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Makati Development Corporation

Electro-Mechanical & Commissioning Division
Standards and Guidelines

Section: Design Standard Bulletin No. BL-06-EMCD-01-026-rev.0

Subject: Installation of Fire Detection and Alarm System Revision Code: 1 I Page 1 of 11
Effectivity: August 2017
Prepare Review◄ d By: Approved By:

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ACPugat Jr. WSPer do RpMenp/n Jr.

1. Construction Management, Project-in-charge, Electro-Mechanical & Commissioning Division
2. Electro-Mechanical Consultants

I. Implementation:
• Designated personnel listed above are responsible for the full implementation of these guidelines
II. Objective:
• To comply with the code provisions for fire detection and alarm system devices:

Intent Code Reference

To enforce the code require- NFPA 72 (2016), Chapter 17.7 Smoke-Sensing Fire Detectors
ments for the correct location
A. Detectors should not be located in a direct airflow or closer than 36
and spacing of SMOKE DE-
in. (910 mm) from an air supply diffuser or return air opening.
TECTORS.* In the absence of specific performance-based design criteria, one
of the following requirements shall apply:
(1) The distance between smoke detectors shall not exceed a nominal spacing
of 30 ft (9.1 m) and there shall be detectors within a distance of one-half the
nominal spacing, measured at right angles from all walls or partitions ex-
tending upward to within the top 15 percent of the ceiling height.

To enforce the code require- NFPA 72 (2016), Chapter 17.6 Heat-Sensing Fire Detectors
ments for the correct spacing
A. The use of a detector with a listed spacing of 9.1 m x 9.1 m should
be considered.
To enforce the code require- NFPA 72 (2016), Chapter Projected Beam-Type Smoke Detectors
ments for the correct location Projected beam-type smoke detectors shall be located in accor-
and spacing of PROJECTED
dance with the manufacturer's published instructions.
A. On smooth ceilings, a spacing of not more than 18.3 m between pro-
jected beams and not more than one-half that spacing between a projected
beam and a sidewall (wall parallel to the beam travel) should be used as a
A. See Figure A. Smoke Detector Layout Accounting for
B. A detector ordinarily operates sooner if it is nearer to the fire. Where
ceiling heights exceed 4.9 m (16 ft), ceiling height is the dominant factor in the
detection system response.

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