Lesson 9 Cpar

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Architecture and Film

1st Quarter

Most Essential Learning Competency

➢ Relates the significance of art forms from the regions

Time Allotment: 4 hours


➢ Contemporary Phillippine Arts from the Regions by Ayesha H. Sayseng and Luzuviminda
D. Sandagan

Let’s Explore
This module will help student’s knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the history and
development of architecture and film. Readings, lectures and researches will focus on the different
factors that influence, styles, types principles, techniques; artists and innovators of architecture and
film throughout history; participation in discussions and
sharing of critiques and short reports will offer avenues to explore students' individual interests in
Philippine contemporary architecture and film.

Learning Experience

This art is expressed through rhythmic features, such as the windows, ornaments, columns and tile flooring.

In the American Colonial and Contemporary Period,

➢ Philippine Architecture adopted the modern Architectural Style
➢ Philippine Architecture characterized as:
✓ Simple
✓ Rational
✓ Functional

In the early 20th Century, 3 Filipino Architects went back to the Philippines
and brought changes in the Philippine Architecture. These are:
➢ Juan Arellano
➢ Carlos Barreto
➢ Antonio Toledo
These Filipinos introduced the Neoclassic style in the building structures
➢ They tend to revive the classic architecture
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➢ Juan Arellano designed the Metropolitan theater and experimented with romanticism
➢ Decorative motifs incorporating native plants and variety of colors were employed in the building

It was also in the 20th century the “tsalet” was developed. It is a type of
house on stilts with a front porch made of wood and concrete.

It was during this time when steel was used as protection for calamities like

The succeeding generations of architects changed path and deviated from

the traditional architectural style.
➢ Architects introduced new architectural style
➢ Different business emerged
➢ There had been growing demand for commercial building

After World War II

➢ Real estate development started to take place
➢ Two story-houses were introduced
➢ Urban housing, multi-story tenements, and government housing
projects emerged
➢ Condominiums also emerged

Starting from the Marcos Era Constructions of:

❑ Expressways
❑ Convention centers
❑ Hotels
❑ Malls
❑ High-rise buildings
❑ Amusement Centers

All these comes with technological advancements:

❑ Escalators
❑ Elevators
❑ Air-conditioning system
❑ Computers

In the Regional set up:

✓ Tend to imitate the architectural styles in urban areas
❑ Residential houses
❑ Churches
❑ Public Market
❑ Business Space

✓ Eco-cultural tourism was introduced.

✓ Theme parks and resorts were developed in tourist spots
✓ Cultural heritage preservation

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Film is a series of images that are projected onto a screen to create the illusion of
motion. One of the most popular forms of entertainment, enabling people to immerse
themselves in an imaginary world for a short period of time.

In 1897
The film industry started through the initiative of foreign businessmen Swiss
entrepreneurs were the first to feature film show in manila

In 1912
The film became popular 2 foreigners produced the film about the life of Dr. Jose
Rizal (Edward Gross and Harry Brown)

Jose Nepomuceno

The first Filipino who produced a film

“The Father of Philippine movies”
One of his works was entitled “Dalagang Bukid”

Philippine Film during the early times:

Was greatly influenced by Hollywood

Local films portrayed the lives of the Filipinos
Use of Tagalog as its language
Theater art forms influenced the succeeding film productions:

Sarswela, Sinakulo and Komedya

Philippine Literature was also another source of movie themes

Film adaptations of the works of Francisco Baltazar and Jose Rizal Florante at Laura
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo

Other literary sources like novels and folklores inspired film making Films in the early time:

1915 1919 Ang Manananggal 1927 1932 1938

❑ Film Companies in the Philippines Filippine Films, Parlatone Hispano-Filipino Excelsior Pictures, Sampaguita
Inc, and LVN Pictures X’otic Films

❖ In 1942
✓ Movie production stopped
✓ Filipinos went back watching and producing shows

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❖ After the war
✓ Movie Production resumed
✓ Films produced war stories and heroism (Garrison 13 and Dugo ng Bayan)

❖ Four film studios became prominent and considered as Big Four:

✓ Sampaguita
✓ Lebran
✓ Premiere

❖ Filipino movies, directors and producers started to be recognized locally and internationally:
✓ Ifugao (Gerardo De Leon)
✓ Anak Dalita (Lamberto Avellana)

❖ In the succeeding Periods:

✓ There had been a decline studios
✓ Independent producers dominated film industry
✓ Sex films enter the movie industry
✓ Fan movies also entered the scene
✓ Slapsticks comedies and action movies became popular

❖ During Marcos Regime

✓ The Government regulated film making
✓ New young directors rose who started the so-called new cinema
Three Directors of new cinema:
❖ With the establishment of the Board of Censorship Motion Picturs(BCMP) ✓ Lino Brocka
✓ Film scripts had to be submitted prior production
✓ Celso Ad
✓ Ishmael Bernal
❖ Filmmakers made a name in the film industry:
✓ Marilou Diaz-Abaya ✓
✓ Mike de Leon Themes used under new cinema:
✓ Laurice Guillen ✓ Nationhood
✓ Maria O’hara ✓ Love in a hostile setting
✓ Mel Chionglo ✓ Social issues

❖ Apart from the mainstream movie industry:

✓ Filmmakers producing alternative cinema or independent films (These filmmakers produced movies
through lightweight technologies)

❖ Usual Screening Venues:

✓ Schools
✓ International film festivals
✓ Outreach program

Kidlat Tahimik- one of the known independent film directors

In the contemporary period, Philippine film revolved around a variety of subjects and themes:
✓ Martyr wife
✓ Superhero
✓ Action
✓ Melodramas
✓ Comedies

In the Regional setting:

✓ Through CCP’s Coordinating Center for Film Educational and outreach programs which promote
quality film and conducts film training courses has been established.

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