Lesson 3.6

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Easy Training Nicaraguan School

Lesson Plan

Course Name: Easy English Begginers program Date: Saturday Level: II

(EEBP) 22 October,
Unit 1 What do your parents do? Prepared by:
Subject: Hosanna
● The present continuous Signature:

Objectives: ● SWBAT memorize more vocabulary about occupations, work activities.

● SWBAT know the use of present continuous

Materials: ● Book
● Marker
● Eraser
Introduction: Warm up activities seven days a week song
1. Call attendance
2. Review with questions about when we use the present continuous?
3. Introduce the last class
Development: Grammar time
Pages 56, 62

Vocabulary time
Pages 57, 58

Reading time
Do a circle when you identify the simple present and do a line when you identify present
Pages 60

Practice: Complete the next chart with ING

Verb simple form Gerund form Verb simple form Gerund Form
Cook Study
Eat Fix
Drink Plant
Play Brush
Read Sleep
write Watch

Los gatos estan comiendo pescados y los perros están comiendo carne.
Yo estoy en mi casa con mi amiga gloria. Nosotros estamos viendo televisión y comiendo
Marlene y yo estamos estudiando ingles y leyendo un libro.

Checking for
Closure: Homework:
Workbook pages 23,24,25.

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