in
number. Even so, the court never tried to take care of them, until this
Lingshui Sect’s existence unexpectedly alarmed the Emperor.

She was somewhat curious, thus when her aunt4 called them over
for dinner, she sneaked into the study to see the paper that her
father had handed to the Emperor. It turned out that it had been
nearly ten years since the imperial court slayed the members of
Lingshui Sect, and the influence of Lingshui Sect in Qiong Yue was

160 Report
almost completely removed.

This must be the reason as to why Lingshui Sect’s people did not
wait for reinforcements, and rushed to do it as soon as possible.
Once Xing Mu entered Qiong Yue, if Lingshui Sect’s people still
insisted on chasing him, they would be targeted immediately.

It was just that, Lou Chen could not speak openly about this matter
right now, because she would not be able to explain how she knew
about Lingshui Sect’s secret code, and how she knew the imperial
court had secretly almost annihilated Lingshui Sect in Qiong Yue.
Although it was not necessary to explain, this will inevitably arouse
their suspicions. She didn’t want to expose her identity within a few
days of arriving in Liao Yue.

Lou Chen thought for a while, and finally she just prompted, “Just
look for it first, every strange picture, every odd line, do not
ignore those. We should be able to find some clues.”

It could only be like this for the moment. After all, those assassins
were too dangerous. Mu Yan grabbed his sword and walked out of
the back door, saying: “You guys look for it first, I’m going to
find Xiao Tou and Wu Yizhi and discuss it with them for a
while, then we will search for it together.”

Xing Mu hurriedly said: “I’m going too. After all, the sword
was lost in my hand.”

Jin Yanhen knew that Xing Mu was this kind of a stubborn person.
Even if they did not agree, he would certainly go by himself. Jin
Yanhen said: “Let’s act separately. You go look in the vicinity
of the hall.”

Xing Mu immediately nodded his head and replied: “Okay.”

Lou Chen and Jin Yanhen left the medical hall together. Lou Chen
turned and walked to the street on the left. After walking for several

161 Report
zhang, the person beside were still tailing her leisurely. Lou Chen
stopped in her tracks, said: “Why are you following me? Didn’t
you say we’re acting separately?”

Jin Yanhen put his hands around his chest with a lazy appearance,
and smiled: “Nope, I think by following Chen’er, it will be
easier to find clues.”

Lou Chen narrowed her cold eyes slightly, could it be that, he had
sensed something already?

In response to Lou Chen’s cold gaze, Jin Yanhen stepped back a

few steps, and said with a pleased smile: “Chen’er can remember
things very well, meanwhile I’m very stupid, can’t remember
picture and things like that. Therefore, naturally it is better
for me to follow Chen’er.”

Stupid? Lou Chen raised her brows ever so slightly. but said
nothing in the end, just continued to move forward. Of course, Jin
Yanhen followed immediately.

Lou Chen chose to go to relatively secluded streets, paying

attention to the pavement and stone walls along the way while
walking. After walking through five streets, Lou Chen stopped
abruptly at a corner, then squatted down and stared and the ground.

Jin Yanhen also squatted down, and saw an ordinary diamond

pattern on a slab of stone. It should had been drawn with a rock. The
drawing was very light, and it was not neatly done. The diagonal
corners of the diamond were connected by straight lines. At a glance
it looked like a child’s drawing. But upon closer inspection, the
longest line that went through the diamond seemed as if… it was
pointing to somewhere?

Jin Yanhen looked at Lou Chen and asked with a smile, “Is this
the secret code?”

162 Report
Lou Chen ignored the complicated light in his eyes, turned, and
walked in the direction pointed by the secret code. Jin Yanhen stared
at the cyan colored figure, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. As
expected, Chen’er’s identity was not ordinary, and he was very
curious. What should be done?

They found two similar codes along the way before they couldn’t
find any more. They were both standing in a barren, random path.
Looking around, there was no place to hide.

Jin Yanhen touched his chin, and said: “There aren’t any
dwellings in the vicinity. The place he will most probably use
to hide…”

The two looked at each other and said at the same time: “Mount

163 Report

Chapter 19
Source: Wook’s Teahouse

Mount Luo was a mountain range. It was extraordinarily vast, the

area within the forest at the mountain was lush and abundant. If one
were to find someone within the forest, it was no different than
fishing a needle from the sea1.

Currently, it was late autumn. One did not know the reason, but
the weather was still stifling hot. The two people had been searching
for many shichen, drenching in sweat, but even the tiniest trace of
clue could not be found. Jin Yanhen wiped off his sweat and said,
“Mount Luo is so big, to continue searching blindly like this is
not ideal.”

It was truly not ideal. Looking at the surroundings, one could only
see the vast green scenery, Lou Chen observed: “Look for
mountain caves in the vicinity.”

Even if the assassin wanted to hide within the mountain, he ought

to find a place to stay for some time. The two had found several
mountain caves in the vicinity, but did not find any signs of the
secret code, let alone the assassin.

On the route to the next mountain cave, suddenly a roar of thunder

echoed, and the sky darkened immediately. The strong wind made
the branches sway crazily, and the leaves were flying in the air
together with sand and rocks, indicating that there would be a heavy

Jin Yanhen raised his eyes and looked at the sky. Through the layer
of branches and leaves, he could still see the dark clouds in the sky.
Lightning illuminated the dark forest, staying within the open area
would be dangerous. “There is going to be a heavy rain. It is

164 Report
too late to descend to mountain, let’s look for a shelter first.”

The sky gradually changed, it seemed like one could already hear
the sound of raindrops dripping onto the leaves. Lou Chen looked at
her surroundings, and called: ”Come this way!”

Jin Yanhen immediately followed Lou Chen to the north for about a
quarter of an incense stick time (roughly 5-7 minutes) before a
narrow, two zhang (6.6 meters) long cavity appeared in front of their
eyes. Jin Yanhen blanked, one shichen (2 hours) ago, they had
already passed by this cavity, because it was relatively shallow and
conspicuous, should not be able to hide people in here. After taking a
glance at it, they just left and went around looking for other
mountain caves. Lou Chen actually remembered the location of this
cavity, and found the shortest route.

The two of them had just rushed into the cavity, when droplets of
water crackled down. The rain was heavy, pouring down from the
sky. Jin Yanhen’s mouth twitched slightly, he clicked his tongue
playfully: “What does it feel to have retentive memory?”

Hooking up the corner of her lip like he did, Lou Chen faintly
replied, “What does it feel to pretend to be stupid?”

The corner of Jin Yanhen’s mouth froze. The two were now standing
face to face. Lou Chen was leaning against the wall, while he stood in
front of her.

A certain person apparently did not know his place. He got closer
and closer, Lou Chen stretched one hand, pressed Jin Yanhen’s
shoulder, and pushed back hard until the distance between the two
of them was an arm’s length before Lou Chen said coldy: “What are
you up to?”

Jin Yanhen looked at her innocently, his voice sounded pathetic,

answered: “Taking shelter from the rain ah, the rain is heavy.”

165 Report
The rain indeed poured heavily outside. The cavity was originally
pretty long and narrow, but it was not deep. With the support of the
strong wind, most of the raindrops hit Jin Yanhen’s back. Lou Chen
stood at the innermost part, and felt the rain drifting in. Feeling wet
on her face, Lou Chen moved to the right and said, “There is space
to stand on the side.”

“Forget about it, I’m already wet anyway.” Jin Yanhen turned
around, his back facing Lou Chen.

There were a few bushes of wild taro leaves growing beside this
cavity. The leaves were wide and large. Each one was as big as a
wooden bowl. Jin Yanhen reached out and picked two of them and
held them in his hands, holding the stems of the leaves, and held
them up. This way, the rainwater would not hit one’s face and head,
and at the same time, Lou Chen also felt that the rainwater had
stopped splashing on her face.

The clothes behind him were almost completely soaked by the

rain, and it pressed tightly against him. Because he was blocking her,
Lou Chen hardly got any rain water on her body. Now that he had
turned around, he surely got completely wetted by the rain.

His hand was holding the wild taro leaves, the rain water trotted all
the way down his arm. The bandages on his arm were also exposed
to the rain water. Lou Chen frowned slightly. There were still wounds
on his arm, and the poison was not completely removed yet.

Lou Chen took out a small medicine bottle from her waist. This was
a detoxification pill made by herself. It naturally could not be used
carelessly as a ‘one for all’ kind of medicine, as the effect was not as
effective as the proper remedy for each poison, however it could be
used in the absence of the proper medication. Eating one could still
resolve the poison by 60 to 70 percents.

Lou Chen poured one pill out, put it in the palm of her hand, and
positioned her hand in front. “Jin Yanhen.”

166 Report
Jin Yanhen did not turn around, only gave a casual “En” sound.
Turning his head, he found a white and slender hand stretched out in
front of him. On the palm was a pill, exuding sweet medicine smell.

Holding the wild taro leaves in his hands, seeing the palm of her
hand next to his cheek, Jin Yanhen directly lowered his head and
swallowed the black medicine pill into his mouth.

Lou Chen’s hand trembled. The warm breath hit the palm of her
hand, feeling somewhat itchy.

Jin Yanhen smacked his lips, feeling that the ‘medicine’ tasted
okay, not bitter, and asked, “What is this?”

It was not too late to ask after eating. Lou Chen retracted her
hand, ignoring the weird feeling on the palm of her hand, tilted her
head to look aside, and did not bother to care about him.

At this time, there was a flash of lightning, and Lou Chen

discovered something at the rocky surface within the cavity. She
lightly pushed Jin Yanhen’s body in front of her and walked aside.

Jin Yanhen turned back to look, and saw that she walked seven to
eight steps to the right before she squatted down again.

Jin Yanhen hurried over, and when he looked down, he suddenly

did not know whether to laugh or cry2.

In front of them, a diamond-shaped pattern appeared again. This

time, the place it pointed was actually into the cavity?

The two of them got down slightly and discovered that there was a
gap under the cavity. The gap was very small. If people were lying on
their stomach, they could move in slowly. Jin Yanhen picked up a
stone and threw it into the gap. They heard sounds reverberated a
few times before it went quiet.

Lou Chen stretched her hand into the gap and felt it carefully. She

167 Report
could feel a slight wind. Withdrawing her hand, Lou Chen said, “I’ll
go down and take a look.”

Before she got down, her shoulders were suddenly pressed.

Jin Yanhen pushed Lou Chen slightly outside and said, “It’d be
better if I go.”

Lou Chen looked at him somewhat astonished, Jin Yanhen long and
narrow eyes had a smile within them. Leaning closer to her, he
chuckled: “You’re feeling moved, right?”

If he did not say these words, maybe she would really be moved.
Lou Chen stretched out a finger and pushed his wet head aside.

Jin Yanhen raised his hand and wiped the rain from his forehead.
Put away his joking expression, he said seriously: “You have Cang
Feng in your hand, martial skill should be higher than me,
and you can detoxify. I will go down to see the situation first,
if I encounter any danger below, you can still save me. If you
run into any danger though, I may not be able to save you.”

Without waiting for Lou Chen to speak, he stuffed the wild taro
leaves into Lou Chen’s hand, and while she was stunned, he laid
down properly and slowly moved in.

There was still rain water on the wild taro leaves, dripping coolly on
the back of Lou Chen’s hand. The leaf stem he had been holding had
the temperature of his palm. Lou Chen was holding the leaf stem,
one did not know what she felt at the moment.

The sound of the rain outside was so loud, Lou Chen squatted
beside the crack and barely heard Jin Yanhen’s voice coming from
below, “There’s a cave below!”

Jin Yanhen crawled in through the gap, and felt that there should
be a ‘cave’ inside, however after walking several steps, he met a
dead end instead. Below was a big deep pit, resembling a ‘hole’.

168 Report
Jin Yanhen jumped into the ‘hole’ in the ground. It was very dark
inside, but one could feel that it was spacious and empty. He was
afraid of making Lou Chen who was standing above would get
worried, after sending a signal with a sound, he no longer moved
randomly and waited for his eyes to adapt to the darkness.

After finally seeing the surroundings vaguely, a black shadow

jumped from above. Jin Yanhen squinted and saw that it was indeed a
figure of a person. Jin Yanhen was on guard while whispering:

“En.” That cold voice was characteristic of Lou Chen. Even though
just an “En”, it was enough for Jin Yanhen to confirm her identity.

He called “Chen’er” just now, Lou Chen responded to him, this

could be regarded as her agreeing to be called “Chen’er”, right?

The surroundings were too dark, Lou Chen did not see the
triumphant look in Jin Yanhen’s peach blossom eyes, only noticed
that there was a small river under the ‘hole’. To be precise, it could
not be regarded as a river. It could only be called a stream at most.
The water was very shallow and flowed between the rocks within the
‘hole’ in the ground. The rain was too loud above, so none of them
heard the sound of the stream.

Jin Yanhen lowered his voice and said, “This ‘hole’ is very big.
Since there is a water flow, there should be an exit. Let’s
look for it. Maybe the assassin is hiding somewhere in this


Lou Chen carried a fire bamboo fold3 with her and was not soaked
by the rain. However, she was worried that the enemy might be
hiding in the dark and would become more dangerous if she lit a
torch. Thus, the two decided not to light fire. After slowly adapting to
the environment of the ‘hole’, the two of them walked in the direction

169 Report
of the stream.

After walking for roughly ten zhang, suddenly there came a bloody
smell from a distance. The two stopped, exchanged a glance at each
other in the darkness, and both had their hands on their weapons.

The two proceeded slowly, the smell of the blood became more
and more intense, but they did not sense any human breath4 at all.
After being so badly injured, they could hide their breath so well?
This was unlikely.

Lou Chen seemed to have thought of something. She took out the
fire bamboo fold and blew it lightly to make the flame a little bigger.
The bean-sized flame was enough for them to see the surroundings
clearly in the currently dark environment.

Sure enough, just as Lou Chen had thought, in the place with the
strongest bloody smell, there was an inconspicuous plant growing.
The whole plant was blood red and the leaves looked like balls of
‘flesh’. Lou Chen gently crushed it one of the ‘flesh’ balls. Scarlet red
juice immediately spilled over, reeking of blood. Lou Chen exclaimed
merrily in a low voice: “Yanwang (King Yama, god of death in
China myth) grass?”

It was a surprise indeed. Yanwang grass liked to grow in a

deserted, damp, cold, and dark place. A little bit grown in Shushan
Courtyard. Some people were ordered to find it by the Emperor five
years prior for Eldest Aunt5. It was Eldest Aunt’s most treasured
object. Who would have thought that today she would find it here!

Under the soft fire light, Lou Chen’s mouth was slightly raised, and
there was a smile in her eyes that was staring at the grass. Lou Chen
hardly smiled, and even occasionally hooking the corner of her lips
was not easy, not to mention a warm smile. It was the first time Jin
Yanhen saw it. He did not know what others would think if they saw
it. Only two words flashed in his mind, very beautiful. Therefore, he
said without thinking, “You’re beautiful when you smile.”

170 Report
Could this be considered as molestation? The smile at the corner of
Lou Chen’s mouth slowly turned frosty, and Jin Yanhen hastily added
another sentence without fear of death: “Y-You’re also beautiful
when you don’t smile!”

Very good! At the same time Lou Chen’s eyes swept across Jin
Yanhen, her hand also grabbed him in lightning speed, Jin Yanhen
quickly stepped back, but it seemed like it was too late. There was a
“Ss!” sound of cloth tearing. A piece of dark blue fabric had been
torn off by Lou Chen.

Jin Yanhen grabbed the other half of his clothes that was still
intact, wondering whether he should cry or laugh, “Chen’er, don’t
be impulsive, let us talk nicely!”

(T/N: Updates will be 1-2 times/ week. Irl catching up as more and
more people start to ignore corona, meaning my work life has
become busier.)

4. breath: 息. It is a wuxia/ xuanhuan term. It’s like the aura of

somebody… For lack of better words. 5. Eldest Aunt: 大姨. Mother’s
oldest younger sister.

171 Report

Chapter 20
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

Chapter 20 Tenderhearted

Jin Yan Hen grabs the half lower hem of his garment and does not
know whether to cry or laugh, “Chen’er don’t be impulsive. Say
it well with words!”

Lou Chen also gawks, surprised herself. She was so annoyed for a
moment ago and just wants to teach this rascal a lesson. She did not
expect him to suddenly retreat. As a result…

How could it be like this? This Luoshui Town’s official constabulary

uniform is unexpectedly very flimsy. She just “softly” tugged and it
unpredictably ripped.

Lou Chen was complaining within her heart but her face still
displayed that icy appearance. She held the piece of cloth
unintentionally tighter and the rainwater from the torn material
soaked her hand. She realizes then that the cloth was too wet that it
did not even need a twisting to draw out the water. She glanced at
Jin Yan Hen, but it was too dark and she could not see clearly. Taking
advantage of the light from the torch she saw him clearer and he was
in a very distressing condition. His whole body was soaked and the
lower hem of his garment is dripping with water and he was muddy
all over.

Lou Chen was worried a little because he was injured just the night
before and the wound is not healed yet. Today, he tossed and turned
all day and the wound was soaked by rainwater, surely it has
172 Report
Lou Chen has been intently looking at him. Jin Yan Hen felt a little
uncomfortable.” Ahem…” he coughs lightly and with guilty
conscience stepped back a little. “ If Chen-er wants something,
just say it, I will do it myself, you don’t put your hand on it.”

“Is that right?” Lou Chen raised her eyebrow and whispered
softly, “Then you take your clothes off yourself at once.”


Jin Yan Hen stared at her, wondering if he

misunderstood something. Lou Chen was busy shaking the water off
the piece of cloth while he looked at her, she appeared calm and
unruffled in the midst of “chaos” and she missed that “teasing
sexual innuendo coming from a rouge woman giving consent
to an immoral behavior” look in his eyes.

After that peach blossom look vanishes from his eyes, Jin Yan Hen
started untying his waistband, blushing as he timidly looking at Lou
Chen saying, “Well, since Chen’er likes it, then I will do as

After hearing him say this, Lou Chen suddenly felt goosebumps all
over, “ What nonsense are you talking about? We have to re-
wrap the wound on your shoulder.”

Jin Yan Hen cannot help to feel funny inside as she sees her
always aloof and cold. Besides on normal days, he always feels that
he is always being shunned. He thought to himself that it would be
interesting to tease this beauty again if only… yeah, if only he
doesn’t fear her.

Truthfully, the wound on his arm is aching tremendously.

His clothes are pasted to his body and it is really impossible to
unwrap the wound without removing his clothes. ly, when

173 Report
she said “take off his clothes”, during that time he did not know
what to feel, only like the fact that he must undress in front
of her, Jin Yan Hen still somehow feel some uneasiness with the idea.

He glimpsed at Lou Chen and saw only her clear eyes that display
the familiar indifference and usual cold facial expression. Jin Yan
Hen clenches his teeth secretly, if other young lady they will find the
situation embarrassing, but for this aloof individual, what kind of
strength does she hold for her to remain composed. He turned
around and took off his coat and he rolls the sleeves of his inner

Only if he knew, Jin Yan Hen shouldn’t find this girl strange,
because Lou Chen always helps her mother to do autopsies for the
Ministry of Justice. The corpses they examine were naked; therefore
she is already familiar with the man’s body. Also when the patients
were injured, it is also necessary to take off their clothes to be
treated. So, for Miss Lou this is a common thing and there’s nothing

Certainly, if Jin Yan Hen knew at this moment that

in Lou Chen’s perspective, his body and those that are waiting on
the morgue for testing are comparable and has no difference,
probably for just the thought of it he might throw up blood.

He was lucky for not knowing her thoughts…

When Jin Yan Hen completely reveals his arms with the
wound, Lou Chen came up to untie the bandage and just as she
expected, the wound split and it started bleeding again. The wound
was also soaked in water earlier and turns grayish. This is not good at

Lou Chen took two leaves of King’s grass, crumbles it in her hand
and squeezed the juice out of the leaves letting if flow on Jin Han
Yen’s wound. “ Ssss!.” Jin Yan Hen hisses as he held his breath. His
face twisted right away, at the same time he felt that inside his

174 Report
wound there are numerous thorns pricking inside, it felt like
innumerable bugs were gnawing his flesh and blood. He felt like
being punished for a moment, it was so uncomfortable as the stoke
leaves the night before, but it pales into insignificance in comparison.

After the juice covers the wound and seeps in, the pain subsides
slightly. Jin Yan Hen now breaths, feeling relieved. He forces a smile
before saying, “Are all the drugs that you use this

Jin Yan Hen, when he was in pain has a pale complexion.

Lou Chen is in a good mood, smiles to say, “That does not happen
often. Actually, you are lucky.”

Lucky? Jin Yan Hen rolled his eyes secretly which annoys Lou Chen.
Jin Yan Hen thought that made her more attractive but this is not the
appropriate time to praise her beauty.

“Take this.”Jin Yan Hen kept his opinion in his heart. Lou Chen
put the torch on his uninjured hand and took his bloodstained clothes
to the stream to wash.

The fair white hands rub the cotton wrap gently and water flows
between her fingers and brought splashes of water on her hands. He
has seen many women doing their laundry on the riverside but he
had not witnessed this kind of beauty in his eyes. Sure enough in his
eyes, everything this woman does is really beautiful however this
time he decided to keep this to himself.

After Lou Chen finished washing the cotton fabric, she helps him
bandage his wound. Jin Yan Hen notices that the wounded arm is not
as painful anymore. Not only that the pain when she put the King’s
grass disappeared, even the dull consistent pain disappeared. If not
of the wound that clearly before his eyes, he would have thought that
he did not suffer any injuries at all. He felt his arm is clear of pain and
very at ease. The effect of the medicine is too mysterious and he

175 Report
couldn’t help but curiously asks, “ What kind of medicine is that?
The name is quite scary?”

“This is the best medicine for treating flesh wounds.

Regardless of the what kind of wound it is the wound will
stop bleeding in just a few moments and the wound will be
healed in three days without leaving any scar.”

In the world, there is such medicine so effective in treating wound

injury! Jin Yan Hen smiled and said,” It sounds to be very precious.”

This is not nonsense. Actually, it is far more than precious.

In today’s world, there is no medicine that can heal a wound this
way. Otherwise, how the word “Yao Wang Cao” (The King’s Grass)
came to be, a name which means even if the king wishes your death,
you won’t die.

However, Lou Chen is not a person who likes to explain.

Naturally, she did not argue that calling it precious is an
understatement for this herbal medicine.

After dressing the wound, Lou Chen squatted down to dug around
the grass cautiously loosening the soil around it. She knew that this
King ’s grass is very delicate and if the roots are hurt, even just a
little, it will wilt and die within three hours. This medicine is very
effective but has to be used fresh, it so mysterious that very few
people have seen it.

Jin Yan Hen was watching Lou Chen on squatting and earnestly
digging the soil around the plant. She doesn’t care if her hands
become muddy and her blue clothes dirtied by mud. He is really
curious, who is it that brought up a daughter like this?

He heard Su Tong, that small girl, said that because Lou Chen saw
her crying at the foot of Sheshan Mountain, she approached her and
helped the family, cure her elder brother’s foot and also help care for
Madam Su. Then just because Fang Ru Hui requested her to sit and

176 Report
examine in the medical center that she stayed for a while. Who could
have guessed when that the small village will have a possibility of an
epidemic, she dutifully helped without hesitation that she might
catch the disease. Now that he has soaked his injured arm in the
rain, she took this precious miraculous herb to treat his arm. To him,
it is just a small wound but she took the effort to care for it. Jin Yan
Hen never in his wildest imagination that there would be a girl like
her; deadpan in appearance and very aloof when she talks but she is
actually tenderhearted. If in the beginning, Jin Yan Hen is interested
to find out her status, right at this moment she just wanted to know
her as a person.

Lou Che spent a lot of energy digging the King’s grass and it finally
paid off. Afraid not to injure its roots, she made a ball of wet soil
around it. Looking at Jin Yan Hen’s wet cloth, she thought not to put it
to waste and will take more strips of the garment to wrap around
the ball of soft soil,

“Hey, how old are you this year? Do you have any brother
or sister in your family?” This time he voluntarily handed her a
piece of cloth from his torn uniform. Lou Chen took the piece of
garment and wrapped the wet ball of soil surrounding the King’s

While Lou Chen’s hand was wrapping the soil, she gave Jin Yan Hen
a side look while Jin Yan Hen also sat squat beside her, while she
continues her motion of wrapping the grass, she noticed that his eyes
are a little strange. She whispered back, “If I have, so what?”

Jin Yan Hen completely disregards Lou Chen sarcastic reply, and
just as before, replied with full of enthusiasm, “Nothing really. I’m
just casually asking.” Lou Chen thought Jin Yan Hen is really odd
this moment, she clears her throat and said, “ You did not tell me
about your family, why would I tell you about mine.”

Jin Yan Hen moved closer to her side, grinning, “I am 24 years

old this year, I’m not married yet. My parents died while I

177 Report
was young. My paternal aunt is the one who raised
me. What else do you want to know?”

She has mistaken, she is regretting her words. How could she
forget that Jin Yan Hen is not some kind of normal person, he is
actually abnormal! Lou Chen put the securely wrapped King’s grass
on the side, washes the mud in her hand and prepared to set out. Jin
Yan Hen was relentless and continues saying, “I already said
something about my family, then you should answer what I
have asks you before.”

Why this person chooses to act this crazy today. Lou Chen
answered with the tone of impatience, “ I am younger than you,
and yes I have brother and sisters at home.”

“Really?” Obviously, Jin Yan Hen was not discouraged by her

attitude and continues to ask shamelessly and with brazen-face, ”Did
your family betrothed you for marriage yet?”

Not knowing how to stop this conversation and how he will answer
when she says something more, Lou Chen was holding the King’s
grass in one hand and seizes the torch from his hand, frustrated
answered him in an ice-cold tone, “ It is none of your business.”
She then turns around and walked away.

Jin Yan Hen looks the back of a person drifting away on the road
with a smile, not normal smile but very wide smile and whispered, “
Of course, it is my business.”

The tunnel they choose to go comes to an end, although they had

not found the assassin’s trail, finding a King’s grass is also not bad.

They return back to the big pit and this time with the torch. They
found that besides the tunnel they walked through, there are three
other tunnels. Out of the three, two of them don’t have a brook
passing through. After assessing for some time, they decided to go
through the cave tunnel that has a shallow brook.

178 Report
The tunnel is wider and deeper than the previous one. After
walking about “a half cup of tea” (probably about 7-10 minutes?)
Jin Yan Hen suddenly stopped and Lou Chen following his vision also
discovered a strip of bloodied belt lying on the ground. With tacit
understanding after looking at each other, he blew the torch out,
they were instantly engulfed by darkness and eerie silence.


Chapter Index

179 Report

Chapter 21
Source: Wook’s Teahouse

This cave is much deeper than the cave where Yanwang grass was
found. When the two of them had walked for half a cup of tea time,
they still could not see the end. Lou Chen was holding the Yanwang
grass and the fire bamboo fold was held by Jin Yanhen, like this, they
walked some more. Jin Yanhen suddenly stopped. Lou Chen followed
his gaze and found a bloody strip of cloth on the ground. The two
looked at each other and quickly blew out the fire. The surrounding
immediately engulfed by darkness and the silence was almost

The two stood still on the spot for some time, restraining their
breath, mobilizing all their senses, and feeling everything around
them. Soon, the two of them were certain that there was no one
nearby. Although they had arrived to such conclusion, the two did not
take out the fire fold again. The blood-stained cloth on the ground
had not completely dried up, which told them that there must be
someone in the cave.

Jin Yanhen pointed to the Yanwang grass that was wrapped in soil
and wet cloth in Lou Chen’s hand. He was aware that the poison in
his body had not been completely removed. Every time he used his
internal force, he felt pain in his stomach and lower abdomen area.
Lou Chen’s martial skill was higher than his own, hence at this
moment, he naturally wanted to ensure that she would be able to use
the sword without scruple.

Evidently, Lou Chen also understood what Jin Yanhen meant. Thus,
when Jin Yanhen reached out and took the Yanwang grass, Lou Chen
did not stop him. When she saw him carefully put the bundle of mud
that was wrapped with the Yanwang grass into the lap of his clothes,
she also let go of her former concerns.

180 Report
The two of them advanced for a few hundreds of zhang, yet still
had not found any kind of tracks or clues. Just when the two almost
doubted whether they had made a mistake in their judgements, a
little light in the distance attracted their attention.

Both walked out slowly while sticking their backs on the wall, the
halation getting brighter and brighter, clearly leading to an exit.
Since it was not early anymore and still raining, the sky was dark and
gloomy, making the light at the cave entrance not so dazzling, but it
clearly reflected the two figures standing at the entrance of the cave.

One of the figures facing them was a black clad assassin with
injuries on his chest and arms, the other figure had his back turned
to them so one could not see his face. He was not wearing black
clothes, but a light gray robe. He was very thin and did not look like a
martial artist.

Under the cover of the sound of the rain, Lou Chen and Jin Yanhen
moved closer, and since the rain had gradually began to cease, Lou
Chen and Jin Yanhen were able to hear bits of the conversation
between the two figures.

“Do we still need to kill Xing Mu?” The black clad assassin
lowered his head slightly, standing aside respectfully.

The gray-clothed man was holding the ink-colored long sword

snatched from Xing Mu’s hand. Rubbing his fingers on the scabbard,
and against the background, the fingers were almost transparent,
looking like a sickly beauty.

“The master1 only wants the sword, so spare him for the
time being. As for you…” The gray-clothed man’s voiced was
suppressed very low and his tone was very gentle, but the assassin
standing beside him became stiff, and one could see the hidden fear
in his eyes.

“This subordinate deserves to die!” The man knelt on one

181 Report
knee, hitting his knee on the hard stone slab, producing a muffled
“thump” sound. It could be seen that the assassin did not show the
slightest pain on his face, “This one does not know why a
woman with such a powerful swordsmanship suddenly
appeared. Not only that, she seems to put extreme
importance to this sword. This one thinks she might be
related to this sword.”

Lou Chen and Jin Yanhen frowned when they heard him. The man
in gray seemed to be interested in this information. The fingers were
still lingering on the scabbard, as if the scabbard was not a cold
scabbard, but a fine silk instead. After a while, the low voice suddenly
sounded: “Send someone to investigate.”

“Yes.” The black clad assassin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This small life was saved for the moment.

The rain outside was still falling, but the thunder and lightning had
stopped. The man in gray looked up to the sky and said, “You
should recuperate here, and immediately report the woman’s


The gray-clothed man held the double edge sword in his hand,
then walked toward the outside of the cave.

He was leaving!

This would not do, this person must not be allowed to leave. They
had already noticed Jin Ru, if they let him go, they would definitely be
in trouble. Lou Chen and Jin Yanhen looked at each other again, and
the two rushed out tacitly. Lou Chen took out Cang Feng, pointing it
toward the gray clothed man, while Jin Yanhen faced the black clad

The two acted suddenly, making both the gray clothed man and

182 Report
the assassin startled, but they recovered quickly. The gray-clothed
man leaned aside and dodged to sword’s edge narrowly. The sword’s
chilling aura made the man’s heart alarmed incessantly. To be
drowned in this kind of oppressive aura made him retreated back a
few steps subconsciously, the fear in his heart could not be alleviated
in the slightest. How many years already since he last felt this kind of
feeling of nearing one’s death.

Before he fully recovered, the silver white sword that he felt

extremely dangerous and full of killing intent struck once again. Once
the gray-clothed man calmed his mind, at the same time he drew out
the ink colored long sword in his hand to face the silver light.

The silver white and ink color struck each other, making a
humming sound, which was different from the crisp sound of ordinary
sharp weapons. This humming sound was dull and heavy, it even
echoed to the ears into the eardrums.

Lou Chen had had Cang Feng for several years. Because she did
not like to fight, in normal times, aside from when practicing sword
by herself or when comparing notes with the people from the
General’s residence, she rarely used Cang Feng. Although she knew
It was incomparably sharp and most weapons could not resist it, she
was also aware that under the heavens, there were countless
legendary swords that could rival Cang Feng, Chi Xue2, and Bing
Lian3. At the moment, the black long sword was not damaged, Lou
Chen was only secretly surprised in her heart, but did not take it too

On the contrary, the man in gray was horrified. The sword in his
hand was the world famous sword “Zhi Ge”, which was widely
known because it never left other defeated swords’ edge behind. This
sword was named “Zhi Ge”, the meaning behind it was exactly
because once another sword fought against it, that sword would not
be able to rise again. This silver white long sword not only did not
break, it had managed to shake his hand and made it numb. What

183 Report
was going on here?

Lou Chen did not give him time to think, the long sword pierced his
wrist that was holding the sword, and the man could only retreat
again. Sure enough, as Lou Chen expected, the gray-clothed man’s
martial skill was not high. Even if he had “Zhi Ge” in his hand, he
could only evade in difficult situation.

The man obviously knew that his skills were not as good as the
other party, so he did not dare to face Lou Chen head on. He turned
and dashed into the rain.

Upon seeing this, Lou Chen immediately chased after him.

The assassin had wounds on his body, so naturally he was not Jin
Yanhen’s opponent. When he finished dealing with the black clad
assassin, Lou Chen and the gray clothed man had disappeared. Jin
Yanhen hurriedly chased after them, counting on a few traces left on
the ground, following it all the way.

The man’s qinggong was not weak, but he could not shake off Lou
Chen. The two had run towards the deeper part of the forest for half
of an incense stick time (less than 10 minutes) when the man
suddenly stopped. Lou Chen was immediately on guard, and sure
enough, there were two black clad assassins not too far way
advancing to this side. The two were dressed thoroughly in black,
complete with their murderous aura.

The gray clothed man retreated behind the assassins and said
coldly, “Grab her.”

“Yes.” Taking their orders, the two advanced toward Lou Chen at

There was endless coldness in the deep voice, but Lou Chen was
slightly relieved. The man in gray said to “grab” her, so the two of
them would not commit a killing move at the beginning. She could

184 Report
use this opportunity to inflict heavy damage to the two people, so
afterwards, even if the two wanted to kill her, they had missed their
golden opportunity.

Three figures, two black and one cyan, were fighting in the woods,
and only then did the man in gray have the opportunity to seriously
look at the woman who brought him infinite sense of crisis.

The woman was dressed in cyan clothes, young beyond his

expectations, her cold eyes were like the winter moon, glowing with
cold brilliance. Even when she was besieged by the two, her brows
did not frown, and she calmly dealt with the oppressions from the
two long swords. She possessed the calmness and sharpness that a
woman of this age rarely had.

The silver white long sword that was dreaded by the man, at this
moment was brandished wantonly in the woman’s hand. Her moves
were somewhat contradictory, the angles were crafty, but sharp.
Unlike ordinary pliable swords, which were mainly elegant and
flexible, the sword in the woman’s hand carried a peculiar strength.
Amidst the wind and rain, she waved her long sword, and the rain did
not touch her body. That bright white long sword seemed to fit her

Hearing the sound of fighting, Jin Yanhen approached cautiously all

the way and saw that Lou Chen was fighting with the two men
intensely. It was difficult to distinguish the outcome for a while. The
man in gray was standing at the side, that pair of cold eyes staring at
Lou Chen attentively.

Lou Chen did not seem to be in any danger, so Jin Yanhen didn’t
rush to help. One ought to catch the thief first before the king, so Jin
Yanhen decided to deal with the gray clothed man first.

Under the cover of the rain and fog, the attention of the several
people was on Lou Chen, so, Jin Yanhen walked around the side of
the gray clothed man, preparing to take advantage of the situation

185 Report
and mount a sneak attack.

When Jin Yanhen was about to lift his sword and rush forward, he
noticed that the man suddenly put his hand into his shirt and took
out an egg-sized object, its appearance looking like an ordinary
stone. Even though one did not know what it was, but the man was
looking pleased, so that thing ought to be powerful.

Before Jin Yanhen could stop him, the man had already thrown the
small stone object in his hands toward Lou Chen.

“Be careful!”

Jin Yanhen shouted, but he was too late to stop the man, Jin
Yanhen could only use his internal force and willed his feet to rush
toward the small stone. At the same time, he swung his sword
against the small stone in the air, trying to make it stray from its
course. Who would have thought that when the long sword hit the
small stone, it suddenly exploded with a “bang” sound, and red
smoke came filled the area. The smoke was so strange, it melted
when it met water, hence it fell down along with the rain. Jin Yanhen,
who was standing in the center of the smoke, was immediately
showered with red rainwater.

Jin Yanhen could not avoid it at all. The moment he was touched by
the red rain, he immediately felt weak all over his body and
confused, even standing straight was difficult to do, he immediately
fell to the ground.

Looking at the situation in front of her, Lou Chen was both anxious
and angry. If a stone suddenly flew over when she was facing an
enemy, she would also swing it away with a sword, then she would
be the one to fall into the trap at the moment.

Taking advantage of the moment when she was slightly distracted,

one of the assassins swung a sword toward Lou Chen’s wrist. Lou
Chen immediately withdrew her hand, but unfortunately, the sharp

186 Report
sword managed to deal a long cut along the forearm to the wrist.

Blood came down along the fingertips, dying red the flawless white
sword blade. Darkness surged in Lou Chen’s usually calm eyes. When
she went once again, her moves became brutal. If she merely wanted
to beat the two men before, right now every move she made was a
killing move.

The two assassins were somewhat having a difficult time to resist.

They looked at each other and decided to pinch Lou Chen from left
and right. Lou Chen did not hide to try to avoid it. When the long
swords were close, she made a powerful cutting motion with Cang
Feng in her hand, and the two swords broke. The two assassins could
not react for a while, and Lou Chen did not intend to give them time
to react. The blood stained sword in her hand swung out again, and
both of their right arms fell to the ground like those two swords.

The gray clothed man stared at the woman who was venting under
the rain, then he looked at Zhi Ge in his hand, the gray clothed man
exclaimed in a low voice: “Go!” He headed towards the depth of the
forest hastily.

Hearing the man’s order, the two sorry people did not dare to fight,
and chased after the man.

If Lou Chen caught up to them, the two people surely would not be
able to escape Cang Feng’s might. Unfortunately, she could not
chase after them right now.

Lou Chen pinned Cang Feng back to her waist and ran to Jin
Yanhen’s side. He was not completely unconscious, but his
expression was very dazed.

The poison this time was obviously more powerful than the
previous ones used by the assassins. Jin Yanhen’s body parts that
were exposed from his clothes felt as if they were burned by raging
fire, the temperature of his skin was also terribly high.

187 Report
Lou Chen gritted her teeth bitterly, “It’s poison again!”

(T/N: Ngl, lately I feel a bit lazy editing and proof reading this
series… Excuse any grammar mistakes and you’re encouraged to
point it out XD)

188 Report

Chapter 22
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue

If Lou Chen would like to catch up with the two men that were
escaping, they wouldn’t be able to escape the fierceness of Cang
Feng, however, she couldn’t pursue them now. She put back the
Cang Feng around her waist and ran towards Jin Yan Hen. He was
not completely unconscious but he appeared very distressed.

This time the poison used was obviously more powerful than the
poison used by the previous assassins. The skin that was exposed
and not covered by clothing was now red and looked scary, the
appearance was like a fire had burned the skin.

Lou Chen gritted her teeth, ” Another poison!”

She took out a porcelain bottle from her sleeves and poured two
antidote pills into the mouth of Jin Yan Hen, whispered, “ Swallow it

Jin Yan Hen was on a brink of losing consciousness and after

hearing the voice of Lou Chen, although it was difficult to swallow, he
still swallowed the two pills.

After seeing that Jin Yan Hen was able to swallow the pill himself,
her heart eased a little. She looked around. The surroundings looked
unfamiliar. She was not sure how far they were and how long it will
take them to go back.

The rain got stronger and the fog caused by the rain filled the
whole forest. Lou Chen decided to bring Jin Yan Hen to the nearby

189 Report
Jin Yan Hen could hardly walk. Lou Chen supported him and it took
sometime before they were able to return to the cave.

Finally, Lou Chen settled the person down. She also sank herself
down on the side also for she was tired with all the weight she had to
carry. She secretly took deep breaths and when she gained a little
strength, she immediately grabbed Jin Yan Hen’s wrist to check his

The antidote pill finally had some effect. The red burnt marks on Jin
Yan Hen’s body slowly subsided and the person who was in stupor
finally woke up. He was staring at her with clear eyes and he doesn’t
appear to be confused or distressed.

Jin Yan Hen’s pulse seemed to stabilize and when she was about to
drew back her hand, Jin Yan Hen suddenly caught her wrist with his
big hand. When she looked at him, she saw a frowning face. The red
big marks on his face disappeared and the always “peach look’
was now replaced by a pale look. Looking back at her, in a
very faint voice he said, “Your hand is injured.”

His bright and shining eyes were staring at her and she felt a little
uncomfortable. She pulled back her hand and replied, “This is

It may be because the rain washed away the assassin’s sword, her
wound on the hand did not turn black, and this was a good sign that
she was not poisoned. Jin Yan Hen breathed a sigh of relief, but even
so when he saw the wound on the back of her hand, a strange feeling
emerge in his heart. He felt pain and some annoyance. He whispered
to her, “Bandage your wound first. I am now feeling little

Lou Chen tore two strips of cloth from her garment and was ready
to bandage her wound, when a hand suddenly reached out in front of
her, holding two pieces of leaves … Lou Chen looked, her eyes
widened and glared at the hand fiercely…. It was the leaves of the

190 Report
King’s grass!

Lou Chen looked up and sure enough, she had not noticed how
that mud ball with king’s grass was opened, now she only saw the
hand was holding blades of Kings grass! She got frustrated and burst
out in anger. “ Do you have any idea how precious that is? You
actually wasted my elixir!”

Jin Yan Hen’s heart jumped a beat. When she gave him the same
leaves to medicate him, there was no hint of hesitation and her brow
did not even wrinkled but now she doesn’t even want to use it for
herself? His heart warmed up but at the same time, he was also
worried that he felt she did not cherish herself as much. He
continued to hold his hand in front of her holding the leaves,
“Anyway, I already plucked it. It is better that you use it
quickly. Did you not say before that this medicine will not
leave any scars?”

This King’s grass had only about a dozen blades and now that he
took out two of the blades, this made Lou Chen very annoyed. It was
cut off anyway and it will not last very long, she decided to grab the
leaves from him and squeezed the juice into her wounds. Her anger
was not put down easily and in a very frosty tone of voice, “ There
are other medications that can remove the scar, but King’s
grass is very rare that even in a hundred years, you might
not found one again.”

This person who was always indifferent to be angered this way only
showed how strangely important this King’s grass. Jin Yan Hen still
did not feel that he did something wrong but looking at her face, it
seemed that he did something terribly bad. In a tender whisper, he
tried to console her, “This plant is used for healing and your
hand was injured and it was only natural to use the medicine.
This is not a wasting, but better make the use of it. You also
said that the medicine is very rare but today you
encountered it. This is called not a coincidence, this is an

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opportunity. You don’t have to feel sorry for this

His downcast voice had a hint of tenderness, the manner he spoke

was like to pamper her. Ayy oi! Lou Chen let out a sigh of air to flatly
reject his opinion. She doesn’t want to argue further and decided to
bandage her wounds. She took the King’s grass carefully protecting
the remaining leaves that left. She packed the King’s grass neatly
and put away from Jin Yan Hen’s reach.

Jin Yan Hen was watching Lou Chen with amusement and smile on
his face. He hadn’t thought that such a cold beauty had a childish

After packing up her treasured plant, Lou Chen went back to the
Jin Yan Hen’s side and asked, “How do you feel now?” The poison
used by the man in gray, she had not seen it before, her
detoxification technique actually she only learned it superficially, not
in depth, this poison will slowly explore his body now. Jin Yan Hen
carefully considered what his body’s state before he answered,” My
limbs are weak, my skin felt like it is burning and my chest is very

“Can you use your inner force?”

Jin Yan Hen did not speak, but the next moment, his face turned
very pale. Lou Chen knew that he had already mobilized his internal
force. She held his wrist to take his pulse and found that it was in
extreme mess, he was heavily panting. Lou Chen quickly instructed
him, “I know, don’t mess, don’t use your internal force.”

This poison seemed to be directed inside the body’s source of

internal strength. It can impede the internal force of a person and
make one paralytic and not be able to use his internal force
again? This was to waste a person’s good martial arts skills through
maliciousness means.

192 Report
Lou Chen face was now very dim and from the porcelain bottle she
poured out five pills, all stuffed into it inside the mouth of Jin Yan
Hen, who with a wry smile said, “ Don’t give me so much…this
detoxification pill is also difficult to make.”

For the first time, Lou Chen’s heart that was always calm seemed
to turn grumpy. “If I let you eat, just eat, don’t talk of so much

Under the watchful cold look of Lou Chen, Jin Yan Hen just
obediently swallowed all the pills.

The rain outside was stronger and fortunately, the cave was very
big and the rain was not getting in. However, the sky was getting
darker and soon it will be completely dark.

Both of their clothes were wet. Now it is late autumn, and it will be
cold at night. Lou Chen looked around the cave and she found some
dead tree branches. After some tossing about, she finally managed
to make a fire.

Jin Yan Hen was leaning on the cave wall, looking at her making a
fire; her clothes were torn and dirty, also stained with mud and
blood. Her hair was wet by the rain but still, she still looked very

Jin Yan Hen was silently watching when he suddenly his vision
turned blurry and he tried so hard to stay awake.

Lou Chen found that Jin Yan Hen condition was not so good after
making a fire. He was very weak and he seemed to plunge into
unconsciousness at any time. They haven’t eaten all day and now
they have no food to eat. When Lou Chen saw his lips were very dry,
she ran out of the cave and picked up some rainwater back with her
hand and tried to feed him some waters.

” Please, give me a little more water.” The breath he exhaled was

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very hot, but she now had neither medicine nor silver needle in her
hand. There was no way to relieve him for the time being. “

After several trips to pick up some water to drink water for him,
even if he was still thirsty, Lou Chen did not him any more water.

She shifted the fire to his direction and watched his clothes to
gradually dry. Lou Chen was relieved. She hoped the rain will stop by
the morning.

Lou Chen sat by Jin Yan Hen side and closed her eyes. Jin Yan Hen
felt the person came close to his side.

When Lou Chen opened her eyes, she saw Jin Yan Hen was curled
up and trembling slightly.

Lou Chen hurriedly held his shoulder to help him sit up halfway.
She reached for his wrist and asked, “What is happening?”

Jin Yan Hen did not answer her but his body was trembling non-
stop, whatever was wrong both with his consciousness and body
seemed to be terribly unclear.

The whole person’s body was so close to him and his arms
suddenly hooped around her waist embracing her bosom. Lou Chen
stiffened, “ What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m cold.” For a long time, Lou Chen did not saw a person who
was capable as getting close her like lovers do, like lips and teeth
(idiom) and using a trivial reason to make an advance so suddenly.

Lou Chen did not hear clearly, approached him closer and asked
again: “What did you say?” ”

The body of the Jin Yan Hen was still shaking and one can even
hear the crown of the tooth cackling. After a while, a very light
whisper rang again. “It’s so cold…”

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“Cold?” This time Lou Chen finally heard him.

Jin Yan Hen said he was cold and his body was indeed shivering,
but because he was holding her tightly, Lou Chen can feel that he
was actually having a fever that she could even feel the heat through
their clothes, she even think that the heat from his body was enough
to burn her, but he actually saying he was cold!

Lou Chen calmed her heart and took his pulse again, but she found
that his pulse was extremely unstable. What the hell was this poison,
it was so powerful. He had taken the whole bottle of pills and it had
no effect?

Jin Yan Hen was still crying cold and his hands hugging her waist
were getting more tighter.

Lou Chen’s brows wrinkled more tightly, her eyes were fixed at the
person who kept on shaking. Suddenly, her eyes twinkled as an idea
flashed to her mind. The next instant, she lifted her right hand as to
strike with the handle of a knife that neatly landed on the back of the

Jin Yan Hen looked up and he suddenly felt a pain in his neck and
just as Lou Chen had hoped for, he went unconscious. Jin Yan Hen’s
body truly felt a blood-curdling cold. But even on this occasion, he
did not lose his sense of reason, though his mind was not very clear
he had not thought of this outcome. He only originally wanted to
borrow his poisoning to eat some ‘bean curd’ but the outcome was
deadly stunning.

Now that he was knocked out, he will naturally not feel cold……


Chapter Index

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Chapter 23
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

When he woke up, the first thing Jin Yan Hen felt was the pain in
his body. His muscles and joints don’t have that piercing pain but
still, they were extremely sore especially the back of his neck. If he
moved a little, there was this very noticeable pain.

The memory he had the night before he passed out immediately

flashed in his mind. Jin Yan Hen opened his eyes quickly and
immediately he saw a piece of sky blue garment and a jade face
beside him. He least expected Lou Chen to sit beside him so close
that when he moved, he will brush her body. The fact was when he
opened his eyes, Lou Chen also opened her eyes immediately
examined his eyes. It was clear, with no trace of confusion and she
immediately grabbed his wrist to take his pulse.

The wet clothes she was wearing dried up overnight, although it

was wrinkly, the blood and mud stain seemed to have been washed
and the blue satin skirt seemed to be neatly arranged. A black jade
hairpin gathered her long hair neatly behind her head. The whole
person looks fresh and elegant but with the faint morning light, the
owner of this faint blue shadow still showed some exhaustion. Jin Yan
Hen whispered to her, “ You… were not able to rest all night?”

Lou Chen did not answer his question, just withdraw her hand and
asked, “How do you feel?”

Jin Yan Hen carefully felt the condition of his body and replied,
“There is nothing peculiar except for the lack of strength.”

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Last night, he was burning with fever, his whole body also was in
pain and felt a shivering cold. Now, he felt a lot better. He sat up
straight and curiously asked, “ The poison?”

Lou Chen shook her head, seeing his complexion appeared really
much better than last night, her heart that was restless the whole
night was able to relax a little. ” I was thinking about it all evening, I
think this poison is to target the internal forces and the pubic region.
It is for people who have martial arts skills. Even if you don’t use your
internal force but because of the long-term habit of practicing martial
arts, one would subconsciously use the pubic region strength and
then the poison will be activated to invade the body. The two forces
will contend and that is why you feel the pain, hot and cold at the
same time. So…”

Lou Chen hesitated for a moment, and then said, “I sealed your
pubic region and you can’t use your internal force for the

The tone of Lou Chen was as cold and shallow as usual, but it was
mixed with a heaviness. If a person practicing martial arts can’t use
their internal force, it was comparable to the feeling of a normal
person who suddenly became crippled. Lou Chen practices martial
arts since childhood and naturally knew how it felt like, but she can
only come up with this method at this time. It was frustrating for her
too, but for now, there was no other way.

The eyes of Jin Yan Hen had a glint of spark if only people could
see. He quickly raised his head and sat up very straight and laughed,
“ Anyway, my three-foot cat martial arts doesn’t make a big
difference anyway. However, Chen’er, at least I am with you
and when misfortune comes upon me later, you must protect

Lou Chen has seen Jin Yan Hen with a sword. His martial arts was
not a kung fu of a three-legged cat. It was just all over the place. It is
reasonable to say that the swordsmanship of Jin Ru was so exquisite,

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she was a sword master. However, Jin Yan Hen’s swordsmanship was
like a hedgehog, there was no discipline but his own mastery was
also good. It was evident that he studied a lot through research just
to learn how to play sword.

Even if he said this with the relaxed tone of voice, Lou Chen was
keenly aware of the loneliness he was trying to hide. Lou Chen
secretly bit her lip and whispered, “ I will find a cure for you.”

This was her promise, no matter how difficult it was, she will get it

Jin Yan Hen gave her a meaningful glance and his eyes was filled
with abundant happiness, giving her a loving look and a foxy smile,
“Then we must reach an agreement until we found a cure,
Chen’er cannot leave me, no matter what.”

Lou Chen was now very familiar with someone’s untimely “crazy
words out of madness”. She got up and tidied her wrinkled skirt,
picked up the King’s grass and hugged it in her arms. She walked
outside the cave and said, ” Let’s go, the rain already stopped and
let’s get down of this mountain.” Jin Yan Hen extended his hand
towards Lou Chen and in a very weak appearance, said, “Chen’er,
aren’t you helping me?”

She just sealed his pubic region, not his hands or foot muscles, this
was “trying to reach for a yard after taking an inch.” Lou Chen
turned around, her eyes fixed on Jin Yan Hen smiling. “Help, I won’t
help, but if you passed out like last night, I can carry you on
my back all the way down the mountain.”

Jin Yan Hen’s body suddenly stiffened and he couldn’t enjoy the
beautiful smile of the woman looking at him. He coughed lightly and
smiled back with guilt and said,” No, I can walk.” The back of his
neck was still in pain, if people will knew that he was knocked
unconscious and carried back down the town, how can he face

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The two people walked along looking for the way down the
mountain with the help of Lou Chen’s photographic memory, the two
did not walk very far and was not lost. After almost two hours, they
finally returned to Thousand Grass Hospital.

Lou Chen was still full of vitality but Jin Yan Hen appeared
exhausted and breathless.

“Ah Hen!”

Jin Yan Hen was very pale and could hardly walk; the people
guarding the hospital came over to help him. The news of his arrival
quickly spread.

“You, rascal, where have you been? If you are going that
way, you should at least let me pack you some snacks!” A fist
hit Jin Yan Hen’s body and unfortunately, he was no strength to
dodge. Jin Ru’s eyes were red, looks like she did not sleep all night,
just like Jin Yan Hen, they both looked haggard.

Jin Yan Hen put his hand on the shoulder of Jin Ru and grabbed her
one hand, smiled happily, “For me not to come back. In Luoshui
Town, what can happen? Don’t worry, I am fine.”

Hearing the commotion from the gate, Fang Ru Hui walked out
quickly, and Xing Mu, who was ordered to stay in the medical center
to recover from the injury, also followed out.

As soon as he saw the distressed appearance of Jin Yan Hen, Fang

Ru Hui couldn’t help but grumble, “Ah Hen, what happened to
you last night? Everyone was searching for you all night.”

After entering the door, Lou Chen went straight to sit at the
wooden chair on the side to rest. At the moment, Xiao-An who was
sent for a hot tea and was still carrying it and his appearance looked
very indifferent, like he doesn’t care.

What a cruel fate, Jin Ru and other people gather around him and

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questions were coming on all sides. He could only endure his
exhaustion and explained, “Yesterday afternoon, we found a
secret code similar to that left by the Lingshui League, so we
followed the clue and reached the mountain. On the
mountain, we encountered a heavy rain and hid for a while
inside the cave. We did not expect to encounter the assassin
who came from the Lingshui League. I was poisoned while
fighting and the assassin, in the end, was able to escape. The
rain last night was too strong and we couldn’t go anywhere.
So, we stayed on the mountain for a night.”

When they heard the words “Lingshui League”, both Jin Ru and
Xing Mu’s expressions changed. Xing Mu was deplored, “Zi Ge” was
snatched away by the people of Lingshui League. Jin Ru on the other
hand, reddened eyes looked worriedly to Jin Yan Hen. She seemed to
be both anxious and angry.

“Why did you not obey me? I told you not to meddle? Do
you have any discomfort? Tell your Aunt!”

“Nothing, am I not standing in front of you.” Jin Yan Hen’s

muddy and sloppy appearance doesn’t escape her. She looked after
him growing up so she can’t be fooled. She went directly to Lou Chen
and asked, “Ah Hen’s physical condition, how is he, you tell
me the truth.”

Jin Yan Hen winked at Lou Chen but what a pity, Lou Chen had no
plan to keep the matter and answered directly, “That poison has
some effect to his pubic region. I sealed his internal force
and he cannot do martial arts.” Jin Ru did not know what to think
of it and she went blank for a moment. After a while, she whispered,
“ That thing… can he practice martial arts in the future?”

Lou Chen thought that upon hearing this news and knowing Jin
Ru’s temperament, she must be bitter and heartbroken, violently
furious but on the contrary, she was not. Her facial expression was
complex and Lou Chen cannot understand, it was like a bitter

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occurrence but at the same, it was like a good fortune.

After thinking about it for a while, Lou Chen replied, “No, he can
return to normal once the poison is managed.”

After listening to Lou Chen’s explanation, Jin Ru slightly frowned,

but in her eyes were an appearance of happiness with little
disappointment. After a long while, she said in a low voice, “As long
as he came back safe.”

Lou Chen was confused and she couldn’t guess. Jin Yan Hen
couldn’t practice his martial arts. Is she happy or not?

Jin Yan Hen, on the other hand, was just standing and talking to
Fang Ru Hui in whispers, which looked like he never noticed Jin Ru’s
meaningful look on him.

“Jin Yan Hen!” Gasping for breath, Qu Ning Shuang rushed inside
the room pointing at Jin Yan hen and Lou Chen, scolding them,
“What happened to the two of you that you suddenly
disappeared. Do you know that people were very worried and
were looking all over for both of you all night!”

Behind Qu Ning’s Shuang were two people, Wu Yi, and Mu Yan, and
when they saw that Jin Yan Hen and Lou Chen were safe, they finally
relaxed. When Wu Yi saw Lou Chen sitting comfortably sipping tea,
Wu Yi’s face turned grim. It’s not good to blame Lou Chen, so he
instead turned his stare at Jin Yan Hen, scolding him in a low voice,
he whispered, “ Jin Yan Hen, you can’t just do things as you
wish, you supposed to have a plan what to do, if this happens
again next time, I will not bother to care about you. What
happened last night, you tell me clearly!”

Wu Yi’s tone was stern and rough, but the worry in his eyes was
also true. Jin Yan Hen sighed deeply and like the previous
explanation, he said it again.

201 Report
After listening to his explanation, the three people were shocked
and gave Jin Yan Hen a worried look.

Mu Yan and Jin Yan Hen were working together almost every day
and they very close and they camaraderie between the two was
incomparable. He looked at Jin Yan Hen with a serious look and
whispered, “ Is the poison in your body really Ok?”

Jin Yan Hen smiled coldly and replied, “Nothing, I can’t just use
my internal force for the time being.”

All three were people who practice martial arts and naturally, they
know the importance of internal force in martial arts. If they lose
their internal strength overnight, this was a big blow. The three
thought about it, if this happened to them, they would be sad if not
collapsed in distress.

To make them believed him, Jin Yan Hen gave a convincing smile,
but the three still had the look of hesitation. He rubbed their
foreheads, laughing loudly, “What expressions are those? I am
not a peerless sword master. My martial art is not even that
good. I will not die. Besides, the situation is only temporary.
I am truly grateful for your expression of concern, I got it.
Later, this situation will be better for me. ”

The three people still looked at him sadly. Jin Yan Hen was helpless
to change their moods, he could only transfer the topic quickly. “Oh,
right, is the identity of the female body on Luo Shen
Mountain checked out?”

When it comes to business, Wu Yi was always the most serious,

and immediately replies, “I found it.”


Chapter Index

202 Report

Chapter 24
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

Speaking of business, Wu Yi was always the most serious. He

immediately replied, “I found it. It is Feng Qian Feng’s wife.”

“Feng Qian Feng’s wife, Feng Shi?” Jin Yan Hen said in a low
voice, it’s impossible to be just a coincidence?”

Wu Yi did not wait for him to ask and continued. ” We found that
the same day, a woman fled from Wang’s residence and used the
back alley to escape. She was also injured. We find a sketch artist to
draw the portrait of the woman found fleeing the scene and she was
identified as Feng Qian Feng’s wife, Feng Shi. When we went to their
home to find her and while were talking to her husband, she tried to
escape. We chased her but since she knew some martial arts, she
was able to flee and hide inside the Lou Shen Mountain. It was
unfortunate that she was caught by the man in black and in the end
killed her. “

Jin Yan Hen shook his head, this was also considered a coincidence.

So, the ones who killed Feng Xian Hua were Feng Qian Feng and
Feng Shi? Fang Ru Hui was somewhat adamant to believed it so he
asked, “Why do they do this?”

“We investigated Feng Qian Feng and pressed him until he finally
confessed. Feng’s father was a bodyguard during his younger days
and he widely traveled and not always around. When Feng Qian Feng
was born, the number of months doesn’t tally. Feng’s mother claimed
that it was a premature birth, Feng’s father had some doubts but did
not pursue the matter. However, in the past two years, when the old
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man’s health is getting worse, at the same time he heard some
gossip, his suspicion was aggravated and he had Feng Qian Hua
secretly look for the midwife who gave birth to Feng Qian Feng in the
past, hoping to find out the truth. She searched for a few years,
Recently, she got a breakthrough and there was the information that
Feng Mu really committed adultery. Now, since Feng Mu was afraid of
being found by her husband and also afraid that her husband would
eventually give his family inheritance only to Feng Qian Hua, so she
discussed the matter with Feng Qian Feng and his wife and so they
came up with this evil plan to let Feng Shi go to inquire first about
the matter. If Qian Hua really found the midwife, which she actually
did at the beginning of the year, they will kill her. Although Feng Shi
has martial arts skill she never killed anyone. She was in a rush and
nervous that she was not able to kill her but still got her heavily
injured. Feng Qian Feng thought his wife might not be able to do it
so he went to Wang Si’s house to follow up and finished the job and
finally killed Feng Qian Hua, “

As a result, for a moment, the room with few people doesn’t know
what to say. In such a quiet room, a cold and indifferent voice softly
asked, ” And Wang Si?”

Mu Yan looked at Lou Chen and replied, “This morning, he was

already released.

Lou Chen nodded, did not ask anything further, turned and went to
the back courtyard…

This bunch of people were also tired after chasing to solve the case
a few days ago and they spend the whole night searching for the
two. Jin Yan Hen patted Mu Yan’s shoulder and said, “ Ok, we have
been tired after working for a few days, all go back now and

The two nodded and when he saw them also turn around and left
the hospital to rest, he was relieved. Qi Ning Shuang made a last
glanced at Fang Ru Hui before she turned to leave. “ Come on, you

204 Report
also follow me home.” Jin Ru grabbed Jin Yan Hen’s hand and
pulled him out the hospital. She did not want Lou Chen, Xing Mu, and
other people to be together in one place.

Jin Yan Hen did not say much only let Jin Ru pull him away and
lazily said, “Aunt, now I have two different poisons in my
body, do you really want me to go home?”

Jin Ru’s feet was just out of the door and looked at the pale face of
Jin Yan Hen. She felt helpless. She sighed,“ What should I do with
this child.”

When Lou Chen promised to find s cure for Jin Yan Hen, she
definitely will do her utmost. For the past three days, she only
diagnosed difficult female patients who sought treatment. Most of
her time was consumed studying medicines and herbs in the
pharmacy, there were a variety of book collections on medical
classics inside the Thousand Grass Hospital and she was reading
them. In order to facilitate medication, finding a cure and pulse
monitoring, the two, the doctor and the patient stayed together all
day long. Jin Yan Hen naturally had been grinning all day, living a
carefree and happy life while another person was turning grumpy
and anxious.

Qu Ning Shuang ’s hands were full of precious herbs that Fang Ru

Hui just found. Any herbs that were ready and he send it to Lou Chen
if it could be of any use. On her way, Qu Ning was blocked at the
inner passage. She looked irritably at Jin Ru and walked around her
and she still managed to say in a calm tone,” Aunt Ru you are
blocking the way.”

Jin Ru just waved her hand, her vision was continuously fixed at the
small courtyard and she did not give Qu Ning Shuang a glance even

There was no other reason for Aunt Ru to have an appearance like

this except for Jin Yan Hen. Qu Ning Shuang tiptoed and followed her

205 Report
vision. Sure enough, in a small courtyard, Jin Yan Hen was sitting on a
stone bench, with one hand supporting his cheek and the other hand
was laid on a cushion waiting for Lou Chen to take his pulse. Lou
Chen had her head lowered, flipping through a dilapidated book,
from time to time she would reach and grab the wrist of Jin Yan Hen.

Someone had a peach blossom look that continuously staring at

Lou Chen, whose eyes doesn’t even blink.

Qu Ning Shuang snorted. Hmmp… this Jin Yan Hen was so


“No! I can’t let them stay together like this!”

Qu Ning Shuang suddenly heard a gnashing of teeth. Qu Ning

Shuang hurriedly looked up and saw Jin Ru’s eyes was like a burning
flame. She was stunned and asked trembling, “ Aunt Ru, what do
you want to do?”

She was still ignored, with no answer she quickly left angry but
after two days, Qu Ning Shuang completely understood what she
wanted to do.

The Thousands Grass Hospital became unusually lively because

visitors were pouring in.

Just one example, the youngest daughter of Wang Fuzi, a family

next door, Miss Ian. (Blue Orchid).

“Elder brother Hen, I heard that you were injured, so I went

to Luo Shui Temple to ask for your safety. Please, accept it.”
The young girl of Wang Fuzi was fifteen years old, have the very
good demeanor and beautiful. She had a pair of big blue eyes that
always had the look of pity.

Like at the moment, the young girl was holding a delicate purse in
her hand and giving it to him. If he doesn’t accept it, he will be
deemed a nasty rude man. Jin Yan Hen was not an idiot and he

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doesn’t want to look rude as a person, so he took the purse from her.
He nodded and said full of emotion, “ The Young Ian has been
very kind-hearted. I have been asking for this because the
case we have right now is very dangerous. I heard that the
token of safety from Luo Shui Temple carries spiritual favors.
Young Miss Ian, you must have also helped the others and
probably asked for the other people’s safety right? Young
girl, you are really kind!”

The young girl felt a little embarrassed, she blushed a little and as
a “kind” person, she nodded and answered, “ Yes…”

“Then you have to send it to everyone, they will be very

happy to receive it, too.”

The eyes of Jin Yan Hen had a look of “you are a good person,
really kind” appearance. The young girl innocently left the
Thousands Grass Hospital. During all this, Lou Chen was sitting
comfortably under the tree and reading a book. She did not even
once bother to lift her head.

Another example, the eldest daughter of an affluent family who

had the biggest herbal medicine farm in Luo Shui Town, Huang Yao
(Precious Yellow).

Huang Yao’s eldest daughter, Fang Fang was 18, although not as
beautiful, because of her straightforward personality and her
generous spirit was quite likable.

“Ah Hen, look! This is the thousand years reishi mushroom!

I specially picked it out from father’s treasure collection of
herbal drugs. I will guarantee you that you will not be sick
after you take it.” Huang Yao’s eldest girl was really generous, and
on her hand was the expensive and rare mushroom.

Jin Yan Hen at the moment did not accept the mushroom. His hand
was lazily holding his cheek and continued admiring Lou Chen, “It’s

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of no use. Chen’er is the one who gives me my medication.
This mushroom, you take it back”

Huang Yao girl was not happy and yelled, “Are you saying her
medicine is good, and my medicine is not good?”

She was very discontented with Jin Yan Hen, comparing her
medicine to Lou Chen, Fang Fang walk to Lou Chen and held the
mushroom in front of her. And demanding her, “ Hello there, will
you say that my reishi mushroom is not good?”

Lou Chen looked up from the book she was reading to take a quick
glimpse at the big mushroom, then she nodded, “ It is quite good.
It is the top grade reishi mushroom, many people will benefit
from it. If Jin Yan Hen has no use for it and if the young miss
is generous, he will be willing to accept it for the Thousand
Grass hospital .”

After she finished saying that, Lou Chen lowered her head and
continued reading her book and did not bother herself with the girl’s
matter anymore. Huang Yao’s girl eyes widened and she said, “No, I
want to give it…”

“Then I will thank Miss Huang on behalf of Fang Ru Hui.”

He did not let her finished her sentence and the mushroom was
taken from her hand by Jin Yan Hen. Fang Fang was not happy at all
but suppressed her anger none the less.

Yet, there was another one, this time was Miss Li Yu’er (Plum

“Brother Hen, this is my stewed chicken soup, This will be

very good for your body. It took me two hours to stew it, you
taste it.” Miss Li was sixteen years old with outstanding
appearance, treated people with gentleness and the most important
thing she was a good cook. No wonder, when the soup was opened,
a rich scent of the soup pervaded the entire small courtyard, and the

208 Report
strong fragrance will make people drool.

“Good.” Jin Yan Hen picked up the spoon, gently stirred it and the
fragrance overflowed. Jin Yan hen looked at Lou Chen with a smile
and said, laughing,: “Chen’er, would you like to try, Miss Li, is
from The Huixiang Inn. Her home is the most famous Inn in
Lou Shi town, the chef’s cooking is very good.”

In other words, the soup that the girl personally stewed was
attributed to the chef.

“I…” Li Yu’er wanted to explain for herself, but when she saw that
the elegant woman who had been leaning against the tree reading
the book leisurely from the beginning actually put down the book,
glanced at the soup pot she brought, whispered to say “OK”.

Jin Yan Hen turned a little serious and scooped up a bowl of soup
and handed it to Lou Chen, his appearance looked like he made the
soup himself waiting in anticipation and said attentively, ‘ Chen’er
how does it taste?”

Lou Chen’s face was serious also; she took the bowl of soup, scoop
a spoonful, blew it and lightly sipped.

“How is it?”

Although it was Jin Yan Hen who was asking, Li Yu’er felt a little
nervous in anticipation, her eyes were fixed at Lou Chen, waiting for
her answer.

Lou Chen took another sip and looked up at Li Yu ‘er and she
replied: with certainty, “It’s very good.” It was really good soup,
compared with the soup in the big drinking bars in the
capital. Although Lou Chen was always cold and indifferent as a
person she was not stingy when appreciating good things.

Li Yu’er in one glimpse knew the likes of Lou Chen. Her family had
an inn and she was acquainted with many people, it was natural to

209 Report
develop an “eyesight” and she knew that this girl’s origin was not
common. Of course, she had seen many faces of pretentious people
but she did not expect that this fairy-like lady will praise their soup so

Li Yu’er immediately felt good about this indifferent and elegant


Jin Yan Hen also took a bowl of soup for himself. After one sip, he
nodded repeatedly, joyously, “The soup of Huixiang Inn is
worthy of its fame. I heard that your inn also has the most
famous fish soup. Shall you bring in the fish soup tomorrow
so we could try it?”

Li Yuer’s eyes lit up and looked at Lou Chen and said, “Elder
Sister, would you like to eat fish? Fishes from Luo Shui River
is sent to Huixiang Inn every day to ensure freshness. I will
choose a good fish for you tomorrow.”

Lou Chen just nodded slightly, and then…Jin Yan Hen was already
ignored and was not asked what he wanted to eat.

“ My elder sister, is there something you fond of eating?”

” My elder sister, do you want a sip another bowl? I will give you a
grand present next time.”

Jin Yan Mark, “…”

The two people standing outside the hospital peeping, “…”

Qu Ning Shuang, cannot take it. Now, the three people in the small
courtyard were strangely getting along. She sighed deeply and
whispered, “What can I say, Aunt Ru? This is the method you
think of? If I am Jin Yan Hen, I will also choose Lou Chen, ah,
granted you can’t find an army that has equivalent banners
and drums (idiom), you can’t do it like this, making up the
numbers with the inferior product. One by one in front of Lou

210 Report
Chen they were turning like her servant, even Jin Yan Hen
find it very odd.”

qí gǔ xiāngdāng – idiom literally: two armies have equivalent

banners and drums, fig. evenly matched or roughly comparable

lànyú chōngshù- idiom literally: to mouth instrument to make up

the numbers, fig. to make up the numbers with inferior products, to
masquerade as having an ability

Jin Ru stared Qu Ning Shuang, the root of a tooth was almost

crunched, even in the capital of Liao Yue it was not a guarantee that
she can find an army that had similar banners and drums like Lou
Chen, now in this small Luo Shen River town, where will she find a

After saying her opinion, Qu Ning Shuang was smiling brightly.

With the beautiful smiling face made Jin Ru looked at her up and
down in the corner of her eye, then she got an idea and softly said, “
Shuang, ah, you are good. Why don’t you try?”

“Oh, Yeah!” Qu Ning screamed while her whole body jumped

quickly at once, and she stepped back, yelling, “ Oh, I forgot elder
brother Hui asked me to help in decocting medicine. Oh, I
can’t be chatting with you. I am busy right now, oh, so busy!”


Chapter Index

211 Report

Chapter 25
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

If Jin Yan Hen’s pubic region is destroyed by poison, what does it

mean besides not being able to practice martial arts,,, he will live
but.. …if he doesn’t get cured. in the future, he won’t be able to
make his wife happy.

Inside the elegantly decorated room, there was a comfortable soft

couch, at the moment, lying on the couch was not a beautiful

Jin Yan Hen was lying on his belly on the soft couch, wearing only
inner clothing and his back was pricked with seven or eight silver
needles. Lou Chen was sitting beside the soft couch. She was not
reading a book as she habitually does but her eyes were on the
clenched fist of Jin Yan Hen and the blue veins sticking out.

“I am going to pull the needle.”

The man lying just nodded slightly. Lou Chen eyes have some
hesitation but she eventually pulled the needles very neatly.

The moment a needle was pulled out, Jin Yan Hen could not help
but cough uncontrollably.

Jin Yan Hen was clutching a white silk to cover his mouth, tried to
suppress the coughing noise, sensing Lou Chen hands tightly holding
the silver needle.

After about the time of fragrant incense passed, Jin Yan Hen slowly
turned over. He just had a burst of coughing and his face was a little

212 Report
flushed but Lou Chen eyebrows raised seeing his face for he was
unexpectedly smiling happily. Jin Yan Hen took a deep breath and
sighed. He raised his hand and stretched his waist. He happily said,
“Compared to the previous one, this is better. Before when
the internal force was used, my whole body was in
excruciating pain. ”

Lou Chen glanced at his hand clutching the white handkerchief;

looking his face she did not feel relieved with Jin Yan Hen’s words,
she actually turned more serious.

“Not a good way to proceed. We will try another way.”

Anyway, Fang Ru Hui had a lot of herbs here and she was not afraid
of wasting them.” Jin Yan Hen sighed, this girl was more determined
than he expected, even if she had a photographic memory, very
smart but she never rested and almost sleepless, constantly
searching and even a person made of steel would not be able to
stand it.

Lying with his side and covering his head with his one arm, he was
lying idly and this became his most favorite recently because without
putting an effort, it made him look very weak.

Looking at Jin Yan Hen at such state, Lou Chen’s was anxious. She
did not feel this uncomfortable feeling growing up and this was the
most frustrating thing she had ever experienced.

The medicine she concocted, he never questioned what it was and

would drink it without complaint. When she would like to try
acupuncture, he would just lie down obediently, smiling and let her
do whatever. She did not know why Jin Yan hen trusted her so much
and now the only thing she knew she couldn’t make him suffer and
could not go on with this trial and error test. In just a few days, he
lost a lot of weight and those medicines she had given him did not
make him better. The pills she gave him could only neutralize the
toxicity at the beginning and delay the onset of the poison’s effect,
now the pills were beginning to lose its effectiveness, the poison was

213 Report
beginning to erode his body and she could not afford to do the trial
and error means, his body couldn’t withstand such testing.

Lou Chen got up, took the thin quilt next to her and covered Jin
Yan Hen with it. “We will stop testing today that is it for today,
you take a good rest.”

Jin Yan Hen raised his eyebrows, surprised by attention and the
care. However, after Lou Chen gave him the thin quilt, she turned
and left the well-decorated room.

After she left, Jin Yan Hen loosened his palm holding the white
handkerchief, the center was stained with red.


“Fang Ru Hui.”

Fang Ru Hui was drying the medicinal herbs in the backyard when
he heard the chilly but gentle whisper behind him. He does not have
to turn because he already knew who was the person behind him. He
took some medicinal herbs in his hands before turning around. He
saw Lou Chen inside the quiet courtyard, like her hair, she was
wearing a black elegant gown and in her cold indifferent eyes were
the appearance of frustration.

“What’s the matter? Recently, were you too disturbed? Do

you want me to change the yard for you?” Fang Ru Hui was
secretly laughing thinking of what Aunt Jin Ru was brewing these past
few days, he naturally saw it. He could only allow these “love
rivals” that were visiting and he was afraid it was disturbing Lou

At this point, Fang Ru Hui evidently wanted to branch to the

subject of the “love rivals” but in the eyes of Lou Chen, she did not
pick up that hint in his eyes that of ‘love rival”, but Lou Chen could
not grasp why he was looking at her with that ridiculous expression

214 Report
in his eyes.

She came for more important matter and was not interested in
finding out what was in his expression. She stated the purpose of her
visit. “Can you find a Yu Lu?”

Two days ago, she read a rare medical book and saw the record
about Yu Lu. The book record claimed that it could “resurrect” the
vitality of internal strength. Lou Chen was definitely not a believer,
in a matter of “death”, no drugs can bring back anyone to life. But
the book mentioned that Yu Lu can clear the pubic region and
promotes its vitality. Before she only sealed Jin Yan Hen’s pubic
region to contain the spread of poison and tried to dispel the poison,
and she never thought of increasing the power of the pubic region to
resist the effect of poison. Now, she thought of increasing the vitality
of the pubic region so when she dispel the poison, his pubic region
will not be damaged.

“What?” Fang Ru Hui was stunned and did not understand it


Lou Chen patiently explained, “Yu Lu -the root or blossom of


Fang Ru Hui heard it this time, but his brows wrinkled and shook
his head. “I have only heard of Yu Lu but never seen one. I
don’t know where to look for it.”

The Moonflower grows in an extremely dry land. The so-called Yu

Lu was the juice of the ground root of the Moonflower. One root of a
Moonflower can only provide one or two drops of Yu Lu. Taking the
medicine from the root, the whole plant will be ruined. If one
wouldn’t want to ruin the plant, it can be done so also by waiting for
the flowers to bloom and dry it into powder. It was a good medicine
for dredging and poisoning, so even if someone had Moonflower, they
were also reluctant to make it into Yu Lu. The Moonflower alone was
hard to find, let alone the Yu Lu.

215 Report
In this case, she can only go home and ask aunt to help lift the
poison? Lou Chen was very adamant. She was very smart since
childhood, whether it was sword or medicine, or even in surgery that
expert can hardly figure out, she can penetrate a few difficult points,
but today she was defeated by this “poison”. She was pondering
about it for a few days and she has some clues. If she can find Yu Lu,
the poison of Jin Yan Hen can be lifted. If she can’t find it, then she
had to consider going home for help. After all, if it was delayed any
further, the life of Jin Yan Hen though he will be survived, the
strength of his pubic region will be forever ruined.

Lou Chen was secretly tangled thinking of her options when a man
walked into the courtyard and a deep voice with a little confidence
but sounds quite pleasing to the ear, “I know a place, maybe they
have that something that you are looking for.”

Xing Mu’s poison was already lifted after three days, though he
needed resting and self-discipline several more days. His wound had
not completely healed yet but his color was better, the grayish tint
on his face was gone and his heroic spirit was flourishing. He walked
a few steps with his hand raised bearing an elegant demeanor.

Fang Ru Hui was very interested in the medicinal herb and

medical treatment. When he heard that Xing Mu knew that Yu Lu can
be found, he quickly asked. “Where?”

Sensing other eyes coldly gazing at him, he looked over Fang Ru

Hui, Xing Mu’s heart leaped slightly. “ Xinglin Pavilion.” ( Xinglin
is an honorific name meaning fine doctor).

A streak of light crosses Fang Ru Hui eyes and his brows

unconsciously wrinkled. After a long silence, he whispered. “Is it the
legendary Xinglin that has all kinds of rare and exotic herbs,
but not for sale?”

Xing Mu did not expect that the doctor in this small town actually
knew of Xinglin Pavilion. The look of interest in Fang Ru Hui’s eyes

216 Report
cannot be hidden. “Is the Doctor Fang and people in Xinglin
Pavilion are acquaintances?”

Fang Ru Hui smiled faintly and replied, like the gentle and neat
appearance of the past, said with a smile. “No, we are not. I just
heard of it. If it is that Xinglin Pavilion, perhaps there may be Yu Lu.

Lou Chen incident in Liao Yue was leading her to more things.
Listening to the two, it seemed that this Xinglin Pavilion really had
some reputation and a bit of ability. Lou Chen was very much
interested, “Where is the Xinglin Pavilion?”

“The City of Ling (or Lingcheng). It is more than a thousand miles

from here. It is one of the three famous cities in Liao Yue. “

The distance from Luo Shui Town to Qiong Yue Capital City was
more than six thousand miles and at the most, it will take less than
20 days to reach it. Going to Lingcheng will also take awhile but
nearer by many. If they can get the Yu Lu, Lou Chen was confident
that she can cure Jin Yan Hen. After weighing the situation in her
heart, Lou Chen said. “Then let’s go to the Xinglin Pavilion.”

Lou Chen said so readily and it seemed so easy for her to say this.
Xing Mu was worried that Lou Chen was not aware of the rules of
Xinglin Pavilion and wanted to go there excitedly. She might be
disappointed, so he explained to her in a low voice. “According to
the rules of Xinglin Pavilion, they can only exchange the
medicinal herb with another. They should approve the herb
or else, they won’t exchange.”

Lou Chen did not say anything after hearing it. Fang Ru Hui was
the one who was a bit worried, Thousands Grass Hospital had many
herbs, but the one that Xinglin Pavilion will be interested in, he
naturally does not have any. After pondering for a moment, Fang Ru
Hui looked at Xing Mu and asked in a low voice. “If there is no
medicinal herb that we can exchange, will they accommodate
other things?”

217 Report
Xing Mu shook his head. This was the rule of Xinglin Pavilion and
will never make an EXCEPTION for anyone.

Xing Mu and Fang Ru Hui’s faces were seriously gloomy. When

they heard the chilly voice of Lou Chen, “Do not worry, since I
said go, naturally there is a thing that can be exchanged
with them.”

After finding the King’s grass inside the cave, she took it and
placed it in a small basin. She nurtured it with spring water and the
original soil was wrapped around it, to fed and it was preserved.
Compared to King’s grass, the value of Yu Lu was far less. The rare
thing about Yu Lu was that it can be found in dry places but the plant
was completely destroyed to get a Yu Lu. Even for thousands of
bloom of Moonflower, only a small bottle of Yu Lu can be obtained.
The King’s grass, on the other hand, was truly the rare treasure, it
was extremely difficult to find one. Although there were only a dozen
blades that were left on her plant, it was enough for exchange to any
elixir in the world.

Lou Chen just said the sentence lightly and Xing Mu believed her
without further questioning. The corner of his lips raised a smile and
said, “So very good. Xiaojian Mountain Villa is not far from
Ling City. I will go with you. After all, Yan Hen was poisoned
also because he wanted to help me find the Zhi Ge. Xiaojian
Villa and Xinglin Pavilion have also a bit of a friendship,
maybe they will let it slide for a bit.” After that, Xing Mu quietly
looked at Lou Chen, seeing that she was not stopping him to go with
her, he was secretly relieved.

Fang Ru Hui was silent for a moment and said with a smile. “I
have always been very curious about the Xinglin Pavilion. I
also want to see it. I will go with you.”

“When are we leaving?” A voice with a dumb and relaxed tone


218 Report
They did not realize that Jin Yan Hen also arrived in the small
courtyard. He was in the medical hall earlier treating his wound; he
was not wearing his normal constabulary uniform but rather changed
into a beige close fitting hospital gown. At this moment his hands
were on looped on his chest and he was half leaning at the entrance
and looked very sluggish. At corners of his mouth was a faint smile.
The smile combined with his pale face made people had a hard time
looking at him carefree, uninhibited and somewhat devilish.

Looking at Jin Yan Hen’s obvious emaciated figure, Fang Ru Hui

was very worried. “Ah-Hen, you want to go?”

“I am like this, if I don’t go with you, I will be dead when you come
back. Chen’er also said that she will not leave behind, right? “ Jin Yan
Hen said thus but his expression does n’t appear concerned, but
actually leisurely looked pitifully at Lou Chen.

Fang Ru Hui glanced at him and shouted. ” Aunt Ru will not agree
with you, she will not let you leave Luoshui Town.”

Jin Yan Hen winked at Fang Ru Hui, gathered his facial expression,
straighten up his chest and feet together, ” Rest assured, I have my
own way.”


Chapter Index

219 Report

Chapter 26
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue


A team of people were walking in a spacious country road. It does

not look like a caravan of people but the group had three people
riding in the front and they were being followed by a carriage. The
group was not in a hurry. In the front, the woman riding was wearing
a Tsing Yi ( Chinese Cheongsam) and following closely behind was a
tall man.

Another man was riding dressed as a scholar and riding his horse
beside the carriage and he appeared to be thinking very deeply.

Fang Ru Hui was frowning and his heart was very restless and
when he could not bear it anymore, he spoke, “ Ah-Hen, your so-
called method, me too will be…

“Isn’t too perfect?” Jin Yan Hen was half leaning against the
window still wearing the loose beige gown and his eyes were
constantly staring at the blue figure outside the carriage.

Fang Ru Hui shook his head and sighed. “The next time you see
Aunt Ru, I hope you can still say this sentence.”

Jin Yan Hen squinted his eyes and looked him with a sinister smile,
“ You gave the medicine and do you think you can escape
also when that time comes.”

Fang Ru Hui hated a tooth itch! If he only knew when Jin Yan Hen
asked him for sleep drug, he thought it was for him and never
guessed that he will give it to Aunt Ru. He regretted giving it and now

220 Report
he felt very depressed. Why time and time again this guy can
exactly estimate what he will do!

Jin Yan Hen bright eyes were staring at Fang Ru Hui, said, ” Ah Hui,
you have been riding the horse for so long, aren’t you tired? Perhaps,
it is time to make an exchange, you take a break.”

Fang Ru Hui’s mood suddenly changed a lot better, shrugged his

shoulder and smiled. “You ask Miss Lou. If she agrees, only
then I will change with you.” This carriage was specifically and
specially arranged by Lou Chen for the “weak” Ah Hen and he will
not dare to swap with him.

The narrow peach blossom eyes suddenly squinted and he hooked

his hands to Fang Ru Hui hands and whispered. “You come

Fang Ru Hui did not go closer, but instead, he retreated two steps
away. In his understanding of this Jin Yan Hen, this kind of
appearance in his eyes, he was definitely planning to work out on

Jin Yan Hen also shrugged off his actions but in a low voice said,
“Did you see that?”

Following his gaze, he only saw Lou Chen and Xing Mu riding on
the front. Fang Ru Hui pretended to smile. “See what?”

Jin Yan Hen’s hands were on the small carriage window, and finally
took his eyes away from the blue figure and looked at Fang Ru Hui
laughing, “You don’t tell me, you didn’t see that Xing Mu,
always wanted to have his mind and play on ​ Chen’er and
my heart is suffering. We grew up together since childhood,
now I finally liked a girl, shouldn’t you help me? Hurry, I want
to go out and watch Chen’er and see what that man was up

221 Report
Fang Ru Hui glanced at him and scorned. ” Xing Mu is not doing
anything to Miss Lou. She did not speak to him along the way, what
gave you an idea that he had his mind playing on her and turning her
towards him? What made you think that Miss Lou will take notice of
Xing Mu?”

Jin Yan Hen shook his head and the expression of Fang Ru Hui
looked like he will not be convinced, sighed. “It is precautionary,
you have to understand? Gosh, don’t wait until she falls for
him, it will be bad.”

The two people were whispering with each other and the distance
of their companion were not that far. Lou Chen heard the busy
movements behind her and she turned back and to look.

Naturally, Jin Yan Hen who had been watching Luo Chen saw her
turn around to approach them, immediately lifted his sleeves to
cover his mouth and nose then forced himself to cough very hard.

Fang Ru Hui also had a glimpsed of Lou Chen coming towards them
and he immediately held the reign to stop the horse. In his heart, no
matter how he despised Jin Yan Hen’ s acting right now he still asked
in a loud voice. “Ah-Hen, are you okay?”

Jin Yan Hen did not answer but he kept on coughing and waved his
hand. Lou Chen frowned. This morning before they left he took some
medicine, how could he cough so badly? She rode to the window of
the carriage and whispered. “What happened to you?” As she was
speaking as she habitually does, she reached out and grabbed Jin
Yan Hen’s wrist to take his pulse. Jin Yan Hen also cooperated very
well as in the past, extended his wrist out of the window to the front
of Lou Chen.

He waited until Lou Chen finished talking his pulse and took his
hand back, put down his sleeves, took a deep breath, stretched out
and said, “I am fine, only that this carriage is too stuffy, so I
coughed a little.”

222 Report
Fang Ru Hui said also in a timely manner. “I am also a little tired,
it is better to swap with Ah Hen riding the horse, let him breathe and
I can also take a break.

She had just taken Jin Yan Hen’s pulse, it seemed to be normal and
since he had no physical problem, Lou Chen did not intend to
managed him inside and just said , “As you like “, then rode the
horse ahead.

Jin Yan Hen went down the carriage and patted Fang Ru Hui’s
shoulder to show his gratitude. Fang Ru Hui gently waved his hand
and walked gracefully into the carriage. The two grew up together
and in just by looking at each other, one could tell what the other
person was thinking.

Jin Yan Hen got on the horse and immediately went to the side of
Lou Chen.

While riding along the road before, Xing Mu was not particularly
concerned about talking to Lou Chen and he could ride with all the
way without even a word. But for some sort of reason after seeing Jin
Yan Hen on the horse, he doesn’t know why he suddenly felt an urge
to talk to Lou Chen. After thinking a little, Xing Mu said, “Miss Lou,
we have walked more than 60 miles in the morning, tonight,
we won’t be able to catch Feng Town. There is a small forest
20 miles away. It is flat and spacious. There is a small stream
behind the woods. The stream is very clean. Miss can go
there and freshen up. Why don’t we spend the night there to
rest? ”

Listening to him that he could describe the distance so accurately,

Lou Chen asked, ” When you come from Little Jian Mountain Villa, did
you also passed this road?” ”

“Yes. I am also from Lingcheng, this where I walked all the

way and I can be your guide. Feng Town to Luoshui Town,
this is the only forest that is most suitable for resting. If we

223 Report
missed it here, we have to walk another 30 miles, to find
another place suitable for stay overnight. ”

This was Lou Chen’s first time in Liao Yue since Xing Mu was more
familiar with the place, she naturally would listen to his advice. Lou
Chen casually nodded, “ Ok, we will listen to your advice.”

After their brief conversation and right after Xing Mu finished

speaking, they saw a touch of green shaking wildly in front of them.
When they looked down, in front of their eyes were…. two huge wild
yam leaves.

“The sun is so strong, it will cover you.”Jin Yan Hen said as

he stuffed the wild yam leaves to Lou Chen’s hand.

Lou Chen looked at the roadside and she did see a lot of wild
leaves. It was late autumn, it was past noon and the sun was actually
not strong. Lou Chen had no plan of picking it from his hand but her
mind suddenly had a flashback of the rainy scene when Jin Yan Hen
also took two wild yam leaves standing very close to her holding the
two yam leaves above their heads to cover her body.

Her memory was too vivid and too good which sometimes not a
good thing. She could even remember clearly the raindrops on the
leaf’s surface falling down from his hand, along with his neck all the
way to his clothes.

Jin Yan Hen saw that Lou Chen was staring at the leaves for
whatever reason and he quickly stuff the leaves into her hands. She
absentmindedly took it.

Xing Mu saw that Lou Chen was distracted by the two wild yam
leaves. The yam leaves can be seen all around them and he doesn’t
see anything special about those leaves. He looked up, he figured
that the sun was not even that dazzling. Finally, he said, ”There’s an
umbrella, let me get them.”

224 Report
Lou Chen had already returned to the moment and replied.
“No need.”

Lou Chen did not use the wild leaves to shade her from the sun but
she did not throw them either.

Jin Yan Hen smiled as he hold the wild yam leaf in his hand fanning
the wind. He lightly kicked the horse’s belly to ride side by side with
Lou Chen. He pointed to the solitary mountain not far away ahead
and said. “Chen’er, do you know what mountain is that?”

Lou Chen followed the direction of his finger, looked the regular
mountain, there was nothing special. She naturally does not know
what its name.

Lou Chen did not really care what it was about and took back her
gaze. Jin Yan Hen was still very interested and cheerfully said, “What
do you think the shape is like? Isn’t it like a man?”

When Jin Yan Hen thought that Lou Chen will ignore him and not
answer, and was he prepared to continue speaking, Lou Chen
suddenly replied in a cold indifferent voice, “No, it is not.”

“Chen’er…”Jin Yan Hen stared at Lou Chen, said pitifully.”Do not

be cold to me this way. If you are like this, it will not help. At an
earlier time, I already prepared a poignant romantic love story to tell

His tone of resentment and hidden hurt made Lou Chen

unconsciously agree, “ Okay. Go tell.”

Jin Yan Hen swept away the appearance of resentment, and with
clear resonant voice started the tale, “There was a legend long
ago, there was a heavenly goddess that went down from the
sky and she passed by a brook. The brook was so clear and
inviting and she decided a bath. During this time, a man was
passing by and saw the heavenly goddess and he was greatly

225 Report
surprised by what he saw. He stole her clothes which
prevented her from going to the shore. God in heaven knew it
and he was very furious. He sent a thunder and lightning and
struck the man dead. His corpse became a stone mountain.
This story reminds us not to casually take a bath in a brook
because some wretched man might steal your clothes.”

This was the so-called poignant romantic love story? ! She

shouldn’t have let him talk! Lou Chen’s grasp on the horse’s reign
became tighter, restrained herself not to do anything to him. She
needed patience! Patience!

Xing Mu’s face turned grim. He just mentioned that Lou Chen can
refresh at the stream. What was the meaning of the story?

Also when he heard him called her ‘Chen’er’, he doesn’t know why
that his chest was inexplicably flustered. Without thinking, he called
out,” Chen…” the word had not come out yet but he immediately
sensed it, Lou Chen’s eyes were abnormally cold and indifferent.

Jin Yan Hen eyebrows raised and thinking Xing Mu also planned to
call her “Chen Er”? In fact, he was quite expecting and waiting for
Xing Mu to say the word out. After all, he still did not forget the
weighed of the kicks that he received from her at the time.

Under the chilly gaze of Lou Chen and Jin Yan Hen’s gloating
appearance, Xing Mu finally failed to call the word ” Er”.

Pressing down the irritating anger in his heart, Xing Mu took out
the water bag hanging around his waist and handed it over and said,
” Miss Chen, drink some water.”

“I am not thirsty. Also, my surname is Lou.” Lou Chen gently

kicked her horse and ran a dozen yards forward. In just a few words,
Xing Mu felt the indifference and alienation. She allowed Jin Yan Hen
to call her “Chen’er”, but he just called her “Miss Chen”,
unexpectedly also he can’t?

226 Report
While Xing Mu was wondering, Jin Yan Hen took the bag of water in
his hand and laughed, “Xing Gongzi is really understanding. I
have just said a lot of words, and I am dead thirsty, then I
will right away welcome it.”

Gongzi means son of an official.

After he finished talking, Jin Yan Hen took a big gulp of water. Lou
Chen was riding in front of them, not very far away. Xing Mu cannot
be angry with someone just for a bag of water.

The heart suppressed with anger and the sharp stare smothered
Jin Yan Hen. If the look could kill, Jin Yan Hen estimated to have
been hacked to death by now. But then again, Jin Yan Hen had very
thick hides that even if look really turned into sharp blades, it still
certainly would not be able to penetrate to him.

Fang Ru Hui leaned against the window and watched the two big
men with fun and amusement. In the position where Lou Chen was
unable to see, the two took their staring skills into practice. Fang
Ruhui shook his head, snorted and sighed. “Really, childish lah…”


227 Report

Chapter 27
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

Chapter 27 Is it an Enemy or a Friend? (Part 1)

As time passed, Lou Chen decided to ride in front of the convoy

leaving Jin Yan Hen and Xing Mu behind. The two men can’t think of
anything else to say or do and decided to just follow along the way.

After traveling for quite some time, the group of travelers finally
reached the forest mentioned by Xing Mu. It was late autumn and the
leaves of the trees were scattered on the ground leaving only bare
trunks and stems. The sight was gloomy all around.

The forest was indeed flat and spacious. Although, she did not
see the stream that he mentioned, the place was wide open and look
safe. It was indeed a good place to camp and rest overnight.

Xing Mu went to Lou Chen and whispered, “This is the forest,

Miss Lou, we will stay here tonight to rest.”

“Yeah,” Lou Chen had nothing to comment. It was also getting

dark and in just half an hour, the road will be totally dark. She had
been riding the horse all day, she also felt tired.

Jin Yan Hen gave the ground one quick glance and commented,
“ In this place, we are not the only ones passing by here.”

Xing Mu looked at the place Jin Yan Hen was staring and saw
many horseshoe marks and explained, “ This place is next to the
official road and also suitable for camping and resting. Any
travelers that pass through the road will, of course, choose

228 Report
this place to rest. As long as we stay in our place and we will
bother anyone.”

Jin Yan Hen just shrugged his shoulder and did not speak again, he
pulled his horse’s reigns and looked around. He was investigating
cases all year round and he already developed a habit that wherever
he goes, he would unconsciously observe the surroundings. This
forest, although it was autumn and there was plenty of wind gusts
and should have plenty of dead branches on the ground, however
after a quick glance, there were only a few dead branches scattered
around that could only mean that there were people around that
were collecting these firewoods. Normally, people will pick up dead
branches near their campsite, but he does not see any campers
around or the other possibility was that these travelers were a huge
group that they needed so many dead branches for firewood.

If the caravan was a small one, he will not worry but looking at the
ground, there were no footprints and a telltale that the martial art
skills of these people were not weak…

Xing Mu looked at the people with him, most have no martial arts
skills, one was poisoned and the one who was good at it was a
woman. In these group of travelers, the only one with martial arts
skills and in good health, and naturally, he should be the one who
should take the responsibility of protecting them. Xing Mu tied his
horse and said loudly and heartily, “ The dry food is not easy to
swallow on its own, let me go and try if I can hunt some

In Yan Hen pointed at him, smiled and said, “ Xing Mu, be

careful. In case there is a ferocious beast nearby, it is not
good if you get hurt.”

In such an empty forest, there was no way that a beast would

appear here. Xing Mu suspected that Jin Yan Hen was just trying to
make fun of him, “ Do not worry, Xing Mu is not that weak. “ and the
last word was given a special emphasis. After saying that, regardless

229 Report
of Jin Yan Hen ’s reaction, he turned and walked towards the forest.

“Weak” The word emphasized, Jin Yan Hen did not take it to
heart but Lou Chen upon hearing it did not feel happy. “Tomorrow,
we will leave early, though your body’s condition is not that
bad, we have to reach that town on the hill quickly.”

Jin Yan Hen casually replied,” Okay, I will listen to what you say.”

Old Li, who was driving the coach sighed heavily and thought in
this case, they are going to rush desperately on this journey
tomorrow. Even if he wanted to complain but facing this beautiful
and indifferent woman with very few words, he could not explain the
effect on him that he couldn’t open his mouth. He just hopes that
tomorrow his body will be kept in one piece and not break any bones.

Old Li got up, patted the dust from the corner of his clothes,
said: “I will go and pick up some firewood and make a good

Jin Yan Hen who was checking the horses if they were tied well,
laughed and said, “ You are working hard, Uncle Li.”

“Not hard.” Old Li waved his hand and walk to the side.

Jin Yan Hen thought, it would be good to follow along with him
and pick up some firewood, but heard that light voice suddenly
shouted, ‘”Jin Yan Hen.”

Jin Yan Hen turned around to see a strange look in Lou Chen’s
eyes as if she was hesitant to say something and stopped midway.

After Lou Chen thought about it, she finally still asked, “ You are
not really afraid to lose you internal force and become a wasted man.

Jin Yan Hen smiled at her and said, “You said you will cure
and me. I naturally believe you, ah.”

230 Report
That very confident and casual attitude gave Lou Chen feeling of
helplessness and defeat. She turned her head and look towards
forest not far away. She did not have the courage to stop him

Looking at the person that rarely displays any expression, as

Uncle Li quickly disappeared towards the forest as if, Jin Yan Hen
acted like did not find Lou Chen’s sudden silence awkward. He was
happily smiling said this,” When I was a child, the fortuneteller said
that Heavens blessed me a good life. When I am in danger, someone
will be sent to help me. You see, I got poisoned but I met you. If you
did not come to Loushi town, I might be dead already in the hands of
Fang Rui Hui. So you see, I am confident nothing will happen. That
fortune teller is actually very famous in Loushi town.”

Lou Chen has long known this man’s power of nonsense, let him
talk about himself and not be bothered about it, and she did not even
give him a glance not even a small look from the corner of her eyes.
Her brows, however, wrinkled a little unconsciously but loosened it
right after.

Lou Chen was in a good mood but the other person, the mood
was bad. What does he mean that Lou Chen will be cured by her and
he will be dead by his hand if she did not show up? Fang Ru Hui who
was always calm and gentle was grinding his teeth and couldn’t bear
these words of Jin Yan Hen. This fool had not even considered the
pressure that he will give to Lou Chen even he made it sound like a
joke. What this guy had done right now, he wasn’t sure if Lou Chen
will still have a liking for him?

Fang Rui Hui looked at Lou Chen. The woods in this autumn
night was gloomy and he casually stood in the twilight, with her back
towards him, this scenery in his mind was the beginning of unlimited
magnificence of beauty and grace. Fang Ru Hui sighed secretly, to
like this girl, he doesn’t know if it was Jin Yan Hen’s good or bad

231 Report
“I’m back.” After half an hour, Xing Mu came back with a
smile, holding his spoil, a rabbit.

The rabbit was dealt with accordingly, fur had been removed and
guts were also pulled out. Jin Yan Hen at the moment was in a very
good mood and gave generous praise: “Xing Mu indeed is a son
of a nobleman, really amazing ah, because of the rabbit that
you caught, we have a good dinner tonight.”

Xing Mu nodded to acknowledge him but did not comment.

Uncle Li also was hugging some dry wood when he came back,
although not much roasting a rabbit with it, they did not need more.

Although the Xing Mu was Sword Mountain Villa’s young

master, in the end, it was still under pugilistic world, he often goes
out to hunt and roast some game, for him, was not difficult. As the
night falls completely, the smell of barbecued rabbit also permeated
in the woods. Not to mention, this young master was very skilled. The
roasted rabbit was golden crisp and just by looking at it, people will
drool of hunger.

After the Xing Mu finished roasting the rabbit, he tore one whole
leg and gave it to Lou Chen.

Lou Chen had no special preference for meat does not have a
special preference. At home, Su-Su often roasts chicken and grilled
fish, she occasionally eats a tiny piece but not a lot. Lou Chen just cut
a small piece of the rabbit meat and gave the rest of the leg to Jin
Yan Hen. She then casually eat some dry foods, got afterward and

Lou Chen and casually ate some dry food, then got up and said:
“Tonight I sleep in the carriage, you find a place to rest.” ”

Not that she hadn’t experienced living in a rough in the

wilderness at night before, but now that there was a carriage, she

232 Report
would never have wronged herself if she makes use of it.

The grown-up men naturally did not protest, Lou Chen is a

woman and sleeping in the carriage was simply natural.

Lou Chen did not care about how the men she left outside with
finding themselves a place to rest, she went inside the carriage, lied
down and rest. Fang Rui Hui place a quilt on the carriage couch
making it very comfortable for her. She quickly fell asleep but turning
was not very convenient, making her half awake all the time. After a
nap, Lou Chen woke up in the middle of the night.

She slowly sat up and she could not find herself to go back to
sleep. She picked up the water bag beside the couch to relieve her
parched throat only to find the bag empty.

Dry throat made her very uncomfortable and without saying a

word, Lou Chen simply took the water bag, got out of the carriage
and started walking.

The fire on the ground was getting smaller, Uncle Li was lying
near the fire, sleeping soundly. Fang Ru Hui was not far away with
his back on a trunk sleeping, Jin Yan Hen and Xing Mu were also close
by sleeping near the carriage, one on the left and on the right like
guards putting the carriage in the middle.

Lou Chen’s steps were extremely light and did not wake up the
sleeping men around her.

She looked around but she could not find the stream. She
carefully listened and she faintly hears the sound of running water.
Using her qinggong, she went towards the source of the sound.

After moving east for a while, it did not take for Lou Chen to
find the stream mentioned by Xing Mu. The stream was wider than
she imagined. It was seven to eight feet wide and the water was very

233 Report
Lou Chen went to the stream and filled her water bag, drank
some water to relieve her uncomfortable throat. Mow, she has the
mood to carefully look at and admire the stream.

The water on this steam was flowing down from the high plane
but it was flowing away from the official road and from the upstream,
there were about seven to eight feet drop forming a small waterfall.
The water that was falling was following a shape of a bend towards
the south. Under the moonlight, the stream was like a glittering
jewel winding down as the sound of the ripples of water were being
carried by the wind like a whisper, bringing a soothing sound of the
fresh water making that who hear to be relaxed and happy.

Lou Chen extended her hand to caressed the water and played
the water with her fingertips. The water felt cool and refreshing,
after travelling all day with all the dust, she decided to also wash her
face. She crouch down held some water on her palms and gently
patted her face. The cold water scent refreshed her energy.

When she was about to wipe the water droplets on her face, she
suddenly remembered that “poignant romantic” love story. How
can this Jin Yan Hen come up with such a story? Lou Chen felt funny
inside and her lips raised a little. A smile that rarely appears on such
a cold face.

She rarely laughs, but when he does it was so warm, it was like
a spring melting winter snow, that even a dead wood would sprout a
bud. The beauty is not from appearance but in the magnificent look.
At this moment, someone had suddenly lost his rhythm of breathing.
That slight changed doesn’t escape the notice of Lou Chen.

The eyes of Lou Chen suddenly turned cold, knowing that

someone was also present near the stream.

Originally, she thought it was Jin Yan Hen or Xing Mu who came
to look her. The smile was gone from the of the corner of her lips and
turned into a slight frown. But she discerned right after that the

234 Report
burning look came from the other side of the bank, Lou Chen’s face
turned colder and with a chilly voice like a frost.

“Have you look enough? ”


Chapter Index

235 Report

Chapter 28
Source: Asian Hobbyist

Another teaser. I am hoping to find a popular Chinese novel that is

not BL


Strongest Naruto System

Seeing Hanabi staying still, Naruto did not hesitate a bit. He raised
his palms and pointed at the tail of Hanabi, then spanked it for a few

It was a loud, clear sound in the ears of Hanabi.

Hanabi was extremely angry and she was struggling desperately.

She was waving her hands frantically. Unfortunately, she only had a
bit of chakra left. Also, after hitting by Naruto so intensely, she
couldn’t use any of her strength.

Naruto had spanked her for 6 times, and initially, there were 2
times left, and when it’s the 9th one, he found out that Hanabi wasn’t
moving anymore. His hands were hanging and his legs felt weak.

He was lying on his own lap and there was no movement.

Naruto couldn’t help but feel confused, then he lowered his head
and looked at Hanabi.

At a glance, he saw tears coming out of her clear pupils.

He didn’t expect the arrogant Hanabi to cry so easily.

236 Report
Naruto suddenly didn’t know what to do. The old problem occurred,
and he tried to comfort her gently,

“Little sister, it’s the last time. I promise that I won’t do it

anymore after this one.”

Hanabi looked at Naruto, and her tears kept running out, she said

“Why did you hit me?”

Naruto did not respond. The system made him to, he had no other

When thinking about this, Naruto raised his hand again and hit on
the bottom of Hanabi.

At the same time, the system told him that the mission has been

“The special mission is completed and the host gets 20

Chakra of cultivation pills.”

It’s not a ninja skill, Naruto was a bit disappointed. But, the
cultivation pills were still a good thing for him.

This was the only good thing that could get him to the top level.

After the spanking, Hanabi felt horrible, she started crying loudly.


She was extremely sad.

Naruto was helpless, and he felt a bit shameful. He spanked a girl

less than 8 years old, this was indeed embarrassing.

He told his avatar to let go of Hanabi, then Naruto looked at Hanabi

and comforted her,

237 Report
“Little sister, don’t cry, just think of you being beaten by
your father, it’s the same.”

Hanabi pouted and looked at Naruto angrily, there were still tears
at the corners of her eyes.

When looking at Hanabi’s angry face, Naruto felt that there’s

something wrong with what he’d just said. In this case, hadn’t he
become the father? He’s not that old…

He could at most be her brother.

Hanabi was furious and yelled at Naruto,

“Tell me, how will you make this up for me?”

When hearing this, Naruto started laughing,

“Do you want to spank me back?”

When Hanabi heard this, she felt so pissed off that she choked. But
when she did, she still looked angry and cute. She held her arms
across her chest and said like a little adult,

“My mother told me that girls shouldn’t have their bottoms

spanked. So, you have to make this up!”

Naruto was stunned and was thinking that she’s got such a
powerful mother.

What’s there to make up with? Aside from his body as a virgin, he’s
got nothing. Also, this is a 8-year-old girl, he couldn’t do anything
across the line.

Otherwise, he’d have a bad influence on kids.

Naruto thought for a while, then asked,

“How do you want me to make this up? Do you want to

238 Report
spank me back?”

Hanabi said with despise,

“I don’t want to spank you.”

Naruto smiled and said,

“Then what do you want, do you want lollipops?”

Obviously, she was taken as a child, which made her even more

“It’s you who want the lollipops. I’m not a kid anymore, and
I’ve told you that.” Seeing how angry she was, Naruto hurriedly

“Okay, you’re not a kid. You’re a little girl.”

Hanabi stared at him and stopped talking. It’s because if she

continued, she’d lose her cool soon.

Hanabi pouted, lowered her head and thought. Then, she raised
her head, looked at Naruto and suddenly said,

“I want you to marry me.”

Naruto was extremely stunned, he thought that he’d misheard it.

Could a 8-year-old kid have said such a thing?

239 Report

Chapter 28 Part 2
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

Originally,she thought that Jin Yan Hen or Xing Mu came to find

her. Lou Chen just narrowed her lips and frowned slightly. But after a
while, when she felt the burning gaze was from the other side of the
stream, Lou Chen’s face froze and with the equally icy voice that
comes with it.

“Have you seen enough?”

Lou Chen also looked where the line of sight was.

The trees on the other side of the stream were more luxuriant
than on her side. Most leaves have fallen but the huge trunks were
standing vigorously casting its shadows under the moonlight.

In that darkness, a figure was crouching beside the stream

seemed to be that of a man. He was dressed in black, but his arms
were exposed and it was covered with blood. She couldn’t see the
wound and she was guessing that the injury might be coming from
the shoulder and blood was flowing down his arms.

The shadows of the trees hid his face and she couldn’t see his
facial features clearly, but it did not hinder Lou Chen from feeling the
sharp pupils that was continually focused on her. Although he was
already crouching and injured, she could tell that this man was not
weak at all. He had a look of ferocious beast gathering its energy
staring on its prey, and will likely to pounced any moment.

Lou Chen narrowed her eyes and never avoided the man’s gaze,
owing to the fact that she felt she would never be the prey.

240 Report
The two was staring at each other eye to eye, each one eyeing
its prey, no one moved, only the sound of flowing water could be

Lou Chen was thinking about whether to continue to wait or

attack first when there was a sudden movements behind the man.
Two man wearing black clothes from head to toe appeared suddenly,
and before she could say a word, the man already stood up.


In the stillness of the night, the tone of the man was extremely
low. The clear and cold male voice was heard by Lou Chen very

The trio’s qinggong skills were excellent because in a blink of an

eye, the three was already flashed in a far distance.

Lou Chen squinted slightly, with some questions in her heart.

How many people will actually appear here in the middle of the night,
are they friends or foes? Or just a total strangers?

Just when Lou Chen was still pondering in amazement, she

suddenly heard the sound of an arrow breaking the air and even Lou
Chen who was standing on the other side of the stream could feel
that sharp murderous intent.

The man leaned to his side quickly and the sharp arrow plunged
into the dead wood behind him, only half of the arrow was left
extended above the surface.

Lou Chen had excellent vision. She was in and out of the
General’s Mansion all year round and in just one glance she knew
that it was not an ordinary arrow, but a crossbow, which was faster
and more agile than a long arrow.

After this arrow, seven or eight more arrows were shot in

succession, all blocked by three men.

241 Report
From the darkness seven or eight more men in dark suits also
came out, two of the men were carrying crossbows and the others
have different kinds of weapons, and the target was the three men.

The two sides fought all the way, getting closer and closer to the
stream. Although the three were outnumbered but their martial arts
skills were superb, especially the injured man, he was very skillful
and very deep internal force. He was very aggressive that even when
he was besieged, he showed no signs of retreat or defeat.

The two men wearing black with crossbows were standing

outside of the fighting periphery from time to time, and one of them
discovered Lou Chen standing on the other side of the stream and
pointed his crossbow towards her direction.

Lou Chen just grunt and prepared to dodge the crossbow that
was about to be shot in her direction. When the man who had been
besieged by the two saw it, he leaped forward and swung his sword
towards the man holding the crossbow. The man holding the
crossbow was surprised and he hurriedly dodge the attack. Naturally,
there was no way he could set out the task he intended to do
towards Lou Chen.

“Go.” It was that cold, low voice and Lou Chen knew that the
“go” was for her to leave.

Lou Chen frowned slightly. Both of them were wearing black

clothes. Their motions were all sharp and fierce. There was no way
they could distinguished their identities. After remembering the
several people that was also in the forest camping not far away, Lou
Chen decided it was better to leave first.

After she had decided, she quickly turned around without

hesitation and with one breath run towards the road where she came

The man looked back and took a glimpse of the woman in blue

242 Report
figure swiftly move away seven or eight feet in just one breath and
disappeared quickly. The man’s eyes flash with amusement that he
was almost hit by a crossbow, he returned to confront and focus to
fight the enemy with all his might .

Thanks to Lou Chen’s sufficient footwork skill, it took a lot less

time for her return than when she first went out. She deliberately
relaxed her footsteps when she was about 10 ft away from the fire.
Jin Yan Hen and Xi Mu heard the movement and woke up.

The were fully alert while watching the person approaching.

After seeing that it was Lou Chen, the two immediately welcomed

“What’s going on? Chen’er?”

“Miss Lou?”

Naturally, Lou Chen did not hide the incident from them, she
turned on the side of the fire to untie the horse’s ropes while
speaking, “There are two forces fighting near the stream. They are all
wearing black and their identities are unknown. We need to leave
now to avoid encountering a disaster. “

If Lou Chen run back in such a hurry, it only indicated that the
martial arts of those people must not be weak. Thinking of the
strength of their company, Jin Yan Hen and Xing Mu face sank. Both
agreed at the same time, “Okay.”

They woke Fang Ru Hui and Uncle Li in the middle of the night.
Even though they were not clear what was happening, the expression
of the three looked serious, they know that it was something
complicated. Fang Ru Hui went inside the carriage quickly, Li Shu in
turn quickly drove the carriage in the direction of the official road.

Xing Mu led the way, and when Lou Chen got on the horse, she
noticed that Jin Yan Hen was falling behind. When she looked back,

243 Report
he saw that the man was covering the almost extinguished fire with
fine sand, and at the same time he was carefully erasing the
footprints on the ground. .

After Jin Yan Hen packed up the traces of their camping, he

immediately turned to get his horse. When he raised his head, he
was facing the cold scrutiny from Lou Chen and responded by simply
grinning at her. Lou Chen raised her eyebrows slightly, neither of
them spoke as the rode in the direction of the carriage.

These group of travelers rode for about half an hour although

there was no trace of anyone chasing them. When they finally
relaxed and put down their hearts, they heard a string of hoof beats
coming from behind. Although still at a far distance, Lou Chen and
Xing Mu having high martial arts skills could hear it very clearly.

They were riding ordinary horses and it was not that easy to
rush in the dark road at night and on top of that they were also
dragging a carriage. It will not be very long that these group of riders
will overtake them. Although it was unclear who were coming, they
did not want to have any contact with them.

Jin Yan Hen assessed the surroundings, unlike the forest before,
the official road was lined with dense bushes on both sides. In the
dark of the night, they can use it as a cover. Jin Yan Hen whispered,
” Let us go down there and hide. ” He then took the lead to move
behind the bushes.

The sound of the horse’s hooves behind them was getting

closer. The group couldn’t think of other alternative, they could only
turn their horses’ heads and follow Jin Yan Hen behind the bushes.

The bushes were almost as tall as person, and coupled with the
dark of the night, even the carriage was hidden from view. If you
don’t look close enough, absolutely it can never be found. They did
not dare to go further for fear of the swaying the leaves and
branches that will make people feel that there was something

244 Report
peculiar and suspicious.

Fang Ru Hui and Uncle Li hid in the carriage. Jin Yan Hen, Lou
Chen, and Xing Mu took the horses and stood among the trees five or
six feet away from the official road, they were comforting and
pacifying the horses at the same time watching carefully the
situation on the official road.

Soon enough, they saw three horses galloping from a distance,

the speed of the horse was extremely fast, it was as if the black
lightning was passing through the road in the middle of the night.

Seeing the speed of the three horseman, Xing Mu felt relieved,

because they rushed past and they wouldn’t notice anyone hiding
on both sides of the official road.

Unfortunately, things did not go as they expected. When the

galloping horse almost ran past them, the leader somehow suddenly
reined the horse with the hissing sound for it to stop. The two behind
them also hurriedly tightened the reins, but they ran past about two
or three feet before stopping.

The few people hiding in the bush were shocked, but they didn’t
dare to act rashly.

The person just stopped the horse, turned his head to look
towards the bushes, his gazed was so precise, as if he had already
seen where they were hiding.

That vision …

It’s him?

Lou Chen was secretly shocked. This man was extremely keen,
nothing can escape his eyesight?

Both Jin Yan Hen and Xing Mu’s hands were already holding the
hilts of their swords. Lou Chen was not wary. She doesn’t think this

245 Report
person will do anything to them. If he wanted to kill her, he wouldn’t
tell her to go before. So, why does he stop here at the moment?

ly across the stream, now across the bushes, the two are still
facing each other coldly. The man was sitting upright in his tall and
lofty spirit horse, but there was something carried by the night
breeze, the pungent smell of blood.

The man suddenly turned around, and it seemed like there was
something important and using the whip urged the horse to depart.


The bleak tone carried some chill. The man unconsciously pulled
back the reins again, when he turned his head, he saw something
shiny flying towards him. The man raised his hand and caught it
firmly and he looked down, a white porcelain bottle was laying on the
palm of his hand.

The rubbed his eyes in astonishment, glanced at the figure

hidden in the dark and then took the bottled in his arms. He then
decisively kicked the horse’s side and galloped away. The two men in
black followed behind hurriedly.

Only when the three horse riders disappeared completely into

the night, Jin Yan Hen let go of his hand from the scabbard.
“Chen’er know that person?” His voice doesn’t sound tensed or
nervous but in the contrary it sounded calm and casual.

Lou Chen shook her head, “I’m just returning a favor.”

After speaking Lou Chen didn’t continue to explain further and

led the horse slowly out of the bush.

They escaped the crisis this time but the surrounding forest
was dense and dark, resting on the bushes was not an option. Xing
Mu said, “It’s almost dawn. Let’s go to the next town and

246 Report

The group continued their travel unto the night until they finally
reached the nearest town in the morning (7-9am).

They went riding throughout the night, both horses and people
were exhausted. Jin Yan Hen glanced at the expressions of the
people around him, and said, “The whole night we have been
tossing around, everyone is tired. It is better to take a rest in
this town and how about if continue tomorrow? ”

He knew only he could make this suggestion, in his body was a

malicious poisoned and dragging the treatment for another day
would be taking higher risk. Their party was originally rushing to
Ling Cheng to find a cure, and naturally no one would propose to
take a break and delay the trip.

The people in their party were really exhausted, especially Fang

Ru Hui and Uncle Li. After Jin Yan Hen finished speaking, everyone
had no opinion, and Lou Chen was also silent. So, the travelling
party decided to stay in town to rest a day.

Only if Jin Yan Hen had known what would happen next, he
wouldn’t stay in this town even just for a single second.


Hint : The next chapter will need Doctorwu to get in.

Chapter Index

247 Report

Chapter 30
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

“Chener, are you awake?” Jin Yan Hen was standing in front of
her room, He waited for few moments but he couldn’t feel any
movement inside the room.

Jin Yan Hen peeked at at the sky, it was already dark and it was not
possible that Lou Chen isn’t awake yet.

“Chen’er?” Jin Yan Hen knocked at the door one more time. He
looked down and he finally noticed the small lock hanging on the

Seeing the small copper lock, a smear of worry appeared in his

eyes. He looked around. When he determined that nobody was on
the hallway, he took out pocket knife and pulled out a very slim blade
and slightly picked the key hole until he heard a click sound and the
lock was opened.

Jin Yan Hen closed the slim blade and gently pushed open the door.
The layout and furnishings of the room were similar to the one he
was staying. The room was quiet and there was nothing unusual. The
quilt was folded and neatly placed on the bed. Jin Yan Chen was
relieved, and it really seemed that Chen Er had gone out by herself.

He left the room and locked the door again and headed downstairs.

In the evening, the lobby was filled with more diners. Jin Yan Hen
casually grabbed a inn keeper and asked, “Young brother, have
you seen the girl in the room three, she is wearing a light
blue dress?”

248 Report
The inn keeper doesn’t seem irritated even though he was stopped
by someone while he was preoccupied. Instead, his eyes brightened,
and smiled brightly, “Are you talking about the beautiful girl in
blue Chinese Cheongsam?”

Jin Yan Hen’s mouth twitched, to look beautiful was an

understatement compared to his expression of fascination like what
he actually saw was a goddess as he spoke which only
meant…Chen’er was infectious and attractive. Jin Yan Hen secretly
cursed, but still said with a smile on his face, “Oh yes, that’s her.”

The young inn keeper chuckled as he responded politely, “She

went out after asking me where are the pharmacies in town located
because she needed to buy something. I presume she was out to
purchase medicine. “

To purchase medicine? He was aware that Lou Chen was

painstakingly doing many ways in order to detoxify him. His smile
become bigger, “When did she go out?”

” She went out at around 1-3 pm in the afternoon.” The young

waiter glanced at the sky outside, although it was a little dark
already but there were still a lot of people on the street. When he
saw the smile on Jin Yan Chen’s face suddenly disappeared, he
immediately said, “Maybe, the Young Miss after buying the
medicine decided to also go on shopping. Maoyang Town is
not big like a city but the town has bountiful warm jades and
there are many other shops, Young girls are fond of this, ah.”

From 1-3 pm up until now, it has been more than two hours. Lou
Chen doesn’t wear any ornaments except for the jade pin on her hair.
She can’t be hanging out this late just to browse these things. Jin Yan
Hen had a bad premonition in his heart.

” Younger brother, tell me also the locations of those pharmacies.”

The young inn keeper contrary to what one might expect, thought

249 Report
because he was an inn’s guest, he graciously repeated to Jin Yan Hen
the information he said to Lou Chen. “The town’s most famous
pharmacy is a Qingxin (pure heart). It is very large in the
west of the city walls, if you go over for sure you can’t miss
it. There is also a medical hospital with a lot of medicinal
materials, it is called Anxintang (peace of mind) it is on the
east, it is not far from here if you turn right on the alley.”

“Thank you, Younger Brother.” After saying his appreciation

in a rushed manner, Jin Yan Hen quickly turned and walked out the

At the moment, Fang Ru Hui on his way downstairs and he saw Jin
Yan Hen was ready to went out of the door and turn right on the alley
in a hurry. He curiously called, “A’hen, it’s almost dark, do you
still want to go out?”

Jin Yan Hen paused and he explained, “Chen’er went out in the
afternoon and she haven’t returned. I am going out to look
for her. ”

Thinking that he was still poisoned and that Lingshui League

assassins, Fang Ru Hui was also a little worried and said,“ Let ’s go
together. ”

Jin Yan Hen shook his head. “You wait at the inn. In case
Chen’er comes back and if she doesn’t see anyone, she might

“I’ll go with you.”

Xing Mu was following Fang Ru Hui behind going down the stairs
and naturally heard Jin Yan Hen. After all, this whole mess started
because of him and he felt quite guilty.

This time, Jin Yan Hen didn’t object. The two quickly walked out of
the inn and when they were standing on the street. Jin Yan Hen said,

250 Report
“I guess Chen’er is out to buy medicine. The inn keeper said, there
are two large drug stores in town. You go to Qingxin pharmacy in the
west of the city, and I go to Anxintang in the east of the city. “

” Okay. “Xing Mu had no opinion on this arrangement. The two

looked at each other in agreement and went in the opposite

Anxintang was really close to the inn. Jin Yan Hen only barely
described the appearance of Lou Chen and several people in the
medical center nodded in recognition, they also praised Lou Chen’s
skill and unique medical technique.

Jin Yan Hen listened to their accounts for a while and learned that
Lou Chen saved a person in that hospital in the afternoon, but when
he asked if they knew what happened to her afterwards,
unfortunately no one in the hospital knew. He doesn’t have any
useful information except that they were gushing how superb her
medical skills were. They can’t even tell him which way she went.

Lou Chen has already left the medical center just after spending a
quarter of an hour there. He suspected that she probably planned to
go to Qingxin Pharmacy next, west of the city.

After getting out of the medical hospital, Jin Yan Hen started
walking towards the west of the city, however he doesn’t blindly dart
over the place if he was looking for a missing person. He had been a
bailiff for many years responsible for catching criminals, naturally he
had some skill and techniques. If you want to track a person, you
need to follow all the traces she left from the people in the town.
When Chen’er left in the afternoon, when there was still a crowd.
Capitalizing Lou Chen’s outstanding appearance and cold
temperament, surely someone must have recognized her.

Sure enough, after asking along the way, an old woman who was
packing up her stall heard him asking around about the beautiful
young woman in blue dress with an icy voice. She nodded and

251 Report
smiled, “I have seen young woman in a blue dress as you described. I
don’t see much of her appearance, but I know she must be a pretty
good looking. She asked me for a bowl of soft tofu and she doesn’t
have a copper so she gave me a piece of silver. “

“Oh, you have seen her?” After asking so many people, finally
he found some clues. Jin Yan Hen was very happy and smiled,
“Grandma, that young woman is my family. She hasn’t returned
home since she left home at noon. After she finished eating soft tofu
do you know where did she go? Do you remember? “

” Is young miss was not home yet? “The elderly woman’s face
was confused, not wanting to believed, and said nervously,”
She haven’t finished eating her soft bean curd and a man took her
away. “

” A man? “Jin Yan Hen slightly panicked in his heart but his
face did not change in expression, he still appeared calm and
asked,” Can you describe the man? “

The grandma was thinking hard, then shook her head, and
sighed, “This old granny is useless, my eyes are not good, I can’t see
clearly how the man looked like. I only know that he is tall and
dressed in gray clothes. The two of them didn’t say anything, the
man was helping the girl when they left. I called her but she ignored
me. “

With his knowledge of Chen’er, she will never let a man help her,
she surely meet some mishap.

Suppressing the growing fear in his heart, Jin Yan Hen continued
to ask, “Do you know where they went?”

The elderly woman pointed towards the alley five or six feet away
behind him and said, “Just the alley in front.”

“Thank you, grandma! “Jin Yan Hen didn’t dare to delay and

252 Report
immediately ran into the alley.

The alley was really narrow and long. There was no sign that a
fight just occurred. At that moment, was she poisoned or immobilized
by acupuncture?

Chen’er had an outstanding appearance, she was dazzling

everywhere she went. He went to ask the other shops and stalls
ahead nearby and they all say that they haven’t seen someone that
resembled his appearance, which only meant that Chen’er should not
be far away.

There were many small courtyards around the alley, so he can only
check it one by one. Jin Yan Hen want to use his qinggong to the
nearest courtyard but as he just took a breath to lift himself, his
chest suddenly felt pain and a burning sensation rushed from the pit
of his stomach and bubbled to the rest of his arms and limbs, and to
the numerous parts of his bones. It reminded him that he couldn’t
use internal force for now …

Jin Yan Hen took a deep breath and pressed down the burning pain
from the pit of his stomach. Without martial arts, he wouldn’t be able
to accomplish anything without using his martial arts. Regardless, it
was necessary to find Lou Chen quickly. When the darkness comes, it
will be hard to find her if she was abducted.

Jin Yan Hen was burning with anxiety, if Chen’er was abducted?
What happened after that? Things need to be traced back from the

∼∞Continue Reading∞∼

Gongzi will let you pass

Chapter Index

253 Report

Chapter 31
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue (错嫁


“Why save me?”

In midst of silence, the man’s gloomy voice was distinctly clear.

Lou Chen was sitting on a wooden stool by the window and

replied coldly, “The hidden weapon has not been taken out, to
be honest, either you can be save or not to save in order for
you to live is still uncertain.”

Lou Chen’s casual response, the man didn’t mind at all as long
as she was still willing to help him, that what was most important.
The man was evidently the kind who cherished words like gold. He
doesn’t like to chat, so it took a long time to spit out the two words,
“Thank you .”

Thinking of her abduction and the means she was brought in,
Lou Chen was still not happy about it, and her voice went another
degree colder, “Don’t thank me, if you people did not “invite”
me forcefully to come, how can I come here to save you? “

The man’s face suddenly turned rigid and atmosphere of the

room suddenly became awkward. “I am sorry. I will guarantee
you that I will discipline my subordinates with this
unacceptable means. In the future, if the Miss needs any
favor from me, I will do my best.”

Who knows what will happen in the future, and she did not I plan to
spend too much time in Liao Yue anyway. Two months already
passed to reach a year will be just like a breeze going by. However,

254 Report
this so-called favor, she never took it seriously, nor did she need it.
But since he offered it she will not refuse.

For the first time, he encountered a woman who have fewer

words than him, he could not help but felt distressed and abandoned.

There was a question that he always wanted to ask. At this

moment, he asked without any scruples. He always wanted know her
name. “I haven’t asked the lady’s name yet?”

“Lou Chen.”

Just the name, then no more words. Miss Lou never liked to make
anything mysterious.

After a long time, when Lou Chen didn’t asked anymore

question, the man sighed in his heart, voluntary said, “I am Yu

Lou Chen raised her eyebrow slightly because when she heard it
, this sounded like a fictitious name, and she didn’t mind, they were
only strangers and their meeting was by chance.

“This name isn’t a false.” He was not usually a person who

liked to explain, but today he unconsciously explained it because he
didn’t want her to misunderstand.

Lou Chen simply nodded, his name be a code name or fiction

didn’t matter to her. Therefore, Yu Xian was tangled because Miss
Lou did not seem care about him not faking the name.

Yu Xian was also a person who doesn’t like to talk much. After
those very little exchange, the two didn’t talk anymore. Lou Chen
although abducted contrary to what other might think she already
came to be at peace with it, but Yu Xian still felt a little guilty. In the
large room one can feel the strange quietness for a while.

Yu Xian took a glimpsed of the woman sitting next to the

255 Report
window, she had very aloof temperament, a kind of indifference that
was thousands of miles away. After spending a very short period of
time, it was not difficult to see her personality, she was such an aloof
person. Yu Xian was little curious, wondering what she was thinking
that night that made her laughed happily and so freely.

Miss Lou of course had no idea that Yu Xian was trying to

understand what made her laughed that night. If she knew it, she
would definitely tell him if he haven’t heard about it… that it was
because of one beautiful and poignant romantic love story.

“Miss, what you want is ready.”

The two moved very fast, to be able to prepare everything within

half an hour, although the thin blade was not as thin like the one at
home, the threads and needles for stitching also looked very rough.

“Take out these curtains and turn the bed towards the
window a little.” Even the two did not understand why Lou Chen
want to do it but without hesitation they immediately did what she

Lou Chen closed the window, and the brightness of the

afternoon light coming through the paper window was just right.

When the two were moving the bed to the designated location,
Lou Chen was also preparing the cotton cloth, blade and needles. She
cleaned her tools and disinfected it with fire and medicinal juice.

Lou Chen stood by the bed, holding four silver needles in her
hand, and said, “Oh, I forgot to write the anesthetic drugs on
the list earlier.”

The subordinates looked at Lou Chen with understanding. They

stared her with unapologetic look, their facial expressions clearly
saying ‘you did not forget it, that was deliberate!’

Although they were fuming mad but this instant, they dare not

256 Report
offend her also. The man with the gray coat clenched his fists and
said coldly, “I’ll go quickly and buy it now.”

“No need.” Yu Xian looked at Lou Chen said, “Immediately,

get on without it.”

Considering the pleased and satisfied appearance of Lou Chen

while pricking him with acupuncture needles, of course it was
obvious, this was her little retaliation.

The corner of Yu Xian’s mouth slightly grimaced. He knew it

would be painful that one would wish to rather die as she pricked the
needles but he was not angry. Instead, he felt that earlier she was
aloof but right now she was livelier.


Yu Xian’s mind wanted to go crazy, the moment he felt the blade.

He finally knew the purpose of the four acupuncture needles. He

could clearly feel the pain caused by Lou Chen’s incision, but his
upper body could not move. The man in gray coat has been wiping
Yu Xian’s sweats and the blue veins sticking out reminding him of the
pain his master was experiencing but he can only hold his breath at
this moment, not afraid to disturb Lou Chen, even the slightest.

Although he hated this woman for torturing his master, he also

admired her at the same time. The incisions were clean and neat,
and they often endure this kind of injury. It was almost a common
experience for them to get rid of arrows from their body. They’ve
seen so many doctors, but he hasn’t seen one that can be so precise.

He saw that Lou Chen cut open the flesh and went down a little
deeper, but the wound did not expand. After a while, she saw that
she picked up another thin blade and did not know what she had
done. She only heard a muffled sound from and followed by relieved
sound. The hidden weapon that tortured Gongzi for 10 hours has

257 Report
been taken out in no time.

Lou Chen examined the hidden weapon. It was the size of a

copper coin, it was made of iron with eight sharp blades spread along
all sides. The hidden weapon was delicately made, and it was not
comparable to ordinary homemade weapons like barb arrows. Such a
special hidden weapon must have its source.

Lou Chen secretly memorized the appearance of the hidden

weapon, then lowered her head and sutured the wound.

In fact, with such a wound, King’s Grass can be used it will stop
the bleeding right away and the wound will heal in just 3 days.
However, at present, King’s Grass was the only thing she had to swap
for Jin Yan Hen’s medicine, and Lou Chen will not waste it.

Finally, the wound was sutured, but the bleeding didn’t stop.
She did not know if Yu Xian passed out or he was just keeping his
eyes closed quietly. Lou Chen looked at the subordinate and said,
“Where is the medicine, I gave you earlier?”

The man rummaged through the bed and finally found it. After
getting the porcelain bottle, he quickly handed it to Lou Chen,

Lou Chen took the medicine and saw that there were a lot of
medicine left. He poured it on the wound, wiped it around before
wrapping the incision with cloth.

After the wound was completely bandaged, it was already dark.

Lou Chen came to the long table, wrote the oral and topical
prescription, and handed it to the man in gray coat, saying, “This is
a prescription. The topical mediation for wound cloth, it
must be changed every day. The oral medication should be
taken sooner. If he developed a fever later, you can use cold
water to cool him down, but the wound must stay dry. If the
wound has completely merged and not torn, wait 3 more

258 Report
days and then he can get out of bed . ”

Lou Chen prepared to leave before the explanation, anyway, the

place was not far from Anxintang. The hidden weapon was already
taken care of and ordinary doctors can do the rest.

Lou Chen just took one step and the two man blocked her path.
The man in gray coat who blocked her said, “Before Gongzi’s
injury is healed, Miss, please stay for a few more days.”

This can still be considered polite request but their actions of

the two seem extremely unyielding. What do they want? After
forcibly “inviting” someone, they also want to forbid her to leave?
Lou Chen grinned, then angrily said, “Do you really think you can
stop me?”

∼∞Continue Reading∞∼

Yuxian will let you pass

Chapter Index

259 Report

Chapter 32
Source: Killer Ninja Scrap Book

A Mistaken Marriage Match 5: Pursuit of Murderer in Liao Yue by

Qian Lu(错嫁良缘系列之燎越追凶)

Jin Yan Hen had no choice but support Lou Chen to walk on the
town’s street. He was radiantly in a good mood because for the first
time he was embracing Lou Chen’s waist openly. He can’t think
straight right now. He had only one thought in his heart, Chen Er’s
waist was so slim!

It was a pity, that his extreme joy turned to sorrow too soon.
The time to settle score had come and he was caught off guard. As
he was walking like a boatman towing his rope enjoying the beautiful
feeling of the waist he was tugging , the person was actually gaining
back her strength. So, his beautiful experience was also cut short.
The blue figure shifted quickly from his arms to his side. Before he
could react, he suddenly felt pain on his shoulder. Oh no! Now, he
cannot exercise control over his own body and standing rigidly.

“Chen’er …” Jin Yan Hen face looked bitter, looking at the face
of the person who just recovered her vigor from sleeping gas.

His posture was still like he was still of holding the beauty’s
waist, Lou Chen raised her eyebrows slightly. “It looks like your
neck was fine now.”

Jin Yan Hen put on a long face and suddenly he had very bad
premonition. The last time he was chopped on the nape by Lou Chen
inside the cave, for two days, he couldn’t flex his neck freely,
imagining how hard her strength was, he really did not want to
experience it again.

Jin Yan Hen howled in grief and said, “Chen’er, don’t be

260 Report
impulsive, listen to me, this is all strategy of convenience!”
Although the trick was disgraceful to the society as a whole,
however, he just want to be a hero who saved the beauty. Is she
settling an account? This fast?

Lou Chen ignored his sorrow and crying and asked coldly asked,
“Where’s the sweet-smelling sticks?”

Jin Yan Hen used this method to save her. Although she was not
happy, she would not be too harsh either. It was just that she had to
know, how could there be sweet-smelling fragrant carried around
him. If he carried this kind of stuff around his girdle or sleeve, she
had to changed his valuation and calculate him differently.

Jin Yan Hen didn’t know what troubled Lou Chen, he was just
busy justifying himself, “Chen’er, when you’re gone, I’m worried. I
don’t know who took you and you know I have no martial arts, nor do
I know what is the strength of the opponent. At that time, the most
convenient and useful way I can think of it was to get sweet smelling
sticks. “

” Where did you get those sticks? “Lou Chen asked again.

“Bought it. Maoyang Town is similar to Luoshui Town. As

a bailiff, I naturally know the place where people from all
trades gather, and those who have sweet-smelling stick are
not hard to find.” Gradually, Jin Yan Hen seemed to understand.
Looking at Lou Chen, his eyes were full of hurt and sourness,
“Chen’er, how can you suspect me, I am a bailiff responsible
for catching criminals, a man of justice!”

After hearing the phrase “man of justice”, at that time, Miss

Lou who was always cold in temperament through and through
couldn’t help but rild in frustration and disbelief. This hooligan’s can
totally speak nonsense which made her feel very annoyed and at the
same time she felt funny because of his ridiculousness.

261 Report
Seeing that Lou Chen’s face had eased a bit, Jin Yan Hen gave a
sigh of relief. In order to prevent Lou Chen from pursuing the matter
of sweet-smelling sleeping gas, he quickly said, “Should we return to
the inn as soon as possible? The three people we escaped from right
now doesn’t look like weak and idiots, in case they want to chase
after us, I’m afraid they will put us in a lot of trouble. “

Lou Chen shook her head.” No, that person’s injury is no

longer a big deal. That’s why he did not stop us from leaving, also he
will not send anyone here to catch us. Tonight, rest well and we will
continue our journey tomorrow. “

Chen’er seemed to understand and trust him again. Jin Yan

Hen’s sourness his heart vanished, because of the “we” in her
statement, and he was secretly rejoicing.

Jin Yan Hen felt that something was wrong with him lately
because every movement, every action of Lou Chen was driving his
mood. When he couldn’t find her and was gone, he was full of
anxiety, he realized that when she had friendly relationship with
man, he was nervous and restless. However, he was very joyous and
fulfilled when he was holding her in his arms. He became aware that
he was no longer just admiring her and curious about her, but that
she was the girl for him …

Jin Yan Hen sighed, knowing his condition and aware of how it
would appear at this moment, concluded that he had a long road

“Chen’er …” At the night, there are still people passing by the

street. Everyone that passed him looked at him with a strange and
knowing look. Although, he was shameless on normal days, still he
didn’t want to endure those looks.

Fortunately, Lou Chen didn’t really want him to keep standing

like a monkey for other people’s spectacle, she just coldly said, “In
the future do not be so careless.” Then she unlocked the

262 Report
acupuncture point and turned away.

“Will do!” Jin Yan Hen agreed quickly, rubbed his shoulders,
and immediately followed after her.

The night breeze blew all the way, and the effect of sweet-
smelling gas in Lou Chen’s body had dispersed a lot, but it still had
minor effect. Lou Chen walked slowly, Jin Yan Hen Hen’s eyes
brightened by an idea and caught up by two steps and rushed to her
side and said, “Chen’er, walk carefully. Do you want me to
assist you?”


Jin Yan Hen’s hand did not make it on beauty’s waist, it was
whacked by another hand without mercy.

Jin Yan Hen sucked an air. The hit was particularly hard that he
felt his hand was temporary numbed.

While kneading his reddened back of his hand, Jin Yan Hen finally
calmed and he walked peacefully beside Lou Chen, cautious not to
make another trouble. He wasn’t feeling unfulfilled. as long as the
two of them were walking side by side together along the way, he
could always find a chance cultivate relationship with Chen’er . His
mind was preoccupied as they walk to the inn all he wanted was to
have a good rest tonight.

Chen’er, our future is long!

The wishful thinking in the heart of Jin Yan Hen was completely
shattered the moment he stepped in the inn. He wanted to rest
extravagantly tonight, it turned to be this expectation was excessive!

“Jin! Yan! Hen!”

Lou Chen and Jin Yan Hen barely stepped on the threshold, by
the time they entered the main hall, they could hear the clenching of

263 Report
someone’s jaw.

When the two looked up, they were only few people in the large
main hall. Fang Ru Hui was sitting in the corner, he had miserable
appearance as if a great tragedy just occurred. Opposite him was
Miss Qu Ning Shuang with both arms folded on her chest. She was
glaring angrily at him. Her eyes were also picture of distress and
pain. Even the two arrived, Fang Ru Hui did not look up and it
appeared that he was suffering from extreme physical and mental

The inn keeper was also shrinking himself and hiding in a

corner, looking anxiously at the woman in red with murderous
expression standing in the middle of the inn’s lobby.He only hoped
that there would be no fighting, no shop furniture would be broken
and not to seize him to vent out her anger.

At this moment, the only thing that can break this mood and
end the situation calmly was the return of the person who went out
to find missing person. Xing Mu came back empty handed and now
he can only wait for news. When Xing Mu spotted Lou Chen and Jin
Yan Hen returning together, his worried heart finally relaxed only that
he still could not help but feel disappointed. Why didn’t he find her
instead of him? ∼∞ Continue to Read∞∼ Jingru is
the pass

Chapter Index

264 Report

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