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BSC 3-7

1. What is the main factor of drug addiction?

Addiction may affect people of different origins and beliefs. It might be difficult to
comprehend why some people are more susceptible to it than others. Many variables
might increase your chances of being addicted to alcohol or other substances,
regardless of your background or moral code. There are many factors in drug addiction
genetics, environment, medical history, and age are all factors. Certain medicines and
methods of administration are also more addictive than others. The environment of a
person involves a variety of effects, ranging from family and friends to economic
position and overall quality of life. Peer pressure, physical and sexual abuse, early drug
exposure, stress, and parental supervision can all have a significant impact on a
person's chance of drug use and addiction. Addiction risk is influenced by genetic and
environmental variables as well as important developmental phases in a person's life.
Although drug use may lead to addiction at any age, the sooner it begins, the more
likely it will escalate to addiction. This is especially troubling for teenagers. Teens may
be more prone to dangerous activities, such as drug use, since parts of their brains that
govern decision-making, judgment, and self-control are still growing. Drug abusers were
primarily from broken and unhealthy homes. According to the research, the key family
variables of drug addiction include family atmosphere, the strength of family bonds, a
sense of family happiness, the structure of power in the family, and drunkenness.
Children do not or only rarely use drugs in households where there is warmth and
affection. Drug addicts come from families where there is ill will and hostility.

2. As a criminology student, how can you help the government in preventing drug
For me, as a Criminology student I think I can help the government by starting at
myself and the people who surrounds me. Doing some strategies. Like for example is
setting myself as a good example to people that surrounds me. Providing supports to
my teen friends, adult friends and also to my family. Because offering support can
create strong bonds and relationship might help in the prevention of using drugs. Also,
by teaching my friends who doesn't have any knowledge about drugs and etc. Also, by
identifying who is in need of help, or seeking help those who I suspect of using or taking
drugs. Helping them by giving them knowledge, and encourage them that I came for
them in the place of concern. And if some of them is involved in using. Maybe I will call
a professional to help them. Also, considering messages in the media. Drug use may be
glamorized or trivialized in social media, television shows, movies, and music.
Discussing what my family and friends sees and hears might help them also.

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