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SURAH BAQARAH THE COW VERSES 51-60 And remember when we appointed for Musa forty nights and

you took the calf for worship and you were wrongdoers Then after that we forgave you so that you might be grateful Its a catalogue of the past sins of the Jews. And remember when we gave Musa the book and the criterion of right and wrong so that you could be guided aright. What happened was that whilst Prophet Musa had gone upto Mount Sinai to commune with Allah, the Jews built a calf out of gold and they started worshipping it. When Musa AS returned to his people he said to them O my people, indeed you have wronged yourselves by worshipping the calf, so turn in repentance to your creator and kill yourselves, that will be better for you with your creator. Then he accepted your repentance, truly he is the one who accepts repentance, the most merciful. And remember when you said O Musa, we shall never believe in you until we see Allah plainly but you were seized with a thunderbolt while you were looking. Then we raised you up after your death so that you might be grateful. About seventy Jews went with Musa AS and when they went there suddenly a fit of arrogance seized them and they said we will only believe in Allah if we see him. So Allah killed them all because of their insolence. But then Musa AS pleaded with Allah, that O Allah grant them life so they were raised up after their death so that the people could see for themselves and believe in resurrection. And we shaded you with clouds and sent down on you Manna and the quails saying eat of the good lawful things we have provided for you. And they did not wrong us, but they wronged themselves. This is the tragedy of man when he sins Allah is not affected, Allah does not care whether we sin or not, its his mercy upon us that he keeps reminding us not to sin. Allah says remember you alone suffer when you sin And remember when we said enter this town and eat bountifully therein with pleasure and delight, wherever you wish and enter the gate in prostration and say forgive us and we shall forgive you your sins and shall increase reward for the goodoers. But those who did wrong changed the word from what had been told to them for another.So we sent upon the wrongdoers a punishment from the heaven because of their rebe lling against Allah s And remember when Musa asked for water for his people, we said strike the stone with your stick then gushed therefrom twelve springs, for the twelve tribes of Israel, each group of people knew its own place for and drink of that which Allah has provided, and do not act corruptly, making mischief on the earth. This is the beautiful viewpoint of Islam. Allah says utilise the blessings which I have given you but stay within the boundaries of obedience

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