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CIE 097; EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING $s na oe student Activity Sheet #1 lass number: __ Name: PERO, Aa/ule _V- oe section: 4ACCE-OY schedule: ee oe ——_—_—_——— it ‘arthquakes and Faulting Materials: Lasson aie a tne vend of the lesson you shall have the Caan sheet of paper, ball pen & basic knowledge of differentiating of the followin, calculator 4.0 Origin of Earthquake: References: 2.0 How does earthquake happens { Geotechnical-Earthquake Engineering-kramer, Earthquake Engineering C. K. Erdey, Earthquake-Engineering- H. Sezen} Productivity Tip: “whatever the natural cause, Sin is the true cause of all earthquakes” John Wesley A. LESSON PREVIEW/REVIEW 1. Introduction ‘As one of the most devastating natural events, earthquakes impose economic challenges on communities and ‘governments. The number of human and economic assets a risk is growing as megacities and urban arcas develop all over the world. This increasing risk has been plotted in the damage and loss reports after the great earthquakes killed about 200,000 people. The 1994 Northridge, (USA) earthquake left country experienced around $42 billion in losses due to it. The 1995 0 Billion in economic loss. The August 1996 The 1975 Tangshan (China) earthquake 57 dead and about 8,700 injured. The ‘earthquake in Kobe (Japan) caused about 6,000 fatalities and over $12 Izmit (Turkey) earthquake killed 20,000 people and caused $12 billion in economic loss, The 1999 Chi-chi (Taiwan) earthquake caused an estimated $8 billion in loss, The 2006 Gujarat (India) earthquake savy around 18,000 fatalities ‘and 330,000 demolished buildings [1]. The Sichuan (China) earthquake, on May 12th 2008 left 88,000 people dead ‘or missing and nearly 400,000 injured. That earthquake damaged or destroyed millions of homes, leaving five million homeless. It also caused extensive damage to basic infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, roads and ‘water systems. The event cost around $29 billion in direct loss alone [2]. The devastating earthquake of March 2011 with its resulting tsunami along the cast coast of Japan is known to be the world’s costliest earthquake. The World Bank estimated the cost at $235 billion while government estimates reported the number at $305 billion. The event left 8,700 dead and more than 13,000 missing [3] ‘As has been shown, earthquake events have not only inflicted human and physical damage, they have also been able to cause considerable economic conflict in vulnerable cities and regions. The importance of the economic issues and the consequences of earthquakes attracted the attention of engineers and provided new research and ‘working opportunities for engineers, who up until then had been concerned only with risk reduction options through engineering strategies [4] LL This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION wat Races PHINMA EDUCATIC oN CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING ¢ Student Activity Sheet #1 Name:__PE7ube, PAY Vv. Class numb ERI Section: 44SCG-OY Schedule: __ eee Date eet Seismic loss estimation is an expertise provided by earthquake enginecring and the manner in which it can be cmployed in the processes of assessing seismic loss and managing the financial and economic risk associated with earthquakes through more beneficial retrofit methods will be discussed. The methodology provides a useful tool for comparing different engineering altematives from a seismic-risk-point of view based on a Performance Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) ftamework [5]. Next, an outline of the regional economic models employed for the assessment of earthquakes" impact on economies will be briefly introduced. 1) Activity 1: What | Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins) What | Know, Questions: What | Learned (Activity 4) | 1, What is PBEE stands for? PRORMACE DASE HO TPEA ADTH OWALE AEP 2.Why we should know about |IT'S ABLE To Pepucep Mo LEA the economic consequences of jets ze HuMAV AYD earthquakes? | PAYSTCAL Damage vo IDA 3. What are the categories of structural failures? BL MAIN LESSON The Economic Consequences of earthquakes ‘The economic consequences of earthquakes may occur both before and after the seismic event itselE [6]. However, the focus of this chapter will be on those which occur after earthquakes. The consequences - and effects of earthquakes may be classified in terms of their primary or direct effects and their ‘secondary or indirect effects. The indirect effects are sometimes referred to by economists as higher- order effects. The primary (direct) effects of an earthquake appear immediately after it as social and physical damage. The secondary (indirect) effects take into account the system-wide impact of flow losses through interindustry relationships and economic sectors, For example, where damage occurs to a bridge then its inability to serve to passing vehicles is considered a primary or direct loss, while if the flow of the row material to a manufacturing plant in another area is interrupted due to the inability of passing traffic ta-crass the bridge, the loss due to the business's interruption in this plant is called secondary or indirect loss. A higher-order effect is another term as an alternative to indirect or secondary effects which has been proposed by economists [7]. These potential effects of earthquakes may be categorized as: "social or human’, "physical" and “economic” effects. This is summarized in Table 1 [8} —_—_———$—$KLrleO LL This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION $ ERINMA EDUCATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING : Student Activity Sheet #1 Name: Rete, WO A Class number Section: 4 ule: _ Abate Ocean LD Basaltic 5 km thick “ 7 Mantle Discontinuity Figure 1.4 Discontinuity of seismic waves, named the Mohorovicic disconsinuity: 1) Activity 2: Definition of Terms @) Gecific Gautéra substance refers to how much heavier than water a unit volume ofthe substance is. >) Qual faulvreinvolves collapse or overturning of the entire structure. © Gory ditt - Measured lateral floor displacements 2) Activity 3: What | Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins) What | Know Questions: What | Learned (Activity 4) } 1, What are the causes and WHEN TU RATES TecIOwaC reArer origins of earthquakes? COUWE 2.What are the most damaged | gy zz pIW6 Dams Alb PEIPEEL | structures after earthquake e occurs? Reap PRREYDS OV MAGIDUG 3. How strong the earthquake EPSPs OY is? PEPEM PS iN gcrTUne 3) Activity 4: Check for Understanding (5 mins) 3 1.0 What are the casualties we should aware of earthquake activities. This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION TY Tr tT . CIE 097; EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING 14 (DUICATION e Student Activity Sheet #1 Name: PRE72Q, PAY? 4 Class number section; YACCE-OY schedule : be 2.0 What we do to be safe during earthqual 3,0 What should we learn about the computation of earthquake loads. 4.0 How does earthquake affect in our daily routine [Ni 1 2 | Sihucnee PAILS — 3 | eppreyate __ Two things that you would like to learn and understand more about 1__| CARTHEUALE 2__| Spuctwer. FAIRE [One more question you stil have [rT Re You are done with the session! Let's track your progress. Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Se Le De ed | [9 [5 [ooo] oo [oe [2 [oe [ns [as [2729 SS This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION pose a N sik spuChTON (097; EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING $ Bes ce student Activity Sheet #2 Class number: Name: __ 722720, BAyetn/ 0 \2- — ———— Section: Y2Ge~-OY Schedule: ___ _ Date; ___—— ——$—$—$—$——— Lesson title: TECTONIC PLATES Materials: Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson you shall have the Clean sheet of paper, ball pen & basic knowledge of differentiating of the following: calculator 1.0 Behavior of Tectonic Plates References: {Geotechnical-Earthquake 2.0 Location of volcanic eruptions Engineering-Kramer, Earthquake Engineering- C. K. Erdey, Earthquake-Engineering- H. Sezen} er IT Productivity Tip: “Believe me, this planet has put up with much worse than us. It’s been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, solar flares, sun-spots, magnetic storms, pole reversals, planetary floods, worldwide fires, tidal waves, wind and water erosion, cosmic rays, ice ages, and hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets, asteroids, and meteors. And people think a few pastic bags and aluminum cans are going to make difference?" - George Carlin ‘A. LESSON PREVIEW/REVIEW 1. Introduction This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION > THINMA EDUCATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Student Activity Sheet #2 ame: FPILpo, PAYIUD yn Class number: ection: FANCE-OY schedule Date: _ “4 ea io Creation and Destruction of Lithosphere: New lithosphere is created at mid-ocean ridges where plates pull apart and molten material escapes as a subsea fissure eruption. Lithosphere is destroyed near ocean trenches, where lithospheric plates descend into the mantle and are assimilated into the mantle. Image by the United States Geological Survey 1) Activity 1: What | Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins) What | Know Questions: What | Learned oa 1, What is the outermost part of THe ef Ca Earth's structure? DE 2. What is the creation and CTHRSRIERE ATES Lo Trea destruction of lithosphere? COLIDES. EACH OTHER pte poe ro rZcae 3. How does the earthquake DELEME ELERGY produces? Proved GY THE conju MAIN LESSON List of Major Lithospheric Plates This is a list of the 15 major tectonic plates shown on the map at the top of this page: African Plate Antarctic Plate ee AML0/ 0 NIG fa.) PHINMA ED. 1 ATION — on CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Student Activity Sheet #2 lame: _ fear po, 2: a? ji Section: VBnce-o4 she ee. v Ges aia Juan 0€ FUCA Hons aNteRiCAN ANTARCTIC PLATE ‘Amap of the tectonic plates of the earth showing the different boundary types in different colors Locations where plates collide (convergent boundaries) are shown in red. Locations where plates are spreading (divergent boundaries) are shown in yellow. And, locations where plates are sliding past one another are shown in orange. This map was prepared by the National Park Service. Activity 2: Definition of Terms a) Cras Tends form where a plate with a leading edge of oceanic lithosphere collides with another plate. b) Lithasphye _ is destroyed near ocean trenches, where lithospheric plates descend into the mantle and are assimilated into the mantle. ©) New lithosphere is created by _n0l-0G24N along the crest of the ridge, and the plates on either side of the ridge are moving away from one another. This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION x $ AINMA EDUCATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING ‘Student Activity Sheet #2 Name:_/@2rypo Rayara/d _\/- mbar Section: Y2SCE-OW Schedule: : an 3) Activity 3: Check for Understanding (5 mins) 1.0 What are the casualties we should aware of earthquake activities. 2.0 What we should leam about pacific ring of fire? 3.0 What is plate boundaries? j 4.0 What are the behaviors of volcanic activities? I C.LESSON WRAP-UP NO. | Three things you leamed 1 COTHORPE ; 2 | Tecrouacs Phar 3 | paw fracas | ‘Two things that you would like to leam and understand more about | 1 TeCtONtCs Rarec 2 Bale Cowparves | ‘ne more question you still have | 1 Bue | Youare done with the session! Lets track your | Perio 1 Period 2 Period 3 KS LD [2 12 00] | 2 [03 v4] 95 v6] 07] v8] 19] 20] 2 [22 [23 [24 ]25 26] 27] 28] 29/50] 1] el This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION a gs HINA EDUCATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Student Activity Sheet #3 Name: _PEZ7TLbO, Baymp _¥. Section: YBSCE-OY Schedule = Class number: __ = _ Date: . —_—_—_————_ Lesson title: PLATE BOUNDARIES Materials: Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson you shall have the Clean sheet of paper, ball pen & basic knowledge of differentiating of the following: calculator 1.0 Different types of plate boundaries References: 2.0 How volcanic activity works. {Geotechnical-earthquake Engineering-Kramer, Earthquake Engineering- C. K. Erdey, Earthquake-Engineering- H. Sezen} a Productivity Tip: “Believe me, this planet has put up with much worse than us. 's been through earthquakes, volcanoes, Plate tectonics, solar flares, sun-spots, magnetic storms, pole reversals, planetary floods, worldwide fires, tidal waves, wind and water erosion, cosmic rays, ice ages, and hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets, asteroids, and meteors. And people think a few pastic bags and aluminum Cans are going to make difference?” - George Carlin AL 1. Introduction Divergent Plate Boundaries Divergent plate boundaries are locations where plates are moving away from one another. This occurs above rising convection currents, The rising current pushes up on the bottom of the lithosphere, lifting it and flowing laterally beneath it. Ths lateral flow causes the plate material above to be dragged along in the direction of low. At the crest ofthe uplift, the overlying plate is stretched thin, breaks and pulls apart Convergent Plate Boundari Convergent plate boundaries are locations where lithospheric plates are moving towards one another. The plate collisions that occur in these areas can produce earthquakes, volcanic activity, and crustal deformation. Transform Plate Boundaries This document is the property of PHINMA EDU ae CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERINe mA EDUCATION Student Activity Sheet #3 Name:_RPrupo, RA ymup VK Class number: Section: UBPLE-of Schedule: = Date: —__ Transform Plate Boundaries are locations where two plates slide past one another. The fracture zone {that forms a transform plate boundary is known as a transform fault, Most transform faults are found in the ocean basin and connect offsets in the mid-ocean ridges. A smaller number connect mid-ocean Tidges and subduction zones. 1) Activity 1; What | Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins) What | Know Questions: [ What! Learned Pht 1. What are the plate boundaries? | OrvetoeeT OM ERCET TRARIEORM, CalGeaeuT TEMS Foey| [Ub EDEA 2. What is fracture zone? Fall line | 3. What we will learn about plate [EF if ® Gorge, Pract re | be pea boundaries? If EARTH OEE | B.MAIN LESSON. Divergent Plate Boundary - Oceanic When a divergent boundary occurs beneath oceanic lithosphere, the rising convection current below lifts the lithosphere, producing a mid-ocean rid ige. Extensional forces stretch the lithosphere and Produce a deep fissure. When the fissure opens, pressure is reduced on the super-heated mantle ‘material below. Itresponds by melting, and the new magma flows into the fissure. The magma then solidifies and the process repeats itself. This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION oe 0 ERT ent BOY ee C e PHINMA EDUCATION. CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Student Activity Sheet #3 Name:__/@ercpo, FAY Mud lass number Section : YBSCE-H Schedule: _ Date divergent plate boundary. When you look at the transform fault diagram, imagine the double line as a divergent plate boundary and visualize which way the diverging plates would be moving, A smaller number of transform faults cut continental lithosphere. The most famous example of this is the San Andreas Fault Zone of western North America. The San Andreas connects a divergent boundary in the Gulf of California with the Cascadia subduction zone. Another example of a transform boundary on land is the Alpine Fault of New Zealand. , —+ aes 7 —_ =>. t ce : ‘Strike-Slip Fault ‘Transform Fault Activity 2: Definition of Terms : a) When a divergent boundary occurs beneath ocearic lithosphere, he rising convection current ; below lifts the lithosphere, producing by Lift valley sometimes occupied yong linear lakes or a shallow arm of the ocean ‘ ©) regta_charbérare less dense than the surrounding mantle materials and are buoyant 3) Activity 3: Check for Understanding (5 mins) 41.0 What are the behaviors of plate boundaries. 2.0 What is convergent boundary. 3.0 What is divergent boundary. 4,0 What are the types of Transform boundaries. (C.LESSON WRAP-UP NO. | Three things you leamed ] Ce This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION we $ PRIN EDUCATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Student Activity Sheet #3 Name: __PEPTUpD , ayn Vv. - Class number: Section: YBQCE-OY ‘schedule. ee Date 1 [Tacs Fee Raw Pae E - 2 | Peer Baws 3 | CabRcaT RoUOARY ‘Two things that you would like to learn and understand more about 1 | PRE Bouvonpzes 2 Pupte Be HAV Ton C ‘One more question you still have 1 WE You are done wih the session! Lets track our pr ‘fees Petod © [5 |] 9 [2 fsa] sa] v5 [06] | v9] 9] 20] [22 [2s [20 [25 [26] [aa] aa] | This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION age a Nome: _epruDo, PA Section: fracture zone Transform Plate Boundaries are locations where two plates slide past one another. eee aby that forms a transform plate boundary is known as a transform fault. Most transfor oe found in the ocean basin and connect offsets in the mid-ocean ridges. A smaller number cannect ocean ridges and subduction zones 41) Activity 1: What | Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins) What | Know Questions: [What I Learned peanceuT” qpuareet 1. What are the plate Boundaries? | veda 7 TEN, 2. What is fracture zone? | Do DEA | Fauk line 3. What we will learn about plate iad OR Cage Frectre be Tea boundaries? je GRTROARE. BLMAINLESSON Divergent Plate Boundary - Oceanic When a divergent boundary occurs beneath oceanic lithosphere, the rising convection current below lifts the lithosphere, producing a mid-ocean ridge. Extensional forces stretch the lithesphere and produce a deep fissure. When the fissure opens, pressure is reduced on the super-heated mantle ‘material below. It responds by melting, and the new magma flows into the fissure. The magma then solidifies and the process repeats itself. SS ‘This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION = E ve PHINMA EDUCATION CIE 097; EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING a Student Activity Sheet #3 Name: _fEATUpD , 2ayMuuy Vv. a Class number: Section: YBSE-OY Schedule: 7 Date: 1 | TcsFeem Raw papy 2 | Diver eeur Ba wesRY 3 | CALERA Bou-OopY Two things that you would like to learn and understand more about 1 PIUIE_ Gouvoaates 2 | Ppte GEAR ToC ‘One more question you still have 1 KOE You are done withthe session! Le’ track your progress. Period 1 Period2 Period © D> [ole [9 [5 [oe] 9 [aos [oe | eos [2 oad & Puna EDUCATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Student Activity Sheet #4 = Class number Date Lepper rear erreserserreeserrereere eee Lesson title: Active Faults and Seismic Zones of the Philippines Materials: Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson you shall have the Clean sheet of paper, ball pen & basic knowledge of differentiating of the following: calculator 1.0 Location of active faults in the Philippines References: 2.0 Seismic Zones of the Philippines {; National Structural code of the Philippines } LL Productivity Tip: “Earthquakes do not injure or Kill people. Poorly built manmade structures injure and kil people.” A. LESSON PREVIEW/REVIEW 1. Introduction Rescuers pull out one male survivor athe rubble of Chuzon Santa Catalin de Alejandra Parish Church in Pore, Pampanga. Supermarket in Prac, Pampanga Earthquakes occur quite frequently in the Philippines due largely to its location. The country lies along. the “Pacific Ring of Fire,” home to several tectonic plate boundaries that stretch from Indonesia to the —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—— This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION Re UEATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING / - Student Activity Sheet #4 Name: __ferupo, RAPA _V. lass number Section: Ypsce@oy. Schedule Da coast of Chile within a 40,000-km arc of seismic violence that triggers volcanic eruptions and unleashes earthquakes almost every day Three tectonic plates that encircle the country are the Philippine Plate in the East; the Eurasian Plate in the West; and the Indo-Australian Plate in the South. The existence of several fault lines across the country is a manifestation of the movements of these tectonic plates. A fault line is defined as a geological fracture wherein the movement of masses of rock has displaced parts of the Earth's crust. A rapid movement of a fault line may produce a powerful energy that can trigger a strong earthquake. ‘There are five active fault lines in the country namely the Western Philippine Fault, the Eastern Philippine Fault, the South of Mindanao Fault, Central Philippine Fault and the Marikina/Valley Fault System. 1) Activity 1: What | Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins) [What I Know Questions: What | Learned PHELIPPLUES, JAPA | 1.What are the countries belong | FHILTPPIuG, JAPA TASWAY/ to the pacific ring of fire? TAA FRACTURE ALONG Cpusy | 2. Whatis fault line? FRecrvee plane (muy WEST PR FACT EADERT |, What are the active faultlines _ | MNPIFIVA VAUBY FATG Pet AT in the Philippines? West pH FAULT BLMAIN LESSON List of Active Fault Lines in The Philippines 1. Marikina Valley Fault (Montalban, San Mateo, Marikina, Pasig, Taguig, Muntinlupa, San Pedro, Binan, Carmona, Santa Rosa, Calamba, Tagaytay, Oriental Mindoro) 2. Western Philippine Fault (Luzon Sea, Mindoro Strait, Panay Gulf, Sulu Sea) 3. Eastern Philippine Fault (Philippine Sea) —_—_—_—__—_——_ This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION € . CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Student Activity Sheet #4 Class number —_______ Date: Activity 2: Enumeration Classify and list down the fault line: PI anna sin the Philippines by region. Also enumerate the active Activity 3: Check for Understanding (5 mins) 1.0 What is fault line. 2.0 What are the seismic zone factors 3.0 Whats the most dangerous active fault in the Philippines. 4.0 What is PhilVoles stands for. (C._LESSON WRAP-UP NO. | Three things you leamed = 1 Acre _FAgC Tp Pt 2 FAULT 3 MIC OME Ee that you would like to learn and understand more about 4 FAULT Live 2 | (Bismsc we | One more question you still have 1 | Ve ‘You are done with the session! Let's track your progress. a Period 1 Period 2 aes V¥MXCPP EPP Pee PEP PPP eer This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION > —_— | P00, eaymed Vv ASHY 1 UBsce uy yo 1) Mowrac| sf ACT PRULT CUE IY PHrretves see rateo \)MPeSET LA FAULT 2) Mesias bee Dueceey pALLTeRe mar oo x PALL EE Feu 3 mare. Ante POLOALAO FULT Museen, ©) OPAL PHILTPRELe FO TY TAGAYTAY §) Byay 12 CAM FEDPO | pee y-A 10) CALAMOR At) STA. pose hy CSeMOvm ~2 S OMEUTAL Ms00RD —RECIDN I “ oe sea ~ peenoy TE - (s) MuoRO STPAIGT — PEGI WL ELTLEe Uloous — Pesiow T Quezo — Peblov I-A Ww, PHINMA EDUCATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING ‘Student Activity Sheet #5 Name: (E27UPo, Lay MULD _V: Class number: ____ Section: GBE-OY Schedule: date; Lesson title: Earthquake Measurement. Materials: Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson you shail have the Clean sheet of paper, ball pen & basic knowledge of differentiating of the following: calculator 1.0 Different Measurement Tools for the Magnitude of References: Earthquake {Physical Geology -meusuting-carthquakes/, Michigan Tech Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering ~ SL. Kremer} a 2.0 Procedures on how to determine Earthquake Magnitude Productivity Tip: “For all that we know about earthquakes, they are still one of nature's most unpredictable hazards.” A. LESSON PREVIEW/REVIEW 1. Introduction There are two main ways to measure earthquakes. The first of these is an estimate of the energy released, and the value is referred to as magnitude. This is the number that is typically used by the press when a big earthquake happens. It is often referred to as “Richter magnitude,” but that is a misnomer, and it should be just “magnitude.” There are many ways to measure magnitude — including Charles Richter’s method developed in 1935 — but they are all ways to estimate the same number: the amount of energy released, The other way of assessing the impact of an earthquake is to assess what people felt and how much damage was done. This is known as intensity. Intensity values are assigned to locations, rather than to the earthquake itself, and therefore intensity can vary widely, depending on the proximity to the earthquake and the types of materials and conditions of the subsurface. —_—— This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION 3 PHINMA EDUCATION CIE 097: EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Student Activity Sheet #5 Pee, PAM AKD _V. Class number FBKE-F Schedule Date 1) Activity 1: What | Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins) [What | Know e Questions: _____| What | Learned MAGUITUP E_ 1. What are the two ways of MAGUT IU IMIEMITY Measuring earthquakes? Dest ry [HERS The GS 2. What is magnitude? MGASUME THE Tree OF EACTHOMAEE OF ARTHOUALE [MAGITUE —STEC OFEE 13, Whatiis the difference between |MAGUITUDE =| TMEITY Pater oF Mt magnitude and intensity? JRUEMCLTY — Power oF |] 2] |] |] 7] 0] 920] | [2s] 20] [26 ||] ocument is the prope! PHINMA EDUCATION

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