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Jalan Penambangan Nomor 55 Semanding  (0356) 326031 E-Mail :
Kode pos : 62381


Tahun Pelajaran 2011 / 2012
Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 10 April 2012
Waktu : 07.00 ~ 09.00
Petunjuk : Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat atau yang paling benar dengan menghitamkan lingkaran di bawah
huruf jawaban yang anda pilih !
For question 1 to 3, complete the text with Adopted from : East Java Excursion Brochure.

the suitable words. 8. What is the text about ?

Yesterday was my terrible day. I woke up late so I went to a. A description of a tour toi Madura
school in a hurry. I ..... (20) my bike so fast that I would come b. An advertisement of a tour to Madura
on time to school. I arrived at school as soon as the bell ..... c. An advertisement to watch a bullrace
(21). What a relief ! However, in the first lesson, thge teacher d. A description of some Places in Madura
asked us to submit our homework. Oh gosh ! I left mine at
9. “It is also the home of the exotic bullrace .....”
home. My teacher thought I had not done it yet, so he got .....
The word ‘exotic’ means .....
(22) with me. What a terrible day !
1. a. ran c. drove a. ordinary c. Expansive
b. peddled d. walked b. wonderful d. Advantageous
2. a. sang c. ticked
b. rang d. whistled The following text is for questions 10 to 12.
3. a. confused c. angry An illustrator is a graphic artist who specializes in
b. tired d. sad enhancing writing. He/she does this byproviding a visual
representation that corresponds to the content of the associated
The following text is for question 4 to 7. text. The illustration may be intended to clarity complicated
The Legend of Telaga Pasir concepts or objects that are difficult to describe textually.
Once upon a time, there lived a couple called Kyai Pasir Illutrations have been used in advertisements, greeting
and his wife Nyai Pasir in the jungle of Lawu Mountain, East cards, posters, books, magazines and newspapers. A cartoon
Java. Kyai Pasir was a farmer. He worked in a field. Nyai Pasir illustration can add humor to humorous essays.
just stayed at home. Every day she cleaned up the house and There are no formal qualifications needed to become an
cooked for them. illustrator. However, many established illustrators attended an
art school or college of some sort and were trained in different
4. What is the purpose of the text ?
painting and drawing techniques. Universities and art schools
a. To entertain the readers
ofter specicific courses in illustration so this has become a new
b. To explain how sommething was formed avenue into the profession. Many illustrators are freelance,
c. To describle something commissioned by publishers (of newspapers, books or
d. To talk about past experiences magazinnes) or advertising agencies. Most of the scientifis
5. Where did Kyai Pasir find the egg ? illustrations and technical illustrations are also known as
information graphics. Among the information graphics
a. At his field
specialists are medical illustrate human anamomy, often
b. At the beach
requiring many years of artistic and medical training.
c. On the way from his house to the field
A particularly popular medium with illustratators of the
d. On the way from his house to the beach 1950s and 1960s was casein, as was egg te,pera. The
6. How was the lake formed ? immediacy and durability of these media suited illustration’s
a. From the water which the dragons spewed out demands well. The artwork in both types of paint withstood the
b. From the hole made by the dragons’ movement rigors of travel to clients and printers without damage.
Adopted from : 92nd May 2011)
c. From a beach nearby the field
d. From the curse of Nyai Pasir 10. What are medical illustrators ?
a. The ones who illustrate animal autopsy
7. What is the main idea of paragraph 6? b. The ones who illustrate human anatomy
a. What happened to Kyai and Nyai Pasir before c. The ones who work in medical field
eating the egg. d. The ones who illustrates the shapes of medicine
b. How Kyai Pasir changed into a dragon
c. How Nyai Pasir changed into a dragon 11. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE
d. How the dragons moved based on the text ?
a. Illustrations are only used in books
b. Casein was a medium used in the 1950s and
The following text is for question 8 and 9.
c. There are no formal qualifications needed to
Reachable from Java mainland, only thirty minutes by become an illustrators.
ferry, Madura is the home to a completely separate
ethnic group, which has its own language and d. Illustration can be used to clarify objects that
customs. It is also the home of the exotic bullrace, are difficult to describle
one of the most unique attraction and spectacular
12. What is mainly discussed in the text above ?
sport in Indonesia. Bullrace-where you can see fully
grown prime bulls richly ornamented and completed a. The successVegetables areillustrator
of being an healthy
It is good to eat them every day
with gladiator style riders-charges full tilt down in b. The description of an illustrator’s job
To make students get a habit of eating vegetables,
130 yard track. Bullrace tour will be completed with a c. The qualificationstheretowill
short city tour around bangkalan or Pamekasan, d. The techniques used by illustrators.
where the bullrace is held. Vegetable Eating Contest
The more you eat, the bigger is your chance to win! It
Contact : will be held on :
Fullmoon Express Tours & Travel PT. Day/Date : Sunday, 15th July 2012
Head office : Jalan Raya Jemur Andayani 38 Time : 10 a.m.
Surabaya Location : The school yard

To join the contest, just register your name and

class to Mr. Sudibyo.
(1) Besides, they prevent the squid from spinning.
(2) It belongs to a group of mollusks called
(3) This hinders the attacker’s vision and allows the
squid to escape.
(4) The fins help it to change direction
(5) Squid is a soft-bodied animals.
(6) A squid has two side fins at its rear end.
Adopted from : Camilla de la Bedoyere, Rupert Matthews, Steve Parker.
Stephen Setford, Barbara Taylor, The Miles Kelly Book of Life, Essex,
Milles Kelly Publishing, 2006
13. What is the purpose of the text ? a. 5–2–7–1–4–6–3 c. 5–2–7–3–1–6–4
a. To sell vegetables b. 5–7–2–4–1–6–3 d. 5–2–7–4–1–6–3
b. To announce something
The following text is for questions 4 to 6.
c. To tell people the way to be healthy
d. To tell people the advantages of vegetables We were camping at a beach near Mallacota. It was
a beautiful day-the sky was blue and the water sparking.
14. Which is NOT TRUE based on the text ? We wanted to go body surfing, but the locals warned us
a. The contest will be held on Sunday that there could be sharks around.
b. The winner is the one who eats more vegetables We went in and the waves were big. However,
c. The contest will be done in the afternoon something funny was going on. There were little fishes
d. The purpose of the contest is to make students everywhere. They were flying through the water,
get a habit of eating vegetables skimming through our legs.
Soon I discovered what was frightening the fish. As
The following text is for question 15 and 16 I turned to catch the next wave, I heard the shout .....
SHARK! It was on top of there wave, surfing towards
For all studens of Class IXA me. Before I had time to turn around, it brushed past me,
heading for the flying fishes.
You are invited to attend : I practically walked on the water as I raced towards
Carissa birthday party the beach. As I stood on the shore, I could see my heart
Day/date : Sunday, 15th April 2012 bumping in my chest.
Time : 1 p.m My brush with a shark had been just a little too close
Place : Carissa house, jalan Palangan for comfort.
Adopted from : P. Durkin, V. Ferguson, G. Sperring, Text Type Book for
Tentara Pelajar 2A Primary Schools 5, Oxford University Press, 2006.

4. What is the text about?

15. What is the text about ?
a. The description of a shark
a. An invitation to attend a party
b. Beaten by a shark
b. Information about a birthday party
c. A brush with a shark
c. A reminder about Carissa party
d. Eating a shark
d. An announcement about the dress code of a
party 5. Why did the shark surf towards the writer?
a. The writer swam too close to the shark
16. Which of the following is NOT TRUE based on the
b. There were flying fishes near the writer
next ?
c. It was interested in the writer
a. The party will be held on Sunday
d. It felt disturbed by the writer’s presence
b. The party will be done in the afternoon
c. The announcement is for all students of Class 6. What was funny according to the writer?
IX a. There were little fishes everywhere
d. The party will be taken place at Carissa house b. The shark chased the little fish
c. There was a fish which could fly
d. The shark didn’t see him
The following text is for question 17.
The following text is for questions 7 to 9.
DENPASAR: Bali enjoyed a 47 percent increase in
the number of British tourists visiting the island in
the first quarter of the year, from 21,859 people in the
same period in 2010 to 32,129 people this year.
17. What is the purpose of the text ?
“They mostly entered (Bali) through the
a. To ask somebody to do something
Ngurah Rai International Airport aboard direct flights
b. To warn somebody not to do something
from their country; only 1,179 people came via the
c. To advise somebody not to do something
port aboard cruises,” Bali Central Statistics Agency
d. To inform somebody that something is not
chief Gede Suarsa said Thursday.
British tourists thus represent 3.78 percent of the
18. Arrange the following words into a correct sentence. 848,899 foreign tourists in Bali in the first quarter of
under–hiding–is–the pillow–money–the man–his 2011; an increase of 13 percent compared to the same
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 period last year, Gede said.
a. 6–3–1–7–5–2–4 c. 6–3–2–1–4–7–5 The recent figure has made Britain the seventh-
b. 6–3–2–7–5–1–4 d. 6–3–2–4–1–7–5 largest contributor of foreign tourists to Bali after
Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan and South
19. Arrange the following sentences into a correct
Korea. It had earlier been ranked ninth.
paragraph. Adopted from: The Jakarta Post, Friday, 10th June 2011
7. What is the best title of the text? a. He will call Anna
a. The rates of foreign tourists visiting Bali b. He will go to Anna’s house
b. The increase of tourist visiting Bali c. He will meet Anna in a party
c. More British tourists visiting Bali
d. He will go to a party with Anna
d. The British tourists, visit in 2011
The following text is for questions 14 to 16
8. How many British tourists came via the port aboard I am proud of my father, Mr. Hendrawan. He works as a
cruises? lecturer in a university. He is quite busy with his job, but still
a. Around 500 people has time for us, his children.
b. Around 1,000 people Now he is in forties. He is well-built, has straight and dark
c. Around 2,000 people hair, and fair complexion. He also wears glasses. He looks
d. Around 2,500 people elegant in his brown uniform.
My father is a diligent worker. He always get up early in
9. What is the Britain’s rank in contributing foreign
the morning, prepares everything for his work. He always
tourists to Bali? delivers me to school first before going to the campus where he
a. Fifth c. Seventh teaches. At night, he seldom watches television. Instead, he
b. Sixth d. Eighth browses the internet to look for materials to teach. Sometimes
The Following text is for questions 10 and 11 he also gives me look materials to study.
Dear Lina, 14. Which is NOT TRUE ABOUT Mr. Hendrawan?
Please accept my condolences on the death of your a. He is well-built
grandmother. She was a kind and gracious woman.
We will miss her. May God strengthen you and your
b. He wears glasses
family in this difficult situation. c. He has straight hair
d. He has dark complexion
15. What does Mr. Hendrawan usually do at night?
a. He hangs out with his family
10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to b. He browses the internet
the text? c. He watches television
a. The card is addressed to Lina. d. He gives a course
b. The card is to express condolences 16. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
c. The deceased is Lina’s mother a. What Mr. Hendrawan and the writer do together
d. Lina’s grandma was a kind woman b. Mr. Hendrawan’s daily activities
11. “She was a kind and gracious woman.” c. Mr. Hendrawan’s characters
The word ‘gacious’ means ..... d. Mr. Hendrawan’s job
a. Friendly c. Diligent The following text is for question 17 to 19
b. Capable d. Attactive
Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park
Jalan Dokter Sutomo 12 Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park, designated in
Banjarmasin 1980, is one of the first five national parks in indonesia.
South Kalimantan However, its unique characteristics have made it a natural
Dear Anna, laboratory for researchers since long before this time.
Please accept my most sincere apology for
Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park represents a
my behaviour last week. I have thought long and hard
distinct diversity of ecosystems : a sub-montane ecosystem, a
about what has happened and I realize how very
upset you must have been. montane ecosystem, a sub-alpine ecosystem, a lake ecosystem,
I am really sorry for creating the situation a marshland ecosystem and a savanna ecosystem.
which I know I should have handled better. I admit The sub-montane ecosystem is charaterized by many
that I was in the wrong and can only say how sorry I large, tall trees like jamuju and puspa. The sub-alpine
am. I can promise you that this will never happen ecosystem, meanwhile, is characterized by grassy meadows of
again and hope that you will give me the opportunity Isachne pangerangensis, edelweiss flower, violet and sentigi.
to prove this to you. Among the endangered animal species that can be found
I understand that it might be difficult for you in the park are primate species which are now threatened with
to accept my apology but hope that this letter will extinction such as the Javan gibbons, Javan leaf monkeys,
help. I will call you later this week to apologize in ebony leaf monkeys, panthers, leopard cats, barking deer,
person and hope that you will be able to give me
lesser Malay mouse deer, Asian wild dogs, southeast Asian
another chance.
porcupines, stink badgers and yellow-throated martens.
Best regards, Gunung Gede-Pangrango is widely known for its wealth
Rodriquez of bird species: 251 of the 450 species in Java inhabit this park.
Among these are endangered species like the Javan hawk eagle
12. What is the purpose of the letter ? and the owl.
a. To ask for an apology UNESCO declared Gunung Gede-Pangrango National
b. To express sympathy Park a Biosphere Reserve in 1977, and it is a sister Park to
c. To inform something Taman Negara Malaysia, under a cooperation signed in 1995
d. To give an apology between Indonesia and Malaysia.
Adopted from: (4th April 2011)
13. What will Rodriquez do this week?
17. What is the characteristic of the sub-alpine b. We should enjoy planting trees
ecosystem? c. We should be disciplined
a. There are many large and tall trees d. We should love our environment
b. There are grassy meadows 30. What can we conxlude from the story ?
c. There is a marshland a. The old man was kind
d. There is a savanna b. The old man didn’t like durians.
18. How long has Gunung Gede-Pangrango National c. Someone had asked the man to plant durians
Park been declared as a Biosphere Reserve? d. The old man possibly would have time to enjoy
a. 25 years c. 35 years the durians.
b. 30 years d. 40 years 31. “Do you expect to eat durians from that tree?”
19. Which of the following is NOT TRUE ABOUT The word ‘expect’ means .....
Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park ? a. know c. hope
a. It is a Sister Park to Taman Negara Malaysia b. enjoy d. need
b. We can find leopard cats and barking deer there The following text is for question 34 to 37.
c. It is one of the first five national parks in The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest
Indonesia mammal found on the planet, perhaps the largest mammal that
d. About 450 species of birds in Java inhabit this has ever lived, thought to be even larger than even the largest
park of the dinosaurus. It belongs to a family of animals known as
the rorquals. Unfortunately, it is currently listed as endangered
The following text is for question 23 and 24. and was hunted nearly to extinction by the 1960s when hunting
Ella, was finally banned. The current population of the blue whale is
only estimated to be about 12,000 total.
Sorry, I have to cancel our appointment to go window The blue whale is a greyish-blue in colour with lighter
shopping today. I forgot that I have had an
grey spots across its skin. It has a tiny pointed dorsal fin,
appointment witht the dentist today. Thanks for your
located low on its back. The averange length os about 22 – 24
metres, but the female, the larger of the species, can grow in
Joan excess of 24 metres and can weigh over 100 tons.
Blue whales are found all over the world. They migrate to
23. What is Ella and Joan’s plan ? warmer climates in the winter, in tropical and subtropical
a. To go window shopping together location, and to frequent colder locations, like the poles, in
b. To go to a dentist together spring and summer. They usually travel in very small groups,
c. To meet at a dentist’s often travelling alone, and can swim very quickly, sometimes
d. To go their friends houses reaching speeds of up to 48 km per hour.
The diet of blue whales consists mostly of plankton and
24. What is the purpose of the text ? krill, which are small invertebrates that resemble shrimp. The
a. To make an appointment blue whales can eat over 4 tons of these tiny creatures per day
b. To cancel an appointment during their summer feeding season.
c. To ask Joan to go window shopping with her Adopted from : (7th
October 2011)
d. To ask Joan to accompany her to see a dentist
34. What is the text about ?
The following text is for question 29 to 31. a. The description of the largest animals
The Old Man and the Durian Tree b. The description of the blue whale in general
A long time ago lived an old man whose age was over 80
c. The description of how blue whales live
years old. He was planting a durian tree when he was observed
d. The blue whale’s habitat
by a neighbour. (A durian is a thorny fruit with a very pungent
smell. It is known as the King of Fruits and is very popular in 35. What is the main idea of paragraph 3 ?
South-east Asia.) a. How blue whales travel
The neighbour asked the old man, “Do you expect to eat b. The speed of blue whales
durian from that that tree ? The durian tree will take about 8 to c. The habitat of blue whales
10 years to bear fruit.” d. The migration of blue whales to tropical
The old man rested smilingly on his spade. He said, ‘No,
at my age I know I won’t. All my life I have been enjoying locations
durians, but never from a tree i have planted before. I wouldn’t 36. What is the blue whale like ?
have had durians if other men have not done what I am doing a. It is dark blue with grey spots across its skin
now. I am just trying to pay the other men who have planted b. It is dark blue with darker blue spots across its
durians for me.” No wonder he looked so happy.
We should be GIVERS first and GETTERS second in
c. It is greyish-blue with lighter grey spots across
everything we do. We will not only get what we want but will
actually be really happyin the end. Because we need to sow its skin
first before we can reap. d. It is grayish-blue with darker blue spots across
Adopted from : its skin
tree.html(13th June 2011)
37. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE about blue
29. What can we learn from the story ? whales based on the text ?
a. We should be givers first a. Their average length is 22 – 24 metres
b. They are the largest mammals For question 46 to 48, complete the text with the
c. They eat plankton and krill suitable words
d. They swim slowly Nusa Dua
Part of the Bukut peninsula in southern Bali, Nusa Dua
The following text is for questions 41 to 43.
has some of the most beautiful ad ….. (46) hotels on this
Indonesian Cow’s Foot Curry planet, gracefully integrating the beauty of the hotels.
Ingredients :
Ronals Reagan stayed here when he ….. (47) Bali. The
1 cow foot beaches of Nusa Dua allow you to gently surf along the
4 cups coconut milk
northern side of the peninsula. If you care for bigger
1 turmeric leaf waves, the southern part of the peninsula can give …..
2 seeds of sour mangosteen (asam kandis)
(48) a challenge.
2 kaffir lime leaves Adopted from : (4th April 2011)
1 stalk lemongrass
Blended species : 46. a. luxury c. attraction
1 tbsp blended red chilies b. attact d. luxurious
2 cm turmeric 47. a. visits c. visiting
5 pcs candlenuts b. visited d. has
2 cm galangal
48. a. It c. them
6 cloves garlic
b. you d. us
10 pcs shallots
Steps :
1. Clean the cow’s foot from its hair, cut into several pieces
and cook until tender.
2. Remove the bones and then cut the meat into small sizes
according to you preference
3. Cook the coconut milk together with the blended speces,
kaffir lime leaves, sour mangosteen and the lemongrass
4. Add trhe meat pieces and cook until the coconut milk
thickens and becomes only
5. Keep stirring until it’s well cooked to prevent the coconut
milk from dissolving
6. Lif and serve
Adopted from : http : // original – indonesia -recipe. blospot. Com / 2010
/ 09 / gulai-kiki-indonesia-cows-foot-curry.html (7th October 2011)

41. The blended spices consist of the following,

a. turmeric c. lemongrass
b. candlenuts d. red chilies
42. What is the text about ?
a. How to make Indonesia cows foot curry
b. The description of Indonesian cows foot curry
c. Indonesian cows foot curry in some provinces
d. The ingredients of Indonesian cows foot curry
43. What should we do after cutting the meat ?
a. Cook the coconut milk with the blended spices
and other ingredients.
b. Cook the meat with the blended spices and
other ingredients
c. Cook the meat with the coconut milk.
d. Fry it with other ingredients

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