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Foundation In Business FIB 2103 Basic Mathematics

Chapter 6 Integrals
6.1 Introduction
Integration is the reverse process to differentiation.

Suppose the function f is given, and the function F is such that F ‘(x) = f(x). Then we
say that F is an anti-derivative of f.

The general form of the anti-derivative of f is called the indefinite integral of f(x),
and denoted by

 f (x ) dx
Integral indicating that the integration
Sign is with respect to the variable x

Often we call it simply the integral of f. It is of the form F(x) + c, where F is any
particular anti-derivative of f and c denotes any constant, known as a constant of

Basic Integration
x n +1
 x dx = n + 1 + c

 x n +1 
 ax n dx = a  x n dx = a 
 n +1
 + c

  f (x )  g (x )dx =  f (x ) dx   g (x ) dx
(ax + b )n+1 + C
 (ax + b) dx =

(n + 1)(a )

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Exercises 6.1
1. Integrate each of the following with respect to x.
a) x3 b) x4 c) 3x2 d) 12x5
e) -4x f) 15x4 g) 2x3 h) 3
i) ½x5 j) 3 x
2 3
k) - 13 x2 l) 2

2. Find each of these integrals

a)  x dx b)  x dx c)  2 x dx
−2 −4 −3

3 2 4
d)  x2
dx e)  − x dx3
f)  x dx

3 5 2
g)  2x 4
dx h)  − 3x 2
dx i)  3x 4

3. Integrate each of the following function with respect to x.

a) f(x) = x 3 b) f(x) = 3x 2 c) f(x) = 3 x 4
1 1

4 2 3
d) f(x) = 3 e) f(x) = − 5
f) f(x) =
x x 7 x
g) f(x) = 3 h) f(x) = x3 i) f(x) = 9 x
5 x

4. Integrate each of the following with respect to x.

a) x3 + 2x b) 3x2 – 4x c) x3 – 1
d) 6 + 3x5 e) 3x2 – 5x + 3 f) x8 + 2x5
1 2
g) x4 - 3x + 2 h) x2 − 2 i) 5x 4 − 3
x x

5. Integrate each of the following with respect to x.

(a) y = (2x – 1)3 (b) y = (3x + 4)2 (c) (2x – 5)-2
(d) (3x + 2)-1/2 (e) (f) (6 – x)1/3
(x + 1)2

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Answer 6.1
x4 x5
1(a) (b) (c) x3 (d) 2x6 (e) -2x2 (f) 3x5 (g) ½x4 (h) 3x (i) 1
12 x6 (j) 1
6 x4 (k) - 1
9 x3 (l) 2
3 x
4 5

3 1 2 1 5 2
2(a) -x-1 (b) - 1
3 x-3 (c) -x-2 (d) − (e) (f) − (g) − (h) (i) −
x x2 3x 6 2x3 3x 9x3

3(a) ¾x4/3 (b) 2x3/2 (c) 4x3/4 (d) 6x2/3 (e) − 5

2 x5/4 (f)
7 x1/2 (g)
5 x2/3 (h)
5 x5/2 (i) 2x3/2

4 (a) ¼x4 + x2 (b) x3 – 2x2 (c) ¼x4 – x (d) 6x + ½x6 (e) x3 – 5

2 x2 + 3x (f) 1
9 x 9 + 13 x 6
(g) 1
5 x 5 − 32 x 2 + 2 x (h) 1
3 x 3 + 3x (i) 𝑥 5 +

1 1 1 2
5(a) (2𝑥 − 1)4 (b) ) (3𝑥 + 4)3 (c) − (2𝑥 − 5)−1 (d) ) (3𝑥 + 2)1/2 (e) −3(𝑥 + 1)−1
8 9 2 3
(f) − (6 − 𝑥)4/3

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6.2 Definite Integrals

 (4 x )
Expression like 3
+ 4 dx is called definite integrals. A definite integral has and

upper limit and a lower limit and can be evaluated as a number.

f (x ) dx = f (b ) − f (a )

 (4 x )
Example: Evaluate
+ 4 dx

Exercise 6.2
Evaluate the following definite integrals

 (6 x )  (4 x + 1)
2 0
+ 5 dx 2)
1 −2

 x 2 + 3x + 4  9  1 

3)  0 .5
 x4
 dx

 x −

 dx

1. 27.5 2. -150 3. 17.625 4. 32/3

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6.3 Application In Business

If C ’(q) is the marginal cost of producing q units of a product,

then the total cost of producing q units is given by 𝐶(𝑞) = ∫ 𝐶 ′ (𝑞) 𝑑𝑞.

If R ’(q) is the marginal cost of producing q units of a product,

then the total cost of producing q units is given by 𝑅(𝑞) = ∫ 𝑅 ′ (𝑞) 𝑑𝑞.

The marginal cost, C ‘(q) for a certain product is given as C ‘(q) = 40 – 0.07q where q
is the level of output. Find
(a) the total cost function if fixed costs are RM4000
(b) the cost to produce 200 units

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The marginal revenue function, R ‘(q) for a product is given as R ‘(q) = 60 – 0.5q where
q is the level of output. Find the change in total revenue when production level
increases from 60 units to 70 units.

The marginal revenue function, R ‘(q) for a product is given as R ‘(q) = 40 – 0.02q
where q is the level of output. Find
(a) the total revenue function
(b) the demand function

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Exercise 6.3
1. The total cost in producing 50 units of a product is RM3000. If the marginal
cost, C ‘(q) for the product is given as C ‘(q) = RM(20 + 0.4q) where q is the level
of output, find the total cost function.

2. Given
Marginal revenue function: R ‘(q) = 150 – 0.4q
Marginal cost function: C ‘(q) = 0.2q – 15
Fixed cost: RM1500
(a) the total revenue function
(b) the total cost function
(c) the profit function
(d) the level of production which will maximise profit. Also find the maximum
profit and the price per unit when profit is maximized.

3. The marginal cost of producing q television sets per month is given by

C ‘(q) =0.02q – 15 and the price per set is RM680. If the fixed cost is RM3500,
(a) the total cost function
(b) the revenue function
(c) the profit function
(d) the level of production which will minimise the total cost
(e) the total revenue when total cost is minimised

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4. An electric oven manufacturer experiences a marginal cost of C ‘(q) = 50 + 3q and

marginal revenue of R ‘(q) = 140 in the production and sales of q electric ovens
per month. If the manufacturer’s profit from the production and sales of q = 30
units is RM350, find
(a) the monthly fixed costs
(b) C(10)

5. The marginal cost of a product in ringgit, C ‘(q) is given by

C ‘(q) = 24 – 0.024q + 0.006q2, where q is the level of output.
The cost of producing 200 units is RM22,700. Find
(a) the cost function
(b) the fixed cost
(c) the cost when 500 units are produced

6. The weekly marginal cost function, C ‘(q) and marginal revenue function, R ‘(q) of
a company assembling personal computers are given as C ‘(q) = RM(3q2 – 118q +
1315) and R ‘(q) = RM(1000 – 4q), where q is the number of computers assembled
per week. If the fixed costs are R5000, find
(a) the profit function
(b) the increase in profit if the number of computers assembled increase from
30 to 35 per week
(c) the maximum profit per week
(d) the total revenue obtained and the price per unit when profit is maximised

1. 20q + 0.2q2 + 1500
2. (a) 150q – 0.2q2 (b) 0.1q2 – 15q + 1500 (c) -0.1q2 + 135q – 1500 (d) 675, RM44,062.50, RM115
3. (a) 0.01q – 15q + 3500 (b) 680q (c) -0.01q2 + 695q – 3500 (d) 750 (e) RM510,000
4. (a) RM1000 (b) RM1650
5. (a) 24q - 0.012q2 + 0.002q3 + 2380 (b) RM2380 (c) RM261,380
6. (a) - q3 + 57q2 – 315q - 5000 (b) RM1075 (c) RM10,925 (d) RM32,550, RM930

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