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Bryan: Hi! Can I get 2 packs of nescafe original?

Jana: Sure. That would be 14 pesos

Patrick John:*Some citizens claim that the supposedly 3000 pesos ayuda from the national
government arrived to them as sardines and instant noodles, raising speculations among
the public.

Jana: Oh, something fishy is going on with our barangay officials.

Marijo: For sure, with no doubt! Whoever stole that money should go to jail! I heard that they
should be convicted of embezzlement, but I’m not sure what it is.

Jana:Oh (name of lawyer/acting as lawyer), since you’re here, mind us if we ask you about
that particular case called embezzlement?

Bryan: No worries, but let me ask you first. Do both of you have any idea about the law?

Jana: No, I didn't finish school so....

Marijo: Neither did I

Ellaine: Hi! 2 kilos of rice and a can of sardines please.

Jonna Mae: Wait. What’s going on here? An assembly?

Marijo: SHHHHHH! (name of acting as lawyer) is trying to explain to us the meaning of


Ellaine: Okay, I’ll just get back here when it’s over.

Jana: Won’t you stay for a moment? This will be helpful in broadening our knowledge when
it comes to the law.

Jonna Mae: Hi attorney! Sorry for interrupting. Go on, don’t mind us.

Lawyer: Okay, thank you.

Going back…I'm just a little bit worried that you wouldn't understand the technical definition
of that particular case called embezzlement, mentioning that you don't have any idea about
the law.
Jana: Don’t worry, we’ll try to understand as much as we can.

Marijo: Yes! Just go on and explain it, we’re eager to hear it from you.

Lawyer: Alright let me explain it to you easy and simple. Let's say that I'm your boss and I
gave you your salary which supposedly should be 500 pesos for example, but you only
received 300 pesos because I used the 200 pesos for my own needs or used it for
something else. Basically it's snitching or stealing. Do you get my point now?

Marijo: Yes I do get it now. Thanks!

Jana: So do I! Thank you (name of acting as lawyer)! Have a nice day!

Bryan: Don’t mention it! It’s nothing! I should be going now. See you around!

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