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SEM I, 2022/2023

MGM 4306









3rd DECEMBER 2022


i. Identified what is Smart Waste Management System 2-3

ii. Analyse why is Smart Waste Management System important 4-5

a. Environmental Impact
b. Time-saving
c. Cost Saving
d. Increase Recycling Rates

iii. List 5 Innovative products that are related to Smart Waste Management
Systems and illustrate how does product is useful to users.
1. E-waste Kiosk
2. AI Recycling Robot
3. Waste Level Sensor
4. Smart Waste Bin 6-9
5. Recycling Apps

i. What is Smart Waste Management System?
Every product affects the environment. Design for Environment (DFE) offers
businesses a useful technique to reduce these effects and build a more sustainable
society. It has been demonstrated that using effective design for manufacturing
(DFM) techniques can lower costs without sacrificing product quality. A product's
potential environmental effects can include energy use, the depletion of natural
resources, liquid discharges, gaseous emissions, and the production of solid trash.
Environmental awareness is highly valued in today's culture due to globalization.
The goal of environmental concern is to create healthy people and a clean
environment. The reputation of the nation will suffer if we don't
practice cleanliness. For example, it is proven in Malaysia that there are too few
trash cans, causing waste to overflow and cause an unpleasant odor, and that
there is an attitude of littering everywhere. This makes trash management
challenging to handle and turns it into a significant issue for the nation and society.
In Malaysia, the population is growing day by day. The government cannot
adequately control garbage and solid waste in Malaysia due to the country's
growing population. For instance, we see that they struggle to adequately manage
waste, especially in densely populated places like Selangor. According to Mohd.
Idris Mohamed Yusof, General Manager of KDEB Waste Management (KDEBWM),
Selangor contributed 30% daily out of 38,000 tonnes of total rubbish, making it
the state with the greatest contribution. Therefore, the ideal approach for waste
control in Malaysia should be implemented via the smart waste management
system. The use of intelligent waste management offers the community several

Figure 1: News about waste management in Selangor

Smart waste management system focuses on solving the problem of solid
waste by using sensors, mobile applications, and intelligent monitoring. Smart
waste management systems use waste management technology that is more
effective, cost-effective, and ecologically beneficial. The Internet of Things (IoT),
a monitoring tool that collects and tracks real-time data to optimize waste
collection and spur future innovation across the country, is integrated into this
system. The goal of IoT is to present an IoT solution based on the Web utilizing
NodeMCU and an ultrasonic sensor to construct a wireless prototype device
intended to monitor the number of garbage cans in real-time while also maximizing
the usage of Dijkstra's algorithm, which is included the Google Maps API. Sensor
technology uses materials and sensory devices to identify the status of the trash
can and then communication technology data to transfer information or analyze
data to be used by other systems. Additionally, citizens have a higher level of
comfort, cleanliness, and security. One of the most important issues in addressing
environmental issues is smart waste management. It can be a country with more
peace and prosperity.
The garbage industry's future lies in intelligent waste management. The secret
to developing trash services that are suitable for both now and tomorrow is to
integrate a data-driven strategy into the way we manage garbage. Data is the first
step in making waste services more resource-efficient and implementing more
environmentally friendly procedures. Data provide you the power to base your
waste operations on current demands rather than assumptions and historical
trends. Using a smart waste management solution with sensors, a digital platform,
intelligent routing, and container monitoring will provide you with all the tools you
need to change your waste management procedures for the better.

ii. Analyse why is Smart Waste Management System important

Innovative waste management can address by using smart waste management

to identify filling patterns in historical data, driver schedules and routes may be
improved, and operational expenses can be decreased. The following are reasons why
having a smart waste management system is important:

a. Protect environment
If we use a smart waste management system, it can reduce
environmental pollution. For example, air pollution. Air pollution occurs
as a result of a significant build-up of solid waste brought on by
inadequate garbage disposal facilities. Therefore, an effective smart
waste management system is crucial to protecting the ecosystem.
b. Time-saving
For instance, by taking shorter routes to collect rubbish, garbage
trucks will spend a little longer on the road, reducing city congestion.
In conclusion, while stuck in a traffic jam, both truck drivers and regular
people can save time. The use of IoT technology in a smart waste
management system also does away with the requirement to dispatch
personnel to keep an eye on assets along the route.
c. Cost saving
Waste management and collection are the focus of the
significant growth in dumping waste. The cost of govt expenditures on
trash management can be decreased if there are collections that do not
need to be eliminated. Municipalities may be able to use the money
saved from this to fund other projects. Furthermore, waste can be
efficiently managed and separated, and it can even be made into a
resource that can be recycled, giving the nation the chance to
encourage innovation and boost economic income in the future.
d. Increase recycling rates
What you can't measure, you can't manage. However, you may
utilize data to simplify recycling and boost participation. Smart
garbage solutions can be useful in this situation as the globe faces
aggressive recycling targets in the future years. Recycling rates
cannot be increased simply by placing recycling containers in public
areas. It necessitates a radical revision of our approach to waste

management. And data is where it all begins. Data hold the key to a
deeper comprehension of recycling behaviors and greater
participation. Recycling program digitization offers previously
unattainable knowledge about recycling habits. It offers a reliable
baseline for recycling programs so you can evaluate the effectiveness
of your recycling efforts and make ongoing improvements.

iii. List 5 Innovative products that are related to Smart Waste Management
Systems and illustrate how does product is useful to users.
1. E-waste kiosk
If there is electronic waste disposed of incorrectly it will cause harm to
people and the environment. Fortunately, most companies and
organizations have started a recycling program called E-waste, which
means accepting and repaying (give and take) you for old electronic
For example, ecoATM is a smart recycling company, which allows users
to exchange their electronics for cash for destroyed or damaged devices
they also accept phones, tablets, and laptops in any condition and ensure
that the electronics can be properly recycled. In conclusion, this can
provide benefits to both parties, whether the company or the consumer.

Figure 2: Picture of ecoATM

2. AI Recycling Robot
Recycling centers play an important role in disposing of waste and
reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills each year. To
improve the recycling process more efficiently, the existence of a recycling
robot powered by artificial intelligence (AI) can help to the efficient
recycling process.
This robot aims to sort materials and identify recyclables accurately and
reduce the need for workers. In addition, the use of the robot also helps
materials that will end up in landfills. For example, consumers throw away
waste such as plastic, glass bottles, and paper. The use of Ai robots can
recycle the material and the material can be used again by the user.

In general, the use of AI recycling robots can create a healthier and more
productive environment.

Figure 3: Picture AI recycling robot

3. Waste Level Sensor

As we know, the routine of throwing away garbage is a daily act for
anyone whether at home, in the supermarket, or anywhere depending on
the amount of garbage that is thrown away. Weekly garbage collection
services have existed for decades, usually, this option is ineffective.
To reduce truck movement to and from landfills, companies, and
communities can install waste bin level sensors in a bin or dumpster
regardless of size. The purpose of this device is to store data on the level
of filling and allow the garbage collection service to calculate how often
the bins need to be emptied. For example, users throw trash until their
trash touches the sensor will light up or make a sound, then a truck will
be deployed to collect the trash. This can also prevent the garbage from
overflowing and polluting the area.

Figure 4: Example Waste Level Sensor

4. Smart Waste Bins

Smart waste bin aims to make it easier for users to not have to bother
to put their waste in the trash or recycle properly. Use this to help reduce
incorrect sorting errors. For example, the Polish company Bin-e developed
a smart trash can for recognition based on the shape of objects and able
to detect the object and continue to be able to separate the recycled
material automatically into the relevant compartments. After sorting, the
machine will compress the waste and monitor the bin when it is full.
The presence of this smart trash can reduce user errors regarding
recycling materials can speed up the process, and make it easier to recycle.
This can reduce costs by 80% and indirectly increase employee efficiency.

Figure 5: Example Smart Waste Bin

5. Recycling Apps
The biggest challenge for consumers is sorting waste for recycling
centers. To limit what cannot be recycled to enter these centers,
organizations have released applications such as iRecycle that make it easy
to do individually. This application provides information to the user about
the recycling rate, the location of the center, and the list of permitted
materials to determine which items can be recycled.

Figure 6: Example Apps for recycling


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