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Ror Kinenaries % Dywarics O° ———_ ees In ENeeoneemien : — —> Rebot kine matces qesls wil the aual tee tudy of motion of 4 yobeot am With respect dak fexed vefevence éo- deol cysten ar-« we elion of Teer * Robot manipwlahw “4 dafiined ba meee ® bace ‘elameds 1, Tents b Links. x Ean gent reprecert ADd.o.P and the amvetve either Linerr / PRISMATIC ona prolion joms eed : C Type: bo PP potion (om RoOTAT R, 7, ev) b/w adyc cent links . CT yee! ow Nolet L/P: Li peer | PAA mmclae Ss mR Ro tabamak Th Twi ntiog = Veo Revel ung S$ n=l ler Foawsrd kINEMmATICS | a ppiceiseeee the Position > Fo 4 mani pulahe, 4 ava ORIENTATION of the End Effechy devived fae re Tow angles ovnd bent. paramelns . oo CANMET WITT Lal SC Reverse KInte mATICS & The ert angles aud Afferent Configurchions of the mautppubele AS | acc ad hom the porilien acd One = of te BE, 4s Known «9 "Reverse Hénemalics, Inputs: £43 Tost ANGLES Forwara TF, CO TC). += Tle? © Position’ Kinemenics output: 2 INVERSE Kinematics j= Iwpurs: 2h 3 outer: 4 re te, 52: aud Savce Neenemale / kg: Pawar - —s let m veomni des a&@ meant pulatr tilts 2 D.0.F made up of Kent, Kenko Lenk 2 pened Wilk an tuoleffeehe, scammer wrirrcanse eee Toit Ap eond'deret 42 Race ao if a> @ feo (- A mova lenemarly wir. & the a But 72,73 et a DE rk correnpoon dics te the potslion Z end affect - > The monipalete wile ths Amoe so frxeck veigidly Ae The Goes Po happy The Compr let wo Wee The. pe. eo of fe Ee am Too temmmons. | poo ee hre and. Oréanbuliios ged ose ( poms 12? Pago: Marne prubeler Kenemalice. XKenker Toure Prrometess, OCANMNEU WILT Ud IOC Let ee a, = lop of “ents ! ar = ao lanka sn “” Cank 3 8, - Toinr angle 4 Lene # amk2 Oo. oe 83 = t oe : Okventalion angle 4 wrral & Re . = brervientl deateree blw T, > Ta x te To + Tz ie : . Tz » FE Xs 2 ao” “ Y= Vetrek dettenee blo T, > Ta y. : ; To. Te _ Jz R EE 4 , ” 2 ae , Place, ye. Poattion of the End effettw ces)/ E oe KINEMATICS : = ed keenemalies , the Known ae denk law tne a, 4, * 43 ; ss 8, 8 F 0, and we ads jock OF , d qd the Post tion of End effector * i O beth tele 0 Ai tonbst ion . Me, de ~S —> Fsem eR 7 Wwe have Xe = WM, + X_gt Ky uw). de = Git dat Ie —s @) Me ret wit U0 a -. ie © - Eee Regt angle geormehey, on coe) : i pice 2, and Y, Pe lint 4, Sramas lady he ba whe. | eC, = 4, we B, We = az cos (8,4 F2) X22 Az Cos (G+ 8, +82) 2 A MG gue 4, San 8, Yi = Ae Sain (0,402) Yas 4, Sam (8482 +92) abwe 2p revccimdé om 235 Or = Guba b habing He = 4,88, + 42 ces (8,482) + 42 8 (6, 4+8,+43) de A, Qn + Az Sr (Oi4H2) + 43 Sin (8,482 402) = ’ > The wrk Oniarlation angle 0, 42 gevem 40, 6, = &+ Og + bs > We tke abv, = wyppAtririms the and ap pecter portion Plre, Jed rma deterrrined , Oxrentalion angle 2 OCANMEU WILT Ud HOC enone nemnee enema INVERSE KINEMATICS vt kinemelios, the kenewn parsamchens ane Kank lengths 4, , 42 > 43 of end effector Xe, Ye and Wace orients bien angle O, aud we nee & fend the port omg les 8B, 8, % By For all Links Bo thee the Aer com Lee proved A= potelion Q the End Cffeche A& P(e, Yer. —s Sn Snverce pods lien ee Pcxe, Ye? oS, ee ‘Lek x, = 4, cose, Mo 2 Az eos (87482) X22 4g Cos CO,+8at Oa) Gy = 4, Sime, Yo 2 42 Sn 68,402) Yaz 4g Sain (By +O2 +83) 3 The 2upAcrtions Tr Ke amd Je We Xe = UM +Mt XZ Yes Yt+4n+ 42 Js Pag “g hove aq nations , we have >= @® me, + XQ = Me~ *B ) Yt Ya = Yorda lev = oe ae gs Qubabtahing the velee of a, da 2504 © > x, + QF xe — [42 25 68, 492402] = © 9,7 4a= Ye -[%3 Can CB, + O2 + Pad] O —» We thee, 0, 0482+ 82 0, tye Me - Ay C8 Oo — @M Yt Yas Je- Gat Go ~~ © —> Let p= + % —-@ | i 42 Yt Ye U3 2 Saba te busp Prq mm +5%@ 1G OCAIMEU WILT Ud HOC Pe = Me — Aa Cos 2 Zz Ye- SPO — Sileebs|u tip the values of %,%2* YFY2 2505 FIO P = a, Ces 8, Ay os CO) 402) Q +, SinB, + Fa Srin CB, +82) Weay Ta gro metric np rervions 2048, +02) = CeSB,. 0802 — SahB, -SenBa Gam CO+O2) = Sand,. C08 824 Cinby -Cot8 — (WW —» C2) 7 pe 4, CO8B, + A, Co8B,. Cok Oa — dia Sorin 8, 205 Ba = 4, SimB, Fo Sim, C0882 + 4, Sav Oy COS 8, a -DU™Um pa a io 234 CosBg = e 4 92- ake ag 24,42 fond point angle 81, terctsoler Lank 4 ame} Lark 2 Aud We defaine 1 angles (4 and Le ap Hhown in Fig 2, OC witit Gallo “From Fg we wafer Q@ = 4-A 4 Swirl axl t- torka = & -P tan R= 4a Sar Oa @, + Az 8 Og > Uenig Tre &denteli A. a TAignom ahve damlfy . tan A — Tank 300 ton CAA) = 1+ tans. tab => Sula hte lies the values QB AB, tom h, tom am 250 &. a ( 227% tan 8, = ee.) ee ee [+ [(8)( ae 2) ez) tan 8, = @ C4, + 4g Ce8 By) — P 42 San O, Po Pp CArt 4g C882) + F4g San BQ - 4. (4,44, Ces02) —f 428+ 2 G, 7 ton — P C4, + 42 6892) F J Fa 8 OQ ——>Canneu-witit ve AINOC 4 Q, = 8, - (8 + 8) 7 te | Sew tuples ¢ al) Be Hote me oe a7, Plait M2 28%) 4 9 %8tO, | 2 | pre 9% — a 4, Oy = on | a 24 42 8,: 8, - (8,4 83) lke p> %e- [42 0et8o] > fe- [4S 0] OCANIMTEU WILT Ua 1SC 7 “TRANSFORMATION § @ Te decerthe the peattion the Toot wel rea pect & the Base Fare, Chain of the vobok- afar the dodgy abla hed — FI elation : an Arine Frame Draferenee ° we . matin, S64 ay the lines on retin fel capone Hahnt @ Notation matrex @ Translilion ©? (D Pesspeehes Pievsformelion. w Sealng SPratebues aviion vacler Rotation MaTaIX | Position ! Vv 0 (8x3) Can _ _ _ t Pore peehve ca) | ” ghechane - Pramagesmalion () | OCANMEU WILT Ud HOC RoraTion MATRIX ee Wd porelion vector vapracentins a we he @ Jemindion ek Apa te Rotation matrin & The rota ted GP wihe @ Pome 4 operated mp te co. es drvehes tr body allachsd rvaferine frome the Are Ag fore ce Jrome . Y pC Pope bien vec br ) z —> let body ‘ Yepresented base veferiree frame be Oxvz it oaae beehed ve ference frome be +4 OABC As therm and —> Let the position veel Wr. Ae Page re the Lame pooml “p7 tas vechr Taprecentel im, a te Oxy2 frm he Pree SCENE WITT GanITSc re : ® Tre veetw : . Prac = Pata + fet BXe ame Pope = Pac tre t fy +h ae ipso Linh of the pom Pre tre tio Foams Are, 7 pee CPx, Pu, Ped Pave = Cpa, by Pe” Kip vacetws we velabed Bs = —> Phe & Rotation mahre R A — © Pee * Ripe. p, ane the comporets FP — Poe, Fy, i vetpechvely , ox, oY Loz anes tke veel Pye Hong > Gever tie Ry aa 7 ® ean da oboternd yp YF We tage = RK Pxy2 > @ OCANNEC WITT Cal SC Rerarion abouh X- ani one ——— Y (a) | Thar 4” pu Pat ofa + Che hy 2 Opa t Pa cosa + Pe (-Awver) 2G bs Opa + Pe sora + Pe OFA, 4-8 wo PAX peo, p 2 ° ‘ * || e Pp o CosA~ — Saar B a iS BE Sa A ees P. Prey 2 = R (4) + Pre, a) SCAIINEU WILT Laloc OR patrons chout Y-ants @| Pe :~A cos at Lathe nF? hy 2 fylo+ Ayo + Peo Pp 5 - (Satya) + fa (tf so, Ly 5 ; cosa 0 | ac ¢ = ° / o ve Sin, cosa pe a > RiP) Pape —€© BAIS pera y Poe = Py. c658 + Pa Ser) + Pe C0) by 2 Py Sim b+ fa Co8O + Pe Co) Poe Pe Codt+ Palo) + Pe Gi) >6 Cese —Smo 9 R (2,8) = x Sine kB 0 oO oO { Pai a= R28) Prac, t SCAIINIEU WILT Gal llSC x Oo mposire Rotation MATRIX 6 — As powrihle Aa nea leply bare pratrvect an am orden F fa ferile about He bate to- erdenale fein et fp axes OK, 0% & —> S¢ votalion rotalion angler Aysterd oxvz, P ee es Ag nance G4 ae te gef a lonporilé wotsfien male «2 Jee ae Wy A voktien of angle & alent Ox a8 @ 4 whhien Lo wi te Bo ateub OZ ars we A yo falien 4 angle fa atoutk OY Aare Reemp = ROY PD RCH) ACD cosa 0 Sumpa [fers -ore off} ° ° Reomp = o | ° Orie ee o || a CoBx —SrXK ~ Soop o fess 2 ° I 0 Sri COhK ee ee CE oO i) So coe —c8sn emp = £ - Apea- epson CpsEsat sen ~Cpieed — Spsvearepsn — srea- sp eB Sx C3 cos , Aad. OO SCATTITET WITT GANTTST @) “Denavir Haten@erg REPRESENTATION “Kememake Reparaendalion piowdes fe nront pp ubetw wn 3 Fdmentions tee Trams - —> D-H Alvtions —»> The mathex vepereaen firm al ve/alior hfe dali and. yvota DH M)ahis x The + psanad some hin tee tramsbalionnl and Ahp hfw tin negh hour, 2 hinke ah @ yohslie arm AA Fo dur ced vr hb @ Cartesian Co. maenck Draree On, got ; ech, Aink al fela 4 nan In lWwtee £24 6M, ves peetive J y theme Ni Noi og ety iti the bel no: Qo frre anes ma2tAcn ep rsaals potation velafien - toda a, tHe hm. » Absnt form tea (fort Frere an cdditionnt dooce eo-radinale Flsone C xo, fo, Ze) ae wr elaolad 2m Phe eomperbalion, Lee OCANMNeU WILT Ud NOC —> The Fearne Anted on te vules 44 hiptee Avelors: / UN Lane Wel be ent and pares 2 Heo! OF 24 Late Pavalle! bey and Frame pean rg the! Op_) a-l Convention for lante amd Torts Ae Ake gnect te eweh Inne *- | @ 1 Ze, axis [des the out of motion ef frre fou 2x, Condi der frm 2 oe axis of nection for pork as A gned yore Rte Uys BP Za 2; WS aM foro Q. Ke ance ae Noamal te Zan WK8 pote awe hem +t. 2. ge Rath th NORMET aa aad Ze AKL b compdehe the wight An anvdeof Ashen. > The anis of motion of te first gent ao Zo ars aad toe lack 4 nu? tre ave, the 4 21 &b He Zn4 ans Ak vefecred ws Tok > The four poreenaters De, de, Aa Ae fox ght Link vequined Ae fom DP Matas O¢ = Porat ougle preasured form a) Ae ie ye AKA chek 2y4 aAKis a ‘ecg boo drnalé Brand cule. dp = deatancee b/w the wigen of 2-1" 4, ; pnd he port of mtertecetion ef a ance! mees ured slog. the warn Ze, 2% Zp Awe aye Aastomer vfe tee evipint Zeta Hye Wg RAIA - Ze avin mensur ite aeeured giem Zp ARIS be Mee plrovt Hz CNG WOE ve got 5 After Teg Co ordanele frome for ace fink “% rom ogenerr? Tron Seaton matrcnr vel ting a and a-1? 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Cer determine Me the endef peetes wer. ls poaatien of ee) por angle af Linke po tee Arm witweh ao gue 4° the Chow products errant mahiecs fo, ik Mvnen F alk frome | To, > fo, 1 412° 42,2 ct 5° Ae-v,s Agen, ‘a, a, terse Noe No of prt aris an the -@ Aes fre meted, te endoffects ab poten mined din & dir tir’ otclion terms of jem angles of the antes an He arm ‘as known as \cceleration e known as as contact and torque | 2 Analog sensors produce pr ROBOT SENSORS AND Vision ROTSENSORS a 7.3 TOUCH SENSORS The tor rich Sensors gather the informations eNtablished by the contact between the parts tobehandied and the fingersin the ‘Manipulator end effectors. The signals of touch informations are useful in | + locating the objects, | Tecornising the abject type | * Force and torque control ne | The Types of Touch s, 1 "eded for task manipulation 'ensors are : Binary sensors detect the e “istence of the object to be handled, For example, micro- Switches and limit switches portional Sxample, a code wheel with a plunger, A.useful application of bina: of the parts. A robot with six de © axis co-ordinate measuri HY Sensors is to use it on a robot. ‘gree of freedom can provide highes ing machine, engaged in contact inspection * manuarability compared to 7.4 BINARY SENSORS Control mechanism Fingers Waist ‘connector Object Binary sensor Fig. 7.1. Hand with Binary Sensors, 7.5 ANALOG SENSORS ‘This type of sensors are featured by bring actuated plunger connected to a code wheel, ‘The deflection of the plunger rod by the the on of contact force, results in rotation of the wheel Which gives an output proportional to the Sensors force. The schematic arrangement of the ‘analog sensor is as shown in Fig. 7.2. ScaNNeU WIuITGal noc 192 INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS : Ifk is the spring rate and 6 is the deflection of the plunger,recorded, the force of contact is given by — — + Operatin » Calibrati object Fig. 7.2. Analog Sensor, 7.6 TACTILE SENSORS. , " fs Cost and ‘An array of touth sensors arranged systematically to provide information about the contact of the fingers with the object is‘called the tactile sensors: The special tactile sensors "7.8 PROX also provide additional informations like shape, size and the type of material of the objects. ‘Theou Each element in an array (tactile sensor) there are three functional parts : A plunger, a in the vicinit LED and a light sensing device. The schematic is as shown in Fig. 7.3. The movement of the abject graspit plunger opens/blocks the LED, and the light sensor gives output signal accordingly. = # hal ac sensors used Se Paneer $ Iniduetive : * Principle ‘The fer position of tht The induced « FS BPO Dro la rate of change ¥ ~ * Construction ‘LED The prc = Semr——T, permanent m Array of ‘oven sensors Fig. 7.3. Tactile Sensors.» Tesin is cone. Be OaliTed WIT Calo 193 Functions * Precision ~ Should be as high as possible. ~ Deviation in measurement reading should be minimum, + Accuracy ~ Should be as high as possible — Error between sensed value and actual value should approach zero, “Speed ofresponse | — Time taken to reopond to variation should be minimum, = Response to be instaneous, "Operating range | — Range operating wo be wide — Accuracy over the range to be acceptable, «+ Reliability > The life to be high, — Frequent failures are not acceptable, * Calibration ~ Should be easy to calibrate, ~ Drift to be minimum, ~ Should take less time to calibrate without much trouble, * Cost and ease ~The cost of purchase should be low. ~ The installation and operation should be easy and less costly. "7.8 PROXIMITY SENSORS Sensors used in robotics, + Inductive Sensors . | * Principle } OCANMEU WILT Ud IOC INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS.” Fig. 7.4. Inductive Sensor. + Hall-Effect Sensors * Principle Hall-Bffect deals with the voltage between the two points in a conductor which chan, weakened magnetic field in the close proximity ofa ferromagnetic materials, due to the bend of the flux lines of the magnet through approaching object. ER. Hall in 1879 discovered Hall Effect, which states that “A beam of charged particl .e path”. Electrons (negative charged particles) are made to pass through a plate rectangular in shape and a magnetic field is applied at right angle to the plane of plate as shown Fig. 7.5(@). The electrons are deflected towards one side of the plate making that side negatively charged and other side positively charged. The force due to applied magnetic field is known as Lorentz force, The mechanism of deflection is governed by the balance of » Lorentz force and force on the beam of electrons Scanned with CamSc ROBOT SENSORS AND VISION 195 HE é | HP « Hall Potentl; MF = Magna Fel; EC = act Curent Fig. 7.5 (a) Hall Etfect Principle. | * Construction A sensor element is stationed between the poles of a horse shoe magnet constructed | inside a container. The principle of operation is as depicted in Fig. 7.5 (8). ‘The decrease in the strength of the magnetic field resulting due to the proximity of the } object field reduces the voltage across the sensor. The sensor gives binary output for the decision making devices of control for further actions. The silicon makes the ideal selection for a semiconductor interms of size, strength and capacity to electrical interference prevention. Horse shoe ‘magnet vending Magnetic tux. ‘Sensor i articles traight ungular own in at side sie field ance of Fig. 7.5 (b) Hall-Etfect Sensor. Scanned with CamSc 196 : INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS © ¥ They can operate as switches at high frequency, ¥ They cost less than electromechanical devices, ¥ They are free from contact bounce problem, ¥ They can be used under severe environmental service conditions av they are immune to environmental contaminations. ¥ They can be used as proximity, position and displacement sensors, | ! | | * Advantages of Hall Effect Sensors : I | | i | | | Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor ‘The previously discussed Proximity sensors are useful for detection of ferro-magnetic oe If the robot has to handle other type of materials ultrasonic sensors find the t application, * Construction ‘The main part in this type of sensor is the transducer which can act both as transmitter oe and receiver. The sensor is covered by a resin block which protects from dust and humidity. j For the acoustic damping, absorber material is provide as shown in Fig. 7.6 (a). Finally a metallic housing gives general protection, E Metal casing ‘Transducer Housing Cable Acoustic L teads absorber see Fresin Fig. 7.6 (a) Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor. * Operation ‘The acoustic waves emitted by the sensors reach the object and get reflected and the receiver sensors the waves to generate the information about the presence of the object. This type of operation is the echomode, type. When the sensor acts only as the transmitter the Waves get blocked by the presence of the object and the receiver gets no signal. This type is known as opposed mode. The echomode type of operation is as shown in Fig. 7.6 (6), Hoo] Fig. 7.6 (b) Echomode Operation. Transmitter/emitter ‘and receiver awncoaeh amseuir iii Scanned with CamSc i ROBOT SENSORS AND VISION 197 Optical Sensors Optical Sensors are similar to ultrasonic sensors. The Proximity of the object is detected by the action of the travelling light wave as it Propogates from the transmitter and reflected by the object towards the receiver, ‘The Fig. 7.7 shows the constructional details of the optical sensor. The light emitted by a diode is focussed by the transmitter lens, on to the object aurface. The reflected light waves travel back and received by the solid-state photo diode, through a receiver lens. When the object is within the range of the sensor itis possible to detect the presense of the receiver. The range is defined by the position and orientation of the object and the focal length of the sensor lenses, Ught emitting diode Transmitter fens surface Receiver lens Fig. 7.7. Optical Proximity Sensor. 7.9 RANGE SENSORS thangulation method, structured lighting approach and time-of ight range finders etc. In these eases the source of illumination ean be light-souree, laser bean or tae] on ultrasonics, source and ‘bis the distance between source and the sensor, the distance ‘a’ of the sensor on the robot is given as d=). tan 27.2) Scanned with CamSc INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS The distance ‘d’ can be easily transformed into 3D-co-ordinates d=b.tang pu fat by) tano.tang Tan Os tang Fig. 7.8. Triangulation Method of Range Sensing, 7.10 FORCE AND TORQUE SENSORS ‘The wrist force sensor shown in Fig. 7.9is used to measure the force and torque induced rene MTist of the robotic manipulator. They ess also be used to measure the joint forces, Typical force/torque sensor work on the strare fauge principle. The change in the resistance of the electrical strain gauges effected by the strewn due to change in force induced is a measure of force and torque. The construction of the sensor j)B8.8°t a disc housing support and a deflection bar. The qtzain gauges are mounted on the sik*faces of the deflection bar. The force on the wrist is transformed into measurable deflections o displacements at the wrist. A balanced wheatstone bridge is used to a rrpnee the four resistance, The galvanometer crortad mPetween X and ¥ with equal potential shore deflection when there is no fore Aeay Cd, The force on the wrist changes the resistance wy any one arm, which results in current How and leads to the movement of the galvanenauee needle, The change in resistance is given by Scanned with CamSc ro ae | a Wheat stone bridge Detection bar Fe Fig: 7.9. Wrist Force/Torque Sensor. + Linearity between response and applied for : + Low hysterisis and internal friction for restoriag the ofiginal Position, and to enhance the sensitivity, i + Compact design to avoid the collision With other objects in the work space. ing of the disturbing forces by higher natural ‘There are two types encoders in use : ts ity ; 1, Incremental encoder that measures rotational speed and 2. The Linear encoders that measures: linear speed.

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