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After the post-communion prayer, the pastoral council chair will introduce to the Parish Priest the people who
are going to be installed as nee lay liturgical and parish servants. He/She will introduce their name and the
minsitry that they belong.

C: Rev. Fr.________________, it is my honor and pleasure to introduce to you the following

Lay-Liturgical and Parish Servants. They have been found worthy through the formation they
undergone in this Parish, and I, as Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Council ask you to install
these people.

He/She will now call all the candidates to be installed and the ministry they belong.

P: I now ask you to state your pledge of service as you are to be installed as Lay-
Liturgical Parish Servants of this Parish.

All candidates will now do their oath of service.

Saint Joseph parish
Loboc st. napocor village, tandang sora,Q.C.
email add: / (02) 454-3727


I, ______________________ having been appointed as _______________of the

__________________ of Saint Joseph Parish, Diocese of Novaliches hereby commit myself, without
any selfish motive or self-reserving consideration, to share generously my God-given gifts of talent,
time and treasure for the integral evangelization, the development of all, and the upbuilding of our
Parish Church.

May our patron saint, Saint Joseph be my shining inspiration ,powerful model and effective
intercessor as I continually engage my good self in the commitment of faithfully and exuberantly
serving God in the people of this parish community and of bringing glory to His Holy Name.

I fully understand that this position I now hold is for humble and loving service and not for
personal gain and prestige.

So help me God and kindly grant me your grace!


Sworn and attested by:

Rev. Michael Ferdinand G. Antalan, AM

Parish Priest
After the oath of service, the Presider will bless them. With hands extended he continues with the following

P: Almighty God, we give you thanks for blessing our parish community and
Diocese with men and women who are willing to serve your people in roles of
leadership as Lay Ministers. We ask you, Lord, + to bless their commitment to
serve, which they have pledged in their hearts and in their work. Grant them a
renewed dedication to the message of the Gospel and give the graces of the Holy
Spirit which empower them for their duties. Bring their recommitment and
dedication to great fruitfulness through Christ our Lord.

The presider will now bless them with Holy Water, afterwhich, as a sign of the ascent of the community, they
may give them a warm round of applause.

The Mass will now conclude in the usual way.

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