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Submitted by: Farha

Section: G
Program: BBA

We can learn a lot of things from this math course such as measurements continue to play an
important role throughout everybody's life, for example, during a medical check-up, a sports
competition, when building a house, when controlling temperature in appliances, or while cooking.
Studying geometry provides the students with many foundational skills and helps them to build their
logical thinking skills, deductive reasoning, analytical reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Thus,
contributing to their holistic development. Set theory allows one to define the vital concepts of
syntax, to describe syntactic phenomena, to compare or reformulate the descriptions, and to
manipulate them deductively. Linear equations can be used to solve age related problems. Like -
calculating speed, distance and time of a moving object. Trigonometry is used to set directions such
as the north south east west, it tells you what direction to take with the compass to get on a straight
direction. It is used in navigation in order to pinpoint a location. It is also used to find the distance of
the shore from a point in the sea. By studying relations and function, we will find inverse
trigonometry, differentiation and integration very easy.

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