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In the first few meetings of NSTP, they just discussed on what should we expect

on NSTP and showed us the schedule of our section. In the next meeting after lunch,

there was a discussion regarding the National Situation where the speaker discussed

on what our country’s facing right now- a big loan that we cannot pay. We thought that

our economy is growing but we didn’t know that there is a big loan behind it. What

shocked me the most in this talk is that our economy become bad because of President

Marcos' loans; wherein fact I was told that the economy of the Philippines during

Marcos era is ‘singapore’-like. In the same day, there is a talk about Security

Awareness and Tips. Actually this is the talk that is really memorable for me because in

this talk the Police told us some awareness and tips on how to be safe in manila from

the bad people. They also showed us cctv footage, and after that talk I’ve become more

alert on my surroundings. The speaker/police is also fun to listen because he made talk

enjoyable for us.

On the second meeting, which is a half day, there was a talk about the Human

Rights and Peace Education which I considered my most favorite talk in all of the NSTP

meetings. I actually love that we have a talk regarding human rights because as we all

know in this generation there are people who refused to give the rights of people and

injustice always prevails when you do not have money and power. It is also engaging

talk ever because they let the students read and explain each rights, and the students

explain it in most relatable way that is why it is very easy to understand. I also learned

from this talk how important it is to fight and stand up for your rights. We have a next

topic which is Peace Education, I learned that education really is the key to everything
and it should be free to all because it is also our human right to have an education that

we deserve.

On the next meeting, we have an orientation about Disaster Preparedness and

Management. Ever since we were a kid, our parents and/or teachers always talk to us

or taught us about the disasters and how should we prevent and overcome it. It is very

important for us to learn again so that we can remember the do’s and don'ts whenever

there is a disaster. It is also a good thing that there is a red cross and letting us learn on

what to do when something bad happened.

The next meeting is environment and it was held in Ninoy Aquino Parks and

Wildlife Center. I actually do not prefer to stand in the wet grass for hours because I

have fever during that time. But overall, what made this meeting memorable is when

they let us go around the park and pick up any trashes that we see; after we pick up

trashes, we see something moving around the trash bag and after checking we saw that

there is a frog. This meeting ended very quickly because it rained. After this meeting, I

appreciate that there are still one place considered lungs of the Quezon City.

There are three online engagement: Drug Education, Leadership and Social

Responsibility, and CORE-V and Citizenship Training. In Drug Education, I’ve already

watched some of those videos before. It is nice that they provide reasons on why

someone should not take drugs and also include someone’s experience on taking

drugs. On the second video, I learned that there are many definitions and styles of

leadership but what strikes me is the most is that a leader creates more leaders. I also

learned different traits on what should leader have that I can use if there is a
groupworks and I’m the leader. On the last video, It is very inspirational and indeed

motivational because it is all about the values that we should have and if only all

humans have those values imagine how peaceful this world would be.

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