Student Meditation Markup

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MEDITATION FOR (focus, efficiency
and addiction issue)














(Focus, Efficiency And Addiction Issue)

When we start learning to drive or any other

new machine or skill. We are very conscious about every
part and action we take. Our brain is attentive every
movement. But once we learnt it, we work on it fluently
and confidently. Even if we are thinking and imagining
something else, yet our hand performs accurately on
machines . We perform all that task autonomously and
subconsciously most of the time.

In the same way, sportspeople, spies and others are

trained and skilled to follow a specific procedure, to
think and act in a specific way according to the context
and situation. With time it becomes part of the
autonomous and reflex action. As new neurons and
memory develop for every skill. Repeated action and
thinking develop these skills to behave, act and react
instantly accordingly and to the situation. Whenever new
things and situation appears, the brain thinks, analyses,
and then acts. It seems remaining conscious, thinking
and analysing every movement is time and energy-
consuming and hard for the brain. When sudden danger

appears, it triggers the flight and fight actions instantly.
Time taken to think and analyse the situation can delay
our response and may be dangerous for our survivability.
So the brain chooses to do most of the function
subconsciously and in pre-programmed ways.
As we know our thinking process is itself a value-
based. You can easily find people educated with
scientific values have tendency to enquire, analyse, and
challenge everything. While people lived in faith and
belief based mystified environment and society tends to
believe, follow and become loyal followers. which is
also our reflex thinking and behaving process against
anything. In the same way our daily routine, behaviour
in the society, and everyday actions and choices happen
subconsciously and in pre-programmed way most of the
You may have seen people manifested with
political ideals react instantly, if anything goes against
their ideals. Do not our thinking process and emotions
also guided by our values and pre embedded memory in
pre-programmed manners ? If that’s true, then it can be
easily altered and replaced to control our habits,
behaviour, actions and emotions for our benefit
according to our choice. There is many usual life
experiences of these things which goes unnoticed and
unutilised . We can program our brain on the basis of
these experiences according to our problem, needs and

situation. which best for us instead of other people’s
experiences and thoughts. It can be more effective and
efficient for ourselves, through meditation and self -

Whenever I have an urgency to wake up early in

the morning for a job interview, examination or anything
else important , it becomes a big concern for me because
I usually sleep around four or five o’clock in the
morning. If I don't get a good sleep at night, then I will
feel exhausted, sleepy and less energetic ,which will
affect my performance badly and ruin all my hard work.
So I started sleeping early in the evening ,around seven
or eight o’clock ,so that I could get a good sleep and
wake up early in the morning.

I sleep thinking and imagining myself doing daily

routine, wearing clothes, collecting my stuff, taking the
bus or metro to reach the destination. I imagine how I
would behave, answer the questions, and manage my
body language and confidence. The thought of waking
up late, losing confidence, reaching late, not being able
to perform properly ran in my brain repeatedly and
continuously. It usually took four to five hours to sleep
,and then I was able to sleep.

I woke up around the time of my alarm clock set
time. I usually woke up before my alarm could ring,
even I’m in deep sleep and unaware of the time . This
not only happens to me, but many of my friends also
experienced the same.
As our brain is active all the time. Isn’t it also
interacting with surroundings ? because of this we wake
up exactly around the same time. Punctual and office
going people usually wake up around the fixed time
without any alarm clock, even if they slept late and
unaware of the time during sleep .

How does it happen even if they’re in deep sleep

and are not conscious or aware of time? Isn’t that our
subconscious brain interacting with the surroundings and
pushing us to wake up from our past experiences of the
daytime. Isn’t it programmed for that task due to
repeatedly and cyclically performing the same task or
repeated and cyclic thinking and imagining ourselves
performing that task ? Japanese Scientists already got
the Nobel prize for discovering the biological clock.
If you have problem of waking up early in the
morning try this simple manifestation. If you don’t need
to wake up early, then still you can test it, if it’s working
or not . This simple manifestation have one to three days
of gestation period. within this time you start
experiencing the role of meditation and manifestation .

Once you start experiencing your unintended
autonomous actions and choices which occurs due to
these manifestation and meditative techniques, you can
guide yourself better for your next stage. Test and
Experience these simple life hack manifestation and
meditation before going for the ultimate knowledge and
experiences of spiritualism, mysticism, psychokinesis,
psi effect, affirmation or anything else. These simple life
hack meditation and manifestation experiences,
understanding and your analysis help you for your long
term goals which has long gestation period of months or
years . Don’t mistake this with the feeling experiences
which is the manipulation of information and stories.
You can experiences or feel the emotions in few minutes
which can be triggered by stories, rituals, surrounding or
attached information related to believe, faith, it’s
surrounding and practices..
Some people get these psychic abilities to
experience and influence by birth and other are trained
by Guru or mentor. There is no scientifically objectified
knowledge, theories or procedures which gives
consistent results and work for everyone in same
manner. Some people are able to experience and create
influences while others are limited to some extent. It’s
vary person to person subjectively . In these situation
only experiences, analysis and feedback from these short
gestation period manifestation/meditation help you to

find your mistakes and self-correction through trial and
error for improvement.
If you want to wake up early in the morning try
this tonight before sleeping. Imagine yourself of waking
up and leaving your bed instantly at your desire time
repeatedly. Waking up is not a difficult task but staying
awake and not sleeping again. To overcome this
situation attach some action or ritual. Attach anything
you want like making tea or coffee and drinking it or
brushing your teeth or anything else. Imagine yourself of
leaving your bed and instantly making tea or coffee step
by step repeatedly. You can take any task but avoid the
difficult task or things which you don’t like. You may
feel reluctance and resistance to do that.
Do you ever experienced, when you start your day
with completing your first task of the day timely, your
whole day went smoothly and happily ? Try to start your
day by completing the first task of the day which
automatically leads the arrangements for whole day with
reference to it.

If you have watched a hypnotist performing in the

shows, he hypnotises a bunch of volunteers on stage.
(There are a lot of videos on YouTube; you can watch
them for better reference and understanding if you
haven’t.) They take people into trans and make them act
and perform some tasks on their voice of command.

Trans is the situation when the conscious part of the
brain is shut off ,and suggestions are directly given to the
subconscious brain ,which makes them act without
analysing and being aware of it. Whatever suggestion
goes into the brain, they see, assume and act, like in the
dream. It’s happening in the brain ,but at the same time
they move their body, feeling, experiencing and
performing according to suggestions.
One of the act is they create some keywords with
associated task and implement it in the volunteers brain
. When these keywords are heard by volunteers they
instantly perform that associated task , like their brain is
pre-programmed. They act on it instantly without,
thinking and analysing , and they have no control over it.
Same happens in usual life too.
It happened to me. I don’t believe in ghost,
neither experienced anything odd or supernatural . But
whenever I pass through known haunted place. My
senses become hyper active and even a little sound or
any other disturbance made me run as fast as I can . It
might due to the stories and movies imprinted and
programmed my brain since childhood. It become
autonomous and reflex action.

Once programmed, it makes us act on-call or in the

situation. Its response is sudden and instant. We don’t
get time to think or analyse it. We just act and do not

think of it and analyse it. So we have little control or
resistance to it. When the hypnotist made the volunteers
act on his voice of command, the volunteers had no idea
what they were doing and why are they doing it. Some
keywords remain for weeks on which they respond and
act even if they are not in the trans-state if the hypnotist
does not erase these keywords. They not just make them
act but make them feel happy, laugh, cry, angry and any
other emotions and feelings.
Many psychologist and hypnotist says
imagination is key to the subconscious brain. The
subconscious brain is like pre-programmed memory or
CPU of the computer. It can process around thousand of
bits of information simultaneously in background. while
our conscious brain is like interface and process only up
to seven bits of information simultaneously. It links all
the information and related semantic network to process
and analysis. Do you ever wonder how we get the
unprecedented ideas which we are neither thinking nor
expecting ? It just popped up in the brain out of

The subconscious brain controls most of our

involuntary and autonomous actions, emotions, and
habits. This guides our behaviour, actions and choices in
a pre-programmed way which is programmed by the
intake of information, thinking, repeated actions,

analysis, imagination, dreams, environment, society,
experiences and other stuff. This make us act instantly
without thinking and analysing and makes us capable of
not learning and analysing the stuff every time. For
instance, when we start learning to drive a car or bike.
We are very cautious and think, when to apply the brake
and when to accelerate, and to what extent. when we
have learnt it, we don’t have to think; even locking the
vehicle every time after parking becomes autonomous.
Isn’t that daily practice of locking our vehicles makes it
autonomous ? If we forget it sometimes, it is only due to
some other thoughts strongly circulating and driving us.
Isn’t that repeated thinking and imagining of waking up
in the morning programme my brain to perform that task
and makes me wake up?

This incident might have happened to almost

everyone, especially in student life or when we have to
do some brain work. Whenever we have to finish the
work, we mentally prepare ourselves and start doing the
work. But it takes double or triple the usual time to
complete that simple work. We feel bored and distracted.
We try hard to concentrate and focus on work and do it
efficiently. But we fail and feel irritated. We don’t
understand why this simple work is taking too much
time. We also make many minuscule mistakes
repeatedly, which makes us repeat the same task or piece

of work, which usually we don’t. That’s why time
management and completing everything on time is
difficult ? Because our brain does not work at the same
pace every time .

It may have happened because last night, when we

went to sleep, we imagined ourselves doing other things
like meeting friends, our ego conflicts and thoughts to
turn situations in our favour, planning for the party. It
could be anything of which we were repeatedly thinking
and imagined ourselves doing it. Unintentionally we
programmed our brain for that task. Which distract and
pushes us to perform that task subconsciously of which
we are unaware. It may be running in the background of
our brain, and we are not conscious of it. We might not
have done it at night but rather in the morning when we
are in bed, half-awake and dreaming. It depends on how
hard and how long we indulge ourselves in thinking,
dreaming and imagining it.

It happens opposite of it too. When we plan, think

and imagine ourselves doing any task in our dream or
slept thinking about it. when we go and perform that
task, we may have complete it very efficiently, focused
and in much lesser time than usual. We feel the whole
day energetic, happy and satisfied. It’s because our
conscious and subconscious brain focuses on the same

task and are not distracted by other works. Our thinking
and dreaming programmed our brain to do that task.
How about the obsession with completing the work or
given task instead of the obsession with time
management. Wouldn't the time be managed itself if our
work completes fast and within minimum time duration
? You may have seen obsessed people get better results
and also have lots of free time in the end.
Haven’t we programmed our brain our to do work
and to do it efficiently in much lesser time through
thinking and dreaming of doing that work repeatedly ?
Can we develop new values and thinking process to act
fast and to control our behaviours and emotions ? How
do we impose these when there are so many thoughts
running simultaneously and random thoughts popping up
? Some thoughts driven by love, ego, anger, insecurity,
addiction and loss keep circulating for hours
uncontrolled. These thoughts pop up in brain anytime
and drag us into it for hours. These unbridle thoughts
destroy mental health, work efficiency, peace and
happiness. How can we overcome these problems ?

Some people don’t like their job. They always

think of getting freedom from it, and searching for their
dream job, developed negative perspective of their
current job. They think and imagine themselves of
getting bored and irritated doing it, which is imprinted in

their subconscious. When they get to work, their
subconscious trigger these negative emotions. Even a
simple piece of work can feel like a punishment. They
become irritated, unhappy and frustrated, which brings
other social problems in their life like a free gift.

To get out of these situations you can convince or

cheat your subconscious. You can superimpose new
thoughts and imagine, working effectively and enjoying
it to replace your negative thought. You consciously
know you have to move from these job, so it doesn’t
matter. It saves you from sadness, frustration and other
gifts which are ruining your days.
It is hard to superimpose new thought and
imagination and replace what you dislike or love. There
is many way of doing it. One of the easiest way is
chanting. Yes, chants which you have seen many people
with chanting beads. They are reciting of The God’s
name, chanting sentences of mantras or Meditation.
Reciting and chanting of sentences, makes you think of
that sentence. Thinking makes you imagine, which gets
imprinted to your subconscious. While chanting, try to
imagine yourself of doing that task. as you do in the
physical world, in real place, time and position. These
help you to focus on your work effortlessly and without
distraction. You can make your own chanting sentences,

like the one here – “I’m working/studying
effectively and enjoying it.”

While chanting, imagine yourself at your
workplace, doing your work effectively and enjoying it.
Especially students and sportspeople have to push
themselves to do hard work and practice. The reward for
this hard work is far in future which brings a lot of
negative thoughts and distractions.
You can make it enjoyable and efficient. Which
superimpose on your negative thoughts. Negative

thought makes you tired and exhausted quickly and
divert you to alternative and other things. For instance
‘‘I’m at my desk / practicing ground. I’m
working/playing effectively for hours, and enjoying it ’’
Our subconscious not only drive our action
autonomously but also communicate with our conscious
awareness through feelings, urges, intuition, dreams or
broken images. Learn to Manifest your brain you will
also experience and catch some extra sensory effect or
mystical stuffs. Some people Naturally able to sense and
identify them.

You can imagine destroying other thoughts which
keep you focused on your particular ideas. In the starting
two to five minutes . You can imagine that you have
some unwanted kind of gun that destroys thoughts or a
repelling crown.

The idea of eliminating other thoughts may keep you

more focused, but sometimes some non – declarative
feelings emerge, which distract you from getting to your
work. You wanted to do your work, but this non –
declarative feelings distract, resist and repeal you of
which you have no idea. which is a result of the previous
memories triggered by the subconscious as an emotions.
You just feel something odd or anything else which
resists you. You can add in chants something like ‘‘It
doesn’t distract me’’ or anything else and imagine going
to do your work instantly.

Ten to twenty minutes of chanting in the morning
can make your day enjoyable. Starting it takes time a
few days to a week. Once you trained or programmed
your brain to take it easily by practicing, then it would
take only a few minutes and start acting as the keywords.
You can do it anywhere, at any place or while walking,
eating and sleeping as you think and imagine all time.
Try this now and test the result. Only in one to three day,
you will get its impact.

As there is a tradition of morning prayer and

worshipping in every religion. These were also made for
the same purpose. You can add your chants with these
traditions or can make them as a prayer. Try this and
learn to program your brain . Save your time from
motivational stuff which trigger your emotions for a
moment and fade away gradually.

Some habits or addictions are much
strongly imprinted in brain. It takes lead on all your
thoughts and actions. When you planned to work and
you started working , it pop up in your brain in first hour.
Like craving for cigarette or YouTube, social media and
Netflix shows. Now in this digital era repeated use of
social media for long time becomes our habits.
Whenever we open our smartphone for any purpose, we
involuntary ended up opening the social media page.
Even we wanted it to truly resist ourselves, but we drag
into it autonomously. It is more disturbing when you are
on your free will. People know it and trying to control .
but it is deeply imprinted or programmed in their brain .
when it popped up they just dragged into it and lost into
it for hours . they have no control on it. It can be
eradicated by superimposing contradictory ideas and
feeling in your core memory. You can associate some
task like slapping of yourself or anything else, when you
start doing it. In starting it takes conscious effort but
with time it becomes autonomous just like habits. You
can control it indirectly, instead of resisting bound or
limit yourself with internet data limit, assign Time limit
or make schedule specially for this or anything else.
One of my friend used to eat non veg food. He
was also expert in cooking non veg food. He didn’t let
anyone to touch or add anything. He used to crack

sarcastic jokes and sometimes got irritated and yelled at
who gave him advice about cooking non veg.

One day he stopped eating non-veg due to family

and religious ethics. He would still cook for us
enthusiastically, but he would not eat it. As time passed,
he stopped cooking too. He became intolerant to its
smell. Now he becomes suddenly angry if anyone
touches or mixes a little trace of non-veg into his food.
He has become very reactive to it and has developed a
new phobia. If ever he ate non-veg mistakenly and later
informed about it, he vomits it instantly. He has also
developed a phobia of those who eat non-veg food.
Many people develop the same type of phobia
against some person. They hate their talk, behaviour,
style, habit, everything they do. It started with dislike or
hating one specific thing or behaviour and than develop
intolerance to everything.
Its opposite also happen when someone in love
with any person. It started with liking of one thing about
that person and later they both end up loving everything
about each other.

Can this type of phobia or dislike develop for

anything? Can it be used against addiction to alcohol,
cigarette or anything? Whenever you have the urge for

alcohol or cigarettes, what do you think and imagine?
You start imagining taking it or going to a shop to buy it.
. You anticipate the release of stress or getting high,
efficiency improvements ,or you imagine feeling
refreshed. Any thoughts and images can come to your
mind when you feel the urge. Aren’t these intense
thoughts and images pushing you to act and drive your
body like a senseless vehicle toward it? It’s thoughts and
imagination of doing stuff drive us. Whenever you feel
urges try to notice your thoughts. What if you
superimpose these thoughts and images with their
Change this feeling into disgusting, unpleasant and
repelling. Imagine yourself of throwing it instead of
embracing. Imagine yourself when you bring it to your
nose; it feel disgusting, smell worst and is intolerant.
Whenever you take it into your mouth, you get
disgusting taste or smell, you feel vomiting, and
increases your stress and decreases efficiency instead.
These thoughts and imagination will counter the urges
and With time it can become dominating and develop
into phobia. Emotions are difficult to objectify but it’s
urges trigger your thoughts and drive you.

Sometimes you decide to strictly prohibit and
follow that but still imagine taking it once to feel the
pleasure or any other justification and excuse created by
the brain which drives you to act. Sometimes boredom
drives you towards these stuff, for this find the
alternative. Try to stop yourself in initial stage. and
convince yourself that it’s not the once but you are going
to continue .
You can make your own chants according to your
problems, observation, experience, thought, imagination
and feeling which will be more effective for you. When
we have some problem, we start thinking of its remedies.
If these remedies already in use our brain start creating
it’s images and triggers thoughts and urges of taking it.
For instances when you feel a little stress, bored and
dull. Your brain start creating the images of cigarettes or
alcohol and pushes you to take it. It look like cigarettes
and alcohol inculcated in your brain as stress releasing
stuff. What if you re-feed your brain with the opposite
idea that these stuff increases the Stress. Once this
thought get embedded in your brain this idea may fight
with your urge of taking cigarette and alcohol when you
are in stress .
Through chanting and visualisation, any habit can
be control by feedings your brain with opposite ideas

and feelings. For this you must understand the root
cause, i.e. reason of consumption, whatever thoughts and
feelings drives you. It could be anything like stress, taste,
smell, pleasure or anything else. Make a negative and
opposite feeling of it in chants.

When this imagination and feeling imprinted in

your brain. Whenever you take it, automatically your
senses make you feel repealing to it and makes your
desire of ‘‘not taking’ dominating with time. You can
repeat the cycle of imagination using your fingers or
chanting beads to count it. Isn’t that same intense
thoughts, pictures and imagination also appears in sexual
contexts ?

One of the main driving forces of addiction to

alcohol and weeds is Dopamine, a hormone which gives
the feeling of level up or some kind of achievement. It is
also called the motivation and reward chemical. You can
see people boasting about themselves after taking it.
Rewards are one of the strong motivations to do
anything. Feelings don’t require strong thoughts and
imagination. Feelings trigger thoughts and ideas which
drive us autonomously and uncontrolled. It doesn’t
require reason and explanation, nor can be explained to

anyone. Feelings are exclusive from person to person
and subconsciously controlled. Even we can’t objectify it
for ourselves and are unaware of these driving forces.
You can't express the feeling. That’s why people are
unable to explain things but at the same time discard all
counter logic, reasons and rationality? the brain, even
before taking it, release these chemicals and triggers the
feeling of achievement and creates delusion. How about
making counter chants and imagination against these
delusionary feelings of achievements, pleasure and level
up. As you know, thoughts create perceptions, and these
perceptions can alter feelings.

When you are inculcating ideas, feeling or ideal,
then you should be the controller of it, not these ideas
control your emotions and behaviours, and develop
hatred and intolerance to other people.

When we are reading or working, some thoughts

and imagination run in the brain. Some negative
thoughts keep running in the brain and are dominating
all other thoughts ,which makes you sleepless. It can be
political, social or any other argumentative issue. When
you are going to take nap for relaxation and refreshment,
these thought keep running, and you take more time to
fall asleep and it destroy your sleep and napping time.

To take a good nap or sleep, you should imagine
yourself in that state and visualise your body in sleeping
state and getting relaxed. With every breath chant “
sleeping “ and visualise your body feel it getting relaxed.
You can use word “ sleeping and relaxing “ alternative
with alternate breath. As you know to learn anything
new and to bring it in habits, it takes time one to three
week. When your brain program the related information
to take action than It become autonomous and habitual.
In starting it takes conscious effort and time.
You can order your body part to relax or sleep
during imagination. Or you can focus on sensitive part of
the body to feel the deepness. Forehead, closed eyelid
and slow breathing are very sensitive part of the body to
focus and feel. Try and test now, it will take only two
minute. Close your eyes, take slow breath and focus on
your eyelids or forehead to get relax. You will easily
observe and realise the deepness.
While imagining yourself sleeping or taking nap ,
try to synchronize your breath with imagined picture of
yourself. This can also be used while chanting for the
addiction of alcohol and tobacco. In this you can
synchronize your feelings of disgusting in imagination
and chanting .

Do not expect this will start working from the first
day. It may take a few days to weeks. It depends on how
strongly you manifested the information or inculcated in
your brain and for how long. When people go through a
breakup, it takes months and years to come out of it
because they manifest in their brain very strongly with
thoughts, dreams and imagination of being together
happily. Some random thoughts keep popping up in the
brain. Don’t get bothered by them. Let them come and
go. These thoughts are the reason for the emergence of
creative and visionary ideas.

We are usually subconsciously pushed to do what
we are thinking most of the time. It distracts and reduces
the efficiency and effectiveness of doing other work. A
lot of people advise you to do what you like the most or
follow your passion; is it because we think and imagine
it most of the time? We dream ourselves indulge with it
and enjoying. Sometimes we are distracted and indulged
in other things, but if we have embedded in our brain to
do some specific work, we may also be subconsciously
pushed towards that work and may feel bad, distracted
and bored about those things in which we are indulged.
You might be wondering how is it that the
meditation and self-hypnosis. First, do you feel shocked
or jerk when you are expecting one extra step ,but there
was not. Our bodies anticipate and adjust the balance
subconsciously and autonomously. In the same way, our
thoughts, body and emotions are also synchronised
according to the situations and beliefs before we fall into
the real situation. If you notice what exactly we do in

the meditation and self-hypnosis. If you have listened to
self-hypnotizing audio recording. They usually take into
imagination and suggest you feel, perform and imagine.
The same thing people imagine during meditation. The
only difference is these are assigned along with some
specific rituals, postures, situations and even locations
too. For instance, if you meditate to control your
thoughts you imagine dark and nothingness or anything
else. Restricting and avoiding other thoughts coming and
focusing on specific things. Isn’t this superimposition of
dark and nothingness or images of anything else on all
other thoughts and imagination. And these are associated
with peace and relief. Aren’t you ultimately anticipating,
expecting, feeling and manifesting this peace, relief and
pushing your brain to feel something divine and
unprecedented? Isn’t these dark images of the sky, star
and nothingness itself an idea? Does nothingness exist?

In self-hypnosis audio recording, you have to go

with the recorded audio not according to your problem
and needs. In the same way, in meditation, you have to
go according to the mediation master or guru. You may
not like to share some of your information and problems,
which becomes difficult for other people to resolve and
find the solution for your problem for any other people.

It has almost happened to all of us. Sometimes
when we are hungry and expect to eat a lot of food. But
when we look at the huge amount of food, our hunger
and desire to eat diminish, and we end up eating less
amount of food. It’s because our subconscious brain
processes food, our capacity, health issues and other
related information. As you know, our subconscious also
processes the information in the background. It optimises
things for the best and is less harmful to our body
accordingly, and subconsciously diminishes hunger and
desire. It gives us the feeling of not eating by
diminishing hunger. While it’s the opposite, when we
pick up a little bite of food repeatedly , we end up eating
a huge amount. It’s because a little amount of food is
easily accepted by the brain. Usually these negative
emotions triggered subconsciously to distract and drive .
And our conscious thoughts are good at finding excuses,
justification and alternative to comply the feelings.
Do you cook ? Then this may happen with you . If
you pour salt slowly or many times in small bits. it may
feel , it’s not enough and you may have ended up making
the recipe salty. And it’s opposite when drop the
aggregate salt in one time, it may feel it’s exceeded the
limit. It’s our perceptional anticipation. We anticipate
the things, the way we perceive the information or we
made to perceive.

Doesn't the same thing happen when we decide to
complete a huge amount of work collectively in one day
or week? We think and plans to work continuously for
hours to complete. but we find ourselves distracted,
even it’s difficult to start that work. Do you ever Notice
this ? If you start working, you may find yourself
getting bored and loss efficiency . We are not used to
doing that work ,and our brain and body are not adapted
to such hard work. We start feeling dizzy ,and it
becomes difficult to concentrate. We find ourselves
unable to start, even if we want to do it with our full
effort and will. It’s probably due to autonomously
regulated by the subconscious brain. That’s why we have
no clue about our feeling . It needs high pressure,
determination and motivation to start and focus on it. It’s
our natural tendency to resist doing anything which is
difficult and harmful consciously and subconsciously.
And we are unaware of the subconsciously triggered
feelings and emotions which drive our action.

That’s why almost all successful people and

motivational speakers advise start with the smallest bits
of work. Some of them advise you to start reading a
book by planning or mentally preparing yourself to
complete one paragraph or one page instead of planning
to complete the whole book. Which is easily accepted by
the brain and it will drive your actions effortlessly, and
you will be ended up reading many pages.

Instead of thinking of completing the whole book
for which your conscious and subconscious processes
the amount of work, time management and other stuff
involved in, which resists you and makes it very difficult
to start. Whenever you find it difficult to start, plan and
imagine working on the smallest bits, reading only one
page or solving only one to two questions or maybe
working on it for five to ten minutes. It will make you
start the work effortlessly and efficiently. If you have
planned something and procrastinating, test this today.
You will get the result within one or two day. Pick any
small task and sleep thinking and visualising yourself of
doing it on your place and time.
Isn’t that same thoughts and urges of peeking into
your social media page for few seconds drags you into it
for hours ? Can you convince your brain that this
peeking will eat your precious time ? How about
thinking of peeking for good stuffs.

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