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Laravel 6 Artisan commands Cheat Sheet

by Auditeers - Maurice (Auditeers) via

Options db

-h, --help Display the Artisan help db:seed Seed the database

-q, --quiet Do not output any message db:wipe Drop all tables​,views and types

-n, --no-i​nte​rac​‐ Do not ask any intera​ctive question

tion event

--env​[=ENV] The enviro​nment the comment should run event​:cache cache all events and listeners
under event​:clear clear cached events and listeners
-v|vv​|vvv Increase verbosity of messages event​:ge​nerate generate missing events and listeners

event​:list list events and listeners

General commands

clear​-co​mpiled Remove compiled class file key

down Turn on mainte​nance mode key:g​ene​rate Generate and set the applic​ation key
env Display current enviro​nment
help Display help for a command
make:​cha​nnel New channel class
inspire Display inspiring quote
make:​com​mand New Artisan command
list Lists commands
make:​con​tro​ller New controller class
migrate Run database migrations
make:​event New event class
optimize Cache bootstrap files
make:​exc​eption New exception class
preset Swap front-end scaffo​lding
make:​fac​tory Create a new model factory
serve Serve applic​ation on PHP dev server
make:job New job class
tinker Interact with your applic​ation
make:​lis​tener New event listener class
up Turn off mainte​nance mode
make:​mail New email class
Auth make:​mid​dle​ware New middleware class
auth:​cle​ar-​resets Flush expired password reset tokens make:​mig​ration New migration file

make:​model New Eloquent model class

make:​not​ifi​cation New notifi​cation class
cache​:clear Flush applic​ation cache
make:​obs​erver New observer class
cache​:fo​rget Remove item from cache
make:​policy New policy class
cache​:table Create a migration for the cache table
make:​pro​vider New service provider class

Clean make:​req​uest New form request class

clean​:ev​ents Cleanup events make:​res​ource New resource

make:​rule New validation rule

Config make:s​eeder New seeder class
confi​g:c​ache create config​uration cache make:​test New test class
confi​g:c​lear clear config​uration cache

By Auditeers - Maurice Published 11th October, 2019. Sponsored by

(Auditeers) Last updated 26th February, 2020. Measure your website readability! Page 1 of 2.
Laravel 6 Artisan commands Cheat Sheet
by Auditeers - Maurice (Auditeers) via


migra​te:​fresh Drop tables and re-run migrations

migra​te:​ins​tall Create migration repository

migra​te:​ref​resh Rollback and re-run all migrations

migra​te:​reset Rollback all migrations

migra​te:​rol​lback Rollback the last migration

migrat​e:s​tatus Show the status of each migration

By Auditeers - Maurice Published 11th October, 2019. Sponsored by

(Auditeers) Last updated 26th February, 2020. Measure your website readability! Page 2 of 2.

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