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What have you accomplished so far on your Capstone project? If nothing, why?

I have started working on a more detailed version of my outline for my Capstone where I am
incorporating more specifics into my plan for each video. This will help me significantly when
making my videos so I can stay organized and have a logical flow of ideas. I have so far only
completed a detailed plan for one video.

What do you plan to accomplish by the end of this week? How will you hold yourself

My goal is to make a more detailed outline for at least a couple more of my videos so that I can
start working on creating my actual videos soon. I will likely need to conduct some additional
research to add relevant statistics and data that can assist in strengthening my arguments.

Your needs, including time, space, materials, and personal contacts 

I will need to invest some time into this so I can create an outline that will benefit me and that I
will stick to when I start making my videos. All I will need is my iPad and Apple Pencil which I
use to write my outline, as well as the internet to gather any information I may need.

What your interactions with your mentor(s) have been so far. If nothing, why? What is your

I still have not contacted a mentor, but I plan on doing this during the first half of winter break so
that I will have time to discuss any questions and important information that will help me better
cover the topic of urban planning.

Any obstacles you anticipate and your plan to overcome them 

I am leaving for a week during winter break and though I likely will not spend much time
working on my Capstone while on vacation, my goal is to at least email some urban planners
who will hopefully respond by the time I get back so I will be able to spend the last week of
break while at home working on this project.

Pictures/video evidence of your progress 

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