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CAAB Findings (Need to solve before commissioning)

CAAB Comments Aeroness Reply
PALS 11 end : Some bulbs are fused. We are changing the bulbs.
Some of circuits such as PALS 11 end, RCL, TCL with
A CCR motherboard problem has been identified. Arrangements have been
stop bar & guard light is not completed yet. Need to RCL :
1 made to change the said board.
the circuits fully serviceable before commissioning
TCL-Stopbar : Some bulbs are fused. We are changing the bulbs.
Guard Light : Has been resolved. Now active.
Noted. This will be done.
It is noted that, the visible light source, power meter and light source (one jumper method), and
Need to lay 1 nos Optical Fiber cable for ALCMS from
optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) tests of the currently installed optical fiber cable
2 CCR to Tower via Twy Bravo & reworks required for
have been done and then tested and verified. Both FO switch able to send and received
already laid optical fiber cable using HDD.
information between each other and no problem to continue the comissioning work by the
existing FOC.
Need to maintain Transformer/Crossing pit height
3 level with Shoulder top & setup transformer in proper Noted. These tasks will be completed before the final hand over.
position (holder) at transformer pit.
Need to remove water from pit then clean the pit
4 Noted. Work is going on. These tasks will be completed before the final hand over.
bottom & Setup pit cover at pit properly.
Need to remove Pieces Asphalt Core from the shoulder
5 Noted. Work is going on.
edge of Runway & Taxiway.
Need to remove old Light fittings, Primary cable,
6 Secondary cable, Transformer, Kits from Runway & Noted.
Deposit to CAAB Store.
Need to re-locate the CDL control cable from culvert to
7 HDD at Txy Bravo & maintaining soil Level with GL of Noted. This work has been completed as per approved drawing. Anyway we will rework.
whole CDL cable trench.
Need to maintain cables color-code with breaker and
8 Install required Circuit Breaker properly in LT Panel at Noted.
CCR Room.
Need to Clean & Clear whole area at CCR room inside
9 Noted. These tasks will be completed before the final hand over.
and around outside also.
Need to Set-up new wooden cover over the cable
10 Noted. These tasks will be completed before the final hand over.
trench at CCR Room.
Need to maintain Fiber Pole Base Level and Pole height
11 of SALS-29 End along with GL & following the approved Noted. We will recheck with approved drawing and will complete accordingly.
Need to Soil Leveling works of Approach Area of RWY-
12 Noted.
11 End.
We have completed PAPI settlement and calibration work as per designer report and
Need to check degree with flight calibration of new
13 recomendation. Awaiting tower observation and pilot's opinion. Letter sent to client on 21-Dec-
PAPI (both end).
Need to install yellow filter for Edge Light at both end
14 Noted.
of Runway following approved design.
Need to check light Color of RCL following approved
15 drawing & Interleave Circuit as per standard of AGL Noted. Work is going on.
Need to submit a shop drawing in/c optical fiber cable
16 Noted. Drawing Will be submitted.
route for ALCMS equipment installed at Tower.

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