Contoh VIA Dan Critial Appraisal

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Analisis VIA
a. Validity
Penelitian ini merupakan narrative review, peneliti sudah memilih tinjauan yang
relevan dan sesuai dengan penelitian.
b. Importance
Jurnal ini menjabarkan informasi evidence-based terbaru dari diagnosis dari
gingivitis dan periodontitis secara komprehensif, dengan mengulasi kembali
tentang etiopatogenesis penyakit untuk pendekatan diagnosis, dan anjuran terapi
yang individualized antar pasien serta langkah-langkah pencegahan penyakit.
c. Applicability
Jurnal ini, yang disusun dari update terbaru terkait gingivitis dan periodontis
hingga 2018, dapat menjadi referensi bagi klinisi untuk diagnosis, pemberian tata
laksana, serta langkah pencegahan gingivitis dan periodontis.
2. Scale for the Assessment of Narrative Review Articles – SANRA
Justification of the article’s importance for the readership
(0) The importance is not justified
(1) The importance is allued to, but no explicity justified
(2) The importance is explicity justified

Statement of concrete aims or formulation of questions

(0) No aims or question are formulated
(1) Aims are formulated generally but not concretely or in terms of clear 0
(2) One or more concrete aims or questions are formulated
Description of the literature search
(0) The search strategy is not presented
(1) The literature search is described briefly 0
(2) The literature search is described in detail, including search terms and
inclusion criteria
(0) Key statements are not supported by references
(1) The referencing of key statements is inconsistent
(2) Key statements are supported by references
Scientific reasoning 2
(0) The article’s point is not based on appropriate arguments
(1) Appropriate evidence is introduced selectively
(2) Appropriate evidence is generally present
Appropriate presentation of data
(0) Data are presented inadequately
(1) Data are often not presented in the most appropriate way
(2) Relevant outcome data are generally presented appropriately

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