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“ Schools that approach the curriculum as subject-centered make robots out of the students.”

I agree to that statement because based on the description of subject centered approach, students
are just to follow teachers’ instructions. Only students who master the subject content can
succeed. Most of the time teachers are the one talking the whole period of the class while
students just listen and keep on absorbing the lessons taught by their teachers and cannot share
their own ideas. In the traditional or subject-centered curriculum, students are discouraged from
entertaining a different point of view than what textbook or teacher presents. The subject matter
has already been chosen by experts in the different subjects, by school boards and by teachers
and deemed of value for students to learn. The subject matter is of critical importance, while
students become little more than receptacles to be filled, rather than thinking, rational individuals
who need to be part of the learning process. The subject-centered curriculum fosters not
excitement about learning and knowledge, but passivity.

I couldn’t agree more to the

statement since the subjects-
centered approach is a kind of
strategy that most of the
thoughts of the teachers came
from the book and this design
mostly to the textbooks. Most
institutions using this kind of
strategy aims for excellence in
the subject
matter content which I thought
is not right or good for students.
Children are also human beings
have feelings & emotions too.
Using this approach is
somewhat right in some aspects
too and that this
design only aims for the
children to learn but I must say
that it shouldn’t be the only
way. Perhaps
teachers must teach them with
love for them to be motivated to
learn on themselves
In addition, subjects centered approach is a kind of strategy that most of the thoughts of the
teachers came from the book and this design corresponds mostly to the textbooks. They just
follow on what is in the books and don’t let the students participate and share their thoughts to on
a certain lessons or topics. Most institutions using this kind of strategy aims for excellence in the
subject matter content which I thought is not right or good for students. Children are also human
beings who have feelings & emotions too. Using this approach is somewhat right in some aspects
too and that this design only aims for the children to learn but I must say that it shouldn’t be the
only way. It should let the students explore on their own, make ways, and discover things by
their selves. Perhaps teachers must teach them with love for them to be motivated to learn on

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