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1. What is academic English?

Is the variety of the language that we use to share research refers to the process of answering a
research question by creating an argument that is supported through critical analysis and the use of
evidence. We use academic English to reach a wide general academic audience in an attempt to
persuade them that argument we've created to answer our research question is an effective.

2. What is academic writing?

Is the variety of academic English used to convey research in writing that means there are many kinds of
academic writing from literature reviews to research papers to abstracts and lab reports.

3. What are the general characteristics of academic writing?

- There are focused and specific expectations when producing a piece of academic writing. Academic
writing is used to research questions these questions are either provided by a course instructor or
developed by the writer or researcher good academic writing star with focused and specific questions to
be answered.

- Emphasizes logic reasoning over emotional or sensory perceptions facts are more important than
feelings writing clearly means thinking clearly and so effective academic writing demonstrates clear
critical thinking and the ability to make arguments stronger by supporting them with evidence.

- academic writing must be clear, English is both a low context and reader responsible language by these
mean readers will depend on what's been written and believe it is the writer’s job to make his or her
argument as comprehensive as possible.

- academic writing must be coherent. This means that there are logical connections between sentences
one way to do this is to begin sentences with information that relates back to the previous sentence it
also means that paragraphs are unified around the single idea and that all information included in a
piece of writing helps to create an effective argument used to answer the research question.

- the most effective academic writing follows a process while each will eventually develop his or her own
unique process.

4. Why is academic writing important?

It allows writers to make individual contributions to the ongoing dialogues in their fields it allows
individuals a greater voice and ability to participate in conversations about topics important to them.
Additionally, by mastering the skills necessary to become an effective academic writer a person also
becomes an effective research and critical thinker.
Class 01/12/2023

26 letters –






Capitalize your MINTS

M- Month

I- I

N- Name

T- Titles

S- Sentences




Not the seasons

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