Teacher Chuks 2 - Opeyemi O. Akintunde

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Written by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: SEASON 2
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“Please Mr Chuks, just once, just once please... I can’t control myself anymore, I just
need to get to the climax, please I feel like I am running mad, and if I don’t get someone
to hit me hard right now, I will actually go bunkers” Rejoice said as she held on to my
trouser in the bush. She had lured me into the bush telling me there was something
private she wanted to discuss with me. I believed her because of the situation of the
place we had found ourselves , we were very careful of what we said or did. I needed to
shake Rejoice out of whatever she was feeling or else we both would get fried any

“Rejoice stop this, you will get us killed!, You know sex between unmarried people is an
abomination in this place. Rejoice, what should be in our hearts and heads is how to get
out of this place alive.” I said trying to make her snap out of her desire

“ I actually don’t feel alive, so yes, I don’t mind dying if I am caught satisfying my self..
Mr Chuks, I haven’t had sex in 3 days and you expect me to be sane..” Rejoice said as
she was literally shaking

“ Rejoice, listen to me, this thing sex is a thing of the mind, you should be the one to
control your mind, not your mind controlling you...Tell your mind or your brain, sex is
forbidden and it will send the message to the other parts of your body...”

“ It is not that easy, Mr Chuks, I have been telling myself that for 3 days and
unfortunately my brain has refused listening”

“ Well if your brain doesn’t listen, my own brain is listening,Rejoice I won’t let Sex get me
killed, I won’t let few minutes of enjoyment make me find myself where I found myself 3
months ago... I am not about to go back to Hell for 3 minutes of pleasure and besides, I
owe God and mankind a lot having messed up so much, I need a 100 years to undo all
the evil I have done so far, so I am not about to let you take this opportunity from me

“ Whose fault?, Who deflowered me?, Was it not you Mr Chuks? The seed you sowed has
bore fruits and you don’t want to eat from it?”

“ I never knew it was a poisonous seed, but now that I know better, I don’t intend eating

“ What then happens to me who is carrying the poison?”

“ We will get it out, I promise you!”

“ How?”

“ I don’t know, but SEXRUSH came in through an entrance, there must definitely be an
exit. Just cooperate with me...” I said holding her firmly

“ Kill me please....I will rather die than live without happiness. What is the essence of
living, when I am not happy?”

“ Why are you not happy?”

“ I am not happy because I am starving, sex is my food, and I haven’t had it in three day
s...” Rejoice said weeping.

At that point, I felt pained for Rejoice, she was right, sex was food for her, all thanks to
me for introducing SEXRUSH into her many years back , although after we seperated she
had become worse. Meeting her again was not planned, but I believed was an
opportunity to correct my error. Unfortunately, she was not helping matters...

Rejoice was not ready to listen, she grabbed me and was caressing me. My past years
flashed through my mind and more importantly my experience after I died was playing
clearly in my head. The milestones of life without sex for three months was about to
rubbished in 5 minutes.... Never!

As I stood there not wanting to scream and trying my best to calm Rejoice down, in few
seconds my mind travelled back to how I had escaped death and how I had met Rejoice

********* 3 MONTHS EARLIER

I had breathe my last, after Tina had Strangulated me. I knew my spirit was flying and I
had no power to stop it. I could see a red flame afar off, my spirit was flying towards

The closer I got, the hotter the heat. I was been ushered by the demons that had come
out of my body to the red flame.
Suddenly, I saw a white horse coming towards me in full force and speed, the rider was a
heavily built man on white. He was riding towards me in a rush…His muscles were strong…

I saw other white horses with riders on them riding their horses behind the man. The
sight was beautiful. The man and the other riders were all looking handsome and

There were also female riders on the horses as well. They had the body and faces of
humans but had massive wings. I wondered why they weren’t using their wings to fly
towards me, and the answer came immediately to my heart. They were coming for war.
Those horses were war horses. The horses were massively structured and you could see
strength in them.

As they rode towards me in desperation, I saw another set of riders coming from the
opposite direction. They were coming out from the red fire place I saw from afar. They
had the faces of animals, with wings like that of evil birds with dirty looking claws…

The two sets of riders were riding towards me like they were in a race to be the first to
get to me….

The White horses got to me first, and one of the riders, a female figure picked me up and
placed me on her horse. Her strength was massive, I felt like a piece of tissue in her
strong hands…

By this time, the horses from the red flame had gotten to us, and surprisingly, the leader
of the troop was a woman like creature. It had the face of a woman, but the structure and
voice of a man.

She reminded me of the cross dressers, and gays on earth. “It was possible this creature
was their inspiration,” the thought flashed through my mind. With legs like that of a
horse, I saw her catwalking towards us, as it had alighted from its horse.

They faced each other in a battle form

“He is mine, let me have him” the woman like creature said…

“No, he is one of ours who missed his way” the leader of the white horse troop said

“Well, he didn’t find his way back before he died” the woman like creature said

“Father hasn’t declared him dead” the white horse man said

“He is dead and you are just trying to waste my precious time”… the creature said angrily
and with this, the creature drew out his sword, which was a sign of battle…

“If this is how you want it” the man on the White horse drew out his sword as well

A fierce battle started…

To be continued…

To read more Life changing series, send a WhatsApp message to +234-8151103646 or

follow the Author on Facebook@Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official

Inspired by THE HOLY ONE
Penned Down by Opeyemi Akintunde
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: SEASON 2
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

The female figure who had me on her horse tucked me in her hand, and she carried me
like a mother, as she also fought valiantly. I was weeping at how the host of heaven were
fighting for my soul. I did not need to be told that these were the host of heaven, and the
leader of the white horse troop was the Chief of Angels; Angel Michael and the
womanlike creature was the devil. This scenario reminded me of a sermon my father
preached while I was a teenager, about how the devil fought Angel Michael over the body
of Moses, the same was repeating here. Angel Michael and His troop were fighting the
devil over where I would spend my eternity.

I asked myself “Am I so important or is this how they fight for everyone?”
Well I found out the answer later...

The fierce battle continued, some of the riders of the red flame were brutally injured…

All of a sudden….

We heard a loud voice that sounded like many waters

“LET THE BATTLE CEASE” the voice thundered

A great throne appeared right in front of us, as all riders, both the white and red bowed in
acknowledgement of His Presence… The Throne was like transparent glass that shone,
yet it looked like flowing water. The one who sat on it was Massive, as I couldn’t see His
beginning and His end. The part of His body I could catch a glimpse of, shone with so
much glory it could blind the eye. Out of his body exuded different things at the same
time, I felt fire, I felt peace, I felt glory, I felt anger, I felt love, I felt disaster, I felt safety. I
trembled at all the emotions … He was encompassing.

At the Point, I could understand why He is called GOD, .the feeling I still can’t explain, all I
know is that The One who sat on that Throne had everything in Him.

Therefore, the part of Him He decided to show to a human being, determined how that
person would see God...

I shook knowing the Part He was going to show to me was going to be that of ANGER
for living a wasted life...

Or what do you think?

To be continued

To read more Life changing series, send a WhatsApp message to +234-8151103646 or

follow the Author on Facebook@Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official

Photo credit: Internet

[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 3
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I trembled at His MAJESTIC PRESENCE. I tried looking up at His ENORMOUS face and
the little part I could catch a glimpse of was radiating fire and Glory at the same time.

Out of fear , I couldn’t look up anymore, and in that instant, all the enjoyment I had on
earth while having sex was not worth it. I wished I had spent my life better, maybe I
would have given Him a Big Hug instead, but His presence was overpowering and
condemning to me.

Without anyone probing me, I knew I was guilty of eternity in anywhere other than heaven.
I wondered where Chinaza was. Was she also condemned or had she been fought for?

All these thoughts brought tears out of my eyes coupled with His domineering Presence,
it felt like from His Throne, He was discharging some currents that weakened me… His
presence was arresting, I couldn’t move my hands and feet. It felt like I had been tied

The Female horse rider that had me on her horse dropped me like a little baby. I felt like
an insignificant creature.
“Ask for His Mercy” I heard my mind crying loud and clear..

I tried opening my mouth but it failed…

voice that sounded like thunder

“Jehovah is Your name!” The Arch Angel Micheal hallowed...

“ We wouldn’t have done this if not for the Cry of Mercy of your beloved servant, Favour
Aribisala. It was her cry of Mercy that sent us here!” Archangel Michael said.

Out of the blues, Favor’s image appeared before us all. I could literally touch her, as she
appeared so real. It was better than the 3D movies we watched on earth... If there was
anything like 100D, that could best describe it. I saw her praying and interceding over my
dead body. By that time, it looked like my body had been put in the car... Favour was just
shouting... “Mercy Lord, Mercy Lord”

CHANCE?” My heart sank as I heard HE Who had the final say, say concerning me... I
looked towards the red flame and I told myself spending eternity there was a no go area
for me.

IS A WASTE. I WILL COMFORT HER”. He said and His throne was about ascending, but
like a Father who didn’t want the destruction of His child, He gave another option...



No one could answer for me…I tried to answer but, how could I answer the Ancient of
Days, I felt like a tiny grain of uncooked rice in his presence…


“No! My Lord” the evil masculine woman answered “He is a waste, despite coming from
a Godly background, he was an evil minded person, and therefore Hades is where he
belongs” the creature said with all determination to take me to hell

As the womanlike creature spoke, in what looked like a movie in 100D, all my sexual
escapades were played right in from of me as a way of reminding God of all I did... The
scenarios were highly irritating, the Angels turned their faces away as they couldn’t
behold sin. HIM who sat on the throne also looked away, but a loud voice cried out...

“NO!” Another man, who had a very beautiful countenance came out of HIM who sat on
the throne. He bowed before HIM.

“I intend to have a talk with him, Father… I know he will bring more profit to the kingdom
if given Another chance. Please Father, Just as you gave me Lazarus, give me this one
too, let your Breathe be released back to him”.

THE ONE who is called Father was silent…

“Father, please, for the sake of my death, please” And I saw who I understood was Jesus
wailing… the sight was heart breaking. His tears tore my heart.

As he wept, Blood started gushing out of his hands, feet and head... I couldn’t bear to
look at it….Even the riders turned their faces away. The riders from the red flame fled and
stayed afar off. The blood was like poison to them…. I saw the holes in his hand where he
had been pierced, that was where the blood was coming out from, likewise the head
where the thorns had pierced, and the feet where he was nailed. His blood was
everywhere like an evidence.

But, HE who is called FATHER, looked at the blood and after a long silence said


And instantly, there was loud celebration, the white riders made a loud shout of
Halleluya, it was like a sound of victory after war…


THE ONE who sat on the throne said…

“The Holy Spirit Will Help Him Father…” the son said

I saw Him who is called FATHER release HIS breath, he opened his mouth and air gushed
out, the air came in form of a human body shape, crystal clear in color and I watched in
amazement as it entered my nostrils. I found myself standing up on my feet before him.
Yet I couldn’t dare look at Him and all the riders around... I knew I was a disappointment
to heaven. I buried my head in shame...

The woman like creature and her host turned around in anger and formed a circle like a
team during a football match discussing in low tones...
The Angels/riders kept on shouting “Halleluya, Halleluya to the FATHER…”

The SON stood up and walked towards me

He gave me a big smile and hugged me, then he said these words

“Don’t be a disappointment to the Father, Don’t be a disappointment to me, don’t grieve

the Holy Spirit, I will always be with you, in person of the HolySpirit. Don’t be a
disappointment to yourself and the world you have been sent to. All hell will be let loose
against you, but you are a conqueror if you faint not. Fight the good fight of faith. The
demons will fight you with strong revenge, but if you grow in your most Holy faith you will
overcome them”…

Suddenly I felt like I had been hit by a storm….

To be continued....

Feel free to share this but do not edit the author’s Opening and closing credit. As you
obey, the works of your hands will not be tampered with in Jesus name.

For more stories, follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official
or on Whatsapp on 08151103646

Inspired by THE HOLY ONE
Penned Down by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde
Photo Credit : Internet
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 4
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I felt like I dropped into my body and instantly my eyes opened. I noticed my body was
being wheeled by two strange faces, women to be precise. I was as blank as a plain
sheet of paper, as I didn’t remember who I was and where I was...but I assumed
wherever these women were wheeling me to, was not going to be a good place because
of the worrisome look on their faces .The women screamed when I jumped from the
stretcher and stood on my feet.

Everyone in the corridor jumped back, as I started walking backwards with the intention
of escaping from wherever this was.

A man was approaching me and trying to calm me down...

“ Hey Mister, you are fine, I am Doctor Bruce and you are in a hospital, you passed out
and you just woke up... Your friends are right there at the reception... I will get them for
you.. So it’s okay, it’s normal to suffer a brief memory loss after passing out. You will be
fine” He said with a professional smile

At that same instant , I heard a familiar Voice...

“ Thank you Jesus!, Thank you Lord, Thank you my Father, Thank you Holy Spirit “ the
lady knelt on the floor rolling and shouting Halleluya.

I kept looking at her strangely because I didn’t know who she was...

“ Who are you?” I managed to say

“ It’s me Favour!”


“ Yes Favour, Your friend” She said but she noticed I kept looking at her blanking, so she
moved closer saying

“We attended the same university, but recently we met when you became my daughter’s
teacher and you lost your wife Chinaza, your second wife walked out on you, which led to
you almost giving up on your life...We just left your home with the pastor when you
passed out ...” She said referring to a man who was standing by her side...

I didn’t know or understand anything she said, but the mention of the name Chinaza
struck a cord in my heart. Why? I didn’t know.

The man who said he was a doctor tried to calm Favour down

“ Don’t bombard him with too much information, he will come around, he just needs to
have some rest...” He said as he guided me to one of the hospital wards. The moment I
stepped in, I had a flash of a warehouse, with private cells and a beautiful lady giving me
a note...Tina....

I stepped out of the room immediately..

“ Who is Tina?” I asked looking around

“ Tina?” Favour asked as she didn’t know who that was, but suddenly she remembered

“ Oh!, Tina! I do not know her personally but you told me she was Chinaza’s sister?”

“ Chinaza?” That name again “ Who is Chinaza?”

“ Your late wife who you worked alongside at the Sperm collection Agency”

The doctor looked surprised, as he didn’t understand what the Lady Favour was saying...

“ Sperm Collection Agency?” I asked and instantly it came rushing back at me... The
warehouse, Chinaza, the slayers and the drainers, Tina, and the other uniformed inmates,
all my escapades and who Favour was.

I walked into the hospital ward to rest my weak body as I began to remember a lot, but I
got hooked. I couldn’t remember anything else after passing out till that very point. I didn’
t know what happened after passing out but I knew something had happened....

“ So where do I go from here?, Tina will know I am not dead” I said knowing I must have
passed out and fell into a coma when she strangled me spiritually. The doctor and
nurses left Favour and I.

“ Now, that I am awake, how will I escape her wrath, Favour?” I said in fear

“ You will, the same God who restored you will keep you safe, you just need to surrender
to God genuinely..”

“ I remembered I had not completed the prayer of Rededicating my life to God, before I
passed out and I remember you telling me God could forgive all my sins, Is that offer
still open?” I asked

“ God’s offer is always open”

“ Ok, I am ready to give my life to God fully” I said

“ Then say after me, Heavenly Father, I come before you today, I ask that you forgive me
of all my sins, I repent genuinely. I say no to sin and Yes to you forever. I accept Jesus
Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour. Thank you Lord, In Jesus Christ Name I pray.”

I repeated after her and immediately I felt peace in my spirit.. I felt I had been loosened
from ropes that were binding me...

“ I feel really free and different.. Is this all?” I asked really surprised at the simple prayer
and the instant change of atmosphere I felt around me.

“ Yes, that’s all, You just need to grow in your most holy faith, it’s one thing to be born
again, but you need to grow in the new birth, that is the most important factor..Growing in
“ GROW IN YOUR MOST HOLY FAITH”... those lines sounded familiar like someone had
said those words to me recently, but I couldn’t remember who it was, I tried racking my
brain, but I couldn’t remember...

“ But how do I grow in my most Holy Faith?” I asked really interested in knowing... By
this time, one of the nurses joined us in the ward with some injections. She smiled at
Favour and spoke to her courteously

“ Ma, I need to inject him, is he your husband or Fiance?”

“ No...” Favour said smiling

“ Well, I am sorry, you will have to give us some minutes alone”

“ Okay, I understand “ Favour said, standing up to leave.

“ Please just wait outside the door, I don’t want Tina killing me” I said

“ Tina can’t come near you anymore, you are operating under a new covenant, you are no
more the person Tina knows, you are a new creature, meaning the Chuks Tina knew is
dead and if she tries to come near this new Chuks, the heavenly warriors will crush her...”
She said smiling

“Heavenly warriors!” That rang another bell in my heart like I recently found out
something about Heavenly warriors but I didn’t know what it was.

“ I am not here to harm him, I am just doing my professional job, so can you please step
back and let me do my work before I get sacked” The nurse said with irritation to an
empty room after Favour had left the room

“Sorry, you said what?” I asked the nurse as I didn’t understand what she was talking
about or who she was speaking to.

“I wasn’t talking to you, I am talking to the intruders you have around you” She said
insultively and apparently whoever she was talking about who I couldn’t see, must have
been angry at her statement because she jumped back in fear...

“ Are you ok?” I asked really concerned at her behavior.

“ Hey Shut up, Don’t think because you now have the protectors around you, you are fre
e...No you are not, we are everywhere, I may not be able to hurt you now, but very soon I
know you will go back to your vomit and then your protectors won’t be there to catch you
when you fall... A direct message from Tina...” She said, hissed and walked out. On her
way out, she discarded the injection she should have given me...
I jumped from the bed and looked around the room and found no protectors she was
referring to. Maybe if I had my spiritual googles, I might have been able to see them, but I
felt instant disconnection in my heart to that idea. I was now a new creature, I didn’t need
satanic spiritual google anymore. Favour stepped in and noticed my pacing around...

“ Take me out of this hospital now, Tina has her agent here, the nurse that just left here
was a witch or one of the agents of the SCA (Sperm collection Agency)”

“ What?” Favour asked really confused

By this time the doctor was around with some male nurses, and before I could say
anything, they had me strapped to the bed and I heard the doctor saying to Favour

“He didn’t let the nurse give him his...”The doctor was saying, before the nurse cut in by
telling a big lie

“ He kept saying something about a Tina sending me to him, he took the injection from
my hand and threw it in the trash” She said moving to the trash to bring out what she
had earlier discarded.

“ That’s a lie, you told me you were an agent from the SCA and you couldn’t hurt me
because of...”

Favour was confused as she didn’t know who to believe, I felt a sharp prick in my bum
area, and I automatically knew what had happened. It was so fast, I felt sleepy
immediately but I had to still say something

“ Favour it’s a lie, please ask God what the truth is”. At this point I knew I was sailing
away but I could hear the echo of the doctor’s voice

“ When he wakes up he will be fine, he is suffering from post coma schizophrenia, which
is unusual since he only passed out for few hours, I believe he will be fine when he
wakes up, he needs his brain to be relaxed, but I need to ask does he have psychiatric

That was the last I heard before sleep took me over...

Then I saw him waiting for me at the end of the tunnel...

To be continued

Feel free to share this free episode of the life changing series “ TEACHER CHUKS”and to
get more free stories follow the author on Facebook @Opeyemi Ojerinde
Akintunde-Official and for free short films watch her YouTube movies @ DEEP THOTS


Whatsapp: +234-8151103646


Inspired by the LIVING WORD
Penned Down by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde.

Photo credit: Internet

[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 5
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“Hi, Welcome Chuks, your wife, my daughter has been waiting for you” An elderly man
said while standing at the end of a tunnel as I sailed towards him in the dream world. He
pointed towards a lady and on looking closely at her, it was Chinaza, she was carrying a
baby. My heart softened at the sight of her as I rushed towards her, I hugged her tightly
but something was different. Her smell was different, she smelt like extremely burnt

“ Chuks, I have missed you, I really wish you could leave where you are and join me
here, Look at our baby” Chinaza said and right there I felt strong lust. I became highly
sexually aroused and I felt like making love to Chinaza,but somewhere in my heart, I
knew she was dead and I shouldn’t have anything to do with her, but she started
caressing me and I started moaning loudly....

“ Stop it in the name of Jesus, Stop that in the name of Jesus” I heard the loud echo of
Favour’s voice as Chinaza was all over me.

I stopped and pushed Chinaza from me...Favour’s voice was like a loud echo from the

“ So she is the new woman in your life?, She wants to take you away from me?, No I will
kill her instead, tell her to stay off you” I saw Chinaza disappearing from me and the man
who stood as her father gave me a cold stare and turned away...

I woke up but the sedative was still very strong on me...

“Favour, thank you!” I managed to say as I knew she was the one who saved me from the
sexual intercourse with a dead woman in my sleep.

“ For?” Favour asked

“ I almost had sex with Chinaza in my sleep”

“ Hmmm.. I guessed as much when I heard you moaning in your sleep...” Favour said

“ That’s why I want you to take me out of here.. there is an insider here, but you don’t
believe me” I rushed those words as I was still battling with the sedative. It was forcing
me to shut my eyes.

“ I believe you, but let the sedative wear out, we will leave here” Favour said reassuringly

“ Ok, but I have a feeling there is a dream I had that is very important, I mean that has
quality information for me, but I can’t seem to remember it” I said as I had that strong
feeling of missing something

“ Close your eyes and say this, Holy Spirit ,please remind me of every revelation, dream,
vision that the devil is trying to steal from my memory in Jesus name”

I said the prayer and sailed back to sleep,but I heard Favour’s reassuring voice...

“Sleep ,sleep, I am right here and God is with me”

This time around, what I saw was extremely bright light, I couldn’t look up at the one
standing in the bright light...

“ He doesn’t want you to remember but I will remind you” Said the man whose face and
whole being was surrounded by bright light

All around me, screens popped up and I watched my encounter with the Angels and
demons....After thoroughly watching, the bright man said to me...

“Congratulations on being saved,but note that the fact that you are saved does not mean
the demons won’t come after you, in fact the number will greatly increase, because you
know all the players in a football match go after the man with the ball.
ChukwuEmeka, You are the man with the ball, so the legions from hell will come after
you, but the assurance you have is that if you stay close to me and you let me lead, they
won’t be able to get you!”

The dream wiped off and I woke up.

I was wide awake this time around and I remembered clearly what had happened after I
passed out. Favour was sleeping on the empty bed in the ward. I looked out through the
window and saw it was a bit dark. I must have slept for up to 6 hours. I reminisced on
the beautiful sight of the Angels and Christ, though I didn’t see God, I saw a part of His
Glory that was inexplicably beautiful...

Hot tears dropped from my eyes as I imagined what would have been my lot if not for
Mercy. I looked towards Favour and thanked God for her prayer of intercession...

After about 20 minutes of being quiet and thinking on my next move and how I could
make a meaning out of my life, I heard Favour’s voice

“ Awake?” Favour asked

“ Huh Huh” I replied

“Okay?, So What’s next?” She asked

“ I remember what I saw...” I said

I told her everything about my encounter and how her prayer of Mercy had saved me. She
was surprised and pleased. My description of the Angelic beings thrilled her as she went
on about wishing she had spiritual eyes to see how beautiful Angels were.

As she spoke in amazement, I saw that beauty I had seen in her while we were in our
university days.

“ Why was Favour not married?, why was she single at that age.” My heart beat
increased as I thought about her.

“ What’s on your mind?” Favour asked me...

“ Nothing” I lied

“ Born again Christians don’t tell lies” Favour said winking at me and laughing as she
sat on the empty bed in the ward

“You really want me to say what I was thinking about ?” I noticed the old me was
speaking, I spoke with a seducing voice, which I immediately rebuked myself of

“ Why are you not married?” I found myself asking

Favour was not expecting that question as silence took over the small room...

Neither of us said anything, but Favour broke the silence.

“ It’s a personal decision, I am not keen on marriage” Favour said

“ Why?, you want to stay celibate for God?” I asked

“ I don’t want to tell lies so please let us drop the topic” She said looking very firm.

I turned to the other side and tried to dwell on the important things , I started reminiscing
on the goodness of God to me, and how I had been given a second chance. The words
never to disappoint God was ringing loudly in my ears.

I suddenly remembered the hospital agent again and her words about me returning to
my vomit. I had better follow Favour’s path and become a celibate. I owed God a lot...

“Chuks...” Favour touched my shoulder and electricity ran through my spine and I
immediately wanted to make love to her...

“ What was this?” I asked myself, “How come I am becoming sexually attracted to the
person who ought to help me spiritually out of my predicament?” I thought silently as I
turned to face her.

“ I think we should leave this hospital like you wanted, I don’t feel comfortable here!”
Favour said

“ Am I returning to my house?” I asked

“ I don’t think that is a good idea, the pastor told me before he left that you must not
have anything to do with all that you have acquired in the past!”

“ Hmm..., so you mean everything?” I asked

“ Huh Huh... Don’t worry you can still manage at my place till God settles you...”

“ Your place?” That didn’t sound like a good idea too, because the moment she said her
place, a picture of me making love with her flashed before me.

I could feel it, it was so strong, the Spirit of Lust was over me, but I had become BORN
AGAIN. Was I not suppose to be free from lust!
“ God what is the meaning of this?, Why is this happening?” I asked beating myself up

I didn’t know what step to take at that point, I was homeless and Favour was offering me
her home for a while, but I was already lusting after her...

“ My place is not that big, but you can stay in Mercy’s room, she is presently with my
parents on holiday or what do you think?”

“What do I think? Big Question...Should I accept the offer or not?” My heart pumped
really hard at that question.

To be continued

Written by Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde
Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official

Photo credit : Wiki

[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 6
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I did not listen to the still small voice that told me not to follow Favour to her home.

She had stayed with me overnight in the hospital ward sleeping on the vacant bed.

I was discharged the next morning due to my stubbornness to leave the hospital.

We got to Favour’s place and she took me to Mercy’s room. It had beautiful girly wall

“Just make do with this place temporarily!”

“ Thank you!”

Favour smiled and left the room. I looked around and saw Mercy’s picture. I was so
grateful I never had sexual intercourse with Mercy.

“Well! that is because Favour had trained her well morally and spiritually.” I said to
“ I hope she helps me too “.. I prayed silently.


“ Chuks, Food is ready!” I heard Favour’s voice waking me up from sleep. I must have
slept off while reading one of Mercy’s student Bible.

“ Arrhgg” I grabbed my head as I felt a splitting headache...

“ What is it?” Favour said as she moved closer and placed her hand on my head. By the
time her hands were on my head, I had taken a sitting position on the bed, while she was
standing. Her legs were in front of my face, and unbelievably she Was wearing a blue
jean bum short...

“ Shit!” I cursed as her fresh skin attracted me, I wanted to grab her hips but the respect
I had for Favour was too much plus the fact that I was got born again... I jumped away
from her like the migraine was too much for me, she moved closer to me and I stepped
back again, this time around, I looked down at her exposed thigh and back at her face to
try to send her an indirect message...

“ Oh!, you are not comfortable with this, well you will need to, because this is how I dress
at home and besides, you will soon step out into the outside world again where you will
see more of this on a regular basis. These exposed thighs should not control you, you
should be the one to turn your face to the other side...” She said smiling, taking the
matter as a trivial one.

With that, she walked out of the room.

“ Was she deliberately seducing me as a way of training me?” I asked myself, really
confused at Favour’s attitude.

I followed her at a distance as she ushered me to the dining table. The food was well
served and looked good. I sat down and ate the delicious meal, Favour was a good cook.

Her phone rang and she picked up in a hurry...

“ Hello Pastor!, Good Afternoon sir...Yes sir, thank you for yesterday.. Yes sir I am home...
No he is with me, ..At all sir, we are both mature people, such a thing can’t happen
between us..” She said smiling at me. She spoke about other church matters with her
pastor before she hung up.

“ I think you should obey your pastor, I shouldn’t stay here, so I ....” I said

“ So you don’t Rape me?” She asked smiling

“ Naturally I won’t want to do that, but I am afraid the demons in me might push me, I
don’t trust myself yet!”

“ You still have demons in you?” Favour asked smiling

“ I know I am now born again, but some of the old feelings seem to be hiding
somewhere, do you know how many times I have imagined having sexual immorality
with you in just a day, it is crazy, I suggest I go somewhere else”

“ And when you get to that somewhere else and you meet another lady like me who even
bares it all to you and is even offering you free sex, what happens?”

I couldn’t answer her, because I got Favour’s point. The fact that a lady seduces you
does not mean you must have sexual intercourse with her but....

“ First lesson, Chuks, No one can seduce you to have sex with him or her if you don’t
want to, except it is a rape case. You are the determinant of what you choose to do with
your life..No matter how naked a lady is, you should run for your life”

She was right about one thing, I felt like running away, because all I could think about
was the shape of her breast as she sat in front of me...The old me was trying so hard to
raise its ugly head, I kept hearing in my head “Grab her, just once, just once” but I kept
saying in my heart

“Chuks you can do it, you can live your life without sexual immorality” but as much as I
said it, the more I lost the will to do what was right.

Based on what was going on in my head, I asked myself a question.

“Was what Favour doing logical and safe for the both of us?, Was it possible to stay with
a semi nude woman in the same house and not follow my erection...I am so confused!”

To be continued

To follow this series, and read up other interesting stories, please follow the author on
Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


WRITTEN BY Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Photo credit : Internet

[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 7
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I was thoroughly dirty, and I knew I needed to wash myself clean. I approached Favour to
give me what to use, she gave me everything I needed,from soap to sponge to the
toothpaste, but I noticed I didn’t collect her toothbrush. I told her I had my toothbrush.

I woke up from that dream.

What was God trying to tell me? That was about a week of staying with Favour. Favour
would go to work every morning and return around 5pm. She made everything available
for me, from my toiletries to new clothes to enough food. Although, I couldn’t eat much
as I was having so much going on with me. My state was the state of someone who was
partially happy and partially depressed. I was partially happy because of the Joy of the
Lord I was experiencing especially when Favour was around to share the scriptures with
me. It was always a time I bubbled with Joy. Favour was grounded in the word of God.
She explained scriptures so easily, she made it fun, and uncomplicated.

I was partially depressed on the other hand, because of the personal demons that
tormented me. First, Chinaza was always making love to me in my sleep every night after
I got to Favour’s house and that was largely because before I slept I would fantasize
about Making love to Favour.

You wouldn’t blame me because, Sex was a daily thing prior to that time, but since I had
become born again, I couldn’t do it any more, but I was running crazy. Anytime Favour
came home, my body goes to vibration mode, but I would always put it under control as
we did our Bible study.

I knew I needed to leave Favour’s house if I didn’t want to lose this salvation I had just
received, but the dream I just had was self explanatory. Favour had the key to my
deliverance and purging. She was the one God wanted to use to give me what I needed
to wash myself clean, though I also had my own input which was the toothbrush I had....

“Hmmm, but how do I survive God, when I am sexually attracted to the one who ought to
help me get clean?”

I braced up and went to Favour’s bedroom, I knocked at her door and waited for her to
give a response.

“ Yes!”

“ It’s me Chuks, I am sorry I just need us to have a discussion, I had a dream I want to
share with you!” This was around 2:30am
“ Come in!” She was asking me to come into her bedroom... No!, I didn’t trust myself to
that point..

“No please, let me stay in the living room!” I quickly left her door before I changed my

She walked out of her room in a short night gown with nothing under, I could see her well
shaped breast...

“ Jesus!” I shouted

“ What is it?” Favour asked

“ Nothing... Please Favour, please can you wear something less revealing, please..” I
said at this point

Favour looked at me and smiled

“ Self discipline!” She said

I knew she wasn’t going to change so I turned my back to her and started talking...

“ Emm... I had this dream where...” I narrated the dream to her.

“ So what do you think it means?”

“ I think it means you are to help me get clean” I replied with my back still turned to her

“ Exactly and that is what I have been doing” With that she walked towards me and
stood directly in my front....

“ Sometimes washing a very dirty cloth might be a very hard work and you might need to
be very hard and firm with it, I am placing before you life and death, choose one?” She
said and continued

“ Are you going to choose the easy option of your emotions and the devil controlling you
to rape me, where you enjoy 5 minutes of pleasure and lose 5 years of glory. You once
told me that with your Spiritual googles you saw ladies losing their stars when you made
love to them, so do you want that to happen to you again?. Remember, the Bible
states that For All have sinned and fallen Short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23....
Chuks don’t you know that those stars that left those people when they committed
sexual immorality is the Glory of God.... Whenever we fall into Sin, we fall short of the
Glory of God, which are those stars you saw, so brother what is it going to be? Are you
ready to fall short or lose some of God’s glory in your life by having sexual immorality
with me...?” She asked

I stood numb as I watched in amazement as Favour had just given me a simple and easy
to understand meaning of Romans 3:23 and why I should control my sex urge, not to be
controlled by my Sex urge...

“ I am not ready to lose any more Glory because the last time I checked Chinaza told me
I only had 1% virtue in me left.”

“ God is able to turn your 1% around,He can even increase it, Samson lost his hair, but
when He returned to God, His hair grew back. Your virtue can return back to 100% but if
only you are ready to be obedient and follow the ways of God.”

“ I am ready?” I said as suddenly I felt a shift in my brain, I wasn’t looking at her breast
anymore, I was thinking about my deliverance, I was thinking about recovering back my
virtues I had lost on the laps of different Delilahs.

“ But, can you do me a Favour?”

“ Ok, Favour is my name?” She joked

“ Can you help my spirituality by covering a little bit when I am around so I have less to
worry my head about or could you help me get another accommodation?” I pleaded but
Favour didn’t buy that...

“ You still don’t get it, you need to stay here and grow to the point that, even if I stand
before you naked, you should still be able to control your mind” Favour said

I had heard enough and I suddenly blurted out

“ But you are inhibiting my self control. Is it possible for a preacher to have her breast
out and be ministering on the Altar?.. I have been seeing a lot of them on your T.V, with
tight fitting tops and buttocks shaped skirts, but it is not right...The truth is almost all the
men in the congregation will spend more time thinking of how well shaped the female
minister is and how they can grab their breast especially baby Christians like me. First
instance, yesterday I was watching a male preacher on your T.V, who in the name of
trying to be youthful wore tight fitting pants that showed the shape of his crotch, that
instant the homosexual demon came whispering nonsense in my heart....!, That is the
same way I feel anytime you are around me dressed in shorts or clothes that expose
your body, because in this case you are my pastor. Please help my salvation!”

Favour didn’t have words... I felt I had been too hard on her
“ I know what you are trying to do and I really understand, even with the explanation of
Roman 3:23, it is simply life delivering, the knowledge you have imputed in me for days
has been great but your appearance is affecting me, I fantasize about you every night
which makes me have wet dreams..”

I realized I must have said too much, but I knew I had to say it, silence was consent, I
knew If I continued with this, I might go into Masturbation or was I wrong to have voiced
out against my preacher?

To be continued
To follow this series and other life changing stories from the author, please follow her on
Facebook @Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official or WhatsApp.+234-8151103646


FACEBOOK @Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official
Photo credit internet
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 8
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“I am sorry, if that is how you feel, but my intentions are very genuine, one thing you must
know is that the Bible clearly states that if it is your eye that will make you fall in to sin,
then remove that eye. This is to explain to us that falling into sin Is an option and you are
responsible for falling into sin or not. It is about working on yourself. You can’t stop
people from walking around naked but you can control your eyes from looking in their
direction” Favour said after my blurting out

“ You are absolutely right, my salvation should be guarded by me and not dependent on
what others do, I do understand that but while still trying to build my mind up to that
level, please help me by being mindful of my weak feet” I said

I smiled a little to lessen the impact of my words, but Favour turned away from me and

“ Fine, if you don’t trust yourself to that level, it is your business, I will try my best to help
your salvation “ She said with sarcasm in her voice and returned to her room.

Favour helped my salvation but it didn’t last long, for days she tried to be modest in her
appearance, while having the personal Bible study with me. I must give it to Favour, She
was rooted and grounded in the Word of God. Gradually, with her help my mind was
being renewed, I was enjoying the word of God, I was Loving and enjoying God. I was
thirsty to know more of Him. I felt like swallowing the Word of God, I started feeling the
Presence of God in me, Oh how! I wanted all of God in me. My heart yearned for God, I
couldn’t have enough, I just wanted more. Thanks to Favour who made the Journey very
easy and enjoyable.


Just like I declined her toothbrush among the toiletries she gave me in my dream, there
was a part of her, that I was not willing to manage. Favour went back into wearing her
bum shorts and tan tops that revealed too much.

At first, I pretended to look the other way but the dream about Making love with Chinaza
resumed after about 2 weeks of me not having such dreams again.

I remembered the day when the dream had stopped initially. Favour had told me I was a
new creature in Christ and I needed to make that knowledge deeply rooted in my Spirit
Man. I kept reciting the Scriptures she had shared with me, I chewed them over and over

“ The Devil comes to you every time wanting to know if you know who you are in Christ,
so you need to keep reading the scriptures to know more of who you are in Christ Jesus
and the privileges attached to this new life” She had charged me up with these kind of

“ Privileges?” I asked

“ Yes, Salvation brings Wholeness. Being Born again grants you access to deliverance,
healing and lots more, you know being born again is like paying a subscription fee that
makes you have access to a lot of channels.” She said with a smile

She had pumped in me a lot of scriptures that when I saw Chinaza in my dream, it was

“ Chuks, you are coming with me today..!” Chinaza had said

“ You and I can’t be together anymore, God hates two diverse kinds, God hates living and
dead been together, His word in Deuteronomy 22: 9-11, and Lev 19:19 states that God
hates mating of different kinds of animal. Same Applies to you and I. You are dead and I
am alive. We are of different kinds...Therefore I break the covenant between you and I in
Jesus name, You are no longer my wife”...

Chinaza got really angry and turned away from me very angry and said

“ So you think, you are free, I know you will come back to your vomit...” She hissed and
walked away...

I woke up very fearful and I felt that strong presence in my room, but I felt victory as well.

Therefore for over two weeks I basked in the euphoria of being free, But suddenly when
Favour went back to wearing her bum shorts, the thoughts crept in.

One Saturday night, we had a nice time discussing and we sat outside by her balcony.
She had worn one of her bum shorts and tan tops. We discussed about a lot of things
and I told her I was hoping to get a job soon. She promised to help submit my C.V to
some companies. I was so appreciative and gave her a big hug innocently, but the
moment my skin touched her bare skin. I knew I was in trouble, but I maintained my cool.
We decided to play a card game, as she sat opposite me, all I stared at was her bare

Suddenly, Lust took over and I found my hand on her laps. She looked at me and neither
of us could say anything...We just stared at each other and there was a strong hold of
Lust on me.... I could read Favour’s mind, she wanted this as much as I wanted it too...

To be continued

Feel free to share this episode with others. For more from the author follow her on
Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official or WhatsApp +234-8151103646



Photo credit :Internet

[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 9
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Before we knew what was happening, our lips were melting into each other. We were into
each other like two Sex starved adults who just got the liberty to express themselves...

The Alarm in my head was so loud, it sounded like the Ancient Church bell...I heard the

“ Stop it, Chuks you are about to go back to your vomit, you are about to disappoint
Christ... Stop it Chuks...”

But Oh Boy! One can not deny the enjoyment of that moment, as much as I wanted to
stop, the feeling I was having was second to none, but it dropped in my heart...
“ You have only 1% virtue left, are you about to lose the last virtue you have in you,
because of this?” .... it felt like someone gave me a very good slap of reawakening on
my face. My excitement reduced. Simultaneously another thing dropped in my heart
again. Favour’s words she had spoken to me some days back...

Favour had shared a scripture with me about SIN.

“ Do you know that you committing sin does not change God from who He is, rather
when God tells you not to commit sin, it is for your own safety and the safety of those
who might be affected by your sin...Sin is like taking poison, whoever takes the poison is
the affected one, though such a person’s parent may be unhappy after the death of the
person, but the biggest loser is the person who took the poison...” Favour had explained
sin to me using Job 35:6-8

“If you sin, how does that affect HIM?

If your sins are many, what does that do to HIM?
7 If you are righteous, what do you give to him,
or what does he receive from your hand?
8 Your wickedness only affects humans like yourself,
and your righteousness only other people.”

The place where I had marked this in my Bible came flashing before me as I still felt
Favour’s lips on my lips...

I knew if Sex happened between Favour and I, it was not going to affect God, but rather
Favour and I. Favour was probably emotionally weak at the moment but should we have
Sex now, it would affect her spiritually. I didn’t want her to loose the spirituality in her and
besides I didn’t know if I still had elements of SEXRUSH in me. I wouldn’t want to destroy
Favour by introducing SEXRUSH into her...

I also thought of myself on how this one Sex could end everything for me... At that point,
I pushed Favour from me. She looked away from me, highly embarrassed...

“ I am sorry” I said and rushed into the room...

I hated myself for slipping, I almost fell but thank God I didn’t. I paced around in the
room, saying two things...

“ I am sorry Jesus!, but thank you for helping me to stop!”

Then the battle began...

My Erection refused to go down, I jumped and ran around the room but all to no avail.. I
desperately needed to have an intercourse and a voice kept whispering in my ears

“ You can masturbate, no one is watching!”

I couldn’t do that because I knew the implication. When I had my Spiritual googles, I had
discovered that Masturbation was actually having sexual intercourse with an invisible
being. It was still fornication.

“ God, help me!” I cried out to God

“ Your mind is occupied with the wrong thoughts, fill it up with the right thoughts” I
heard this in my heart...

What was that?

I was to Change what I was thinking about?... How on earth was I suppose to think of
anything else when I was having a hard on...

“ Do you know the same part of the brain that thinks intelligently is the same part that is
used for Sex and moreover, Lust reduces creative ability.” Uncle Friday’s words rushed
back to my memory

One of my teenage teachers had told us this in church years back. At that point I decided
to use my brain intelligently for something else and not sexually. I picked up one of
Mercy’s inspirational books... I started reading but dozed off...

Chinaza was waiting for me in the dream with a wicked smile on her face but initially she
used Favour’s face.

“ Well... I have missed you!” Favour had said and this time around I lost my will power.
Favour whose face later changed to Chinaza raped me in my dream..

I woke up just about 25 minutes later, at about 10:30 pm... My heart was broken. My few
minutes of lust had opened the door again for Chinaza.

I wept at the spiritual demotion, but I saw it as a time to make up my mind to do what
was right...

I packed some of the clothes Favour had bought for me in a nylon bag. I took the Bible
she had bought for me and some Spiritual books she had bought for me as well.

I waited till around 11pm when I knew she would be asleep to leave her house.

Before I left, I wrote her a note which read..

“ If wishes were horses, Beggars would ride...I wish I could have stayed for you to help
me grow into full maturity,but I know something terrible may happen. I have decided to
take a walk and build on what you have created in me... You once told me to flee from all
appearances of Evil, You told me to guard my salvation with fear and trembling... I was
given a second chance and I don’t want to mess it up. Thank you Favour... I have no idea
where I am going but you told me “God never leaves nor forsake the Righteous” . I trust
God to watch over me.
Once again, Thank you.”

To be continued

Feel free to share this free episode but please do not edit the credit of the author. To
read other stories from the author, please follow her on her Facebook page @ Opeyemi
Ojerinde Akintunde-Official or Whatsapp +234-8151103646



Photo credit : Internet

[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 10
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I tiptoed out of Favour’s flat, she was living in a 2 bedroom flat in a 4 flat duplex. She
lived in the flat above. So it took me about 10-15 minutes to carefully walk down the
stairs and move towards the gate. They had no security man at their gate, each tenant
had his or her personal key to open the gate on their way in, But from within you could
easily open.

I opened the gate gently and stepped out of the gate,jamming the gate. That way I
couldn’t enter back, except I had a key.

I heaved a sigh of relief.

“ Where was I going?” Was the question that hit my chest.

“ I don’t know, but Holy Spirit help me” One of the lessons I had learnt from Favour was
speaking to the Holy Spirit.

“ The Holy Spirit is our help, our friend, Jesus in our days, so whatever you need help
with, you ask Him”. She had said on the day she taught me about the HolySpirit. She
prayed with me and I recieved the HolyGhost with the Evidence Of Speaking in tongues.
I kept walking towards the right and speaking my baby tongues...It felt like a newborn
blabbing but as I kept at it, it felt like l was charging my Spirit. The Spirit of boldness
came over me as I walked in the dark.

Suddenly, I started hearing loud footsteps running towards my direction, I turned back
and saw about four heavily built men running towards me and in the split of a second ran
past me. I wondered what was happening. One of the men shouted at me..

“ Guy, the black horses are coming!”

“ Black Horses?” I thought to myself, but simultaneously I heard the siren of the police

Instinct told me to find a place to hide, as I immediately understood that the four men
who had run past me were probably criminals on the run...

I hid under a trader’s table in front of her closed shop. The police van drove past where I
was . I heaved a sigh of relief silently thanking God I had escaped evil.

“ Come out of there,before I shoot you!” I heard the voice of a man from a dark place
speaking the Yoruba Language. As the son of a military man who got posted a lot, I
understood Yoruba and other languages.

I didn’t know who he was as he had his torch flashed on my face...

“ I am not a thief sir!” I quickly pleaded in Yoruba but my Igbo tongue gave me away

“ Then why are you hiding? Igbo boy speaking Yoruba, You are a thief on the run...” He

“ I am not a thief , I am homeless ....When I heard the police siren, I thought it wise to
hide before I am mistaken for a thief.. Please sir, I am a Christian, I am not a thief” I said
pouring out my nylon...

“ Stop it, what are you trying to do, you want to bring out your gun...?”

“No,Sir I wanted to show you my BIble as a proof sir... The truth is, I just got born again
and I have been living with a sister down the street, but been alone with the sister in the
house is creating an avenue for me to return to my vomit of sexual immorality..Please
sir, I am not a thief, you can follow me to her house...”

“ Keep Quiet!, Who is buying your lies?” The man blew a whistle and there was another
response of whistling from a far distance...
“ If you make any move I will kill you!” The man said in deep Yoruba as he still held his
torch to my face, so I couldn’t tell if he had a gun or not. I stood still not wanting to make
any move that could be misinterpreted.

A second man walked towards us and thankfully I was able to see him. From His
appearance, he looked like a vigilante and he had one of those hunting guns hung loosely
on his shoulder.

“ What is happening?,Who is he?” The new man asked in Yoruba

“ I caught this Igbo boy running away from the police!”

“ En... En, very good,finally we have caught you. You will definitely lead us to your other
gang members” The new man said cocking his gun... “Let’s Tie him up and afterwards I
will call the DPO”

“I am not a thief Sir!” I said as drops of tears flowed down. “Holy Spirit help me, Help
me” I said crying as they dragged me.

“ What if he is saying the truth?” Another voice said from behind us in Yoruba

“ Ha! Baba Agba...Greetings...” said the second Viginlante

“ Baba,he is a criminal, I saw him running from the police..”

“ Who wouldn’t run and hide at the sound of the police siren at this time of the night... I
implore you to please verify his claim before calling the police.”

“ Ha! Baba” it seem the “ Baba” was a revered man because the two vigilantes gave
him the Honour of listening to him....

“ Young man, What is your true story?” The man asked me in Yoruba

Instead of answering, I broke down in tears, I felt God had betrayed me.. I felt God Should
not have allowed this to happen to me, as I just did the right thing of leaving Favour’s
house. I expected God Should have sent someone with a car who would have picked me
up and taken me to his house, i expected supernatural help, i expected a miracle, instead
I am receiving slaps and about to be taken to the police station where no one was going
to bail me out from and unfortunately I was not sure if I could remember Favour’s phone
number by heart.

“Baba we are sorry, this one has to get to the station before any further talk...”
I was bundled on a rickety bike with one of the vigilantes behind me and one riding the

I could sense Tina’s laughter of mockery somewhere in my heart...

I thought a new life in Christ was meant to be crises free.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have left Favour’s house” I thought silently as we rode towards the
police station.

To be continued

Feel free to share this free episode, but do not edit the copyright and credit of the
author to avoid going against the law on plagiarism. Do not delete her contacts as well.
To read other stories from her, follow her on her Facebook page @Opeyemi Ojerinde
Akintunde or visit her website@ www.deepthotsonline.com


Written by Opeyemi Akintunde
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 11
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Amazingly in the midst of this confusing and demoralizing situation, I felt unusual peace
in my heart. I felt like God was with me in this awkward journey to the Police Station. It
felt like God was going to show up at the Station. I held onto my nylon bag on the bike. I
was told to carry my nylon bag as there could be an evidence against me in there.

I kept crying and pleading with them telling them I was not a thief.

“ Does a thief tell you he is a thief?” The first vigilante asked sarcastically. I could smell
the offensive Odour of alcohol on both of them.

Different thoughts pervaded my mind,as I thought of struggling with them and jumping
off the bike, but i could not bring myself up to doing it.

I felt like a lamb taken to the slaughter, and right there,it became clear. How Jesus must
have felt on the way to the cross. How painful it feels when you are being punished for
an offence You didn’t commit.

“Was this how disheartening and heart broken Jesus must have felt? Hmm... and yet the
world doesn’t appreciate this sacrifice of pain,Yet the world takes Pleasure in mocking
his death by not regarding him.” I wondered silently how Jesus must have felt those
years I was slaying the destiny of innocent young girls...

“ Jesus, I am sorry,for not regarding all you went through because of me,I am sorry for
making a mess of the emotional pain you must have felt on the way to the cross. I can
imagine how it felt when the nail was driven into your skin,oh! Can anyone describe the
pain you must have felt, both physically and emotionally...JESUS! how did you feel when
you were crucified for not doing anything evil?” I found myself thinking and asking
several questions with tears flowing from my eyes...

“ Constable, We have brought another replacement, we are outside” I heard the first
vigilante man saying in Hausa language over the phone as we got to the exterior of a
police station. They were not aware I understood and spoke Hausa, because of my stay
in Kano in my teenage years...

“ Replacement?What did he mean by that” I thought silently

A police officer came out and spoke to the first vigilante in Hausa...

“ The DPO thought you were going to disappoint, the parents of the boy have been
calling us night and Day, but hope none of the family members of this one knew when
you took him?” The police officer said in Hausa.

“ No, I believe this one is a stray dog,in fact he is homeless, we saw him on the street..”
The vigilante said

“Ok good!”

“ Our Balance!” The vigilante asked

“ That will be after this one has been sentenced to death, and the parents of the boy
have successfully sent him abroad” the police officer said...

I was about to be a replacement for a criminal who probably was from a wealthy home. I
was about to die the death of someone else.

“ Oh my God!” I exclaimed in Hausa as the Police Officer was taking me in after the
Vigilantes had left

The Police Officer was Shocked...

“ You are Hausa?” He asked in Hausa

“ No, I am Igbo but I lived in Bukavu Barracks in Kano when I was younger, my father was
a soldier” I replied in Hausa language

“ Ha!, I am from Kano too, in fact my place is very close to Bukavu...What were you doing
outside by this time?, My brother, you are about to die for another person...” the police
officer said in bitterness

He was obviously unhappy at the turn of events...

“ I would have released you to run for your life, but the DPO is waiting for you inside. He
is a man who likes money, and unfortunately he has been paid heavily by the family of
the boy that killed someone...”

“ Constable!” The DPO shouted from a distance...

“ Sir!”

“ What is keeping you?, where is he?”

“Coming right away Sir!”

“ My brother, don’t speak Hausa to anyone in there, I pray Almighty Allah will help you!”

The police man took me closer to the DPO...

“ So you are the one that killed Chief Jakande’s only daughter?” The DPO Said barking at

“ No sir, I was just picked off...” I tried to say

“Shut up, Shut up, if you say anything I thunder you now” He said pointing a gun at me...

The Hausa policeman slapped my face real hard...

“ I said keep quiet, you are the one who killed her....” he said

“ Go lock him up and bring out the innocent boy” The DPO said as he walked towards
his car... “I will be back in the morning”

“ Hello ma, good evening ma, Glory to God, the Original culprit has been found, you can
come over to the station tomorrow to pick your son. Don’t mention, our job is to fight
crime, and make sure justice prevail”I heard the DPO say to someone over the phone...

Everything was beginning to look real to me. It seem like the demons from hell meant
serious business. If I kept quiet things might really go bad... I started muttering to mysel

“ Lord, this place is a mountain-like obstacle to the great destiny you have for me, I
refuse to be in prison in Jesus name”

“ Musa, make sure he writes his statement correctly” the DPO said as he zoomed off

“ Hey, can you write?” the other police officer at the counter asked

I nodded in the affirmative and looked at the Hausa Police Officer who instantly looked
away from me...

“Why are you looking at him? You know him?” The police officer asked

“ Know Who?” The Hausa Officer said denying me and walked away

“ Listen to me, you will write as I say”

I nodded.

“ I ......, insert your name.... Good, continue .... is responsible for the death of the...” He

I stopped writing...

“ If you don’t write, we will kill you and no one will know, but if you play this game, you
get to go to jail for some years and when you are out, you will be handsomely paid...!, so
what is your choice?

“ God, Why all these troubles?” I wanted to scream as I didn’t know what answer to giv

To be continued

For more life changing stories like this series, Follow the Author on her Facebook page @
Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official or Instagram @Opeyemiakintunde. Feel free to
share but do not edit credits or attached information.


WhatsApp +234-8151103646

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[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 12
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

I got tortured with no mercy. I refused writing the fake and implicating statement. I didn’t
agree to do that because it was a lie and secondly, instinct told me that would be writing
my death sentence. I was not ready to say yes to the devil.

“ Listen, you have no means of escape, it’s either you die or you die, because no one
knows you are here and if you refused to do this, the DPO won’t let you go scotfree, but
we are assuring you that if you agree to this, the parents of the boy will get you a good
lawyer that will get you a good sentence. You will be given few years in jail and when
your term is over you will walk out a very rich man, the family is ready to give you 10
million” the police officer said

I laughed in my pain

“ 10 million?” “ What was 10 million compared to what I have in my account that I had
forfeited.” I thought to myself as I shook my head in pity...

I got another slap instead..

“ You think this is a joke,now hold that pen and write” with that he gave me a mighty
whip on my back. By this time, my back was really sore.

I didn’t write even a dot.

The police officer got angry and stepped out obviously going for something. The Hausa
Officer who had been silent through out the torture said in a very low tone...

“ My brother, write this thing and be free from this pain”

“ You want me to sacrifice a good life and great future God has for me for few minutes
of relief?” I asked him to which he had no answer...

The Angry police officer walked in with a bowl of water.

“ Let’s see if this will help change your mind!”

He placed the bowl in front of me and forcefully pushed my head into a bowl of hot water.
My hand had been handcuffed, so there was nothing I could do to save myself. Not only
was the water burning my tender face, but I was choking. I couldn’t breathe...

A lot of things crossed my mind...

The hot water could never be compared to hell, so if this was hurting, then I didn’t know
the right vocabulary that would do justice to the heat and pain that I was likely going to
face in Hell if I lied.


How long could I endure this pain?

He brought out my head from the water and I quickly sucked in air for fear of death...

“ So are you ready to write the statement or not?” He asked

“ I am a Christian and I can not lie... Kill me if you want...” I said

It felt like I threw a bomb at him, because saying I was a Christian felt like I said I was the
son of a revered man. The Angry man stepped backwards...

“ What did you say?” the Angry man asked

“ I said I am a Christian and For that reason, I cannot lie...”

“ Even if your life is on the line” he asked

“ Pressure can’t make me lose my eternal rest with God. If only You have seen what I
have seen, you will know that there is no enjoyment, no glamour, no ecstasy even the one
gotten through Sex, equals the glory, beauty and experience of the Life with God in
heaven...” I said with tears flowing down my eyes

“You talk like you have been to heaven?” The Angry Police Officer said sarcastically but
you could sense fear and for about 15 minutes I told them of my past escapades and
how I was given a second chance...

“ Alhamdulillah!” Exclaimed the Hausa Police man, while the Angry policeman stepped
back from me. Both of them left me in the torture room.

I waited for them to return but I didn’t see either of them till I dozed off...

I had a very brief dream of being held hostage in a mansion. I tried different means of
escape, but all to no avail, I met someone in the house who asked me to compromise by
having sexual intercourse in order to get out of the house, but I refused. I was faced with
so much pressure to have sexual intercourse in other to get out of the prison, but I
refused. In the long run, after so much troubles I got out...
I woke up from the dream and instantly I understood the meaning. I was going to get out
of this prison but it wasn’t going to be a child’s play. How long? I didn’t know...


Premarital Sex! What a useless endeavor though appealing but it’s end is imprisonment.
Now, even if a naked woman was brought before me here in prison, I know I wouldn’t
have an erection.

What if I had understood things better and had this kind of determination years back
when I was pressured into sin. What if I had viewed that pressure of Sex like the way I
was seeing this pressure of writing a statement that would send me to my grave..

What if I had said no to Sex, I won’t have turned out this way..Maybe the Prophecy about
me being a Life saver would have come to pass... My mind drifted back to when I was 12
years old when I had gone to visit my maternal grandmother in Umuahia . A prophetess
had stopped by my grandmother’s shop and pointed at me out of about 5 of us playing

“ He will be a life saver, he will deliver a lot of lives from the mouth of the Lion, but he
must be careful that he doesn’t get swallowed up by the same Lion he is trying to save
people from” The prophetess had said

My Grandmother had appreciated the prophetess and out of face value interpretation,
she had started calling me a doctor. She interpreted the life saver to me becoming a

Unfortunately,at that point pathetically I was not even close to becoming a cleaner not
talk of becoming a Doctor...I was a prisoner, a prisoner of my sins. My Glory was all gone

“ You are awake?” I heard the voice of the Hausa Police Officer

“ Yes sir!, please how can you help me out of this place...” I asked

“I don’t know....but if Jesus can save you from this tight situation, then all my questions
about Him being the son of God will he answered” the Hausa Police Officer said...

“ I know He can save me, but even if He doesn’t save me, it doesn’t change my belief
about him...”

“ I have no power to help you because the DPO is involved. Do You know my partner is
really heartbroken? He is a Christian like you and he has been weeping ever since he left
here. He said he has disappointed God, that he has allowed his work as a police officer
make him compromise his stand.. You have touched a life my brother, but we don’t know
how to help you!”

“ I will help him!” I heard the Angry Police Officer say from behind

“ At the expense of yourJob and Life?, You better don’t try anything you will live to regret,
you know the boss doesn’t play or joke with money?, and in few hours from now, he will
be back with the parents of the boy... Do you have another replacement?” The Hausa
Police Officer asked in apprehension

To be continued....

For more Life changing stories like this, Follow the author on Facebook @ Opeyemi
Ojerinde Akintunde


Whatsapp +234-8151103646

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[5/6, 11:21] Mummy Olori: PART 13
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“ Constable, What do you mean the man has refused to cooperate?” I Overheard the
Angry Voice of the DPO. He was obviously coming towards me in the torture room. I had
been left in the torture room without handcuffs anymore.

A mini argument had ensued between the two police officers over releasing me in the

The Police Officer who had tortured me had pleaded with the Hausa police officer to
release me, but Musa had refused bluntly...

“Adegoke, what do you mean we should release him? What do we tell the DPO,when he

“ Musa, but you know He is innocent, I can’t add his blood to the list of all the evil I have
been forced to do in this station.”

“ I know He is innocent, so also are my wives and my children. I can not be his
replacement when DPO gets here and he doesn’t have anyone to present to the family of
the boy. if your life is not important, my own life is...As much as I want to help this man
because of his serious devotion to God and because he speaks my language, I can’t help
him at the expense of my family.” He said furiously

“He is right, you shouldn’t do anything that will affect your family negatively. I was
thinking of you helping me more formally, like writing an anonymous letter to the
Inspector of Police or better still, help me go to the vicinity where I was picked last night
and ask for Miss Favour Aribisala, tell her the situation of things I am sure, she will find a
way of getting me out of here. She will be able to testify that I was in her home till 10 pm
last night and I do not know who this dead person is...I believe you can do that for me

They both nodded their heads and left me in the torture room...This happened about 2
hours before I heard the voice of the DPO.

My hope was that they would help me Find Favour on their way home, and Favour will get
to the Police Station before the DPO arrived but unfortunately the DPO came earlier than
they even expected. The moment they heard the sound of his car, the police Officer who
tortured me by the name Adegoke rushed to me at the torture room...

“ DPO is unusually early, don’t make mention of our plans to him, else he will have you
killed and dumped in one of the canals” he said and jumped out of the torture room.

“Constable, What do you mean the man has refused to cooperate?” I heard the DPO
voice furiously ringing loud in the air.

“ Oh Lord save me!” I muttered in fear, but all of a sudden I heard in my spirit


I got it...I wasn’t meant to be in silence. Whenever the enemy puts us in any form of
prison unjustly, whether physical or spiritual prison, one needed to sing and pray to get
one’s freedom...

“You have done it all for me,

I cannot even tell it all
Glory Glory to my God...������

Jehovah is the Mighty Mighty God

No one like unto You
I bow before you...”

This was a never heard before song...It just popped out of my Spirit man. As the DPO
stepped into the torture room, I didn’t acknowledge his presence,rather I kept
acknowledging the Presence and the supremacy of the most High God.

“ Hey, you... why are you not writing your statement?You want me to kill you? I will kill
you and no one will ask me.” He said boasting

“ Oh Lord, My God , when I was younger, My father told me that it is written in your Word
that the wicked will be given as a ransom for the righteous, not the righteous as a
ransom for the wicked... God I will not die for a criminal, The only righteous person you
allowed to be a ransom for the wicked was your son Jesus Christ, and by virtue of me
connected to Christ I can never become a ransom for another man’s life.”

“ Shut up...Shut up.” The DPO said and turned to the Hausa Police Officer

“ You brought me a pastor?” He asked

“I didn’t know he was one, it was Baba vigilante that brought him like you know sir. It was
later I checked through his nylon that I found a Bible.. Maybe he was going for a vigil!”
He said

“ Nonsense...., What kind of bad market is this?” His phone rang

“ Oh oh.. I know that should be the parents of the..., thank God it’s my wife...Hello, Yes
Gladys, this is not the right time to call, what is it?” He said stepping out of the room but
then his voice tempo changed

“ Fire, how?,how ... Desire is inside the fire? My Creator!” He said and the two officers
rushed after him but instead he turned back to me in the torture room...

“ What have you done?, have you called on God to fight me?” He said as I looked at him

“ How was I, the cause of fire? and who was Desire to him?”

To be continued

Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


Whatsapp +234-8151103646
[5/6, 11:21] Mummy Olori: PART 14
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

The DPO rushed out after accusing me of whatever was going on with Fire and Desire.
The Hausa man returned back to me and spoke to me in Hausa..

“ My brother, If this is the hand of your Jesus or God, it is not a good one ooo, beg Him to
stop the fire, because Desire is the only child of the DPO after waiting for 15 years with
no child. If the child dies, this case will become more complicated for you!”.. He said and
rushed out of the room

For few minutes I did not hear anything. I wanted to know more about what was
happening, I stood up and since I had no handcuffs on, I walked out of the torture room
and walked towards the police counter expecting to see someone there, and behold no
one was there.

I found myself walking out of there towards the entrance, yet I saw no one...

“ Where was everyone?” I asked myself, but I didn’t have the power to stop. At that
point I knew I was in a dream, so I kept walking towards the main gate.

Surprisingly again as I looked ahead in this dream, the main gate of the police station
was wide open. With a little distance between the main gate and I, I overheard two
people discussing inside the gatehouse...

“ Is that how you are going to leave the gate opened?” One of them asked furiously

“ My shift is over, You are the one to open and close the gate, I just helped you open the
gate when I saw the way the DPO and Adegoke were rushing out, so for you to close it
has become an issue....” the other replied

“ But what stopped you from finishing what you started... You are just proving that you
are older than I am, You better get this truth into your brain, we are both workmates, don’t
bring your age into work...In fact you should be ashamed of yourself, that at your age you
are still at this level in police work!”

“ I have told you to stop talking about my age”

I think someone slapped the other, because I heard the sound followed by the sound of
people fighting and pushing themselves...

I kept moving unnoticed, my heart was pumping really hard but I kept moving and
suddenly I remembered that the Prison doors opened to Peter and Peter thought he was
having a dream as well. Could this be real?
I pinched myself and I didn’t wake up...

Or was this What the Bible meant by “ When the Lord turned again the Captivity Of
Zion,they were like them that dreamed”....

“ Oh! How sweet it is to know and be a friend of God” My heart was full of Joy...This was
real and I was walking out of my prison unhindered. This was my own prison door
opening unto me...

I stepped out!


I stepped out!


Still can’t say how but I got out and at that point, it felt like I heard a still small voice say
to me...

“ No matter the kind of prison you find yourself, be it a sexual prison, or any other kind of
prison as long as you do not compromise and bow to the pressures of the devil, I can
bring you out...It is a simple arithmetic...



“ Chuks... Chuks...That’s him, thank you Jesus!” I must have walked some minutes away
from the police station when I saw a car park beside me. I heard Favour’s voice and I saw
seated inside the car with her an elderly man...

“ Thank you Jesus!,” I heard her saying...”Chuks get into the car” She said, but I didn’t
comply. I kept walking away from her car and she kept driving close to me..

“ I am sorry, Chuks, it’s all the devil’s handiwork. I don’t know what came over me please,
hear me out at least...” Favour said

“ Young man, come into the vehicle, I was the man that was trying to plead your case
with the vigilantes last night...After you left, the Spirit of God didn’t give me rest for 3
hours as I tried to sleep. I had to ring the emergency bell on the street, and when all the
tenants gathered. I asked if anyone knew you as I explained the scenario and your friend
here broke into tears. On her way here she has explained everything and I have told her,
where she got it wrong. She had a good intention of helping you grow, but she went
about it the wrong way. I Told her she could have taken you to church, but she said she
was skeptical as the church had received a lot of supposedly new babes in Christ who
turned out to be scams at the end of the day robbing the church and exploiting the
church members. She said she wanted you to grow to a certain level before taking you to
church, but I have told her, she could have gone about it differently because no matter
how spiritual a single man or woman is, It is wrong to accommodate the opposite Sex in
your house. Even as a married man or woman, you don’t accommodate anyone you are
sexually attracted to in your house because when your spouse is not around, you could
fall into temptation., so we have discussed a better arrangement. You can stay with me
till God settles you...” He said and by that time, he had alighted from the car and was
standing in front of me.

My Spirit instantly clicked with the idea.

Quietly, without saying anything to either of them, I entered into the back seat..

We drove in total silence. The only audible sound in the vehicle was coming from Favour
as she was sobbing profusely and talking to her self.

When we got to the elderly man’s house which was in front of the place I had been
picked up the night before, I got down from the vehicle and walked towards Favour who
had her head bowed in shame.

“ Favour, I am not mad at you, and I don’t condemn you, I just had to ...” I was saying
before she cut in

“ It’s ok, I am sorry for messing up...” She said with her head still bowed

“I know, Sometimes the Spirit of lust creeps in silently and when not spiritually careful,
we may fall victim of the devil’s pit!”

“ You are right but mine is deeper...You know I told you that after we left the university, I
messed up, but later came back to my senses?” She asked

“ Yes I remember but you never mentioned what really happened” I replied

Favour looked towards the elderly man, and the elderly man got the message...

“ I will be inside, when you are through, you can come in.” He said as he left us.

I was tired but I wanted to hear what Favour had to say that demanded privacy..

“ Can we sit in the car to avoid onlookers as it is almost daybreak?”

We sat in the vehicle...

“ I met Eugene after our NYSC, he was the son of the owner of the company I was
working with....

To be continued

Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


Whatsapp +234-8151103646

Photo credit: Internet

[5/6, 11:21] Mummy Olori: PART 15
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“Eugene was the kind of man a girl would never hesitate to say yes to. One, he was
handsome, two he was from a wealthy family, three he was cool, calm and collected. He
was also humble and nice to a fault.” I sat in Favour’s car listening to her story as I
hoped silently this was going to answer a lot of questions that had been bugging my

“When I started working at his father’s company after School, we became friends by
reason of my reserved nature amongst other ladies in the company.

Eugene was every lady’s take home to Papa and Mama. He was a person of few words
and that was my kind of person. He was the only son of his parents. He had five sisters
who were all established in their matrimonial homes. From what I was told by other staff
members when I resumed work, I found out my boss,Eugene’s father was the one who
got Husbands for his daughters.

I should have taken that information very seriously, but I didn’t pay attention to it,until it
was too late.

Eugene fell in love with me. He couldn’t hide it. It was very obvious that even his father
took note of it and anytime he walked past us, or caught Eugene in my office having a
chit chat with me, he would just say...

“ Favour, Favour” He would always say it with a smile. I took that as an approval.
Eugene proposed to me at our Annual End of the year Office Party in front of everyone. I
was shocked to my bones, likewise everyone. His father was very shocked as well but
very quickly his countenance changed and I saw him smiling.

I kept staring at the Engagement ring he was pointing at me. I knew people were
cheering me but It sounded more like an echo...

“ Go Favour, Go Favour...It is your day!”

I wanted to say yes, but I was scared I had not heard from God. Despite being smitten
with Eugene and the thought of being his wife was like being granted a wish by a fairy
godmother, I had a lot of reservations.

“ Favour, you are wasting our time here..” Eugene’s father said jokingly from the high

I stretched out my hand for the ring but instead of accepting the ring,I took his hand and
dragged him out of the room. Eugene didn’t hesitate one bit...

“ Favour what’s wrong? You don’t want to marry me?” He said with tears flowing down
his cheeks.

“ I would love to marry you, but instincts tell me it won’t last...” I said as I was obviously

“ Why would you say a thing like that, you think I am a playboy....?”

“No...” I wanted to scream loudly but for the first time in my life I wished I didn’t have a
daughter. I wished I had kept myself chaste, I wished I had not messed up as a teenager
and had a child. I looked at the life God had prepared for me in my future, but my
careless past was about to shut the door..” I thought to myself as I found it hard to wipe
my tears...

“ I have a daughter” I said with my head bowed. I didn’t look at his face but I saw that
his body moved away from me...

“ You have what?” He asked

“ I had her when I was 15, She is 13 years old now”

“ You never told me this!” He said

“ I am a very private person and besides I never expected you to be serious with me. I
thought you were playing around..”
“ You thought I was just playing around and I guess that is how I have been playing
around with other girls in the office...”. He said and he walked back into the party
hall,grabbed his car key and left the party.

I stood transfixed to the spot. I knew I had lost two things: I had lost my Job and I had
lost a good man.

I also left the party hall in a rush to avoid unnecessary questions.

My journey back home was horrendous to say the least, as memories I had buried came
back to haunt me.

I had been raped by Jeremy but to be totally honest, no one could put the whole blame
on him because I also wanted to be raped...

To be continued

Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


Whatsapp +234-8151103646

Photo credit: Internet

[5/6, 11:21] Mummy Olori: PART 16
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Jeremy was my neighbor. We were both teenagers. I had a serious crush on him and you
could attribute that to the volume of romantic novels I had read at the young age of 12.
Mum and Dad were civil servants who always returned in the evening. After school, the
school bus would drop me off at the house and since I had been given an extra key, I
would help myself in.

Mum would have prepared and kept my lunch in a warmer. I had been taught to use the
microwave if i wanted the food hotter.

Therefore, my daily routine was simple...After school, I get my food from the warmer, put
it in the microwave, I go take a shower, I sit eating on the dining table while doing my
homework. Most times by 3:30pm or 4:00pm, I would have been through with my
Idleness sets in. I was never a cartoon person but I loved to watch movies and read
novels. A friend introduced me to some highly erotic romance novels at school and it
started out as fun but along the line, I became addicted to it. We even held competitions
on the fastest reader. This competition made it possible for me to read three of such
novels in a week. I would sleep reading the novels and wake up reading it.

It therefore won’t be a surprising thing to say that at 13 years old, I had become sexually
active in my mind. Anytime I saw boys, I wanted to kiss them and experiment all I had
read in the romance novels, but the fear of disappointing my parents did not let me have
a boyfriend like my friends.

When I turned 14, My friend who had introduced me to the novels, took it further by
showing us porn videos on her phone. That further worsened everything for me.

I desperately wanted to experience the feeling of what this thing called Sex was, and
since Jeremy was the closest boy to me, I started seducing him by putting on skimpy
skirt in the compound.

Like me, his parents were not always around during the day. In the compound, between
2:30 -7pm, we were always alone in the compound with the security man who was
always too busy with his mini mart in front of the house.

I had learnt a lot of seductive ways of luring a boy to sleep with a girl through the
different characters I had met in the novels...

One day, I slept off in the living room while reading one of the romance novels. As I
drifted off into the dream land, a young handsome man walked up to me. He introduced
himself as Greg and instantly I recognized him to be the character in the novel I was
reading. He kissed me and one thing led to the other till i had sexual intercourse in my
dream. I woke up feeling very much in need of Sex. It felt like the Greg in my dream had
defiled me and planted the quest of Sex in me.

I stood up and walked towards Jeremy’s flat like I was being controlled, I knew I was
under a strong influence. I picked up the Ludo game from the dining table.

I knocked at his door and on opening he was surprised to see me in a very short gown
with a game of Ludo in my hands.

“ Hello Favour” Jeremy had said

“ Hi, Jeremy, my parents are not around and I feel very bored, do you mind playing this
game with me?” I asked seductively
“ I am actually doing my home work, you can come back in 30 minutes” he said

“ Ok, better still let me stay out here” I didn’t wait to hear his approval, I took their
veranda chair and took my seat. He went in and came out after about 10 minutes.

“ You can come in” Jeremy said opening the door for me to come in.

I placed the Ludo game in between us, I had chosen this game on purpose, because my
intention was to sit opposite him and spread my legs open in front of him. I did exactly
this and instantly I knew he had received the signal I sent to him, as I saw him moving
uncomfortably on his chair, but all of a sudden, he stood up...

“ My parents and my younger ones will be back soon, I need to do some chores”. He
stepped to the door and opened the door which was a polite way of asking me to step
out of his house.

I went back to my house and self relieved myself, but I wasn’t content. I never knew what
I had done was called Masturbation.

The next time I paid Jeremy a visit sealed the deal. I had returned from school and I had
inserted a Movie a friend had given me in school. She told me it was a blockbuster.
When I was through with the movie, I found myself in the same state I was the first time I
had visited Jeremy. This time around I had dozed off and I had seen the male lead in the
movie I was watching in my dream, he had asked me out and just like in the movie, he
made love to me like he did to his girlfriend. I woke up feeling like I should have
someone do to me what I saw in my dream.

I went to Jeremy’s house with the game, I sat across him and before I knew what was
happening he had raped me.

After the whole incident I felt really bad and I realized Sex wasn’t worth it.

Three months later, my life became a mess as my mother found out I was pregnant..

To be continued

Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


Whatsapp +234-8151103646
Photo credit:Internet
[5/6, 11:21] Mummy Olori: PART 17
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Mama was disappointed.

She wept over and over again and all she kept asking me in the car after receiving the
test result was...

“ Favour, Where did I miss it with you?, I have been a good mother...” My mother was
weeping like a baby. I had never seen my mother weeping before. My parents have
always had a good home, my father is a good man who always made my mother smile,
so seeing her in tears was really foreign to me.

I had been having stomach ache for days and I thought it was just malaria symptoms.
Ignorantly I had approached my mum that I was feeling ill and needed Malaria drugs.

“ Doctor Favour!” Mum had joked “So how are you so sure it is not Typhoid, Self
medication is not right, I prefer we go for a test instead.”

We had gone for the test and the Malaria and Typhoid test results came out with little
significance. From the look of things, I was fine.

Then, out of the blues, a busybody lady had joked about me being pregnant. The shock
on my face gave me away, as I quickly tried to reason if my one time Sex with Jeremy
could get me pregnant.

My blood sample had been taken and the next thirty minutes that followed appeared to
be the longest 30 minutes of my life as I kept praying silently not to be pregnant.

Finally, the result came out and it was boldly written “ POSITIVE”. My mum’s knees gave
way as she dropped into the reception chair.

Fast Forward to us in the car, she looked at me and asked again...

“Favour, Where did I miss it with you?, I have been a good mother...”

“ Mama, I am sorry, it wasn’t your fault, it is my fault, I let the romance novels do this to
me!” I confessed

“ Romance Novels? Who gave you?”

I narrated all to my mother and the part that broke her most was when she heard it was
Jeremy that was responsible for my pregnancy.

We drove back home in silence as she kept weeping uncontrollably. On getting home, my
father was waiting for us. Mum had called him to come home on time as there was a
serious issue.

“ What’s wrong?” My Dad had asked

“ Favour is pregnant for Jeremy” My mother had blurted out in tears

My father remained silent for close to 10 minutes and the first word that came out of his
mouth broke my heart...

“ This is the first time I regret having a girl as the only child I have...” My father said..

I wept and Wept and Wept.....

Five Days later, my parents and I went to see Jeremy’s parents and What we met there
was a big shocker...

“ Your daughter seduced our son, we saw the video” they said pointing at a hidden cctv
in their living room.

“ It was the day it happened that our son told us about it, how your daughter came here
spreading her legs open for him, and on watching the video ourselves we realized he was

“ Excuse me, Your son raped our daughter and you are here saying she seduced your
son” My mother said with a raised voice

“ I don’t need to argue with you anymore, I think you should watch the video yourself. We
had installed this hidden cctv at home without Jeremy’s knowledge to keep tabs on him,
and thankfully, this will clear the air” Jeremy’s mother said as she connected her laptop
to the T.V

I watched in horror at the person who I saw on screen. I could bet with anyone that wasn’
t me. I was behaving like an experienced prostitute seducing Jeremy.

“ My God!My God!” My mother was screaming... “This is not my daughter” she said

My father walked out of the living room with shame written all over him. My father didn’t
speak to me after that , but my mother was strong for me...She came to my room that
night with a dry smile on her face...
“ I know who I saw on that screen was not my daughter and I know that my daughter
was controlled by a force stronger than her, but that is the unfortunate thing about the
devil, when he uses a man, he doesn’t add to the man, rather he reduces that man. You
allowed the devil to use you to seduce Jeremy, but who is the loser?, Who is pregnant?,
Whose education is going to suffer?, Who is going to face the shame and ridicule? Who
is going to be a single mother at 15 years old?... You... Favour... You, but I am ready to
stand by you and help you through this phase.”

My mother lived up to her promise. Together with me, we burnt all the novels and video
CDs. We started daily prayers. She gave me daily Bible study assignments and Bible
verses to speak into my pregnancy.

The nine months that ought to be the most depressing time became the time for my
spiritual growth.

All these flashed through my mind as I sat in the taxi on my way from the Annual party.
Now I understood what Mum meant when she told me the reality , that when the devil
uses people or lures them into sin, it is always to the detriment of the person being use

“ My past had just tampered with a great future I ought to have had”. I said silently to

I didn’t hear from Eugene after the party and since we had a week break before
resumption, seeing him was not an option.

On the day I resumed office, he was the first person I saw at the parking lot. We both
stared at each other, but after a brief moment he looked away and walked towards his

Two weeks after that, I was at home helping Mercy with her homework, when I saw his
call. I picked up cautiously...

“ Hello, Favourite” That was his pet name for me.

“ Hi..” I said not having an idea on what to say next

“ Will you marry me and make me the father of your daughter?” He said and I becam

To be continued
Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 18
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“ Will you marry me and make me the father of your daughter?” He said and I instantly
became shocked as I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly...

“I always thought you were a virgin by the way you comported yourself, and that really
attracted you to me, so it came as the biggest shock of my life when you told me you had
a child. I told myself it was over between us, but your image is all I see in my head, in my
dream. It is really hard swallowing this big pill, but I know we all have our pasts. I am
sorry for how I acted the other day..., Hello, Favour Are you there?” I heard him saying as
I maintained utmost silence.

“ Yes .. I ... am with you” I replied

“ Can we meet today please?” Eugene asked

We met later that day, we met at an exquisite restaurant where he proposed to me a

second time. This time around I accepted his proposal. I cried all night thanking God for
the second chance he had given me, but with my hands I messed up the chance .

Eugene and I became the inseparable lovebirds and the intimacy could not be controlled
by Eugene. He kept begging me to make love to him since he was my fiance and I
stupidly agreed. We made love once and it happened again. I got pregnant for Eugene.

Eugene changed towards me almost immediately, he was no longer fascinated by me.

“ How am I so sure I am responsible for the pregnancy?” He asked

“ Eugene!, you are the second man in my life.” I said crying bitterly

“ Well I gave you a test and you failed, I purposely pressurized you to see if you will give
in and you gave in cheaply, I wanted to know if I could trust you after marriage and
apparently, from what has happened it is obvious you will be a loose wife. My father was
the one who asked me to give you the test when he heard you are a single mother, I
vouched for you that you were a strong Christian and would never compromise, but
unfortunately I was wrong, so I have a feeling the baby in your womb is not mine”
Eugene broke the engagement as he told me that after our sexual intercourse he had
lost interest in me. I begged him, bombarded his phone with countless text messages.

My life was looking bleak, “ A second pregnancy as a single lady”. I knew my parents
would never forgive me on this. I prayed to God to abort the pregnancy, but the baby kept

In the moment of confusion, I did the unimaginable. I went for an abortion.which resulted
in a complication that made the doctor remove my Womb...” Favour said as tears flowed
down her face

I stood in shock as I looked at her stomach, so there was no womb in Favour’s stomach.
No wonder she was not interested in Marriage. However, The question that was
unanswered in my head was “Then why was she seducing me?”. Favour however
supplied the answer...

“After the womb removal, I became sold out to God, getting married to Christ and was
never expecting marriage, but on seeing you and knowing your story of how you too
could not father a child. I felt we were two damaged beings that could find happiness in
ourselves while our secrets will be within us...We could adopt a child or children as we
desire...That was why I became emotional and seductive , anytime I was around you...I
am sorry for my selfishness.”

I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say to Favour. Was it words of comfort, or
encouragement or a vow to stay with her? , rather something else came out of my mout

“ Yes you are right, we are two damaged beings who God is presently repairing to
become his ambassadors to tell other young girls and boys about how damaging Sex
before marriage could be and for the damaged ones how one can be repaired...

This was how my journey with Favour started... We met a lot of battered, shattered lives
but through our once damaged lives that was under repair we started repairing lives...
Our first contact was Gloria, Gloria was a 12 year old Sex addict....

To be continued

Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


Whatsapp +234-8151103646
Photo credit : Internet
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 19
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

Baba Agba accommodated me in his house. God definitely was involved. Baba Agba was
a devout Christian who never slept at night. He always prayed through out the night.
That explained how he was able to see me the night I was taken to the police station by
the vigilantes.

The two policemen had paid me a visit by tracing me to Baba Agba’s House. The Hausa
policeman had said...

“ Of a truth, Jesus was with you. Kai! See how he brought you out!” He had said

“ I believe God brought you to the police station to remind me of my faith, thank you!”
Officer Adegoke had said

“ How is the DPO’s child?” I had asked

“ Thankfully, they were able to bring her out of the fire unhurt” The Hausa Officer had

“ Glory to God” I had shouted in joy....

“ That encounter made the DPO very sober, he told the parents of the boy, he couldn’t
get a replacement for their son. He has been sentenced to life imprisonment” Officer
Adegoke had said

They had left after few hours with me.

I started attending Baba Agba’s Church where I grew in the Lord. I became addicted to
the Scriptures. Baba Agba told me the scriptures was the greatest tool a believer needed
to grow. He told me, the Holy Spirit was there to explain scriptures to me.

Favour made sure she came around every evening after work. She tried to get me a job,
but I was not picked at the end of the interview.

Baba Agba called me to his room one night...

“ Chuks, I think the Lord doesn’t want you to go for a white collar job, I believe there is
something He has planned out for you, I want you to set aside time to pray to God and
find out what His perfect will for you is..”
I had obeyed him and I spent my night hours praying...

“ Oh lord, reveal to me your perfect will for my life in Jesus name...”

After the fifth day of praying, I had a dream.

I saw myself in an open field preparing Jollof rice and the aroma was so great it
attracted a lot of people, but surprisingly the people it attracted were young girls and
boys. Most of them looked weak, hungry, injured, tattered looking. I began to serve them
the food free of charge and surprisingly as they ate, they started gaining strength....

I woke up from the dream and instantly my Spirit man confirmed to me this was the
answer to the prayer I had been praying.


“ Does God want me to be a caterer, does God want me to be cooking food for children?”
I kept asking myself on the bed till it was daytime when I saw Baba Agba...

“ Congratulations... God has revealed your purpose to you, he wants you to feed the
young children who are spiritually hungry or injured. The food you are to feed them is the
word of God” he had said

“ Like having a children and teenage ministry?” I asked

“ Yes...!”

“ But I Don’t have what it takes, I don’t even have a job, I am still squatting with you, Baba
Agba, how do I go about it?”

“ Don’t think about how to do it, let God lead you. Just find this set of people and feed
them ...”

I Obeyed Baba Agba, and I started looking out for the opportunity to teach the teenagers.
At Baba Agba’s church, I wanted to join the teenage department, but I was told I had to
go through the 6 months Foundation and Membership class before I could be a worker. I
agreed to that but Favour told me...

“ I don’t believe God is sending you to the teenagers in the church, they already have
enough teachers. Judging from your revelation, you are sent to the ones on the open
field, the ones in the society who may not go to church. You are to take the gospel to
I saw sense in what she said. I drew out a plan.


I asked Favour to borrow me some money. I told her I was going to pay her when I got a
Job. On getting the money, I rented a lot of speakers, I got a Projector to project a
teenage centered Christian movie. I had prepared my message. I had rented over 200
chairs. I paid for the space.

On the set day, I started with the Filmshow. No one came to watch, the chairs were
empty. I kept calling the teenagers to come out to watch the amazing movie, but none
came out. Although, I noticed some of them stood afar off watching. I preached to empty
chairs and closed for the day.

I was disappointed. I wept and felt like a fool. Favour tried encouraging me, telling me
“Rome wasn’t built in a day”, and Baba Agba did buttress her point but from a different

“ Did God tell you to do a crusade now?, The idea is great but is this the right time, a
caterer doesn’t start his/ her business by cooking for the whole community, he/ she
starts by making small meals that can be sold in a day. Chuks start making small meals”

At first I didn’t understand what that meant but after sitting it out I got it...

I needed to start the ministry through personal evangelism; One on One evangelism.

I looked around Baba Agba’s vicinity for my first project and right there before me, all
these while I never thought of Gloria. The 12 year old daughter of a truck driver living
beside Baba Agba’s house. I had noticed she was always very restless especially around
young boys and men.

I noticed she was always smiling at me, but I just thought she was just being friendly
until she walked up to me one day while I was doing my Bible study in front of Baba Agba’
s House.

“ Uncle Chuks “ She had called me with her tiny voice. As I looked up, I became
mortified as I saw her wearing a see-through top with no underwear on. She also wore a
very short skirt.

“ Yes, Gloria!”

“ Please can you help me change the bulb in our room, I just got a new one.” She said
innocently and what she was asking for was not out of the ordinary because, her father
who was a truck driver who only came home during the weekends. From what I was
told by Baba Agba, her mother had left Gloria and her two siblings to go Marry a wealthy
man. Gloria had been taking care of her siblings since she was 6 years old as her father
was an interstate truck driver. Therefore, everyone was always willing to help her as
regards anything she needed adult help for.

“ Can you help me?” I heard her asking again

“ Sure!” I stood up and followed her.

The moment I entered the one room apartment they were living, her siblings left the
room like they had been told to leave the room earlier. The younger brother who was
around 10 years old gave me a vicious look, before stepping out. I didn’t understand why.

After they left, Gloria closed the door behind them as she handed the bulb to me. I took
the small table in the room as a way of elevating myself. I was fixing the bulb when from
the corner of my eye, I saw Gloria removing her clothes... I pretended not to see her, I
thought she was trying to change her clothes. When I was through with the bulb, I turned
to leave , then she said...

“ This is my way of saying thank you and I don’t mind if you can also give me money for
it. My younger ones have not eaten today” she said as she stood in front of the door.

I was shocked looking at the tiny girl in front of me. I felt pained in my heart knowing this
child was a victim of parental absence. I thought of what to do...

“ If I tried to struggle to get out of the room, she could shout and lie I was trying to rape
her..” I reasoned to myself

“ Wow... I can’t do this to you, you are too young..” I said trying to make it a light

“ No, I have been doing it for four years, it was uncle Silas that first did it with me” she
said proudly

“ You will enjoy it uncle Chuks, I promise you, in fact very soon, you will be the one
begging me for it. “ she said like a pro as she was gradually walking towards me. Uncle
Silas was a matured bachelor who was also living in the compound. He was a quiet
bachelor. No one would have thought he was the one who deflowered this girl at the age
of 8. How was I going to explain to this girl I was no longer like Uncle Silas. How was I
going to tell her the gravity of what she was doing. I had to think fast because she was
already touching me...

“ I don’t have protection on me” I said

“ I have..” She said, “I have worn a female protective condom...” She said proudly
“ Jesus!” I exclaimed. This girl was just 12 years old

“ Ok, but Baba Agba would be looking for me as we speak, let’s plan this well.” I said ,
but she wasn’t buying it...

“ You are lying” She said “ I am not beautiful enough for you” She said

“No, it’s just that, I need to prepare for this” I pecked her cheeks to give her false hope.
With that she moved away from the door.

By God’s grace, I stepped out of the door shouting “ Thank you Jesus!” in my heart.
When I stepped out, her brother gave me the vicious stare again. I could read anger in his
eyes. I wanted to tell him, nothing happened between his sister and I.

As I walked back to Baba Agba’s balcony where I had been doing my Bible Study, I felt a
big pain in my heart. I started tearing up seriously as I wondered how many of such
children were out there in the world.

Now I understood the assignment but how on earth was I going to help Gloria? I had no
money to give her as a way of making her not prostitute herself for money. Secondly,
from the way she behaved, sex had become an addiction for her, how was I going to
make her see what she was doing was wrong?

To be continued
Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


Whatsapp +234-8151103646

Photo Credit : Google

Disclaimer: The picture used-is not the character in the story. This picture is one of the
free stock images from the Internet.
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 20
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“Tick Tock, Tick Tock” I could hear the ticking sound of my wristwatch as I waited for
Gloria to step out of her room the next morning. All through the night I couldn’t sleep, as I
wondered how a 12 year old could be so bold about sex and saw nothing wrong with the
act. I prayed all night asking for God’s wisdom on how to handle her and bring her out of
this ocean of iniquity.

“ Uncle Chuks, I knew you were deceiving me about coming back” I heard her voice
before seeing her face. She was on her school uniform and likewise her siblings. She
was taking them to school.

“ What heartless mother does this, leaving her three Children and jetting off to marry
another man” I wondered silently.

“ Well, that’s Because I needed to weigh my options very well, I wanted to know if
sleeping with you is worth it” I said

“ What does that mean, I don’t understand... ok.. wait you think you won’t enjoy it, ask
Uncle Ben, the barber, or Uchenna that sells spare part, or Uncle Nnamdi that lives with
Aunty chioma in the next compound, or you can ask Baloo that works at the betting
center....” I watched with mouth wide open and heart pumping hard in fear as she kept
calling the name of different boys and bachelors she had slept with. I suddenly lost
count as I initially was trying to do mental count.

“ Wait, hold on... You have slept with all these people?” I asked in dismay

“ Yes! and they pay me. They always want to come back” she said laughing trying to
market herself to me.

“ And you don’t feel bad?” I asked

“ Bad!, well that was before when I use to feel pain but now it is what I have to do to have
money and friends. Now, I don’t feel lonely as I used to when my mummy left us..” She
was saying but the amazing thing was she was saying all these raw things in front of her
younger ones ages 10 and 7. They didn’t look disturbed by the conversation...

“ I hope Juliet has not started it as well” I asked wanting to know the extend of the

“ Start what? I will kill her if she tries it, I have told her it is only meant for adults..” she
said and I cut in

“ And you are an adult?” I asked

“ I am an adult child.” She said with anger in her voice. It appeared my asking about her
younger sister Juliet had pissed her off...

“ Uncle Chuks, if you do anything to Juliet I will kill you” She said looking straight into
my eyes
“ God forbid I do a thing like that!” I said “ Actually, I am concerned about you exposing
them to what you are doing” I said

“ They understand, I have to do this for them and if they do it, they will be destroying
their lives!” She said

“ Destroying their lives?, what about you, does that mean you are destroying your life on
purpose” I asked

“ Someone has to, If my life is destroyed and my younger ones have a good one, it is ok,
at least, my mother is enjoying her life while we are suffering. I choose to suffer for my
brother and sister to be happy. Uncle Chuks I want to prove to my mother that we can
become great without her” She said and I was short of words to say to her. She knew
what she was doing, she knew it was destructive but she had a logical reason for doing it.
I instantly knew she was not the kind of person I was to preach at.

“Hmm... I hope and pray you become greater than you desire”

“ Yes... but Uncle Chuks I hope you will contribute to that greatness... ?“ She said
stretching her hand towards me indicating I should give her money...

Unfortunately I was penniless.

“Hmm.. if I wanted to reach out to these teenagers, I must be able to give them money
when they need it...Talk they say is cheap” I reasoned

“ Not now, when you get back” I said not knowing how or where I was going to get the

I saw how her eyes lit up.

“ You will give me money when I come back?” she asked

“ Huh Huh” I replied

“ Then don’t worry, I will be ready for you” . She walked away with her younger ones and
as she got to the gate. She reminded me of Chinaza.

This was how Chinaza started and didn’t have anyone to help her from falling into a pit.

“ Gloria,I will bring you out of this pit..”I told myself

Reality struck... “ Money”. I had promised her and one of the best way of reaching this
girl was to make her build trust in me.

“ God, where do I get money now?” And as if God wanted to answer me. I heard a Hausa
man speak to another Hausa man. They had come into the compound to sell water.

“ This water selling business brings fast money, especially since this area has not had
power supply for months.” I looked at the business he was talking about, he was
referring to the business of selling water in Galons from house to house using a wheel

“ What?” I asked God

I got no reply but I knew within me, that was the way out.

I approached the Hausa boys and spoke the language to them. I asked them on how I
could join the business. I was told I could rent the wheel barrow and the gallons. I told
them I had no money and one amazing thing about the Hausa people is that they love to
help anyone who speaks their language. One of them volunteered to help me out and I
will refund his money after I make my pay for the day...

I agreed and I went for the job...

If someone had told me the menial job was a difficult one I won’t have believed. I spent 5
hours toiling under the sun. I stopped when it was 2pm, as I wanted to meet up with

I got home before her and had a quick shower. The moment I stepped out to the
balcony, I saw her walking into the compound smiling seductively at me. She walked up
to me and stretched out her hand and proudly I brought out N600 which was all I had
after paying for the rented wheel barrow and gallon.

She smiled on receiving the money.

“ Give me 20 minutes, to take my bathe and cook Spaghetti with this money.. You are
going to enjoy both meals!”

“ I am full, I don’t need any of the meals, the money has no strings attached” I said
expecting a smile

“ I am not worth it right?” She asked frowning

“ No.. I mean.. Yes.. you worth me sleeping with you, but what I mean is..” she didn’t
let me conclude my statement as she walked away with a long hiss. She didn’t return my
To be continued
Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


Whatsapp +234-8151103646

[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 21


For days, Gloria avoided me like a plague.

Why? I didn’t know. I was expecting her to come over to ask for money, but she never
showed up. I had the feeling she was avoiding me. Fortunately I had worked for those
four days selling water, so I had saved enough to give her. Favour had also given me
some money to support myself. I had told her about the water business. She told me it
was ridiculous, but I jokingly told her it was possible God was training me for the water
factory I was going to build soon. With that she smiled and gave me some money to buy
my own Wheelbarrow and Gallons.

On the fourth day, I went to Gloria’s door after she returned from school as I wanted to
put an end to the hide and seek game

“ Gloria..” I said knocking

“ Yes” She replied from within...
“ Can I have a word with you” I said

“ I am listening... See Uncle Chuks, if it is about what we spoke about the other time, don’
t bother. I am no longer interested.”

“ No longer interested?” I spoke out without knowing...

“ Yes...” I am sorry for ever trying to make you do it with me...

Something was definitely wrong!

“ Gloria, What is wrong?” I asked

“Nothing!” She answered too quickly

“ Gloria!” I said

“ I said Nothing, I only had a dream about what will happen to me if you ever sleep with
me” she said

“ Really, ?”

“ Yes!”

“ Ok please I want to know...”

“ Don’t worry, I guess God is just giving me a warning”

I decided to open the door and step in, on stepping in, I pulled her by the hand and told
her to come out holding her hand firmly.

“ Exactly how you were holding my hand in the dream” She said in fear

I released my grip on her hand..

“ Sorry about that... So please tell me the dream, so I will be careful around you “

“ I had a dream about you raping me... You turned into a wild animal like a beast and you
raped me in my dream, and that was not the end, you cut my wrist and started sucking
my blood. After which you now brought girls to have sex with me, like lesbians. I tried to
run from you and the lesbians but you kept chasing me around....” She said

“And you think I am the one you saw in your dream?”

“ Yes, I saw your face”

“ Ok...” I told her to sit beside me and I told her my past life. I could see fear in her eyes.

“ That person you saw in the dream, shows that though I am born again, if you sleep with
me, you might be acquiring a lot of demon. A lot of the demons that were living in me are
just lurking around, waiting for me to make a mistake and make a comeback into my life .
Thereafter, based on your having sex with me, the demons will rush into your life“ I
said trying to explain to her

“ Is that how Sex works?” She asked soberly

“ Yes, sex is beyond the enjoyment, it is a transaction. If for instance I have 5 demons in
me and you have 2 demons, by virtue of Sex, I will acquire 2 from you and you will
acquire 5 from me, and unfortunately the circle goes on, if the next person you sleep with
has 10 demons or personal foundational issues, you will acquire it. It is just like when
you sleep with someone who has a sexually transmitted disease, what happens when
you sleep with them?” I asked

“ You will get the disease..” she said

“ Exactly... now do you know why I said I don’t know if sleeping with you is worth it... I
don’t know how many demons you may have acquired through all the boys and uncles
you have slept with...”

“ I don’t know... but will I be the only one acquiring the demons or will the men acquire it
too?” She asked innocently

“ Yes, the men will acquire it too, and it will be affecting their lives...”

“ How? Is it affecting my life?”

“ Yes, part of it are the sexual dreams you have started having, a lot of girls who had sex
while growing up do have a lot of sexual partners in their dreams who are only draining
their virtues... Most times it will happen to them when they are about to do something
major in their life. Those wicked demons will be destroying the good things they plan to
do... For instance some girls will find it hard to get married, those that get married may
hate their husbands and some don’t eventually have children, so for the ladies they
suffer a lot... Sex before marriage is like eating unripe fruit. It is sour, causes stomach
upset and so on...” I said without knowing where all these information I poured out of my
mouth came out from

“ What about the boys, how does premarital sex affect them?”

“ Same as I stated with the women and a lot worse, because God expects more from
men. They also suffer marital challenges, the demons will make them marry the wrong
women, the demons will push them towards poverty and lack, they may be smart and
have good ideas but will not be able to make money from it...”

“ Ha!, maybe that is what is wrong with Uncle Ben the barber, I have seen that people
don’t go to his salon anymore.. He does not have money again... Ha! even me I misplace
money a lot these days.. Uncle Chuks does that mean I have acquired the Spirit of
poverty by sleeping around...?”

“ It is possible and it can even be worse, you could acquire the demon of forgetfulness
as a student and that will affect your academics...” I said

With that, she stood up pacing up and down...

“ Uncle Chuks, how can I cleanse myself from these demons?” She asked innocently

“ Very simple...”

To be continued

Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


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[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 22
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

“ Hold on.. Uncle Chuks, I shouldn’t be the only one to hear this thing.. I have a friend of
mine who needs help on how to free from these demons. Her name is Ajaara. She tells
me a force comes to press her down at night and forcefully touches her body till he
sleeps with her. I am sure you can help us” Before I could tell her to wait for her own
deliverance before involving someone else, she jetted off.

I sat there praying in the HolyGhost for His help.

After about 10 minutes, Gloria came back with a girl who was slightly older than her, but
My goodness, the girl looked like a human idol. She had piercings all over her face. She
had a nose ring, 5 ear piercings, 3 jaw rings. She had a ring on each finger, making it 10
rings on her hands. She had a rock band that had a thorn like design on it. Her sight was
scary and irritating. She had a rainbow weavon on her head. A weave that had red, blue,
purple and green.

“ Hello” I said cautiously

“ Good Afternoon sir... “ She said to me and almost immediately, she turned to Gloria
and asked

“Where is the pastor?” She asked

“ That’s Him!” Gloria said pointing at me.

“Pastor? When did I become a pastor?” I asked myself

“ Ok sir” She rushed towards me...

“ Sir, I have a serious problem, I know it... I feel it... I actually feel them moving in my
body and I hear the voices. I hear them..., they tell me to do strange things, the voices
can tell me to open up my shirt in public so as to arouse boys looking at me and right
there in public, without anyone touching me or the other person. We will masturbate. But,
I don’t like it, because after it, I always feel tired and weak, and the worst part is when I
am asleep, when I lie down, I feel the strong presence of a bat-like person hovering
over me to sleep with me. I wake up always tired. This thing is affecting me a lot, I had to
stop going to school, because I always sleep in class and anytime I sleep, the creature
will always come. This made me avoid sleeping. I try to be hyper all day, that’s why I
started taking hard drugs with the guys on the street. They were the ones who told me
piercings make you stronger; that the more you can overcome the pain of piercings, you
won’t be able to feel your personal pains...” she said ready to bare it all before me

“ But is that true, are these piercings burying your pains...?” I asked

“ No, rather it increases my pain as people don’t want to befriend me anymore.., they see
me as an irresponsible girl?” Ajaara said

“ How old are you?” I was moved to ask

“ 15” She said

“ How is your Sex life?” I asked knowing obviously this was the cause of her issues

“ It is horrible but, it’s my way of escaping from my pains...”

I shook my head in pity as I looked at the two young girls in front of me...

“ I am not a Pastor, I am just a child of God... Ajaara, Just like I was explaining to Gloria
before she brought you. You can be cleansed from these demonic invasion. All you need
is Spiritual Purging”

“ Spiritual Purging? What is that?” Ajaara asked

“ Just like when our body is full of toxins, we need to detoxify and purge our bodies, so
also when your body has demons, you can purge your spirit man”

“ How?” They both asked

“ By Fasting and Praying” I said as I had been taught by Favour and Baba Agba.

“ Do you know if you want to detoxify, you will have do a fast so as to release toxins from
your body, same way these demons also feed in your body, When you fast, you starve
them as well and they also want to get out. Prayer is like using a spiritual broom to
sweep out unwanted things. Just like Jesus swept out people who were buying and
selling from the temple, your body is the temple of God, therefore through prayer by
using the name of Jesus Christ, you can sweep out the evil spirits buying and selling
from your life” I said like a pastor who had been preaching for years...

“ I am ready... “ Ajaara said like a prisoner who was looking for a way out

“ We are ready” Gloria said as she knelt before me...

“ No..Stand up... there is something that must happen before we can sweep out these

“ What?”

“ I need to Introduce Jesus to you, You have to meet with JESUS, you have to be His
friend, because it is with His name that we will be chasing the demons out.”

“ I know Jesus... I go to church sometimes” Gloria said

“ Me too”

“ You don’t know Him enough, because if you do, you won’t be doing some of the things
you are doing”

“ Hmm...” They said simultaneously

“ How can we meet Jesus truly?” Ajaara asked

“Say this After me... Heavenly Father, I come before you, I know you created me for a
purpose and I am sorry for how I have lived my life so far. I believe in your son Jesus
Christ. I accept your son, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Personal Saviour. Give me your
Holy Spirit to help me in this new life in Christ, in Jesus name I pray”

They said this prayer after me and I told them to pray this prayer ...

“ Oh Lord with your broom of fire, sweep out all strangers buying And selling in my life”

They prayed this prayer for about five minutes before the unexpected happened....

To be continued

Feel free to share but do not edit the credits of the author. For more stories, follow the
author on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official


Whatsapp +234-8151103646
[5/6, 09:22] Mummy Olori: PART 23
©Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde

She was vibrating in my hands, Ajaara’s eye turned white. The black pupil disappeared
completely, and her body became like steel. She started bouncing like a tennis ball.
Gloria ran away from her in fear. As a growing baby in the Lord, I was mortified, but I tried
to use my physical strength to hold her down. She was hitting her body and her head on
the wall, like someone or something was trying to find a way out of her. I tried stopping
her but her strength was like the strength of Five hefty men put together. She was like a
buffalo. At that point I knew she was carrying something on her inside.

“ Get your hands off me” A masculine bass voice said out of Ajaara. Fear gripped my
heart. Who was that speaking from within Ajaara? Gloria ran far away from us in fear and

“ Chuks, I said get your hands away from me...” the voice said again and instantly I
dropped my hands. How did the demon know my name? Ajaara started running towards
the gate and I heard in my spirit

“ DON’T let her go or else they will run her mad or kill her. With the devil, it’s either he
oppresses you, or possesses you or finally kills you.” I ran after her and her speed was
something else.

Thanks to God for the boys in the environment who were able to stop her and pull her
down. By this time, the environment had taken notice of what was happening. Ajaara was
brought back to the compound, and Baba Agba had been informed on what was

A sudden revival started, teenagers and youths had flooded the compound. Mothers and
fathers had come in. Everyone started praying. Ajaara was manifesting different Spirits,
from a snake spirit to different animals. she was dragging her body like a snake on the
dirty floor, she would suddenly change her attitude to that of a cat..., later she began to
swim like a fish... It was a pathetic sight as I shed tears of how the devil and his agents
had turned the body of a 15 year old girl to their estate. No wonder the Bible stated that
Jesus sent a legion of demons out of the body of the mad man of Gadara.

“ Demons were really living in some people’s Lives which explains why most people live
unbalanced lives” I reasoned silently as Baba Agba was praying for Ajaara...

I bent down in tears and I prayed ...

“ God if truly you have called me to help this teenagers, show yourself” and I started
worshipping God... I worshipped in tears, with eyes shut.

“ Deliver our children in Jesus name” I heard passionate parents praying.

I started hearing other wailing voices worshipping like me and all of a sudden the
atmosphere caught fire, people started speaking in tongues, evil spirits started
screaming out of young boys and girls... The demons were screaming fire and all I kept
saying was...

“ I speak with the Authority in the name of Jesus, because all power in heaven and earth
has been given to Him, therefore in the name of Jesus, I call upon the Angels of the
Living God to arrest all strange powers in this environment..”

The crowd chorused a resounding “Amen”.

“Lord Jesus, begin to sweep out every form of darkness in the lives of everyone here...
Fire... HolyGhost Fire... Holy Ghost Fire... Lord Jesus sweep out with the broom of Fire
the Spirit of Masturbation... Out by Fire in the Name of Jesus, Host of heaven sweep out
by Fire, you Spirit of Sexual immorality, Out of their lives by Fire... Holy Ghost Fire begin
to sweep out Spirit of lesbianism and homosexuality..”.

And like a tornado, I felt the unusual presence of God, I felt God coming into our midst,
Like a mighty rushing Wind, and yet I heard the small still voice saying to me “Revival”.

I felt Him touching these children.. I heard melodious songs from these teenagers, Gloria
started worshipping in tongues as she wept. I saw Ajaara under the influence of the
HolyGhost, she was curled up like someone who was tied down. I knew God was working
on her... I saw young boys crying and I knew God was touching their hearts.

I was overwhelmed... I was crying at how Merciful God was and He was using Filthy me
for His Glory....

Favour came around and all she did was to weep uncontrollably at how God was working

That day which went into night was a great night. Mothers were sobbing when they heard
demons speaking out of their children. Fathers were shocked to hear that their sons at
the age of 14 were already visiting brothels to sleep with Prostitutes. A lot of teenagers
confessed to Masturbation and promised to desist from it. A pastor’s son even
confessed to addiction to pornography. His parents cried before the Lord...They had
joined us in a rush when they heard he was confessing to terrible things...

By 1am, the last set of the people left..


Favour sat beside me around 2am, and she asked me a question I had no answer to,
because I was still in shock at what God did with an almost destroyed person like me
and a What a single prayer point had done in a day. I was wondering what would happen
if teenagers had more time in the presence of God...Favour tapped me again and asked
me her question....

“ Chuks, So What next?” She asked.....

To be continued in SEASON 3 of TEACHER CHUKS. ( Please read the information below

and do not edit out any part please)

THE SEASON 2 of TEACHER CHUKS has been released fully for free to bless lives, Watch
out for the SEASON 3 coming soon. The PDF of the season 2 is not officially released. It
will be released alongside Season 3.

If you have been blessed by the FREE series “ TEACHER CHUKS season 2, and you will
like to sow a seed to the ministry so as to reach more people. Kindly send your gift to the
Author with this Account Details

Opeyemi Morenike Akintunde



WhatsApp +234-8151103646 or on Facebook @ Opeyemi Ojerinde Akintunde-Official

God bless you

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