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I walk through the fire,

My heart enduring it all.

Patronizing words,

But I’m not small.

I try to roar,

It is a squeak.

My head lowered,

Sounding quite meek.

My eyes, full of fire,

Staring amongst the hub.

My voice strong, I say defiantly,

“I’m not a cub”.

I try to be her,

I wear her dress.

I lift my head high,

I’m a lioness.
I’m not a weak woman,

To be used by you all.

I’m a warrior,

And I say it standing tall.

My heart of a lioness,

My speed of a cheetah.

My life of a warrior,

I will not live incognita.

The daggers my claws,

The thunder my roar.

I hold so much power,

And I still have more.

Don’t underestimate me,

Don’t think me less.

You do, and you’ll regret it,

“cause I’m a lioness.

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