October 09, 201-WPS Office

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October 09, 2019


Dear Sir,

I am submitting my written application to show my keen interest for the position of

computer operator, currently available within your organization. Have been working for
the same position since last four years and I am looking for far more better opportunity
since a long time.

I would like to be considered for this mentioned post as the job specifications you have
mentioned, seems perfect to me and I have got skills and sufficient training necessary to
fill this position and be a valued member in your worthy organization. I consider myself
an appropriate match according to your requirement. I am aware of various extravaganza
skills including knowledge of computer applications, software, operating system,
hardware operation and network configuration. I am highly skilled in using Microsoft
office application (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) and Corel Draw. I am capable of using
peripheral equipment. I can operate all types. of computers and auxiliary equipment.

Enclosed is my Resume showing my career history, qualification and working skills. I

can contribute in the growth of your organization, a chance of meeting in person would
be a great opportunity. I shall be looking toward to your response.

Thanking you for your precious time.

Yours sincerely

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