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This question paper contains 2. printed pages] S.No. of Question Paper : 3014 ! UniquePaperCode ©: 12085302 oe HC Name of the Paper 5 Bhasha Aur Samaj Name of the Course: GE for Hons : Hindi—CBCS- Semester an Duration : 3 Hours "+ Maximum Marks :75 Cea een pe ee Re Te Paer eFE e TI FeE1) Lo sp-cqaeet ax oT-STAER a eaR aaa at ere wif , : seat wea Score ot eee wt aa fet AE ls a 15 we ate age eet a AB Ss wt? “Alene fafiazs fut sik aguiiaa S iat at ere sfc! 15 3 smivata dia at fran wife PTO. Vs ue’ Le ta Male Wye HALE Balk (/) me He ll, . - buBe|lath, sits” — 6) wes + ERY Ua OB Ba ep a sg Vege EBS ADRIE. e @ , innie peg AMBRE OLE DE BE AA Ue Wa my gp Ink HR) Lb pe alls Aye be “byte ) poe - i Ce)

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