Bare Bones. Our Ancestors' Bones Have A Lot To Say

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Our ancestors’ bones

have a lot to say

Efthymia Nikita
Mahmoud Mardini
Our ancestors’ bones
have a lot to say

Efthymia Nikita
Mahmoud Mardini
4 Introduction
6 Why study bones?

10 Basic skeletal anatomy

13 A few basic bone facts

30 A few basic tooth facts

38 Demography
41 Is it male or female?

48 How old are they?

56 Past life written on bones

59 Growing tall… or not!

64 Who is related to whom?

74 We are what we eat

82 Staying active!

88 Health and disease

94 Being an osteoarchaeologist
97 Digging in the field
This work has received funding from the European 101 Working in the lab
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the grant agreement No 811068.
In addition, it was co-funded by the European Regional
Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus
105 Glossary
through the Research and Innovation Foundation
[EXCELLENCE/1216/0023]. This work is distributed under
a creative commons licence (CC BY-NC 2.0) 109 Image credits
ISBN 978-9925-7759-3-4

Some people Others think

find us creepy we are awesome!

But no one can

say we are boring!

4 5
Why study bones?
The human skeleton can provide fascinating
information about the life of the individual
Have you ever dressed
to whom it belongs.
up as a human skeleton
for Halloween? Our diet, activities, health, ancestry and many
other important aspects of our life leave traces
on our bones.

Have you marvelled at

what the human skeleton
looks like in an X-ray?

Through the study of ancient

YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE! Specialists called human skeletons, we can see how
people, often invisible in written
osteoarchaeologists or
The human skeleton has fascinated bioarchaeologists examine records, used to live.
skeletal remains found in
anatomists, artists, and everyday people
archaeological excavations in order
for centuries. to decipher life in the past. Their job Example: A lot of the information
involves the identification of bones, about the daily life of women in
The human skeleton has been also which are often very fragmented,
ancient Greece comes from pottery
scenes depicting women weaving
systematically studied by archaeologists and recording skeletal markers of or performing other tasks. However,
activity, pathology, diet and other most aspects of the life of these
as it can give unique information about women cannot be explored though
how our ancestors lived and died. aspects of past life. artistic representations… How healthy
were they? How much did they
travel? What were their biological
kin ties to each other? This is where
osteoarchaeology comes in!

6 7
Forensic anthropologists also
study human bones but from recent
crimes, warfare, or natural disasters.
Their aim is to identify the deceased
and the circumstances of death.
So, human skeletons
Therefore, emphasis is placed on
identifying whether the deceased can give critical
were male or female, how old they evidence both in
were at the time of death, what their ancient and in
ancestry was, and any evidence
modern contexts.
pointing to the time and cause of
death (e.g. trauma).

Forensic anthropology places

emphasis on taphonomy, that
is, the factors that affect the body Let’s start with some
after death. Human bones may
basic bone and tooth
disintegrate, be burnt or broken and
moved around due to the action of facts before we take
animals, intentional or unintentional a closer look at the
human activities etc. It is the task of a information
forensic anthropologist, and to some
written on our
extent of an osteoarchaeologist, to
track back the agents that interfered bones…
with the remains.

8 9
basic skeletal anatomy

Time to get to
know me better!

10 11
A few basic bone facts!
Have you ever The human You probably think
wondered how many skeleton has that’s a lot but
bones there are in
your skeleton and
what they look like?
when we are born,
our skeleton has
You could probably
count many of them
by touching your
skeleton under your
skin, but I bet you
would miss most!
How can we ‘lose’ bones
between birth and adulthood?
Most of our bones originally consist
of multiple parts; this allows them
On the other hand, to grow. During our childhood and
especially during adolescence
using a mirror, it is
many of these parts fuse together.
easy to count your This fusion marks the end of the
teeth and see what growth of our skeleton…
they look like.

The human skeleton performs many • It stores minerals (e.g. calcium

different functions, which are essential and phosphorus), energy (fats)
for our everyday living! and blood forming cells.
Why don’t you try to count the • It gives shape to our body … • It supports our body and allows
teeth in your mouth and guess without it, we would be like jelly! us to move around. For example,
• It protects our internal vital the spine, pelvis and legs allow us
the number of bones in your
organs; for example, the cranium to stand upright and support the
skeleton before reading further weight of our body.
protects our brain, while
down to discover more? the thorax protects our
heart and lungs.

12 13
The human adult skeleton Classifying our bones

The human skeleton • the axial skeleton and

has two main parts: • the appendicular skeleton

The axial The appendicular

skeleton is skeleton is
composed of composed of

80 bones 126 bones

and includes and includes the
the skull, spine pelvis, shoulders,
and ribs arms and legs

Types of bones according to shape

Long: Elongated Flat: Flat, Short: Bones with all Irregular: Bones
bones with a thin, and dimensions almost with a complex
tubular central broad equal and somewhat morphology
part and an bones (e.g. cubic shape (e.g. (e.g. vertebrae)
articular area at parietals, carpals, tarsals)
each end (e.g. occipital)
femur, humerus)
14 15
Our skull is is composed of the cranium and the mandible.
The cranium is not a single bone but many different bones
that articulate through interlocking joints called sutures.

At birth In adulthood

the human many of these gradually frontal: it forms the forehead and
skull has fuse, so the adult skull has the upper part of the eye orbits

45 bones 26 bones
this is the
The sutures that interconnect the cranial bones allow the skull to so-called
grow and, similarly, allow the growth of our brain. cheekbone; it
forms part of
As we get older, the sutures gradually fuse, thus uniting different
the face and
cranial bones.
the eye orbits

maxilla: it
houses the
nasal bones: ethmoid: upper teeth
they form the fragile and forms part
roof of the bone found of the eye orbits,
nasal aperture between the the hard palate
orbits and the nasal

inferior nasal
conchae: vomer:
fragile bones thin, flat
attached to bone, part mandible: it allows the attachment
the lateral wall of the nasal of muscles of mastication (chewing)
of the nasal septum and the tongue, and houses the
cavity lower teeth
16 17
lacrimals: delicate Ear ossicles: these are three small The incus lies between the malleus and
bones that form part bones inside the temporal bone. The stapes, while the stapes is the smallest
of the wall of the orbits malleus is the largest one and it bone in the human body and has a
attaches to the tympanic membrane. length of about 2.8 mm.

parietal: it forms the

roof and sides of the
cranial vault

malleus incus stapes

occipital: it forms the
back and lower part
of the cranium A few

Fun facts…
regarding our ears

Besides housing the smallest bones

of the skeleton, our ears:
• never stop working; we keep
hearing sounds even when we
are asleep.
temporal: it forms • are essential for maintaining
part of the side and our balance.
sphenoid: irregular • self-clean!
base of the cranium,
element found at the front
and contains the
part of the cranium
organs of hearing

18 19
The spine protects the spinal cord and Our spine is not straight; rather it has
The spine consists of seven cervical (C1-C7), twelve thoracic supports the head and the trunk of four curves: the cervical, thoracic,
T1-T12), five lumbar (L1-L5), five sacral (S1-S5), and three to five the body. It is very flexible, allowing a lumbar and sacral curve. These
broad range of movements. curves help it withstand many kinds
coccygeal vertebrae.
of mechanical stress.

axis: the second

cervical vertebra;
it allows our skull
to perform
a broad range
of movements Did you
atlas: the first cervical
vertebra; it connects know…
the spine with the skull
that both
typical cervical humans and
vertebra giraffes have
The first cervical vertebra seven cervical
is called atlas, referencing vertebrae?
the Greek mythological
titan Atlas, who was
burdened with carrying the typical thoracic
celestial sphere (heavens) vertebra
on his shoulders…sort of
like the neck carries the
weight of the head.

typical lumbar

The sacral and coccygeal
vertebrae normally fuse
coccyx: this is by adulthood, and form
what’s left of the sacrum and coccyx.
our tail!

20 21
Fingers don’t
have muscles —

Over The human

hand has
tendons in our
fingers are moved

by the muscles of

HALF bones…
the forearm.

of the body’s
bones are in the • 8 carpals
hands and feet!! • 5 metacarpals
• 14 phalanges

The phalanges in all fingers are arranged What sets our

in three rows (proximal, intermediate, hands apart from
distal). The thumb is the exception as it has many animals is
no intermediate phalanx. our opposable
thumbs, which
make us much
more dexterous.

Many animals
also have
thumbs: gorillas,
koalas, pandas,
opossums, and

22 23
The big toe used
The human to be a kind of
foot thumb. It
foot has • 7 tarsals
allowed better

• 5 metatarsals
• 14 phalanges
grasping and
helped our
climb trees and
hold onto their
mothers as

In a single day, the average person

takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps…
Τhis amounts to

4 trips
around the world
over a lifetime

Foot phalanges are also arranged in

three rows, and the hallux (big toe) is
lacking an intermediate phalanx, just
There are more
like the thumb in our hands.
sweat glands per
square centimeter
in the soles of our
feet than anywhere
else in our body.

24 25
Short, flat
Bone structure with the naked eye and irregular
bones have
a simpler
structure: they
are composed
of trabecular
bone covered
by cortical

Interesting fact…

During the At that stage, During

early years of the metaphyses adolescence,
our lives the contain a the cartilage
In the middle of long bones there is a
epiphyses are growth plate, of the growth
long tubular part called diaphysis. The
separated from which consists plate ossifies,
two ends of the long bones are called
the diaphysis. of cartilage thus the
epiphyses, while the sections between
and allows our epiphyses
the diaphysis and the epiphyses are
bones to grow. unite with the
the metaphyses. Inside the long bones
diaphysis and
we find the medullary cavity, which
our growth
contains yellow bone marrow.

By weight, bone is
stronger than steel.
In fact a steel bar
measuring the same
dimensions as a bone
would be around

x4 heavier!

26 27
Bone structure under the microscope

The human skeleton has two • cortical bone and

main types of bone tissue: • trabecular bone

Cortical bone is
dense and consists
of osteons. Each
osteon has a central
canal, Haversian
canal, which allows
the passage of
blood vessels and
nerves. Around each
Haversian canal
there are layers
of bone called
lamellae. Small
cavities, lacunae,
are found within
the lamellae and
inside them there
are osteocytes,
cells that maintain
important bone

Trabecular bone is composed of The trabeculae are arranged irregularly

thin bony spicules called trabeculae. in a honeycomb structure. Because
Each trabecula consists of a few layers of this structure, trabecular bone has
of lamellae. Lacunae containing minimal weight but at the same time
osteocytes lie within each trabecula. provides great strength to the skeleton.

28 29
The enamel The dentine
A few basic tooth facts! covers the
crown and is
extends along
the crown and
almost 100% root.
The part of the inorganic,
tooth which is which makes it
Humans first have
visible in our very hard.
deciduous teeth
mouth is the
(baby teeth). During
childhood, baby
teeth are replaced by
permanent teeth.

For some years, as

this replacement takes
place, children have
both deciduous and
permanent teeth in their
mouth, like this girl.

Teeth start forming

when we are still
foetuses. However,
they don’t really
show up in our
mouth until we
Humans are born and turn
about 6 months.

cats have
30 teeth teeth

The part
in our jaws
is the root.
In the interior The cementum
of the tooth covers the
Tooth enamel is lies the pulp dentine at the
dogs have Armadillos chamber, root.
pigs have

have the hardest tissue
42 44
which houses
teeth teeth teeth in the human body! nerves and
blood vessels.

30 31
Pipe smoking was
common in several past
societies. When people
spend a lot of time
Teeth are often the best preserved part of the skeleton, especially holding a pipe between
in ancient remains. This is very important because teeth provide their teeth, the dental
key information about an individual’s age-at-death, diet, and Over the tissues gradually wear off
ancestry… So, even if all that remains from a skeleton is course of their and a notch eventually
the teeth, we can still make very interesting observations! forms between the teeth
lifetime, people
that traditionally held the
on average spend pipe. Osteoarchaeologists

have found such notches
in past skeletons from
very different parts of
brushing their teeth the world. So the study
of teeth gave us a
record of smoking
in the past!

Dentition of a young adult. Notice how the third molars are either erupting
(upper jaw) or still within the jaw (lower jaw). As we will see in the following
pages, the stage of dental development (tooth formation and eruption in the
mouth) is a very useful method that osteoarchaeologists use to estimate the
age of young individuals.

32 33
Although there is variation, Our teeth have different
each quarter of the adult Just like fingerprints, teeth
sizes and shapes and this are unique to every human
human mouth generally has: allows them to perform being. No two humans will
2 incisors, 1 canine, different functions. have identical teeth.
2 premolars and 3 molars


Canines Incisors are Premolars

grip and tear primarily and molars
food, hence responsible for crush food
they have a cutting food and, for this
pointed and and this is why reason, they
sharp cutting they have a have broad
surface broad and and flat
sharp cutting surfaces

34 35
The deciduous dentition has
smaller and fewer teeth:

2 incisors, 1 canine, and deciduous

2 molars in each quarter teeth

of the mouth

Molars and
premolars have
rather complex
surfaces with
many protrusions,
called cusps.

To identify each
cusp, we use
specific names.

36 37

We are actually
a lot more similar
than meets the eye!

We are
soooo different!

38 39
Is it male or female?
Males and females are slightly different However, this only applies to adults.
in their body shape and size. Therefore, Sex-related skeletal differences in
Surely you have by looking at an individual’s skeleton, children are minimal because the levels
noticed that males we can tell the sex of this individual. of testosterone, the hormone largely
and females differ responsible for the development of
male physical characteristics, are low
in their anatomy.
before puberty.
Have you ever
wondered how their
skeletons may differ? Females are
generally smaller
and more gracile
than males.
So, if we measure
the bones of a
female skeleton
and compare the
values against
those of a male
skeleton, they are
usually lower.
What about how
a child’s skeleton
changes as it
grows older?

There is a lot of variation in skeletal

anatomy, which relates to our age, as There is a large degree
well as to our sex. Osteoarchaeologists determine the sex of past of overlap between male
individuals, that is, whether individuals had and female size. This
At the same time, we are all remarkably anatomically male or female characteristics at means that male values
birth. This should not be confused with gender, do NOT begin where
similar to each other, as you are about
that is, the social roles associated with men and female ones end!
to discover…. women in different societies.

40 41
have different
because they
have adapted
to different
For example,
groups from
southern Europe
are generally
smaller than
groups from
northern Europe
because the
climate is different
in these regions.

Sexual dimorphism is the term we use

Determining whether a skeleton is male or female to express all morphological differences
is one of the first steps in an osteoarchaeological between males and females. In humans
study. Such information allows us to: sexual dimorphism is visible but not as
• examine the demography of past populations pronounced as in other species….
• explore differences in the way males and
Mandrills are among the most sexually
females were treated after death
dimorphic mammals. Males have
• examine differences between males and
more vibrant colors on their faces and
females in pathology, activity, diet and other
behinds, and are much larger than
skeletal markers
females: the average female mandrill
weighs about 12 kilos, while male
mandrills can weigh up to 37 kilos!

42 43
Sex differences in the pelvis Sex differences in the skull

The biggest differences Males are generally more muscular and robust than
between males and females females, and this is rather obvious in specific cranial
are found in the pelvis. In structures, as shown in the following images.
males the pelvis is narrower
as it has evolved in order to
allow walking long distances
without spending too much
energy. In contrast in females,
the pelvis has evolved to CAREFUL
enable both walking and
giving birth, thus it is broader
than that of males.

While the
between males
and females seen
in the pelvis are
Note the broad female pelvic universal, cranial
inlet, compared to the much robusticity is
narrower male one strongly related
to the diet and
other activities
that involved the
mouth of ancient
people (e.g. fiber
processing using
the teeth), as
well as climatic
and other
factors. Thus, the
expression of
cranial differences
between males
and females may
Note also the wide female differ among
subpubic angle, compared populations!
to the male narrow angle

44 45
Sex differences in the skull (continued)

Scale showing the expression of cranial traits used in assesing if a cranium is male or female

46 47
40 weeks
Age-at-death estimation, that

is, the estimation of the age at
which an individual passed

away, is also one of the first tasks
of an osteoarchaeologist. It gives
information on the demography
are they? of past populations, and it is
a key factor to consider when
examining activity, pathology,
and other aspects of past life. 2 years

In juveniles age estimation is based on skeletal changes that occur during

the gradual development of the body.

In adults the
development of the
skeleton is complete
and all the changes
we examine are
degenerative. This
means that in adults,
age estimation is
affected by multiple
factors, such as activity,
diet, and disease, and
older individual who lost
it is not as accurate
all teeth while still alive!
as age estimation in
14-16 weeks old 5 years old 13 years old

48 49
Tricky business… Age-at-death estimation for juveniles

Remember we said our long bones consist of a diaphysis and two

The estimation of age-at-death using epiphyses, which are originally separate elements but then they
skeletal remains is based on the gradually unite, and the development of the skeleton is complete?
biological changes that occur on the
skeleton with time. What we are actually
estimating is the individual’s biological The age when different parts of bones fuse
age. However, this is not the same as together in order to form the final adult
chronological age, that is, how much skeleton varies between individuals and
time has passed since the birth of the populations. However, some general patterns
individual. Whereas chronological age have been observed in modern groups and,
progresses steadily, biological age is based on these, we can estimate the age of
affected by factors such as activity, diet, and disease. As past individuals according to the degree of
a result, chronological and biological age become more fusion of the epiphyses to the diaphysis.
and more divergent from each other as an individual
ages, making the estimation of chronological age from Head

biological age problematic. Left femur: Notice how

Greater trochanter

the head and greater

trochanter are in the
process of fusing with
the diaphysis

more tricky business…


All age-at-death estimation methods have been

developed based on modern populations. We study
how the skeleton changes with increasing age in modern When is this Sex differences
individuals and organize these changes into successive method useful? Many epiphyses
stages. Then we use these stages to predict the age This method is start fusing earlier
of individuals for whom we don’t know it in advance. mostly useful for in females than in
However, it is very likely that people in the past aged estimating the age males. However, we
at a different pace compared to modern people. Also, of individuals in cannot accurately
remember that an individual’s diet, physical activity and adolescence, when tell if an immature
health affect the rate of degeneration of different parts most elements are skeleton is male or
of the skeleton! in the process of female. The safest
fusing. Once fusion option is to use the
is complete, all we data for both males
can say is that an and females and
individual is “adult”. estimate age with
a higher margin of

50 51
Age-at-death estimation for juveniles (continued)

Other methods estimate age-at-death

The development of the human teeth and the replacement of deciduous based on the overall development of the
teeth by permanent teeth follow a specific pattern. Therefore, teeth are also dentition. Thus, we look at all preserved
very useful in estimating the age of juveniles. Many studies in modern populations teeth simultaneously and determine at
have recorded in detail the stages of dental development in children of different which stage of dental development the
age and we use these standards in archaeological skeletons so that we estimate individual falls using published ‘atlases’
age-at-death. of dental development.

Some methods estimate age-at-death based on the development of specific teeth.

52 53
Age-at-death estimation for adults Most of the ribs
articulate with the
sternum through
cartilage. The
To estimate the age-at-death from adult skeletons, older we get, the
we focus on the degeneration of specific joints. more deformed
the sternal rib
ends become
and this can also
be used as an
age marker.
The most common joints
examined are the pubic
symphysis, which is the
point where the two os coxae
articulate with each other, As we saw before, even though we refer to When we are
and the auricular surface, the cranium as if it is one big bone, in reality it
consists of many different bones. These bones
young, the
which is where the os coxae are connected through joints called sutures. sutures are
articulate with the sacrum. clearly visible
The older we turn, the but as we get
more ‘deformed’ these 0 1 2 3 older, they
joints get. gradually
and the
cranial bones
Note how the sutures are open in stage 0 but they unite with
have almost disappeared in stage 3 each other.

50+ years Besides the sutures

20-25 years
we see on the
outer surface of
the cranium, there
are sutures on the
40+ years 35+ years
palate. These also
fuse together as we
grow older and may
Notice the gradual degeneration of the surface of the pubic give us at least a
symphysis as the age of the individual increases. The original 25-35 years broad indication of
wavy surface disappears and a rim is formed around the joint, an individual’s age.
which in the end breaks down.

54 55
past life written on bones

I still have so
much to tell you!

56 57
Growing tall…or not!
Our skeleton
provides a
permanent record In osteoarchaeology, estimating an individual’s
of many aspects of height gives us an idea of what people looked like
our daily life. You in the past. In forensic anthropology, height helps to
can think of it as a identify the individual to whom the skeleton belongs.
book that you can
read and find out Our height depends on our genes,
how people in the meaning that tall parents tend to
past lived and died. have tall children and vice versa.
However, the environment in which
we grow determines if individuals will
reach their genetic potential. Children
Like with every who are not well fed or who suffer from
various diseases will not grow to be
book, in order
as tall as they could have been.
to read it, you
must know the
language in
which it has been

Growth finds its way!

Even though during stressful
The following pages will present periods, individual growth
some of the main methods rates slow down, if the stressor
is eliminated, growth may
osteoarchaeologists use to study accelerate and individuals
ancient skeletons and draw catch up with their peers. This
conclusions about our ancestors’ life… phenomenon is called catch-
up growth.

58 59
Estimating height from the skeleton

Once we have estimated an individual’s age-at-death and sex, we can

start exploring other issues, such as “how tall was this individual?”

The most accurate way to
Often the skeleton is
estimate an individual’s height
broken and bones based on the skeleton is the
are missing, thus the anatomical method.
anatomical method
can’t be used. In First, we measure the length/
such cases, we height of every bone that
measure the length contributes to our stature:
of the humerus, talus and calcaneus, tibia,
radius, ulna, femur, femur, first sacral vertebra,
or tibia and then all lumbar, thoracic and
use statistical cervical vertebrae (except
equations to the atlas), and skull. Then, we
estimate height. This add all these measurements
is the mathematical and add also a value that
method and it is expresses the contribution of
based on the fact the soft tissues, which have
that tall people have disintegrated.
longer bones.

We use various
instruments to
measure bones, Growth: a complex process! these there are periods of very slow
depending on Growth describes the changes that growth or no growth at all.
how big the bones happen in our body size from the The two periods of our life during
are and which moment we are foetuses until we which growth is particularly rapid
dimensions we become adults. There are periods are infancy and adolescence.
want to capture. of really fast growth and in between

60 61
It has been suggested that

The scientists also examined dental
when past societies moved from lesions known as linear enamel
hunting-gathering to a more hypoplasia, which occur when

RICE? sedentary lifestyle, relying on an individual suffers from a stressor

during early childhood when the teeth
agriculture, their health declined. are still forming.
This has been linked to two
Or not to eat rice?
main factors: 1) greater numbers
of people living close to each
The results showed that height
other, which increases the risk of
increased and enamel hypoplasia
exposure to infectious pathogens, decreased in frequency from the
and 2) the shift from a diverse Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age.
hunting-gathering diet to a diet In contrast, there was an increase in
the frequency of enamel hypoplasia
heavily reliant on carbohydrates,
and a decline in height from the
which is the main nutrient we get Middle to the Late Bronze Age.
from eating plants. Interestingly, the change in height
was visible only in females and not
in males. So, it is hypothesized that
A team of osteoarchaeologists from the University of men and women were not equally
Otago, New Zealand, examined how the health of ancient affected by the change in the living
Thai populations from the site of Ban Non Wat changed conditions of these groups.
when they became more reliant on rice agriculture.

To explore this issue, Interpretation

researchers examined Health initially improved in Ban
the height of prehistoric Non Wat when the local populations
(1750-420 BCE) Thai started practising rice agriculture
adults as a way of more systematically. Very likely
measuring stress during this was because rice agriculture
late childhood. As we provided the locals with a nutritious
saw, individuals who diet. The deterioration in health in the
suffered from some following periods probably does not
stressful episode, such as relate to the diet of these individuals
illness or malnutrition, as but to a change in the environmental
children, may not grow and sociocultural conditions.
as tall as they could have.

Clark AL, Tayles N, Halcrow SE. 2014. Aspects of health in prehistoric mainland Southeast Asia: Indicators of stress
in response to the intensification of rice agriculture. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153: 484-495.

62 63
Who is related to whom? To see if two
people are Did you
related, we know…
Human skeletons can tell us if can analyse
Ancient DNA can give
two or more people were related their DNA, thus
fascinating information
to each other. To examine this examine directly
not only for humans but
relationship, we can use genetic their genotype.
for many other species,
data, performing ancient DNA We can extract
even species that
analysis on skeletal or dental tissues. DNA from the
don’t exist any more.
teeth or the
Alternatively, we may use skeletal Scientists in the USA
bones. However,
morphological variation. We can extracted DNA from a
the more ancient
see around us that parents and woolly mammoth dating
the skeleton,
their children often look similar. For 45,000 years ago and
the less likely it
example, we often have the same concluded that
is to preserve
skin colour, hair colour, and facial mammoths went
DNA, but specific
characteristics as our mother or extinct because
father, or a combination of their they suffered from
(e.g. freezing
characteristics. Our skeletons are important genetic
conditions) allow
also similar in size and shape to mutations.
the preservation
that of our parents. οf DNA for many Rogers RL, Slatkin M. 2017. Excess of genomic defects in a woolly
thousands mammoth on Wrangel island. PLoS Genetics 13: e1006601
of years…

Osteoarchaeologists explore the Very importantly, the relationship

genetic relationship of past individuals of past human groups offers
to answer different questions: information regarding past mobility
• Are the individuals buried together patterns since it is often the outcome
in a cemetery family members or of individuals/groups moving
not? What was the structure of around and interbreeding. Therefore,
ancient families? Were they nuclear relevant studies can also address
or extended? questions such as:
• What was the degree of • Can we identify mobility in
intermarriage among different specific archaeological groups
ancient communities? Were past based on their patterns of
societies closed, that is, members morphological similarity?
preferred to marry other members of • What parts of different
the same society, or were they open? groups relocated?

64 65
Ancestry… a debated topic!

We are more similar

than you imagine
DNA studies have shown that
genetic variation is much greater within
populations than between populations…

Only a tiny part of our DNA relates to

our skin color and other morphological
traits that we traditionally use to identify
Race, in fact, is not something that an individual’s ethnic background.
exists in our DNA. The fact that
ANCESTRY expresses an
biological human races do not
individual’s geographic exist does not mean that there is
region of origin. no temporal and geographical
variation in human morphology.
The study of ancestry based This variation is evident if we
on skeletal remains has been simply look around us and it
has been created through the
criticized strongly because
adaptation of different human
early studies tried to classify groups to different environments.
individuals into races, with Therefore, ancestry studies may
some of these races perceived give us information about an
individual’s origin. Such studies
as “superior” to others.
are mostly useful in forensic
anthropology since an individual’s
ancestry could help to determine
who the deceased individual is.

66 67
What if we can’t use genetic data?

If it is not possible to perform DNA analysis due to the preservation

of the skeleton or the cost (DNA analysis is pretty expensive!), instead
of using the genotype, we focus on the phenotype.

What is the phenotype?

The phenotype is our

morphological traits, the way we
look. Because the way we look is Using instruments called 3D scanners, we can
to some extent controlled by our capture cranial shape even more efficiently.
genes, we can use the phenotype
as an indirect way of examining
our genotype, that is, our genetic

The main skeletal element we

examine to explore the relationship
between individuals is the cranium.
Cranial shape depends on the
climatic conditions where we live,
the food we consume and how
tough or processed it is, and other
factors. At the same time, our
cranial shape is similar to that
of our parents.

To compare the cranial shape

of different individuals, we take
many linear measurements,
like the ones shown in these Now, instead of analysing linear measurements,
figures, from each cranium and we can analyse the coordinates of specific
analyse them using statistical landmarks (points).

68 69
Instead of taking measurements, we can examine specific
morphological non measurable traits of the cranium, the
teeth and the rest of the skeleton, the presence of which is also …an extra suture
partly controlled by our genes. In other words, these traits are on the cranium
part of our phenotype and we may inherit them from our parents.

These traits may take many forms, such as:

…an extra root in …an extra

one of our teeth tooth cusp
…an extra hole
(foramen) that
allows the
passage of nerves
and blood vessels
on the cranium

… and many

…variation in the
relative size of the
tooth cusps
In forensic
methods have
been developed for
ancestry estimation
based on specific
morphological traits
…an extra hole on of the facial bones.
various bones of The expressions
the skeleton of these traits are
sometimes found in
higher proportion
among individuals
of shared ancestry,
although it is not
always the case.

70 71
Living in The Garamantes
the desert of Fezzan

When we think of the Sahara Desert,

what comes to mind are endless
sand dunes that limit traveling and
promote the isolation of different
groups who live across this desert.
However, archaeological evidence
shows extensive trade networks The biological distance of North
across North Africa, which supports African populations was examined
that human groups were traversing using cranial morphology and the
the desert despite the extreme results identified four broad groups:
temperatures and rough terrain.
• Garamantes,
• Kerma and Giza,
• Badari and Naqada, and
• Carthagenians, Soleb
and Alexandrians.
Most importantly, the distance of the
Garamantes to their neighbours was
substantial as this population clearly
stood out from the others.

A study examined the biological The research questions were:

distance among human groups that • To what extent did the Sahara These findings suggest that the Sahara
lived across North Africa to examine Desert impose limitations in the Desert imposed important limitations
the degree of isolation imposed by contact between the Garamantes to the contact between the Garamantes
the Sahara Desert. The main focus and their neighbours in North and other North African groups; thus,
was a group called Garamantes, who Africa? the trade networks likely involved only
lived in the heart of the Sahara Desert • Did the trade networks involve only a small part of the population.
from 900 BCE to 500 CE. Based on a few individuals (e.g., merchants)
imported objects found in Garamantian or did they express wider contact Nikita E, Mattingly D, Mirazon Lahr M. 2012.
towns and written sources, the and intermarriage between the
Three dimensional cranial shape analyses and
gene flow in North Africa during the Middle
Garamantes were strongly involved in Garamantes and other North to Late Holocene. Journal of Anthropological
trans Saharan trade. African groups? Archaeology 31: 564-572.

72 73
The easiest way to When we eat carbohydrates
We are what we eat deduce what people
(e.g. sugar, cereals, jams,
bread, potatoes), bacteria that
were eating based naturally live in our mouth
produce acids. These acids
Food holds a central place in our life as on their skeletons gradually destroy our teeth and
it ensures our survival but it also has an is to examine the create cavities. These cavities
important social role. Finding out what are called dental caries.
presence and
people were eating in the past can help
distribution of dental
us explore differences in the economy On the other hand, when
and availability of different foodstuff conditions in their we consume a lot of protein
across time and space, identify social mouths as certain (e.g. meat, cheese, yogurt,
inequalities by determining what part eggs, certain types of fish),
pathologies can be
we are more likely to develop
of the population had access to high
the result of dental dental plaque.
quality food, compare the diet between
males and females or adults and diseases associated
juveniles, test the association between with diet.
dietary patterns and skeletal markers
of disease and stress, and address
many other questions. Many factors other than diet affect
the expression of dental diseases!
These factors include oral hygiene,
hormonal differences between
males and females (especially
during pregnancy and lactation),
the composition and flow rate of the
saliva, food preparation techniques
(e.g. softening food through boiling
makes it more likely to cause caries),
the amount of time the food stays
in the mouth (the longer food is
in the mouth, the more likely it is to
cause a disease), the frequency of
eating (more frequent meals imply
more frequent presence of food in the
mouth), and tooth wear (high levels
of wear remove food debris from the
teeth and protect them from caries
and calculus).

74 75
Ancient diet at the atomic level! Nitrogen stable isotopes
Nitrogen stable
isotope ratios
reflect an animal’s So, carnivores
Atoms are the basic building blocks of ordinary matter. position in the food have higher
They are composed of particles called protons, chain. The ratio of values
electrons, and neutrons. The protons and neutrons N to 14N generally than the
are found together in the nucleus of the atom, while the increases from food herbivores
electrons orbit the nucleus. The number of protons in the source to consumer. they eat.
nucleus determines which element the atom belongs to.

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have the same
number of protons but different number of neutrons. These
atoms are analysed using an analytical instrument called a
mass spectrometer. Archaeologists use the ratio of specific
isotopes to explore a wide range of questions surrounding
ancient diet. Differences in the ratio of isotopes are often
expressed as ‘delta’ values.

Carbon stable isotopes

All foods contain carbon,
which has three naturally
occurring isotopes: 12C, 13C
and 14C. Carbon-14 is used for
radiocarbon dating but the
other two isotopes can give
information on past diets.

Grasses from hot, arid

environments follow the C4 photosynthetic pathway, and will have δ13C higher
than trees, shrubs, and grasses from temperate regions, which follow the C3 Different tissues, different answers the last several years of their life.
photosynthetic pathway. Marine foods also have higher δ13C than terrestrial foods. In contrast, tooth enamel does not
Our bone cells are constantly renewed.
This is known as bone remodeling change once it is formed during
and it happens throughout our lives. childhood, so the isotope values
Note that δ13C is a measure of the ratio of stable isotopes 13C : 12C, while δ15N is a measure of the ratio of
stable isotopes 15N : 14N, reported in parts per thousand (‰). Therefore, the isotope values we we find in it reflect the individual’s
measure on our bones reflect an diet during the age of tooth crown
average of an individual’s diet for formation.

76 77
Micro-excavating dental plaque! mineral

Remember the dental While dental

plaque that forms in plaque
our mouth? forms in our
mouth, it can
trap plant
and animal tissues from the food
we eat. So, when we examine the
plaque under the microscope, we
can identify these inclusions and
see what different individuals ate.

How can we tell what

we see?
To identify different types of
microscopic inclusions in the dental Sheep wool
plaque, we have to put together
reference collections that show
what parts of different plants look like
under a microscope. As plant species
differ in different geographic areas,
it is important to have reference
collections that are specific for the
region we examine.

Dental plaque does not capture only food items; it can also trap various
microscopic particles that enter our mouth when we inhale or when we use
our teeth as tools (for example to hold something). As a result, we can find a number
of weird inclusions inside the plaque, such as minerals or even insect body parts!

78 79
A French research
What did ancient Egyptians eat? team examined
carbon, nitrogen
and sulfur
Our knowledge of the diet of ancient Egyptians comes mostly from stable isotope
ancient works of art that depict food, as well as cereals and fruits compositions
being processed into bread, beer, and wine. in Egyptian
mummies dating
between 3500
An additional source of information
BCE and 600 CE
comes from written records. The
to explore what
salaries paid in kind to pyramid
they ate.
workers and craftsmen suggest
that ancient Egyptians consumed Touzeau A, Amiot
vegetables, legumes and cereals. R, Blichert Toft J,
Meat is not mentioned and probably Flandrois J P, Fourel F,
Grossi V, Martineau F,
represented a small part of the diet, Richardin P, Lécuyer
except for the wealthiest people. C. 2014. Diet of ancient
Egyptians inferred
from stable isotope
systematics. Journal
Depiction of ancient Egyptians carrying food, of Archaeological
including plants and animals. Science 46: 114-124.

Carbon isotopes showed that ancient Egyptian diet was

based almost exclusively on C3 plants, such as wheat and
barley. In contrast, C4 cereals, like millet and sorghum,
were only a minor part of the diet. Moreover, animal
Food and cooking practices can also examines ancient animals is called protein (i.e. the consumption of meat, dairy products etc.)
be explored through the analysis of zooarchaeology or archaeozoology. had a moderate contribution to the total dietary protein
food remains preserved in ancient In addition to giving information (no more than 50%).
graves or habitation sites. Such analysis about past diet, archaeobotany and
is standard practice in archaeological Sulfur isotope ratios produced a surprising result:
archaeozoology provide important
sites and it is often our only source of freshwater fish, such as the Nile perch, was not consumed
information regarding ancient
information about the ancient foods in significant proportions…
agricultural and pastoral practices, the
consumed. The scientific field that vegetation available, and other aspects So, even though the ancient
studies ancient plant remains is called of the interaction between humans and Egyptians lived along the Nile,
archaeobotany, while the field that their environment. they did not consume as much
fish as one would expect!
80 81
Our bones react to the See how the

Staying mechanical strains imposed on

them by altering their shape in
bone surface
of the right
humerus is

order to withstand these strains largely covered
more effectively. Therefore, by sites of
small changes in bone shape muscular
can give important information
(green and blue
about the physical activity of highlighted
past individuals. Increasingly pronounced changes on the biceps areas)
brachii (upper part of radius)

Salt harvesting in Vietnam

Besides activity, the expression of changes

When we use our muscles, at the sites of muscular attachment (a.k.a.
there is stress imposed on the entheseal changes) is affected by age,
Despite these
skeleton at the body size, sex and other factors:
factors, entheseal
sites where the • Age is the main factor affecting changes can
muscles attach. entheseal changes as older individuals offer information
The skeleton show more pronounced changes. about past
responds to • Males and females differ in the activity patterns,
this stress by expression of entheseal changes, as confirmed by
forming new partly because they engage in different experimental studies
bone or by activities and partly because of on laboratory animals
losing bone at hormonal differences between them. and modern athletes.
the attachment • Bigger individuals show more For this reason,
sites. pronounced entheseal changes than several researchers
smaller ones because individuals use such changes as
with greater body size require more skeletal markers of
effort to perform physical activities. ancient activity.
82 83
Social inequality in ancient Kerma Adaptable bones!

Entheseal changes
have been employed to Different types of stress are applied on a human bone when
explore social inequality we perform different activities. Each type of stress produces a
in the ancient city of different type of deformity in the bones. Most of the time, many
Kerma, which used to types of stress are applied on our bones at the same time. For
be the capital of ancient example, a certain activity may cause bending and torsion at once.
Sudan. The skeletal
material examined
dated from 3,200 to
1,500 BCE and came
from diverse burials.

The results supported

significant differences
in entheseal changes
between individuals
buried in different
burial types.

In addition, a significant
difference was found
between males and
females, with males
showing more
pronounced changes
compared to females.

These findings
demonstrate some
degree of social
inequality in ancient
Kerma, where part of the
population was involved in very demanding daily physical activities, such as the
activities required in an agropastoral economy and other kinds of manual labour. Biomechanics is the application of mechanical principles
to biological systems in order to assess mechanical
loading on the bones.

Schrader SA. 2015. Elucidating inequality in Nubia: an examination of entheseal changes at Kerma
(Sudan). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 156: 192-202.

84 85
Physical activity affects the shape of long
bones overall, not just at the sites of muscle
attachment. The skeleton responds to stresses
caused by our daily activities by depositing new
bone where it is needed. Therefore, if we examine
the shape of the long bone diaphysis, we can
draw conclusions about the type and direction
of the stress applied on it.
When an individual runs, there is
Prehistoric female farmers
1 0 Modern elite athletes

increased mechanical stress to the

front and the back of the bones A study examined the cross sectional imposed
of the legs, which produces an shape of the upper and lower limbs of considerable
elongation of the cross section of Central European females from early mechanical
these bones along this plane. Neolithic times to the Middle Ages, and stress on the
compared it against that of modern arms, while
females who engage in different prior to the
physical activities (runners, rowers, invention of
footballers), as well as females with a the plough,
sedentary lifestyle. planting,
tilling and
Ancient female lower limb rigidity did harvesting
not differ much on average from living the crops
sedentary females, and was notably were also
Cross-section of human tibia lower than that of runners and football manual activities. Women were
at the middle of maximum length players. In contrast, the arm bones of additionally likely to have been
Neolithic females were stronger than responsible for feeding domestic
the rowers’ and much stronger than the livestock, and processing animal
typical university students’. Upper limb secondary products.
strength was even more pronounced in
Bronze Age females. These findings suggest that for
thousands of years, women were
In many modern agricultural societies, involved in strenuous manual labour,
women are responsible for most which must have held a central role in
tasks related to gathering and hoe early farming economies.
agriculture, as well as domestic animal
regular shape care. Grinding of grain must have
elongated antero-
posteriorly, that is, Macintosh AA, Pinhasi R, Stock JT. 2017. Prehistoric women’s manual labor exceeded that of athletes
to the front and back through the first 5500 years of farming in Central Europe. Science Advances 3: eaao3893

86 87
Health and disease During differential You would assume that when
you see two skeletons, one
and with signs of disease and one
Τhe study of the diseases that afflicted past humans is called environmental without, the skeleton with
palaeopathology. Palaeopathology helps us understand health information is pathological changes was
and disease patterns in ancient societies, the antiquity of also considered
weaker than the one without
different diseases, and the medical knowledge of past groups. as specific
diseases affect skeletal signs of pathology,
more males right? WRONG!
or females of
How easily can we identify
a certain age
different diseases on the
and/or people
skeleton? The skeleton usually takes time
in specific
It depends… our skeleton is a climatic and to respond to disease. Therefore,
living tissue and, therefore, other conditions. individuals who show skeletal signs
it can respond to different For example, of disease may be those strong
stresses applied on it. The yaws is found in enough to endure the disease long
problem is that the skeleton hot and humid enough for their skeletons to be
can only respond in a limited tropical regions, affected. So, individuals exhibiting
number of ways: endemic syphilis pathological lesions may have
is seen in warm, actually been healthier and stronger
• abnormal new bone,
arid to semiarid than those who passed away before
• abnormal loss of bone,
environments, the disease could spread to their
• abnormal bone size, and
while venereal bones! This is one of the aspects of
• abnormal bone shape.
syphilis has the Osteological Paradox.
So, many diseases will affect
no climatic
the skeleton in a similar
manner. Although we can
generally identify broad
disease groups (e.g., trauma,
arthritis), stricter diagnosis is
often difficult.
Skeletal elements affected by different treponemal infections.

Differential diagnosis is the main eliminating the conditions that could

approach osteoarchaeologists use to not have caused them until they reach
identify a disease. Basically they look a small group of diseases (or a single
at the expression and distribution disease) that the individual may have
of the skeletal changes and start suffered from.

88 89
The easiest and most inexpensive way to study ancient What diseases All sorts!
diseases is through the visual identification of skeletal
alterations. More advanced techniques can also be can we identify Many different
adopted to confirm the original diagnosis or identify
conditions not visible with a naked eye. on the human diseases, with
skeleton? various causes can
affect the skeleton.

Developmental anomalies appear

before birth or during the development
of the skeleton. Thus, they are either
inherited from our parents or acquired
during the first years of our lives.
The scientific field of palaeo-
If we examine the structure of For example, if the sutures between
parasitology examines parasites
bone under a microscope, different cranial bones fuse earlier
from the past and their interaction
we can see minuscule than usual, the cranium acquires a
with humans or other hosts.
alterations in bone peculiar shape. The specific suture
Analysis of ancient DNA has been histology produced affected determines the directions in
used to identify ancient pathogen by various diseases. which the skull will be deformed.
genetic material and allows us
to trace the existence of infectious
diseases in ancient groups and
examine how such diseases have
evolved over time.

Metabolic diseases are caused by the Among metabolic diseases,

disruption of bone modeling and οsteoporosis is characterized by a
remodeling, that is, skeletal reduction in bone tissue, resulting in
development and growth (modeling) or increased fragility of the skeleton.
renewal of the skeleton that continues
throughout life (remodeling).

90 91
Infectious diseases have had a major Among the most common types
impact on humans throughout history. of trauma are fractures. Fractures
The relationship between infectious express a break in the bones.
agents and their hosts is complex and
depends on how serious the agent is, Depending on their severity, fractures
how strong the host’s immune system is, may be simple or comminuted,
and many other factors. greenstick or complete, open or closed:
• In simple fractures the bone
For example, tuberculosis is caused has broken in one point only. In
by bacteria of the Mycobacterium comminuted fractures there are
tuberculosis complex. In the human many broken bone segments.
skeleton, it usually leads to a destruction • If the break does not extend
of the vertebrae, which results in the across the bone, the fracture is
deformity of the spine (kyphosis). incomplete (greenstick). If the
break extends across the bone, it
is complete.
The study of trauma in archaeological • If the fractured bone protrudes
contexts can offer important insights through the skin, the fracture is
to past violence, as well as accident open. If the fractured bone still lies
rates. In addition, aspects related to the within the soft tissues, it is closed.
healing process provide information on
Depending on the direction of the
medical knowledge and social support.
force that caused them, fractures may
be transverse, spiral, impacted, or
oblique, as shown in the figure.

Violence in pre-Hispanic Andes… These results suggest the Uraca

an osteoarchaeological account community was involved in raids/
war with other groups, and
A team from the USA examined 145 engaging in violence was a sign of
crania from the Pre-Hispanic cemetery elite status for males.
of Uraca, Peru, and compared trauma
patterns between males and females,
Scaffidi BK, Tung
as well as between individuals of TA. 2020. Endemic
different social status. violence in a pre-
Hispanic Andean
67% of adults had trauma, with males
A bioarchaeological
being significantly more afflicted than study of cranial
females. Among males, elite ones showed trauma from the Majes
Valley, Peru. American
more injuries, and were the only ones with
Journal of Physical
bladed and penetrating lesions. Anthropology 172:

92 93
being an osteoarchaeologist

the skeletal remains
of our ancestors is
a privilege and
big responsibility

94 95
Digging in the field

Human skeletons One of the first tasks when excavating when individuals have been buried
a tomb, is to determine the limits of in pits, the limits of the tomb are not
are a unique type this tomb. In some cases, for example, directly visible. Two methods can be
of archaeological when excavating a monumental burial used: trenching and area (or
material. construction, the limits are rather surface) stripping.
obvious, but in most cases, such as
They are at the same
time remnants of our
past that should be
studied in order to
help us understand
better earlier periods
of our history, but also
remains of once living Trenching: Cutting a narrow trench Area or surface stripping: Removing
humans, who should (long ditch) across the area of interest surface soil layers until the boundaries
be treated with to identify the boundaries of the tomb of the tomb are identified by soil
based on soil differences and human changes and human or other remains.
respect and dignity. or other remains.

Documentation of the tomb

The tomb and all excavation

activities must be documented
at each step. A site plan should
be drawn to depict all features
In the following pages you will see (tomb, skeleton(s), grave goods Reference grid: Once the location and
etc.) in relation to each other and size of the tomb have been determined,
how osteoarchaeologists work in
in relation to the grid. Additionally, a reference grid is constructed to
the field when they excavate skeletal site photographs may be printed document the excavation activities
remains, and then how they study and used for on-site notes, while that will follow. The grid has equally
these remains in the laboratory… tablets can also be employed in sized rectangles and helps record the
site documentation. location of the excavation findings.

96 97
Excavation methods Arbitrary level excavation Stratigraphic excavation be difficult. Evidence that may assist in
Soil is removed in successive levels Stratigraphic layers are excavated the identification of layers includes bulks
of specific depth (e.g. 0.10m, 0.20m), successively in order to understand the of soil between deposits of remains, the
without considering the existence of sequence of the events that led to the orientation of the bodies or the different
stratigraphic layers. formation of the deposit under study. The treatment of the bodies in successive
identification of stratigraphic layers may layers (e.g. undisturbed burial, ossuary).

1 2 1 2

3 4

3 4

5 6

98 99
More documentation Working in the lab
Once the skeletal remains per
stratigraphic layer have been
Basic guidelines for cleaning
exposed, they should be mapped
and curating skeletal remains
on graph paper, photographed,
and documented with notes prior Cleaning:
to their collection. Photographs of • Wash gently with tepid or cold water.
the overall layer should be taken, • Sieve any soil remnants to capture
followed by close-up images of the small bones or bone fragments.
bones. Whenever the necessary • Let the bones dry naturally and not
equipment is available, the grave in direct sunlight.
may be documented by 3D laser • If washing is not an option, dry brush
scanning or photogrammetry, the bones using a soft brush
which visualize the 3D structure over a sieve.
of the burial and may be used to Curating:
produce virtual animations. • Place bones in plastic bags
per anatomical area.
• Place multiple bags
inside boxes.
• Use padding (e.g. bubble
wrap) at the bottom of the
boxes and/or between
different layers of bags
to provide additional
Bone collection
Skeletal remains should be • Fragile remains may require
removed from the site as conservation, but the use of
soon as possible after their consolidants may compromise future
excavation. Plastic bags should biomolecular and chemical analyses.
be used and the contents of
each bag should be clearly
Separation of human from animal bones
marked using permanent ink.
Bags should originally be left Animals may have been buried with humans, sacrificed
partially open so that humidity as part of the mortuary ritual, or ended up in the tomb at
is not trapped inside. Bones a later stage (e.g., burrowed into the tomb and died there).
should be bagged by side Therefore, it is important to separate the human from the
and element, but small bone animal bones before any further analysis. The simplest way
fragments can be bagged as a to do so is through the morphological study of the bones.
group by grid square. Differences in the skeletal anatomy between humans and
other animals are endless. In the figures to the right, you can
see what a cow and pig skeleton look like!

100 101
Inventory and data collection In these sample forms for recording sex and age-at-death, you
can see that many different methods are used simultaneously
The first step in any the previous pages of this book. and their results are combined to reach a final estimate.
osteoarchaeological analysis is Different scientists and different
to construct an inventory of all laboratories have established their
bones and teeth preserved. own data collection protocols;
however, they all use pretty much
Once the inventory has been the same well established
established, osteoarchaeologists methods for morphological and
start recording diverse skeletal metric analysis.
information, as described in

102 103

This is the end of the current book. However, we

hope that it is just the beginning in your journey
to learn more about the diverse subfields of
Archaeology and the fascinating information
they can reveal regarding our past!

There are many resources that you can use

during your journey; below we highlight some
open access options.

Happy exploring!

Efi & Mahmoud

104 105
Archeurope Educational Resources is a website that offers material (mostly
WEBSITES links to other useful webpages) for different time periods across the European
continent; (last accessed 21/04/2022)
with free resources on archaeology for children
The Archaeology Data Service and Internet Archaeology host archives and
The Young Archaeologists’ Club, supported by the Council for British publications that form useful resources for educators and students;
Archaeology, provides opportunities for children in the UK to participate
in excavation, work with artefacts, visit sites, and engage in experimental (last accessed 21/04/2022)
archaeology. Free activities to do at home or in the classroom are also provided; (last accessed 21/04/2022)

The Archaeology Channel is a streaming media website brought to users by the

Archaeological Legacy Institute; (last accessed 21/04/2022) FREE BOOKS
on archaeology activities for children
The Society for American Archaeology has created resources for teaching
archaeology to students, focussed on introducing archaeological inquiry, site Harper Cassandra Rae. 2011. Beyond Artifacts: Teaching Archaeology in the
formation processes, excavation methods, seriation dating and typological Classroom. Florida Public Archaeology Network. This book presents hands-on
analysis of artifacts; activities for general archaeology (with emphasis on field methods), prehistoric, historic and underwater archaeology, with an emphasis on Florida archaeology.
guidelines (last accessed 21/04/2022)
archaeology-network (last accessed 21/04/2022)
The Archaeological Institute of America has developed educational resources
that cover taphonomy, typology, and excavation, as well as more specific themes Lytle Whitney and Vieyra Anne. 2012. Archaeology Tools for Teaching. Legacy:
(e.g. Aztec culture, Greek vase painting); Hands on the Past. Center for Archaeological Research at the Department of (last accessed Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio. This book contains lesson
21/04/2022) plans, activity guides, as well as a vocabulary and list of additional resources for
teaching archaeology. A lot of the material has a regional focus on Texas, but
The National Endowment for the Humanities offers free lesson plans, teacher’s
many activities cover global archaeological practices.
guides and media resources for art, culture, history and social studies, including
CARLegacy/LegacyResources/TeachersResourcePacket.pdf (last accessed
archaeology-themed topics (e.g. ancient Egyptians, Aztecs and Australian
Aboriginal art); (last accessed 21/04/2022)
Hawkins Nancy W. 1991. Classroom Archaeology: An Archaeology Activity
Many museums provide teaching guides around their collections, such as the J.
Guide for Teachers, 3rd edition. Office of Cultural Development at the Louisiana
Paul Getty Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which have designed
State Department of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism. This guide includes a
a series of classroom resources around ancient art;
list of useful resources, activities and games, thematically focused on Louisiana,;
though some have a broader scope. (last accessed 21/04/2022).
archaeology/activity_guides/outreach/booklets/ClassroomArch.pdf (last
Similarly, museums of archaeology, such as the Museum of London and the
accessed 21/04/2022)
Archaeological Museum in Thessaloniki, Greece, have prepared activity packs
to engage students in a hands-on understanding of the past;
lr-primary-schools-misc-prehistory-archaeology-activity-pack-ks2.pdf; (last accessed 21/04/2022)

adolescence: stage in a human’s cartilage: an elastic tissue that covers
development between being a child the epiphyses of long bones but is
and becoming an adult also found in many other parts of
ancestry: an individual’s origin/line our body (e.g. connecting the ribs to
of descent the sternum)

appendicular skeleton: part of the cementum: dental tissue that covers

human skeleton that includes the the dentine at the root
pelvis, shoulders, arms, and legs cervical vertebrae: the seven
archaeobotany: the scientific field vertebrae at the top of our spine
that studies ancient plant remains chronological age: the amount of
archaeozoology: the scientific field time for which an individual has been
that examines ancient animal remains alive
(see also zooarchaeology) cortical bone: a dense type of bone
atlas: the first cervical vertebra tissue

auricular surface: bone surface crown: part of the tooth visible in our
at the point where the os coxae mouth
articulate with the sacrum cusps: protrusions on the surface of
axial skeleton: part of the human our molars and premolars
skeleton that includes the skull, spine
and ribs D
axis: the second cervical vertebra deciduous teeth: the first set of teeth
that humans develop during the first
B years of their life; also called baby teeth

bioarchaeology: the scientific field demography: the scientific field

that examines ancient human remains that examines the composition of a
(see also osteoarchaeology) population (e.g. number of males and
females, age distribution etc.)
biological age: an individual’s age
estimated based on their skeletal dental caries: tooth decay
remains dental plaque: the formation of
bone remodeling: the recycling of deposits on the surface of the teeth
bone tissue, that is, the replacement of dentine: dental tissue that extends
mature bone tissue by new bone tissue along the crown and root

108 109
diaphysis: tubular part in the middle
of long bones
Isotopes: different forms of the same
chemical element where the atoms
N pulp chamber: the interior space of
the tooth which houses nerves and
have an equal number of protons and nuchal crest: a protrusion on blood vessels
differential diagnosis: the process of the occipital bone that allows the
differentiating pathological conditions unequal number of neutrons
attachment of neck muscles
with similar symptoms R
E kyphosis: exaggerated outward
O radiocarbon dating: a method for
determining how old an object that
curvature of the middle and upper osteoarchaeology: the scientific field contains organic material is
enamel: dental tissue that covers the that examines ancient human skeletal
crown region of the spine that creates a root: the part of the tooth embedded
hunchback appearance remains (see also bioarchaeology)
entheses: parts of bones where our in our jaws
osteocytes: cells that maintain
muscles attach
epiphyses: the two ends of the long
L important bone functions
osteon: the basic unit of cortical bone
bones lacuna: bone cavity in an osteon that sexual dimorphism: morphological
contains osteocytes osteoporosis: disease characterized
differences between males and
by the gradual loss of bone mass
F lamella: a thin layer of bone females
linear enamel hypoplasia: sutures: interlocking joints that
foramen: a hole in a bone
a malformation of the enamel due to P articulate the bones of the skull
forensic anthropology: the scientific some health problem in the early life palaeoparasitology: the scientific
field that examines modern skeletal
remains to identify the deceased and
of an individual field that examines ancient parasites
and their interaction with humans or
the circumstances of their death lumbar vertebrae: the five vertebrae
other hosts taphonomy: the scientific field that
at the bottom of our spine
fracture: a break in the bones examines the factors that affect the
palaeopathology: the study of the
preservation of a body after death
M diseases that afflicted humans in the
G mastoid process: bony protrusion
past thoracic vertebrae: the 12 vertebrae
in the middle part of the spine
genotype: the genetic makeup of an palate: the roof of the mouth
on the temporal bone that allows the trabecular bone: a type of bone
organism attachment of neck muscles permanent teeth: the teeth that
tissue composed of thin bony spicules
glabella: the most protruding point replace our deciduous teeth and
medullary cavity: cavity in the tuberculosis: an infectious disease,
of the frontal bone between the remain in our mouth throughout our
center of long bones that stores bone skeletally it mostly affects the spine
eyebrows lives (unless they fall off due to some

mental eminence: a bony protrusion
at the front and central part of the
phalanx: one of the bones of our Z
fingers or toes zooarchaeology: the scientific field
haversian canal: the central part in mandible
each osteon that allows the passage phenotype: our morphological traits, that examines ancient animal remains
metaphyses: parts of the bone
of blood vessels and nerves the way we look (see also archaeozoology)
between the diaphysis and the
epiphyses pubic symphysis: the joint between
I mutation: an alteration in part of
the os coxae

infancy: the early stage in a human’s our genome

110 111
p. 4-5: The Bachelor. Mexican art in the market. Female mandrill. By user Mhy
By user @m_mendez_ix zooanimal-mammal-396289/
p. 8: Crime scene. By user bluebudgie p. 56-57: By user Mathew Schwartz @cadop
p. 59: Burkina Faso kids. By user123973
p. 20: Atlas. By userdimitrisvetsikas1969 africa-kids-children-254158/
Measure stature By user Monstera
p. 23: Hands massage. By user andreas160578
p. 63: Rice. By user dolvita108
Human and ape hand. By user JosieLapczynski eatshell-nutrition-2371061/
Rice agriculture. By user sasint
p. 25: Ring tailed lemur. By userSoundfrau asiacambodia-grain-1793398/
p. 64: Father and son. By user phillipneho
Earth. By user WikiImages father-son-2695669/
p. 65: Mammoth. By user tony241969
p. 30: Girl with mixed teeth. By user Pezibear mammothanimal-prehistoric-2722882/
p. 66: Indian man. By user jpeter2
p. 32: Mouth X-ray. By user jarmoluk manportrait-head-642055/
African woman. By user Helengroves
p. 33: Pipe smoking. By user ThuyHaBich hut-home-house-face-214104/
Chinese man. By user BM10777
p. 38-39: Skeletons. By user Donations_are_ chinesehuman-man-186094/
Woman. By user nastya_Gepp
p. 43: Male mandrill. By user zhuwei06191973
Mexican girl. By user RIGOYRBK

112 113
Mongolian child. By usersabu728 p. 81: Wheat. By user Hans
pleasure-traditional-3288861/ grasswheat-field-8762/
Italian man. By user rottonara Barley. By user Hans
portraitoven-costume-1620504/ grain-8230/
Moroccan man. By user Fjmeulbroek p. 82: Salt harvesting. By user Quangpraha
moroccan-face-male-5934322/ vietnam-water-salt-3060093/
p. 69: 3D skull. By user Terrie Simmons- p. 86: Runner. By user KeithJJ
Ehrhardt sprinterfemale-girl-1488271/
p. 87: Woman grinding. By user Fietzfotos
p. 72: Sand hills. By user natasevilla preparation-african-5935802/
p. 89: Sick woman. By user Mojpe
Crossing the desert. By user Taryn Elliott blowblowing-nose-hand-chief-698988/
p. 90: Roundworm egg. Photo by Anita Radini
p. 79: Buckwheat 1. By user Nechaev
Bacteria. By user geralt
Buckwheat 2. By user Efraimstochter
p. 92: Broken bone X-ray. By user Taokinesis
Sheep wool. By user MabelAmber
Secondary tuberculosis in lungs and close-up
view of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
bacteria; Purchased from iStock-stock photo
Sheep. By user SZier
ID:949160140, standard license
Moth. By user Illuvis
p. 80: Egyptians carrying food. By user

114 115
Efi (Efthymia) Nikita decided to become an archaeo- Mahmoud Mardini is a Lebanese PhD student
logist because she loved ancient Greece and wanted studying ancient human bones from a place
to know more about it. Initially, she hoped to become that was known as Phoenicia. Unaware of what
a historian but her dream was shattered when she bioarchaeology is, Mahmoud initially channeled his
realized that she was terrible in learning ancient Greek interest in biology and bones by pursuing the pre-
and she was not so fond of spending endless hours med track at university for three years, until he came
inside libraries. Instead, excavating outdoors and across an archaeology module. From thereon, he
performing laboratory analyses fitted her much better! shifted his interest from pre-med to archaeology and
She chose to specialize in osteoarchaeology because never looked back. Since then, he has been hopping
she wants to give voice to the people of the past from one excavation to another all over Lebanon
through the most direct evidence of their existence… and explores how our ancestors lived and died by
their bones. She has had the opportunity to work as an analyzing their bones! When he is not busy in the
osteoarchaeologist in Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Greece field or in the lab, Mahmoud likes to spend his time
and Cyprus; she has published several scientific contributing whatever bone knowledge he has to
papers, and she has been lucky enough to have great the general public, as done in this book.
students who do all the hard work so that she can
spend her time writing this book!

This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
the grant agreement No 811068. In addition, it was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the
Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation [EXCELLENCE/1216/0023]. This work is distributed
under a creative commons licence (CC BY-NC 2.0)

ISBN 978-9925-7759-3-4

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