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Business Ethics

The Six Yammine Brothers, Edmond,Bassam,Fadi,Georges,Elias and Nadim own a successful

grocery store called Supermarket Yammine,one of the independent family-run enterprises.
Its roots date back to the 1990’s grocery store established by their father, Chafic Yammine.
Supermarket Yammine is a modern Lebanese supermarket that is also a supermarket of the
future. It provides families with high-quality food and non-food products at affordable prices.
Generally, price is the Number 1 factor in how and what an average Lebanese consumer buys;
however, other factors e.g. quality, sales promotion, and store organisation also play a big role. 

It sells a variety of products including but not limited to fruit, vegetables ,drinks, bakery items,
canned goods, candy and snacks, meat, fish, cleaning products, toiletries, household essentials,
health and beauty products, pet food and accessories, baby care and feeding accessories, and
toys. It sells home appliances, electronics, and many more!
Yammine building,
Main road, Tall El-Zaatar area
Dekwaneh,Kayssar Ata, Yammine Street,Lebanon which has cosy location and pleasant service
are hallmarks of this organization, which is supported by the commitment of long-term
employees. Its opening hours,
Monday: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM-Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM-Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM-
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM-Friday: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM-Saturday: 7:30 AM – 8:30 PM-
Sunday: 7:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Supermarket Yammine is in an ideal position for future growth and expansion with its
management safely in the hands of its self-made founders and a new, highly qualified Yammine
generation set to help management on all levels. The founders' love of the industry is built into
the very fabric of the company; this love has seen the business through decades of political
instability and financial difficulties. Supermarket Yammine management continues to be actively
involved in all phases of the company, establishing tight relationships with staff and foreseeing
client demands before they exist, just as it has done since the company's inception.

As many others, Supermarket Yammine has its own ethics ; those were once seen as a personal
choice, but this image has significantly evolved in recent years. The supermarket like many other
companies, hire management strategies to promote morality inside the organization.
Business ethics, often known as corporate ethics, is a part of applied ethics or professional ethics
that looks at moral or ethical dilemmas that arise in the workplace. It is important to the actions
of both individuals and entire companies and is applicable to all aspects of business behavior. In
the world of business, an organization's culture establishes guidelines for distinguishing between
appropriate and inappropriate behavior and decision-making. A description of business ethics in
the simplest terms comes down to knowing the difference between right and wrong and making
the right decision. The term "business ethics" can be used to describe a corporation's overall
behavior or the acts of specific employees inside the organization. So, ethics is a problem that
affects both individuals and organizations. Those who plan, carry out, and purposefully profit
from corporate wrongdoing share culpability with managers who fail to give effective leadership
and put in place mechanisms that encourage ethical behavior. Especially in the supermarket,
owners must be aware of their influence on corporate ethics and take this chance to develop the
connections and position that are essential to the success of the organization. A focus on
managerial accountability for ethical behavior is combined with a concern for the law in an
integrity-based approach to ethics management. Although design and scope of integrity strategies
may vary, all work to identify the guiding ideals, aspirations, and patterns of thought and
behavior of their different companies. Such tactics, when included into an organization's daily
operations, can aid in preventing damaging ethical slip-ups while also appealing to strong human
instincts for moral reflection and action.
There are many methods for managing ethics in commercial companies where the owner must be
dedicated to ensuring that moral standards are met. While communicating his intentions to the
workforce, he must concentrate on moral behavior.
In the supermarket, as we respect the rights of those who work for the company we insist on:
1. The safety and security; all employees are given access to a safe and healthy work
environment; all employees are given access to a workplace free from all forms of
discrimination and harassment; any employee may express concerns without fear of
reprisal in accordance with the organization's policy; and corruption in all its forms is
2. Ethical Regulatory Compliance; is the capacity to comprehend and adhere to rules, laws,
and regulations. Supermarket owners are in charge of making sure their establishment
complies with all relevant rules and regulations. This entails being aware of the food
safety regulations that your establishment must adhere to, as well as how to manage
product recalls and any other legal obligations that may be relevant to your industry.
These actions improve the public reputation of the company. The policies that uphold the
organization's standards and principles are made clear to all company employees, by the
3. The third ethical standard is called Customer Service; Supermarket Yammine has a
unique interaction with its customers as a locally owned company. To help all employees
understand the importance of that relationship and to support the maintenance of a great
reputation, image, and most importantly good service with its clients especially during
the economic crisis, a code of conduct has been prepared. Improving employees’
behavior will contribute to the ongoing success of the company. The goal of this code of
conduct is to make sure that everyone on staff—owners included—understands how our
actions and decisions while at work can have both positive and negative effects on the
company. As a result, we must always conduct ourselves professionally and uphold the
highest standards of morality, ethics, and law. It resolves any issue that may arise.
4. Another standard is the Leadership; supermarket owners are in charge of motivating their
staff to succeed. They must be able to inspire and urge their staff to give their best effort.
They must also be able to make choices that are advantageous to the entire business
especially during the economic crisis we still facing and strong leadership abilities are
needed for this, including the capacity to delegate tasks, provide guidance and offer
praise when it’s deserved.
5. The fifth ethical standard is Flexibility ; being flexible is the ability to adapt to changing
circumstances. Managers of the supermarket frequently need to be adaptable because
their workplace environment is always changing especially during this period of time.
For instance, if a client complains about the assistance or goods provided by an
employee, they may need to take prompt action. Additionally, if they have staff members
who are ill or on vacation, they could need to change their schedule at short notice.

Employees must always exhibit professionalism, frankness, loyalty, and integrity while
providing excellent customer service in particular during this phase. To do this, staff should
abide by the norms of behavior when they are working for Supermarket Yammine when
strongly performing work-related tasks at the workplace. Employees are responsible for keeping
their personal information accurate, true, and up to date, and they must notify owners
immediately of any changes.
Since all employees would have access to purchasing resources like money, goods, knowledge,
etc., they will all be expected to act with the utmost integrity at all times; refrain from stealing,
misappropriating, or using secret things or information for personal advantage; and refrain from
using information learned through unauthorized access. Building positive relationships with
coworkers and customers requires integrity in how one conducts oneself. Employees will
consequently be required to act in a manner that is always professional and trustworthy. This
code of conduct aims to: Outline expectations for all employees in terms of behavior,
appearance, responsibility, and conduct; ensure that we are acting in the best interests of our
customers and employees; ensure that we are abiding by the law and supermarket practices; and
ensure that staff is aware of the consequences of any violations of the code. All supervisors are
required to assist staff members in comprehending the Code of Conduct and how it applies to the
workplace, as well as to clearly outline duties as employees. Always to put customers and the
company's interests first, do what the owner says by taking and accepting orders and instructions
and dutifully carrying out and complying with those requirements; uphold high standards of
appearance and behavior; always exhibit a pleasant, organized, and professional look,maintain
the company's reputation at all times, maintain punctuality and notify owners of any absences
So, as a result, This Code of Ethics is a declaration of the organization’s shared values and
commitment to promoting the highest possible standards of professional business conduct for the
mutual benefit of the sector and, ultimately, for the benefit of the customer. Owners are much
more aware now of how their actions affect the company's reputation with its clients, suppliers,
and other parties as well as the quality, productivity, and effectiveness of work processes.

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