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Ireena, This plague has been quite hard.

Its been quite the ordeal in managing the losses and

trying to feed the people. I really wish that your father would allow us to simply talk. It would
easy my weariness. But alas, I shall simply await dinner with the burgomeisters as I have these
past few months. Truly, Strahd."

"To my lovely wild ower, I wish to see you once again. I have only seen you from afar recently,
as your father does not seem to approve of my company, and with good cause. I would not
wish to see my daughter faunned after by a warlord. Yet, I would like to extend to you an
invitation to dinner. Hold the letter in the sunlight, and a carriage will be past to whisk you
away. I eagerly await, my ower.

Yours Fully,



To the noble Ireeena Kolyana,

I wish to extend to you an invitation to join me in court. I have heard great things about your
wit and your sharpness of mind as you assist your father in managing Barovia. Your most
recent recommendation of a tax lien intrigued me greatly, as it speaks to a benevolence that
blooms rarely in the Baratok valley. I will send a carriage and escort for you in two days time.
Please entertain the idea, and if willing, this invitation extends to that of your family as well. I
most enjoy entertaining larger parties after all.

Most Respectfully,

Strahd Von Zarovich

Crown Prince of Barovia

Baron of the Baratok

Supreme Commander of the Barovian Armies


Burgomeister Ismark Kolyanovich,

This is a formal proposition to the great house Kolyanovich to join the court of King
Barov. A carriage will arrive post haste to bring your house members to Castle Ravenloft to
pledge elty to the newly appointed Count of Barovia and the Baratok Valley, Prince Strahd Von
Zarovich, and to recieve your holdings.

The Court of His Highness, Count Von Zarovich the First,

Crown Prince of Barovia

Supreme Commander of the Barovian Armies


The Most Honorable Ireena Kolyana,

I must say without any restraint that I quite enjoyed your addition to the court discussions. You
handled the old burgomeisters with intensity and intellect, while proving one can maintain
grace in argument. I was quite impressed with your willingness to rightfully challenge
Burgomeister Krezkov to a duel to prove that his boarish behavior was quite inpromper. I do
apologize greatly for my distraction and not catching his actions before hand, but he shall be
dealt with accordingly. I will not stand any courtier of mine to disrespect any other coutier or
guest in such a disgusting manner. I wish to invite you on a trip to Krezk, so I may insist on a
proper apology from the burgomeister. Please send a letter with the carrier in response and I
shall arrive post-haste.

Yours Most Honorable,

Strahd Von Zarovich


The Most Graceful Ireena Kolyana,

I thank you for having met with me on such short notice the night before last. The troubling
history of the Ivlis bridges is one that seems to weight heavy on the people of the Baratok. I
have taken your recommendations close and have dispatched the Amber Paladins as well as
Father Donavan to dispatch the evil that seems to reside at the bridges. It has been quite the
stressful shift in my duties being established as count, and I only see enemies in each corner
and other each hill. However, I am glad to know I have a trusted con dant such as yourself in
my court. One that I can trust wholy. I have sent a small gift to your father in an attempt to
apologize for your rather expediant disappeance from dinner that evening. I hope he does not
take too much o ense to this overstep in his absence.

Most Graciously,

Count Strahd Von Zarovich

Crown Prince of Barovia

Supreme Commander of the Barovian Armies


My Most Darling Ireena,

It has been many days since I have seen you or heard your voice. I miss the calm your
presence provides this broken man. You simple being near keeps the voices and nightmares at
bay, and the longer I am without your company, the more terrible and dark the days become.
As the plague seems to avoid all attempts to quell it, I am in dire need of your analytical mind.
Yet, I must do without as your father has forbaid both my entry and my company, and I must
respect the wishes of a protective father, as I refuse to become like my own. I implore that you
might send a reply of simplicity, to just a rm your well-being. With just that, I would rest easy.

Most Sincerely,



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