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Minor Project Report


“Brand Awareness and Marketing strategies of Decathlon”

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the

Award of the Degree of
Bachelor in Business Administration(General) 2021-2024

Submitted To: Submitted By:


Head of Department University Enrollment No: 07714901721

Maharaja Surajmal Institute

BATCH 2021-2024


Maharaja Surajmal Institute
Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f), NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade
Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,Delhi
C-4, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058


I, Mr./Ms. Rishabh Goel, Roll No. 07714901721 certify that the Minor Project Report (Paper Code: 114)
entitled “ Brand Awareness of Decathlon” is done by me and it is an authentic work carried out by me. The
matter embodied in this has not been submitted earlier for the award of any degree or diploma to the best
of my knowledge and belief.

Rishabh Goel

This is to certify that Project Report entitled “Brand Awareness of Decathlon” which is submitted by
Rishabh Goel in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree Bachelor in Business
Administration to Maharaja Surajmal Institute Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha+ University, C-
4, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058 is a record of the candidate own work carried out by him under my
supervision. The matter embodied in this report is original and has not been submitted for the award of
any other degree.

Dr. Supriya Choudhary

Associate Professor


The successful completion of the project would not have been possible without the guidance
and support of many people. I express my sincere gratitude to Mr Nimin Mathew Jose,
Manager, Decathlon Sports, Delhi, for allowing to do my project at Decathlon Sports.

I thank the staff of Decathlon Sports, Delhi for their support and guidance and helping me in
completion of the report.

I am thankful to my internal guide Ms Supriya Chaudhary, for her constant support and
inspiration throughout the project and invaluable suggestions, guidance and also for providing
valuable information.

Finally, I express my gratitude towards my parents and family for their continuous support
during the study.





1. CHAPTER 1 – 5-13
1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Objectives of the study 6
1.3 Literature review 7-9
1.4 Research methodology 9-12
1.5 Scope of the study 13
1.6 Limitations of the study 13
2. CHAPTER 2 – Profile of the 14 – 22
2.1 Company Profile 15-18
2.2 Values 18
2.3 Mission and Vision 18-19
2.4 Swot Analysis 20-22
2.5 Future Growth 22
3. CHAPTER 3- Conceptual 23 – 44
3.1 Overview of the sports industry 24-27
3.2 Competitor Analysis 27-33
3.3 Consumer Behaviour 33-44
4. CHAPTER 4 – Analysis and 45– 59
Interpretation of Data

5. CHAPTER 5 – Conclusion and 60-63

5.1 Suggestions 61
5.2 Conclusion 62
5.3 Bibliography 63
6. ANNEXURE – Questionnaire 64-65


FIGURE 1- DECATHLON………………………………………………………………………….15
FIGURE 2- DECATHLON INDIA………………………………………………………………….16
FIGURE 3- DECATHLON INDIAN OUTLET…………………………………………………….17
FIGURE 4- SWOT ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………20
FIGURE 5- INDUSTRY TRENDS…………………………………………………………………...24
FIGURE6- KITBAG……………………………………………………….........................................29
FIGURE 7- EARLY WINTERS………………………………………………………………….......30
FIGURE 8- JD SPORTS.........................................................................................................................31
FIGURE 9 – BIG 5 SPORTING GOOD................................................................................................32
FIGURE 10- HIBBETT SPORTS...........................................................................................................33




 The objective of the study is to do extensive research on the brand awareness of decathlon.
 The minor project is intended to study about the marketing strategies of decathlon,
 The third objective of the brand is to study about the overall rivals of the brand decathlon and
study about the competitor analysis .
 The fourth objective is to study about consumer awareness and expectations from the brand
 The above objective is intended to be studied through the help of a questionnaire to know
about consumers taste and preferences of the brand.
 The last objectives of the study is to study about the fundamentals of the brand decathlon.


 The first and foremost importance of the study is to gain knowledge and insights about
the fundamentals of the brand decathlon.
 The second importance of the study is to cover the aspects of business that were not
covered by the former reports.
 The other importance of the minor project report is to gain knowledge about the
competitors that exists in the market and to study competitor analysis.
 Fourth importance of the report is to gain knowledge about how the brand works.
 It will help us to know what the consumer thinks about the brand decathlon through
the help of a questionnaire.
 The last importance of the brand is to know about the brand awareness of decathlon.


 Sinha, P. K. and Banerjee, A. (2004). Store choice behaviour in an evolving market.

International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management-
The study tells us that “This study was directed to see the components affecting customer store
decision conduct. To explore the relationship in advance, the study endeavoured to explain the
relationship between the client's store decision conduct and the distinctive sorts of offices offered by
the stores for the clients. The key disclosure of this learning was that the elements taken in this
examination are decidedly controlling or impact customer's store decision conduct”.
 Inside store (2009) -Unplanned Buying at Traditional Retail in India. A Research Report
Insight in store, Research report USA-
This paper is an attempt to identify the key factors influencing the customers of an unorganized retail
setup. With the help of these factors, a structured scale comprising 27 items has been developed and
properly validated by applying EFA and CFA.
 Terblanche, N. S. and Boshoff, C. (2006). The relationship between a satisfactory in-store
shopping experience and retailer loyalty.
According to this study, in-store shopping experiences have a significant impact on consumers'
contentment, and overall satisfaction will have an impact on both their "between-the-ears allegiance"
and their "feet" loyalty’. In other words, contentment with in-store Consumers' attitudes are
influenced by their buying experiences. In the direction of the store, which will impact the amount of
money over time that they spend.
 Goswami, P. (2008) - Would Kirana’s in Urban India Survive the Modern Trade
Onslaught? Insight from Efficiency Perspective-
According to the study “The study underlines the significance of the shopping experience for
influencing consumer purchasing behaviour favourably. Goswami (2008) investigated consumers'
shopping habits in both traditional and contemporary establishments. The main conclusions advise
Kirana stores to enhance or improve the shopping experience”.
 Jim Armstrong (1999) - the Syndicated Loan Market: Developments in the North
American Context.
According to the research “Greater efficiency and transparency in the corporate lending markets are
a result of the syndicated loan market's recent, rapid evolution. The market for new business loans is
one aspect of a rise in the use of different mechanisms, such as credit, to transfer credit risk
Securitizations and derivatives. Additionally, this discovery suggests a significant shift in the
financial industry, as loans resemble more Tradeable assets.”
 Johnson, M. D. and Fornell, C (1991); ―A Framework for Comparing Customer
Satisfaction across Individuals and Product Categories.
This study contributes to the knowledge on service quality by implementing the service performance
(SERVPERF) model in the context of understudied universities in Zambia. As a result, it investigates
the impact of each service quality dimension on total service satisfaction as well as consumer
behaviour intentions for brand loyalty and word-of-mouth advertising. Primary data were gathered
from 656 senior undergraduate students at one public university using a quantitative correlational
design. The results show a substantial positive relationship between each of the service quality
performance dimensions—tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance—and total
customer satisfaction, which in turn influences behavioural intentions. The study demonstrates that
the service performance model is a reliable and practical framework for evaluating and observing
how students construct their opinions for scholars, administrators, and policy makers.
 Risabh singh, S. g. (2018) - A study on customer perception towards Decathlon road cycles.
International journal of management and technology and engineering.
The study found out that Brand awareness and consumer perception are the two ideas that have a
direct impact on a company's sales. Marketing in sport also covers marketing via sport. Consumers'
opinions or perceptions of a product's quality vary depending on their ages and income, it has been
shown levels, educational background, and how much of an impact this has on the selection criterion
for evaluating a product's quality before buying it. Brand recognition impacts brand image. Brand
image influences how people judge its quality, and quality perception has a big impact on what
people buy.


Research is defined as careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or

problem using scientific methods. According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie,
“research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed
phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive methods.”

A research project may be an expansion on past work in the field. To test the validity of
instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or
the project as a whole.

The primary purposes of basic research (as opposed to applied research) are documentation,
discovery, interpretation, and the research and development (R&D) of methods and systems
for the advancement of human knowledge. Approaches to research depend on epistemologies,
which vary considerably both within and between humanities and sciences. There are several
forms of research: scientific, humanities, artistic, economic, social, business, marketing,
practitioner research, life, technological, etc. The scientific study of research practices is
known as meta-research.


Research design is the framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a researcher.
The design allows researchers to utilise the methods that are suitable for the study and to set
up their studies successfully in the future as well.

The design of a research topic explains the type of research (experimental, survey research,
correlational, semi-experimental, review) and also its sub-type (experimental design, research
problem, descriptive case-study).

Research designs also include the elements of data collection, measurement of data with the
respective tools, and the analysis of the data. As a rule of thumb, the research problem a
company chooses to work on is the determining factor of the research design chosen by the
researcher instead of the other way around.

The research design helps a researcher to pursue their journey into the unknown but with a
systematic approach by their side. The way an engineer or architect frames a design for a
structure, likewise the researcher picks the design from various approaches in order to check
which type of research to be carried out.


This is a theory-based design, where the researcher is primarily interested in describing the
topic that is the subject of the research. It is applied to case studies, naturalistic observations,
surveys, and so on.

This method includes data collection, analysis, and presentation. It lets the researcher clearly
present the problem statement in order to allow others to better understand the need for this
kind of research. Without a clear problem statement, you’re not doing descriptive but
exploratory research.


Correlational design allows the researcher to establish some kind of a relation between two
closely related topics or variables. It’s a non-experimental research design type that requires
at least two groups of data.

It can be applied to case-control studies and observational studies, for example.


Experimental research is research conducted with a scientific approach using two sets of
variables. The first set acts as a constant, which you use to measure the differences of the
second set. Quantitative research methods, for example, are experimental.

The experimental research method is widely used in physical and social sciences, psychology,
and education. It is based on the comparison between two or more groups with a
straightforward logic, which may, however, be difficult to execute.


Diagnostic research is one of the research design types that aims to examine the underlying
cause of a certain situation or phenomenon. It can help you find out more about the factors
that lead to specific issues or challenges your customers might be facing.

This design usually consists of three research phases – (1) problem inception, (2) problem
diagnosis, and (3) problem solution.


Explanatory research is a method developed to investigate a phenomenon that had not been
studied before or had not been well explained previously in a proper way. Its main intention is
to provide details about where to find a small amount of information.

With this method, the researcher gets a general idea and uses research as a tool to guide them
quicker to the issues that we might address in the future. Its goal is to find the why and what
for an object of study.


For the purpose of the study 100 sample were selected from the population.


The sampling technique adopted for the study is simple random sampling.

A simple random sample is a randomly selected subset of a population. In this sampling

method, each member of the population has an exactly equal chance of being selected.


Data collection is one of the important tasks in research of the basis of collected data analysis
is done upon which take effective decision. It's a crucial part of data analytics applications and
research projects: Effective data collection provides the information that's needed to answer
questions, analyse business performance or other outcomes, and predict future trends, actions
and scenarios.

Data can be collected in two ways that are: -

•Primary data - Primary data is the data that is collected for the first time through personal
experiences or evidence, particularly for research. It is also described as raw data or first-hand
information. The mode of assembling the information is costly, as the analysis is done by an
agency or an external organisation, and needs human resources and investment. The
investigator supervises and controls the data collection process directly.

•Secondary Data - Secondary data is a second-hand data that is already collected and
recorded by some researchers for their purpose, and not for the current research problem. It is
accessible in the form of data collected from different sources such as government
publications, censuses, internal records of the organisation, books, journal articles, websites
and reports, etc.

In this study both primary and secondary data has been used. Primary data is being collected
by using personal interview, mail interview, questionnaire etc. and secondary data is collected
from surveys, journals, website etc.


 This study helped to find the perception and brand awareness level of the selected
 The study will help us to know what the users are looking for.
 To study the brand awareness and marketing strategies of decathlon.
 To study about consumer expectation and competitor analysis of the brand.


 There was a dearth of information accessible regarding Decathlon’s brand awareness.

 There weren't many articles on this subject. I spent some time looking for data
 and analysing it.
 The project's scope is constrained because only Decathlon was used for customer
 research.
 It's possible that the information the informants provided was inaccurate.
 There is a possibility of biasness amongst the respondents.
 Analysis was conducted on the basis of sample and not on the basis of expert.
 The short research period was a hurdle in researching in detail about the company.





Decathlon is one of the world's biggest outdoor supplies retailers. Decathlon began with a
store in Lille, France in 1976, established by Michel Leclercq. It began to extend abroad 10
years after the fact, to Germany in 1986, Spain in 1992, Italy in 1998, Portugal, the United
Kingdom in 1999, India in 2003, India in 2009 and Southeast Asia in 2012.

Today, there are in excess of 850 stores in 22 nations. The organization utilizes in excess of
60,000 staff from 80 distinct nationalities.

As of late in India, the brandishing business has seen an intense move as far as being a one
sports country to a multi-sport seeing country. The upsurge in interest and commitment
has driven brands to carry out their specialty in a few pieces of the nation and develop their
business in sheer speed. India is the seventh biggest economy on the planet.
Sports as a business are experiencing an enormous pattern of progress, which is going
towards a positive way. The beginning business which is sprouting at a consistent rate has
prompted a lot of development as far as training; wellbeing joined by wellness and in
particular, works.
Among the different exercises occurring around sports, the matter of sports also sections into
various branches. Out of which, one of the most common divisions is Sports Merchandising.
It is charming to realize that in an ongoing review directed by the Global Licensing Industry.

Survey, the Indian sports permitting market for Licensed Retail deals was esteemed at an
incredible $18 million USD in 2016. Presently in India, because of the powerful interest, the
all-out utilization use in promoting is required to develop significantly and arrive at a sign of
$3600 Billion USD by 2020 from $1824 Billion USD in 2017. Shockingly, the figures
represent around 8% of work age in India.

Additionally, India is the world's fifth-biggest worldwide goal in retail space.

Among the different rivals in the sports retail advertise, Decathlon, a French-based
organization, who altogether overwhelm the market around the world, has seen a consistent
development in India. Let us investigate their initiation and progress.

The Firm Origin of Decathlon

Decathlon is today one of the world’s leading sporting goods retailers, with over 1,400
stores in more than 40 countries. Founded in 1976 in Lille, France, Decathlon today sells
products catering to more than 100 sports. The company’s unique value proposition is rooted
in its capacity to design, manufacture and sell its own products belonging to more than 20
Decathlon brands dedicated to specific sports, including Quechua and BTWIN. Innovation is
central to Decathlon’s continuous drive to improve the experience of enthusiasts around the
world and make sports accessible for all.


The decathlon was started back in 1976 in the beautiful city of Lille, France by Michel
Leclercq. They eventually started expanding overseas after a decade by opening their
franchises in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, UK, China, India and other nations.
Astonishingly, they have 1500+ stores in 49 countries currently. The company employs more
than 87000 staffs from 80 different nationalities. They own 20 brands under their belt which
offers products in all variety of sports. Furthermore, Decathlon is the largest sports goods
retailer in the world.


Decathlon Sports has been present in India for more than 10 years and our first cash and carry
flagship store was set up in May 2009 at Sarjapur in Bangalore. As of September 26th 2018,
we are at 65 stores spread across India with further expansion plans.

Decathlon initially settled their establishment in 2009 in Bengaluru. It was the principal
substance to fuse a major configuration specialty retail chain in India. They before long
extended their stores in Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Chandigarh which had an extraordinary
reaction. It required some investment to equal the initial investment in India.

As of late, Decathlon intend to contribute a thundering 700 Crores INR to extend its
business in India. Decathlon Sports India CEO, Steve Dykes said in a meeting, "India is a
need nation. We dream to open 100 stores in India in five years." Also, the organization
considers India to be a key market to extend their business as they named India to be their top
worldwide market as far as stores.Not just has Decathlon opened vocation open doors for the
sports aficionados in the nation, yet it has also assisted with moulding a donning environment
in the nation. Decathlon as an association stresses item quality and they have 20 brands
which spread 70 sports. The expense of the items is very conservative also. In India,
individuals are famished for diversion past motion pictures, cafés, and shopping centres.
Decathlon can possibly give end of the week diversion options as they offer to rehearse
indoor sports in their gigantic showrooms.


Decathlon has a committed group for Research and Development of sporting gear and
products. With a committed item improvement and configuration group, they experience
different models of tests and build up the most recent creative structures, enrolling up to 40
licenses for each year.

Decathlon's fundamental strategic to make sport open to each individual on the planet as they
accept, the sports have the ability to change the globe. As an organization, they foresee to
help, rouse and control through fluctuated wearing encounters.

The retailer stocks a wide scope of outdoor supplies, from tennis rackets to cutting edge scuba
plunging gear, for the most part in enormous superstores which are measured at a normal of
4,000m². Decathlon Group also possesses 20 brands, with innovative work offices all over
France to build up the most recent inventive structures, enrolling up to 40 licenses for every
year. Each brand speaks to an alternate sport or gathering of sports, with a devoted item
advancement and configuration group.

With the productive joining to Decathlon data frameworks and new advances like RFID,
portable installments, and the utilization of Open bravo Web POS in Decathlon stores truly
helps our staff as far as registration process proficiency and lessens time spent on staff
preparing. On account of its B/S engineering, it makes numerous chances to reconsider the
registration procedure in stores. We accept this inventive arrangement will assist us with the
advanced change of our business.

In India, Decathlon items can be purchased legitimately through their stores resulting to
change in India's FDI strategy and endorsement for Decathlon in February 2013. also,
Decathlon items are additionally accessible online through their online affiliates.


As a non-profit organization, we aim to inspire students of all achievement levels to work

together to learn more than they ever thought possible.

Our mission is to promote learning and academic excellence among students of varying
achievement levels by developing and providing multidisciplinary academic competitions
using Academic Decathlon curricula.

Our vision is to provide all students the opportunity to excel academically through team

Our core values include:

 The academic growth of students

 Challenging multidisciplinary learning

 Teamwork as a means to achieve self-knowledge and life skills

 Providing equal opportunities for students of different achievement levels

 The importance of inclusivity and diversity to learning and the human experience

 High standards of honesty and integrity

 Transparency in our relations and interactions with all of our stakeholders

 Excellence in our programs, services and activities

 Respect for diverse points of view.

Decathlon is a network of innovative retail chain and brands providing enjoyment for all
sports people. At Decathlon, 70,000 of us live our common Purpose on a daily basis:
―to make the pleasure and benefits of sport accessible to all‖. In every country where we are
present, we share a strong and unique company culture, reinforced by our two values: Vitality
and Responsibility.

At Decathlon, we place advancement at the core of our exercises: from research to retail,

including plan, creation and coordination. Our twenty Passion Brand groups direct the entirety
of their vitality in to creating specialized, gorgeous and basic items, consistently at the most
reduced potential costs.


SWOT investigation is an examination attempted by an association to distinguish its inside

qualities and shortcomings, just as its outside circumstances and dangers.

 Strengths: attributes of the business or undertaking that give it a bit of leeway over others.

 Weaknesses: attributes that place the business or venture off guard comparative with

 Opportunities: components that the business or undertaking could adventure to further its
potential benefit.

 Threats: components in the condition that could mess up the business or undertaking.


 Targeted toward athletes (global).

 Product is not the same as the other companies (i . e . , our specialization in the market of
marathons and bicycles)
 We have a reasonable vital course.

 More than 800 retailers everywhere throughout the world.

 Wide assortment of items.

 Affordable costs


 Not sufficiently enhanced.

 Currently make athletic footwear as it were.

 Current picture rating is not as much as contenders.

 Wholesale region and lost income.

 Increasing efficiency.

 Being progressively proficient.

 Fewer spotlights on consumer loyalty.

 Decathlon centres on retail deals.

 Only 7 branches in the Netherlands.


 Untapped universal areas.

 Target an occasion/field (Triathlons/cycle).

 Market a shoe explicitly for an occasion.

 Making gear for all zones of exercise (i.e., Athletic wear).

 The showcase has such huge numbers of dimensions, in Americans, Europe and Asia.

 Open more stores in the Netherlands.

 Focus on the interest of web-based retailing.


 Competitive markets-elective brands (EIRA has a developing business sector.

 Consumers searching for bargains.

 Limited advertise.

 Currency contrasts in various nations/advertise vacillations and volatility (i.e., cash or

 High rivalry from worldwide and residential players.

 High swelling.

 Being incapable to foresee to changing economic situations


As we realized the development pace of the decathlon is practically close to 25%. In the event
that we look in this money related year in Bangalore itself there been opened 2 new stores.
Furthermore, till now the fundamental focal point of the decathlon was Bangalore yet for
coming monetary year they will concentrate on the Chennai. By and by decathlons have 3
stores in the Chennai which will be expanded by 7 to 9 in coming money related year.



Sport industry is a market in which people, activities, business, and organizations involved
in producing, facilitating, promoting, or organizing any activity, experience, or business
enterprise focused on sports. It is the market in which the businesses are products offered to
its buyers are sports related and may be goods, services, people, places, or ideas.

The donning and athletic products fabricating industry involves foundations basically
occupied with assembling wearing and athletic merchandise, aside from attire and footwear.

We've quite recently observed one of the greatest development time frames throughout the
entire existence of the business, with development averaging at 4.3% since 2014. The sports
business arrived at an estimation of almost US$488.5 billion of every 2018, is presently
evaluated to be worth over $500 billion.

What is the $500 billion sports industry included, and what are the greatest development
parts? The sports business is unbelievably assorted, enveloping any movement that gets salary
from sports, including anything from TV appropriation, wellness, ticketing, wagering and
promoting to sponsorship or product.

The Business Research Company has quite recently discharged a broad research paper,
investigating sports industry development from 2014 to now, and anticipating patterns for the
coming two years.

For their exploration, they separated the business into two fundamental parts, as per kind of

 Participatory (wellness and amusement focus, network sports, donning offices, for
example, neighborhood golf clubs, marinas, exercise centers, individual preparing, and so
 Spectator (clubs and sports groups, occasion income, media rights, sponsorship and

Of these, the participatory division has the greatest portion of the sports advertise at roughly
56%. Of all the various sorts of organizations inside that division, wellness and amusement
focuses command, claiming around 40% of the entire participatory sports area.

The onlooker sports area is required to be the quickest developing segment of the two, at a
future development pace of 5.9%. The income produced by media rights had the biggest
portion of this division in 2018 at 23.7%, and the promoting market is required to be the
quickest developing into the future, at a pace of 7%.

The sports with biggest financial market share:

As we've just called attention to, the all-out worth of the sports business is assessed to be
around US$500 billion. Simply under portion of this turnover is produced by the observer
sports area. In this way, serious sports and all the business around it, makes generally US$250
billion in turnover every year.

Each sports order has a specific rate piece of the overall industry of that $250 billion of pro
athletics turnover. Nothing unexpected, affiliation football (soccer) comes in at number one,
with a major dominant part. Any individual who follows monster 'super clubs resembles Real
Madrid will realize that football pull is the great deal of spatulation, and tremendous
worldwide crowd.

• Association Football/Soccer (43%)

• American Football (13%)

• Baseball (12%)

• Formula 1 (7%)

• Basketball (6%)

• Hockey (4%)

• Tennis (4%)

• Golf (3%)

The sports business is required to keep on developing, arriving at an estimation of $614.1

billion by 2022. Specifically, a couple of key patterns are relied upon to drive development
forward, and present new chances to organizations:

 Development and development of advanced innovation, including new

gushing administrations, portable review, and computer-generated reality, and so on.
 The extension of computerized wagering and betting, implies that the sports wagering
industry is set to develop.
 European (football) or soccer is developing in prominence in the American market.
 Esports is developing in prominence, and is relied upon to keep on developing with the
advancement of increasingly complex VR innovation.

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this industry is 33992
— sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing. The business incorporates the accompanying
items and exercises.

 Sports hardware (baseball, b-ball, billiards, angling, football, golf, tumbling, hockey, pool,
and racquet sports), producing.

Specific hardware (sailboards, skates (ice and roller), practice machines, snowshoes, skis,
pools, and play area gear), fabricating.


The sporting and athletic goods manufacturing industry displayed sound growth in shipments,
fueled by enlarged domestic and export demand. Shipments expanded at a normal yearly pace
of 7.3% since 2011, to a sum of $1.1 billion of every 2015. In a similar period, complete fares
and evident household showcase expanded at normal yearly paces of 5.8% and 8.3%

Imports developed at yearly normal pace of 8.2% somewhere in the range of 2011 and 2015,
surpassing change in sends out and bringing about an expanding negative exchange
equalization of $1.4 billion of every 2015. Somewhere in the range of 2010 and 2014, the
complete number of foundations shrunk by around 9% or 27 foundations.


This industry incorporates organizations that make a differing exhibit of items for wellness
and exercise, outdoors, angling, winter sports, for example, hockey, shooting, play area
structures, and oceanic hardware, for example, pools. Organizations in the business run from
little, specific organizations to broadened partnerships. What these organizations share, in any
case, is the acknowledgment that brand reliability assumes a significant job in their
prosperity. Canada is also home to R&D limit of significant hockey hardware producers.

A few financial measures impact the market request in this industry. In the first place,
donning and athletic merchandise are recreation items, and relaxation is essentially a matter of
individual inclinations, subsequently showcase request is liable to changing tastes and well-
known patterns. Moreover, the industry must go up against different businesses that
additionally produce relaxation items, for example, music, books, and computer sports.

At long last, monetary conditions, socioeconomics, climate conditions, and the estimating of

substitute and reciprocal merchandise additionally influence advertise request


Sports is commonly perceived as arrangement of exercises which are situated in physical

physicality or physical skill, with the biggest significant rivalries, for example, the Olympic
Sports conceding just sports meeting this definition, and different associations, for example,
the Council of Europe utilizing definitions blocking exercises without a physical component
from order as sports.

The International Olympic Committee (through ARISF) perceives both chess and scaffold
as genuine sports, and Sport Accord, the global sports organization affiliation, perceives five
non-physical sports: connect, chess, drafts (checkers), Go and xiangqi, and limits the quantity
of brain sports which can be conceded as sports.

Sports are normally represented by a lot of rules or customs, which serve to guarantee
reasonable rivalry, and permit steady settling of the victor. Winning can be dictated by
physical occasions, for example, scoring objectives or intersection a line first. It can also be
controlled by judges who are scoring components of the wearing execution, including
objective or emotional estimates, for example, specialized execution or creative impression.

Records of execution are regularly kept, and for well-known sports, this data might be broadly
declared or detailed in sport news. Sports is also a significant wellspring of diversion for non-
members, with observer sport attracting enormous groups to brandish scenes, and contacting

extensive crowds through communicating. Sports wagering are now and again seriously
managed, and at times are vital to the sports.

As per A.T. Kearney, a consultancy, the worldwide brandishing industry is worth up to

$620 billion starting at 2013. The worlds generally open and drilled sports is running, while
affiliation football is the most mainstream onlooker sport.


 Kitbag
 Early Winters
 JD Sports
 Big 5 Sporting Goods
 Hibbett Sports


Kitbag Ltd. is a United Kingdom sports retailer. The organization was bought by Fanatics Inc
from Findel PLC in February 2016 for £11.5M, beforehand the organization was bought by
Findel PLC in October 2006 from European Home Retail plc. Kitbag Limited has the
selective rights to work the authority online stores of Manchester United, Chelsea, Real
Madrid, Everton, Celtic, Manchester City, Borussia Dortmund, British Lions (rugby), RFU
(rugby), Le Tour, Wimbledon, Roland Garros, NBA, NFL, NHL, McLaren Motorsports,
Formula 1 Store, Official Team GB Olympic Store, Solheim Cup, Open Tour and European
Golf Store. Kitbag runs a few retail locations in urban areas over the UK and UAE.


Notwithstanding these on the web and retail locations, Kitbag runs the on the web and
disconnected direct mailings/indexes, call focus tasks, and pick pack and dispatch package
circulation and warehousing for sports organizations.

It also was involved with running the official web retail destinations for different
accomplices, for example, Nike, Reebok, Umbro, FIFA and UEFA through product


Early Winters, Ltd. of Seattle, Washington, United States was established in 1972 by William
S. Nicolai, who framed the organization subsequent to making a tent called the Omnipotent.
Early Winters was the main organization to make and sell a buyer item made with Gore-Tex
overlays created by W. L. Violence and Associates in Elkton, Maryland. The principal item
made with Gore-Tex texture appeared in 1976 and was a smoothed out, two-man tent called
The Light Dimension. The tent was made by Nicolai and William H. Edwards and was
advertised by Ron Zimmerman.

In 1975, Gore salesman Joe Tanner introduced Early Winters to the fabric product, which at

that time was still without a name. Over a two-year period, Tanner had made numerous sales
calls and had been turned down by companies such as REI, Eddie Bauer, and The North Face.
Early Winters was the first company to realize the significance of Gore-Tex fabrics for
outdoor applications. In fact, the timing of Tanner's visit was fortuitous since Early Winters
had a lightweight, single-walled tent design for which they were seeking a waterproof and
breathable fabric solution.


When Tanner indicated Early Winters the item test, the Early Winters staff gave it a shot by
utilizing an elastic band to make sure about an example of the texture over an espresso mug
loaded up with bubbling water. This permitted obvious steam to go through the Gore-Tex
texture, however when the cup was turned over, no fluid was professed to come through.

After finding out about the item, Nicolai, Edwards, and Zimmerman mentioned test material
for experimentation, and in Winter 1975, they created a model tent that they exposed to
testing in outrageous open-air conditions. After progress with the model tent, Early Winters
turned into the main business organization to put in a request for Gore-Tex texture.

Early Winters presented The Light Dimension tent in May 1976. This tent, alongside different
things made with GORE-TEX texture, appeared in the main authority Early Winters


JD Sports Fashion plc, more commonly known as JD Sports or JD, is a British sports-fashion
retail company based in Bury, Greater Manchester England. It is listed on the London Stock
Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 index Pentland group owns 55% of the

The company was established by John Wardle and David Makin (hence the name JD), trading
from a single shop in Bury, Greater Manchester, in 1981.

The company opened a store in the Arndale Centre in Manchester in 1983. Pentland Group
bought Wardle's and Makin's shares for £44.6M in May 2005, so acquiring 45% of the


The company acquired Chau sport, which operated 75 small stores in France, in May 2009.
It opened its first store in Malaysia in January 2016. The company acquired an 80% stake in
the Australian retailer Next Athleisure for A$6.6 million in late 2016. This was followed by
the opening of more stores in Australia in April 2017, in South Korea in April 2018, in
Singapore in May 2018and in Thailand in November 2018. The company also acquired 80%
of Cosmos Sport, based in Crete, in December 2021 and has launched a joint venture in
Indonesia with a store due to open in 2022.


Big 5 Sporting Goods is a sporting goods retailer headquartered in El Segundo, California

with 434 stores in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon,
Texas, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.[5] Steven G. Miller is the chairman, president, and

The name Big 5 is derived from the first five stores that were opened in California. Sports
west and Sports land were acquired in May 1988 from Pay 'n Save subsequently. A list of
major competitors can be found on this list of sporting goods retailers of the United States.

Big 5 Sporting Goods is one of America's top retailers of name brand sporting goods and
accessories. Operating over 430 stores in 11 western states, Big 5 provides a full-line product
offering in a traditional sporting goods store format that averages approximately 11,000
square feet. Big 5's product mix includes athletic shoes, apparel and accessories, as well as a
broad selection of outdoor and athletic equipment for team sports, fitness, camping, hunting,
fishing, tennis, golf, and seasonal sports.

Its product mix includes athletic shoes, apparel, and accessories, as well as a broad selection
of outdoor and athletic equipment for team sports, fitness, camping, hunting, fishing, tennis,
golf, winter and summer recreation and roller sports. The company operates solely as a
sporting goods retailer, which includes both retail stores and an e-commerce platform


Hibbett Sports, Inc. is an American publicly traded holding company for Hibbett Sporting
Goods, a full line sporting goods retailer headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama. As of
September, 2015, the company operated 1,025 retail stores in 32 states. Hibbett Sports, Inc.
operates sporting goods stores in small to mid-sized markets, in the Southeast, Southwest and
lower Midwest regions of the United States.

States with the most stores are Georgia (97), Texas (97), and Alabama (90). Its stores offer a
range of athletic equipment, footwear and apparel. The company's primary store format is the
Hibbett Sports store, an approximately 5,000 square foot store located primarily in strip
centers which are frequently influenced by a Wal-Mart store.

In January 2015, Hibbett Sports reported net annual sales of US$913M on total assets of

In August 2017, the company announced the launch of its new e-commerce site,
The website includes product launch calendars, a store availability finder, and fit-finding

Indian consumers towards the international brands have become pertinent. After
liberalization, as the economy opened up to the international market, imported goods
gradually gained traction among Indian buyers. The impact is, today the market is almost
flooded with goods from international market. Together with foreign origin brands, Indian
brands ran through significant improvement becoming successful to pose a stiff competition
against their foreign counterparts.

The progress of Indian economy and markets has given birth to a new series of Customers
who is inclined towards the purchase of braded and quality products. Particularly the apparels
as the youth of the country are now exposed to numerous Business and professional
situations. The working-class people segment has developed since the economic growth and it
has promoted middle class and upper middle-class people.

It was found that the quality of foreign brands was supposed to be generally higher and
greater to local brands. Most consumers also related greater availability of foreign brands in
the Indian market with better quality at lower prices.

In spite of high levels of nationalism and preference for original manufacture, as

demonstrated in high factor ratings on an ethnocentrism scale, which might specify a positive
bias towards local brands, Indian consumers were not biased against foreign brand names. In
fact, they appraised them higher on technology, quality, status and esteem than Indian brands,
and attributed higher reliability to those countries‐of‐origin.

Ever wonder what the psychology is behind consumerism? Or simply, why we purchase
specific products and brands? Consumer consciousness is a growing niche area that studies
how one’s thoughts, beliefs, feelings and awareness influence how and when people purchase
certain products. Consumer sensibility plays a big role in how retailers market their goods.

From their window displays to their discount codes, retailers are continuously working to
persuade you to pull out your credit cards and buy what they are selling. In fact, big brand
retail stores put a great amount of thought and attention towards the consumer experience.

Consumers are individuals or associations that buy products or services. The term also refers
to recruiting products and services. They are humans or other economic things that use a good
or service. Furthermore, they do not sell on that item that they purchased. They are the last
user in the distribution chain of goods and services.

In fact, there is a possibility that sometimes the consumer might not be the buyer.


A customer is a person or company that obtains, consumes or purchases a product or service

and can choose between different goods and suppliers.

The aim of all commercial enterprises is to attract customers or customer, and make them buy
what they have on sale. They also try to inspire them to keep coming back. The core of
marketing is having a good understanding of what are the customer’s needs and values.

Difference between consumer and customer:


Meaning The consumer of The end user of
goods or services is goods or services
known as the is known as a
Customer Consumer
Resell Yes No
Purchase of Yes Not necessary
Purpose Resale or Consumption
Price of Paid by customers May not paid by
product or customers
Person Individual or Individual,
Organization Family or Group

As a consumer we are on the whole special and this uniqueness is reflected in the utilization
example and procedure of procurement. The study of consumer behavior gives us reasons
why consumers contrast from each other in purchasing using products and services. We get
boosts from nature and the points of interest of the Marketing procedures of goods and
services, and reacts to these improvements as far as either purchasing or not purchasing item.
In the middle of the phase of getting the improvements and reacting to it, the shopper
experiences the way toward settling on his choice. For any association, it is basic to know
their consumer and for that it is essential to analyses the behavior of consumer.


Consumer behavior is the study of individuals and organizations also, how they select and use
products and services. It is mainly concerned with psychology, motivations, and behavior.
Consumer behavior is the study of consumers and the procedures they use to pick, use
(expend), and discard items and administrations, including customers' enthusiastic, mental,
and social reactions. Consumer behavior fuses thoughts from several sciences including
psychology, biology, chemistry, and economics.

The study of Consumer Behavior includes:

 How consumer consider various other options (brands, items, administrations, and retailers).
 How buyers’ reason and select between various other options.
 The behavior of consumers while researching and shopping.
 How consumer behavior is affected by their condition (peers, culture, media).
 How marketing campaigns can be adjusted and improved to all the more successfully
impacts the customer.

Benefits of Consumer Behavior

Studying consumer behavior is important because with this technique marketer can understand
what affects consumers’ buying decisions. By understanding how consumers choose on a
product they can fill in the gap in the market and recognize the products that are needed and the
products that are outmoded. Studying consumer behavior also helps marketers decide how to
present their products in a way that produces maximum impact on consumers. Understanding
consumer buying behavior is the key secret to accomplishing and appealing your customer, and
convinces them to purchase from you.

A consumer behavior analysis should reveal:

 What consumers look at and how they feel about various alternatives (brands, products,

 What affects consumers to choose between numerous options;

 Consumers’ behavior though researching and shopping;

 How consumers’ environment (friends, family, media, etc.) influences their behavior.

Consumer behavior is often affected by different factors. Marketers should study consumer
purchase patterns and analyses buyer trends. In most of the cases, brands affect consumer
behavior only with the things they can control; like how IKEA seems to compel you to spend
more than what you planned to every time you walk into the store.

So, the question is -what are the factors that influence consumers to say yes? There are three
categories of factors that influence consumer behavior:

 Personal factors: an individual’s interests and opinions that can be affected by demographics
(age, gender, culture, etc.).
 Psychological factors: an individual’s feedback to a marketing message will depend on their
insights and attitudes.
 Social factors: family, friends, education level, social media, income, they all influence
consumers’ behavior.


There are four main types of consumer behavior:

1.Complex buying behavior

This sort of conduct is experienced when shoppers are purchasing a costly, inconsistently
purchased item. They are exceptionally associated with the buy procedure and shoppers'
examination before resolving to contribute. Envision purchasing a house or a vehicle; these
are a case of a mind-boggling purchasing conduct.

2. Dissonance-reducing buying behavior

The customer is exceptionally engaged with the buy procedure however experiences issues
deciding the contrasts between brands. 'Disharmony' can happen when the buyer stresses that
they will lament their decision.

Envision you are purchasing a lawnmower. You will pick one dependent on cost and comfort,
yet after the buy you will look for affirmation that you've settled on the correct decision.

3.Habitual buying behavior

Constant buys are portrayed by the way that the customer has almost no association in the
item or brand class. Envision shopping for food: you go to the store and purchase your
favored kind of bread. You are displaying an ongoing example, not solid brand

4.Variety seeking behavior

In this circumstance, a consumer buys an alternate item not on the grounds that they weren't
happy with the past one, but since they look for assortment. Like when you are evaluating
new shower gel aromas.

What affects consumer behavior?

Many things can affect consumer behavior, but the most frequent factors influencing
consumer behavior are:

1.Marketing campaigns

Marketing campaigns impact buying choices a great deal. Whenever done right and routinely,
with the correct marketing message, they can even convince customers to change marks or
pick progressively costly other options. Marketing efforts can even be utilized as updates for
items/benefits that should be purchased normally yet are not really on customer' top of brain
(like protection for instance). A decent promoting message can impact drive buys.

2.Economic conditions

For costly items particularly (like houses or vehicles) monetary conditions have a major
influence. A constructive monetary condition is known to make buyers progressively sure and
ready to enjoy buys regardless of their own money related liabilities. Customers settle on
choices in a more extended timeframe for costly buys and the purchasing procedure can be
impacted by increasingly close to home factors simultaneously.

3.Personal preferences

Consumer behavior can also be impacted by close to home variables, likes, detests, needs,
ethics, and qualities. In enterprises like design or nourishment sincere beliefs are particularly
incredible. Ad can, obviously, help yet toward the day's end consumers' decisions are
significantly affected by their inclinations. In case you're vegetarian, it doesn't make a
difference what number of burger joint advertisements you see, you're presumably not going
to begin eating meat thus.

4.Group influence

Friend pressure also impacts Consumer behavior. What our relatives, schoolmates, close
family members, neighbors, and associates think or do can assume a huge job in our choices.
Social brain research impacts buyer conduct. Picking inexpensive food over home-prepared
dinners, for instance, is only one of such circumstances. Training levels and social variables
can have an effect.

5.Purchasing power

To wrap things up, our buying strategic maneuvers a huge job in impacting our conduct.
Except if you are an extremely rich person, you will think about your spending limit before
settling on a buy choice. The item might be phenomenal, the Marketing could be on point,
however in the event that you don't have the cash for it, you won't get it. Fragmenting
shopper’s dependent on their purchasing limit will assist advertisers with deciding qualified
customers and accomplish better outcomes.


Purchasing personal conduct standards are not synonymous with purchasing propensities.
Propensities are created as inclinations towards an activity and they become unconstrained
after some time, while designs show an anticipated mental structure. Every consumer has his
special purchasing propensities, while purchasing standards of conduct are group and offer
advertisers a novel portrayal. Consumer personal conduct standards can be gathered into:

1. Place of Purchase

More often than not customer will separate their buys in a few stores regardless of whether all
things are accessible in a similar store. Think about your preferred hypermarket: despite the
fact that you can discover garments and shoes there too, you're likely purchasing those from
genuine dress brands.

At the point when a consumer has the ability and the entrance to buy similar items in various
stores, they are not for all time faithful to any store, except if that is the main store they
approach. Considering consumer conduct as far as decision of spot will assist advertisers with
distinguishing key store areas.

2. Item Purchased

Interesting points: the things that were bought and the amount of everything were bought.
Need things can be purchased in mass while extravagance things are bound to be bought less
much of the time and in little amounts. The measure of everything bought is impacted by the
perishability of the thing, the buying intensity of the consumer, unit of offer, value, number of
buyers for whom the thing is proposed, and so on. Breaking down a shopping basket can give
advertisers loads of buyer experiences.

2. Time and Frequency of Purchase

Customer will go out to shop as indicated by their plausibility and will expect administration
in any event, during the most bizarre hours; particularly now in the period of web-based
business where everything is just a couple of snaps away. It's the shop's duty to satisfy these
needs by distinguishing a buy example and match its administration as indicated by the time
and recurrence of buys. One thing to remember: regular varieties and provincial contrasts
should also be represented.

3. Method of Purchase

A consumer can either stroll into a store or purchase a thing at that moment, or request on the
web and pay online by means of MasterCard or on conveyance. The technique for buy can
also initiate all the more spending from the consumer (for web-based shopping, you may also
be charged a delivery expense for instance). The manner in which a consumer decides to buy
a thing additionally says a great deal regarding the sort of consumer he is.


Just 33% of the organizations that utilizes consumer division state that they discover it
fundamentally effective. Consumer division, sorts of consumers, has consistently been
significant; however, since personalization and consumer experience are factors that decide a
business' prosperity, viable division is much increasingly significant.

Generally, most advertisers utilize six essential kinds of conduct division.

1.Benefits Sought

A consumer who purchases toothpaste can search for four unique reasons: brightening,
delicate teeth, flavor, or cost.

At the point when customer investigate an item or administration, their conduct can uncover
significant bits of knowledge into which benefits, highlights, values, use cases, or issues are
the most significant spurring factors affecting their buy choice. At the point when a consumer
puts a lot higher incentive on at least one advantages over the others, these essential
advantages looked for are the characterizing rousing components driving the buy choice for
that consumer.

2. Occasion or Time Based

 Event and timing-based conduct sections allude to both all-inclusive and individual
 Universal occasions apply to most of customer or target crowd.
 Recurring-personal occasions are buying designs for an individual consumer that
reliably rehash over some undefined time frame. For instance, birthday events,
commemorations or get-away, month to month buys, or even day by day customs, for
example, is halting for some espresso while in transit to work each morning.
 Rare-personal occasions are also identified with singular customer, yet are
increasingly sporadic and unconstrained, and therefore progressively hard to
anticipate. For instance, going to a companion's wedding.

3.Usage Rate

Item or administration utilization is another basic method to portion customer by conduct, in

view of the recurrence at which a consumer buys from or interfaces with an item or
administration. Utilization conduct can be a solid prescient marker of unwaveringness or
agitate and, along these lines, lifetime esteem.

4.Brand Loyalty Status

Steadfast customers are a business' most important resources. They are less expensive to hold,
for the most part have the most noteworthy lifetime esteem, and can become brand advocates.
By breaking down conduct information, customer can be fragmented by their degree of
reliability so advertisers can comprehend their requirements and ensure they are fulfilling
them. Steadfast customer are the ones who ought to get extraordinary treatment and benefits,
for example, selective prizes projects to support and fortify the consumer relationship and
boost proceeded with future business.

5.User Status

There are various conceivable consumer statuses you may have contingent upon your
business. A couple of models are:

 Non-users
 Prospects
 First-time buyers
 Regular users
 Defectors (ex-customers who have switched to a competitor).

6.Customer Journey Stage

Portioning the crowd base on consumer status permits advertisers to adjust interchanges and
customize encounters to expand change at each stage. In addition, it encourages them find
stages where customer is not advancing so they can recognize the greatest obstructions and
open doors for development, even on post purchase practices.

Consumer Buying Behavior alludes to the activities taken (both on and disconnected) by
shoppers before purchasing an item or administration. This procedure may incorporate
counseling web crawlers, drawing in with web-based life posts, or an assortment of different
activities. It is significant for organizations to comprehend this procedure since it assists
organizations with bettering tailor their marketing activities to the Marketing endeavors that
have effectively impacted buyers to purchase previously.

We have all accomplished the second when we stroll into a store and see something that we
simply must have. Retailers burn through billions of dollars consistently attempting to create
that feeling in their customer. Web battles, video and print advertisements, web-based social
networking efforts, and marking appear to combine as the shopper at long last feels an
association with an item and makes a buy. So, what drives that conduct? What's more, how
would you catch and afterward reproduce that lightning-in-a-bottle second when a potential
consumer transforms into a consumer?

What are the major factors that influence consumer buyer behavior?

An assortment of variables goes into the consumer conduct process, however here we offer
only a couple. Taken independently, they may not bring about a buy. At the point when
assembled in any number of mixes, the probability expands that somebody will associate with
a brand and makes a buy. Four components affecting shopper purchasing conduct are:

 Cultural Factors - Culture isn't constantly characterized by an individual's nationality.

It can also be characterized by their affiliations, their strict convictions or even their
 Social Factors - Elements in an individual's domain that sway the manner in which
they see items.
 Personal Factors - These may incorporate somebody's age, conjugal status, spending
plan, individual convictions, qualities, and ethics.
 Psychological Factors - An individual's perspective when they are drawn nearer with
an item will frequently decide how they feel about the thing itself as well as the brand
all in all.


1.The Analytical Buyer - Motivated by rationale and data, this consumer will take a gander
at all the information on contending brands and items before settling on an educated choice.

2.The Amiable Buyer - Warm and neighbourly, this consumer simply needs everybody to be
upbeat. That is the reason they are frequently incapacitated by critical choices when there is
the impression of a success/lose result.

3.The Driver Buyer - Drivers are generally worried about how others see them and whether
they follow. The innovators, Drivers are generally worried about their appearance instead of
the connections that are shaped during an exchange.

4.The Expressive Buyer - Relationships are critical to the Expressive Buyer. They can't stand
feeling disengaged or disregarded during an exchange. Rather, they need to feel like your
most significant resource.


1.What kind of sports do you play?

Responses Percentage

Indoor 15 15%

Outdoor 17 17%

Both 68 68%

Total 100 100

Indoor Out



INTERPRETATION – The above graph says the sports preferred by the population almost
68% of the sample play both indoor and outdoor games and 15% play indoor and 17% play
outdoor game.

2. Do you practice any sports?

Sports Responses Percentage

Football 10 10%

Basketball 15 15%

Badminton 18 18%

Cricket 17 17%

Cycling 23 23%

Others 17 17%

Total 100 100





INTERPRETATION – The figure represents that 10 of them plays football, 15 likes

to play basketball, 18 likes to play badminton, 17 likes to play cricket, 23 likes to do
cycling whereas 17 likes to play other sports.

4.Why do you play sports?

Responses Percentage

To maintain healthy lifestyle 45 45%

For leisure 23 23%

For entertainment 12 12%

To participate in future 20 20%


Total 100 100




For en-
To participate in future

INTERPRETATION – The above graph represents the reason to play sports. Almost 12% of
the respondents play for entertainment, 45% play to maintain healthy lifestyle, around 20%
play to participate in future competition who even play regularly and around 23% play for

5.Are you brand conscious while purchasing sports material?

Responses Percentage
Yes 40 40%
No 45 45%

Sometime 15 15%
Total 100 100





INTERPRETATION – The above graph represents the brand conscious level of the
consumers towards sports materials around 40% of the respondents are brand conscious
around 15% have probability to purchase branded sports materials whereas 45%
respondents are not brand conscious in sample size.

6.Are you aware of this brand?

Responses Percentage
Kitbag 27 27%

Early Winters 12 12%
Decathlon 35 35%
JD Sports 10 10%
Hibbett Sports 6 6%
Big 5 10 10%
Total 100 100

Kitbag Early



Big 5 Sports

INTERPRETATION – By the following analysis we can see our users not stick to one
brand they are for a single sport they are buying product from different brand that may be
non- availability of the product. 35% of the responders know about Decathlon, 12% of
them are aware of Early Winters, 10% are aware of JD sports, 6% are aware of Hibbett
Sports whereas 10% are aware of Big 5.

7.Why do you use these brands?

Responses Percentage

Price 24 24%
Better Quality 46 46%
Offers 18 18%
Brand 12 12%
Total 100 100




INTERPRETATION – The above graph represents the factors considered while

purchasing sports materials. Around 46% prefers quality as the main factor to buy, around
12% considers brand to purchase and 18% believes in offers and 24% believes the price
range of the product. This shows that quality is the major factor while purchasing sports

9. How often do you buy sports material?

Responses Percentage
On need basis 58 58%
On occasion for participating 20 20%
in competition
Every time when the existing 22 22%
sports material become worn
out or breaks etc
Total 100 100

On need


On occasion
for partici-
pating in
Every time whencompetition
the existing
sports material become worn
out or breaks etc

INTERPRETATION – The graph represents the frequency of purchase of sports

materials. 58% of the sample size purchase on need basis, around 20% purchase to
participate in the competition who belong to regular players and to participate in future
competition, around 22% buy if something happens with the sports materials.

10 .Do you about Decathlon Sports Pvt Ltd?

Responses Percentage
Yes 80 80%
No 20 20%
Total 100 100



INTERPRETATION – The above figure showing the data collected from the
responds shows that 80% of them know the decathlon and 20% of them don’t know the

11. How did you come to know about Decathlon Sports India Pvt. Ltd?

Responses Percentage
Friends 25 25%
Word of Mouth 23 23%
Social Media 35 35%
Not aware 17 13%
Total 100 100

Word of



Not aware

INTERPRETATION – The graph says the source or the media through while the
population who are aware came to know about decathlon. In this 17 of the sample sizes
are not aware about Decathlon so they are not considered for this analysis and remaining
83 who are aware and have visited Decathlon in that major population around 25% came
to know from their friends, 23% from word of mouth, around 35% through social media.

12. Have you visited Decathlon Sports Pvt. Ltd?

Responses Percentage
Yes 77 77%
No 23 23%
Total 100 100



INTERPRETATION – The above says that the awareness which led to visit Decathlon
are 77% of the total sample size and 23% didn’t visited Decathlon Sports India Pvt. Ltd.

13. How frequently do you visit Decathlon Sports Pvt Ltd?

Responses Percentage
Once a Month 30 30%
Once in 3 months 30 30%
Once in 6 months 25 25%
Once in a year 15 15%
Total 100 100

Once a

Once in 3

Once in 6
Once in a year

INTERPRETATION – The graph represents the visits of the population around 30%
visit the store once in 3 months, around 30% visits once in a month, 25% visits the store
once in 6 months whereas 15% visits the store once a year.

14. What is the purpose of your visit?

Responses Percentage
To buy sports material 43 43%
To accompany someone 17 17%
To try out some new 23 23%
Just for leisure 17 17%
Total 100 100

To buy

Total To ac-

To try out
some new
Just for leisure products

INTERPRETATION – The above graph says that around 43% visits decathlon with the
major purpose to buy sports materials, 23% visit to try out new products, around 17% to
accompany with their friends who have heard, visited but never purchased and rest 17%
visits for leisure.


 68 percent of the population plays both indoor and outdoor games, with 15 percent playing
indoor and 17 percent playing outdoor, demonstrating that both types of games are equally

 The most popular sport among people is cycling, which is preferred by 23% of the population.
Other popular sports include badminton (18%), cricket (17%), and cycling (18%).

 45 percent of people play to maintain their health, 20 percent to participate in upcoming

competitions, and 23 percent to entertain themselves when they have free time.

 Approximately 40% of the sample size are brand conscious when purchasing sports
equipment, 45% are not brand conscious, and 15% do not care whether they buy sports
equipment from a particular brand or not.

 Among the sample size, 35% are aware of Decathlon, 27% are aware of Kitbag, 10% are
aware of Big 5, and so on. Which demonstrates that consumers do not stick with a single

 46 percent of the sample size prefers quality when making a purchase, compared to 24
percent who are concerned with the product's price, 12 percent who are more attracted by a
brand, and 18 percent who are worried about offers.

 It has been found that people tend to buy when they have a need, 22% do so when their
current material wears out, and 20% do so because of competition.
 When compared to a section of 20% who were aware, it was found that 80 percent of the
sample size knew about Decathlon Sports Pvt Ltd.
 35 percent of the sample size are drawn to social interactions, 25 percent are aware of
Decathlon Sports because of their friends and family, 23 percent are aware due to word-of-
mouth, and 17 percent are unaware.
 Approximately 43% of visitors to Decathlon do so primarily to purchase sporting goods, 23%
do so to test out new products, 17% do so to go with friends who have heard of the store but
have never visited, and the remaining 17% do so for fun.


 Despite the fact that the research shows that consumers have a very positive opinion of
Decathlon, there are still some issues that need to be resolved.

 Even though word-of-mouth and social media are the most effective forms of communication,
Decathlon sports must be featured in newspapers, magazines, television, etc.

 Expansion of the accessory product line will undoubtedly boost profits.

 It is possible to plan the opening of additional locations in order to draw in more target

 Collaboration with national sports events held all over India that develop young talent can
increase brand visibility.

 Online promotions and activities can be started to improve the store's branding and the level
of brand awareness for newly launched products.

 Sales representatives could receive more frequent product specification training sessions.



After doing this survey or study, we received a lot of feedback and recommendations from
our clients, and we saw that many of them are familiar with the decathlon. However, as they
are not familiar with the company's brands, steps must be taken by the business to increase
product brand recognition.
Even though the availability of a wide variety of products and the competence of the
personnel are positive aspects of Decathlon's repute, the retailer still needs to enhance in the
other areas.
Decathlon Sports India Pvt. Ltd. should be more prominent on advertisements in print media
like hoardings, magazines, and newspapers since they will increase client awareness if they
use them, even though friends are one of the most effective communication channels.
They can put all of their available products on their mobile application. They can become
partners with E-Commerce Company.
During weekends there is a huge rush in the store and no customer wants to wait for the
assistance, therefore management can increase the number of staffs as per the requirement.

Since, Decathlon has grown very fast and almost has a store in every outlet in the city.
Therefore, they should update their website more frequently so that the customers do not have
to travel more than required.

We may simply expect that the number of people who are familiar with international brands
will aid the promotion of the foreign company. But in this instance, we can observe that
Decathlon did not invest a lot of money in any sort of advertising. They merely employ to
advertise the product within their store. The best thing, though, is that they can explain to
customers which team is ideal for each sport.

One of the top sports firms in the world, Decathlon envisions itself to shine as brightly as its
slogan, "Providing Pleasure of Sports at Affordable Price." It has gained an advantage over
rivals by being a force to be reckoned with in its field of services spanning from sports to
clothes and catering every sports need. If we look at India now, we can see that more and
more people are learning about Decathlon and its businesses. On the other side, we can see
that Decathlon's product brands are highly regenerative, high-quality, and competitive with
other international companies. We are obtaining a better product here for a lower price, and
the company itself provides the usage instructions for the goods, so we are aware of how to
utilise it. The customer relationships and outstanding customer service offered by these
businesses are their finest features. However, we have observed that they are not discussing
strategies to market their products but rather their concepts are highly confidential.


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International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management
 Inside store (2009). Unplanned Buying at Traditional Retail in India. A Research Report
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 Terblanche, N. S. and Boshoff, C. (2006). The relationship between a satisfactory in-store
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 Goswami, P. (2008). Would Kirana’s in Urban India Survive the Modern Trade
Onslaught? Insight from Efficiency Perspective.
 Jim Armstrong (1999); the Syndicated Loan Market: Developments in the North American
 Johnson, M . D. and F ornell , C. (1991); ―A F ra me w o rk for Comparing
Customer Satisfaction across Individuals and Product Categories.
 Risabh singh, S. g. (2018). A study on customer perception towards Decathlon road cycles.
International journal of management and technology and engineering.


Please can you spare a few minutes of your time to take part in this survey. You are requested
to fill in this questionnaire, and return at your earliest convenience. Information furnished in
this questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential. The information will be used only for the
present investigation.
Many thanks in advance for taking your time to complete the survey.
Name – Occupation – Age –

1. What kind of sports do you play?

Indoor Outdoor Both

2. Do you practice any sports?

Football Basketball Badminton

Cricket Cycling Others

3. Why do you play sports?

To maintain healthy lifestyle

For leisure

For entertainment

To participate in future competition

4. Are you brand conscious while purchasing sports material?

Yes No Sometimes

5. Are you aware of this brand?

Kitbag Early Winter Decathlon
JD Sports Hibbett Sports Big5

6. Why do you use these brands?

Price Quality

Offers Brand

7. How often do you buy sports material?

On need basis
On occasion for participating in competition
Every time when the existing sports material become worn out or break etc

8. Do you know about Decathlon Sports Pvt Ltd?

Yes No Sometimes

9. How do you know about Decathlon Sports Pvt Ltd?

Friends Word of mouth

Social Media Not Aware

10. Have you visited Decathlon Sports Pvt Ltd?

Yes No

11. How frequently do you visit Decathlon Sports Pvt Ltd?

Once a month Once in 3 months+

Once in 6 months Once in a year

12. What is the purpose of your visit?

To buy sports material

To accompany friend

To try out new products

Just for leisure


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