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Do romantic movies and books glorify an unrealistic idea of love and lead to heartbreak?

By: Precious Nicole M. Busilaoco

Throughout our lives, we are enthralled by love stories and long for the fairy tales we
have read about. We expect to have this mesmerizing love story as if we are part of a movie
or a story in a book. We have this perfect picture of how, when, and where we will meet the
love of our lives and how this person will come and make our lives suddenly better and
happier. Our perception of love changed, but our passion with movie romance could be
puncturing to our real life happiness.

I believe that books and movies elude us into having unrealistic expectations and
change our perception of love. Contrary to the common beliefs in romantic movies and
books, love is not formed at first sight. When movies and books suggest that romance is
established without any struggle or controversy, they are giving impressionable children,
young adults or audience false expectations. Romantic books and films change the audience’s
perspective; they expect the same thing for themselves.

Romantic novels and films typically center on themes such as love at first sight, tragic
love, teen romances, and happily ever after. These works of fictions portrays numerous
problems, but the plot primarily ends with the couple overcoming all the problems and lives
happily. Audiences began to compare their lives in novels and films, and when it did not live
up to their expectations and disappoints them, they began to ask themselves why they cannot
have such things in their lives, leading to heartbreak.

Romances depicted in movies are enjoyable to fantasize about, but impossible to

attain. Enjoying them and having a good time is what is expected when we watch a movie,
but we better know that it leaves an impact on us that we might not be even aware of. One
can always think and question the degree to which it is fictional. It is important for us to
remember the value that we have assigned to the necessity of love and its idea. This can make
us think and relate to our experiences and then create a picture of our needs and wants.

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