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(Chaplain, Covenant University)
Copyright ©2010

First printed in 2013

Published in Nigeria by:

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4. EMPLOY IT. 115


6. ACT NOW! 167


Changes are bound to happen. Life is full of changes. In fact, the only
thing in life that is constant is change.

God told Adam and Eve:

…Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and

subdue it; and have dominion…

Genesis 1 v 28

This means that God is never satisfied to see the things and the earth
He had created remain unchanged. So, He had to command all what He had
created that breath upon the face of the earth to be fruitful, multiply,
replenish, subdue and have dominion. That was why, when the people
gathered together to build the tower of Babel in order to stop changes
from taking place, God instantly changed their language so that changes
can keep occurring by their multiplication and by filling (or occupying) the
face of the earth (Gen. 11 v 3-9).

Even though things can change on their own by the natural plan of
the Master Planner, it is also our responsibility to command the kind of
change we desire to see. Bishop David Oyedepo said, “You don’t watch
your environment determine your destiny, rather you command your
environment to obey your destiny.”

The operation of the supernatural is not automatic; there are

invisible forces that are around to carry out instructions given to them. And
until you say what you want to see, you will never see what you want to

Though, there are oppositions that will act as hindrances in order to

stop you from seeing what you want to see. But there is good news for you:

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is

common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer
you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with
the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may
be able to bear it.

1 Corinthians 10 v 13

So, every opposition around us is not new therefore, when we find

the secrets that others found and came out of it, we are bound to make
undeniable progress.

Oppositions are not the determinant of our positions in life; it is our

decision per time that determines our positions in life. I see oppositions as
the stepping stones to higher ground. Until you are faced with oppositions,
you cannot be positioned (enough) to face the competitions of life.

God told Prophet Hosea, that “My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge” (Hos. 4 v 6). Scriptural facts have been packaged in this book
to help you against all oppositions in your journey to effect a lasting
change, and preserve you from the destruction of ignorance.

Please, come with me as we launch out into the deep for a great
catch of insights.



When they went from one nation to another, from one
kingdom to another people;

Psalm 105 v 13

We encounter changes in our everyday lives. If the Bible tells us not

to worry about tomorrow because we don't know what it will bring, it
certainly means that our tomorrow will be different from our today.

Why? It is because we as humans (either born of the same or

different parents) don't have the same destiny.

The truth is that nothing changes except you change something.

Prophecies don't fulfill themselves; they are meant to be fulfilled by
individuals who consciously put them to work.

From the Scripture above, we will be able to find out how to define
this thing called ‘change’. If change is a necessary good, then it is needful
for us to know about it.

Salvation is in itself a change of spiritual status. If salvation does not

occur on the platform of change, it then implies that salvation is
meaningless! That is, if salvation doesn't change you from where you are to
another level, then it is useless!

God is a God of change, but we will be looking at that in the next

chapters. And I see God changing your story even as you read on in the
name of Jesus.

Nothing happens for good without a change being implemented.

What you change is what determines what you enjoy. If change is

important to what we will encounter, then it is needful to know what it is

all about.


Most of our fathers in the Bible never encountered the power of God
until they decided to obey the law of change. Until Abraham became
different from every other person in his family, by leaving his father's
house, God never showed him what He told him. You can't possess the
same qualities with someone else and be said to be different. The Israelites
never encountered God's power in the midst of the Egyptians until they
decided to be different from the Egyptians.


When they (Israelites) went out of the land of Egypt...

Psalm 105 v 13 (Emphasis mine)

In Genesis chapter 12 verses 1, 4, and 7, the Bible says:

Now the LORD had said unto Abram, get thee out of
thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy
father's house, unto a land that I will SHEW thee.

So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him;

and Lot went with him: Abram was seventy and five
years old when he departed out of Haran.

And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto

thy seed will I give THIS LAND...

Who you are determines the things you command. Until you are
different, you can never make a difference. And change is all about being
different in order to make a difference.


It is my prayer that God will pick you out of the crowd, in order to
make a difference out of your life. And as God picks you out of the crowd,
may you never miss your crown.


Transformation is an act of change. It is leaving one realm to another,

one level to another or one point to another.

Whenever transformation occurs, something else is formed, so is it

with change; when you change something, something new is formed.

I enjoyed transformation when I became born again. My spiritual

eyes and ears were opened, and I started getting understanding of what
the Word of God is saying concerning my health. I began seeing the reasons
why I can never be sick or lack bread to eat. I started taking note of what
God said I should do in order to enjoy divine health to its fullness, and I
started applying myself to them.

Within a short time, money started coming my way and sickness flee
completely. I never knew I wasn't sick until the third year of the practice!
And to the glory of the LORD, since the day I started, sickness departed:
because I was willing to see a change in my health status, and in my
financial life.

Until you are transformed, you cannot know your covenant rights;
and until you know your covenant rights, you cannot partake of your
covenant heritage (2 Cor. 3 v 18).

May God grant you an unusual transformation that is required to

give you your heritage in Jesus precious name.

Jesus was transformed and He became a mark and forever remains a

mark on the earth! (Lk. 4 v 14-15)

Peter the betrayer never manifested as a true disciple of Christ, until

there was a transformation in his life (Lk. 22 v 55-60; Acts 2 v 1-4, 14-17).

It takes transformation to leave the pit and move on to your peak,

which is why the Bible says in second Corinthians chapter 3 verses 18:

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the

glory of the LORD, are changed into the same image
from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the LORD.


Change is not only being different nor to transform something. It is

also to remove something for a replacement.

When God took the kingdom which He had put into the hand of Saul
from him and handed it over to David (a man after God's heart,) it was
needful for Him to change the heart of David and give him a heart of
courage, so that he will be manifested to his world (1 Sam. 16 v 13; 17 v 26,
50-51; 18 v 6-7).

Until God replaced Saul with David, things never worked out God's
way. If where we are is not good enough, we must need to change to
somewhere else.

When you have prayed and nothing seems to happen, fast and pray
your way out. Stop waiting for God to change your story, rather wait on
God for a change of story. Nothing will ever work out for good, until you
work it out yourself.

A wise man said, “Nothing works unless you work something.”

It is my prayer that the LORD will grant you the grace to be able to
work out your way by the application of change in Jesus name.



Now the LORD had said unto Abram, get thee out of
thy country...

So Abram departed...

Genesis 12 v 1, 4

Changes occur on the platform of action. Without an action effected

change cannot occur.

If Abraham had not relocated, though God spoke to him, change

wouldn't have been said to occur. And I believe that God wouldn't have
been able to do anything to change the story of Abraham.

Faith itself occurs by a process of change, because it is an action,

how? Very simple: cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10 v 17

Love is impossible without change, because an action must be

involved to prove it. That is why a wise man said, “you can give without
loving, but you cannot love without giving.”

God loves us so much that it was made explicit and obvious by His
giving (Jn. 3 v 6). Love unexpressed is not love, as the adage goes: “action
speaks louder than voice.”

Until you employ a change in your input, you cannot experience a

change in your output.


If nothing happens for good without a change, then, it is needful for
us to know why it must be employed. It is my prayer that God will through
this reasons, open your eyes and ears to see what He wants you to change,
in Jesus precious name.


When you are not ready to effect a change, you are bound to be
stagnated in life. God spoke to Abraham and said,

...know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a

land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they
shall afflict them four hundred years.

Genesis 15 v 13

I am very sure that Abraham must have told Isaac of these things God
spoke to him. Isaac told Jacob and Jacob to his twelve sons and so on.

The Bible gave an account of Isaac when he was in Gerar, how he dug
wells of water which his father, Abraham dug in his days. He (Isaac) named
those wells of water after the names by which his father called them (Gen.
26 v 18).

From this account, we deduce that Abraham must have been telling
Isaac things concerning his inheritance. But, I can't imagine Abraham telling
Isaac things concerning his possessions without letting Isaac know what
God have been telling him (Gen. 18 v 19).


Four hundred years later, according to what God told Abraham,

nothing happened, yet the Israelites never did anything to attract God’s
attention. Four hundred and ten years later, they were still anticipating a
change of story. Four hundred and twenty years later, they were becoming
more anxious and uncomfortable with their situations in Egypt. Until it was
four hundred and thirty years, they never cried unto God for rescue (Ex. 12
v 40). But when they cried to God, He was found of them and sent a
deliverer unto them, even Moses, who delivered them from the power of
Pharaoh and all the gods of the Egyptians (Ex. 3 v 9-10).

This means that though you are anticipating, though you are anxious,
nothing will change until you do what is required for a change to come.
What you don’t enforce to be changed will remain unchanged.

Stagnation is a delayer of destiny. It makes your destiny to be far

from your reach, even though your eyes can see it. So, don’t allow it; you
better stop it before it stops you!

Someone may ask, is it not written, “God is not a man that He should
lie and with God all things are possible, why then did God allow them to
stay longer than the proposed time for their deliverance?”

It is important for us to know that God is ever just and faithful

concerning all that He has promised us. God has never failed for once in
discharging His duties; rather it is man’s action that determines God’s
response towards him per time.

Yes, God promised to bring forth the Israelites from their bondage at
four hundred years, but they stayed longer, not because God was not
faithful nor is it that God needed help. It is because they refused to act
according to that which God had promised.

God may have promised you the top, but it takes personal
responsibility to get there. It does not work like magic, neither is it
automatic. Without responsibility it remains a mere formality.

The Israelites have the responsibility of reminding God of His promise

to deliver them, but they didn’t. Not because God forgot them, rather it is

because God needed to prove their willingness to accept His decision of

delivering them from the hand of their taskmasters. This is because God
does not interfere in the affairs of man, without man’s willingness to accept
His help (Philem. v 14).

God does not joke with our choices. Our choices are very vital to His
chances of manifesting Himself on our behalf; provided they children of
Israel never called on Him, God had no choice but to remain on His throne
and watch the outcome of their struggles!

Concerning His promises, God said:

Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare

thou, that thou mayest be justified.

Isaiah 43 v 26

He also added,

Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your

strong reasons, saith the king of Jacob.

Isaiah 41 v 21

So, when the Israelites brought forth their strong reasons by reason
of their cry unto God, God instantly remembered His promise to Abraham
and came down to deliver them through Moses.

Friend, it is time to wake up and stand your ground against every

spirit of stagnation in your life. Don’t watch it or else you’ll keep wasting.
Refuse it or it will make you a refuse. If you live silent, you’ll die silent. It is
better to start acting for your change to come.

If you are poor, start paying your tithe and things will never be tight
for you again. If you are sick, look out for what God is saying concerning
your health in His Word and declare it boldly in faith, and God will be
committed to the restoration of your health (Mal. 3 v 10; Joel 3 v 10).
Responsibility they say is the mother of greatness; you must therefore take


steps for your greatness to emerge. I see God bringing about a dramatic
turnaround in your life this hour, in the precious name of Jesus.

As long as you are ready for a change, my God shall surely change
your story for good in the precious name of Jesus.


When a man is locked up in a room without access to the

environment and without food or water, after few days or weeks the
person is likely to die; so also, when you are stagnated and you don’t fight
your way out of it, you may end up dying prematurely. But that shall not be
your portion in Jesus precious name.

However, it is very important to know that over-stagnation will

always lead to destruction. And you must not allow it.

In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And Isaiah

the son of Amoz came unto him, and said unto him,
thus saith the LORD, set thine house in order: for thou
shalt die, and not live.

Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and

prayed unto the LORD,

And said, Remember now, O LORD, I beseech thee, how

I have walked before thee in truth and with a pure
heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight.
And Hezekiah wept sore.

Then came the word of the LORD to Isaiah, saying,

Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the LORD, the God
of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have
seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen

Isaiah 38 v 1-5

Hezekiah, though at the point of death, not minding that the great
man of God had told him that he was going to die, decided to approach
God on his own for a change of verdict. Glory be to God the verdict of
death concerning his life was averted!

Now, imagine what would have happened if Hezekiah kept silent and
did nothing about his life. Of course, that would have led to his death.
Nothing changes except you consciously effect a change. Change occurs in
the miraculous. Miracles can’t be said to have occurred when nothing has

Friend, you can’t be seated and encounter a change of story; you

have to stand up and work it out. You have become too casual and calm
that all you say is “am waiting for God’s time, because God’s time is the

Yes, I agree with you that God’s time is the best, but you must also
know that every time is God’s time. There’s no place in history where it is
stated that man ever created times or seasons: they were all created and
designed by God. So, God’s time is every time, but your change comes into
effect when you have decided to partnership with Him in order to
experience a change. God’s time is every time but your own time is
determined by your readiness, which is equally demonstrated by your
actions, because God will never step into the affairs of any man without a
corresponding action by such a man to commit His integrity to deliver.

Our God is not looking for people to work for, rather He is interested
in walking (or partnering) with people.

Within those thirty additional years that they Israelites stayed in

Egypt more than the specified (four hundred) number of years, the people
who could have been privileged to see or enter into the land of Canaan
ended up dying in Egypt and some in the wilderness.

Also, at a time, the children of Israel began to murmur and complain

against Moses and Aaron and the anger of the LORD was kindled upon
them. They have been murmuring and complaining since their departure


from the land of Egypt, but God has been merciful, watching and waiting
for them to change their attitude. Rather than change their attitude, their
attitude grew worse and God decided to make an end of them (who had
murmured against Him) in the wilderness (Num.14 v 1-3, 22-23, 27-32).

It is needful for us to know that every delay to effect a change may

eventually lead to death, but as for you, may the God of my father
empower you to effect positive changes in every area of your life in the
precious name of Jesus Christ.

Paul admonished us by saying,

But with many of them God was not well pleased: for
they were overthrown in the wilderness.

Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured,

and were destroyed of the destroyer.

Now all these things happened unto them for examples:

and they are written for our admonition, upon whom
the ends of the world are come.

Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed

lest he fall.

1 Corinthians 10 v 5, 10-12


As salt, oil, pepper, maggi, onions, and other spices are required to
make a good stew, so also there are ingredients which are vital to make a
meaningful change.

We all know that without ingredients the taste of a meal is not

verified, also when the ingredient for change is not applied, it will lack
meaningful effect.

Therefore, if the ingredients of a thing are what determine its

meaningfulness, then, it is very important to find out what these
ingredients for change are.

Also note that, every ingredient has a particular purpose, but it is not
only one ingredient that is required to make a good meal. Wherefore, until
the ingredients for change we will be looking at work together, the final
result may be incomplete.

In the previous chapter, I said that our God is a God of change.

Therefore, in this very chapter we will be looking at the changes
implemented by God, and how they were implemented to command a
positive change.

And may God empower you to be able to make good use of these
ingredients, so that your long awaited change will be fully manifest to your
world, in Jesus precious name.



What you think determines the change you effect: because you can’t
take action outside your thought. The kind of thought that comes your way
determines what becomes of you: for as he thinketh in his heart so is he
(Prov. 23 v 7).

God said something in Genesis chapter 11 verses 6 that is very


And the LORD said, behold, the people is one, and they
have all one language; and this they begin to do; and
now nothing will be restrained from them, which they
have imagined to do.

The word “imagined” as used in this Scripture means “pictorial

thought”, and this shows to us that even God cannot stop what we think!

This was basically an encounter at the tower of Babel, where the

people of the earth decided to build a tower which will reach heaven. And
with one mind and one consent they set out to work out what they’ve
thought of, and when God saw it, God exclaimed, “and now nothing will be
restrained from them which they have imagined (or thought) to do.”

Please, take note of that “and now”, which explains that before this
time certain things have been restrained from them, but because this
action which they have taken was based on qualitative thought, God could
not restrain that which they have thought to do.

Also, the word “restrained” as used in that Bible passage means to

“withhold” or “stop” someone or yourself from something.

It therefore means that God was saying that nothing will be able to
stop them from that which their heart have imagined, or thought, or
planned to do.

It is what you think on that determines what you will understand.

Your level of understanding is subject to your thought. And until your
understanding is affected, your plans can still be initiated (the devil

God was not able to stop them from their thoughts or plans, until He
succeeded in stopping them from understanding one another’s speech.

Go to, let us go down, and there confound their

language, that they may not understand one another’s

Genesis 11 v 7

So, your thought is at liberty provided you are not mad. And because
of that, you have what it takes to effect a positive change in your affairs.

If thinking is so crucial that God will not go directly to it in order to

affect it, then, we must be very careful of what we think per time. This is
why we have been enjoined to keep (guard) our hearts with all sense of
diligence – Prov. 4 v 23.

Friend, what you encounter is at the mercy of what you think.

According to Bishop David Oyedepo, “Failing to plan is literally planning to
fail.” So, you need to think and plan your way to effect a lasting change.

Success is only waiting for those who have the strategies required to
attain it. The top is only reserved for great thinkers and planners. Your
thought is what sets the pace for you at the top.

A wise man said, “Taking action without thinking is the (root) cause
of every failure.” It is unfortunate that those who failed refused to accept
the responsibility of thinking, yet they will never accept that they were
wrong in their decisions.

Jesus knew the dangers of not thinking before initiating anything,

and that was why He said:

For which of you intending to build a tower, sitteth not

down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have
sufficient to finish it?

Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not

able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him.


Saying, this man began to build, and was not able to


Luke 14 v 28-30

What you don’t plan to fix well may plan to fix you in the well. You
don’t wish for things to be well, you work things to be well.

When there is no thought factor over a thing, then a wrong factor is


Friend, stop looking at the situations around the way they are, think
on what to do to change them to what you want. It is what you permit that
is permitted to continue; everything around you works according to your
will. The things that happen around you will always correspond to what you
think within you.

A wise man said, “Your outer world of results will always correspond
to your inner world of preparation.”

So, the change you are seeking for starts with a change from within
your mind. You must first condition your mind for a change before you can
visibly encounter a change.

The preparation of your heart is very vital in the attainment of your

goals in life. Preparation is the first way out of tribulation. That was why
Jesus said, “For which of you intending to build a tower, sitteth not down
FIRST, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?”

Therefore, the first thing to do for every other thing to fall in place is
to get yourself prepared for the change you are expecting, by putting your
mind to work and asking yourself relevant questions like, how can I turn
this thing around to suit my desire? What must I put in place for this thing
to be the way I have always wanted it to be? And what must I stop for this
thing to stop completely in my life?

Until you are prepared, you are not ready; and it is your readiness
that determines your victory. I see God giving you victory on every side via
the use of your creative thoughts, in the precious name of Jesus.

Confusion is not permitted upon your life, in the name of Jesus. Lack
and want shall be far from your dwelling place as you put your mind to
work, in Jesus precious name.

Before I got to the point of no more sickness and disease, my thought

was fixed on the subject, and I was prepared to know what it takes to enjoy
supernatural health in Christ. Then I used to hear ministers of God say
things like: “I cannot be sick”; “sickness and disease are not of God.” As a
young promising boy, instead of criticizing their messages, I tried to figure
out why they have to say such things with great confidence, and in the
quest to know why I cannot be sick, God delivered unto me fourteen
reasons from the Scriptures why I can live a sickness-free life.

After receiving these fourteen strong reasons from the Scriptures, I

equally stood up and with great confidence declared: “I can never be sick.”

Sir, until the state of your mind is altered the state of your health
cannot be shattered.

There is need for us to find out the truth from God’s Word, and
renew our mind to align ourselves to what God is saying unto us per time; it
is then that God will be moved to do unto us according unto our heart
desires. This is why He said,

A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth

his steps.

Proverbs 16 v 9

So, it takes the thought of your heart for God to direct your steps.
What you think determines what becomes of you. It is only those who think
that are entitle to enjoy divine direction. And when you are divinely
directed, you cheaply attain greatness in life.

My prayer is that God will cause His good thoughts, and your good
thoughts to find expression in your life in Jesus precious name.

Your thought is what takes you out of the crowd, and sets you high
among kings.

After God created the heaven and the earth, He discovered that the
earth was as shapeless as Amoeba, irregular and still much emptied. Even
though He is the God of the whole world- this connotes His level of
affluence- yet He was faced with a challenge, which His wealth could not
resolve. With that, He put His creative thought to work and that was it; how
do I know? It is written:

And the earth was without form, and void; and

darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit
of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Genesis 1 v 2

From the book of Ephesians chapter 5 verses 26, we learnt that the
Word of God is likened unto water, which means Biblically the Word of God
is water.

And in the book of Genesis where we just looked into, we saw the
Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The Spirit of God that
moved is literally God’s Spirit searching through the pages of the Scriptures
(that have been stored up within His mind- 1 Cor.2 v 10, 16) to get the
solution to the problem set before Him.

This is true because nobody can think without a spirit in him. Of

course, the only person without a spirit in him is a dead man (Prov. 17 v

When you ask someone a question like: “where are you from?” The
answer you receive from such person is based on the person’s
understanding of your question, which proceeds from his mind, and with
his thought he composes the answer to your question before giving you a

So, the Spirit of God that moved upon the face of the waters was
God’s thought roaming about the stored up information within to collect
and compose the answer required to tackle the question, mountain,
challenge, situation set before Him. After God had succeeded in finding the
answer via a creative thought, He said:

…let there be light; and (for the first time,) there was

And God saw the light, that it was good…

Genesis 1 v 3 - 4 (emphasis added)

It was the thought of God that brought about the goodness of the
light. Your thought can also change anything you so desire.

Every renovation in this kingdom is backed up by innovations, and

every innovation is a product of creative thought.

Your thought can move mountains. Your thought can make a way
where there is no way. It can turn any mountain by the root. If God’s
thought brought about a good light, then we must be conscious of what our
thought is bringing our way.

This is no joke. You can’t encounter the change you are seeking for,
unless you put your thought towards receiving and achieving it. What you
concentrate your mind on will determine what concentrates on you,

…If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall

be full of light.

Matthew 6 v 22

That is, the goodness of your change is determined by your level of

concentration. May God open your eyes of understanding to behold the
things you must do for your change to come, in Jesus precious name.

To enjoy to its fullness the change you are seeking for, you must
concentrate fully. The heart or the mind is the platform of thought, so what
you are thinking will determine what you’ll experience, because:

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…

Proverbs 23 v 7


People that are poor, are poor not just because they desire to be
poor, but because they have a poor mentality. In the above scripture, God
is saying, “what you think is what determines what I will make you
become”. He is the only one with “a heartometer”, which He uses to find
out and measure the thought of every individual per time, originating from
their hearts.

Friends, your thoughts are what give birth to your plans; and until
you are able to accomplish your plans, changes remain a mystery. What
you think determine what becomes of you.

Planning is a major course in the school of success. What you plan

sets the pace on what God should work on.

Planning is the arrangement of facts which objective is to achieve a

particular goal. It is the mental work that gives value to your hard work. It is
the step by step action required to arrive at your destination. It is what
determines your future success. Planning calls for personal responsibility,
because as nobody can think for you, so also nobody can plan for you.

It is a must and not a choice and it calls for personal responsibility.

You can’t call somebody and say to him, “Please, plan for me.” In fact, the
person will think you are out of your mind, because it is impossible for
someone else to plan for another man’s success.

If it is a must then we must judiciously make good plans in order to

enjoy positive changes. Since nothing change until you change something,
nothing plan until you plan something. Even God cannot help you when you
don’t plan. What He works on is your plans.

Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and
he shall bring it to pass.

Psalm 37 v 5

It can also be paraphrased as “commit your plans unto the LORD;

trust in his ability to fulfill it; and he shall bring it to pass”. So, your plans
must precede your trust before there can be a fulfillment of your thoughts.
Who you entrust your plans unto determine its fulfillment.

That scripture is saying, “Until you plan, you have nothing to commit
unto my trust. I am ready to fulfill your plans only if you are ready to plan.”
Until there is a plan there cannot be a commitment, and until there is
commitment there cannot be an accomplishment. Until you take the
responsibility of planning, you remain committedly irresponsible.

You have been praying that God should bless you financially, whereas
you have not set aside what you want to do with the money when it comes.
Friend, God is not a waster. God is looking out for people whom he can
entrust and invest his possessions on. If money does not have a place of
service, you’ll serve it. And God won’t give you His possession for it to
become your god.

God is a Master planner. He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10 v 34).

If you can’t obey the rule, He will rule you out. And remember, whatsoever
God does is irreversible by any mortal man.

I see God changing your story for the better in the mighty name of
Jesus. My God shall never rule you out in Jesus precious name. As you plan
well, I see God causing it to find accomplishment in Jesus name. God shall
surely visit you, and He shall change your position in the precious name of

No evil formed against you shall prosper anymore in Jesus name. You
are above every misfortune. You shall enjoy success in every area of your
life in the mighty name of Jesus.

Time is not meant to be spent, but to be used. And until you plan,
you cannot make effective use of time; and until you make effective use of
your time, your destiny will be delayed.

Everything created by God has a destiny because God has planned it

so, when He created man in His image to be a planner like Him, and He
concluded by saying:

…Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and

subdue it: and have dominion…


Genesis 1 v 28

That was man’s mission on earth. From this scripture, it is also

obvious that what God said was according to plan, because as I said earlier
that planning is a step by step action to arrive at our destination, and here
God said that after we’ve become fruitful, then shall we multiply and so on,
which is indeed in steps before finally arriving at the point of dominion over
every living thing – the major destination of mankind.

We can therefore agree that until we are fruitful, we cannot be said

to have multiplied; and until we multiply, we cannot be replenished; and
until we replenish, we cannot subdue things on the earth; and until we
have subdued things, dominion remains inaccessible.

The truth is that we cannot be fruitful until there is planning.

Fruitfulness here means “having or enjoying success in a particular area”.
So, success is not accessible without planning for it.

Therefore, if we want to move from the level of a tenant to a

landlord, from trekking to driving our own cars, from a local champion to an
international champion, from borrowing to lending to nations, from
poverty to wealth, from foolishness to wisdom, from laziness to hard work,
from failure to success, from sorrow to joy, from glory to glory, then we
must be ready to effect a change.

Change is all it takes to reach your goals; and until you give it all it
takes, it can never give you all that it contains.

Shortly, we shall be looking at some benefits we can derive from

planning. However, one thing is sure, you have a future and your future is
colourful; but until the colour of your future is seen, the fullness of your
future is inaccessible.

What you are too big to plan for will be too big to plan for you,
because only what you concentrate on can concentrate on you.

Friends, your future is too colourful to be ignored; it is too great to

be despised! Start changing something so that you can be changed.

Remember, until you carry out your assignment, you cannot be privileged
to assign anything. So also, until you plan for a change you cannot
experience any change.


1. It enhances effective use of time, so that we don’t fall out of Gods

plan by reason of delay in achieving our goals (Eph. 5 v 16)

2. It helps us to check whether there is possibility of failure or not;

and it helps us to replenish any of our lost efforts (Lk. 14 v 28-30; Prov. 24 v

3. It allows for effective management of resources and eliminates

waste (Eccl. 10 v 18; Prov. 18 v 9)

Remember, God will not entrust His possessions in your hands if you
are a waster. Even Jesus the Son of God never wasted (Jn. 6 v 12)

4. It helps to maintain discipline and order (1 Cor. 14 v 40; Eph. 5 v


5. When you don’t plan a saving scheme preserved for the day of
adversity, your throne shall be taken from you (Prov. 20 v 13; Matt. 25 v 29;
Eccl. 7 v 14; Prov. 24 v 10)

May God preserve your throne, in the precious name of Jesus.


If the result of a student in a secondary school for instance, has no

stamp of the principal, it remains invalid. So it is with your plans (which
originate from your thought) and your writings. Until you write down your
plans, they are invalid.


Your writing is the stamping of your plans; and until the principal
stamps the result, it shows that the result has been forged by the student
outside the knowledge of the principal and the school management team
at large.

Therefore, until your planning goes along with your writing, there is
no agreement for accomplishment, because:

…if two of you shall agree on earth as touching

anything that they shall ask, it SHALL be DONE for
them of my Father which is in heaven.

Matthew 18 v 19

Take note of those words: “shall” and “done”. Shall means, it is a

must (though in the future), while done means having finished or
accomplished (something); thus, Jesus is saying that it must (in the future)
be done (or accomplished) for those who agree on one thing.

Hence, until your writing is according to your plans, there is no

commitment for accomplishment.

… Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that

he may run that readeth it.

Habakkuk 2 v 2

So, until you write down the future you can picture, there cannot be
an accomplishment; and until your future finds accomplishment, nobody
will be amazed at your experience. Your writing is a sense of commitment
for the accomplishment of your plans.

God is saying to someone right now: “write down your plans and men
will be amazed at your achievements.”

I see God accomplishing your plans as you put them down into
writing (showing Him that you are ready for His move), in Jesus mighty

During my secondary school days, I never enjoyed full academic

success until I started writing what I was reading. In fact, it got to a point
that I needed not to read before knowing what to write! That is, I was
highly intoxicated with my books that my hands could get busy even
without looking at any book.

You have been too busy doing the trivial things; now switch to doing
the major things for a major turnaround.

No change happens by chance. If Jesus Himself wrote down His plans

for us, then we have no excuse as to why we must not write down our
plans in life.

In Luke 4, when the devil came to tempt Him, something dramatic

occurred: Jesus never prayed, neither did He call down fire, nor did He call
upon His Father for rescue, but He stood His ground on what He has
written – remember, the Word of God is Jesus in written form.

He kept saying, “It is written, it is written, it is written”! That is, if it

was not written, He may be faking or assuming His future in the light of the

What you write will always bring to your remembrance what you
have planned.

If God had not written His Word in the Holy Scriptures, we wouldn’t
have had any reason for Him to answer our prayers. That is why He says,

Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare

thou, that thou mayest be justified.

Isaiah 43 v 26

That is, “I have written My plans concerning you, so that when you
locate it you can call Me back to play in your favour”.

For Jesus to keep saying “it is written”, it implies that He was fully
persuaded that His Father is always committed to accomplish whatever has
been written.

Your writing is your seal of commitment which guarantees your

accomplishment. So, when we stand our ground on what we have written,
even the devil must give way. I see every devil rising up against your plans
being brought to their early grave, in the most powerful name of Jesus.

You are an asset, not a liability; you are a god, not seeking to be one;
you are above and not beneath; you are the head and not the tail; and you
shall lend to nations and not borrow from any.

Go and do exploits with your God-given ideas, in Jesus mighty name.


Let me begin by saying: until you are saved, you are not safe. Until
salvation is in-built in your life, you cannot think well. You cannot also plan
well without salvation. You cannot progress without it.

It is the major instrument needed for change to be meaningful.

Without it, the devil will make a toy of you. Without it, you cannot enjoy
what God has promised his children.

It is the identity card of the believer. It is the only way to rule over
the devil and all things. Without it, faith is useless and love is worthless and

Shortly, we shall be looking at what salvation really means in order

for us to know why I said earlier that without it, we cannot think well, plan
well, and automatically our writing will accomplish nothing.

It is my prayer that by these definitions, God will open your eyes to

see and know which way to follow in order to effect a positive change.

What Is Salvation?

Salvation is the transformation which occurs to an individual, taking

him from the wrong (or bad) part of life to the right (or good) part of life.
Therefore, if you are not saved, that means you are still in the wrong (bad)
part of life.

Hence, everything about you will only point to either bad or wrong.
That is, you will think wrongly, write wrongly, and finally see or experience

That is the truth, a mango tree will never in its lifetime produce an
orange; a cow (though having the same complexion, as the case may be
with a sheep) will never give birth to a sheep.

Thus, the wrong part of life (though been the opposite of the right
part of life) will never produce anything right (or good).

So, if you want your change to be good; if you want your situation to
change for the better, you must switch to the good part of life.

Salvation is also the change which takes an individual from the

bottom to the top.

And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the
tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not
be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the
commandments of the LORD thy God, which I
command thee this day, to observe and to do them.

Deuteronomy 28 v 13

That was what Moses told the children of Israel, but from that
scripture he said you will only enjoy lifting if you hearken(or listen), after
that you observe(or take notice), and finally you obey them, how? By doing
them; doing what? Doing the commandments of the LORD, thy God; and
one of the commandments of the LORD your God is that:

…ye “must” be born again.

John 3 v 7


So, salvation is not just changing your position from the bottom to
the top, it is a must to be done. It is a non-negotiable spiritual initiation into
the kingdom of God, if you must partake of the blessedness of His kingdom.
And until it is done, nothing gets done!

Without it, Christianity is meaningless. Without it, the death of Christ

Jesus on the cross is a wasted effort. He died to save us, and we are saved
to partake of His efforts. Without it, the resurrection of Christ from the
dead will just be a mere history. Without it, the believer has no hope of
eternal life: because it is the gateway to eternal life. It is the foundation for
every believer, and when it is not well founded there is bound to be danger
(Ps. 11 v 3; Matt. 7 v 24-27)

Again, the latter part of that Deuteronomy 28 v 13 said:

…if that thou hearken unto the commandments…which

I command thee THIS DAY.

Therefore, your hearkening is not for any other day, but for THIS DAY
(that is today). Salvation is not only a must, it is in the now! Hence, “ye
must be born again” when? THIS DAY!

Salvation is a spiritual shift from the realm of the natural to the realm
of the supernatural. Until you belong to the realm of the supernatural, you
cannot command the happenings in the realm of the natural.

The same way a secretary in an organization cannot command the

manager, nobody operating in the natural realm has the power to
command anything in the supernatural. Until you have command over
things in the supernatural, nothing gets done in the natural sphere of life.

In the realm of the supernatural, you don’t beg for things to happen,
rather you command things to happen. Bishop David Oyedepo once said,
“Don’t watch your environment determine your destiny, command your
environment to obey your destiny”.

So, stop watching things go wrong in your life; it is time for you to
stand up to responsibility.

All you need in life is packaged in your redemption in Christ (Rev. 5 v

12). Salvation is what gives you free access to the supernatural, thus
commanding what others cannot command and doing what others call
impossible, because the Spirit of possibility actually takes over you.

It is the operation of the Spirit of possibility that terminates the

limitation of mankind, towards the accomplishment of his divine purpose.

We are no longer in the era of getting connected to somebody who

also needs to be connected, but we are in the era when everyone wants to
be connected to the only One who is never connected to someone, neither
does He look unto mortal men before manifesting His power (Acts 10 v 34-

Our problem is not finances, but it is the source to which we are

connected. This is made explicit in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2, there God
was faced with a challenge and He needed to change that challenge to suit
His expectation. Despite the fact that God created everything we see here
on the earth – connoting His affluence and degree of wealth – His affluence
was not potent enough to change the situation, but His thought.

His thought brought about the change He desired when His Spirit
moved upon the face of the water, after which God spoke forth His
expectation, and what He spoke was what He saw.

Therefore, the source you are connected to will determine the

resource you enjoy. Until you are connected to the unlimited God, you
cannot enjoy His unlimited resources. So, get connected to Him today and
you will never regret you did.

You are a creature of choice, not of chance; and the choice you make
today will correspond to the future you create tomorrow. Notwithstanding,
salvation remains a must if you will enter into the door leading to your
destiny because:

…ye are bought with a price…

1 Corinthians 6 v 20

And until you accept the truth that you are owned by God, you will
never go far in life, no matter who you are.

A wise man said, “You may succeed without God, but you can’t have
God and not succeed.” Until you succeed in getting God you cannot
succeed in getting gold. Bishop David Oyedepo said, “God is all you need to
meet all your needs”. That is, all your needs are rooted in your need for
God; until you get God, you cannot get what you need.

May the God of peace meet you at the points of your need, in Jesus
precious name.

It will also interest you to know that salvation is accepting to follow

the highest order of life. There is the high order of life; there is also the
higher order of life; but we shall be looking basically on the highest order of
life, which is the order God has appointed for His children.

The highest order of life is being at the point where everything

becomes possible and you become uncatchable. It is a point where the
ordinary man is changed by the extraordinary God to an extraordinary man,
in order to command extraordinary results (Jer. 29 v 11; Dan. 11 v 32b; Ps.
32 v 6).

Our victory begins at salvation. The point of our breakthrough in life

is a function of whom we have accepted to open the door of our hearts,
and until God takes over your life your breakthrough cannot be guaranteed
(Eph. 2 v 6; Rev. 3 v 20-21).

The good thing is that, despite the fact that His ways are higher than
ours and His thoughts than ours, He has taken it on Himself to accept us the
way we are (Jn. 6 v 37, 44).

Until God places a mark on you, you cannot make a mark in your
world. Until God places you, you cannot but be displaced, so why not just
accept Him into your life to take over your person and give you the best
that you couldn’t have given to yourself. He is the One that framed you,
and knows what you are in need of, and He is the One to determine what
you will get (Lam. 3 v 37-38).

Before we continue therefore, I would like to give you an opportunity

that God has made available for you today to be a part of His family. The
whole essence of Christianity is to be a part of God’s family and a partaker
of His blessings. Therefore, if you know that you are not born again, that is,
you‘ve never accepted Jesus Christ into your life as your personal LORD and
Saviour, or that you have backslidden and would like to return back home
like the prodigal son, knowing that your heavenly Father is eager to
welcome you home, just say this words with your mouth and mean it from
your heart:



I pray that the God of peace will not forsake you. He is working in
your favour. In a very short time, your long awaited testimony will locate
you and everyone around you will rejoice with you, in Jesus precious name.


As I said earlier, for you to effect a change, you must change

something. Change begins with you, because you are 75% of whatever
changes around you.

After you have given your life to God, it becomes expedient for you
to put away those things that you think are the sources of depression and
regression to your progression, because:

...if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old

things are passed away; behold, all things are become

2 Corinthians 5 v 17


So, as you’ve given your life to Jesus, your old and past sorrowful
experiences become a thing of the past; and everything concerning you is
been renewed. Therefore, don’t let your past experiences weigh you down;
rather, focus on making new moves towards your envious future.

Don’t let yourself pass away with the past; allow your past to pass
away, so that the present (now) can present (give) its present (gift) to you.

A wise man is noted to have said, “It is foolishness to be doing the

same thing and expect a different result”. Though, you have given your life
to Jesus Christ, salvation doesn’t teach you to be foolish, but it leads you to
a point where all what you need to do is to align yourself with the
conditions which it has provided for you in order to enjoy it’s provisions,
and that is wisdom. And putting away your old links which has held you
bound is a major pre-requisite.

A wise man defined wisdom as “examining yourself before people

cross- examines you”. So, you need to examine the root of your problem
before you can root away everything that will not allow your root to be
strongly attached to the source. No matter the sweetness of an orange, if it
is mixed with a sour or bad orange, despite the sweetness, the taste must
be affected negatively. So is it when we employ old skills together with new
skills, no matter how great the new skills might be, its full effect will not be
manifested when the old skills are in place.

Jesus knowing fully of the danger it can cause warns that:

Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the
bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the
bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles,
and both are preserved.

Matthew 9 v 17

So, when you put together the old and the new, there is the
possibility of losing both. For your new findings to be initiated, your old
findings must be rejected, not by anyone but by you; because you know
much of yourself and you are the one that can give yourself the best that
you need.

A wise man said, “In order to get into something, you must get out of

Friend, the truth is this: two things cannot walk together except
there is unanimous agreement between them (Amos 3 v 3). So, old things
can only go along with the old things and new things with the new. When
you have accepted to live a new life above satanic harassments, you must
also be ready to accept and adapt to the new rules that will link you
continually to God.

You have lived a beggarly life long enough; it is time for you to live a
wealthy life. Someone out there may be saying why is this young man
speaking this way? But the answer is simply because the source you are
connected to right now is the answer to everything in heaven and on earth,
connoting the unimaginable degree of affluence and wealth he possesses
(Heb. 3 v 4). He has also promised to give you whatsoever you need as far
as you align yourself with His commands (Rom. 8 v 32; Matt. 6 v 33).

When you position yourself according to His commands, He makes a

commander out of you. He has not called you for fun, but for His full
manifestations in your life (Jn. 6 v 44; 15 v 16; 14 v 12; Rom. 8 v 30).

My breakthrough in my secondary school days began after I departed

from my bad friends, and in prayer I located new, encouraging believers
that motivated my potentials. But my challenges were what brought about
my decision to effect a change. Until you see challenges, you cannot be
motivated to find solutions. Until you see oppositions, you cannot be
positioned to face competitions. If you can just put away the old things, you
will surely be very glad that you did.


If there must be a permanent change to a situation, then the Word

of God must always go along with it. The Word of God has the capacity to


surmount every insurmountable situation. Total freedom is rooted in the


Just as when you have a case in the law court with someone, your
freedom will only be determined by the words of the judge, who gives the
final verdict. In this kingdom also, you are faced in a case with the devil, and
your freedom is only determined by the Word of God. Until your freedom is
rooted in the Word, your world will never celebrate your freedom.

Every freedom that is not ruled by God's Word is a pathway to total

damnation, which is because Satan is not looking for the opportunity to
strike, but also to destroy. Until he succeeds in striking you, he cannot
succeed in destroying you (Jn. 10 v 10; Prov. 18 v 14).

To be fully persuaded that total freedom is a function of the Word of

God, it is written:

And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you

John 8 v 32

So, your knowledge of the truth is very crucial to your freedom. What
you know will always correspond to what you’ve accessed, what you’ve
accessed will always correspond to what you can possess, and what you
can possess will equally correspond to what you can assign. Until you
possess it, it is not your own; and until it is yours, you cannot assign it. That
is, a word you cannot possess you cannot make effective use of.

The word ''truth'' according to that scripture is directly proportional

to the Word of God. How do I know?

...the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and
they are life.

John 6 v 63

Jesus said that His words are spirit, but what kind of spirit was He
referring to? In John chapter 14 verses 17, the Bible tells us that it is the

“Spirit of Truth”. It therefore means that if God’s Word is a spirit and the
spirit is known as the Spirit of Truth, then His words are ‘words of truth’.

The Bible said that, in the mouth of two or three witnesses every
word is confirmed. So, to validate this truth on what the Word of God
represents, let’s consider another scriptural passage:

…the devil… speaketh a lie… for he is a liar, and the

father of it.

John 8 v 44

Now, if Jesus called the devil a liar (which is true), it implies that His
words are the truth; because the devil opposes the things of God. It is
revealed in John chapter 8 v 45 that Jesus said, I tell you the truth, that is,
“My words are words of truth, and it is this words of truth that I speak that
guarantees your liberty from every Satanic hold against your life and

A word you cannot get, you cannot make use of; it is the word which
you’ve received that can truly add benefits to your life.

In conjunction with John 8 v 32, the Bible says that,

Until the time that his word came: the word of the
LORD tried him.

... and let him go free.

Psalm 105 v 19-20

Therefore, if the truth can set you free as well as the Word of God,
then both are the same. Until there is a visitation, there will never be a
manifestation. Until there is a receivement, there will never be an
achievement; and your freedom is rooted in your receivement.

I declare your freedom from every satanic siege against your life and
destiny in Jesus’ name.


One Word from God is all you need to change your world. It takes His
Word to build your world. Until you give Him His place, you cannot have
your place. How deep a tree is rooted will correspond to how strong the
tree becomes to be uprooted. In the same light, how deep you are rooted
in the Word of God will always correspond to how strong you become for
the devil to handle.

Until you become a partaker of His Word, you cannot become a

partaker of His blessings. Until His Word becomes a stepping stone, you will
only end up on slippery ground. Every lifting you enjoy in life is a function of
the elevation of His Word. When this Word stops having value in your life,
His work equally stops adding value to your life.

It is foolishness to be disobeying the manual of a product, and still

expect the good running of that product. In this kingdom, it is also
foolishness to be disobeying the Word of God and still expect the good
hand of God over your life.

Your value for His Word will determine your value before men. Until
you value His Word, you'll remain valueless in life.

The Word of God is a major pre-requisite for deliverance from

destruction (Ps. 107 v 20). The level at which you understand His Word
determines the level at which you outstand men in this world. Until there is
a rod, there can never be a rule. Until there is a Word, there cannot be a
world (Heb. 11 v 3). Until you get the rod of this Word, you cannot rule your
world (Ps. 110 v 2).

In John chapter 14 verses 6, the Bible says:

Jesus saith... I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE: no

man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

For Jesus to say that He is not only the truth but also the ‘life’, it
implies that both He and His Word are the same, because His words are
‘spirit’ and they are ‘life’. So, if Jesus is the Truth and the Truth is the Word
of God, then they all have the same capacity to make free (Jn. 3 v32, 36; Ps.

105 v 19-20). Another reason why Jesus is the Word of God is evident in
John chapter 1 verses 14, which says;

And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH and dwelt among

us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the ONLY
BEGOTTEN of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

However, the reason why am showing us these tips is for us to have a

better understanding of where freedom can be accessed.

A wise man said, “The understanding of your root and identity is very
crucial in the building of your purpose.” Until you understand the capability
of God's Word and the supremacy of Christ, you'll remain unable to change
life’s situations in your favour. The value of a word is noted by the value of
the individual delivering the word. Somebody once said, “There are marks
that must distinguish you in the kingdom before you can make a mark on
the earth”. And until the Word locates you, you cannot have the mark that
makes for distinction in life.

Paul said:

From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my

body the marks of the Lord Jesus.

Galatians 6 v 17

Before I decided to change my friends, I came to the understanding,

that until Lot departed from Abraham, the communication link between
God and Abraham seized (Gen. 13 v 14)! I also realized that until the death
of king Uzziah, Isaiah never saw God (Isa. 6 v 1) – though, I will not explain
that in this chapter! The Word of God is all you need to teach you on how
to go about the things of life.

David said that through the Word of God he has become wiser than
his enemies, and has more understanding than all his teachers (Ps. 119 v 98
- 99). Until I decided to obey the Word of God concerning the company I
kept, I never stood out among my peers.


The LORD spoke to Joshua on the pathway to succeed in his work,

and He said:

This BOOK of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth,
but thou shalt MEDITATE therein day and night, that
thou mayest OBSERVE to DO according to ALL that is
written therein: for then THOU shall MAKE thy way
prosperous, and then THOU shalt HAVE good success.

Joshua 1 v 8

“This Book” as referred in the scripture above is the Word of God

which has been packaged in a book called the BIBLE. So, until the Book
departs from you, you can still meditate on it; until you meditate on it, you
cannot observe it; until you observe it, you cannot do it; and until you do it,
you cannot enjoy prosperity and success; not just success, but a good

His Book is all you need for your book to be opened; because until
His book concerning you is opened, your book cannot be opened for men
to see your glorious destiny. Until your book is opened, you have not begun
your existence; and until you begin your existence, you merely exist.

Until you meditate on His Word, you cannot understand His Word,
and until you understand His Word, you cannot make use of the same.
Meditation will always precede understanding. How you observe what you
meditate determines how you understand what you meditate.

In that scripture, you will notice that God was saying that you shall
meditate on His Word day and night, but why? It continued by saying,
because it will help you observe to do… do what? Do all that is written in
His Word. And when you do them what do you derive? You derive making a
prosperous move to success, and not just success but good success.

To meditate in His Word day and night does not necessary mean to
study the Bible from morning to night, but to be very close to His Word all
the time so that you can have ready answers to the situations of life.

God has no problem changing your story for good, He is only seeking
for those who can maintain the change and not abuse it. When a person is
given money from his father for instance, he only end up spending the
money without planning, but leave him to work for the money and he will
think twice before using the money.

The quality of life you enjoy is a product of the quality of choice you
make, because life itself is a choice. The choice you make today will always
correspond to the future you create tomorrow.

Some are trying to make it by strength, while others are making it

already by grace – the choice is yours. The level of His Word in you will
determine the level of grace that will be outpoured on you.

Paul said: plus my labour, plus His grace has made me to be above
my equal. So, your labour (strength) without the grace of God can only lead
to stress.

Esau according to the scriptures was a skillful hunter, but because he

lacked the grace of God in His life, he was able to hunt and not able to
cook; that is, he was able to go out and work to earn money, but didn’t
know how to use his money wisely. Jacob who was simple and stays in the
tent, who doesn't go out to work (labour) amidst people, but trained sheep
on his own in order to earn savings knew how to use his money wisely, and
that resulted into Jacob lending Esau his money (pottage) so that Esau can
lose his rightful inheritance (Gen. 25 v 27- 34).

Paul said he laboured more abundantly than they all, what kind of
labour? Labouring on what? He was labouring on God's Word in order to
make himself approved before God via the kind of labour that no one of his
equal has laboured for God’s kingdom (2 Tim. 2 v 15; 1 Cor. 15 v 10).

Why are we considering the grace of God in this context? It's simply
because without His grace your labour is only a wasted effort.

Terah, the father of Abraham desired to go to the land of Canaan by

strength, but his life was cut off on the way. He tried to enter, but strength
was not a qualifier to enjoying the blessings of God. Grace met Abraham

and he entered into the land flowing with milk and honey. If not for grace,
how will Abraham enter where his father could not enter (considering his
inexperience as to where the land of Canaan was located)? So, the labour
of Terah was useless provided grace was absent (Gen. 11 v 31-32; 12 v 1, 5).

The Word of God is your greatest asset to enjoy an unusual


Until He sends His Word, there cannot be healing; and until you
enjoy the healing power of His Word, you cannot be delivered from
destruction (Ps. 107 v 20). So, whenever the Word of God locates a man,
deliverance is in view.

Deliverance does not only imply freedom or liberty, but also talks
about possessing or receiving something that rightfully belongs to you.

Joseph enjoyed freedom by the Word of God (Ps. 105 v 19 - 20), but
he enjoyed a divine possession that led to his freedom.

Now the question is: what was this divine possession that Joseph

...Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the

Spirit of God is?

Genesis 41 v 38

Therefore, the Spirit of God is the conveyor or interpreter of the

Word of God. Until He processes His Word in you, your inner man cannot
enjoy what it takes to possess God's inheritance. What then does your
inner man needs to enjoy? It is the quickening of your mortal body, so that
you can access or receive that which rightly belongs to you.

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the

dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the
dead shall also QUICKEN your mortal bodies by his
Spirit that dwelt in you.

Romans 8 v 11

If the Holy Spirit does not reveal his Word to you, you are doomed
for life. Without his leading in this present age, you'll remain helpless.

In the beginning, after God had created all that He created, the Bible
records that it was formless, void and darkness became a mockery before
Him, but when the Spirit of the LORD moved upon the face of the waters
that is, the Word of God, (even Jesus Christ according to Ephesians chapter
5 verse 26, and John chapter 1 verse 14,) there was a quickening of the Son
of God in God’s creative work. When God saw that everything was ready
according to Genesis chapter 1 verse 3, God said, “let there be light…”, and
because the Holy Spirit has perfected everything, the Bible said, “…and
there was light”. But God never relaxed; rather He waited to see the
difference between the former and the present creation. And the Bible
declares that “God saw the light, and it was good” (Gen. 1 v 4).

After everything had been created, the Bible also recorded that God
compared the former creation with the present, “and behold, it was not
only good, but was very good” (Gen. 1 v 31).

Therefore, the foundation for change must be rooted in the Word of

God as presented by His Spirit.

My testimonies in life are rooted in His Word. There were times in

my life when things just get lost for no good reason, but when I discovered
my inheritance by redemption that until I give up concerning anything it
can never be said to have lost, things began to change for me in that area.

There was a time I left my GSM phone which I liked so much inside
my dad’s car seat with the window opened, and it was parked outside the
house because I wanted to take something from the house. When I entered
the house to take what I forgot, something else came up that needed an
urgent attention; while attending to that, I forgot that the car was still
parked outside. When I remembered that the car was not only parked
outside, but that the windows were opened with my GSM phone on the
seat, I was amazed and as I was trying to rush out to take my phone, the


Spirit of the LORD ministered to me that I shouldn't panic because he had

taken care of it via the ministry of angels (Ps. 91 v 11-12).

When I was through with my activities inside the house, I went to

where I parked the car, lo and behold, some neighbours were outside their
houses having some discussions, thus no stranger was able to come around
and lay hold on my goods. You can't rely on the Word and fall a victim of
shame and reproach.

I was doing a particular work at another time and later paused for a
while, when I decided to start the work from where I stopped, I couldn't
find the book where I documented the work process. But the Spirit of the
LORD ministered to me to take another book and write down the process
again. Though, it was somewhat difficult because I felt I couldn't get exactly
the same idea as the former, but I had to obey because He that has spoken
in the former times is still the one speaking.

As I set out and was documenting the process in another book, I was
enlightened in my heart concerning my bag, which I have been opening and
looking at the book, yet could not notice what I was looking at; and
immediately I said within myself, it should be there. Then, the Spirit of God
said to me, “Check the bag quickly, because it is very important”. When I
opened the bag I saw the book lying helplessly inside the bag, I took it and
was exceedingly filled with joy and glorified God.

Now, if I never adhered to His command to take a new book, the

former book wouldn't have been found. Until, you obey His command, you
can't be a commander in your world.

Sometimes, we study the Word of God by thinking through our

intellectual mind instead of the spiritual mind; the intellectual mind like the
testimony above, only give reasons why it is not possible to redo the work
and thus end up receiving nothing (1 Cor. 2 v 14). Every spiritual blessing
can only be received on the platform of spiritual consciousness (1 Cor. 2 v

When I was younger, I went to read the Bible using my carnal mind,
after a series of study I could not access any truth but studied based on the

letter and story reading. In church, scriptural quotations from where I have
read would be called, but to my amazement it was looking very new (as
though I have never read it before).

Later, I read some anointed books that taught me how to study God's
Word, since then, I discovered how to understand the Word of God by the
help of the Holy Spirit. From that time, I have had an unusual knowledge
which helps me to beat every intellectual crammer of Scripture. The
efficacy of the Word of God cannot be over- emphasized. It takes the help
of the Spirit of God to receive the things of God, because He knows the
deep secrets of God and will only reveal it to willing minds (Jn. 7 v 37-39; 1
Cor. 2 v 10).

It is my prayer that as you accept the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and
you acknowledge Him as the best and great Teacher of your life, every
problem that Satan has imposed against your life will be rolled away by the
Word of God (as revealed to you by His Spirit), in Jesus precious name.


Who against hope believed in hope, that he

might become the father of many nations,
according to that which was spoken, so shall thy
seed be.

Romans 4 v 18

Hope is having confidence in the future; it is to believe that there is a

way out, not minding the situations around you. Hope is also believing on
the accomplishment of a certain task, not minding the times and season.

However, hope does not work without faith. In fact, both are twin
forces in the spirit realm, that is, faith and hope is correspondent to one
another. The Bible passage above puts the word believe inside of hope,
that is, “he believed in hope”, which means that hope partners with faith in
order to produce results.


Until you build up hope, neglecting the circumstances you find

yourself in, you cannot see a glorious future.

Although, Abraham’s hope was failing – “who against hope…” – yet

he kept creating hope within himself – “believed in hope” – in order to keep
him going in the faith.

Until you create hope for living, you can never cope in the affairs of
this life; and until you cope, you have no room to overcome. Have you not
heard that it is the survival of the fittest? So, if you are not fit, you are not
permitted to survive!

In reality, hope remains the condition for survival on the earth. The
Bible says:

For to him that is joined to all living there is hope:

for a living dog is better than a dead lion.

Ecclesiastes 9 v 4

Hence, a joyful mind is far better than a devastated mind. I believe

this was the reason for the accomplishment of the Word of God to
Abraham. He was always recreating hope in God to keep him going.

The Bible says, “He staggered not at the promise of God” (Rom. 4 v
20); so, not minding the situation surrounding him, he was creating a hope
solution for the change of his difficult situation.

Therefore, you need to hope for a change. Be expectant of new

things to come, and be able to find strategic ways to bring them to
existence. Hope is using the past to create strategic ways to make pace for
the future. Whatever you want to accomplish can be accomplished when
hope is in place.

Job said:

If a man die shall he live again? all the days of

my appointed time will I wait, till my change

Job 14 v 14

That word, “wait” as used in this scripture is another word for

“hope”. It is not being relaxed and doing nothing, rather it is encouraging
yourself and looking forward for what to do in order to see what you want.

If Job was just waiting and doing nothing, nothing would have
changed in his life. Until he prayed for his friends he never encountered any
change. So, Job wasn't resting but always looking for ways out of his
predicaments. If hope can change the story of a man like Job, who lost all
his possessions in one day, then much more will it do for you if you don't
give up.

I have seen people who had given up on their pursuits in life because
of the vicissitudes of life. They tend to ask you: where are the dreams that
God had given me? What a paradox, for a pet to blame its maker! Looking
through such people, you will discover that they don't use their stumbling
blocks to create stepping stones; they overlook their past failures and are
always doing what they feel like doing based on assumptions.

They presume every action they take without adequate knowledge of

the consequences, which is why they’ve ended up imprisoning themselves.
They don't use their past experience to appraise themselves. I'm not saying
you shouldn't overlook your past, but rather use your past failure to create
a new success. How? By asking yourself relevant questions and scrutinizing
your steps and knowing where you've missed it.

One thing I do anytime I experience a failure is to appraise myself,

either by asking myself relevant questions or asking those around me to tell
me what I couldn’t see. The Bible says:

...but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.

And David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech's son,
I pray thee, bring me thither the ephod. And Abiathar
brought thither the ephod to David...

1 Samuel 30 v 6-8

So, David needed the help of others, but their help is only secondary.
First build up hope in yourself, nobody can encourage you more than you
can do for yourself. The scripture above says, David encouraged himself,
even though the people thought to stone him (1 Sam. 30 v 6). This is why
you must always create in yourself the hope that is needed to keep you
going forward in life.


Until David encouraged himself, he never seek anyone's help; and

until he sought for their help he never went forward. So, encouragement at
its first level begins with you. As Bishop David Abioye said, “You are your
greatest friend, as well as your greatest enemy”. And Dr. Fredrick K.C Price
added, “If I fail, it is my fault; if I succeed, it is my fault.”

Bible record shows that David never moved forward until he created
hope and asked relevant questions

...but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.

And David enquired at the LORD...

So, David went, he and the six hundred men that were
with him.....''

1 Samuel 30 v 6, 8-9

Therefore, until you succeed in working on yourself, God will not give
you those that will help you fulfill your mission in life. Your destiny has
been given to you to fulfill here on earth and you are the first person to
partake of its fruits. Fulfilling your destiny is not for the good of any man,
but for your own good. So, no man can encourage you to be successful than
you can encourage yourself. And I see your hope paving way for you where
there seems to be no way, in Jesus precious name.

Hope is a major key to the action or attitude you manifest.

Hezekiah in his days was faced with a terrible sickness that could
have led to his death. Prophet Isaiah told him that God has spoken and it is
concluded that he shall die and not live. But he went before God because
something else can be done – there must be a way out! With God every
dead issue can be raised back to life to those who believe! God called Isaiah
again and told him, “hope has given birth, and a change has also taken
place.” Thus God said, “…behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years”
(Isa. 38 v 5).

Hope prevailed over the closed issue of his life. I will add fifteen
[more] years, not months or days – God is too much!

Hope is persisting even though you've encountered failure. A wise

man said, “Every setback is only a setup for a comeback”. So, hope is never
lost when failure has occurred.

Jesus put forth a parable, concerning a widow who went to beckon

on the judge of a city to avenge her of her adversary. The judge had no
regard for God nor for man, yet, because the woman’s hope was not cut off
by reason of his stubbornness and arrogant attitude, the judge became
subject to the woman for the very first time! (Lk. 18 v 1-7)

Friend, hope is the major asset that will boost you into achieving your
desired end.

Your destiny is too great to be missed. Your future is too colourful to

be ignored. Your generation is looking up to you, and it will be a shame and
a mockery to disappoint them.

Everything around you is saying to you, “You can make it, keep
going”. Your destiny is saying, “Keep coming, I have been waiting for you”.
So, don't give up when you can go up. Until you give up there is still hope
for going up. Hence, keep at that dream you’ve received, and with time it
will come to pass if you refuse to give up.

When the going gets tough only the tough keeps going. I decree
concerning you that you shall fulfill destiny in Jesus precious name.

The major difference between the poor and the rich, the great men
and the ordinary men are their attitude after they have encountered
failure. One sits down to analyze where he has missed it without knowing,
while the other (being proud) conclude that everything necessary has been
done and fate is only cheating on him.

One of the wonderful definitions of failure I like is that, “it is an

opportunity to start off more intelligently.”

So, your case is not a closed case because the LORD will make a way
where there seems to be no way. Every closed issue around your life that
has been ordained to catapult you to the top is hereby declared open in
Jesus name.

Hear what the LORD is saying unto you that have been threatened by
the vicissitudes of life:

Remember ye not the former things (forget it), neither

consider the things of old (don’t use the former things to
negotiate for your future).


Behold I will do a new thing (your future is far beautiful

than the present happenings in your life, and I will give
it to you); now it shall spring forth (not tomorrow, but
starting from now that you have discovered); shall ye
not know it (will it be hidden from you)? I will even
make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert
(of course, you shall know it, because the effect of any
change is obvious).

Isaiah 43 v 18-19 (emphasis added)

Praise God! There is still hope for a better future. The best in you is
yet to be unleashed! What your generation has long waited for is coming to
pass shortly in your life.

God said, “I (not anyone else) will do a new thing.” That doesn’t
mean you should do nothing, because faith without work is dead (James 2 v
20). But be fully assured that God will cause you to have a new song, new
story, new lifting, and new placement in Jesus precious name.

He went on to say: “now it shall spring forth”. This statement is not

negotiable. He said, “I will do a new thing”, but there was a burning desire
in God to prove what He has said, so He went on to say, “now it shall spring
forth (not tomorrow), and let Me see the devil that can stop it from

That statement is not just a mere statement; it is an authoritative

statement from the heart of God wanting immediate performance, which
the gates of hell must give way to.

God does not say what he cannot do; neither is he a partial God. He
says what He means and means what He says; there is no two ways about
it. God said concerning what He has spoken that:

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:

it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish
that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
where to I sent it.

Isaiah 55 v 11

Therefore, am not just trying to comfort you, but I want you to be

quickened by the Word of God, knowing the promises of God that lie ahead
of you in this life (Heb. 4 v 12).

God started to list the new things He is about to do in that book of

Isaiah chapter 43 verse 19, ranging from making a way in the wilderness to
making rivers in the desert. This means changing impossibilities to chief

A wilderness is a place which is not inhabited by anybody; the only

possible thing that can be done there is farming (that is, if it is possible).
And provided that it is not inhabited, it has neither road nor houses, yet
God said a way shall miraculously appear according to My Word.

To show us a practical example, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the
wilderness purposely to show us that God will surely confirm His Word.
And indeed, God proved His Word with signs unbeatable.

Jesus kept saying what was written in scriptures. The Bible said,
“…and the devil departed from him…” immediately a way was made
obvious (Lk. 4 v 13).

The opposite of the word “depart” is “arrive”, so when the

circumstances departed, the way arrived. Not that there was no way before
the temptation, but it takes sensitivity in the Spirit to know it, because:

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is

common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer
you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with
the temptation also make A WAY to escape, that ye
may be able to bear it .

1 Corinthians 10 v 13

The latter part of that verse said, “but will with the temptation also
make a way to escape”, or “but with the temptation will also make a way to
escape”, which means every temptation has its solution attached to it. So,
whenever you are face to face with challenges, have it at the back of your
mind that God has already made a way out of it and that way is in you, and
only you can bear it.

Jesus used the way available in Him and overcame all the obstacles
on His way and immediately the way in His inside was manifest on the

Shortly after His victory in the wilderness, the Bible said, He returned
in the power of the spirit into Galilee, and fame of him went out through all

the surrounding region (Lk. 4 v 14). Not that fame of him went out through
all His region, but together with the surrounding region! Indeed, the LORD
will make a way in the wilderness.

Jesus instantly became the talk of the people and of His world! Until
He passed through that stumbling block He never discovered purpose. The
scriptures made it clear that when He came to Nazareth, in the synagogue
He opened the Book and instantly He saw His vision, and from there He
started doing what no man has ever done (Lk. 4 v 16-22).

What you are facing now is not enough reason to quit, because the
reason for accomplishment is always greater than the reason to quit your
pursuit. Imagine all what Jesus would have missed both here on earth and
in heaven. His fame and the spread of His kingdom which is still spreading
mightily than any business or any organization you can think of wouldn’t
have been possible. His name which was glorified after the temptation till
tomorrow wouldn’t have been possible (Lk. 4 v 14-15).

So, you don’t have an excuse not to succeed. Not even the devil is
your problem. Because you have been given the keys of heaven and earth,
thus whatever you permit here, heaven will have no choice than to stand in
attention (Matt. 16 v 19). What you decide on earth determines what
heaven will deliver unto you. Make a decision not to quit, winners don’t
quit and quitters don’t win.

You have gone very far in this journey of life; you can’t afford to miss
this golden opportunity that will usher you into your golden ground of
greatness. You are already near the hidden gold of greatness, you can’t quit
digging because someone else will come and finish the work; and you know
what? He who does the work determines he who receives the crown.

When David killed Goliath not minding that Saul had killed some of the
Philistines before Goliath surfaced, yet David who killed only one person
got the crown. I am not surprised that should be why God gave David the
crown of a king, because who he killed was ten times above the philistines
whom Saul had killed. David found the golden opportunity that Saul dug
half-way and maximized it by digging it to the end. After he found and
pursued it, both God and men crowned him as a king.

Even God Himself cannot support you to take another man’s crown.
He never supported Saul’s plan to take the crown of David from him. That

was why Jonathan, the son of Saul was subject to David as a king before he

The crown that has been reserved for your glorious destiny may you
never miss it, in the name of Jesus. Hear what the LORD is saying:

Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth?

saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the
womb? saith thy God.

Isaiah 66 v 9

This implies that God who has created you will not leave you
unfruitful, and as He causes you to be fruitful He will also make your
fruitfulness meaningful.

Some are productive, yet their productivity has been kept in

obscurity. Don’t you remember the story of Jacob? He served Laban for
twenty years, yet his productivity was not meaningful. It was just hanging in
the hand of Laban who cheated him on every side. But, when his
productivity became meaningful, he had enough to give to his brother Esau
(Gen. 32 v 13-15).

God is saying to you, “because I have caused you to be given birth to,
I will as well cause you to be fruitful; and because I have caused you to be
fruitful, I will also establish your fruitfulness.”

Therefore, you are not a biological accident (existing by chance), but

you are God’s divine plan for the end-time church according to this
manuscript (existing by a divine choice). And you know what? It is God’s
purpose that shall stand, but you have a role to play. God has not given up
on you, but when you give up He has no choice than to quit in your case:
because faith without work is dead (Lam. 3 v 37; James 2 v 20).

Let’s now go back to where we stopped before describing the

wilderness. God also mentioned making rivers in the desert.

A desert is a place where you can find little or no water, as we see

why God says, he will make rivers there (Isa. 43 v 19). Only few plants
survived there because of their ability to store water for a long time after
the rainy season. All these illustrations are for us to have a better
understanding of the magnitude of what God is saying.


“I will make rivers” (not ditches, neither wells, nor even streams, but
rivers). Look at that word very well: I will make rivers, not river (talking
about one, but rivers i.e. two or more) in the desert. That is, there will be
no lack of what is required to sustain life. Rivers of water shall be seen on
every side of the desert.

The human body alone constitutes about 60% of water. And the least
number of rivers possible in that scripture is two. Which means for every
way made in the wilderness, two rivers shall accompany it to the desert.

Now, if a way is made in the wilderness and originally a wilderness

has no road, nor houses and farming hardly take place there, it means that
because of the way created, people will come to inhabit it and farm on it.
And when the people dwelling there feed, there is an assurance of water to
keep their stay enjoyable. Of course, man cannot live with food alone as he
can with water. So, to balance the equation God made two rivers available
for one way or for a field of farmland. Indeed, our God is a master planner.

When God meets your need in this two areas: the wilderness and the
desert, everything that you have been looking forward to, will have no
other choice than to be subdued before you.

It was in the case of water that Moses failed in his test of faith. I am
sure before the Israelites started complaining he was also thirsty, but must
have been enduring it. So, when God told him to speak to the rock, out of
his high thirst for water, he struck the rock twice. Hear what the Bible says:

Then came the children of Israel, even the whole

congregation, into the desert of Zin in the first month:
and the people abode in Kadesh; and Miriam died there
and was buried there.

And there was no water for the congregation: and they

gathered themselves together against Moses and
against Aaron.

And the people chode with Moses, and spake, saying,

would God that we had died when our brethren died
before the LORD!

And why have ye brought the congregation of the

LORD into this wilderness, that we and our cattle should
die there?

And wherefore have ye made us to come up out of

Egypt, to bring us in unto this evil place? it is no place of
seed or figs, or of vines, or of pomegranates; neither is
there any water to drink…

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together,

thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the
rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth its water,
and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the
rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their
beasts drink.

And Moses took the rod from before the LORD, as he

commanded him.

And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation

together before the rock, and he said unto them, hear
now ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?

And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote
the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly,
and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.

Numbers 20 v 1-5, 7-11

See how important water is to man! The Israelites were complaining

starting from food and lastly to water, but God provided water to
supplement for their desires and kept them going.

God’s expectation or desire is to give you an expected end (Jer. 29 v

11). So, in this end time era of the church, He is not only providing water
but also food supernaturally.

The wilderness is in lack of food and the desert is in lack of water. So,
both of them can supplement for each other. Therefore, when you are in
the wilderness of life, know that there is already a way out, when the
desert seems to weary you, also know that rivers are available all around
you and when you are in both, it is a work over, because one will
supplement the other .

See what the Bible says you will look like when you enjoy these new
things God had promised you:


...he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water,

that bringeth forth his fruits in his season; his leaf also
shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Psalm 1 v 3

So, be rest assured that you still have a place at the top, and the God
of heaven will surely see you through.

Faith is the winning ticket in a Christian’s life here on earth. It is the
spiritual ticket used to buy goods from the spiritual market. It is what
carries the attractive force that will always command the attention of
divinity. It is the paper you present for the clearance of your goods in the
spirit realm. It is the element of living – it is what makes life enjoyable
(Hab.2 v 4; Heb. 11 v 6; Mk. 5 v 5-6; Acts 14 v 3-10).

Everything you will ever require in your life is in your redemptive

package, but there is nothing in your redemptive package that you can take
delivery of without faith!

Faith is superior to hope! The Bible describes faith as a substance,

that is, it is touchable and handleable; while hope is what you have not
seen but anticipating it to come (Heb. 11 v 1). So, faith is what converts
hope to a substance.

Faith is to believe in God’s Word, thereby, committing Him into the

affairs of your life. According to Bishop Oyedepo, “It is a partnership with
the invisible, in order to command the impossible”. It is what empowers a
man to operate in the class of God. It is the spiritual force that converts
humanity to divinity (1 Tim. 3 v 9; Dan. 3 v 16-18; Eph. 2 v 6, 8).

Biblically, we know that faith cometh by the understanding of

scriptures, which is the voice behind the letters of the Word of God. In the
letter realm – which is the information realm – you know what it is, but you
can’t touch it, so you keep hoping and desiring without seeing or having
your desires delivered unto you. Therefore, the information realm gives
hope while the revelation realm gives faith. This means that hope comes by
the information of the Word, while faith comes by the revelation of the
Word (Isa. 34 v 16; 2 Cor. 3 v 6; Rom. 14 v 23; 6 v 23).

The purpose for this detailed explanation on the subject of faith is to

help us see how faith is connected to hope, and the value of faith in our
Christian walk. We have seen how hope can create in us the urge for
persistence, however, now we will see how faith can make our persistence

Now, faith is a force for triumph in any conflict of life. Faith always
triumphs wherever and whenever it is implemented. When we have caused
our hope to keep us going neglecting the circumstances of life, it is faith
that will bring our way the things we have being hoping for.

So, persistence is hope, while productivity is faith. And faith is our

major key for victory in the world (1 Jn. 5 v 4).

Speaking concerning Abraham, the Bible says:

Who against hope believed in hope, that he might

become the father of many nations, according to that
which was spoken, so shall thy seed be.

Romans 4 v 18

That is, your persistence in life is what brings about your

productivity. “Who against hope” – when all hope was lost – “believed in
hope”: faith was creating hope within him when there was no more reason
to keep hoping that anything good can surface out of his marital life.

When Abraham was depending only on hope, he never encounter a

turnaround, but when he combined hope with faith a miracle was born. So,
faith must be in partnership with hope, as well as hope with faith to bring
forth the desired result.

The same way an eggshell is the protective covering of the chick,

faith is the protective covering of the destinies of believers (Eph. 6 v 16). So,
it protects you as you persevere to achieve your goals in life. Faith is the
ability to trust in God’s capability to fulfill His Word in your life as you
persevere for the achievement of your goals.

The Bible says study to show thyself approved unto God (2 Tim. 2 v
15). The word “study” here means to “practice”; and as the adage goes
“practice makes perfect”. Now, practice is a continuous approach to
achieve perfection, which also refers to perseverance. So, when you
persevere you are already showing your commitment for God’s approval.

As studying is work, perseverance is also work, that’s why in continuation

the Bible says, “…a workman”.

Every work has its payment and every labour its wages. As a
workman with hope of a glorious future, believe that God will approve your
good work and your payment will not be delayed. If mere men will pay you
for a work well done, how much more will your heavenly father who has
the heaven and the earth for a possession pay you for a work well done.

Though you have failed in the past, believe that as you take another
step forward, this time, God will approve your work and bless you. Even if
you are ashamed of doing it again because of the mockery of men, tell
yourself that “I am going back again and standing on the authority of God’s
Word I will be approved”. Remember, God does not approve any kind of
workman but a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, how? Rightly
dividing the word of truth, that is by discharging his duties appropriately (2
Tim. 2 v 15).

So, faith is what makes your perseverance approved before God.

Hope is what gives you the energy for continuity, while faith gives you the
energy for celebration. Hope is the force of persistence, while faith is the
force of triumph. Hope gives you the motive to do something, while faith
gives you the motion for accomplishment; and you cannot enjoy promotion
without motion. Until you begin to give your dreams motion, you cannot
enjoy its promotion.

Nothing happens by chance. Every happening in life is a product of

the conscious choice of the individual. There is nothing like luck, because it
cannot make an individual fulfill his destiny. If you live life on the platform
of luck, your destiny will be locked! The destinies of men have been locked
up in lack because they think life is a product of luck. Blessings does not just
fall on an individual, blessings are products of the choices we make (Deut.
30 v 19).

Faith is to believe in the choice you’ve made, and thereby expecting

the result. Your choice of yesterday determines your course for today. Life
is a product of the choices we make. Nothing happens by chance, rather
your choice of yesterday will create your chance for today, and until you
have a chance today, you will never be able to make a choice today that will
create another chance for you tomorrow. So, the choice is yours to believe
in the glorious future God has ordained for you. Let your choice have a

scriptural backing, so that your faith in His Word will approve your work in

Faith is not head work, it is heart work. For my thoughts are not your
thoughts, neither are your ways my ways (Isa. 55 v 11). Until your thoughts
are in line with His thoughts and your ways with His, you never enjoy what
He has packaged for the redeemed.

Hear this, faith is not dependent on your head, but on your heart.

Trust in the LORD with ALL THINE HEART; and lean not
unto thine own understanding.


direct thy paths.

Proverbs 3 v 5-6

So, for your faith to produce maximally, must you trust in the LORD
with one of your hearts, or some of your heart, or half of your heart? No,
no, no; it must be with all of your heart, without looking back like Lot’s wife
who paid with her life.

God will never direct you if you don’t depend on His ways. “In all
thine ways acknowledge Him”, means that though you have your own way,
but you should follow His own way. How then can we follow His ways?
Jesus speaking in John 14 v 6 says,

I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh

unto the father, except by me.

Therefore, we can follow His ways by following after Jesus, His son.

But without faith it is impossible to please him (God)…

Hebrews 11 v 6

Your access to God is through Jesus Christ, so your faith must pass
through Jesus Christ for approval, and then He takes it to the Father. And
because the Father delights in His Son He is automatically pleased. But, how
do we know we are following after our LORD Jesus Christ?

And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us

(and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only
begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth.

John 1 v 14

So, the Word of God (Bible) is Jesus represented in written form,

because He is the only begotten of the Father (Jn. 3 v 16). You therefore
search the scriptures and get acquainted with His ways; thereby you
naturally begin to exhibit His acts (Jn. 5 v 39; Ps. 103 v 7).

Friend, until your faith is in place, your hope no matter how relevant
will be displaced. It takes faith to lay hold of what you have laid down. It
takes faith to be in charge of the challenges of life (1 Jn. 5 v 4). It takes faith
for the Word to work. It takes faith for you to be a news maker and not a
news caster. It takes fear for your news to cast you out, but it takes faith for
your news to make you (1 Sam. 17 v 34-36; 18 v 6-7).

God is the maker of men, but until you have faith He cannot make
you whom He had created you to be. Until your faith is based on His Word,
your faith cannot command His works.

I decree concerning someone, that your long awaited change of

story has finally come. Whatever has become a concern to you, by your
faith – because God cannot lie and He has highly magnified His Word above
all His name – is dissolved this hour. By faith I decree the release of every of
your hanging blessings. Hear me right now, the prince of this world – the
devil – has no power over your life, and God has called you for glory and
dignity, therefore from this time, your glory and dignity in Christ shall be
evident for all to see. Whatsoever is not permitted in the covenant, from
this time, is not permitted in your life again, in Jesus precious name.

There are certain things in life that will never bow to you except you
learn to bow before God. There are haughty things that will never agree to
serve you until you learn to serve God. There are dangerous things that will
not agree to evade from you until you invite God. There are difficult things
that will not agree to cut-off from you until you catch-up with God. There
are malignant things that will not move away from you until you magnet
yourself to God. There are beautiful things that will not attach to you unless
you attract God. There are glorious things that will not glue to you except
you glow for God. There are wonderful things that will not approve you
except you approach God. There are certain things that will hate you until

you have a heart for God. There are great things that will neglect you until
you engage God. There are marvelous things that will mock you unless you
move God. There are honourable things that will shun you until you shine
for God. There are praiseful things that will oppress you until you please

Beautiful as all the other ingredients are, kingdom service can make
God do whatever has never been done before. Kingdom service can make
God stand in place of an individual or people. Kingdom service can make
God announce your fame abroad.

Servicing His kingdom will make Him to service your life. Servicing
His kingdom will make men to serve you. Being a servant in His kingdom
will make you a master in your world. Being a servant before Him is a
shortcut to being a master before men.

The level at which you serve God will determine the level at which
you get gold. The level at which you love God determines the level at which
you move God. The level at which you follow God determines the level at
which men follow you.

All these expressions are to help us in a great deal to understand

kingdom service and the things following.

In Exodus 3, the children of Israel were in bondage and under the

affliction of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, when God came for their rescue
using a man called Moses. Notwithstanding all the miracles that were done
before Pharaoh and the Egyptians, he refused to let go of them.

God Himself acknowledged in Exodus chapter 3 verses 19, that

Pharaoh would not let them go, not even by a mighty hand. You can then
imagine how difficult it was for the children of Israel to leave Egypt.

Pharaoh was standing as their most difficult challenge and as a

mountain hindering their breakthroughs. But, if a mighty hand cannot
convince Pharaoh, then which hand will? The Almighty hand which
supersedes other hands of the mighty was the only requirement and God
proved Himself as indeed the Almighty.

In Exodus 12, God set the children of Israel loosed from the hands of
Pharaoh and all the Egyptians and like I said earlier, “the level at which you
serve God determines the level at which you get gold”, God made the

Egyptians to be urgent on the Israelites to go, so that all that they

requested for was granted unto them (Ex. 12 v 35-36).

As earlier said, “there are difficult things that will not cut-off from
you until you catch-up with God”. Though Pharaoh and his people were
urgent on the Israelites to go, yet they went after the Israelites after they
have left the land of Egypt, and guess why? That they might serve them (Ex.
14 v 5); if mere men could not let the people that were serving them go
away, how much more the Almighty God!

Service has a strong attractive force that attracts the attention of

both God and man.

Now, God wanted the Israelites to serve Him as well (Ex. 3 v 12; 14 v
15). The Israelites have been caught-up with God by consenting to the voice
of Moses to go and serve the LORD. God then decided to cut-off Pharaoh
and all his men from His own people, so that they would serve Him in the
place where He had ordained. So, Pharaoh and all his men were drowned in
the red sea (Ex. 14 v 27-28).

God will not sit down and watch His kingdom servants suffer
afflictions and oppressions. All through the scriptures, God never
manifested Himself as He did in the midst of the children of Israel! Why? No
other reason other than that they should serve Him, what a surprise! God is
no respecter of persons, He does not joke with His kingdom servants and
He will not joke with your commitment to His Kingdom.

Men that serve God always end up being served by men. Men that
honour God will always end up being honoured by men. Men that glorify
God will always end up being glorified among men. If you serve Him you are
also entitled to His glory. Serving God is not a must; serving God is a choice,
but why did God made it a choice? Because service to God makes God to
also serve men! It gives God more tasks to do towards men than the usual,
therefore, God left it as a choice (Josh. 24 v 15).

With this knowledge in mind of the value of kingdom service, I will

urge you to quickly look for a service unit in the Church where you belong,
and begin to serve God. Service in the Church is what makes for cheap
enthronement in the kingdom. Look out for avenues to serve God in your
local Church, because only the labourer is worthy of his hire (Lk. 10 v 7).

Come to think of it, how will God serve you and ordinary men be
watching and doing nothing? Impossible! If God will serve you because of
your kingdom service to Him, all men will come serving you. Of a truth,
God’s major avenue of serving those that serves Him is by getting men to
serve them.

Hear this, kingdom service is not a religious rite; it is your covenant

access to kingdom dignity. It is not a must; it is a choice and those who
makes this conscious choice always end up chosen by men.

Kingdom service is not just a religious activity; it is an activity that

brings about connectivity with divinity.

You don’t need to end up a beggar when you can be a lender. You
don’t need to be frustrated when you can be so fortunate. These things are
just little things that we do ignore, and thus end up destroyed. Just look out
for a service unit in your Church and be joined with them as a committed
member. You cannot serve God in His vineyard and your vineyard lack

In second Chronicles chapter 20, the Bible said that Jehoshaphat

appointed singers unto the LORD that should praise Him in the beauty of
holiness – that is service. Kingdom service makes the presence of God
obvious in the life of an individual. See what happened:

And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD

set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab
and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and
they were smitten.

For the children of Ammon and Moab stood up against

the inhabitants of mount Seir, utterly to slay and
destroy them; and when they had made an end of the
inhabitants of Seir, everyone helped to destroy another.

And when Judah came toward the watch tower in the

wilderness, they looked unto the multitude, and, behold
they were dead bodies fallen to the earth, and none

2 Chronicles 20 v 22-24

That was the manifold presence of God at war for the sake of His
servants. God became the fighter of the day. Service makes the battles of

life sweet! You only relax and see God in action. You will not be frustrated
when you are a kingdom servant, because before you come to the scene of
the battle, God will have finished the battle on your behalf and still give you
the credit. If praise can be equated to service as in this place, we can state

And as they began to serve, the LORD set


God is setting ambushment against your enemies this time. Those

that have plotted evil against you will be smitten. Those that have gathered
against you will not escape death, in Jesus precious name.

As I said earlier, there are beautiful things that will not attach to you
until you attract God. When they attracted the presence of God in their

Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the

spoil of them, they found among them in abundance
both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels,
which they stripped off for themselves, more than they
could carry away: and they were three days in
gathering of the spoil, it was so much.

2 Chronicles 20 v 25

Kingdom service makes the beautiful things that the gentiles are
running after to lay down before you. Or don’t you want that kind of
blessing? As for me I want it and I’m enjoying it. Imagine you going to carry
loads of money with great possessions and carrying it for three days! Such
conversion of wealth is not common. It takes service to God for divine
wealth to service your life.

Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil; you cannot
take away what you have not laboured for, except you are a thief! If you
cannot give, you are not permitted to receive. So, they gave away their
service in order to take away the spoil. Until you have something to give to
God, you are not entitled to receive anything from Him. God desires your
service in order to release His blessings.

Shortly, we shall be looking at what we can serve God with, in order

to have a better understanding of this thing called Kingdom Service.


We have three basic tools for serving God which in short form is
“triple T”, (TTT). Let’s now consider these tools one after the other.

This talks about your natural abilities or giftings. It is something you
find yourself doing cheaply without any feeling of stress. It is what makes
your soul merry and keeps you going.

Let’s look at the scripture for more explanation to this:

And all Judah stood before the LORD, with their little
ones, their wives and their children.

And when he had consulted with the people, he

appointed singers unto the LORD, and that should
praise the beauty of holiness, as they went before the
army, and to say, praise the LORD; for His mercy
endureth forever.

2 Chronicles 20 v 13, 21

The whole nation that appeared before the LORD became talented
singers and drummers, using what God had given them to serve Him. They
were using what they have inside of them to get what they desired on the
outside. Serving God with your talent is what gives you access to your
target. You cannot serve God with your talent and end up a tenant.

When you serve God with what He has given you, you end up getting
more from Him (Matt. 13 v 12). You don’t have anything added to you
except you start using the thing within you to serve the Giver of all things.

Moses and the children of Israel served the LORD with their praises
(which was the talent of their being).

And Moses said unto the people, fear ye not, stand still
and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will show
to you today: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen
today, ye shall see them again no more forever.

Exodus 14 v 13

Now, when we compare this verse with what God told Judah in
second Chronicles chapter 20, we will discover that God never told the
people of Judah to praise Him, rather He told them that:

Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves,

stand ye still, and see the salvation of the LORD with
you, O Judah and Jerusalem; Fear not, nor be dismayed;
to morrow go out against them: for the LORD will be
with you.

2 Chronicles 20 v 17

So, we see that fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the
LORD appeared in both verses of scriptures above. Though, in Exodus, we
were not told that they praised God, but with the same message being
presented in both verses, of which Judah praised God shows that they
Israelites did praise God.

The word “fear not” have to be proved; to stand still, and see the
salvation of the LORD does not mean to relax and watch things happen
accidentally, rather, it means serving with the talent of praise and see the
saving hand of God on your behalf. Remember, the Psalmist said, “they will
be still praising God” (Ps. 84 v 4).

Here, treasure refers to the things which are invaluable to a person.
These things can be of monetary value, or in monetary form.

In Exodus 10, Pharaoh was negotiating with Moses to go and serve

the LORD with part of their treasures. Of course, their children were
treasures from God (Psalm 127 v 3), but their animals which were required
for sacrifice were to stay back in the land of Egypt (Exodus 10 v 24). Hear
what Moses said:

...Thou must give us also sacrifices and burnt offering,

that we may sacrifice unto the LORD our God.

Our cattle also shall go with us, there shall not an hoof
be left behind; for thereof must we take to serve the
LORD our God; and we know not with what we must
serve the LORD, until we come thither.

Exodus 10 v 25-26

So, your service in His kingdom is not complete without your

treasures being involved. Moses said, “Not one hoof shall be left behind”,
all your treasures are to glorify God, which is the purpose why He has given
them to you (Ex. 12 v 31-36; 25 v 1-7).

You are not blessed to serve both God and mammon. It is either for
God alone or mammon alone. God is too big to share you with anything

Your treasures must be involved in serving God or your service will be

said to be incomplete. When Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah were
seeking the face of God, he prayed saying:

Behold, I say, how they reward us, to come to cast us

out of the possession, which thou hast given us to

2 Chronicles 20 v 11

He recognized God as the giver of their possession, that’s why he was

bold to tell God what was about to happen to their possession. And
because of their possession God showed up, which means that God is
interested in our treasures for His kingdom service, as well as our talents.

When they cried unto God concerning what God has given to them
which their enemies were about to take away from them, God caused the
possessions of their enemies to be taken away instead! Because they were
faithful in serving God with their treasures, they were courageous to tell
God what was about to happen to their treasures. And because they were
faithful in serving God with their treasures, God gave them more treasures
with pleasure.

As I said earlier, your service does not end with your talents only, it
also requires your treasures to be acceptable before God; and when you
don’t serve Him with your treasures, He won’t stand for you in the time of
pressures. He who has ear, let Him hear!


In serving the LORD, you need time. Every service requires time for
delivery. You need time, if you must serve God effectively. Moses said:

We will go three days’ journey into the wilderness and

sacrifice to the LORD our God, as He shall command us.

Exodus 8 v 27

The children of Israel have already decided how long their journey to
sacrifice unto God would take them. So, you require time to serve God.

We are privileged to be in a time where we need not to go to a

particular destination in order to serve and sacrifice to God, as in the old
times. Churches are now spreading everywhere for us to take delivery of
the blessings of the kingdom by our service, yet many people still find it
difficult to give God their time. They see their businesses much more
important to be given attention than God, without knowing that except the
LORD build the house, the labor in vain that build it… (Ps. 127 v 1).

The time you give to God is worth the result it brings your way; God
is a God of times and seasons. He has given to each and every one on earth
the same number of time, and what you use your time for determines what
you attract (Eccl. 3 v 1).

God, speaking to Jehoshaphat and the children of Judah said:

Tomorrow go ye down against them; behold they come

up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end
of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel.

2 Chronicles 20 v 16

Wow! Do you see what I see? God gave the time and the place for
the battle, and in verse 17, He gave them the process of the battle! They
were receiving answers to difficult questions of life. But before we proceed,
I will show you what this people did to command such cheap answer to this
very difficult situation. The scripture says:

And all Judah stood before the LORD, with their little
ones, their wives, and their children.

2 Chronicles 20 v 13

What an easy thing to do in order to command God’s attention. The

whole nation gave God their time and received a national answer to a very
difficult national challenge. All Judah, everyone was involved, both small
and great, both husbands and wives, both parents and children, all Judah
stood before the LORD, and the LORD set ambushments against the
children of Ammon, Moab and mount Seir, which came out against Judah (2
Chron. 20 v 22).

The quality and quantity of time you spend with God determines the
quality and the quantity of results you will receive from Him. Someone may
be asking, “Does time has quality?” Let me answer it with this expression:
when Jehoshaphat heard of the war against his people, instead of
preparing men for the war, he sacrificed the time of preparation to
connecting with God. So, it was a qualitative or invaluable time which he
gave up to serve the LORD with. And up to date, there has been no Biblical
record that God came down and fought for His people as He did in the days
of Jehoshaphat; No! Not when the people are here on earth to fight the
battle themselves.

All through the scriptures, God’s people prepared themselves for

every war before embarking in the battle. But, Jehoshaphat prepared his
people for a quality service with their time and God served them with His
hands. Just imagine going to a battle front and seeing all the aliens dead on
the ground, not only that, but also seeing laboured and already prepared
riches and material blessings, which a whole nation could not gather but in
three days!

Friends, the manifestation of God’s hand here is such that all

Christians need to imbibe for a continuous cheap and flawless victory over
the circumstances of life.

Abraham spent three qualitative days to sacrifice a qualitative

treasure, using his qualitative talent (faith). And when he arrived at the
place of sacrifice, God said:

…now I know that thou fearest God…

Genesis 22 v 12

He proved God by his commitment. He never gave up during the

journey. After the first day, he must have said, “I will keep going”, after the
second day, he must have also said, “whether the devil like it or not, I must

go and sacrifice as I have been commanded”, and on the third day when
the devil saw his determination, he must have exclaimed, “this man is
stubborn and will not let go, let’s leave him for another person.”

When the third day was come, the Bible says, he lifted up his eyes,
and saw the place afar off (Gen. 22 v 4). The English learners describe the
words “a few”, as some quantity of a thing, which is about three-quarter of
a thing, and the word “few” as very small quantity of a thing, which is about
one-quarter of a thing. Therefore, the word “afar off” should mean that the
place of sacrifice was still very far from where he saw it. But, Abraham, a
man of faith kept going until he got to the place of sacrifice.

From that record, we can see that even the devil will tempt you with
your time to see that you don’t serve God. When Abraham arrived at the
altar of sacrifice, God said, you have completed all the required process for
service. First, by believing in Me with your talent as the father of faith;
remember, faith is a gift of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12 v 9). Secondly, by taking
your only son, Isaac, to sacrifice to Me at mount Moriah; and thirdly, by
giving your time for the purpose of sacrificing to Me in obedience, and not
giving up on these three days journey to the place of sacrifice. Therefore
God said:

…By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, (why?) for

because thou hast done this thing, and hast not
withheld thy son, thine only (treasured) son;

That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I

will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven...

And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be

blessed; (why?) because thou hast obeyed my voice.

Genesis 22 v 16-18 (emphasis added)

Now that you’ve also heard, it is time for you to obey this covenant
pathway of kingdom service for your change of story to be delivered
speedily. And as you do so, God who has spoken to me by His Word, will
surprise you and you shall be a sign and a wonder to your world, in the
name of Jesus.

I see God giving to someone a three days consecutive explosion of

blessings. As you serve God from today with your talents, treasures and
time, He shall beautify you with spiritual, physical, financial, material and
generational blessings, in the precious name of Jesus.

Every Pharaoh of your life that won’t let you go: by your kingdom
service they shall go for you with their lives in Jesus name.

Every gang up of the enemies, as it was with Jehoshaphat, I stand in

the gap as a servant of the most High and I declare all of them smitten by
the hand of God; and I declare that from now on, you shall begin to enjoy
unusual conversion of wealth, in Jesus precious name.



Changes do not just occur; we provoke changes in our favour. As I
have been saying, nothing changes unless you change something. You don’t
wait for things to change; rather you provoke things to change.

Every circumstances of life places responsibility on the individual

concerned; every change occurs by the deliberate acts of men. Things will
never change automatically for your good; you have a role to play in order
to see the changes you desire come through.

What you don’t employ will never affect you. What you don’t invite
may never visit you. What you don’t call will never answer to you. What
you don’t believe will never behold you. What you don’t picture will never
be captured by you. What you don’t feel for will never fetch for you. What
you don’t take will never make you. What you don’t transform will never
reform your life. What you don’t seek for, you will never locate. What you
don’t copy, you will never couple with. What you don’t like will never mind
you. What you don’t receive will not restore anything to you. What you
don’t comprehend will never apprehend you.

The devil is the only individual that goes to where he is not called.
The changes you employ determine the transformation you enjoy, and the
transformation you enjoy determines the reformation you explore.

Until you employ someone into an organization, he cannot

contribute anything to that organization. So, until you employ a change into
your life, you cannot encounter a change in your life.



To every action there is a process. If you must arrive at your

destination, you need to take the required route or you end up in

After you have defined what you want, you also need the knowledge
of the process to arrive at what you desire. And until you follow the right
process and sequence, you cannot arrive at your desired destination; and
until you arrive at your desired destination, you’ll never emerge as a

When the “how” of a thing is known, at least 50% of the journey has
been solved instantly. What you don’t employ cannot unleash its potentials
to you, but until you discover how to employ it you cannot enjoy it.

We shall now see how to employ this thing called change in our
families, careers, societies and the world at large, in order for us to enjoy
consistent and dramatic changes in the situations around us. And it is my
prayer that at the end of this chapter you will gain easy and cheap insight
into your journey in life, in the precious name of Jesus.

1. BE CONVINCED: Until you know that there is a need for a change in your
life, you cannot see any change. Nobody forces a child who is satisfied to
eat more food, so also God does not enforce his gifts to those who do not
want them. But if this same child who was once satisfied start requesting
for more food, it will be given to him; so also God delivers to his people
their needs in due season.

Therefore, you must recognize that you need some changes in some
specific areas of your life, in order to be able to define what you want to

And she vowed a vow and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou

wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid
and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but
wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will
give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and
there shall no razor come upon his head


1 Samuel 1 v 11

Hannah was barren according to scriptures but because she was

convinced of her need for a child she knew what to ask and look out for.
She knew her problem and that was why she was able to define it; and until
she defined her problem, she never got any solution.

So, the number one key to see changes in your life is for you to be
convinced that you need a change.

2. CONFESSION: Your confession is another way of making things change for

you. Your confession determines to a great extent your profession; and
your profession determines the manifestation of your expectations.

From where we read about Hannah, the Bible says, “And she vowed a
vow and said …” After she was convinced of her situation she spoke out.
What you are too big to speak, you cannot see because it will equally be
too big for you to receive. The next verse in that first Samuel chapter one

... as she continued praying before the LORD…

Meaning that your confession is what you present before the LORD.
Whatever you confess here on earth determines what will be professed for
you in heaven (Matt. 18 v 18).

“As she continued praying…”, so you don’t stop confessing what you
require until you acquire what you desire. She prayed until she received an
answer of hope and assurance by Prophet Eli. So, you don’t just confess it
once and then relax, the bible says, give us this day our daily bread (Matt. 6
v 11), meaning that your confession has to be consistent and continuous.

Hear now what the scripture says:


Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall bind on

earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye
shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 18 v 18

But how do we bind or lose?

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they
that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Proverbs 18 v 21

So, your tongue which is a very vital organ of your confession is what
sets the pace for what you will see. Your mouth has the capability to do and
to undo – so use it as a weapon of releasing what you need.

A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his

mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be

Proverbs 18 v 20

This means that your desire can be satisfied by what proceeds out of
your mouth. And whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the
name whereof (Gen. 2 v 19). The change you want to see in that stagnated
business of yours can be achieved by what you say. You don’t call or confess
your problems, rather you call the things that be not as though they were
(Rom. 4 v 17), because things which are seen were not made of things which
do appear, but by the Word of God (Heb. 11 v 3).

Therefore, standing upon the Word of God and making bold

declarations concerning what you desire is what gives you cheap victory as
Hannah did. Stand upon the Word of God which says, “Ask, and it shall be
given you” (Matt. 7 v 7), and the God of peace shall give unto you your
heart desires in Jesus precious name.

3. EXPECTATION: Your expectation is what sets the pace for your

manifestation, because it is expectation that gives birth to manifestation.


After you have been convinced and have confessed what you want,
the next thing to do is to be very expectant. Until you expect a thing, you
cannot accept it. Remember the story of the church when they were
praying for Peter while he was in prison, after he was released by the angel
he went straight to the house and knocked. Rhoda recognized Peter’s voice
and went back to inform the people that Peter was at the door, they
rebuked her and started assuming who the person at the door would be
(Acts 12 v 3- 6). Their prayer was just a religious rite provided they were not
expecting an answer from God.

God does not waste His answers without your questions. Their prayer
was not the reason for the release of Peter, but the expectation of Peter!
Though in prison, sleeping between two soldiers yet he was very expectant,
that was why whatever the angel told him, he was doing it without
amazement; but because he was asleep before he was woken up by the
angel, he thought he was seeing a vision. After the angel departed from
him, he realized it was real and he said:

…now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his

angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod,
and from all the “expectation” of the people of the Jews.

Acts 12 v 11

What then was the expectation of the Jews?

Now about that time Herod the king stretched forth his
hands to vex certain of the church.

And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.

And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded

further to take Peter also…

Acts 12 v 1-3

Therefore, the expectation of the Jews was for the people in the
church to be killed.

Why then was their expectation not granted? Because “power pass
power”! The expectation of Peter carried a greater effect that overcame
the expectation of the Jews.

Can you see what expectation can do? The expectation of one person
alone, even Peter was able to conquer the expectation of a whole nation!
The fulfillment of expectation is not guaranteed by the number of people,
but by the power backing the expectation. So, your enemies are too small
to stop the fulfillment of your expectations in life.

At least, four people that were appointed to keep him bound in

prison with more than one chain, in order to grant the expectation of the
Jews were not able to stop just one angel of rescue who released Peter!
The source you are connected to determines what you see. Every
expectation has the tendency to be granted, provided the source you are
connected to have the capability to do it. But, hear this scriptural assurance
that am sure made Peter to be sleeping instead of praying:

For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall

not be cut off.

Proverbs 23 v 18

Whose expectation?

The righteous eateth to the satisfying of his soul: but the

belly of the wicked shall want.

Proverbs 13 v 25

Righteousness simply means having much right in God, and it helps

to boost the speed of the fulfillment of your expectation. So, Peter was
assured that his expectation will be granted, because he had a right
standing with God.

4. DEMONSTRATION: As you keep expecting your situation to change, you

need to demonstrate that you believe your situation has changed, even
though you have not seen it; thereby calling those things that be not as
though they were.

You don’t just confess a change; you need to profess the change you
desire by taking steps. As the saying goes, “action answers louder than
voice”; your change will respond faster by your demonstration more than
your confession.

The woman with the issue of blood said to herself, “if I may touch His
garment, I shall be made whole”, after she confessed to herself she never
saw her expectation, but when she demonstrated it by touching the hem of
His garment, she saw a manifestation of the healing virtue of the most High
God (Matt. 9 v 20-22).

Change operates faster in the land of demonstration than that of

confession. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, but
the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of
the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water before a
standard heaven and a standard earth was created (Gen. 1 v 1-4).

Whatever you cannot achieve in the land of confession, just take it to

the land of demonstration and you will see a speedy manifestation.

In second Chronicles chapter 20, the Bible says, “when they began to
sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of
Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they
were smitten”. How they were smitten was written in the next verses of
the same chapter (verses 22-23).

The truth is this: you don’t rejoice on the way to the battlefield; you
only rejoice when the battle is over and you are victorious. They were
praising God while approaching the war front instead of praising him when
coming back from the slaughter. They exchanged the process of doing
things by demonstrating victory as though they have already won the
battle, and are returning from the slaughter. When God saw their actions,
he was equally moved into action.

That scripture says, “When they began…the LORD set…”

Demonstration is what makes God to take contemporary action. There is no
delay of answers in the land of demonstration.

That’s why, people with the gift of working of miracles by the Holy
Spirit, after confessing the recovery and restoration of one’s physical
fitness, say a lame man, still ask him to stand up. If the lame man refuses to
stand up at the command, he will still remain lame with nobody to blame;
but if he stands up, at the instance of his profession (faith in action) the
power of God is transferred into him and strength is injected to his knees,
so that he could stand up miraculously.

So, action is what you need in order to employ immediate

transformation that is required to enjoy an unusual reformation in life’s
situations. And God shall surely manifest his glorious hand in those
circumstances that you have been facing by your profession, in Jesus
mighty name.

Your time of showing forth to your generation has finally come.

Whatever has been called impossible in your life, by the conscious
demonstration of your expectation, you shall see its manifestation in the
precious name of Jesus.

5. MANIFESTATION: And having done all, to stand.

Ephesians 6 v 13

All we have mentioned in this chapter are all targeted towards the
manifestation of your expectations.

You need to know you desire a change by being convinced that things
have to change to fit the agenda of God for your life. And then you begin
declaring and confessing what you desire to see, because until your mouth
speaks it, your eyes cannot see it; and until your eyes sees it, your hand
cannot pick it. So, if you are too big to speak it, it will also be too big for you
to pick.


Next, you expect a turnaround of that situation. As God said, “let

there be light, and there was light”, and because He was expecting to see
what He said, the Bible says, “And God saw the light, that it was good…”
(Gen. 1 v 3-4). Therefore, whatsoever is your expectation I decree its
speedy manifestation, in Jesus precious name.

When you don’t see a speedy delivery of your expectation, you then
move unto demonstration; thereby you begin to act as though you’ve
received the answer to what you are expecting. And whenever God sees
the demonstration of one’s expectation, God concurrently brings about a
manifestation of that long awaited expectation.

Now, hear what the scripture says:

…blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a

performance of those things which were told her from
the LORD.

Luke 1 v 45

Whatever you believe has the capability to manifest. But, whatever

must manifest must also be rooted in the Word of God. “There shall be a
performance of those things which were told her from the LORD”, not from
an herbalist nor from ‘a’ lord, but ‘the’ LORD of all lords. So, the Word of
God is God’s performance key, which is written in a book called the “Bible”,
which is the “Book of all books”.

Until you stand upon what God has said in the Bible, your
expectation can last for many decades without a manifestation. God’s
Word is what you need for the door of performance to be opened in your

Friend, God is no respecter of persons, neither emotions nor tears;

the only thing that moves God is His Word (Acts 10 v 34). In fact, He has
highly magnified His Word above all His name (Ps. 138 v 2). So, He will do
what He has said, and He has promised us that “His Word shall not return
unto Him void, without accomplishing its mission”, which means

whenever you use his Word for the release of your expectation, it will go
and until it accomplishes its mission, it will not come back to Him (Isa. 55 v

The Word of God is the key for a long lasting change to be effected,
because whatsoever the LORD doeth, it shall be forever (Eccl. 3 v 14).

From this time, by the Word of God things will begin to work for you!
His blessing that make rich and add no sorrow shall become your portion.
Things that have been called impossible shall become a cheap possibility for
you. Wisdom strategies for triumphing over the situations of life shall be
revealed to you from His Word this day, in the mighty name of Jesus.



The level of change required in a thing determines the level of risk
involved. Every great change carries a great challenge; and until you
overcome the challenge, you cannot effect a change (1 Cor. 16 v 9).

Changing something to fit your desire is a battle. Life is a

battleground, not a playground. So, you must conquer the battle
confronting you before you can implement the change you desire. Things
don’t just change for your good; you need a consciousness of the fight that
is attached to your desire in order to effect a change. And your readiness
and preparation for this fight is what guarantees your victory.

Only those who conquer in battles are called winners. Until there is a
battle, there is no winner. Until you succeed in confronting your challenge,
you cannot become a conqueror. That is why by the help of the Holy Spirit,
I shall be equipping you with the weapons you need to change that
seemingly impossible situation to a highly possible expectation. And it is my
prayer that you will fulfill your destiny in a grand style.


1. BOLDNESS AND COURAGE: People who fear to go to war never carry

any crown and are never recognized. Even after the war, when others are
speaking they hardly have anything to say. Even though they say anything,
the fact is that the people around will mock them for their lack of courage
and boldness in the face of battle. So, fearful men never receive any prize
or commendation from anybody.

Those who went to the war front and returned, even though they
were conquered still have every right to speak and people will listen. Those
who won the battle and took the crown did so not just because others were
not prepared, but because they were more courageous than their enemies.
Perhaps, when the others saw ten people or a hundred of their people
killed, they took to their heels. So, your victory level is determined by the
boldness and courage you display in the face of conflict.

The crown you receive is determined by the boldness you display in

warfare. Only courageous people conquer challenges. Courageous men
always end the war. Challenges bow down in the presence of men with
courage. The LORD said unto Joshua:

Be strong and be of good courage: for unto this people

shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I
sware unto their fathers to give them.

Joshua 1 v 6

That was his mission: to divide the land to the children of Israel as
their inheritance from God. But God gave him only one key to overcome
the challenges on the way, and He said:

Only be thou strong and very courageous…that thou

mayest prosper withersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1 v 7

And with this one key, Joshua conquered all the aliens and divided
for the people the land, as God had told him.

What Moses could not finish, Joshua completed it with just one key:
boldness and courage. And as we all know strong people are always bold.
So, if you are not bold it shows you are not strong. This does not mean
physical strength, but it is having spiritual stamina and courage to initiate
an action.


Joshua took the children of Israel to the Promised Land because he

was a man of boldness and courage. Men of courage always reach the
peak. Men of courage are men of exploits. They are not moved by
circumstances around them. Until they get what they want, they never
quit. As the saying goes, “winners don’t quit, and quitters don’t win.”
Courageous people keep stirring in the face of challenges and end up as

God is saying to you also, “be bold, and very courageous”, and all
your challenges shall become history, in the precious name of Jesus.

2. NO ALTERNATIVE: People that doubt always end up in debt. That is,

when you live in doubt you still remain on the same spot. People that doubt
are never ready to progress; our God is a God of progress and he is never
pleased with anyone who doubts, therefore he will not help a doubter to
progress (Heb. 11 v 6).

The Bible refers to a doubter as a wave of the sea, driven and tossed
with the wind (James 1 v 6). Therefore, he has no anchor for progress.
Anything can just pick him up and throw him anywhere, and any other
thing can pick him up again and throw him off again (James 1 v 7-8).

Friends, you need to say NO to any alternative on your way to

success. There should be no room for negotiation with the devil on which
easy route to take; because people with alternatives remain stagnated.
Things don’t work well for them. What they could have gotten before now,
they kept saying, “if I cannot get it this way, I will use that way”, that’s why
they’ve not gotten it for long.

You need to come to a point where you are convinced that the path
you are trending on is the right way to your desired haven, and then you
take a conscious step in the direction of your conviction without conferring
with flesh and blood, as Paul said. Only then will you return as more than a
conqueror, with the trophy of victory (Gal. 1 v 15-16).

God is no respecter of persons. How you see it determines how you

receive it. You have used the word “if” long enough, it is time for it to
become “when”; so stop saying “if I can’t do it”, because it is not of God.
Our God is a God of all possibilities. Start saying “when I have done it”.
People that look in different directions always lose focus and end up
achieving nothing. Be focused on the possibility of achieving your vision for
living, and God will be provoked to back you up.

Let’s look at some living examples that commanded unusual waves

by their irrevocable decisions:

Then Esther bade them return Mordecai this answer,

Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in

Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink
three days, night and day: I also and my maidens will
fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is
not according to the law: and if I perish I perish.

Esther 4 v 15-16

That’s a woman ready for instant change speaking! “If I perish, I

perish” – no looking back or turning to other options. All through the
scriptures, men of faith have always taken the crown of life. Before you
receive your own crown, you must also say “No” to alternatives.

From scriptures, I discover that those who say “if I perish, I perish”
never perish. You remember what the three Hebrew boys said to
Nebuchadnezzar: “we are not careful to answer thee in this matter” (Dan. 3
v 16), which was the same thing Esther did. She was not careful about her
own life anymore; she said, “I will go in unto the king, which is not
according to the law.” And the three Hebrew boys went on to say,

If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us

from the fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of
thine hand, O king.


But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will

not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which
thou hast set up.

Daniel 3 v 17-18

When you refuse to doubt, what you want will be waiting for you at
your door step.

On the third day, when Queen Esther entered the king’s court
without the permission of the king, which is not according to the law, the
Bible says,

Then said the king unto her, what wilt thou, queen
Esther? and what is thy request? it shall be even given
thee to the half of the kingdom.

Esther 5 v 3

What amazement! Immediately she entered into the king’s court, she
never asked for anything, but because of her irrevocable decision the king
gave her an open cheque.

What God has been waiting to see from you is the proof of your
trust. Don’t be double minded, come boldly like Queen Esther before the
throne of grace, in order to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of
need. (Hebrews 4:16). This scripture is a confirmation of the case of Queen
Esther. It never reads, “Come boldly and ask”; it only says “come boldly”, so
your boldness alone is 50% of your request granted according to Esther 5:3.
And on this mountain, I see all your expectations granted in the mighty
name of Jesus.

Time will not permit me to talk about David, Daniel and the three
Hebrew boys- Shadrach Meshach, and Abednego –whom through their
final conclusions took the path to cheap victory and obtained amazing
testimonies. I know that you are the next on line to be crowned, in Jesus
precious name.

3. START SMALL: As you have taken the courage for progress, the
decision for progression, the next thing you need is to start small in
conquering your challenges.

As the saying goes, “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a

step”. So, you don’t conquer your challenges by rushing into it, rather you
take steps one after the other.
If a troop of enemies are to attack you alone at a time, and you just
rush into an open fire against them, they will defeat you. If you try to run
into their midst in order to finish them at once, even if it is with an
explosive (bomb), they will all cover you up; but when you take strategic
steps, you begin to get them one after the other and before you know it,
very few will be left which you can destroy easily at once.

So, challenges need strategies to be conquered; taking one step after

the other, in order to arrive at your destination alive and unharmed.

According to where we read in Esther chapter 5, when Queen Esther

was presented with an open cheque to present her request, she did not
immediately announce or expose the wickedness of her alien – Haman –
rather she requested that the king should come to a banquet which she
would prepare with his subordinate, Haman.

After she had won the heart of the king to her own side, and with
wisdom caused Haman to delay all his evil plans, thereby weakening his
strength of performance by her meal, she then exposed Haman and all his
evil plot; at that time Haman was hopeless and helpless, lacking what to say
or what to do, and because of the wise strategy Queen Esther employed,
Haman was powerless – not minding his position of authority – and was
hanged on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai and the Jews (Esth.

So, your approach to your challenges determines whether you will

escape the reproach it can cause. There are small steps you can take to
destroy a tree and make it useless, even before affecting the root. You can
first shed off the leaves, then cut-off the branches – the tree will begin to
get weaker. Then cut-off the trunk or stem, at this point the root itself will
begin to surrender from existence, when the root is touched and cut down,
the tree will never think of existing again. Therefore, every challenge has a
way to be tackled and overcome, as strategy is key to victorious living. I see
all your challenges subdued before you this day, in the mighty name of

Even Jesus didn’t rush into ministry, there were oppositions to be

conquered, so he started teaching and asking the doctors of the law

questions while he was still working with his father at the carpentry shop;
but when he had tackled the oppositions to some degrees, he went into full
time ministry, and all his enemies were put under his feet. If Jesus could
start in bits to conquer his challenges, we as his followers must do likewise.
I am sure by so doing all your adversaries shall be subject to you, in the
precious name of Jesus.

4. FOCUS: To arrive at your desired destination, you need to be

focused. People that lose focus don’t get to their locus, and people that
lose locus don’t have a defined focus.

You need to know where you are coming from, and define where you
are going. As I have been saying, what you concentrate on determines what
concentrate on you. Where you focus on determines your locus in life.
Concentrating on what you desire to change and what you want to see
determines what you’ll see, and you shall not see shame nor reproach in
Jesus name.

Jesus speaking in His Word says:

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be

single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Matthew 6 v 22

So, what you focus your eyes on determines what your body will be
conformed and transformed to, which means your body will automatically
adjust itself to suit what you can see. What you can see determines what
you can receive. God by His Word will fulfill whatever your eyes can behold,
in Jesus mighty name.

We shall be looking at some of the ways we can focus on something

and achieve our desires.


Looking helps you to gain focus. Until you look at a thing you are not
permitted to see it, so looking precedes seeing.

When you look, you create a target or a goal, and by your

determination you achieve your goal. Looking is very vital to the things you

focus on, and until you gain focus you are bound to lose locus. God
speaking to our father, Abraham, said:

Lift up thine eyes, and look from the place where thou
art northward, and southward and eastward, and

For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it,
and unto thy seed forever.

Genesis 13 v 14-15

You see! In verse 14, God told him to look, and in verse 15 to see; this
means that until you learn how to look, you cannot be able to see; and until
you can see, you are not entitled to receive.

That was a command, not an option. “Lift up thine eyes and look” is
the thing you must do in order to see what you desire, so the question
should read: what must I do to go forward?

The next question is: where do I look from? He says “from the place
where thou art”, so you are to begin the looking process from the place
where you are right now.

You don’t need to be in the city or in an urban area before you can
look, just where you are right now is enough to initiate the looking process
and see the God given opportunity for your breakthrough in life and

The last question is: where do I look at? Or what do I look at? He
says, “northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward”. When
these questions are answered, then you have gotten every looking process
to seeing what needs to be changed in your life.

Looking northward, southward and so on connotes your

environment. Where do I look at? You look at your environment. What do I
look at? You look at the things in your environment. There is something
about your environment that God wants you to change, which is the
purpose why you were born. So, it requires that you look into the three
areas of these questions and begin to see what you can change into what
you desire.


Friend, I would like you to know that until you look forward you
cannot move forward. That is, you can only move when you have decided
to look forward. And take note of this also, where you hook unto is a
function of where you’ve looked unto. Until you look unto God, you cannot
be hooked unto Him. Until you look into your challenges more carefully,
you cannot hook out the solution to your challenges.

Don’t ever look at your challenges as your problems; you must see
them as the stepping stones to your desired throne. I impact you with the
fresh grace for a fresh look in order to begin a fresh race for a fresh victory,
in the mighty name of Jesus.


After we’ve completed the looking process, the next thing to do is to

see. It’s true that until you look you cannot see, but it is not everybody that
looks that also sees. When you have looked, it becomes your responsibility
to see. God, speaking in His Word says:

Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me saying,

Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said, I see a rod of an
almond tree.

Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I
will hasten my word to perform it.

Jeremiah 1 v 11-12

What you are able to see determines what God’s Word will perform
on your behalf. The Word of God is meant to fulfill the things your eyes can
see, so if you are blind and cannot see, His Word cannot work in your life.

To “see” here connotes having “a mental picture” of something.

Envision the possibility of what you want.

God is saying to you as you are reading this book now, “what seest
thou?” and your response determines what you will receive. You need to
see what you desire to be transformed, how it will look like when it is
transformed, and begin to see its fulfillment being actualized.

You need to have the seeing eyes and not only the looking eyes, in
order to gain focus. It takes what you see to define what you will focus on.
Until you look, you cannot see; until you see, you cannot be focused; and
until you are focused, you will miss your locus.

Seeing is really no hard work as looking. God commanded Abraham

to look, but he never told him to see.

... Lift up now thine eyes and look …

For all the land which thou seest …

Genesis 13 v 14-15

“For all the land which thou seest”, that means after Abraham took
up the responsibility of looking, God never expected him to be suffering
anymore difficulty in seeing what he has looked upon. God was expecting
him to see something after he had looked.

Looking is what precedes seeing; seeing is what precedes receiving;

and receiving is what precedes achieving. You cannot see anything you
want until you learn to look; you cannot focus on anything until you begin
to see; and you cannot have a locus in life until you begin to create a focus.

What God gives you determine what you receive; and where you are
placed in life determines what you’ve received from God. I see your
spiritual eyes open this day, in the name of Jesus.

Whatsoever will be a hindrance to your transformation is declared

broken. I see everything which my heavenly Father has not planted being
uprooted. Begin now to see the solutions to the situations of your life and
your world. Everything that will not let you go free in order to enjoy the
blessings God has reserved for you by getting focused on your primary task
on earth, I see God focusing on it and destroying it utterly. Now, by what
you can look at and what you are seeing, begin to receive creative answers
from heaven to that situation facing you, in the precious name of Jesus.

5. INFORMATION: Until you are informed you remain deformed; but

when you are informed, you get transformed and everything around you
gets reformed, and your entire world begins to conform to your desired


Information is a powerful key to cheap victory over challenges.

Ignorance is what makes challenges seemingly impossible. There is no
impossible case for a believer as far as God is alive. To every form of
challenge in your life, there is an answer ordained for it in the scriptures.

The problem is that we do not have time to spend with our Bibles in
order to receive answers to those situations we are faced with. And
because we lack answers, our situations keep staring at us. Jesus said to
Martha, one thing (My Word) is needful above every other thing (Lk.10 v
42). So, being too busy to search the scriptures for answers to your
challenges is undoing yourself (Jn. 5 v 39).

The reason why you have not seen a transformation in that area of
your life is not because changing it is too much of a risk, but because you
have not yet discovered what it takes to surmount that seemingly
impossible situation.

A wise man said, “Until you discover, you cannot recover”, which
means the point of your recovery is as a result of your discovery.

Until you discover, you cannot be uncovered; and until you are
uncovered, you can never recover. That situation overwhelming and
covering you is because you have not yet discovered the way out;
immediately you discover, that situation will uncover itself from you, and
your recovery will begin to manifest. When you discover, you’ll begin to
recover all that you have uncovered.

So, your recovery is a function of your discovery; and discovery is at

the root of every recovery. The wisest man in the Old Testament times said,
“wisdom is the principal thing” (Prov. 4 v 7), which means wisdom is the
head of every organization. But, you are only wise based on the level of
information at your disposal.

Solomon became the richest man with outstanding success because

he was always informed. He told us the secret in Proverbs chapter 11 verse

Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the

multitude of counselors there is safety.

The devil is not your problem, he is too small to be your problem, the
Bible classified you to be above and concluded that “he that is from above
is above all (including the devil) ”, so the devil is subject to every born again
believer. You then ask, “What is my problem?” the answer to this simple
but complex question is just in one word, and that is “ignorance”. When
God was mourning for what His people were going through, He was
referring to their ignorance as the cause, not the devil.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…

Hosea 4 v 6

Your lack of information is the reason for your deformation. God is

never proud of those who are ignorant of His Word and promises. In
continuation, he said concerning his people:

…because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also

reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing
thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget
thy children.

Say, God forbid! Being informed is a choice, not a must; but when
you choose ignorance, which means lack of knowledge, darkness (Satan’s
characteristic), God says He will reject you from His kingdom. He said, “thou
shalt be no priest to me” this does not only refer to the leaders or ministers
in church, it refers to everyone in His kingdom. That is why the Bible says:

And has made us (who are in his kingdom) unto our

God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

Revelation 5 v 10 (Emphasis mine)

So, the rejection of the ignoramus in the Church is not ordained for
the Church leaders or ministers alone, but on all those who are in His

The greatest book of information that is converted to revelation for

the simple is the Word of God, the Bible. Every other book that can inform
you must be in accordance to His Word, and if it is not in accordance to His
Word, it is of the devil.

You are to get to the bookstores around your vicinity and buy
anointed books, packaged with the expression of the wisdom of God, from

the revealed Word of God that addresses that situation you are going
through. When you become informed and gain understanding of what you
are hearing or reading, scales and coverings in your eyes begins to fall off,
and you gain new strategy to surmount that situation.

Therefore, buy anointed books, tapes, VCD’s, CD’s, DVD’s etc. that
addresses what you are going through, spend time with them until you get
what you want from them. And I tell you, immediately you discover your
recovery will begin to take place.

We are in the information age, and the level of information one has
is what determines where he is placed in life.

But, take caution on the information you receive; make sure it is

aligned with the Word of God. Let the Word of God be your guide by your
closeness to your Bible. Let it guide and help interpret whatever you’ve

God said, “because they have forgotten my law (by their distance
from my Word), I will also forget thy children”, which means if you do not
follow the steps of His Word He will not only reject you, but also your
generations unborn! That shall not be your portion, in Jesus precious name.

The information at your disposal will either make you or mar you. A
wise man said something which really touched my life and I quote, “You will
remain what you are for the next five years except for two things: the
books you read and the company you keep.” Your destiny is in your hand,
so be careful because Satan has sent forth his agents to bring false
information, in order to lure people into hell.

Any material (books, CD’s, MP3, VCD’s, DVD’s etc.) that your spirit
man does not accept, even if you bought it very expensive, let go of it, and
burn it with fire because your destiny is not purchasable. Jesus asked, “Is
not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?” (Matt. 6 v 25) It
is better that a book be loosed than having it in your possession and yet
end up in hell.

Until you know the way out of your problems, you cannot effect a
change to those problems and turn them to your desired expectations.

Solomon said:

…with all thy getting get understanding.

Proverbs 4 v 7b

That means, with all thy strength or might, riches, power etc. With all
what you are getting, use them to get understanding.

Daniel, speaking about his experience during his captivity in Babylon


In the first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by


Daniel 9 v 2

So, understanding which is very crucial to get, comes through the

books you read. No wonder Daniel was found to be ten times better than
all the magicians and astrologers of his time! He understood by books. In
chapter 6 of Daniel verse 3, the Bible says:

Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents,

and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and
the king thought to set him over the whole realm.

What amazement! He read himself to red! An excellent Spirit talks

about the Spirit of wisdom, and wisdom cometh by understanding, and
understanding by knowledge. He was full of wisdom and understanding.

The king was not satisfied in making him first among all the
presidents, but also desired to make him king so that he (Darius) could step
down for him! That was why when Daniel was in the lion’s den, the king like
a servant lamented for him and fasted all through the night and was not
able to sleep!

Therefore, try as much as possible to be informed and you will begin

to see unusual transformation in your work. Information is your ticket to
your peak, and I see every hindrance against your destiny being destroyed
this time. By the Godly information coming your way, your story shall begin
to take shape and your life transformed in Jesus precious name.

6. COMPANY: The company you keep determines your accomplishment

in life. Your placement in life is determined by those you associate with. As I

have earlier said, according to a wise man, “you will remain what you are
now for the next five years except for two things: the books you read and
the company you keep”. These words really touched my life and
transformed me entirely.

By reason of my company, I became a truant in my SSS 2, which is

class 5 in the secondary school. And because I felt there was no choice for
me then, I kept at it. Tests and exams came and passed, but we never
wrote any. We will always sit under a tree discussing issues of little or no
importance. Days and weeks passed by, we were not touched by what we
were missing, but only await the day in which the management will give us
the authority to govern the school. Sometimes, we would narrowly show
up in the school but within seconds we are off again. It was so bad an
attitude, but I later learnt from it.

My parents and family members would always warn me against my

company, but there was no way I could leave them because I saw them as
part of my life then.

But thank God for the prayers and intercessions rendered unto God
for me, day in day out for a change. Sometimes, when such prayers are
made during the morning devotions at home for me, I don’t conform to
them. Within me I would always say, “They are wasting their time praying
for me” – thinking that I was conscious of my attitude and that I was doing
right thing.

On a certain day, (like this day will be to someone reading this book,)
God’s mercy located me and I was transformed, everything around me
started to reform and my world began to conform. It was so wonderful on
that fateful day!

By reason of the message given by a man of God, even though I have

been hearing that message but the light that fell on me that day darkness
couldn’t comprehend it. To this day, I cannot explain it; I only see it as the
authentic and automatic plan of God for my turnaround. How could you
explain that a VCD plate you have been playing and listening to,
nevertheless the electric light became a daily morning routine before I go
to school, the same plate ended up sleeping in the VCD player when power
supply was interrupted until the next day, so that the same plate could be
replayed the next morning before I go to school?

But after all these encounters, God said something to me through His
servant who was teaching, and that I have been using in this book. He said,
“according to a wise man, you will remain who you are in the next five
years except for two things: the books you read and the company you
keep”. This really was not the major reason for my transformation, rather it
was because of the scriptural enlightenment that backed up those words,
and shortly as the LORD liveth, I will be showing us the word of liberation
that liberated me from all the plans of the wicked against my life.

Meanwhile, when I heard those words I was fully persuaded that my

problem or my situation was not as a result of the kind of books I read, but
because of the company I kept.

However, in chapter three of this book I mentioned some of the

scriptures that transformed my life; though I said I will be treating them in
another chapter and am about to start.

In the place we read in Genesis chapter 13 verses 14-15, the Bible


And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was
separated from him, lift up now thine eyes, and look
from the place where thou art northward, and
southward, and eastward, and westward:

For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it,
and to thy seed for ever.

Watch that closely, “the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was
separated from him”, which means when Lot was still with him, God never
had the opportunity to speak to His friend. Therefore, Lot, the nephew of
Abraham was a hindrance to what God had in store for Abraham.

Abraham was keeping Lot without knowing what he was missing

from God. That is why, you must be careful of those around you. Evil
communications corrupt good manners (1 Cor. 14 v 33). If you want to
enjoy good things keep away from evil friends; it might even be your
brother, but just stay off for God to move on.

That scripture was stressing the departure of Lot; it wasn’t for fun
rather it was for us to learn. If not, in verse 11 the Bible already told us that
Lot chose all the plain of Jordan and was separated from Abraham. And in

verse 14, the Spirit of God stressed the fact that God spoke to Abraham
after the departure of Lot.

I see every Lot of your life giving way right now in the name of Jesus.
I command your eyes to be open, so that you can see the people that you
need to separate yourself from in the mighty name of Jesus. Every
hindrance to the move of God in your life shall begin to give way, in the
precious name of Jesus.

The Bible referring again to the kind of company we keep says:

In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the LORD
sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train
filled the temple.

Isaiah 6 v 1

That means, king Uzziah was a hindrance to Isaiah seeing God.

Someone might say that Isaiah saw visions from God before now, yes he
saw visions but he never saw God. It is one thing to see vision and another
to see God. He was once seeing visions, but after the death of Uzziah he
graduated and entered into another realm of seeing God Himself.

How do I know that king Uzziah was a hindrance? In chapter one of

Isaiah, the Bible says that Isaiah saw a vision in the days of Uzziah, Jotham,
Ahab and Hezekiah, but in chapter six, only the death of Uzziah was
mentioned among all the names of the kings of Judah that were mentioned
in chapter one. This shows that the death of Uzziah was crucial, if Isaiah
must see God on the throne. In that scripture, Isaiah was the one speaking
to us not somebody strange, “in the year that Uzziah died, I (Isaiah) saw
also the LORD”, which means he himself saw king Uzziah’s being alive as an
obstacle to the visitation he would have encountered.

I speak to somebody right now, that every Uzziah of your life that
will make you to lose your place in destiny be destroyed right now. I
command all those who will not let God have His way in your life to die for
your sake. Whatever will act as a barrier to your progress is stopped now in
the name of Jesus.

I declare your eyes open to see His purpose for your life. By the
change of your company, I see everything that my Father has not planted
uprooted. Whatsoever will not let go of you in order to have time with God,
I declare that it shall go with its life. Every negative company around your
life is hereby separated by the force of God.

As His word of liberation hit me so powerfully that I could not resist,

God’s Word today shall powerfully separate you from every form of wrong
ships: call it relationship, friendship, courtship, mentorship, partnership,
fellowship, followership etc. You are declared this day freed, in the mighty
name of Jesus. Go and begin to manifest to your world, in Jesus precious

I will like to share with you briefly what I later enjoyed after I
separated from my bad friends.

As a bunk-off, the school authority and staff never expected any

good performance from all of us who were truant, but they were amazed
with what they saw!

Though what they expected came to pass, but because I discovered

and immediately took steps towards my new findings, I was exempted.

After the first term exam, as was the case in my time, there was no
exam written in the second term because of the strike actions between the
government and the teachers of the state where I stayed at the time. So, in
the third term which was the promotion exam, the school authority was
waiting to see our results.

Nevertheless, when I heard the minister teach that message, I

immediately caught a glimpse of what I told my friends in my SSS 1 that
before I will finish my secondary school I must take first position. This also
was a major reason why I changed my friends, because I don’t want to
remain where I was the following year as I have been told, thereby not
fulfilling those words which I promised my friends, who doubted me at that


So, I settled down and began to keep company with my books.

Whenever my ex-friends try to come closer to me I would run to
somewhere else, so I was evading and avoiding them. And my relationship
with God became intimate and my love for Him and His kingdom began to
grow more and more: for saving me through those words I received.

When the third term results came out, all my ex-friends were told to
repeat their class, even those that their average were slightly above the
required average were asked to repeat, because the school authority had
taken note of us and had devised a way (through our results) to punish all
of us. But as for me, a miracle was born! The impossible was made
possible!! My entire colleagues were amazed and trembled; my own case
was a different case altogether!!!

I did not only perform well in the exam, but I also came out as the
first position in my class. I began attending seminars in representing my
school. What a scenario, a truant ending up a leader!

Friends, overtake is allowed in the journey of life. It doesn’t matter

who has looked at you as a fool in the past. By the message in this book,
breakthroughs become your portion.

The school authority paid us money for transport and feeding, even
when there was food in that seminar.

The Word of God concerning my company changed my entire world.

My fellow students started coming to me to teach them. A truant becoming
a pathfinder! I became an epitome of envy among my peers. All my ex-
friends were amazed beyond their widest imaginations. They also
congratulated me for breaking such impossible barrier. And all my
colleagues began to respect me. They talked with me with great honour.

All through my remaining days and session in school, I was on top of

the class. I provided solutions to difficult questions that were hard for the
other students to understand.

I have received a word of change and was transformed, and

everything around me reformed and my world began to conform. All my
colleagues were not able to understand such unprecedented manifestation.
And because they know not, neither were they able to understand, they
were out of course (Psalm 82 v 5).

I later located new friends in prayer, and together we wrote our O’

level exam with God alone by our side. And my result was colourfully
decorated by God. Up to this day, I never regretted that decision I made to
quit every evil company I had been keeping. And God has been so faithful
by confirming His word with signs and wonders following.

The same way I did not regret my decision, that same way you will
never regret your decision. God is all you need to meet all your needs. He is
the greatest companion any man can ever have, any other companion is
secondary. And I declare this day concerning you that you shall begin to
beget exploits. Success is hereby declared your portion, in Jesus mighty

You shall never see shame. As you give up on those bad companies; it
might be your bad friends, your evil books, pornographies, corrupt
messages from the agents of darkness through VCDs and the like, worldly
or demonic music, as you give up on them, I pray for you, as it was with me
that within less than six months there was a turnaround in my story, that
same way there will be a dramatic change of story for you, in the mighty
name of Jesus.

If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth
(Mk. 9 v 23). If you believe it, I decree that that seemingly impossible case
in your life is subdued under your feet right now, in the mighty name of
Jesus. Go and become an axe in the hand of the Almighty God, in Jesus
precious name.



Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
evidence of thing not seen.

Hebrews 11 v 1

All what you need to surmount that mountain facing you now have
been given to you; you might say to yourself, “Is this common thing going
to change anything?” But, you will answer the question by yourself with
this reference:

And the LORD said unto him, what is in thine hand?

And he said, a rod.

And he said, cast it unto the ground. And he cast it unto

the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled
from before it.

And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith

thou shalt do signs.

Exodus 4 v 2-3, 17

Moses told the LORD that what was in his hand was a common rod
which he was using to lead the flocks of sheep in his custody, but God told
him, it is not a common rod as you see it, it is a rod of signs.

Moses told God, “a rod”, but God replied “this rod”, meaning that
that rod in the hand of Moses was one of the several rods at home which
he uses for the flocks of sheep. That was why he said, a rod meaning there
are many of them. God replied, “thou shalt take this (particular) rod”. God
never said, “thou shalt take a rod”, they are different altogether. “This rod”
means, there should no other rod be used outside of the one right in his

And who knows, this book might yet be another rod which He has
ordained to be your own “this rod” for the accomplishment of your
purpose. Now that these keys to tackle your challenges have been placed in
your hands, begin to use them. If Moses knew that the rod he had was for
signs and for deliverance, he would have delivered the children of Israel
with it long before he became eighty years of age.

The first scripture in this particular chapter says, “Now faith is…”
meaning that you must begin now to actualize what you have gained and
believed from your study so far. Faith without work is dead (James 2 v 20),
means that believing in what God has said through this book is not enough,
but you need to work it out.

“Now faith is…”, if it is not now, then it is not faith. If it is not now,
then it may never be. If it is not now, then faith is dead.

Begin to take delivery of your possessions in Christ. Begin to recover

all that Satan has stolen from you via ignorance. He has done enough; it is
time for vengeance, and my God shall avenge you speedily of all your
adversaries, in Jesus mighty name.

In this kingdom, there is no negotiation with the devil. When they

get any believer who misses his step they finish him with speed without
negotiation, that same way, by these keys in your hand, get on those little
demons of your destiny that have missed their path, and discomfit them
with speed. And the grace to subdue all your enemies, receive it now in the
name of Jesus.

The devil has stolen the glory of the church and now uses it against
us, which was why he told Jesus during the temptation in the wilderness,

…All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them:
for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will,
I give it.

If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.

Luke 4 v 6-7

But Jesus, knowing that the devil is a thief, a murderer and a

destroyer (Jn. 10 v 10) refused such negotiation. Even the devil recognized
that the power and glory was not his, which was why he said, “For that is
delivered unto me”.

I have good news for you: the devil is not the one to give you the
power of wealth, neither can he make your life glorious, because the
rightful owner of what he took, even Jesus Christ of the whole world had
come and had restored unto the church both the power and the glory
which belongs to her. The Bible speaking concerning Jesus, said:

…for this (one) purpose the Son of God was manifested,

that he might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3 v 8 (emphasis added)

This means that He came to end all forms of stealing, killing and
destruction of the enemy. And He charged us before He left, saying:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth in me,

the work that I do shall he do also; and greater works
than these shall he do; (why?) because I go unto my

John 14 v 12 (emphasis added)

Which work? Destroying the works of the lesser destroyer, even the
devil. So, you have every right to possess all that you ever imagined,
provided it is aligned with the Word of God. The power to do greater works
than what Jesus had done has been given to you already, so begin to take
charge over those challenges.

After God has subdued the enemies of the Israelites before them
supernaturally, He told them:

Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river
Arnon: behold, I have given into thine hand Sihon the
Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land: begin to possess
it, and contend with him in battle.

Deuteronomy 2 v 24

You hear that? He has subjected all your challenges under you, do
whatsoever you please with it, but you can only manifest your authority
over them by contending with (not running away from) them in battle. That
is, you need to take steps in order to possess what has been given unto
you. Friend, you have lost it long ago because you have sat down long
enough, but the good news is this: God is saying to you, “Arise, take your
journey and pass over”.

I stand therefore on the authority of God’s Word and I declare

concerning you that you shall not only rise, you shall take your journey to
your destiny and you shall pass over all those challenges and mountains in
your way, in the name of Jesus.

Everything that has made you to remain seated on the same spot is
destroyed now. Whatsoever will not let you go forward in life is destroyed
right now. Those seemingly impossible huddles that have both stagnated
and hindered your progress, instead of taking time to follow the usual
route, you shall pass over them and arrive at the other side, in the precious
name of Jesus.

Christ has made all things well in His time. Your time of showing forth
has finally come. You are created to succeed, go and succeed. You are
created for exploits, go and command unusual exploits. You are created for
signs and wonders, go and become a sign and a wonder to your world. You
are created for the top, take your journey now to the top. You are created
to be above, go and be above and not beneath forever. You are created to
be a light, go and shine your light to your world. You are created to be
prosperous, go; prosperity is now your portion. You are created to enjoy
the blessings of Abraham; Abraham’s blessings are yours from this day. You
are created to enjoy total and supernatural health, receive it now in the
name of Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus!

Friend, begin to take steps; avoid procrastination: this very minute is

good to start off. You are created to be on top, see you at the top!


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