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Scoring Rubric for Social Science Core

Scorers will use a “0” when student work provides no evidence that the learning objective was actually addressed.

Objective Highly proficient-4 Proficient-3 Approaching proficiency-2 Not proficient-1

1.1 Apply deductive and Consistently and thoughtfully Analysis is based in deductive There is some analysis of the Topic is presented very
inductive reasoning to uses deductive and/or and/or inductive reasoning as topic, but it is not clearly descriptively, without a logical
analyze social science inductive reasoning as the the basis for analysis of a topic, grounded in inductive or analytic framework. Limited
topics. basis for analysis of a topic, and provides a reasonable deductive reasoning. Draws conclusions given that indicate an
providing a well-developed analysis of a topic with reasonable and plausible understanding of principles of
and logical analysis of a topic conclusions consistent with conclusions, but these are not deductive and/or inductive
with conclusions that follow deductive and/or inductive the product of deductive reasoning.
from deductive and/or reasoning, although there may and/or inductive reasoning.
inductive reasoning. be some gaps throughout.

1.2 Evaluate evidence Thoroughly and Evaluates evidence for Offers some evaluation of Provides very limited analysis of
used to test theories, systematically evaluates accuracy and relevance, with evidence of the accuracy, evidence; what is provided may
hypotheses, or evidence for accuracy, some attention to limitations relevance, or limitations for lack relevance, specificity, and
predictions. limitations, and relevance to for how it applies to concepts, concepts, theories, accuracy for concepts, theories,
concepts, theories, theories, hypotheses, or hypotheses, or predictions, hypotheses, or predictions.
hypotheses, or predictions. predictions. but it may be incomplete or
at a fairly general level.

1.3 Recognize that social Thoroughly and clearly Describes more than one Describes more than one Describes more than one
scientific theories and/or articulates more than one interpretation or conclusion interpretation or conclusion interpretation or conclusion from
data permit multiple interpretation or conclusion that can be drawn from a that can be drawn from a a theory or body of data, but no
interpretations or that can be drawn from a theory or body of data. Offers theory or body of data, explanation is offered.
conclusions, and theory or body of data. Offers an explanation for how and although one may be more
articulates reasons for in-depth, sophisticated why the interpretations or fully or accurately described
the differing explanation for how and why conclusions differ based on than another. Offers limited
interpretation or these interpretations or relevant theoretical explanation for how and why
conclusions. conclusions are plausible assumptions, methodologies the interpretations or
based on relevant theoretical used, or strength of data, but conclusions differ based on
assumptions, methodologies these explanations may lack relevant theoretical
used, or strength of data. depth. assumptions, methodologies
used, or strength of data.

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