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Gove rnm ent of Odis ha

General Adm inistratio n and Pu1Jlic Grie vanc e Dep
artm ent
*** ***
No. '~-r t; 1 _~ . /Gen., Bhub Jncsw cJ r
duted the r;1J,. Sept. , 2022
PT2-GAD-SC RULi 5-007C1 7(1! 7


Sri Sasl, ank Sekhar Dash, OAS

Additional Secretary To Government.


Tbe Special Secretary to Government,

'°'-6disha Public Service Commission,
19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road,

Sub: Amendment of the Odisha Civil Services

(Combined Competitive
Recruitment Examination) Rules, 1991 in line with
the UPSC patte rn.


In inviting reference to your letter No.7622 dated 20.08

.2022 on the subject noted
above, I am directed to enclose the copy of the draft amen
dmen t of the Odisha Civil
Services (Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination)
Rules, 1991 and to say that
( the said
draft amendment Rules, has been attem pted in line
by UPSC as per decision taken in the meet ing held
with the patte rn/ syllabus
on 08.08 .2022 in the Chief
Minister's Office.

In the meantime, a proposal has been received from

the Commission vide abov e
letter dated 20.08 .2022 wherein it has been suggested
that Marks of English Essay, G.S.
Papers and Optional papers and Personality Test shall
be as follows;

Marks proposed by OPSC
- - -
Paper-I : English Essay
Paper-II : General Studi es-I
Paper-m : General Studies-Il
Paper-IV : General Studi es- m
Paper-V: Gene ral Studi es-IV
Paper -VI : Optional Subject - Paper 1
Paper-VII : Optional Subject - Paper
2 300


2000 Marks
--- - .
Personality Test 250 Marks
- -
GR.1·.N D TOTAL 2250 Murks
- ---- - - - --
1l is therefore 1cqucstcd lo furnish Lhcrr just1ficalion for such variation in marks
suggested 1n then proposal.
Yours rarthfully,

_J _),.
- {o 1~·
Additional Secretary to Government
ks (wil h no minimum qualifying
to be filled. The 1ntcrv1cw shall carry 275 mar
. . . I Main Examination (written as well
-; Marks thus obtained by Lhe candi_dates 111 L, e C d'd tes shall be allotted to
as interview) shall determ ine their final ra~king.k a_n tha examination and the
· · iew their ran s 1n e
the various Services keeping 111 v S . nd posts
preferences expressed by them for the various erv1ces a .



/\. Preliminary Examination :

(i) The Examination shall comprise of two compulsory Papers of 200 marks
each and each paper shall be of two hours duration.

(ii) Both the question papers shall be of the objective type (multiple choice

(iii) The General Studies Paper-II of the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination
shall be a qualifying paper with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%.

(iv) The question papers shall be set both in English and Odia. Candidates must
answer the papers in their own handwriting and the facility of Scribe or
Reader as the case may be, may be allowed by the Commission to the
candidates with disability having physical requirement and functional
classification as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time.
Besides, compensatory time of twenty minutes per hour wherever
applicable shall be permitted to such candidates by the Commission.

Detailed Syllabus for the Preliminary Examination

Paper I

• Current events of national and international importance.

• History of India and Indian National Movement.
• History of Odisha and Odia Nationalism.
• Odisha and Indian Geography-Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and
the World.
• Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj,
• Public Policy, Rights I ssues, etc.
• Economic and Social Development-Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion,
Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
• General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity and Climate Change - that
do not require subject specialization.
• General Science.
Paper II

• Comp, chcnc,1on;
• lnlet pe, sonal skills including communicat,on skills;
• Logical , easoning and analytical ab1l1ly;
• Decision making and problem solving;
• General mental ability;
• Baste numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, elc.) (Class X
level), Data inlet ptelalton (charts, graphs, tables, dala sufficiency etc. - Class X

Note- It is mandatory for the candidate to appear in both the Papers of

Preliminary Examination for the purpose of evaluation. Therefore a candidate
shall be disqualified in case he or she does not appear in both the papers of
Prel imina ry Exa minat ion.

8 . Main Examination :

I . The written examination shall comprise of two parts, i.e., Part-I and Part-II
consisting of the following papers:-


Paper-I : Odia Language 300

The pattern of questions shall be broadly as follows:

(i) Comprehension of given passages.

(ii) Precis writing.
(ii i) Usage and vocabulary.
(iv) Short Essays.
(v) Translation from English to the Odia Language and vice-versa.
Paper-II : English Language 300

The pattern of questions shall be broadly as follows:

(iJ Comprehension of given passages.

(ii) Precis writing .
(iii) Usage and vocabulary.
(i, ) Short Essays.

I I 250
Paper-I : English Essay 1
I Paper-II : General Studies-I (Indian Heritage and Cultu_re, Odisha j
I Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society)
PT2 -GAD-SC- RUL[S-0029-70 J?._ _ _ __,_Gen.,
Notificat ion

Bhubaneswar dated the 2022

In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the

Constitution of India, the Governor of Odisha is pleased to make the following rules
further to amend the Odisha Civil Services (Combined Competitive Recruitment
Examination)Rules, 1991, namely: -

!. Short title and commencement.- (! )These ru les may be called the Odisha
Civil Services(Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination) (third) Amendment
Rules, 2022.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publicatio n in the Odisha

2. In the Odisha Civil Services (Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination)

Rules, 1991(here-in-after referred to as the said rules), in rule 13:-

(i) for the word "four", appearing after the word "permitte d", and before
the word "attempts " the word "six" shall be substit uted;

(ii) in the proviso, in item (ii), for the word "seven", the word " nine" shall
be substituted; and

(iii) after the first proviso, t he following proviso shall be inserted,

namely: -

" Provided further that claim for relaxation of upper age limit to exhaust the
number of attempts admissible under this rule shall not be permitted in any
' 3. In the said rules, for "Schedule-II" and "Schedule-III", the following Schedules
t shall be substituted, namely:-



The Combined Competitive Recruitm ent Examinations shall comprise two successive

A. Preliminary Examination ( Objective Type) for the selection of candidates for

Main Examinat ion; and
B. Main Examination (Written and Interview ) for the selection of candidates for the
various Services and posts.

The Preliminary Exa mination shall cons

ist of two papers of Objective Type
(multiple choice questions) and carry a max
imum of 200 marks each in the subjects
out in secti on- A of SCHEDULE III. This set
examination is meant to serve as a scree
test only ; the marks obta ined in the Preli ning
minary Exa mination by the candidates who
declared qualified for admission to the are
Main Examination shall not be counted
determining their final order of merit. The for
number of candidates to be adm itted to
Ma,n Examination will be as nearly as poss the
ible but not more than twelve times of
total number of vacancies to be filled in the
the year through this examination. Only
candidates who are declared by the Com those
mission to have qualified in the Prelimina
Examination in the year shall be eligible ry
for admission to the Main Examination of
year provided they are otherwise eligible that
for admission to the Main Examination .
Note I: The Commission shall draw a list
of candidates to be qualified for Civil
Services (Main) Examination based on the
criterion of minimum qualifying marks of
in General Studies Paper-II of Civil Serv 33%
ices (Preliminary) Examination and total
qualifying marks of General Studies Pape
r-I of Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinati
as may be determined by the Commission. on

Note -II: There shall be negative marking

for incorrect answers (as detailed
below) for all questions except some of the
questions where the negative marking shall
be inbu ilt in the form of different marks
being awarded to the most appropriate and
so appropriate answer for such questions not

(i) There shall be four alternatives for

the answers to every question. For each
question for which a wrong answer has
been given by the candidate, one-third
(0.33) of the marks assigned to that question
will be deducted as penalty.
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answ
er, it shall be treated as a wrong answer
even if one of the given answers happen
to be correct and there will be same
penalty as above for that question.

(iii) If a question is left blank i.e. no answ

er is given by the candidate, there shall be
no penalty for that question .

B. (1) Main Examination (Wr itten and Inte

rvie w)
I . The Main Examination shall consist of
written examination and an interview test.
The written examination shall consist of
nine papers of conventional essay type
in the subjects set out in section- B of SCH
EDULE III in which there shall be two
papers in part-I which are qualifying in
natu re and seven papers in part-II for
assessment of merit of the candidate. Deta
il syllabus for papers in part -II shall be
set out by the Commission. Marks obtained
for all the compulsory papers (Paper-
! to Pape r-VII in part-II) and Marks obtained
in Interview for Personality Test
shall be coun ted for ranking.
2. Candidates who obtain such minimum
qualifying marks in the part- II of the
written part of the Main Examination as may
be fixed by the Commission at their
discretion, shall be summ oned by them for
an interview for a Personality Test, as
provided in section-( of SCHEDULE-III.
The number of candidates to be
summoned for interview shall be not more
than twice of the number of vacancies

Paper-III : General Studies- II (Governance, Con~Lil ullon, Polity, Social 2 50

Justice and Jnl e1national , elations)

Paper-IV : General Studies- III (Technology, Economic Development, Bio-
diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Managemenl)

Paper-V: General Studies-IV (Ethics, I ntegrity and Aptitude)

25 0

Paper-VI : Optional Subject - Paper 1 250

Paper-VII : Optional Subject - Paper 2 250
EN TEST) I 1750
__ Mar~s
C. Personality Test
1 Marks
I Marks

2. Candidates may choose any one of the subjects from amongst the list of subj ects
given below for optional Paper-VI and Paper-VII of the written test: -

List of optional subjects for Main Examination

I. Agriculture XXI. Mechanical Engineering

II. Agriculture Engineering XII. Medical Science
III. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary XIII. Philosophy
Science XI V. Physics
IV. Anthropology XXV. Political Science and
V. Botany Internationa l Relations
VI. Chemistry XVI. Psychology
VII . Civil Engineering <VII . Public Administration
VIII. Commerce and Accountancy VIII. Sociology
IX. Economics XIX. Statistics
X. Education XXX. Zoology
XI. Electrical Engineering XXI. Literature of any one of the
XII. Fishery Science following languages: English,
IXIII. Forestry Hindi, Odia, Persian, Sanskrit, and
XIV. Geography Urdu.
xv. Geology
XVI. History
VII. Home Science
VIII . Law
XIX. Management
xx. Mathematics


Ltl The papci s on Oclic1 Languc1gc and English (Part I of Mam exam1nat1on) shall be
of Matriculation 01 equiva lent standard and shall be of qualifying nature. The
markc; obtained 1n t11esc papers shall nol be counted for ranking.

l bl The aim of the papers on Od1a Language and English ( Part-I of Main
examination) is to test the candidates' ability lo read and understand serious
discursive prose, and to express his ideas clearly and correctly, in Od1a and
English Language.

(d Evaluation of tile papers, namely, 'Essay', 'General Studies' and Optional Subject
of all the candidates shall be done simultaneously along with evaluation of their
qualifying papers on 'Odia' and 'English' language in Part-I , but the papers on
Essay, General Studies and Optional Subject of only such candidates shall be
taken cognizance who obtain 25% marks in 'Odia' and English language each in
part-I as minimum qualifying standards in these qualifying papers.

(d) Marks obtained by the candidates for the Paper I -VII in Part-II only shall be
counted for merit ranking. However, the Commission may have the discretion to
fix qualifying marks in any or all of these papers.

(e) The question papers for the examination shall be of conventional (essay) type.

(f) Each paper shall be of three hours duration.

(g) Candidates shall have the option to answer all the question papers, except the
Qualifying Language Papers, (Paper-I and Paper-II in Part-I), either in Odia or in

(h) Candidates exercising the option to answer Papers in Odia, if they so desire, give
English version within brackets of only the description of the technical terms, if
any, in addition to the Odia version. In case of misuse of the above rule, a
deduction shall be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing
to them and in extreme cases, their script(s) shall not be valued for being in an
unauthorized medium .

(i) The question papers (other than the language papers) sha ll be set both in Odia
and English.

General instructions (Preliminary as well as Main examination) :

(i) Candidates must answer the papers in their own handwriting and the facility of
Scribe or Reader as the case may be, may be allowed by the Commission to the
candidates with disability having physical requirement and functional classification as
r.1ay be prescribed by the Government from time to time. Besides, compensatory time of
twenty minutes per hour wherever applicable shall be permitted to such candidates by
the Commission.

(ii) The Commission shall be competent to fix the qualifying marks in any or all the
subject s of the examination.
(111 ) lf a ennd1dulc \ hanrl
w11 l1n9 ,.., not cc1sily lcg1blc
, a deducll on will be ma
account f1om the l ol al 1m1
1 ks oth r 1wise aw u1ng lo de on th 's
him .
(1v) Mat ks will not be allo
tted fo1 mc1c superficia l kno
(v) Credit will be given .
economy of words in all su
for orderly, effecllvc and exac L expr ess ion combined with due
bjects of the exa mination.
(vi) In the question papers,
wherever necessary quest
weights and measures on ions involving the Metric
ly will be set. system of

(vii) Candidates shall use

only Intern ational form of
etc. while answering quest I ndian numerals i.e . 1,2
ion pap ers. ,3,4,5,6,
(viii) Candida tes will be
allowed the use of sci
calculators at the conventi entific (Non-programma
onal (Essay) type examina ble type)
calculators will, howeve tion of OPSC. Programm
r, not be allowed and able type
tantamount to resorting to the use of such calcu
unfair means by the cand lators shall
calculators in the Exam ina idates. Loaning or intercha
tion Hall is not permitted. ng ing of

(ix) Candidates are not

permitted to use calculato
papers (Test Booklets). rs for an sweri ng objective
They should not, theref type
Examination Hall. ore, bring the same ins
ide the

(2 ) Personality Te st/ Inter

Th e candidate shall be inte
rviewed by a Board to be
will have before them a rec co nstituted by the OPSC
ord of his career. He shall wh o
general interest. The objec be asked quest ions on ma
t of the interview is to ass tters of
candidate for a career in ess the personal suitability
public service. The test is of the
of a can didate, his intelle inte nded to judge the me
ctual qualities as well as nta l calibre
affairs. Further some social tra its an d his intere
of the qualities like me st in current
assimi lat ion , clear and log ntal alertness, critica l
ical expo sition, balance powers of
int erest, ability for social of judgment, variety and
coh esion and leadership, depth of
be j udged by the said Bo intellectual and moral int
ard . egrity are to

Th e interview test is not

intended to be a test eithe
knowled ge of the candida r of the specialised or ge
te which has been already neral
Th e candid ate is ex pecte tested through the writte
d to have taken an int elli n papers.
subjects of academic stu gent interest not only in
dy bu t also in the events their special
both wi thin and outsid e which are happening aro
his/her Sta te or Country und them
thought and in new dis as well as in modern cur
co veries which should rou rents of
youth ." se the curiosity of well-e

By order of the Go vernor

Principal Secretary to Go

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