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POGGERS Hardcore Speedrun Strategy

Hwiahsdad??? Black people??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Change Log

● Strategy is now compatible with the new update.
○ Different Early Game for all players.
● Document received a visual upgrade.
○ Placement Map Link has been moved to be under the Change Logs.
● Changed farming patterns to adapt to the 50% price increase
● Player 3 places 5 Level 2 Military Bases
● Player 2 gets a single Ranger.
● Only P1 will get Turrets on Wave 44.
○ P2 will get all Rangers to level 4 first / P3 will max all Rangers before
getting turrets.
● If you have normal minigunner do not skip wave 45 and 46.
● Unlike last update, do not skip waves 24 and 26.

Placement Maps
Please read before attempting.

● Compatible Maps: Wrecked Battlefield

● This strategy is consistent.
○ Keep chaining commanders once you have them down. [Tutorial Soon]
○ Stack on the hill to fit all 30 Rangers [Tutorial]
○ You can stack Minigunners/Turrets on the elevated dirt.
● No Golden Skins are required. Regular Minigunner works as well.
● You may skip every wave except Waves 24, 26, 45*, and 46*.
○ Each round can be completed in 35 minutes if waves are to be skipped.
○ If you’re less experienced with the game, it’s recommended to not skip all
● Towers in hardcore are still the default price to place down. For ex: Farm still
costs $250 to place down even though it says $325
● Sell Farms if you have reached the maximum amount of troops placed.

➣ Amazing youtube video “tutorial” by JustHarrison [Video]

➢ Also proof that you do not need golden skins [Video]
Player 1
Loadout: Ace Pilot, Ranger, Farm, Minigunner, Turret

Waves Strategy
Place an Ace Pilot when its 0:01 of intermission before the game
0-4 starts (Don’t rotate it), and upgrade to level 1.

Place 4 level 0 Farms.

5-11 Upgrade the Ace Pilot to Level 2
Place 4 Farms and upgrade 1 to level 1.

Place another Ace Pilot right next to the first. Upgrade it to level 2.
12-20 Upgrade Farms to level 1/2/3 until Wave 20.

Place 6 level 3 Minigunners. You only need 5 if you have the golden
21-25 skin version.
Eventually, remove both Ace Pilots.

Upgrade every Farm to level 3 if they aren't already.

26-44 Place 10 Level 3 Rangers.
Upgrade 7 Rangers to Lvl 4.

Max all Minigunners.

45-50 Place and Max 5 Turrets.
Max all Rangers.
Player 2
Loadout: Turret, Ranger, Farm, Minigunner, DJ

Waves Strategy

1-5 Place 8 level 0 Farms.

Upgrade Farms until Wave 15. (3 Level 3, 5 Level 2)

6-20 Place a level 3 Ranger and set this to strongest for Mega Slow.
Place a level 3 DJ.

Place 6 level 3 Minigunners. You only need 5 if you have the

21-28 golden skin version.
Upgrade the remaining Farms to level 3.

Upgrade DJ to level 5.
29-43 Place 9 level 3 Rangers.
Upgrade 6 Rangers to level 4.

Max all Minigunners.

Upgrade the remaining Rangers to level 4.
44-50 Place and Max 5 Turrets.
Max all Rangers.
Player 3
Loadout: Mili Base, Ranger, Farm, Turret, Commander

Waves Strategy

1-7 Place 8 lvl 0 Farms and keep upgrading until the end of wave 7.

Place 3 lvl 0 Mili Bases and upgrade them to lvl 2.

8-14 Farm until end of wave 14.

15-16 Place 2 lvl 0 Mili Bases and upgrade them both to lvl 2.

17-21 Upgrade all Farms to lvl 3.

Place 1 lvl 2 Commander and CoA for wave 23 (shadow boss) and
22-24 place another 2 lvl 2 commander (chain the CoA).

25-36 Place 10 lvl 3 Ranger.

39-42 Max all your Commanders.

Max all Rangers then put 5 Turrets and max them all. Upgrade Mili
43-50 Base last to lvl 4 (tanks as you will not have enough to max mili

DM any strat creators if you have questions/encountered an issue regarding the


V1.1 | V1.2

DRSReaper275 (Luc1ddd#4852) Strategy Creator

Kilerskie1239 (Kilerskie1239#5357) Strategy Creator
ecadenise (Erika ♡#5028) Strategy Creator
ulillusion (wynaut#0332) Strategy Creator
pugmustache (kraft36#3636) Strategy Creator

sdube0067 (sdube0067#4283) Tester

..and everyone else who helped out with the previous versions.

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