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SiR a es © use 2, ta Me Olid you bnow that... . 7 ‘The Poine subway is more & more bombed ‘a the Cotral the ‘subway syatem- buff just the glasses. Cn the lido-line ig impos Dea AR sible ta find an undestroyed car. The write even a lot of bumpinge come ~Tid-tine ean be fs —_— 7 Ly See ed ere Ree MUR e nae Meer ee a Re ee en pete ek corset tet are Vedrete cosa auccede a Milano e a Firenze , due delle citta pid bombate della PO ee uu teea Rorce C Successo in questi ultimi anni a Zuriga . eka eco Crom ctor cd PC eG un) Cee ca oe Ce eC Rea eaten ie ee eRe ease ey SM eee te toe en ecm Cerca ir fo ee Ree Ta a eine ent er rg ee ee eee ee eee Tea aeee ae sce Alea saat) Ce eee ae nee ee tes Relea! Porte tater Ret ace ent tes i 7 Pee Coes Paes eats Carer rere ey Parrecey Pacey een ere aay creel yg [J To order magazines , Va call ee edt ae et a CS os ee te) ete ener OREO) NG by CLEPH VOS-GR 1992 ES ar eI TEES a ee eS TY CNS Seer} (Rela) wT) ea ae, UTS francisco eS Newer Pe eae ee eee Ta) Ever Nererreeey (ee der = 1 i ELE Naa ae eee SiS ae In Svizzera i primi pezzi iniziag vedere nelle \ primi writers furorio gents Gen, Bost, Ashes, Crew come i” Wild Writers“ 0 led mente donne ), ZAT, ACIGME BOWS erano attive in quel p piiLrecenti come i MA ( Ba Lex SAY CHOLY-DIETDSE >) una crew che racchiudete ee eran ea) VTC SRC oaa See PSR) Pe aaa) bee er PE a area = — came 9st Ct ee ey an en ee eee Cd ee et Rute ine ni sera Tay CMR aum eeu Le Lea Cle) Ae Ue a) (ise ce eee en ele ia) Ce eae aks eae ry Sarit ere mc Ne st ee Gaels Cause een ected SoM ea runt aOR Csr alata eae elo aes) Eee te eee ey St Rae A ee eM ve) BTS, ¥TO, AT geneva povemeta) pd eat ee aa een ee eer eer) Ses PT See eee a a mn Beds Dee Ces ieee a rod COM ere teeny een cas er aca Dee ne ee ac ant Re ue UC rad ud Uo et Cee ut eect Pa M1. Who was with you, the first time, that you have been in @ yard ? Cece ao cry Reena Ren td Ce een Pee ed Caterer contd ete a et eer eae) eos etd Pure Cec ee) ee ee em Tt) Serta Ce ee Cees Dre rao Ce oe kee) Coe ee eet) Coe ee rad es aera Cece Cc a eae Rr aes ee eee Pour cee ered cae te ee Ome eet Pee et ner) PO eee eee Pe ee ee eC ene ey crite Cel eee el a Caer ee TT Cots ac eee Cee tn eee trey a ee eed Cece rae tate ha ua ee ee “Gpraycen art” book there is my piece Sete eT oe ert tas Cr ar ne Cire atte tee ed Ceo et ee once Src eae oo er eon ee eo ee ea ey a Renee Cece ee eter See rote te ead ee eet) A WZ een oe coe Cron ms ee ee ety Ree ee ein Cee Come rn es eee etna ces Re cern Poem e gtr) Ara Pete cm) ec) See eC ens ee es eee eet hyd Conn po ee seg ce eee ne een een Chee ett tent) ener ters 4/ be ieee ns cities ? ae Sra Remy Se ea Ra mo Ca es Te eC Nd CACC mom nn Uo ta ont ed ee nies Seer etd eet) ues Cece Cue aetna ad Ce em ey with Ghost 6 Magoo There was Ven ral San ea < oS i, c would have been buffed because we were writing “eat shit” ner his Mees en wwe did’ttag the LUG but the people Ra a ene any Cer a near Ce ce eno cee ans Ce eC a ree ee eC ea Ce med Sena eT) ENE aera re ec) bir | Pipes res er (eae ee eee ne els ef Sr ea en) ea re A el — _ Sa aC a et nT) Coa aera) PCarr) FIRENZEFLORENCE Anncamente vera ZEAD T , me quelio che sincerameste mi See RSet aes hie ere oro pre aed een eka cee et Ey ne ere See eee er a a) Pelee eo ee ene a ey PU ene ce aed Ey teen a ese eee ean Pe ee eu La Peon at ee nora Pesce um ems mere mcrae Pa ee ee ree! Se oy eal Pe ane eae Pe ae are te vere crete tae] By ee ease eu reas Pe re a aT) Ca Fae eat oN a een] CHERG PIARS-LOADS.199@ Originally there was ZERGT. but as far es | can remember, UST GGIGL Sw know as SAY CEE - wrote some hind of thegilleips "UST" (Quring’@b-'87 ZEAC T figdlsome pieces made on the line to Rome. Browund the 90, piece fethat the station of Rifrech made iy 3 a Biers. Between the years 10-11, CORP Stated teepaint alone his first train ‘a togethes with CHEAD he Gaited Fis fiege walls ( sometimes even some hind GF ENMST appesred ) Around "I other Miter gPicted.t0paintwith him-ambamong these was ENIGT=tn the year \996, with the boom, alot of wisiterdretacted to comesup Ward, like for enample. GLUT, 81S, HEIN, EF.MAG, SQUEEZE 6 SPH crew Since 9b till today, the Writers who constantly painting trans eemain the same, OCIBK, ENIST. HEIN, SUEEZE ‘n MAG -the NEADS-S60 crews- and crew. Hind of writer like CHERC) paint just walls, Ke sometimes you may see pieces of ZEAL T c z ‘The others gave up. oon EuRoPeAn Belvidere end BOS a oer ener Nea eres ee ere] Neier eee cece TT Fal EE eer ea) to wren) ip i Me ae a eT) Chtretootcrs ee ee eer Carer oe ey er Cee ee re nt Ce er eer eed ie eet a eet Mery ee cas ee ek wot ety Cee eee ee ee ty ee ee eee etre a esa TT} cris rer Tarr ed rena) ional op anea Anes arp (ara ify lpn PE ey ree La sana allah is CA eae ete alg es Peas ee ee eee ieee Ea aee eed (= Pe eee Bens ee) (ule eatan sel Natal a SU aU CSCC unis Peewee ee FTE ee LF er a en) a Penn PC ee Sue asa ae Ree a se una a cr. r CONSE As Sus aaa NM ea eat ee a Ce eam eet Vee 13 1 en vy. a Eee Cee Wh tc ee ee OS eee . ae 4 ee re ogee eee et en ee paca 2 Cee etre te eects ei 4 eunous people eee CELT kcal Peo ema ter ets ae ee ts a peak Sith New ou can calmiy go to ene Sete} eee OU Saree es i WWith a little bit of lich nf you carefully follow these instructions, it be eee ae re ee acs

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