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(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOP! (19) World Intellectual Property Organization 6 en @2) es) 26) 60) am m2 3) ry en International Bureau. (43) International Publication Date 18 May 2012 (18.05.2012) nernational Pater G21K 1/00 2006.01) International Application Number: PCT/IB2011/055044 Classitieato International Filing Date: 11 November 2011 (11.11.2011) ng Language: English Publication Language: English Priority Data: 2703/DEL/2010 11 November 2010(11.11.2010) IN Applicant (or all designated States excepr US): SYEN= ERGY ENVIRONICS LTD [IN/INI; 206 Southex Plaza 1, 389 Magjid Moth, South Extension Part-I, New Delhi 10049 «N), Inventor: and Inventor/Applicant (fr US only): PODDAR, Ajay [INN]; Cio. 206 Southex Plaza 1, 389 Masjid, Moth, South Fxtension Part-I, New Delhi 110049 (IN), Agents: BHOLA, Ravi etal; K & S Parmers, Intellectual Property Attorneys 109, Sector-#4, Gurgaon, Haryana 122008 (IN). Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every ind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR; CU; CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, a ERATION TREATY (PCT) NTE A000 08 0 1 (10) International Publication Number WO 2012/063224 Al DZ, EC, FE, EG, FS, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HIN, HR, HU, 1D, IL, IN, 1S, 3, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, Mik, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI NO, NZ, OM, PE 7M, ZW Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every Kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TI, TM), Europea (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, FE, FS, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI,'SK, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CL, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, 76), 4 10 the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of the earlier application Rule 4.37) ished: with international search repon (Art. 21(3)) before the expiration of the time limit for amending the claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of ‘amendments (Rule 48.208)) (64 Title: ANTLRADIATION CHIP AND ANTI RADIATION STRIP FOR REDUCTION OF RADIATIONS ON HUMAN & vovy (57) Abstract: The present invention restes to reducing impact of electromagnetic radiations on human health. More particularly, the present inveation relates to comecting the negative impoct of electromagnetic field radiations emitted by electronic equipments by using specially developed chips which change the nature of radiations without blocking or deflecting them. WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 ANTL-RADIATION CHIP AND ANTI-RADIATION STRIP FOR REDUCTION OF RADIATIONS ON HUMAN BODY Field of the Invention The present invention relates to reducing impact of electromagnetic radiations on human health. More particularly, the present invention relates to correcting the negetive impact of electromagnetic field radiations emitted by electronic equipments by using specially developed chips which change the nature of radiations without blocking or deflecting them. Background of the Invention: ‘The growing use of wireless communication in the last decade has introduced concems about health risks from the so called man-made electromagnetic smog from Microwave Radiations. Various epidemiological and experimental studies have been carried out 15 and the results have shown to have a close relation between biological effeets on living beings and Electromagnetic radiation. World Health Organization (WHO) in a report released on 31 May, 2011 has called these radiations as “possibly carcinogenic”. Microwave radiation has the following two effects: © Thermal 20 © Non-thermal Biological impacts: Thermal Heating of biological tissue is a consequence of microwave energy absorption by the tissue's water content. The amount of heatin produced in a living organism depends 25 primarily on the intensity and on the efficiency of the body's thermoregulation mechanism, Above a certain intensity of the microwaves, temperature homovostasis is not maintained, and effects on health ensue once the temperature rise exceeds about 1°C. Safety guidelines impose upper limits on the radiation intensity to ensure that this does not happen. 30 Amongst the most thermally vulnerable areas of the body, are the eyes and the testes. Because of their low blood supply, cataract formation and reduced sperm counts are well-documented acute exposure hazards. 20 25 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 Biological effects: Non-thermal ‘There are many reports over the past 30 years which prove that microwave radiations exert non-thermal influences, at intensities well below those neces ry to cause any detectable heating. The possibility that the pulsed, low-intensity microwave radiations currently used in mobile telephony can exert subtle, non-thermal influences on a living organism because microwaves have properties other than the intensity that is regulated by safety guidelines. This microwave radiation has certain well-defined frequencies, which facilitate its discernment by a living organism (despite its ultralow intensity), and via which the cells of the organism can get affected. The human body is an electrochemical instrument of exquisite sensitivity whose orderly functioning and control are underpinned by oscillatory electrical processes of various kinds, each characterized by a specific frequency, some of which happen to be close to those used in communication and computing devices such as mobile phones, mobile transmission towers, computers, etc. Thus, the natural biological electrical activities in the living organism are disrupted by the oscillatory aspects of the extemal microwave radiation The Biological basis for the damage of human body from Electromagnetic Radiation ‘The non-ionizing, non-thermal Electromagnetic Field (EMF) carrying a constant signal is capable of transmitting a message into the cellular system of animals and human beings. This signal is characterized as a weming message informing the cellular system about the EMF exposure, just as if it was exposed to a real threat such as potential damage due to ionizing radioactivity, X-ray, overheating, toxic chemicals, bacterial attacks, ete, Despite the fact that the non thermal EMF lacks the energy and intensity to harm the cellular system directly, the response on the biological level to this false alarm is still triggered, which undesirably can exhaust the cell’s defense system and makes it vulnerable to real attacks. However, a condition for triggering the cell’s response is that the constancy of the EMF field is at least one second, as it takes that amount of time for the cellular system in humans and animals to respond to the exposures. Where the con! ey of the EMF field exceeds one second, the EMF si nal is able to trigger the 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 sensors in the cell membranes, and thereby transmit the warning message into the cellular system, triggering a cascade of events in the cellular biological system. ‘The responding sensors transmit the warning m sage through the messenger enzymes in the cell to the nucleus, which in self-defense activates a variety of biological effects in the cell metabolism, such as changes in the activities of the genes, hormones, enzymes and proteins, all putting the cell in a stress mode designed to protect the cell against interference from the environment. This mechanism is nature’s emergency procedure and should be beneficial or protective, which seems to be the case at shorter exposures. However, if the exposure is repetitive for a longer period, generally being the case for EMF exposure from communication and computing devices, it can establish an almost permanent state of red alert, which can involve an exhaustion of the cellular repair system, a condition that in the end can suppress the production of the some of the most important repair enzymes and stress proteins and thereby decrease their ability to funi ion. Experiments carried out for Changing the nature of Microwave Radiations from constant to random By disrupting the constant nature of radiations, its impact can be neutralized and the defense system is untouched and no adverse biological effects can possibly occur. ‘The technology of changing the nature of radiations has been tested on the biological systems mentioned below. This change has been made by superimposing a noise field on the incoming signal Human Lymphoma cells: Catholic University, Washington > Impact of exposure to EMF field: Significant increase in activity of Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). (Marker for growth and increased risk of cancer). > Impact of changing nature of radiation: No increase in the ODC activity. Human breast cancer cells: Columbia Universit ,, New York 20 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 > Impact of exposure to EMF field: Onset of HSP90 stress protein production (potential increased risk of cancer) > Impact of changing nature of radiation: No increase in HSP90 production, Rat's Brain cells: University of Washington, Washington State > Impact of exposure to EMF field: Significant deficit in learning and short term ‘memory loss, > Impact of changing nature of radiation: No learning deficit or memory loss. All of these studies showed biological effects from exposure to EMF and all documented that changing the nature of radiation neutralizes the effect on the tested biological systems and cell substances. ‘What happens when we become exposed to EMF's from cell phones? The man-made electromagnetic fields are structurally different from the electromagnetic fields found in nature ~ including the subtle low electromagnetic fields that our body's cells use to communicate with each other. The natural fields are random in their frequency, amplitude and waveform, whereas the artificial EME’s are regular and constant (systemic). Our cells respond to the systemic fields negat ely. When subjected to them constantly and at close proximity, they are unable to communicate with one another. This affects the body’s immunity, vital and neurological function Figure 1 demonstrates the man-made clectromegnetic fields, while Figure 2 demonstrates natural clectromagnetic fields. Research on existing Concepts / Products in the Market Many companies have developed or claim to be developing radiation shields, chips or similar devices. The Inventors have procured about 15 such products, which were readily available in the market or through the Internet and supplied by about 10 different companies all over the world. The Inventors have also read the research papers and advertisements of companies who claim to have invented devices and equipments to reduce radiations from mobile towers. No one has developed a chip or strip for personal computers, laptops and mobile transmission towers till date to the best of our knowledge. 10 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 The claims and products are as follows: 1. Chip made of inert material (rare mineral) and plastic, which claim to change wa forms. No tests on people specified. Tested positive with the Lecher Antenna 2. Chip of green color shaped as Number *8”, No certification or test results given. Tested negative with the Lecher Antenna, 3. Chip and pocket Shield with gauze like insulating material. Supposed to stop radiation. They show test with Gauss Meter for 2 to 3 seconds, whereby the intensity of, the current and the noise emitted is seen to reduce. However, when we tested with the same instrument held for longer period (about 20 seconds), the current level and the noise came back to the original levels. This showed that the material gets saturated with radiation within a few seconds and cannot absorb or prevent radiations from going through on a continuous basis. Tests with the Lecher Antenna also showed negative. 4. Chips claiming a reduction in SAR value tested in labs, While the tests showed a reduction in SAR value, none of them specified the duration of the test, Tests with the Lecher Antenna showed negative. 5. Other chips and shicld materials ~ Tests were not specified and tested negative with the Lecher Antenna, 6, The Radiation arresting devices for mobile towers ~ One of the inventors claimed to reduce the transmission by 60- 80% by absorbing the radiation and dumping them into a pit with the help of a power source. Our rejoinder to them that any device which pulls and dumps the radiation will decrease the signal availability and impede the quality was admitted to, saying that this will not affect working of mobiles. Also, that the power source needed to dump would have to be more powerful and would create its own radiations, This was not answered, Another claimed that the radiation was deflected back. According to our tests, none of the products, except that given above in S.No. 1 worked and were not doing what they claimed to do. 15 20 25 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 ‘Some of the companies have claimed that the chip developed by them absorbs the radiation and doesn’t allow it to reach the user. According to our research and understanding, no material or product can block / absorb the radiation for a great length of time (more than 5-10 minutes), as the material absorbing or blocking the radiation gets saturated and allows the radiation to pass through after that. Also, if the emissions from a mobile phone are absorbed or blocked, then the signals carrying the data (voice, text, ete) will also get impacted and transm n / reception quality of the mobile phone will get affected Some of the references wl can be looked into to understand the nature of harmful effects of electromagnetic radiations include: 1. bttpy/en.wikipedia org/wiki/Mobile_phone_radiation_and_health#Effects 2. hutp/|-phone-health-hazard htm! 3. hitpy/cellphoneradiationusa 4, hitp://nehe 5. httpi//www.rse.ce/english/RFreport pdf 6. hipy/ php 7. htipvwww.doh. gov uk/mobilephones/index him /iwwww. who int /h-mf/publications/en/memeradiationmobitephonebk.pdf 10. heip:/vww,,htenl LL. hey tinyurl com/Mobiles-Cigarettes www foc zoviocti ‘Many materials used in existing products around the world have been tested but none of them work, when tested with the Lecher Antenna for their effect on the human body. ‘Some of the materials tested were as follows: Plastic and ash Pascalite healing clay Montmorillonites Carbon nanotubes Conducting polymers 10 15 20 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 © Graphite and minerals © Oxydated hydrocarbon emulsifier It was observed that @ chip made of inert material (rare mineral) and plastic, which claim to change wave forms, no tests on people have been provided to prove the same, All except one with ash filled in it tested negative with the Lecher Antenna. In the case of the chip filled with Ash, it was found that it tested positive initially but the ash seemed to lose its ability to change the nature of radiation when tested again after 2 months. Some of the companies have claimed that the chip developed by them absorbs the radiation and doesn’t allow it to reach the user. According to research carried out so far and the accepted understanding, no material or product can block / absorb the radiation for a great length of time (more than a few seconds or minutes), as the material absorbing or blocking the radiation gets saturated and allows the radiation to pass through after that. Also, if the emissions from a mobile phone are absorbed or blocked, then the text, ete) will also get impacted and nals carrying the data (voi transmission / reception quality of the mobile phone will get affected. ICNIRP (International Council on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection) has given ‘guidelines for the human exposure to Electromagnetic Microwave radiations (EMR) but these guidelines are specified for protection against thermal effects of EMRs only. ‘As demonstrated by Hyland in his paper (published in Lancet, November 2000) non thermal effects occur because of well defined nature (constant nature) of the EMR. On changing this constant nature, non thermal effects can be neutralized. ‘The concept of changing the nature of radiation has been established and tested by various scientists and researchers in laboratory conditions on various living organisms. Some of these tests and results have been mentioned above, However, the techniques used for doing so (introdueing noise to superimpose the EMF signals) can’t be used lly in the lives of human beings using mobile phones, computers, ete. Thus, practi there is a need to provide a method and a device using which the nature of ra 25 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 emitted by microwave radiation emit ing devices can be changed in such a manner that its negative impact on human health can be minimized, Objects of the Invention ‘Thus, the object of the present invention is to develop an Anti-Radiation Chip for use (on microwave radiation emitting devices selected from the group comprising mobile phone (CPU's). personal computers (laptops and desktops) and Central Processing Unit's Another object of the present invention is also to develop an Anti-Radiation Strip for use at installations outfitted with microwave radiation emitting devices such as Public ‘Transmission Towers. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a method for changing the nature of radiations emitted microwave radiation emitting devices such as mobile phones, personal computers (laptops and desktops), CPUs, and public transmission towers without blocking or deflecting them in such a manner that their harmful impact on human being is reduced, Still another object of the present invention is to provide a method for improving pulse rate of human being closely under influence of a microwave radiation emitting device selected from the group comprising of mobile phones, personal computers (laptops and desktops), CPU's, public transmission towers, ete. Brief Description of the Accompanying Drawings: In order that the invention may be readily understood and put into practical effect, reference will now be made to exemplary embodiments as illustrated with reference to the accompanying drawings. The figures together with a detailed description below, are incorporated in and form part of the specification, and serve to further illustrate the embodiments and explain various principles and advantages, in accordance with the present invention where: Figure | demonstrates the man-made electromagnetic fields; Figure 2 demonstrates natural electromagnetic fields; Figure 3 illustrates the external view of the chip for use with mobile phones; WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 Figure 4 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use with mobile phones. Figure 5 illustrates the external view of the chip for use with top flap of the Lap tops: Figure 6 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use with top flap of the Lap tops; Figure 7 illustrates the external view of the chip for use at bottom surface of the Lap 5 tops; Figure 8 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use at bottom surface of the Lap tops Figure 9 illustrates the external view of the chip for use at the first location in a desktop: 10 Figure 10 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use at the first location in a desktop: Figure 11 illustrates the external view of the chip for use at the second location in a desktop; Figure 12 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use at the second location in a 15. desktop; Figure 13 illustrates the external view of the chip for use in a tablet; Figure 14 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use in a tablet; Figure 15 illustrates the external view of the strip for use in a transmission tower, and Figure 16 illustrates the internal view of the strip for use in a transmission tower. 7 sited actisans il appreciate that elements in the drawings are illustrated for simplicity and have not necessarily been drawn to scale. For example, the dimensions of some of the elements in the drawings may be exaggerated relative to other elements to help to improve understanding of embodiments of the present invention. 25 Summary of the Invention Accordingly, the present invention provides a radiation protection chip affix-able to a radiation emitting device selected from the group comprising mobile phones, personal computers selected from laptops, desktops and tablets and Central Processing Unit's 30 (CPU's), said radiation protection chip comprising a means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods encased within a dome, said dome being affix-able to the radiation emitting device, said means for producing high 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 10 frequency signals through non-electrical methods comprising a paper or film comprising four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors and a high energy symbol In an embodiment, the four colors provided in the radiation protection chip are Red, Green, Orange and Blue and the high energy symbol is Cho Ku Rei Backward symbol, ‘The present invention also provides a radiation protection strip for use at installations outfitted with microwave radiation emitting devices such as public transmission towers, said radiation protection strip comprising a means for producing high frequeney signals through non-electrical methods encased within a protective element, said protective clement being affix-able to the radiation emitting device, said means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods comprising a film comprising four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors and a high energy symbol. In another embodiment, the four colors provided in the radiation protection chip are Red, Green, Orange and Blue and the high energy symbol is Cho Ku Rei Backward symbol. ‘The present invention further provides a method for changing the nature of radiations emitted by microwave radiation emitting devices without blocking or deflecting them and in such a manner that their harmful impact on human being is reduced, the microwave emitting devices being selected from the group comprising mobile phones, personal computers selected from laptops, desktops and tablets, Central Processing Units (CPUs), and public transmission towers, said method comprising affixing to the said microwave radiation emitting device a means capable of producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods, said means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods comprising a paper or film comprising four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors and a high energy symbol In an embodiment, the four colors provided in the means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods are Red, Green, Orange and Blue and the high energy symbol is Cho Ku Rei Backward symbol 20 25 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 u ‘The present invention furthermore provides a method for improving pulse rate of human being closely under influence of a microwave radiation emitting device selected from the group comprising of mobile phones, personal computers selected from laptops, desktops and tablets, Central Processing Units (CPU’s) and public transmission towers, said method comprising affixing to the said microwave radiation emitting device a means capable of producing high frequency signals through non- electrical methods, said means for producing high frequency signals through non- electrical methods comprising a paper or film comprising four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors and a high energy symbol In another embodiment of the present invention, the four colors provided in the means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods are Red, Green, Orange and Blue and the high energy symbol is Cho Ku Rei Backward symbol. Detailed Description of the Invention While the invention is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embod ent thereof has been shown by way of example in the drawings and will be described in detail below. It should be understood, however that it is not intended to limit the invention to the particular forms disclosed, but on the contrary, the invention is to cover all modifications, equivalents, and altemative falling within the spirit and the scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims, Before describing in detail embodiments it may be observed that the drawings are showing only those specific details that are pertinent to understanding the embodiments of the present invention so as not to obscure the disclosure with details that will be readily apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art having benefit of the deseription . “comprising”, or any other variations herein, Furthermore, the terms “compris thereof, are intended to cover a non-exclusive inclusion, such that a setup, device that comprises a list of components does not include only those components but may include other components not expressly listed or inherent to such setup or device. In other words, one or more elements in a system or apparatus proceeded by “comprises. 20 25 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 12 a” does not, without more constraint preclude the existence of other elements or additional elements in the system or apparatus. Accordingly, the present invention provides a Radiation Protection Chip for use on microwave radiation emitting devices selected from the group comprising mobile phones, personal computers (laptops, tablets and desktops) and Central Processing Unit’s (CPU's). The present invention also provides a Radiation Protection Strip for use at public transmission towers and installations outfitted with microwave radiation emitting devices. The Radiation Protection Chip and the Radiation Protection Strip of the present invention reduces the impact of these radiations on the human body by changing the nature or form of radiation. Initial and preliminary tests show that there is improvement in the health parameters of people using these chips on their mobile phones and PC’s/Laptops, whose usage of these devices s for a prolonged period of time, say over 4 hours a day and those living under / very close to mobile transmission towers over a long period of time, say over 6 months. An improvement in the pulse rate of people has been recorded In a first embodiment, the present invention provides a Chip & Strip made of paper / film and embedded in a dome, wherein the said paper / film comprises four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors along with a high energy Symbol. The four colors are selected such that they resonate to very specific frequencies and the high energy symbol is placed strategically to enhance the effectiveness. Ina second embodiment, the present invention provides a Chip & Strip made of paper / film and embedded in a dome, wherein the said paper / film comprises a high energy symbol arranged and proportioned in a specific manner and printed thereupon. The paper / film additionally contain four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors, the four colors being s ected such that they resonate to very specific frequencies to enhance the effectiveness. It is possible in future to print or emboss the colors or the high energy symbols on mediums or materials other thank paper / film for the same or for other applic 10 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 1B With the above combination of colors and symbols, the nature of radiation is being changed and the harmful effect of radiation emitted from the device with or in close proximity to the user is being reduced. The above procedure does not block the radiation as that will impact the reception and quality of data (voice, text, ete) exchange on the device. ‘The chip is a combination of colors with shades of specific frequencies and symbols of high onergy and frequency. The following combinations work as an anti-radiation chip S.No. Color Combination Symbol T | Red * Green + Orange + Blue ‘Cho-Ku-Rei Backward wb ‘At least 2 or more primary or secondary colors ¢ At least 2 or more primary or secondary colors 4_| Atleast or more primary or secondary colors ‘At least 2 or more primary or secondary colors 6 | At least 2 or more primary or secondary colors 7 _ | Atleast 2 or more primary or secondary colors HOO © It has been observed that the combination as per S.No. 1 is better than the remaining combinations. The use of colors in conjunction with symbols has been tested and validated for the first time. It has been seen that only specific combinations and positions of fixing give the desired results. Any other company using similar products will lead the customer to 25 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 4 believe that their product also works. This should be protected since there is no standard or legislation for testing or use of radiation altering devices Testing of our Products Our products have been tested for its effectiveness on human subjects and statistical significant improvement has been seen in the defined parameter (Pulse rate). Testing has also been done in a reputed laboratory to determine the impact on the functioning of the devices on which our products are fixed. More details on the testing done by us is given below. Hypothesis for Testing on human subjects: Hypothesis is that people subject to excessive Microwave Radiation tend to get stressed and suffer loss of immunity. This is found most commonly to occur due to excessive use of Mobile Phones and Computers. This results in their pulse rate increasing abnormally. Based on the result of preliminary study, it has been found that those having a pulse rate of above 82 show an average reduction of approximately 4-6 percent when using the chip for over @ week. Based on the above hypothesis, testing of our products has been done as per the protocol developed in consultation with medical fraternity. Protocol has been approved by the scientific committee and Ethics Committee of a multidisciplinary and reputed hospital in New Delhi, India, Tests have been done in a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) office on 137 people and in a reputed hospital on 154 subjects using a double blind crossover method. Neither the participant nor the doctor/nurse was aware of whether the products being used for the study are original or dummy to see the improvement in pulse rate. Study conducted by us has also been registered in the Clinical Trial Registry of India (CTRD. Protocol followed for the study done in the BPO and also in a Hospital: > To identify subjects having pulse rate of more than 82 pulse/minute > To fill the data collection form for each subject > To measure the Blood Pressure of the subjects on the first day and last day of WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 the tests > To fix the chip at the right location on the mobile phone & computer at the workplace of the subjects > To measure pulse rate of subjects two times a day for 14 days — 7 days with 5 dummy chip and 7 days with original chip > To compile the data of the pulse rate reading and calculating average pulse rate reading. Any abnormal reading will be eliminated from the average pulse rate calculation. Abnormality will be defined as those readings which show a variation of more than 10 from the mean data determined after recording all 10 data and those taken afier cating, drinking tea or coffee, smoking, excessive stress, ete > To record whether the subject is in normal state or in a stressed state during the time of measurement > To analyze & interpret the final result 15 Result of the study: Statistical significant improvement of 4.8% in pulse rate of human subjects having pulse rate above 82 has been seen in the BPO on 137 people and 4.5% improvement has been seen in the hospital on 154 subjects. The data accumulated during the study is 20 provided in table 1 Name roo | sox | samote | Nir? | Se? | St? | Se caummy nip | actu enip | aca ep | dummy chip Candidate 1 35__|-w | o67 [9500 [9450 | 078 035 Candidate 2 27 [| e733 | 0671_| 8671 | 071 O74 Candidate 3 20 | -M_| 93.33 | 91.83 [83.00 | 11.07 1.61 Candidate 4 32__[ M_| 96.67 [0133 [ 9540 | 1.31 5.52 Candidate 5 27__[-M_| 94.50 | 96.00 [9500 | 053 | 159 Candidate 6 26 [| _M_| 84.00 | 81.25 | 7078 | 5.03 3.27 Candidate 7 24 | -F | 84.00 | 7970 [8080 | 3.81 5.12 Candidate 8 20 | _M_| 86.00 | 79.00 [9520 | 0.93 6.14 Candidate 9 30 | M_| 8300 | 8038 7938 | 437, 3.16 Candidate 10 23 | M | e633 | 200 | 79.50] 7.02 5.02 Candidate 11 23_[ F | 8400 | 6538 | 6133 | 317_| 168 Candidate 12 20 | F | ses7 | 8814 | e417 | 5.08 0.59 Candidate 13 26 | F | 92.33 | 8800 | 85.00 | 7.94 4.69 Candidate 14 28 | M_| 8567 | e262 [e214 [411 3.33 Candidate 15 2 | M _| 9233 | 06.33 | 9140 | 1.01 6.50 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 16 Candidate 16 25 m_| s267 | 80.00 | 7940 | 395 3.23, Candidate 17 35, M_| 96.67 | 95.50 | 95.50 1.21 1.21 Candidate 18 a2 M_| 91.00 [92.80 | 92.60_[-1.65 “1.98 Candidate 19) 32 M | 9033 | 96.17 [8629 [4.48 4.61 Candidate 20 24 M | 8533 | e544 | e467 | 0.78 0.13 Candidate 21 aa M_| 87.00 | e740 | 7850 | 977 0.46 Candidate 22 26 M_| 85.00 | 05.33 | 74.00 [12.94 0.39 Candidate 23, 26 M_| 85.00 | 8040 | 83.67 1.57 Bat Candidate 24 24 F | 86.00 | 87.50 | 79.80 | 7.21 74 Candidate 25 28 M_| 83.00 | 6550 | 7667 | 7.63 “3.01 Candidate 26 28 M_| 86.50 | 6867 | 80.60 | 6.82 2.50 Candidate 27, 27 M_| 93.00 | 93.00 | 87.00 | 6.45 0.00 Candidate 28 28 M_| 91.50 | 91.25 | 8420 | 7.98 O27 Candidate 29, 29 M_| 8660 | 67.75 | 8433 | 262 “1.33 Candidate 30 30 M_| 86.00 | 6125 [7.50 [8.82 aat Candidate 31 36 M_| 83.00 | e280 | 8267 [0.40 0.24 Candidate 32 29 M_| 88.00 | 7.33 | 86.00 | 2.27 0.76 Candidate 33 27 M_| 93.00 | 94.25 |" 8525 | 8.33 “1.34 Candidate 34 43 F | 98.00 | 9360 | 91.50 | 6.63 4.49 Candidate 35 23 M_| 89.00 | 89.00 | 85.60 | 3.82 0.00 Candidate 36 28 M_| 85.00 | e483 | 7933 | 6.67 0.20 Candidate 37, 27 M_| 8567 | 65.56 | 81.00 | 5.45 0.13 Candidate 38 30 F_| 103.33 | 101.56 | 97.00 | 6.13 172 Candidate 39 a2 F_| 101.50 | 101.25 | 100.38_|_1.11 025 Candidate 40 26 F | 88.00 | 80.00 | 83.00 | 5.68 9.09 Candidate 41 30 F | 93.33 | a7.00 | 90.17 [3.39 6.79 Candidate 42 33 F | 9067 | 03.00 | e267 | 8.82 8.46 Candidate 43 34 F | e933 [05.25 | 86.13 | 3.59 4.57 Candidate 44 38. F_| 91.50 | 94.00 | 8875 | 3.01 8.20 Candidate 45 26 F | 86.67 | 98.67 | 90.00 | -3.85 “2.31 Candidate 45 26 F_| 90.00 | 91.88 | 88.90 1.22 -2.08 Candidate 47 33 F | 96.50 | 94.33 | 8925 | 7.51 2.25 Candidate 48, 38. F_| 93.00 | 08.33 | 88.00_| 5.38 5.02 Candidate 49 27 F | 84.00 | 80.75 | 79.64 | 5.19 3.87 Candidate 50 25 F_| 8267 | 63.00 | 6344 | -0.94 -0.40 Candidate 51 36 F | 94.50 | 98.33 | 93.60 | 0.95 4.06 Candidate 52 25 F [e750 [04.36 | 05.08 [2.7 3.58 Candidate 53. 34 F | e333 | e283 | 8633 | -3.60 0.60 Candidate 54 33 M_| 9250 | 87.00 | 88.20 [4.65 5.95 Candidate 55: 34 M_| 9050 | 7467 | 77.33 | 1455 17.50 Candidate 56 38, M_| 88.00 | 92.50 | 6225 | 6.53 “5.11 Candidate 57 a M_| 83.00 | 79.33 | 80.67 | 2.81 4.42 Candidate 58 25 F | 87.00 | 79.00 | 80.50 | _7.47 9.20 Candidate 59 27 F | 86.00 | e470 | 7980 | 7.21 151 Candidate 60 32 F_| 90.00 | 88.40 | 81.40 | 9.56 1.78 Candidate 61 30 F | 88.00 | 96.00 | 8268 | 5.82 2.27 Candidate 62 al | 87.00 | 98.17 | 86.67 [ 0.49 1.34 Candidate 63, 31 F | 2633 | a74e | 04.50 | 2.12 1.29 Candidate 64 25, F | 90.50 | 99.50 [8533 [5.71 7.10 Candidate 65: 37 M | e733 [0675 | 03.75 [4.10 067 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 7 Candidate 66 31 m_| 8300 | 7900 | 77.00 | 7.23 4.82 Candidate 67 29 M_| 92.67 | 94.16 | 67.00_| 6.12 “1.64 Candidate 68: 30 M_| 88.33 [92.14 | e7.e7_[ 0.75 431 Candidate 69 a M_| 85.00 | 77.80 | 83.00 | 2.35 847 Candidate 70 35, M_| 9533 [9240 | 90.80 [4.76 3.08 Candidate 71 37 M_|s733 | aaas | 8400 | 3.82 “1.27 Candidate 72 35, M_| 8433 | e267 | 78.00 [7.51 1.98 Candidate 73, 34 M_| 83.00 | e450 | 84.00 | -1.20 “181 Candidate 74 36 M_| 92.00 | 90.00 | 85.50_| 7.07 217 Candidate 75 34 M_| 93.00 | 62.00 | 8467 | 896 11.83 Candidate 76 57 M_| 8567 | 69.00 | 79.33 | 7.39 “3.89 Candidate 7 32 M_| 91.33 | 6843 | 83.33 | 876 3.18 Candidate 78 29 M_| 9033 | 9967 | 89.00 1.48 O74 Candidate 79 29 F_| 86.00 | 7800 | 81.90 | 477 9.30 Candidate 80 34 M_| 8607 | 04.38 [62.00 [4.28 151 Candidate 61 28 M_| 8267 | 62.50 | 81.50 1.41 0.20 Candidate 82 36 M_| 8967 | 99.20 | 85.86 [4.25 0.42, Candidate 83, 25 F | 89.00 | 9580 | 8125 | 871 3.60 Candidate 84 28 F_|-s1a3 | 9133 | 8350 | 8.58 0.00 Candidate 85 27 M_| 9567 | 95.13 | 67.00 | 9.06 0.57 Candidate 85 35, M_| 9233 | 90.00 | 88.80 | 3.83 2.53 Candidate 87 23. M_| 8933 | 90.14 | 84.00 | 5.97 0.91 Candidate 88 38 F_| 8433 | 6230 | 8080 | 4.19 241 Candidate 89 32 M_| 83.33 | 62.50 | 76.00 | 6.80 7.00 Candidate 90 40 F | 90.00 | 90.33 | 8525 | 5.28 “037 Candidate 91 24 M_| 93.67 | 90.56 | 08.33 | 5.69 3.32 Candidate 92 A M_| 87.33 | 86.17 | 87.50 | -0.19 1.34 Candidate 93 29 M_| 93.33 | 95.13 | 88.50 [5.18 “1.92 Candidate 94 34 M_| 90.67 | 91.20 | 86.75 [4.32 0.59 Candidate 95 39 M_| e267 | e4i7_ | 7e.e7 | 4.84 1.81 Candidate 96 23 M_| 86.33 | 8577 84.00_| 2.70 0.72 Candidate 97 23 M_| 97.00 | 9580 | 96.00 1.03 1.24 Candidate 98 26 M_| 87.33 | 96.00 | 77.60_| 11.15 1.53 Candidate 99, 22 F | 8667 | 0878 | 86.00 | 0.7 “2.44 Candidate 100 | ~_40 M_| 96.00 | 96.50 | 86.00 | 10.42 “0.52 Candidate 101 39 M_| 85.00 | 9580 | 8440 [0.71 0.94 Candidate 102_| 28 M_| 84.00 | 9400 | 77.67_[ 7.54 1.90 Candidate 103 | 28 M_| 91.67 | 84.00 _|_72.00_| 21.45 8.36 Candidate 104 35, M_| 93.00 | 96.13 | 9233 [0.72 3.36 (Candidate 105 34 M_| 83.67 | 0513 [77.50 | 7.37 “1.74 Candidate 106 32 F_| 89.33 | 96.00 | 62.50 | 7.65 373 Candidate 107 34 M_| 89.33 | 90.50 | 78.00_| 12.69 131 Candidate 108 | _29 M_| 84.00 | 8580 | 8340 [071 214 Candidate 109 M_| 89.00 | 9167 | 81.50 | 8.43 =3.00 Candidate 110 27 M_| 9033 | e933 | 87.00 | 3.69 111 Candidate 114 30 F_| 89.00 | 91.20 | 81.00 | 899 “247 Candidate 112 33 F | 89.50 | 91.67 | 84.00 [6.15 “2.42 Candidate 113 35, M_| 96.50 | 8200 [84.33 | 12.61 15.03, Candidate 114 32 M_| 9150 | 93.25 [85.75 [6.28 “191 Candidate 115 | _25 CN 7.13 10 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 18 Candidate 116 27 F | 9200 | 9389 | 8950 | 272 -2.05 Candidate 117. 34 F | 87.50 | 92.54 | e863 [1.52 “576 Candidate 118 34 F | e400 | 0283 | e180 [251 1.39 Candidate 119) 30 F_| 87.50 | 9080 | 89.13 | -1.86 “377 Candidate 120 | 26 F | 90.00 | 85.00 | 90.50 | -0.56 5.56 Candidate 121 32 M_| 9467 | 9567 | 9214 | 2.67 1.08 Candidate 122 36 M_| 100.50 | 97.50 | 9375 [6.72 2.99 Candidate 123 | 28 F | 9207 | 9089 | 8675 | 6.38 1.92 Candidate 124 32 F | 9267 | 99.00 | 88.14 | 488 3.96 Candidate 125 30 M_| 8567 | 64.25 | 85.13 | 0.63 1.65 Candidate 126 30 M_| 94.00 | 90.25 | 86.00 | 8.51 3.99 Candidate 127 30 F | 93.00 | 92.25 | 9.25 | 4.03 0.81 Candidate 128 24 F_|_87.00_| 84.20 | 80.00 | 8.05 3.22 Candidate 129, 38, F_|93.00 | 9313 | 9033 | 287 0.13 Candidate 130_| 29 F [91.50 [92.00 | 91.00 | 0.55 “055 Candidate 131 34 M_| 88.00 | 24.33 | 62.50 | 6.25 417 Candidate 132_| 28 M_| 91.00 | e400 | 83.67 [8.06 7.69 Candidate 133 30 M_| 95.00 | 9267 | e767 | 7.72 2.46 Candidate 134 35, M_| 93.00 | 9300 | e5.67_| 7.89 0.00 Candidate 135 [29 M_| 85.50_| 02.22 | 6271 3.26 3.83 Candidate 136 34 F | 100.50 | 90.00 | 92.50 | 7.96 10.45 Candidate 137 32 M_| 88.00 | 8800 | 80.00 | 9.09 0.00 Overall Average g9.29 | 8778 | 8489 | 489 1.66 ‘Testing of the chip has been done after one year of its use also and its effectiveness is the same, Testing for signal strength and functionality of the device: An instrument known as the ‘Lecher Antenna’ has been used for determining whether our chips and strips resonate with the human body and are effective. The Lecher Antenna is a mechanical instrument which measures wavelengths of up to 20 cms or divisibles. It works on the principle of resonance. This instrument is being used extensively for geopathic and health tests in many parts of USA and Europe and is made by manufacturers in France and Germany. Tests performed using the lecher antenna show that the Chip and the Strip do not adversely affect the strength of the signal and henee, Our products have also been tested in a lab in Cambridge, U.K., to prove that by fh them on a particular device; it does not interfere with the signal strength and intensity 20 25 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 19 of the Electromagnetic Field (EMF). Therefore there is no loss of data (voice, text, etc) while using a mobile phone, computer, ete. Assembling of Product ‘The chip is assembled in the following manner: 1. The combination of colors and symbols are sereen / digitally printed on high quality paper with a layer of adhesive on the opposite side of the print. This forms the bottom layer. 2. Logo and registered brand name of company (Environics) is screen printed and domed. 3. The domed label is on the upper side and is integrated with the chip or strip with a layer of adhesive acting as the middle bonding layer. Packaging of Product The chip is packaged in any one of the following methods: 1, Wooden Box . Metal Box: Plastic Box 3 4, Paper or cardboard box EXAMPLE I: CHIP FOR MOBILE PHONES ‘The chip has been developed for use in mobile phones with the following location, shape and size: Location of fixing for Mobile Phones: Upper Center of the back face of the mobile phone. Shape of the chip: Rectangular. Size of the chip: (a) 26 mm X 16 mm It is however possible to change th size of the chip. Figure 3 illustrates the external view of the chip for use with mobile phones and figure 4 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use with mobile phones, 20 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 20 EXAMPLE 2: CHIP FOR LAP TOPS The chip has been developed for use in laptops with the following location, shape and Location of Fixing for Laptops: in tespect of a lap top, the chip can be fixed in at least one of the following locations Location I: Center of top flap Center of the two sides of the bottom surface Location 2: Shape of the chip for both locations: Rectangular 45 mm X 30 mm Size of the chips for bottom surface: 45 mm X 15 mm (Quantity Size of the chip for top surfac 2 Figure 5 illustrates the extemal view of the chip for use with top flap of the Lap tops and figure 6 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use with top flap of the Lap tops. Figure 7 illustrates the external view of the chip for use at bottom surface of the Lap tops and figure 8 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use at bottom surface of the Lap tops. Please note that the size of the chip is subject to change. EXAMPLE 3: CHIP FOR DESK TOPS The ip has been developed for use in desktops with the following location, shape and size: Location of Fixing for Desktops: In respect of a desk top, the chip can be fixed in at least one of the following locations: Location 1: Top Centre of inclined Monitor or upper centre of back of Flat Sereen Monitor Location 2: Top face centre on the CPU Shape of the chip for both locations: Rectangular Size of the chip for Location 1: 45 mm X 30 mm Size of the chip for Location 2: 90 mm X 30 mm Figure 9 illustrates the external view of the chip for use at the first location in a desktop and figure 10 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use at the first location in a desktop. Figure 11 illustrates the external view of the chip for use at the second 20 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 21 location in a desktop and figure 12 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use at the second location in a desktop. Please note that the size of the chip is subject to change. HIP FOR TAl has been developed for use in tablets with the following location, shape and size’ Location of fixing: Center of the two sides of the bottom surface of the tablet Shape of the chip: Rectangular Size of the chip (Quantity = 2): 45 mm X 15 mm Figure 13 illustrates the external view of the chip for use in a tablet and figure 14 illustrates the internal view of the chip for use in a tablet. EXAMPLE The strip has been developed for use in mobile transmission towers with the following location, shape and size: Location of fixing: To be wrapped all around the Transmission Tower at a height of between 5 fi — 6ft from the base of the tower. Shape of the chip: Rectangular Size of the strip: About 1” X About 60” Figure 15 illustrates the extemal view of the strip for use in a transmi figure 16 illustrates the intemal view of the strip for use in a transmission tower, Inall of the aforesaid embodiments the colors are according to the CMYK codes, the percentages of the colors are as follows: 1. ORANGE = :C-0/M-78/ Y-100/ K-13 2. BLUE C100 / M-88 / Y-0/ K-0 3. RED C17 /M-100 / ¥-98 / K-0 4. GREEN ©-96 / M-53 / ¥-94 / K-27 Symbol used along with the colors ~ Spiral within inverted L, popularly known as the “Cho-KuR ° symbol. 15 20 25 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 22 Please note that the size of the strip is subject to change in the future with more advanced research and changing sizes and features of the mobile transmission towers and similar devices. Some references on changing the nature of radiations from constant to random: 1. _hitpy/vww who. int/pch-om fimoetings/archive/en/paper! 3klintestam.pdf Some references on Theory of Colors: 2 ‘en.wikipedi ‘www While preferred aspects and example configurations have been shown and deseribed, it is to be understood that various further modifications and additional configurations will be apparent to those skilled in the art. It is intended that the specific aspects! embodiments and configurations herein disclosed are illustrative of the preferred and best modes for practicing the invention, and should not be interpreted as limitations on the scope of the invention, 20 25 30 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 23 CLAIMS A radiation protection chip affix-able to a radiation emitting device selected from the group comprising mobile phones, personal computers selected from laptops, desktops and tablets and Central Processing Unit's (CPU's), said radiation protection chip comprising a means for producing high frequency signals through non-clectrical methods encased within a dome, said dome being affix-able to the radiation emitting device, said means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods comprising a paper or film comprising four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors and a high energy symbol ‘The radiation protection chip as claimed in claim 1, wherein the four colors are Red, Green, Orange and Blue and the high energy symbol is Cho Ku Rei Backward symbol An radiation protection strip for use at installations outfitted with microwave radia aid radiation n emitting devices such 8 public transmission towers, 5 protection strip comprising a means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods encased within a protective clement, said protcetive clement being affix-able to the radiation emitting device, said means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods comprising a film comprising four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors and high energy symbol. ‘The radiation protection strip as claimed in claim 3, wherein the four colors are Red, Green, Orange and Blue and the high energy symbol is Cho Ku Ri Backward symbol ‘A method for changing the nature of radiations emitted by microwave radiation emitting devices without blocking or deflecting them and in such a manner that their harmful impact on human being is reduced, the microwave emitting devices being selected from the group comprising mobile phones, personal computers selected from laptops, desktops and tablets, Central Processing Units 20 25 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 24 (CPUs), and public transmi mn towers, said method comprising affixing to the said microwave radiation emitting device a means capable of producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods, said means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods comprising a paper or film comprising four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors and a high nergy symbol A method for changing the nature of radiations emitted by microwave radiation emitting devices as claimed in claim 5, wherein the four colors are Red, Green, Orange and Blue and the high energy symbol is Cho Ku Rei Backward symbol. A method for improving pulse rate of human being closely under influence of a microwave radiation emitting device selected from the group comprising of mobile phones, personal computers selected from laptops, desktops and tablets, Central Processing Units (CPU’s) and public transmission towers, said method comprising affixing to the said microwave radiation emitting device a means capable of producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods, said means for producing high frequency signals through non-electrical methods comprising a paper or film comprising four colors out of the seven VIBGYOR colors and a high energy symbol. A method for improving pulse rate of human being closely under influence of a microwave radiation emitting device as claimed in claim 7, wherein the four colors are Red, Green, Orange and Blue and the high energy symbol is Cho Ku Rei Backward symbol WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 ae FIGURE 9 FIGURE 10 ENVIRONICS FIGURE 11 WO 2012/063224 PCT/IB2011/055044 33 FIGURE 12 FIGURE 13 FIGURE 14 FIGURE 15 FIGURE 16 INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT International application No, PCT/1B2011/055044 SIFICATION OF SUBJECT MATTER, 621K 100(2006.01}4 According to International Patent Classification (IPC) of to both national classification and TPC B. FIELDS SEARCHED “Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed hy classification symbols) We: G2IKI:HOIQL Documentation searched other than minimum documentation fo the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched ABGYOR. afi, adhesive lectronic data hase consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) PL, EPODOC, CPRS, SIPOABS, VEN, CNKI, colo, symbol, electromagnetic radiation, chip. stip, microwave, pulse rae, ©. DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate of the relevant passage Relevant to claim No, a S2008/0017812A1 (DANDURAND, Kim) 24 Jan 2008 (24.01 2008) description, paragraphs 18 1048, 0049,0054,0056,0107,0150-0160,0160 figures 1.11.12 A {6823639098 (ECOFLOW LIMITED) 09 Jan.2002 (09.01.2002) the whole document 18 °NI776824A (SHANGHAI ORDER PARAMETER SCI & TECH DEV CO.,LTD) 24 May 18 1006 (2.05 2006) the whole document A fus20020125419A1 (CALLAHAN, Philip S.) 12 Sep.2002 (12.09.2002) the whole document 18 D7 Farther documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. a See patent family annex. + Special categories ofeited documents: ‘A document defining the general state ofthe art which isnot considered to be of particular relevance ‘euler application or patent but published on or after the international filing date document which may throw doubss on priority ean (S) of ‘hich is cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other special reason (as specified) “0” document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or ‘other means -P” document published prior tothe international filing date Dut later shan the priority date claimed TT later document published after the international filing date ‘or priority date and not in conflict withthe aplication but cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the document of particular relevance; the claimed invention ‘cannot be considered novel or cannot be consider oinvove an inventive step when the document is taken alone aa document of particule relevance: the claimed invention cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the ‘documeat is combined with one or more other sie ‘documents, svch combination being obvious to a person stile inthe art & "document member of the same patent family Date of the actual completion ofthe international search (01 Mar2012 (01.03.2012) Date of mailing of the inlorational warch epor 19 Apr. 2012 (19.04.2012) Tame and mailing address ofthe ISAICN The State Intellectual Property Office, the PRChina f Xitucheng Ra. Jimen Bridge, Haidian District, Beijing, China loos ‘csiile No, 86-10-62019451 ‘Authorized officer DONGGang Telephone No. (86-10}62413649 FormPCTISAPa10 (second shoot) uly 2009) INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT Information on patent family members Internat nal application No, PCT/1B2011/055044 ae eke Publication Date Patent Family Publication Date [US2008/0017812A1 24.01.2008 |US2008/002072241 24.01.2008 WO2008/014213A1 31.01.2008 [US2008/0088136A1 28.02.2008 UST485885B2 103.02.2009 ‘ys2008/0050325A1 28.02.2008 1US2008/006125341 13.03.2008 GB2363900A 09.01.2002 320013135230, 09.11.2001 CNIT76824A 24.05.2006 NONE, 1us2002/012541941 12.09.2002 NONE, Form PCT/ISA 210 (patent family annex) (uly 2009)

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