Jun Character Sheet

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Height: Medium

Build: Average

Ethnicity: Chinese/American

Power: Teleportation


He is the cold silent type. However, he is not “The Batman Ninja”. He is the super mission-
oriented member on the team. He is first thought of as ruthless, cold, and menacing. Everyone but
Amelia tries and distances themselves from him. The main problem with his attitude is that no one
understands him or his intentions. He cannot come up with the words to tell his story in its entirety so to
the team it sounds like excuses. He gets along with the team though as he is a high schooler and the
animosity of high schoolers is only at a surface level.

Loves his dad, hates his dad for pushing him deeper and deeper into the organization. His goal is to be
the best of the best and to live up to his dad’s legacy and incredibly high standard.

Character Development:

He first doesn’t flow well with the team, his style of battle very much dictates a one on one fight.
This is also shown in his weapon as if he misses or even uses the “red” ink he cannot fully control it and
it has a high chance that someone gets hurt. No one knows his backstory or why he does things in the
beginning and because of this people just think of him as an asshole. The only person who knows his
backstory in the beginning a little bit is Marisa which is why he holds a soft spot for her. Marisa is the
only person who can relate to what he experiences on a day to day and the weight of his powers and
abilities. Someone later on he hurts Rya and is berated Thiago and even Marisa to an extent however
the team soon realizes that Jun weighs these options every single time he goes out on a mission. This
changes the perspective on Jun due to his callous nature being justified. Jun then from here goes out
and becomes more friendly to the team. He usually uses only his black ink and sometimes the green and
relies heavily on his teleportation to get the hits in, but later uses the full breath of his arsenal in
combination with his teammates even so far as using his blue ink more and more often.

Once Thiago dies, he gets back to his dark cold nature as the reality of his decisions and his
actions leads him to think that he has to change. This intensifies as a new person is brought onto the
team where he gladly puts him in harms way as no one on the team beforehand talked about Jun’s
battle style. He then says “You are not Thiago, get out”.

He later fights his tendencies to be cold with slight compassion as he grows with the team and
as a person trying to forge his own future instead of the one that his father laid out for him.

“Ink Sword”

Without activation is it just a hilt with half of the shaft empty. Jun holds different colored
cartridges and puts each cartridge into the sword to activate the weapon. Each color holds a different
attribute that he can use.


The most used ink. The sword when pressed releases a burst of high compressed ink
that destroys objects like a hydro-cutter. It does it in bursts, but it is so fast that if he were to do a slash
motion it would look like a ranged slash. It has a 5 slash ammunition and the slashes can be really big.
The faster and broader the slash the more spread out the ink bursts are.


Highly Viscous. It comes out of the hilt as a big burst and sticks to whatever it goes into
and acts like a rope. He can put different stencils or patterns over his hilt to change how the fluids
reacts. 3 Stored ammunition.


Highly Fluid. Mainly used for combination attacks and for high evacuation missions.
Super slippery and can be used in combo with Marisa’s electricity powers and Thiago’s ice building.


Super hard hydrocutter.



Interdimensional. Has a familiarity to how Amelia summons her characters. The

complication to this power is the fact that he has to interpret where to go. As we see mainly in 2D in a
3D landscape, depth perception is key. He sometimes goes way over however if he has used his ink
sword first he can tell how far an object is based off of the size of the ink.


In the beginning he is really unlikeable but the more and more people realize what he goes
through he becomes empathetic with the audience as there are people like him.


Ink sword has a limited ammo system. His weapon cannot also do two inks at the same time
(Currently). His ink sword is also one of the deadliest weapons in the universe and it is sought after by
treasure hunters and villains alike. It causes a lot of harm to his teammates if he is not careful.
His cold demeanor also affects his relationships with the teams often making him fight solo. He
is not good with words and may have slight astigmatism fixed with a contact in one eye helping his
depth perception.

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