Question 22

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write a program in C++ to make a project in DSA of flight managment system in c++
and uses all concepts of DSA like linked lists and its all
operations ,hash,queues,trees.


Header File
#include<iostream> using namespace std; #define size 100 class airlines {
public: airlines(); void main_menu(); void
make_reservation(); void cancel_reservation(); void
search_passenger(); void change_reservation(); void print_list();
void print_report(); private: struct node { string
fname, lname, ID, phone_num, menu; int reserve_num, seat_num;
node *next; }; node *start; node *temp, *temp2; }bluesky;

Secondary file
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include "bluesky.h" using
namespace std; int reserve = 999; int seat[size]; void seat_fill() {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { seat[i] = 0; } }
bool taken=false; bool seat_no(int y) { for (int i = 0; i < size;
i++ ) { if( seat[i] == -1 ) {
taken=true; cout << "The seat is taken already. \n";
cout << "Please choose another seat number from below."<<endl;
int j = 1; while ( j < size+1 )
{ if ( seat[j-1] == -1)
j++; else
{ cout <<"|" << j << "|";
if ( j%10 == 0 ) cout << endl;
j++; } }
} } } void menu() { char choice; do{ cout <<"\t
------------------------------ \n"; cout <<"\t Make Reservation ......
'1' \n"; cout <<"\t ------------------------------ \n"; cout <<"\t Cancel
Reservation ...... '2' \n "; cout <<"\t ------------------------------ \
n"; cout <<"\t Search Passenger ...... '3' \n"; cout <<"\t
------------------------------ \n"; cout <<"\t Change Reservation ......
'4' \n"; cout <<"\t ------------------------------ \n"; cout <<"\t Print a
list ...... '5' \n"; cout <<"\t ------------------------------ \n";
cout <<"\t Print status Report ...... '6' \n "; cout <<"\t
------------------------------ \n"; cout <<"\t Quit ......
'7' \n "; cout <<"\t ------------------------------ \n"; cout
<<":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\n"; cout <<"\n Option ::
"; cin >> choice; choice = ((int)(choice)-48); switch (choice)
{ case 1: system("CLS"); bluesky.make_reservation();
break; case 2: system("CLS"); bluesky.cancel_reservation();
break; case 3: system("CLS"); bluesky.search_passenger();
break; case 4: system("CLS"); bluesky.change_reservation();
break; case 5: system("CLS"); bluesky.print_list();
break; case 6: system("CLS"); bluesky.print_report();
break; case 7: cout << "\n\nThank you come again\n\n\n";
break; default: cout<<" Don't be like a DORK!!! \n\n";
break; } // Ending case loop. cout<<"\n\
nxxxxxxxxx:::::: PROCESS COMPLETED: NEXT NODE ENTRY:::::::xxxxxxxxx\n\n";
cin.get(); if(cin.get()=='\n') system("CLS");
cout<<"\n\n ..................... MENU
OPTIONS .............................\n"<<endl; }while(choice != 7 ); }
airlines::airlines() { start = NULL; }
void airlines:: make_reservation() { int meal_choice, x; temp = new
node; cout<<"\n\nEnter First Name of person: "; cin>>temp->fname;
cout<<"--------------------------------\n"; cout<<"Enter Last Name of
Person: "; cin>>temp->lname;
cout<<"--------------------------------\n"; cout<<"Enter ID of
the person: "; cin>>temp->ID; cout<<"--------------------------------\n";
cout<<"Enter Phone Number of Person: "; cin>>temp->phone_num;
cout<<"--------------------------------\n"; do{ cout <<
"Please Enter the Seat Number: "; cin>>x;
while(x>size){ cout<<" Try again:: "; cin
>>x; } cout<<"--------------------------------\n";
if((seat[x-1])>-1) taken = false; else
seat_no(x); seat[x-1] = -1; temp->seat_num = x;
***** cout << "Please Enter Your Menu Preference from
below: \n\n"; cout << " Veg ..... '1'\n"; cout
<< " Non-Veg ..... '2'\n"; cout << " No meal ..... '3'\n\n";
cout <<" Your Choice :: "; cin >> meal_choice;
while(meal_choice>3 || meal_choice<1){ cout<<" Try
Again:: "; cin>>meal_choice; } if
(meal_choice == 1) temp->menu = "veg"; else if
(meal_choice == 2) temp->menu = "Non-Veg"; else
temp->menu = "No meal"; reserve++; temp->reserve_num=reserve;
cout <<"\
cout << "YOUR RESERVATION NUMBER IS :: " << reserve << "\n\n"; cout
temp->next = NULL; if(start == NULL) start = temp;
else { temp2 = start; while (temp2->next != NULL)
{ temp2 = temp2->next; } temp2-
>next = temp; } }
******************* int cancel=0; void airlines:: cancel_reservation() {
int num; cout << "Please Enter your reservation Number here: ";
cin >> num; node *cur = start; if(cur!=NULL)
{ if ( start->reserve_num == num ) {
node *del = start; start = start->next;
delete del; seat[0] = 0; cancel++;
return; } else {
node *pre, *cur; pre = start; cur =
start->next; while(cur != NULL) {
if ( cur->reserve_num == num )
break; pre = cur; cur =
cur->next; } seat[cur->seat_num-1]
= 0; if (cur != NULL ) pre->next =
cur->next; } cancel++; } else
{ cout<<"!!! *** Nothing to delete or invalid entry *** !!! \
n"<<endl; } }
******************* void airlines:: search_passenger() { string
fakename; cout << "Please enter your first name here: ";
cin >> fakename; node *cur = start; while (cur !=
NULL) { if (cur->fname == fakename)
{ cout << "First Name : " << cur->fname <<
endl; cout << "Last Name : " << cur->lname <<
endl; cout << "ID " << cur->ID << endl;
cout << "Phone number: " << cur->phone_num << endl;
cout << "Seat Number: " << cur->seat_num << endl;
cout << "Reservation No. " << cur->reserve_num<< endl;
return; } cur = cur->next; }
cout << " Sorry!!! NOT FOUND \n\n"; }
******************* void airlines:: change_reservation() { int option ,
next_seat; cout << " Please enter your seat number: "; cin >> option;
node *cur; cur = start; while(cur != NULL) {
if ( cur->seat_num == option ) break; cur =
cur->next; } cout << "Please choose another seat number from
below."; int j = 1; while ( j < size+1 )
{ if ( seat[j-1] == -1) j++;
else { cout <<"| " << j << "|";
if ( j%10 == 0 ) cout << endl; j++;
} } cin >> next_seat; seat[cur->seat_num-1]=0;
cur->seat_num = next_seat; seat[next_seat-1] = -1; }
******************* void airlines:: print_list() { temp=start;
if(temp == NULL) cout<<" End of lists"<<endl; else {
int cnt = 1; cout << "\tNumber\t First Name\t Last Name\t ID\t";
cout << "Phone Number\t Seat Number\t Reservation No\t Menu\n";
while(temp != NULL) { cout << "\t" << cnt
<<setw(15); cout << temp->fname <<setw(15);
cout << temp->lname << setw(12); cout << temp->ID <<
setw(12); cout << temp->phone_num <<setw(15);
cout << temp->seat_num <<setw(15); cout << temp-
>reserve_num <<setw(12); cout << temp->menu << "\n";
temp=temp->next; cnt++; } cout
<< "\n\n"; } }
******************* void airlines:: print_report() { int count = 0; for
(int i =0; i < size; i++ ) { if (seat[i] == -1)
count++; } cout<<"The number of reserved seats are: " << count
<<endl; cout<<"The number of cancellations are: " << cancel <<endl;


#include <iostream> #include "bluesky.cpp" using namespace std; int
main() { system("CLS"); cout<<"\
n:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"<<endl; cout << "\t
cout<<" ................ MENU OPTIONS ................\n"<<endl;
menu(); seat_fill(); return 0; }

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