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The three types of fractions are :

Proper fraction

Improper fraction

Mixed fraction

Proper fraction:

Fractions whose numerators are less than the denominators are called proper
fractions. (Numerator < denominator)

For examples:

2323, 3434, 4545, 5656, 6767, 2929 5858, 2525, etc are proper fractions.


Two parts are shaded in the above diagram. Total number of equal parts is 3.
Therefore, the shaded part can be represented as 2323 in fraction. The
numerator (top number) is less compared to the denominator (bottom number).
This type of fraction is called proper fraction.


Three parts are shaded in the above diagram. Total number of equal parts is 4.
Therefore, the shaded part can be represented as 3434 in fraction. The
numerator (top number) is less compared to the denominator (bottom number).
This type of fraction is called proper fraction.

Note: The value of a proper fraction is always less than 1.

Improper fraction:

Fractions with the numerator either equal to or greater than the denominator
are called improper fraction. (Numerator = denominator or, Numerator >
Fractions like 5454, 175175, 5252 etc. are not proper fractions. These are
improper fractions. The fraction 7777 is an improper fraction.

fractions 5454, 3232, 8383, 6565, 103103, 13101310, 154154, 9999, 20132013, 1212121
2, 13111311, 14111411, 17171717 are the examples of improper fractions. The top
number (numerator) is greater than the bottom number (denominator). Such
type of fraction is called improper fraction.


(i) Every natural number can be written as a fraction in which 1 is it's

denominator. For example, 2 = 2121, 25 = 251251, 53 = 531531, etc. So every
natural number is an improper fraction.

(ii) The value of an improper fraction is always equal to or greater than 1.

Mixed fraction:

A combination of a proper fraction and a whole number is called a mixed


11313, 21313, 32525, 42525, 11110110, 913151315 and 123535 are examples of

mixed fraction.
Two 1212, make a whole.
 1212 + 1212 = 2222 = 1

                   1212               1212

What will you get if you add one more 1212 to a whole?
 1212 + 1212 + 1212 = 1
+ 2222 = 11212
Now, you have three half or you can say that you have a whole and a half
or 1212.
Number such as 11212 is a mixed number.

In other words:

A fraction which contains of two parts: (i) a natural number and (ii) a proper
fraction, is called a mixed fraction, e.g., 32525, 73434, etc.

In 32525, 3 is the natural number part and 2525 is the proper fraction part.
In Fact, 32525 means 3 + 2525.

Note: A mixed number is formed with a whole number and a fraction.

Property 1:

A mixed fraction may always be converted into an improper fraction.

Multiply the natural number by the denominator and add to the numerator. This
new numerator over the denominator is the required fraction.

31212 = 3×2+123×2+12 = 6+126+12 = 7272 .

To know more Click Here.

Property 2:

An important fraction can be always be converted into a mixed fraction.

Divide the numerator by the denominator to get the quotient and remainder.
Then the quotient is the natural number part and the remainder over the
denominator is the proper fraction part of the required mixed fraction.

Example: 436436 can be converted into a mixed fraction as follows:

6 |43 
  - 42

Dividing 43 by 6, we get quotient = 7 and remainder = 1.

Therefore, 436436 = 7 1616

To know more Click Here.

Note: Proper fraction is between 0 to 1. Improper fraction is 1 or greater than

1. Mixed fraction is grater than 1.

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