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Student Student Student Student Student Student

Outstanding Near standard Below standard 1 2 3 4 5 6

Criterion Standard (3points)
(4points) (2points) (1point)

He contributes ideas,
Passive, distracted by
actively participates in He participates, brings
Doesn't bring ideas, other activities, softening
Participation the task. Stimulates the ideas, even if they
but follows others. too much, cuts off his
participation of the rest don't follow him/her.
peers' ideas.
of the team.

Language is clear and Language is clear, but

Language is not It is quiet or
Language precise, it is easily uses examples to be
accurate, doubts. communicates very little.
understood. precise.

Does not tolerate the

Shows tolerance with
He tolerates the opinions of others, Gets uncomfortable or
the opinions of others,
Tolerance opinions of his peers, but is frustrated at annoyed when they don't
handles the frustration
measures the times. finishing work on accept their ideas.
of time.

Build good Build good Build good

Shows discomfort in
Relations relationships with the relationships with half relationships with a
working with the team.
team. of the team members. team member.

It analyzes problems
Analyze the problem by The analysis is Does not agree to
correctly, but the
Analysis developing effective unclear, the solution analyze or provide
solutions are not
solutions. is not effective. solutions as a team.

1. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ 5. ______________________________
2. ______________________________ 4. ______________________________ 6. ______________________________

Evaluator of this specific task: ______________________________

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